LLS :: Volume #6

#1041: Trap, crisis and interest?

Although is very helpless regarding various issues of Yue Yang this curious baby, but regardless of the one-eyed guy, is his subordinate Tauren north and odd person Four Strips, to his delimits water behavior only to open the eyes only the eye to shut. 虽然对于岳阳这个好奇宝宝的各种问题很无奈,但无论独眼大汉,还是他的手下牛头人北、怪人四条,都对他的‘划水’行为只眼开只眼闭。 Several times, Student Yue Yang expressed own this is passing through to buy soy sauce. 好几次,岳阳同学表示自己这是打酱油路过 To go back the camping ground rest. 想回去营地休息。 But north Tauren they felt with odd person Four Strips, if oneself see person with a poor sense of direction newbie, but has not looked, cannot certainly pass in the conscience. 可是牛头人北和怪人四条他们觉得,自己如果看见一个路痴新人而没有照顾好的话,在良心上一定过不去。 Therefore, they detain Student Yue Yang over and over, hopes that he do not run all over the place, in order to avoid carries over one crowd of Ancient Devil Beast incautiously, cleans up the advancement to increase the difficulty to the group. Also, was present at work the person who does not strive is not only then Yue Yang, likely short Fatty Get Rich wait/etc, is not main action, doesn't follow to fish in troubled water behind the large unit? 所以,他们再三地挽留岳阳同学,希望他不要乱跑,以免一不小心带出一群远古魔兽,给团体清理推进增加困难。再说了,出工不出力的人又不是只有岳阳一个,像矮胖子发财等等,也不是主战手,不也跟在大部队后面混水摸鱼吗? Yue Yang follows this crowd of Challenger teams, walked for three days. 岳阳跟着这群挑战者团队,走了三天。 With great difficulty, when the fight, inquired Five Great Leaders few information finally. 好不容易,总算在战斗之余,打听到了五大首领的少量情报。 The big leader, named Ren Tian Ge, has the bloodlines of Eastern Race it is said that although that is the matter of remote ancestor, the Dongfang bloodlines inherit to today's his body, is meager, but his noble bloodline and powerful strength, are formidable in the heart, this is everyone is also willing to recommend him for the reason of big leader. 大首领,名叫‘任天歌’,据说拥有东方一族的血脉,尽管那是远祖的事,东方血脉遗传到今天的他身上,已经非常微薄,但他的高贵血统和强大实力,还是让人敬畏在心,这也是大家甘愿推举他为大首领的原因。 Level 8 [Supreme Innate]. 先天至尊八级 In the ordinary Challenger eye, is existence of Quasi-Divine that rank, powerful is unable to imagine, let alone Ren Tian Ge also has Eastern Race noble bloodline! 在普通挑战者眼中,就是准神那个级别的存在,强大根本无法想像,更别说任天歌还有东方一族的高贵血统 Initially, when Ji Wu Ri ran amuck, Ren Tian Ge happen to closes up the cultivation. 当初,在姬无日横行之时,任天歌正好闭关修炼。 Misses like this ultimate opponent regarding oneself. 对于自己错过这样的终极对手。 Ren Tian Ge regretted. 任天歌后悔不已。 But, he unusual reason, extremely arrogant to not thinking oneself can certainly prevent Ji Wu Ri, Hall Master of Light Zhong Hua that because in the Heaven Tier camp, comes in earliest, the strength can press his head. The arrival of precisely Hall Master of Light Zhong Hua, making the position of head of Ren Tian Ge original dominant alliance be attacked, he closes up the cultivation promotion anxiously anxiously, shortly after never expected that he just closed up, more terrifying Ji Wu Ri came, moreover developed a just and evil super decisive battle with Hall Master of Light Zhong Hua jointly, has almost not exhausted the elites of Angel Alliance camp. 