LLS :: Volume #6

#1045: Devil Venerable Kai Tian

Ren Tian Ge can see, this newbie, is joins in midway bewilderedly, initiates that little youngster that Silver Eyed Great Sage pays attention to continuously. 任天歌一眼就可以看得出,这名新人,就是中途莫明其妙地加入,连续引发银瞳大贤者关注的那个小年轻 At that time if it were not for impatient treasure hunted since the ancient times mystical place, but also really wants to see this can let him who Silver Eyed Great Sage regarded with a special fondness. 当时要不是心急进入远古秘境寻宝,还真想见一见这位能够让银瞳大贤者另眼相看的他。 Now, this does youngster, by newbie power, successfully run away unexpectedly successfully? 现在,这位年轻人,竟然以一个新人力量,成功逃遁成功? Most inconceivable, was he also carried off three companion. 最不可思议的,是他还带走了三个同伴 God sand!” “神沙!” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), looked at for quite a while, suddenly as if understood anything. 幽灵王虚影,看了半天,忽然似乎明白了什么。 He pulls out seven color Aquarius, makes an effort to wield...... brilliance to flash toward the side around the inside brilliance myriad dust, such as the killer of underlying was seen through an affair camouflaged such, in the Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) side, the innumerable grid and handhole -type space appears, that precious incomparable god sand has fluttered the place, Golden Halo Shield that the gold/metal sword giant raises, appears a completely different special world. 他掏出一个七彩宝瓶,将里面光华万千的粉尘往身边周围用力一挥……光华闪动,如隐伏的杀手被拆穿了伪装那样,于幽灵王虚影的身边,无数网格和筛眼式的空间出现,那珍贵无比的神沙飘过之处,金剑巨人升起的金色护罩,显现出一片完全不同的特殊世界。 In this world, the world no longer hangs upside down, but the myriad things no longer are also strange. 在这个世界里,天地不再倒悬,而万物也不再诡异。 Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and other super Ranker felt pressed by the mountain has not gasped for breath, the reason is all of them, the position has been built on the world edge, the intention goes through the endless space outside principle, therefore situated in that insurmountable Power of Law backlash. 幽灵王虚影等超级强者之所以感觉被大山压得喘不过气来,原因是他们所有人,都已经位立于天地边缘,意图穿行出法则之外的无尽空间,于是一位处于那种不可逾越的法则力量反噬中。 Almost instantaneously, everyone has reversed the body, restores to the natural condition, no longer contends with that Power of Law. 几乎瞬间,所有人都逆转过身体,恢复到自然的状态,不再与那股法则力量相抗衡。 But Ren Tian Ge and other leaders, realized, just now golds sword giant instant kill ten thousand people of that sword. 任天歌等首领,更是意识到,刚才剑巨人秒杀万人的那一剑。 It is not opposite side is powerful. 并非对方强大。 But is that ten thousand people of position, the handhole situated in grid, should fall into the crevice of space principle entirely, rather than by second to become fragments. 而是那万人的位置,统统位于网格的筛眼中,应该是掉进了空间法则的裂隙,而不是被秒成齑粉。 My several thousand years do not hate to use god sand, cannot think, a day of display function.” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) is happy and anger, happy is discovers the vitality to reappear, the life is worry-free ; The anger as a Dark Camp leader, was deceived among in Zhanggu by the enemy unexpectedly. if it were not for that youngster successfully flees, it is estimated that everyone will die here. “我数千年也舍不得使用的‘神沙’,想不到,还有发挥作用的一天。”