LLS :: Volume #6

#1043: Gold/Metal sword giant?

Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and Skeleton King Jin Hai or Skin King Xie Ti, does not have Angel Alliance caretaker personnel will place in the eye. 无论是幽灵王虚影骷髅王金骸还是剥皮王血剃,都没有把天使联盟的留守人员放在眼内 Indeed, besides concealment Yue Yang, other Challenger is ants existence. 的确,除了隐匿其中的岳阳之外,别的挑战者皆是蝼蚁般的存在。 A side is highest is Level 8 [Supreme Innate], a side was highest is Level 5 [Heaven]...... did not say temporarily Level 6 [Heaven] was also hard compared with having does not extinguish Will Level 1 [Supreme Innate], looked at rank digit of both sides only, who is stronger and who is weaker, distinguished right from wrong. Heaven Realm little has warrior to have the Level 6 [Heaven] strength extremely, generally speaking, if cannot comprehend Supreme Realm does not extinguish Will, the follower is also hard to increase life-long, forever stays in Level 5 [Heaven] this extremely awkward rank. Regardless of the Heaven Realm warrior strength is much high, the strength is much strong, without comprehend Supreme Realm, in the eye of genuine Ranker, is the ants. 一方最高是先天至尊八级,一方最高是天阶五级……暂不说天阶六级也难以比同拥有不灭意志先天至尊一级,单看双方的等级数字,谁强谁弱,就泾渭分明。天界极少有武者拥有天阶六级的实力,一般而言,如果不能参悟至尊之境的不灭意志,修炼者终生也难以攀升,永远停留在天阶五级这个极其尴尬的等级之中。无论天界武者实力多高,战力多强,如果没有参悟至尊之境,在真正强者的眼中,都是蝼蚁。 Follower comprehend Supreme Realm does not extinguish Will, Heavenspan Tower is called Supreme Innate, evaluates qualified warrior, is the start of genuine cultivation. 修炼者参悟至尊之境的不灭意志,通天塔称为先天至尊,评为合格的武者,也是真正修炼的开始。 Heaven Realm, then calls it Demi God. 天界,则称之为半神 Also Supreme Realm does not extinguish Will to call it Divine Sense. 还将至尊之境的不灭意志称之为‘神念’。 In Lower Heaven Realm, ordinary is that Level 5 [Heaven] following warrior, once who had Divine Sense, immediately is different, Upper Heaven Realm will send out the invitation, at the appointed time that lucky fellow, will march into another Heaven Realm everyone to know that exists, but does not have many people to have the beautiful new world that the qualifications go. 天下界,普通是那种天阶五级以下的武者,一旦谁拥有了神念,立即不同,天上界将发出邀请,到时那个幸运儿,就会步入另一个天界所有人都知道存在但没有多少人有资格前往的美丽新世界。 comprehend has not had Divine Sense, but achieves Level 6 [Heaven] warrior also to have, but extremely few are extremely few, generally can achieve above Level 6 [Heaven], is War Beast. 不曾参悟神念,但达到天阶六级武者也有的,但极少极少,一般能够达到天阶六级以上的,是战兽 warrior achieves Level 6 [Heaven], is mainly because certain special physicals or special Inherent Skill. 武者达到天阶六级,主要是因为某些特殊体质或者特殊天赋 Also or assistance of strange War Beast...... but, regardless of Level 6 [Heaven], is Level 7 [Heaven], regarding having Divine Sense half Divine Tier warrior, is not above the same parallel line. If Level 6 [Heaven] fight a duel Heaven Realm half Divine Tier Level 1, the surface is seemingly well-matched, but actually will lose very ugly/difficult to look at. Level 1 [Supreme Innate] warrior that if Level 6 [Heaven] fight a duel comes out in Heavenspan Tower Gate of Life and Death comprehend, it is estimated that will be ended oppressively. 又或者怪异战兽的辅助……但,无论天阶六级,还是天阶七级,对于拥有神念的‘半神阶武者来说,都不在同一个平行线之上。如果天阶六级单挑天界的半神阶一级,表面看似实力相当,但其实会输得很难看。如果天阶六级单挑通天塔生死门参悟出来的先天至尊一级武者,估计会被完虐。 Heaven Realm half Divine Tier Level 1 and Heavenspan Tower Level 1 [Supreme Innate] in parallel line, because the comprehend way is different, the latter is often more powerful. 天界的半神阶一级通天塔先天至尊一级同在平行线上,但因为参悟的方式不一样,往往后者更加强大。 