但,他也非常的理智,并没有狂妄到认为自己就一定可以阻止姬无日,因为在天阶阵营中,最早进来的光殿主仲华,实力就可以压他一头。正是光殿主仲华的到来,让任天歌原来独大的联盟之首的位置受到冲击,他才急急闭关修炼提升的,没想到他刚闭关不久,更加恐怖的姬无日就来了,而且与光殿主仲华联手演了一场正义与邪恶的超级大决战,几乎没有把天使联盟阵营的精英耗尽。 if it were not for replied the Angel Alliance strength eagerly, Ren Tian Ge will not organize to clean up was ancient times fluent, search ancient times ruins. 要不是急于回复天使联盟的实力,任天歌也不会组团清理远古能道,搜索远古废墟。 He really wishes sincerely can obtain ancient times Secret Treasure, recovers the magnificence of Angel Alliance. 他真心希望能够获得远古秘宝,重新光复天使联盟的辉煌。 The Ren Tian Ge strength is strongest, displays the regal style everywhere, the attitude actually not crazy clamour, is that type to listen to the objection and respect for the wise high-rank modestly. By his status, disdained to look at ordinary Challenger one, but Ren Tian Ge is actually good at buying human heart very much, like the strength that Yue Yang stays Level 5 [Heaven] small team, in the short three days of time, paid attention to look after several times, let is not the Ren Tian Ge subordinate one-eyed guy, Tauren and odd person they are excited hits chicken blood áo áo to call, has not knocked on to call Boss on difference one. 任天歌实力最强,处处表现出王者之风,态度却不狂嚣,属于那种能够谦听异议、礼贤下士的上位者。以他的身份,本来不屑看普通挑战者一眼,但任天歌却很擅长收买人心,像岳阳所呆的这一个实力不过才天阶五级的小团队,短短三天时间内,就数度关注照拂,让不是任天歌属下的独眼大汉、牛头人和怪人他们激动得打了鸡血似的嗷嗷叫,就差没有一头叩下去直叫老大 Unlike Ren Tian Ge, that Silver Eyed man seldom spoke, was his side all people, will give birth to the heart of saluting spontaneously. 任天歌不同,那个银瞳男子很少跟人说话,可是他身边所有的人,都会自发地生出致敬之心。 Was Get Rich of money is no exception...... this powerful charisma including the eyeful, Student Yue Yang looks also praised to the heavens. 包括满眼是金钱的发财也不例外……这种强悍的人格魅力,岳阳同学看了也叹为观止。 The Silver Eyed man, the genuine name seldom person knows, Five Great Leaders also did not say, information that Yue Yang inquires, is listens to most people to politely call him for Silver Eyed Great Sage, but the Silver Eyed man has not corrected, only shows a faint smile. 银瞳男子,真正的名字很少人知道,五大首领又不说,岳阳打探到的情报,是听大多数人尊称他为‘银瞳大贤者’,而银瞳男子也没有纠正,仅是微微一笑。 This charisma almost invincible Great Sage, for several thousand years is Angel Alliance backbone such existence. He is never the big leader, before Ren Tian Ge comes, he assisted several generations of big leaders, does not know what reason, this Silver Eyed Great Sage long-term life in the Devil Valley world, seldom raised the matter that left, that feared his accumulated points already enough. Regarding this action, Challenger thought that this is the benevolence of Silver Eyed Great Sage, he does not endure to see Angel Alliance to collapse, therefore has stayed in the Devil Valley world, is maintaining Angel Alliance, does not make it be annexed and destroyed by Dark Camp. 这位人格魅力几乎无敌的大贤者,数千年来一直是天使联盟顶梁柱那样的存在。他从来不做大首领,在任天歌来之前,他辅助了数代大首领,不知什么原因,这位银瞳大贤者长期生活在魔谷世界,很少提起离开的事,那怕他的积分早就够了。对于这个举动,挑战者们觉得这是银瞳大贤者的仁慈,他不忍看见天使联盟崩溃,所以一直留在魔谷世界,维持着天使联盟,不让它被黑暗阵营吞灭。 In fact, when Ji Wu Ri slaughters, is this Silver Eyed Great Sage commands the army with it contending, if it were not for has this Great Sage, perhaps Ji Wu Ri and Zhong Hua two people collaborate, collaborate from outside with the inside, will all destroy completely the entire Angel Alliance Challenger. 