幽灵王虚影又喜又怒,喜是发现生机重现,性命无忧;怒是作为一个黑暗阵营的首领,竟然被敌人愚弄于掌股之间。要不是那个年轻人成功遁逃,估计所有人都会死在这里。 Beheads!” “斩首!” Skin King Xie Ti, is first rushes to assault. 剥皮王血剃,更是第一个冲上去抢攻。 Without regaining natural order, under Power of Law backlash, if to playing a trick the gold/metal sword giant of deceit attacks, is equal to committing suicide. However is now different, regained the natural order, no one stupidly will attack that absolutely unshakeable Power of Law, but is genuine attack that gold/metal sword giant. In situation that can display full power, Skin King Xie Ti has a mind challenged that to deceive everyone gods. 如果没有恢复自然秩序,在法则力量反噬之下,如果向设局欺骗的金剑巨人攻击,等于自杀。但是现在不同,恢复了自然秩序,谁也不会傻乎乎地攻击那股绝对不可动摇的法则力量,而是真正的攻击那位金剑巨人。能全力发挥的情况下,剥皮王血剃有心挑战一下那位欺骗了所有人的‘神明’。 destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth cuts, ripped open hundred-meter Space Crack from the sky in directly. 毁天灭地的一斩,直接自天空中撕开了一道长达百米的空间裂隙 Wide approximately three meters. 宽约三米。 And, all turn into the debris. 其中,一切变成空间碎片。 By Xie Ti power, the broken space is also easy, if it were not for feared that touches that Power of Law situated in edge region seal entire space, he can also display bigger power, has a more terrifying destruction. 血剃力量,破碎空间也是轻而易举的,要不是怕触及那股位于边缘区域封印整个空间的法则力量,他还可以发挥出更大的力量,产生更恐怖的破坏。 Skin King Xie Ti, can it be that the generation of having unearned reputation! 剥皮王血剃,又岂是浪得虚名之辈! Unrealistical Clown!” That gold/metal sword giant, actually assumingly stretches out a single finger, the left hand index finger, blocked Xie Ti to be close to ease full power cut again. “不自量力的小丑!”那金剑巨人,却傲慢地伸出一根手指,左手食指,轻松地挡住了血剃接近全力的重斩。 Breathes out......” “嘘……” Sees such meeting to incur, all people suck in cold air. 看见这样的接招,全体人不禁倒抽一口凉气。 Although gold/metal sword giant just now deceived everyone, not a sword instant kill ten thousand Challenger, but his strength, is without doubt terrorist. 虽说金剑巨人刚才是欺骗了大家,并没有一剑秒杀万名挑战者,但他的实力,无疑是恐怖的。 Cuts one's throat, dismemberment and crack body, to dig the heart, to skin and break the muscle, to blow the bone!” Skin King Xie Ti was angry like a lion, both hands erupts the rainstorm attack, the unique skill of becoming famous put forth like the windmill. But that gold/metal sword giant, still by the left hand, the one by one standard kept off, disdains to counter-attack with the gold/metal sword of right hand radically. Until now, everyone was understood, this gold/metal sword giant, even without sword instant kill ten thousand people of strengths, could not miss many. He at all is not a leader can resist alone, naturally, does not have to be able powerful instant kill all possibilities. “刎颈、肢解、裂躯、挖心、剥皮、断筋、刮骨!”剥皮王血剃愤怒得就像一头狮子,双手爆发了暴风雨般的打击,成名的绝招如同风车般使出。但那个金剑巨人,仍然以左手,一一格挡,根本不屑用右手的金剑回击。直到现在,大家算是明白了,这位金剑巨人,即使没有一剑秒杀万人的实力,也差不了多少。他根本不是一位首领可以单独对抗的,当然,也没有强大到可以秒杀全体的可能性。 On, we should be able to be in the upper hand together slightly.” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) what and the others thing, looks at Xie Ti and battle of gold/metal sword giant, can make the quite accurate judgment. Why the gold/metal sword giant does not use the sword, has not had scruples others to besiege! “一起上,我们应该能稍占上风。”