In Ancient Era. 远古时代 The rank of Supreme Innate warrior, takes the evaluation of Heavenspan Tower as standard. 先天至尊武者的等级,是以通天塔的评定为标准的。 The only nearly for ten thousand years, Heaven Realm and Heavenspan Tower fierce battle are innumerable, Divine Central Hall to cancel Heavenspan Tower in the influence of Heaven Realm, has renamed the rank of Supreme Innate as Demi God. This change, because of ten thousand years of long time influences, has spread Lower Heaven Realm each corner, famous scholar that but in Upper Heaven Realm, many Clan and hidden world, takes Supreme Innate as the rank, takes the evaluation standard of Supreme Innate rank and strength as to promote standard...... kills!” at least stayed for over ten thousand years in Land of Trials, cares about nothing to the outside world, wholeheartedly only wants to unify Devil Valley ghost king Xu Ying (phantom), waves gently. 只是近万年来,天界通天塔恶战无数,中央神殿为了抹去通天塔天界的影响,已经将先天至尊的等级改称为‘半神’。这个改变,因为万年的漫长时间影响,已经遍及天下界每个角落,但在天上界,许多家族和隐世不出的名士,还是以先天至尊为等级,也以先天至尊等级和实力的评定标准为提升标准……“杀!”最少试炼之地呆了上万年,对外界毫不在乎,一心只想统一魔谷的幽魂王虚影,轻轻地挥手。 In him behind, innumerable dark knight elite, are reining Bone Dragon, throws to Yue Yang here caretaker personnel. 在他身后,无数黑暗骑士精锐,驾御着骨龙,向岳阳这边的留守人员扑来。 The shadow of death of big piece was imminent. 大片的死亡阴影迫近。 Except for having the Level 5 [Heaven] Challenger. 除了拥有天阶五级的挑战者。 Other person, meets these fellows, absolutely only then by the instant kill share. 别的人,遇上这些家伙,绝对只有被秒杀的份儿。 The one-eyed guy face upwards to roar, throws with dozens Camp Lord of the same class, meets head-on calmly to the powerful enemy. However, these sly dark knights, completely not with one-eyed guy their dogfight, in rapid division from sky, 500 Bone Dragon, disperse about hundred squads, takes five to ride for one group, dives in the sky under. The one-eyed guy they want to intercept, is impossible. 独眼大汉仰天咆哮,与数十个同级别的营主扑出来,视死如归地迎战向强大的敌人。然而,那些狡猾的黑暗骑士,完全不与独眼大汉他们缠斗,自天空中迅速分队,五百多头骨龙,分散成近百个小队,以五骑为一组,于天空中俯冲而下。独眼大汉他们想拦截,根本不可能。 Walks, walks, walks!” “走,走,走!” The one-eyed guy shoots in suddenly, seizes Yue Yang's collar, angrily roars loudly: Although you are person with a poor sense of direction, but your potential is very good, is not only I, the many people favor, most importantly, is Silver Eyed Great Sage regards with a special fondness about you, therefore, you cannot die here. Believes that you also saw, now we have fallen into the trap of enemy, wants to leave, that is the wishful thinking, but you must leave, you have the potential, does not have progress possible old fellow unlike our these again. Listening, you not only need leave here safely, but must live is going out of this dark space lair, lives is returning to camping ground, later grew, revenged...... our ability to be limited to us, can achieve, delivered you to leave temporarily, yourself must make every effort to succeed, must go on living strongly, even our that also lived!” 独眼大汉忽然倒射回阵中,揪住岳阳的衣领,大声怒吼:“虽然你是个路痴,但你的潜力很好,不仅是我,还有许多人都看好的,最重要的,是银瞳大贤者对你另眼相看,所以,你不能死在这里。相信你也看见了,现在我们已经落入敌人的陷阱之中,想全部离开,那是痴心妄想,但你必须离开,你有潜力,跟我们这些再没有进步可能的老家伙不同。听着,你不但要安全地离开这里,还要活着走出这个暗空巢穴,活着回到营地,以后成长起来了,就给我们报仇……我们能力有限,能够做到的,就是暂时送你离开,你自己要争气,要坚强地活下去,连我们那一份也活好了!” His person said, entire forced in ancient times in Yue Yang Teleportation Secret Door. 他不由人说,把岳阳整个塞进远古传送秘门之中。 Knew perfectly well that in enters is also pursued. 明知进入里面也会受到追击。 However the ratio keeps here to be slaughtered stronger by the enemy in vain. 