事实上,当姬无日大开杀戒时,也是这位银瞳大贤者率军与之抗衡,要不是有这位大贤者,恐怕姬无日仲华两人联手,里应外合,会把整个天使联盟的挑战者全灭掉。 scarlet-haired such as demon holds axe gigantic man, named Hao Ge, his strength, although is also Level 5 [Supreme Innate], but only rank in Five Great Leaders end. 赤发如魔的持斧巨汉,名叫‘豪格’,他的实力虽然也是先天至尊五级,但仅排行在五大首领之末。 Yue Yang felt, this Hao Ge without doubt is in five people simplest one person. 岳阳觉得,这个豪格无疑是五人中最简单的一人。 Because this fellow simply does not have secret. 因为这家伙根本没有秘密可言。 That graceful the young swordsman of dregs, the name is Qianzhong, his strength is ranked although in second from the bottom, but Yue Yang always thought that is not a little right, cannot find out the concrete what reason...... perhaps is because sees others looks to be very graceful is very at heart uncomfortable, Student Yue Yang has to explain that this came under the influence of oneself jealousy. 那个帅得掉渣的年轻剑客,名字叫做‘千重’,他的实力尽管排行在倒数第二,可是岳阳总觉得有点不对,偏偏又想不出具体什么原因……也许是因为看见别人长得很帅心里很不爽吧,岳阳同学只好解释这个是受到了自己嫉妒心的影响。 The strength arranges that wearing a mask thin person in Five Great Leaders, the name is Qing Mo. 实力排在五大首领中的那个蒙面瘦子,名字叫做‘青魔’。 It is said is an unusual bloodthirsty also has the extremely frantic fellow to the murder, why does not know, such psychological abnormal fellow, threw to Angel Alliance unexpectedly comes. 据说是个非常嗜血又对杀人有极度狂热的家伙,不知为什么,这样心理变态的家伙,竟然投到天使联盟这边来了。 Regarding this Qing Mo, Angel Alliance is always critical situation to him. 对于这个青魔,天使联盟对他一向如临大敌。 No one dares easily to be close to him. 没人敢轻易接近他。 But what not as people expected is, when Ji Wu Ri almost must exterminate a Angel castle, is he bravely steps forward, resists with all one's strength Ji Wu Ri, at the price of being on the verge of death, diverted Ji Wu Ri to be close for ten minutes, making companion retreat smoothly, recalled life that was close to 5000 Challenger. Until now, his has not fully recovered, precisely because this matter, lets Angel Alliance everyone accepted this resembles homicidal maniac Qing Mo...... in Angel Alliance many leaders, besides Silver Eyed Great Sage, the person who Ren Tian Ge most regards as important, was this Qing Mo. 但出乎人们意料的是,在姬无日几乎要灭绝一个天使城堡的时候,是他挺身而出,力敌姬无日,以濒死的代价,牵制了姬无日接近十分钟,让同伴顺利撤退,挽回了接近五千名挑战者的生命。直到现在,他的身体也还没有完全恢复,也正是因为这件事,让天使联盟每一个人都接受了这个像‘杀人狂’似的青魔……在天使联盟的诸多首领中,除了银瞳大贤者外,任天歌最看重的人,就是这个青魔了。 Yue Yang lives Qing Mo regarding this murder, felt like that familiar, he cannot affirm the Qing Mo status, but feels this fellow, definitely came from Heavenspan Tower. 岳阳对于这个杀人生‘青魔’,隐隐觉得有一种熟悉,他不敢肯定青魔的身份,但感觉这家伙,肯定是出身于通天塔 Perhaps is forced to keep the Heaven Realm Heavenspan Tower family of the deceased, perhaps is Heavenspan Tower Betrayal Clan. 也许是被迫留在天界通天塔遗族,也许是通天塔叛族 In any case, this Qing Mo in Yue Yang's Heavenly Eye Divine Vision, is is a little familiar the person. 反正,这个青魔岳阳的天目慧眼之中,就是一个‘有点熟悉’的人。 Toward Ancient Passage, with steady steps advancement. 远古通道,稳步推进。 