LLS :: Volume #6

#1042: crisis, silent raids

Less than quite a while, enters Heavenly Devil Temple secret Teleportation Portal, had been found by Five Great Leaders. 不到半天,进入天魔神殿秘密传送门,已经被五大首领找到。 That is the single layer buries in ruins following Teleportation Secret Door. 那是一重掩埋在废墟下面的传送秘门 if it were not for has the Silver Eyed Great Sage direction, the Challenger even again flower ten times of time, still gave up any idea of that found it, let alone unearths. 要不是银瞳大贤者指引,挑战者们即使再花十倍的时间,也休想把它找到,更别说挖掘出来。 „After entering Secret Door, perhaps will have the danger, perhaps has innumerable Ancient Devil Beast to ambush in inside, I suggested, first sends out the elite squad, verifies the situation to make the decision again.” That graceful the swordsman of dregs, put forward his proposal to big leader Ren Tian Ge. “进入秘门后,也许会有危险,说不定有无数的远古魔兽在里面埋伏,我建议,先派出精锐小队,探明情况再作决定。”那个帅得掉渣的剑客,向大首领任天歌提出了他的建议。 I approve.” scarlet-haired such as Hao Ge of demon agrees. “我赞同。”赤发如魔的豪格表示同意。 „......” Qing Mo did not say a word, although did not approve, but he did not oppose. “……”青魔一言不发,虽不赞同,但他也不反对。 How do you look?” In Ren Tian Ge this big leader heart most regards as important, is the opinion of Silver Eyed Great Sage. “你看如何?”任天歌这个大首领心中最看重的,还是银瞳大贤者的意见。 Silver Eyed Great Sage does not open the mouth, is only slightly the stool head. Sees him to nod assent, Ren Tian Ge one happy, waves to order oneself hand/subordinate most elite Tian Ge corps, entered that ancient times Secret Door. 银瞳大贤者也不开口,仅是微微凳首。看见他点头同意,任天歌一喜,挥手命令自己手下最精锐的一支天歌战队出发,进入那个远古秘门 After a half hour, this powerful and aggressive Tian Ge corps returned. 半小时后,这支实力强悍的天歌战队返回来了。 When to the Five Great Leaders report, mentioned double Secret Door. 五大首领报告时,提到了第二重秘门 In inside, deeper space, even very strange labyrinth and double Teleportation Secret Door, in the team some people are good at exploring the way to trace luckily extremely, decoded that labyrinth passage, otherwise was unable to complete Quest. Now the issue came, bright swayed in the front of people. If enters, makes head hurt besides the labyrinth, double Teleportation Secret Door, even possibly also has tertiary......, if keeps outside the Underground City ruins, after Five Great Leaders leaves, if Ancient Devil Beast counter-attack on a large scale, unparalleled, that should should do? 在里面,还有更多更深的空间,甚至还有非常奇怪的迷宫和第二重传送秘门,幸好队中有人极其擅长探路追踪,破解了那个迷宫通道,否则还无法完成任务。现在问题来了,明摆在众人的面前。如果进入,除了迷宫让人头疼之外,还有第二重传送秘门,甚至可能还有第三重……如果留在地下城废墟外,五大首领离开之后,假如远古魔兽们大举反扑,无人能敌,那又该如何是好? Regarding this, Five Great Leaders looks for important backbones about hundred every large or small Camp Lord and team, the staying or going issue of discussion large unit. 对此,五大首领找来近百名大大小小的营主以及队伍中的重要骨干,商谈大部队的去留问题。 Holds the person of discrete heart to be willing to stay behind, in the aggressive person wants to enter. 抱有谨慎之心的人愿意留下,富于进取的人则希望进内。 The opinion splits up the two sides. 意见分化成两边。 In supports the conservative faction that leaves behind vigorously, there is an optimist that full power supports to treasure hunt. 在极力支持留下的保守派,也有全力支持进内寻宝的乐观派。 Such conference, person with a poor sense of direction newbie like Yue Yang, naturally does not have the qualifications to participate, in team that he stays, the one who is qualified for participating in the discussion is one-eyed guy itself/Ben. 这样的会议,像岳阳这样的路痴新人,自然是没有资格参加的,他所呆的团队中,有资格参加商议的是独眼大汉‘本’。 