但是怎么也比留在这里白白被敌人屠杀要强 Four Strips, north and Get Rich, escort that boy to leave, best hand over in the hand of Silver Eyed Great Sage him, he is newbie that Silver Eyed Great Sage most recognizes, the big leader has also asked his name, do not make him have an accident! Walks, your scram, if delayed the proper business, no one call me Camp Lord!” Tauren and four arm odd people who the one-eyed guy is not willing to leave their one by one forces in Teleportation Portal, but in his side, a more than ten subordinate composes the wall of flesh, resists the diving attack of enemy. 四条、北和发财,护送那小子离开,最好把他交到银瞳大贤者的手里,他是银瞳大贤者最赏识的新人,就连大首领也问过他的名字,一定不要让他出事!走走走,你们都滚蛋,要是耽误了正事,谁也别叫我营主!”独眼大汉又将不肯离开的牛头人和四臂怪人他们一一塞进传送门,而在他的身边,十数个属下组成血肉之墙,抵御敌人的俯冲攻击。 As if had a small fish to escape?” Skin King Xie Ti hit to owe, said lazily. “似乎有条小鱼逃跑了?”剥皮王血剃打了个啊欠,懒洋洋地说。 Doesn't matter, even if escapes the end, still no one can preserve him. Let alone a small fish, is Ren Tian Ge that fellow, today must die here!” Skeleton King Jin Hai does not regard as important Yue Yang such newbie, having the potential is not bad, but has not possibly lived that day of growing, has the potential is also useful again? “没关系,就算逃到尽头,也没人能保得住他。别说一条小鱼,就是任天歌那个家伙,今天也非死在这里不可!”骷髅王金骸也不看重岳阳这样的新人,有潜力是不错,但没有可能活到成长起来的那一天,再有潜力又有什么用? You leave are too negligent, Ren Tian Ge is not that can gnaw easily, is just now that boy , a dangerous feeling, if makes him grow, perhaps is second Ren Tian Ge, hopes, this only my misconception.” Netherworld Soul King actually eye of reveal weird light, as if noticed the difference of Yue Yang. “你们别太大意,任天歌不是那么容易就能啃下来的,就是刚才那个小子,也给人一种危险的感觉,如果让他成长起来,也许就是第二个任天歌,但愿,这只是我的错觉。”幽灵王却目露奇光,似乎注意到了岳阳的不同。 If that was true, I very anticipated actually, without the day of opponent good bored...... for example previous Ji Wu Ri , I idled am about to putrefy, the fellow left luckily quickly.” Skin King Xie Ti laughs. “如果真是那样的话,我倒是挺期待的,没有对手的日子好无聊……比如前一段姬无日在的时候,我都闲得快发霉了,幸好那家伙很快就离开了。”剥皮王血剃哈哈大笑。 Has a look, sometimes under teases newbie also not bad.” Skeleton King Jin Hai, expressed the support. “看看吧,有时逗弄下新人不错。”骷髅王金骸,也表示赞同。 „......” The Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) actually distant head, in his heart favors cut weeds and eliminate the roots this getting along with people criterion, but wants his solemn Supreme Level 8 Netherworld Soul King, acts newbie that personally chases down Heaven Tier to be insufficient, he could not have lagged behind this face. “……”幽灵王虚影却遥遥头,他心中更倾向斩草除根这一条处世准则,但要他堂堂至尊八级幽灵王,亲自出手追杀天阶不足的新人,他还拉不下这个面子。 If later has the opportunity, instant kill falls also has no problem conveniently. 如果以后有机会,随手秒杀也就算了 This newbie has not grown. 这种新人还没成长起来。 A casual faction subordinate actually can also complete Quest with ease, acts personally obliterate, did that really falls in price. 随便派个手下其实也能轻松完成任务,亲自出手抹杀,那样做实在太掉价了。 In another side. 在另一边。 Since the ancient times Teleportation Portal Angel Alliance large unit, before has passed through the labyrinth arrived at double Teleportation Secret Door, but Five Great Leaders, across tertiary Teleportation Secret Door, arrived at one is not equal to the Devil Valley unusual world completely. 进入远古传送门天使联盟大部队,已经穿过了迷宫来到了第二重传送秘门之前,而五大首领,更是穿过第三重传送秘门,来到了一个完全不等同魔谷的奇特世界。 In this unusual world, all things invert. 在这个奇特世界里,一切东西都是颠倒的。 Sky under foot, land above. 天空在脚下,大地在上面。 