Has Five Great Leaders to sit, about thousand elite Challenger clear the way, more than 2000 ordinary Challenger takes turns again in addition, although struggles hard, but also really does not have any, can prevent this pulling together to do something huge power. The monster in ancient tunnel, the death was serious, by starting the life and death resistance, to afterward, could not support gradually, a small number of timid underground monsters, started to escape, a round affected the whole body to collapse their resistance morale...... original Challenger, thinks that killed dark space lair this Underground City ruins, needs to pay the serious price and experiences ultimate struggle. 五大首领坐阵,又有近千名精锐挑战者开道,再加上两千多名普通挑战者轮换,虽然一路苦战,但还真没有什么,可以阻挡这一股拧成一股绳的巨大力量远古地道里的怪物,死亡惨重,由开始的决死抵抗,到后来,渐渐支撑不住,少数胆小的地下怪物,开始逃跑,一发牵动全身地崩溃了它们的抵抗士气……原来挑战者们,以为杀到暗空巢穴这个地下城废墟,需要付出惨重的代价和经历一场终极的苦战。 When Five Great Leaders leads to arrive. 没想到,当五大首领带队来到。 The entire Underground City ruins nobody left, was living innumerable Ancient Devil Beast dark space lair, a deathly stillness. 整个地下城废墟空无一人,原来生活着无数远古魔兽暗空巢穴,一片死寂。 Five Great Leaders, ordered the large unit to alert discretely for day, discovered that Ancient Devil Beast escaped really without a trace, relaxes secretly. 五大首领,谨慎地命令大部队戒备了一天,发现远古魔兽们真是逃得无影无踪了,才暗暗松了一口气。 This weaponry, like the two boxer, in as sincere as the fight of meat, even if occupies completely that side of winning side, is not relaxed, originally, occupies completely the winning side boxer to prepare to exhaust the final physical strength to start fatally strikes , before that fights with the fists, the opponent has fallen to the ground weak. 这仗,就像两个拳击手,在拳拳到肉的搏斗中,即使占尽上风的那一方,也毫不轻松,本来,占尽上风的拳击手准备耗尽最后的气力发动致命一击,没想到,那一拳打出来之前,对手已经不支倒地。 Although is finally good. 虽然结果再好不过。 But also has planting uncomfortable...... everyone who is hard to enjoy oneself to the full to take hundred people as the group, ten artificial teams, searched on this ancient times ruins, if discovered that any valuable Secret Treasure, we will act according to everyone's contribution to make the reasonable assignment.” Ren Tian Ge sent out one to let Challenger for the order that it cheered, Five Great Leaders not monopoly Secret Treasure, this without doubt was good thing, was the power that everyone treasure hunted. 但也有种难以尽兴的不爽……“大家都以百人为团,十人为队,在这个远古废墟上搜索,如果发现任何有价值的秘宝,我们都会根据大家的贡献而作出合理的分配。”任天歌发出了一条让挑战者们为之欢呼的命令,五大首领并不独占秘宝,这无疑是一件好事,也是大家寻宝的动力。 „......” Everyone is cheering, only has Yue Yang frowned. “……”所有人都在欢呼,只有岳阳皱了皱眉头 Five Great Leaders, does not come for what Secret Treasure obviously, their genuine goal should be Heavenly Devil Temple. 五大首领,显然不是为了什么秘宝而来,他们真正的目标应该是天魔神殿 If this point also within the anticipation of Yue Yang, these dark space lair this Underground City ruins, invincible trace, a deathly stillness, then a little stems from unexpected of Yue Yang. Ordinary Challenger, cannot completely understand the strangeness of this matter, but Yue Yang thought that is not so simple. The small and weak monster also has heart of the resistance at risk of life, why these powerful will Ancient Devil Beast, evade to draw back three sheds? According to the estimate of Yue Yang, lives in Underground City ruins Ancient Devil Beast, their strengths, should be right above Angel Alliance, otherwise, for ten million years, they had been exterminated by Challenger from generation to generation. 