Unlike Tauren north with odd person Four Strips this liking adventurous subordinate, the one-eyed guy is a typical conservative faction. He with more than 30 Camp Lord, made the same decision, leads the team to stay outside, if really has Ancient Devil Beast to counter-attack, then considers to enter Teleportation Secret Door, according to labyrinth passage defends. Without Ancient Devil Beast counter-attacks, then remains outside team, then continued to search for ancient times Secret Treasure in the Underground City ruins...... in fact, in this less than two days in, but also some really many Challenger found ancient relic that had the small value few. 牛头人北和怪人四条这种喜欢冒险的属下不同,独眼大汉是个典型的保守派。他与三十多个营主,做出了相同的决定,率队留在外面,假如真有远古魔兽反扑,则考虑进入传送秘门,据迷宫通道而守。假如没有远古魔兽反扑,那么留守在外面的团队,则继续在地下城废墟里搜寻远古秘宝……事实上,在这不足两天的时间里,还真有不少挑战者找到少量有小价值的远古遗物 Doesn't need too adventurous, to have certain harvest, what can you have against it? 不用太冒险,就可以有一定的收获,何乐而不为呢? If all enter, whether the danger did not say, the issue how the benefit apportions will stand out, how ancient times Secret Treasure immediately again much, is limited, not possible everyone to apportion. Challenger that the support conservative faction leaves behind, does not hope that will see the interior to have a day that because the benefit will massacre mutually, therefore, they will rather give up the a portion possibly very huge harvest. 假如全体进入,是否危险不说,利益如何摊分的问题就会立即凸现出来,远古秘宝再怎么多,也是有限,不可能人人摊分。支持保守派留下的挑战者,就是不希望看见内部会有因为利益互相残杀的一天,所以,他们宁愿放弃一部分可能会很巨大的收获。 Really unlucky, how I will follow you such timid leader.” Short Fatty Get Rich is extremely discontented, because in he wants to enter treasure hunts, when Five Great Leaders designation arrangement, their strength not strong logistic personnel, delimited remaining here, therefore was full of grievances unable to change the fact of staying behind. “真倒霉,我怎么会跟着你这样胆小的首领。”矮胖子发财非常不满,因为他想进内寻宝,但因为五大首领指派安排时,将他们这种战力不强的后勤人员,划到了留守的这边,所以满腹牢骚也改变不了留下的事实。 Can live well.” Student Yue Yang expressed indifferently, in fact, he felt, regardless of stayed behind or enters, similar danger. “能活着就好。”岳阳同学表示无所谓,事实上,他觉得无论留下还是进入,都同样的危险。 Naturally, this premonition cannot say. 当然,这种预感是不能说出来的。 First, is no one believes. 一,是无人相信。 Second, after this saying said that believes not long, Silver Eyed Great Sage will look for him. 二是将这话说出来后,相信不用多久,银瞳大贤者就会找上他。 Student Yue Yang this crest of wave, temporarily, he does not want to expose the strength absolutely, must first clarify concretely is what situation said again. Entering Heavenly Devil Temple is certain, but absolutely is not now. 岳阳同学绝对不出这个风头,暂时,他不想暴露实力,得先弄清楚具体是什么情况再说。进入天魔神殿是一定的,但绝对不是现在。 Knows perfectly well is a trap, but also rushes to that not to call bravely, but is a country bumpkin! 明知是陷阱,还一头闯进去那不叫勇敢,而是傻冒! Stays outside, the life also returns not bad. 留在外面,生活也还不错 Yue Yang stayed for two days, often had Challenger to find certain ancient relic in the ruins, was very not necessarily valuable, but this harvest, has made Challenger that remained behind see the hope. Definitely also had many ancient times Secret Treasure, buried under this stretch of ruins, looked how to look for them. Greed short Fatty Get Rich this person, actually even more does not worry likely, he thought that Secret Door inside harvest is definitely bigger, outside remaining radically is the waste time. 岳阳呆了两天,不时有挑战者在废墟之中找到某些远古遗物,不一定很有价值,但这种收获,已经让留守的挑战者看到了希望。肯定还有更多的远古秘宝,埋藏在这一片废墟之下,就看怎么把它们找出来。贪心像矮胖子发财这种人,却越发不烦恼,他觉得秘门里面的收获肯定更大,留在外面根本就是浪费时间。 If not his strength is bad, harbors the awe to labyrinth passage, he had slid secretly, where can also sit still. 