These huge Rock are lighter than the clouds, but the loose sand is closer than the steel. 那些巨大的岩石比云朵还要轻,而松散的沙子比钢铁还要紧密。 Here plant creeps along everywhere, one by one opens bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl to bite to swallow the myriad things shape, but here animal calmly looks at dumbly same place, compared with statue also static. If not the living creature that sees with own eyes, there is a heartbeat breath, but also really thinks that these animals are the lifelike statues. Here air like wall such uncomfortable, it can blow the world slowly, across myriad things, but anybody contacts it, felt oneself hit endless city walls. Here running water because of the world reverse, strangely by the below upflow, is such...... breathes the one breath including the raining rainwater here, with drawing an irritating the nose sand is similar. 这里的植物到处爬动,一个个张开血盆大口要噬吞万物状,而这里的动物则静静地呆立原地,比雕像还要静止。如果不是眼见的活物,又有心跳呼吸,还真会以为这些动物就是栩栩如生的雕像。这里的空气就像一堵墙那样让人难受,它可以缓缓地刮过天地,穿过万物,但任何人接触到它,都感觉自己撞上了一堵堵没完没了的城墙。这里的流水因为天地倒逆,也诡异地由下向上流动,包括下雨的雨水也是那样……在这里呼吸一口气,就跟吸进一口呛人的沙子差不多。 Arrives at Five Great Leaders such person powerful. 就连实力强大到五大首领这样的人。 Arrives here. 来到这里。 Also frowns. 也纷纷皱起眉头。 Power of Domain that even if there are does not extinguish Will and Supreme Realm that sublimates, but Five Great Leaders feels clearly, oneself in this unusual world, the strength received weakening of certain extent. Ren Tian Ge and Silver Eyed Great Sage are better, after all the strength are most powerful, but scarlet-haired such as Hao Ge of demon was miserable, his at least weakened half here. 即使有不灭的意志至尊之境升华的领域力量,但五大首领还是清晰地感觉到,自己在这个奇特世界里,实力受到了一定程度的削弱。任天歌银瞳大贤者还好一些,毕竟实力最强大,但赤发如魔的豪格就惨了,他在这里最少削弱了一半。 Ancient times Secret Treasure, really here?” Ren Tian Ge never suspects the Silver Eyed Great Sage words, but arrives at this, vacillation. “远古秘宝,真的在这里?”任天歌从来不怀疑银瞳大贤者的话,但来到这,不禁也有一丝动摇。 So strange world, if not Ancient Great God creates, perhaps no one may become, having Secret Treasure is the affirmation, issue how only should look.” Can lead the swordsman of dregs, the complexion slightly to bring an excitement, as if to existence of Secret Treasure, is confident. “如此诡奇的世界,若非远古大神所创,恐怕无人可成,有秘宝是肯定的,只是该如何去寻找的问题。”帅得掉渣的剑客,脸色微微带点兴奋,似乎对秘宝的存在,信心十足。 Snort, I a little regretted.” Wearing a mask Qing Mo sneered, he said that oneself does not like here. “哼,我有点后悔了。”蒙面的青魔冷笑一声,他表示自己不喜欢这里。 I do not withdraw.” The Hao Ge strength is weakest, was affected is also biggest, is Secret Treasure perhaps in the front, he decides to take risk, spells full power. “我绝不退出。”豪格实力最弱,受影响也是最大,可是秘宝说不定就在面前,他决定冒险,全力拼一把。 Perhaps will have protects Secret Treasure......” Silver Eyed Great Sage these words not saying that the world suddenly has the energy of difference to emerge, like Kai Tian crack sound like that the whole world, is disturbing. In the eye of Five Great Leaders, there is a body hundred-meter gold/metal sword giant , disregards the principle that the world hangs upside down fearlessly, walks in the world directly. “也许会有守护秘宝的……”银瞳大贤者这一句话还没有说完,天地忽然有异样的能量涌现,就像开天裂地那般的动静,整个世界,都在摇撼。于五大首领的眼中,有个身躯高达百米的金剑巨人,昂然而出,无视天地倒悬的法则,直接行走于天地之间。 Sees this gold/metal sword giant to appear, Five Great Leaders face all look changes. 看见这一个金剑巨人出现,五大首领脸皆色变。 Can disregard the world to hang upside down the principle, protector that walks normally, who is, existence of what rank is also? 