这一点如果说还在岳阳的意料之内,那些暗空巢穴这个地下城废墟,毫无敌踪,一片死寂,则有点出乎岳阳的意料之外。普通的挑战者,看不透这件事的诡异,但岳阳觉得绝非那么简单。弱小的怪物也有拼死抵抗之心,为何那些强大的远古魔兽,会避退三舍呢?按照岳阳的估计,生活在地下城废墟的远古魔兽,它们的实力,应该远在天使联盟之上才对,否则,千万年来,它们早就被一代又一代的挑战者灭绝了。 Since their strengths are stronger, why can evade to draw back three sheds to Challenger? 既然它们的实力更强,为何要对挑战者避退三舍呢? Moreover, Angel Alliance comes is not complete, even, because of the slaughter of Ji Wu Ri, Five Great Leaders subordinate elite is only left over thousand people of elite, by this strength, how possibly to retreat in fear innumerable Ancient Devil Beast? 而且,天使联盟来的又不是全部,甚至,因为姬无日的屠杀,五大首领的手下精锐仅剩下千人精锐,以这种实力,怎么可能吓退无数的远古魔兽呢? Simply is the joke! 简直是笑话! The issue is, this joke had...... Yue Yang to feel that this dark space lair Underground City ruins like a trap, cheating was certain, only can the pit fall many finally! 问题是,这个笑话发生了……岳阳感觉这个暗空巢穴地下城废墟就像一个陷阱,坑人是一定的,只是最后能坑掉多少! Ji Wu Ri walked, in Dark Camp, but also who has that big skill, can design to entrap Angel Alliance Five Great Leaders? If not the Dark Camp person behavior, is the Ancient Devil Beast King, has that high wisdom?” Yue Yang more is more anxious, suddenly, had a terrifying thought to flash through, making him fight a shiver unrestrainedly: Should, not be Devil Venerable Kai Tian of seal in Heavenly Devil Temple, has gotten out of trouble from the seal in?” 姬无日走了,在黑暗阵营中,还有谁有那么大的本事,可以设计坑害天使联盟五大首领?如果不是黑暗阵营的人所为,难道是远古魔兽的王者,有那么高的智慧?”岳阳越想越不安,忽然,有个恐怖念头闪过,让他情不自禁地打了个寒战:“该不会,是封印在天魔神殿里的开天魔尊,已经自封印中脱困了?” If, let alone Five Great Leaders, is Yue Yang, is careful. 如果真是,那别说五大首领,就是岳阳自己本身,也要小心谨慎。 Otherwise, perhaps will also let the trap of Lane Devil Venerable Kai Tian, entraps here. 否则,说不定也会让开天魔尊的陷阱,坑害在这里。 In the Yue Yang heart sends intermittently coldly. 岳阳心中阵阵发寒。 The intuition resulted in the whole body fine hair to set upright, first time, he had a body to enter the terrifying feeling of fingers/tiger mouth. 直觉得浑身的汗毛都倒竖了起来,第一次,他有种身入虎口的恐怖感。 That living tens of thousands years of old codger, is really not that affable, should better is not the Devil Venerable Kai Tian difficulty-relief, otherwise, what did that still die the person to be many...... you stupidly to gawk in this? Has dark space lair heard? Have the Underground City ruins listened? Here Secret Treasure, what does your boy also wait for simply everywhere? Hurries to look!” The dark-skinned one-eyed guy, makes an effort a racket on Yue Yang's shoulder, thinks in the sea to awaken him. 那种活了几万年的老不死,果然不是那么好惹的,最好不是开天魔尊脱困,不然的话,那就死得人多了……“你还在这傻楞什么?暗空巢穴听说过没有?地下城废墟听过没有?在这里简直满地秘宝,你小子还等什么啊?赶紧找!”皮肤黝黑的独眼大汉,用力地在岳阳的肩膀上一拍,把他自思海中惊醒过来。 Everywhere Secret Treasure?” After Yue Yang listened, fought a shiver, swallows saliva to ask: Here has Secret Treasure, who first is passes on?” “满地秘宝?”