如果不是他实力不济,又对迷宫通道怀有敬畏,他早就偷偷地溜了进去,哪里还坐得住。 What don't you dig?” One-eyed guy itself/Ben regarding gnaws chicken leg Yue Yang to feel odd leisurely and carefree, newbie does not like searching for the treasure very much? How to sit here motionlessly? For these days, simply had not looked that he intended to treasure hunt, all day did not eat rests, the lazy person had to see, but was disinclined newbie like East Wind, but also has not really seen. “你不去挖点什么?”独眼大汉‘本’对于悠闲啃着鸡腿的岳阳感到奇怪,新人不是很喜欢挖宝的吗?怎么坐在这里一动不动?这几天,根本没看他出手寻宝,整天不是吃就是睡,懒人不是没见过,但懒得像东风这样的新人,还真没见过。 Is some trash, without interest.” Yue Yang the hand gnaws the chicken bone that remains to throw in conveniently. “都是些垃圾,没兴趣。”岳阳将手中啃剩的鸡骨头随手一抛。 Perhaps has the good thing...... to consider as finished!” The one-eyed guy gave up the persuasion, daily the food and drink sits motionless, although a little looks at not extremely the eye, but always compared with strolls everywhere randomly causes trouble to be better, particularly here danger has not relieved, if provoked Ancient Devil Beast that to be finished. “说不定有好东西……算了!”独眼大汉放弃了劝说,天天吃喝坐着不动,虽然看得有点不太过眼,但总比到处乱逛惹事生非要好,尤其是这里危险还没有解除,万一招惹来远古魔兽那就完蛋了。 person with a poor sense of direction newbie like Yue Yang, the one-eyed guy thought that he should better not to take a walk, otherwise, was lost does not know how to look for him. 岳阳这样子的路痴新人,独眼大汉觉得他最好不要走动,否则,走失了不知如何找他。 Five Great Leaders leads the second day that the brigade leaves, when the Underground City ruins preparation dinner supplies. 五大首领率大队离开的第二天,正当地下城废墟准备晚餐供应之时。 Suddenly, the remote darkness, each passage mouth, transmitted an intermittent abnormal noise. 忽然,遥远黑暗处,各个通道口,都传来了一阵阵异响。 All hear the look changes. 全体闻之色变。 Did Ancient Devil Beast really counter-attack? 远古魔兽真的反扑来了? One-eyed guy with remaining Camp Lord, lead few elite, defending of being ready in full battle array before sleeps temporarily camping ground, simultaneously orders like short Fatty Get Rich and Yue Yang newbie, before rushing to Teleportation Portal, once the situation is not wonderful, in must enter, converges with the Five Great Leaders main force. Escapes as for the dispersion, this point, in discussed early made all overrule, because in this underground passage, the powerful person, could not stand off the tidal insect and monster single-handedly, had powerful Ancient Devil Beast let alone! 独眼大汉与留守的营主们,率领少量精锐,严阵以待的守在临时宿营地之前,同时命令像矮胖子发财岳阳这样的新人,赶到传送门前,一旦局势不妙,必须进内,与五大首领的主力汇合。至于分散逃跑,这一点,在最早讨论中就让全体否决了,因为在这种地下通道里,再强大的人,单枪匹马也敌不过潮水般的虫子和怪物,更何况还有强悍的远古魔兽 Stands firm, stands firm.” The one-eyed guy cried out loudly, his side remains behind elite also to summon War Beast, prepares to fight the impact. “稳住,稳住。”独眼大汉高声呐喊,他身边的留守精锐也纷纷召唤战兽,准备抵御冲击。 hong long long......” 轰隆隆……” However, what sounds queer is. 然而,令人奇怪的是。 These insect tides and monsters did not have to throw in the past equally wickedly, besides left the ranks few, cannot choose the exact way because of flurry rushes to the one-eyed guy the insect before their, certainly the the greater part insect and monster, did not look here one. As if has any terrible thing, pursues them to resemble in the back, compared with tide also many insects and monsters, covering the mountains and the plains crosses the Underground City ruins, to them thinks that the safe place flees. 那些虫潮和怪物却没有往常一样恶狠狠地扑上来,除了少量离队,慌不择路地冲到独眼大汉他们阵前的虫子之外,绝大部分的虫子和怪物,根本不看这边一眼。仿佛有什么可怕的东西,在背后追赶它们似的,比潮水还多的虫子和怪物,漫山遍野地越过地下城废墟,向它们认为安全的地方奔逃。 By the present, the blind person can also not see wonderfully. 