幽灵王虚影等人物,一看血剃与金剑巨人的交战,就能作出比较准确的判断。金剑巨人为啥不用剑,还不是顾忌其余的人围攻! What's wrong?” Ren Tian Ge this time, routinely was still soliciting the suggestions of Silver Eyed Great Sage. “如何?”任天歌在这时候,仍然习惯性地征求银瞳大贤者的意见。 Defeated possibility has seven nature, creates 20% lightly, heavily injured 10%, strike becomes can natural insufficient 1% that kills, almost not possibly. Moreover, even heavily injured, we must pay the huge price.” Silver Eyed Great Sage made compared with a Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) more accurate judgment. After the computation, this battle can hit, but will be very it is estimated that frigid, particularly, the condition must , in opposite side does not have in the situation of helper. “击败的可能性有七性,轻创20%,重创10%,击杀的成能性不足百分之一,几乎没有可能。而且,即使是重创,我方也要付出巨大的代价。”银瞳大贤者作出了比幽灵王虚影更加准确的判断。经过计算,这一仗能打,但估计会很惨烈,尤其是,条件还得在对方没有帮手的情况下。 On!” scarlet-haired such as Hao Ge when heard of demon has 70% possibilities, what also waits for? “上!”赤发如魔的豪格一听有70%可能,还等什么? „Very exciting!” Wearing a mask Qing Mo also thought that now not to work with a common purpose, extremely possibly makes gold/metal sword giant defeat one by one individually, loses the battle advantage again. “很刺激!”蒙面的青魔也觉得现在不齐心协力,极可能让金剑巨人逐一单个击破,再次失去战局优势。 Qianzhong belt/bring person leaves, returns to outside Secret Door, dispatching elite to return to camping ground, requested the reinforcements, was best you to go back to command the army to come.” Ren Tian Ge as a big leader, knows the reinforcement importance, if in camping ground the remaining several leaders, catch up to lead a cheer, then believes that battle changes for the better greatly. 千重带人离开,返回秘门外,派遣精锐返回营地,请求援兵,最好你能够自己回去率军前来。”任天歌身为一个大首领,知道援军的重要性,如果营地里剩下的几位首领,都赶来助阵,那么相信战局大有好转。 Wild Boar King you are also the same.” Skeleton King Jin Hai also told that side a Dark Camp leader, hurries back to Dark Camp to bring the reinforcements. 野猪王你也一样。”骷髅王金骸也吩咐黑暗阵营那边的一位首领,赶回黑暗阵营带来援兵。 Selecting War God is bright. 战神明。 Arduous Quest that in one single day cannot complete absolutely. 绝对不是一朝一夕可以完成的艰巨任务 Ren Tian Ge, is the Dark Camp head, has prepared protracted war. 无论是任天歌,还是黑暗阵营的首脑,都已经做好持久战的准备。 Can lead dregs Qianzhong is an ally of Ren Tian Ge comparison trust, the strength is not weak, and has certain strategy, not like Hao Ge rash, that does not lie concealed like Qing Mo. Hao Ge and Qing Mo go back, Ren Tian Ge did not feel relieved very much, Silver Eyed Great Sage is also essential, must present, therefore, he sent out beautiful swordsman Qianzhong that sends by the great reputation. 帅得掉渣的千重任天歌比较信任的一个盟友,实力不弱,而且拥有一定的智谋,不像豪格那样莽撞,也不像青魔那么隐伏。豪格青魔回去,任天歌都不是很放心,银瞳大贤者又不可缺少,必须在场,所以,他派出了寄以重望的美剑客千重 But Dark Camp that side, sent the surface unable to withstand Wild Boar King that the strength careful such as sent boorishly. 黑暗阵营那方,也派了表面粗野不堪实力心细如发的野猪王 Qianzhong and Wild Boar King two, the wheel turns swears an oath , indicating oneself will certainly lead to bring reinforcement to hurry back as soon as possible. Also protects elite that remaining dozens have not been falling into a trap, withdraws from tertiary Teleportation Secret Door slowly. 