能够无视天地倒悬法则,正常行走的守护者,到底是什么人,又是什么等级的存在? The height hundred meters, actually non- Titan, non- War Beast, is this gold/metal sword giant, what kind of life? The human body is absolutely impossible to grow up this shape, but the semblance of gold/metal sword giant is human, wisdom brilliance in eye pupil, not beside existence like non- human. 身高百米,却非泰坦,更非战兽,这个金剑巨人,到底是何等生命?人类的身躯是绝对不可能长大到这个形态的,可是金剑巨人的外表就是人类,眼瞳中的智慧光华,更加不像非人类之外的存在。 Be careful.” scarlet-haired such as the Hao Ge anxious sound of demon reminded, he sent the cash sword giant as if to aim at graceful swordsman Qianzhong. “小心。”赤发如魔的豪格急声提醒,他发现金剑巨人似乎瞄准了身边的帅剑客‘千重’。 I was locked by opposite side, cannot draw out the sword!” Can lead dregs Qianzhong now sweat all over the face, he also with the sword, has enough self-confidence regarding swordsmanship, but before this gold/metal sword giant, cannot pull out unexpectedly the sword, as a result of obviously, the strength terrifying of gold/metal sword giant to what boundary. Ren Tian Ge flies a foot, will be locked Qianzhong that is unable to move by opposite side, tramples departs hundred meters, rescued a Qianzhong life promptly. “我被对方锁定了,拔不出剑!”帅得掉渣的千重现在满头大汗,他也是用剑的,对于剑术有足够的自信,但在这个金剑巨人面前,竟然连剑都拔不出来,由于可见,金剑巨人的实力恐怖到什么境界。任天歌飞起一脚,将被对方锁定得无法动弹的千重,踹飞出百米,及时救下了千重一命。 God...... this perhaps is the legendary god.” Silver Eyed Great Sage sighed gently: Although his power by seal the greater part, but is not we can resist with all one's strength. I know that here had ancient times Secret Treasure, but has not thought that gods, will protect unexpectedly here.” “神……这位恐怕就是传说中的神。”银瞳大贤者轻轻叹息:“虽然他的力量被封印了大部分,但也不是我们能够力敌的。我知道这里有远古秘宝,但没有想过,竟然会有一位‘神明’,在这里守护。” Is the war draws back?” Ren Tian Ge looks to Silver Eyed Great Sage, hopes that opposite side makes a correct decision in this difficult position. “是战是退?”任天歌看向银瞳大贤者,希望对方在这种困境作出一个正确的决定。 Temporarily draws back.” Silver Eyed Great Sage has not said, Five Great Leaders Teleportation has left simultaneously. “暂退。”银瞳大贤者还没说完,五大首领已经同时传送离开。 Gold/Metal sword giant who that is considered as the gods, corner of the mouth floats has a smile. 那位被认为是神明的金剑巨人,唇角浮生出一丝微笑。 As if all in his grasping. 似乎一切皆在他的掌握中。 Regardless how others do, cannot escape from his palm. 无论别人如何做,都逃脱不出他的手掌心。 When the gold/metal sword giant vanishes in hanging upside down in the world, Student Yue Yang drills suddenly from Void(Xu Kong), reveals with hardship the puzzled appearance of thinking. As for letting north Tauren, four arm odd person Four Strips they depending on binding are fleeing that escapes Yue Yang, but only shadow forget it/that's all. Enters single layer Teleportation Secret Door from Yue Yang, his true body, Teleportation has also tagged along after to the Five Great Leaders back. 当金剑巨人消失于倒悬的天地之间,岳阳同学忽然自一处虚空中钻出来,露出苦苦思索的不解模样。至于让牛头人北、四臂怪人四条他们挟裹着亡命逃跑的那一个‘岳阳’,不过只是一个影子罢了。自岳阳进入第一重传送秘门,他的真身,就已经传送并且尾随到五大首领的背后。 The world hangs upside down is nothing unusual, but the appearance of gold/metal sword giant, but also really makes Student Yue Yang be puzzling. 天地倒悬不足为奇,但金剑巨人的出现,还真让岳阳同学百思不解。 This gold/metal sword giant, definitely is not Devil Venerable Kai Tian. 这个金剑巨人,肯定不是‘开天魔尊’。 Yue Yang can affirm this point. 岳阳可以肯定这一点。 But on the other hand, if the gold/metal sword giant is not Devil Venerable Kai Tian, who he is? Why will also appear in the Heavenly Devil Temple space that this world hangs upside down? 但话说回来,如果金剑巨人不是开天魔尊,那他是谁?又为何会出现在这个天地倒悬的天魔神殿空间?
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