到了现在,瞎子也能看出不妙。 Originally these insect tides and monsters already enough fearful, but they escaped by stronger power expulsion unexpectedly...... in their back, is whose behavior? In Angel Alliance other Challenger, has someone else? 本来这些虫潮和怪物就已经足够可怕,但它们竟然是被更强的力量驱逐逃亡……在它们的背后,是什么人所为呢?是天使联盟中其余的挑战者,还是另有其人? Challenger that does not wait to remain behind responded, several hundred Ancient Devil Beast, one was the wound flees. 不等留守的挑战者反应过来,又有数百头远古魔兽,一身是伤地奔逃过来。 Aggressive they, looked that does not look at the one-eyed guy their eyes, but by their entire life quickest speed, flees to the distant place. Several escape slightly slow Ancient Devil Beast, suddenly sends out the pitiful yell, falls to the ground, covered with blood rolls makes one group. 凶悍的它们,看也不看独眼大汉他们一眼,而是以它们生平最快的速度,向远方奔逃。几只逃得稍慢一线的远古魔兽,忽然发出惨叫,纷纷倒地,血肉模糊地滚作一团。 Bone Dragon!” 骨龙!” Who does not know is, calls out in alarm. 不知是谁,惊叫起来。 Mixes Yue Yang in crowd to see, there are several hundred from Level 3 [Heaven] to Level 5 [Heaven] Bone Dragon, from Ancient Passage in one after another. 混在人群中的岳阳看见,有数百头由天阶三级天阶五级不等的骨龙,自远古通道里鱼贯而出。 As one of the Dark Camp main War Beast, Bone Dragon naturally is Devil Valley world each Challenger knows well. only, these belong to Dark Camp terrifying War Beast, how to arrive at dark space lair this Underground City ruins? This Underground City ruins are located in the Angel Alliance range, nearest Dark Camp domain, is over ten thousand kilometers fully. 作为黑暗阵营的主要战兽之一,骨龙自然为魔谷世界每一位挑战者熟识。只是,这些属于黑暗阵营的恐怖战兽,是怎么来到暗空巢穴这个地下城废墟的呢?要知道,这个地下城废墟可是位于天使联盟的范围之内,距离最近的黑暗阵营地盘,也足有上万公里。 If not know the situation, the enemy will dispatch several hundred Bone Dragon to besiege the caretaker personnel? 如果不知道情况,敌人会派遣数百头骨龙围攻留守人员吗? On the other hand, if the enemy knows the information. 话说回来,如果敌人知道情报。 Then, how does the enemy know this inside situation? 那么,敌人又是怎么知道这里面的情况? Did Five Great Leaders lead the team to clean up the ancient tunnel treasure hunt the news to leak? More fearful is, how the enemy knows Five Great Leaders at this time not side the caretaker personnel? If Five Great Leaders all, let alone several hundred Bone Dragon, again many several hundred heads , the photo kills...... the present enemy not to dare with several hundred Bone Dragon to take the lead by mistake, showed that the enemy regarding the situation of one's own side, knows from A to Z simply. 难道五大首领率队清理远古地道寻宝的消息外泄了?更可怕是,敌人是怎么知道五大首领此时不在留守人员身边的呢?如果五大首领俱在,别说几百头骨龙,再多几百头,也照杀不误……现在敌人敢用几百骨龙打头阵,证明敌人对于己方的情况,简直是了如指掌。 Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), Skeleton King Jin Hai, Skin King Xie Ti, Oh, the Dark Camp big leaders came!” 幽灵王虚影’,骷髅王金骸’,还有剥皮王血剃’,天哪,黑暗阵营的大首领都来了!” Remained Challenger sees to have about ten thousand Dark Camp Challenger to appear fully, in the heart despairs. 留守的挑战者看见足有近万名黑暗阵营的挑战者出现,心中已经绝望。 But behind when they see also to have several the darkness big leader who the position is equal to Ren Tian Ge their Five Great Leaders strength, calls out in alarm unrestrainedly, the morale and Will are close to collapse...... this is a basis do not have the weaponry that the means start, does not need to hit, on destined to failure. 但当他们看见后面还有数位等同任天歌他们五大首领实力的黑暗大首领,都情不自禁地惊叫起来,士气和意志都接近崩溃……这是一场根本没办法开打的仗,不用打,就注定了失败。 Regarding has eight darkness big leaders fully, any, may sweep away all remaining fully. 对于足有八位黑暗大首领,任何一位,都足可横扫全体留守者。 