千重野猪王两个,轮翻赌咒,表示自己一定会尽快率带援军赶回来。又护着剩下的几十名没有落入陷阱的精锐,缓缓退出第三重传送秘门 I believe, our camp should time-out make war, do you feel?” Wild Boar King before, made a showing good will proposition on point of departure suddenly. “我认为,我们双方阵营应该暂停开战,你觉得呢?”野猪王在临别之前,忽然作出了一个示好的提议。 Good.” The beautiful swordsman Qianzhong nod complies. “好。”美剑客千重点头答应。 elite one of the two camps rejoiced, if selecting War God bright this moment, the two camps must erupt the dying war. 双方阵营的精锐都一阵庆幸,如果在挑战神明的这一刻,双方阵营还要爆发死战。 Then finally, will be inconceivable, it is estimated that the two camps will exterminate, the leader is Ren Tian Ge, Silver Eyed Great Sage and Xu Ying (phantom), Jin Hai, Xie Ti wait/etc super Ranker is all extinguished by the gods, but the two camps after various damage arrogantly, under dying war, perhaps will turn into the ultimate war of black day secret blood stream floating pestle, without the high-rank restriction, the war will be out of control...... falls into the quagmire of wear any challenger, is all hard to escape by luck! 那么结果,将不堪设想,估计双方阵营都会灭绝,首领是任天歌银瞳大贤者虚影金骸血剃等等超级强者会被神明全灭,而双方阵营在各自大损后,死战之下,也许会变成乌天暗地血流飘杵的终极战争,没有上位者的制约,战争将一发不可收拾……陷入战争泥潭的任何挑战者,皆难以幸免! Because of peace two advantages, war double extinguishing possibility. 正因为和平两利,战争双灭的可能。 Originally arrogant Dark Camp and strength are higher than beautiful swordsman Qianzhong Wild Boar King slightly, will pledge like this excellent condition. 原来盛气凌人的黑暗阵营和实力稍高于美剑客千重野猪王,才会开出这样的优厚的条件。 Said goodbye.” Wild Boar King looked that beautiful swordsman Qianzhong complies, in the heart secretly rejoices, stemming from salutes to make farewell speech politely, this, even is his entire life first time this to the Angel Alliance Challenger. Thus it can be seen, Wild Boar King selects the War God bright this matter regarding both sides with joint forces, paid the sincerity. “告辞。”野猪王看美剑客千重答应下来,心中暗喜,出于礼貌地行礼作别,这,甚至是他生平第一次天使联盟的挑战者这样做。由此可见,野猪王对于双方合力挑战神明这一件事,付出了多大的诚意。 Please lose headway, does not accompany a long way......” Qianzhong also to return salute with a smile. “请慢行,恕不远送……”千重也含笑还礼。 At this time, Angel Alliance, is Dark Camp, all salutes upon meeting to opposite side, blessed respectively, everyone really wished to select the War God bright success sincerely, rescued by the brother who the trap was stranded. 此时,无论是天使联盟,还是黑暗阵营,皆向对方见礼,各自祝福,所有人都真心希望挑战神明成功,营救出被陷阱所困的弟兄。 Separately is about to leave in both sides checks. 就在双方准备分头离开的一刹。 Beautiful swordsman Qianzhong that can lead the dregs, puts out a hand to draw a sword suddenly. 那位帅得掉渣的美剑客千重,忽然伸手拔剑。 A sword in the sky. 一剑当空。 The might also exceeds the just now golds sword giant just now instant kill ten thousand people of that sword unexpectedly, under the Wild Boar King desperate gaze, originally strength, only then Supreme Level 5 beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, move of instant kill including Wild Boar King everyone. About hundred elite, strength Supreme Level 6 Wild Boar King, makes Sword Qi cut two halves completely, the body first separation, stands executes at the scene! 