岳阳听了之后,又打了个寒战,咽下一口唾液问:“这里有秘宝,最先是谁传出来的?” Is who passes on? Was Silver Eyed Great Sage says! Your boy does not think that people like him will also lie likely? Wanted me saying that you must do was not the good wonderful treasure treasure trove to keep asking likely, why do not ask, rubbish, you must do only, acted!” The one-eyed guy criticizes Yue Yang harshly, if it were not for looked that in Yue Yang is newbie that anything does not understand, he must enjoy a Yue Yang fist, because, in his front, no one can question the Silver Eyed Great Sage words. “是谁传出来的?是银瞳大贤者说的!你小子不是认为像他那样的人也会说谎吧?要我说,你要做的不是像个好奇宝宝地问个不停,不要问为什么,不要废话,你唯一要做的,就是行动!”独眼大汉严厉地批评岳阳,要不是看在岳阳是个啥也不懂的新人,他都要赏岳阳一拳,因为,在他的面前,没人能质疑银瞳大贤者的话。 Frightens!” Yue Yang when heard, is shocked. “吓!”岳阳一听,惊呆。 He a little suspected to Silver Eyed Great Sage, now when heard, thinks the questionable point hundred live. 他本来就对银瞳大贤者有点怀疑,现在一听,更是觉得疑点百生。 As if induces to Yue Yang inquired that own matter, Silver Eyed Great Sage has turned head suddenly, like a smile yet not a smile looked that’ Yue Yang...... Student Yue Yang looked at the hair to tingle with numbness by opposite side, catches up to reduce the body, hides in the crowd, hoping [Counterfeit] Inherent Skill can successfully get by under false pretences by oneself. 似乎感应到岳阳询问自己的事,银瞳大贤者忽然回过头,似笑非笑地‘看’了岳阳一眼……岳阳同学对方看得头发发麻,赶紧缩起身子,躲在人群中,希望伪装天赋可以让自己成功蒙混过关。 Ren Tian Ge pays attention to Silver Eyed Great Sage to turn head, asks: What having isn't right?” 任天歌又注意银瞳大贤者回头,问道:“有什么不对吗?” The reply of Silver Eyed Great Sage was no longer the same as before, but smiled the nod: Has newbie, as if very interesting appearance.” 银瞳大贤者的回答跟之前不再一样,而是略带微笑地点头:“有个新人,似乎很有趣的样子。” His saying. 他这一说。 In other Four Great Leaders, various people's responses all are different. 其余的四大首领中,各人的反应皆是不同。 Ren Tian Ge first is stunned, immediately is delighted, laughs saying: Since you said interesting, haha, that this newbie is very certainly interesting, I like such newbie.” 任天歌先是错愕,随即欢喜,大笑道:“既然你说有趣,哈哈,那这个新人一定很有趣,我喜欢这样的新人。” scarlet-haired such as Hao Ge of demon disdain snort/hum the sound, he cared about nothing regarding strength very weak newbie. 赤发如魔的豪格不屑地哼了声,他对于实力很弱的新人毫不在乎。 Proud charming swordsman brow slightly wrinkle. 骄傲的帅气剑客眉头微皱。 But he on the shift line of sight, ignores quickly, focuses on other aspect. 但他很快就转移视线,置之不理,将注意力放在别的方面。 That wearing a mask thin person named Qing Mo actually exceptionally searched to Yue Yang here direction carefully several, as if wants mixing interesting newbie in crowd looking, his vision, except for the murderous intention, the murderous intention...... if it were not for Ren Tian Ge calls him to leave, it is estimated that this Qing Mo, must look to be willing Yue Yang, does not know why Qing Mo has that intense murderous intention to newbie. 那个名叫青魔的蒙面瘦子却异常仔细地向岳阳这边的方向搜索了数遍,似乎想把混在人群中的有趣新人给找出来,他的目光,除了杀机,还是杀机……要不是任天歌唤他离开,估计这个青魔,非要把岳阳找出来才甘心,也不知道,青魔为何对新人有那么强烈的杀机。 Sometimes, the life needs an interest.” Silver Eyed Great Sage spoke one to have the speech of philosophy, listened in the Yue Yang ear, thought that this has double meaning, had another meaning. “有时候,生活需要一点趣味。”银瞳大贤者讲了一句非常有哲理的说话,听在岳阳耳里,却觉得这是一语双关,别有另一种意思。
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