Let alone eight darkness big leaders, are elite under their place, sends out several hundreds, Challenger that can also the steamroll remain behind, the most elite Challenger via Five Great Leaders has carried off after all, elite that leaves behind voluntarily less than hundred people, how can this resist with the Dark Camp enemy? Now compared with about ten thousand enemies, compared with several thousand enemy ranks elite, compared with eight darkness big leaders, the Angel Alliance Challenger that remains behind voluntarily, is small and weak before the car(riage) the small praying mantis that obstructs the road, the next second, will make the enemy easily steamroll become the dregs...... to walk, walking one is one! Everyone do not summon lord War Beast, cannot help the enemy obtain accumulated points, if by the enemy captive, were ended own life as far as possible. Remember, dies do not make the enemy work!” The one-eyed guy sent out a startled Heavenly Fury roar, he is the person who first can ignite the fighting spirit anti- enemy. 别说八位黑暗大首领,就是他们座下的精锐,派出数百,也可以碾压留守的挑战者,毕竟最精锐的挑战者已经由五大首领带走,自愿留下的精锐不足百人,这又如何能够与黑暗阵营的敌人相抗?比起近万名敌人,比起数千名敌阵精锐,比起八位黑暗大首领,现在自愿留守的天使联盟挑战者,弱小得就像车前挡道的小螳螂,下一秒,就会让敌人轻易地碾压成渣……“走,走得一个是一个!所有人都不要召唤主战兽,不能让敌人获得积分,如果被敌俘虏,尽可能结束自己的生命。记住,死也都不要让敌人得逞!”独眼大汉发出了一声惊天怒吼,他是第一个能够燃起斗志阻敌的人。 Pitiful small insect, you thinks that the speech loud point can frighten others? Told you, Ren Tian Ge does not dare to be rampant in the this King front!” “可怜的小虫子,你以为说话大声点就能吓唬别人吗?告诉你,任天歌都不敢在本王的面前嚣张!” Has a basis unable to see clearly the huge shadow of entity, float before the enemy ranks. 有个根本看不清实体的巨大黑影,悬浮在敌阵前。 The strength of this shadow strong. 这个黑影的实力超强。 Yue Yang estimated that the strength of this fellow, not inferior to in Ren Tian Ge, if not the attribute repels one another, must take this fellow...... according to the information that these days obtained, Yue Yang to judge not easily, this powerful shadow was original Dark Camp Boss Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), if it were not for Ji Wu Ri intruded, has pressed his head, this fellow can be for several thousand years Devil Valley world Top Ranker. 岳阳估计,这个家伙的实力,不亚任天歌,如果不是属性相克,要拿下这个家伙可不容易……根据这些天获得的情报,岳阳可以判断出,这个强大的黑影就是原来黑暗阵营老大幽灵王虚影’,要不是姬无日闯入,压过他一头,这家伙会是数千年来魔谷世界最强者 Stands in Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) about, Skeleton King Jin Hai and Skin King Xie Ti. 站在幽灵王虚影’左右,还有骷髅王金骸’和剥皮王血剃’。 This two also Gundam/reaches as high as the Supreme Level 8 super expert. 两个也是高达至尊八级的超级牛人。 The strength must be not as good compared with Netherworld Soul King even Ren Tian Ge, but in Devil Valley, Yue Yang estimated that their at least is also ranked first five expert, does not allow to despise. 实力比起幽灵王甚至任天歌都要稍逊一筹,但在魔谷内,岳阳估计他们最少也是排行前五的高手,不容轻视。 Again latter point, five strengths from Supreme Level 5 to the Supreme Level 6 dark leader. 再后一点,还有五位实力由至尊五级至尊六级的黑暗首领。 Because the Yue Yang information is insufficient, does not know that these people name, can only observe the opposite side ability characteristics by Heavenly Eye Divine Vision in secret. 因为岳阳情报不足,不知道这些人叫什么名字,只能以天目慧眼暗中观察对方的能力特点。 Subordinate these mixed up kill 'em all?” Has a dark knight who is riding Bone Dragon inquired to Netherworld Soul King well-mannered. “属下把这些杂碎统统杀光好吗?”有位骑着骨龙的黑暗骑士彬彬有礼向幽灵王询问。 Does not use, their expulsion, so long as hunts and kills straggler then it will be alright unceasingly, I must have a look at their distressed types. Ha, Ren Tian Ge that fool, thinks that closes up for several days, can dominate Devil Valley, is really the joke! this King will tell him with the fact, Devil Valley, even if Ji Wu Ri walked, is not one's turn him to speak! What ancient times Secret Treasure, the idiot, Ren Tian Ge was that type to the fool who the person sold also helped the number of people money , without the medicine may rescue......” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) not saying that everyone has also known, this action was a conspiracy, dark space lair is a fingers/tiger mouth that ate the person, the enemy the prepare trap has waited for Ren Tian Ge to lead the team to jump downward. “不用,把他们驱逐,只要不断地猎杀落后者就行,我要看看他们的狼狈样。哈,任天歌那个傻瓜,以为闭关几天,就可以称雄魔谷,真是笑话!本王会用事实告诉他,魔谷,就算姬无日走了,也轮不到他说话!什么远古秘宝,白痴,任天歌就是那种给人卖了还帮人数钱的傻瓜,无药可救……”幽灵王虚影不说,大家也已经知道,这次行动是一场阴谋,暗空巢穴就是一个吃人的虎口,敌人已经布置好陷阱等着任天歌率队往下跳。 Now listened to his saying, people suck in cold air. 现在听他一说,人们更是倒抽一口凉气。 As if, but also is the Dark Camp arrangement trap is so incessantly simple, as if, a fearful traitor within hidden in the team. 似乎,还不止是黑暗阵营布置陷阱那么简单,似乎,还有个可怕的内奸隐藏在队伍之中。 Thinks also right, without the traitor within, no one and Dark Camp Netherworld Soul King collaborates from outside with the inside, the enemy possibly does kill to visit like this accurate unmistakably? 想想也对,如果没有内奸,没有人与黑暗阵营幽灵王里应外合,敌人怎么可能这样精准无误地杀上门来? The Yue Yang present idea is actually, the trap is the affirmation, the traitor within is also affirmed that only what all these...... cannot think through within the imagination, does Devil Venerable Kai Tian in this battle, what role play? 岳阳现在的想法却是,陷阱是肯定的,内奸也是肯定的,这一切都在想像之内……唯一想不通的是,开天魔尊在这一场交战中,扮演什么角色呢? If Devil Venerable Kai Tian also the seal in Heavenly Devil Temple, knows nothing about to outside all now, Yue Yang felt oneself silly do that not think. Without the Devil Venerable Kai Tian secret information, without his direction, Ren Tian Ge does not lead the team to enter dark space lair possibly boldly. Same, Dark Camp that side Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) is also same, some people provided the information surely, will make this Dark Camp big leader lead the numerous ten thousand li (0.5 km) to make a long-range raid unscrupulously. Such battle, regarding hidden in back Devil Venerable Kai Tian, what advantage also there is? 如果说开天魔尊现在还封印在天魔神殿里,对外面的一切茫然不知,岳阳觉得自己傻了也不会那样想。没有开天魔尊秘密情报,没有他的指引,任天歌不可能大胆地率队进入暗空巢穴。相同,黑暗阵营那边的幽灵王虚影也是一样,必定有人提供了情报,才会让这位黑暗阵营的大首领肆无忌惮地率众万里奔袭。这样的厮杀,对于隐在背后的开天魔尊,又有什么好处呢? The Devil Venerable Kai Tian true body has not extricated the seal, can only the doppelganger conduct? 难道,开天魔尊的真身没有解脱封印,只能分身行事? Also or, he needs these flesh and Soul Sacrifice of Challenger, extricates the seal thoroughly? 又或者,他需要这些挑战者的血肉和灵魂献祭,彻底解脱封印? Naturally also a possibility, that is Devil Venerable Kai Tian already completely free, only out of bored or mentality of distortion, before leaving Devil Valley, manufacture this flesh slaughters intentionally, satisfies his hobby......, if before is both, Yue Yang too had not been worried. 当然也有一种可能,那就是开天魔尊已经完全自由,只是出于无聊或者扭曲的心态,在离开魔谷前,故意制造这一场血肉厮杀,满足他的嗜好……假如是前两者,岳阳还不太担心。 If the latter, Yue Yang felt oneself must be careful, do not let yourself Devil Venerable Kai Tian also plan. 假如是后者,岳阳觉得自己就要小心了,千万别让开天魔尊把自己也算计进去。 crisis, silent raids. 危机,无声地袭来。 Yue Yang entire life first time felt that oneself lacks self-confidence, Devil Venerable Kai Tian, this seal several tens of thousands of years of Old Ghost, he powerful to what degree? 岳阳生平第一次感觉到自己心里没底,开天魔尊,这个封印数万年的老鬼,他到底会强大到什么程度呢?
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