威力竟然还胜过刚才剑巨人刚才秒杀万人的那一剑,于野猪王绝望的注视下,原来实力只有至尊五级的美剑客千重,一招秒杀了包括野猪王在内的所有人。近百名精锐,实力至尊六级野猪王,全部让剑气一斩两半,身首分离,立毙当场! Although there is an ingredient of sneak attack, but without a doubt, the might of this sword, can fully the instant kill complete person. 尽管有偷袭的成分,但毫无疑问,这一剑的威力,足可以秒杀全部人。 Can lead the beautiful swordsman of dregs slowly to turn over to the sheath the treasured sword, beckons to a Void(Xu Kong) blank: little friend, comes out, I really want to know how you do discover Heavenly Sieve Dimension? I am not clearer, youngster like you, oneself escaping also has no problem secretly, why can also rescue how many ants? If not such, I will not even have focused on your body , my original goal, but Ren Tian Ge they, now, I instead to you most interested!” 帅得掉渣的美剑客缓缓地将宝剑归鞘,向虚空一处空白招了招手:“小朋友,出来吧,我真的很想知道,你是怎么发现‘天筛空间’的?我更加不明白,像你这样的年轻人,自己偷偷的逃跑也就算了,为什么还要救几个蝼蚁呢?如果不是那样,我甚至还不会把重点放在你的身上,要知道,我原来的目标可是任天歌他们,现在,我反而对你最有兴趣!” Student Yue Yang and frightens Tauren that the whole body trembles, the whole face pallid four arm odd people, frightens the dusk directly short Fatty and a heavily injured remain unconscious one-eyed guy, appears the figure from Void(Xu Kong) in slowly. 岳阳同学和吓得浑身发抖的牛头人,满脸煞白的四臂怪人,还有个直接吓昏的矮胖子和一个重创晕迷不醒的独眼大汉,自虚空中缓缓现出身形。 Except for him, no one can smile. 除了他,没有人能够笑得出来。 Sees beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, on the Yue Yang face to smile as brilliant as a sun: Cannot think that legendary Devil Venerable Kai Tian, unexpectedly is pretty boy!” 看见美剑客千重,岳阳脸上笑得阳光灿烂:“想不到传说中开天魔尊,竟然是个小白脸!” Some person inborn looks commanders-in-chief, but also really does not have the means......” beautiful swordsman Qianzhong not to deny, instead laughs, meets like old friend beckons to Yue Yang: little friend, your looks is not bad, my seldom sees the man also to smile is more attractive than the woman. youngster like you, massacred, very pitifully , are you my subordinate?” “有的人天生长得帅,还真没有办法……”美剑客千重也不否认,反而哈哈大笑起来,又像老朋友见面那样向岳阳招手:“小朋友,你长得也不差,我很少看见有男子笑得比女人还好看的。像你这样的年轻人,杀掉了,非常可惜,要不,你来做我的手下?” If you are a female, perhaps I will consider, I to male has no interest.” Yue Yang flatly refused. “如果你是个女的,我也许会考虑一下,我对男的没兴趣。”岳阳一口拒绝了。 That did not have the means that I cannot see looks more graceful than me youngster that moreover the potential was bigger than me, grew, then threatened my safety.” beautiful swordsman Qianzhong probes finally asked: „Don't you really consider? Relied on your present strength, at all possibly is not my opponent!” “那就没办法了,我总不能看见一个长得比我帅而且潜力比我大的年轻人,一路成长,然后威胁到我的生命安全。”美剑客千重最后试探地问:“你真的不考虑一下吗?要知道,凭你现在的实力,根本不可能是我的对手!” Hitting, that definitely is unbearable, but couldn't I be victorious will not run?” On the Yue Yang face is maintaining the smile. “打,那肯定是够呛,但我打不过还不会跑吗?”岳阳脸上保持着微笑。 „Can you be inescapable?” beautiful swordsman Qianzhong was skeptical. “你跑得了?”美剑客千重表示怀疑。 That gives a try!” Student Yue Yang is confident about own escaping skill. “那就试试看!”岳阳同学对自己的逃跑本事充满信心。
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