LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#523: Cat cat

Cat cat......” “猫啊猫……” , whish —— 、哗—— The heavy rain filled the trim world in a twinkling. 大雨霎时间弥漫了整片天地。 In the person of rain first month of summer the season such as it comes suddenly hit to be caught off guard garden, running that maidservant hurried, tidied up is hanging the clothing in courtyard, the gray curtain of rain covered the scenery outside entire multistoried house compound probably, in opened window, the fair full point is teasing cat that lay down on the ground. 初夏时节忽如其来的雨将庭院中的人打了个措手不及,丫鬟慌忙的奔跑,收拾着挂在院子里的衣物,灰色的雨幕像是笼罩了整个楼院外的景色,打开的窗户里,白皙的足尖正在逗弄着躺在地上的猫。 Meow.” The cat that is extremely insulted called threateningly, expelled that only stupid human. On the bed, the head entangled Jin'er of bandage to take back the fine foot, blinks bored. “喵。”不堪受辱的猫张牙舞爪地叫了出来,赶跑了那只愚蠢的人类。床上,头上缠了绷带的锦儿收回纤足,无聊地眨了眨眼睛。 Therefore defeated cat of human to lie there continues to nap, Jin'er looked at the moment, stretched out the foot to select it sharp, the nevertheless its belly of this flexure, the kitten shook the head, half body leaned, finally passed the moment entire to be overthrown. The fair fine foot is rubbing on its belly gently, the kitten was sprawled out, exuded the satisfied cry. 于是打败了人类的猫儿趴在那儿继续打盹了,锦儿看了片刻,又伸出了足尖去点它,这次挠的却是它的肚皮了,小猫晃了晃头,半个身体侧起来,过得片刻终于被整个推翻。白皙的纤足在它的肚皮上轻轻揉着,小猫四脚朝天,发出了满足的叫声。 Oh...... cat cat, my quite bored Ah…...” ……猫啊猫,我好无聊啊……” Jin'er said in a soft voice, but the kitten is enjoying the massage of human slave, narrows the eye to pay no attention to her. 锦儿轻声说道,但小猫享受着人类奴隶的按摩,眯着眼睛不理她。 Sister Yunzhu has the matter, with that Su...... Um, follows near Su Family Elder Sister, although Little Chan gets along with me, but also is that side them, they have the matter, I entangle unable to run all over the place...... , when that Ning Yi comes back Ah…...” 云竹姐有事,跟那个苏……,跟苏家姐姐走得又近,小婵虽然跟我好,但也是她们那边的,她们都有事,我缠着头又不能乱跑下去……,那个宁毅什么时候回来啊……” The rain under out of the window, blocks from the young girl concern that room talked in whispers. Jin'er looks at the satisfaction of under foot kitten, is raising head to sigh. 雨在窗外下,遮住了房间里窃窃私语的少女心事。锦儿看着脚下小猫的惬意,仰着头叹了口气。 Cat cat...... I , if good like you, was tramped about is not angry, teasing is very happy. Oh. My quite sad Ah…... is not. I am not sad, however, Sister Yunzhu she revolted,...... Su Family Elder Sister becomes with that very well. You know that she is the big merchant, anything remembers very clearly, because I before the Sister Yunzhu matter have spoken the harsh language to her, she later the small shoes will certainly put on to me......” “猫啊猫……我要是像你这样多好,被人踩来踩去也不生气,逗一逗就很开心。。我好伤心啊……也不是。我不是伤心啦,可是啊,云竹姐她叛变了,跟那个……苏家姐姐变得很好。你知道吗,她是大商人啊,什么事情都记得很清楚的,我以前因为云竹姐的事情跟她说过重话,她以后一定会给我小鞋穿的……” „Do you know? My Ah…... has wanted to marry. Because marries, some of my also people gave shelter,...... however more arrived with your same no? must get married. My more was worried. Moreover gets married is also very strange. On that day was very happy, suddenly hit, my blurry looking Ning Yi, the head was then bumped into. Then Ning Yi also goes out to revenge...... I to have no way to get out of bed. When responded. An appearance of jubilation does not have. You said, my actually was marries, has not married......” “你知道吗?我本来啊……一直都很想嫁过来的。因为嫁过来,我就也有人收留了啊,跟你一样对不对……可是越到要成亲了。我就越担心。而且成亲也很奇怪啊。那天本来很开心的,忽然就打起来了,我迷迷糊糊的找宁毅,然后脑袋就被碰到了。接着宁毅也出去报仇……我又没法下床。等到反应过来。一点喜庆的样子都没有啦。你说,我到底算是嫁过来了呢,还是没有嫁过来……” The young girls feel the neck worriedly: Before listened to these people who in Goldwind House married to say. Once gets married, person who has the family/home. Although before with Sister Yunzhu in together was also the family/home, but unlike this was. The feeling that however Ah…... I have not gotten married now, without that type one turns into the idea of another person suddenly. I know that Sister Yunzhu also somewhat feels helpless, but I do not dare to tell her......” 少女苦恼地摸着颈项:“以前听金风楼里嫁出去的那些人说。一旦过了门,就是有家的人了。虽然以前跟云竹姐在一块也算是家,但是跟这个是不同的。可是啊……我现在都没有嫁了人的感觉,没有那种忽然一下就变成另外一个人的想法。我知道云竹姐也有些不知所措,可我不敢跟她说……” I anything can before...... her who Sister Yunzhu told , however this time, I know that Sister Yunzhu is also worried about Ning Yi, I was not good to raise. Does the cat the cat, this wait on a husband later feeling of? I had same husband with Sister Yunzhu...... Um, Ning Yi......” “我以前什么事都可以跟云竹姐说的……”她“”了一下,“可是这次,我知道云竹姐也在担心宁毅,我就不好提起来了。猫啊猫,这就是共侍一夫以后的感觉吗?我跟云竹姐有了同一个相公了……,宁毅……” In her mouth faint sighed, sat, lifts that kitten at present, looked the moment with it. The eye of kitten is opening the eyes greatly, two short claw proceed to extend motionlessly, Jin'er is then also staring to look at it, passes the moment, roused the cheeks to approach toward it, but was afraid by the kitten finally is grasped, put down it. The kitten seizes the chance to jump down the bed, runs outside the room, in this time, outside noise of the rain transmitted the different noises. 她口中微微叹气,坐了起来,将那只小猫举在眼前,与它对望了片刻。小猫的眼睛大大地睁着,两只短短的爪子一动不动地往前伸,锦儿便也瞪着眼睛望着它,过得片刻,鼓了鼓脸颊往它靠近,但终于害怕被小猫抓,将它放下了。小猫趁机跳下床去,跑出屋外,也在此时,外面的雨声中传来了不一样的喧嚣。 Jin'er in the heart moves, barefoot jumps down the bed, stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe slightly to rush to the bedside to peep outward. soon after opens mouth, slightly runs. That noise in rain continued for a long time, subsides after gradually, some people from staircase that come, then changing course room. 锦儿心中一动,赤足跳下床,踮着脚尖小跑到床边朝外偷看。随后张了张嘴,又小跑回去。雨中的那一阵喧嚣持续了好久,渐渐平息下来之后,有人从楼梯那头过来,然后转进房间。 On the bed in room, the head wraps the young girl of bandage to be sideways to rest there, faint is rolling up the body. In the slightly cool air, the body of young girl is elegant and slender, as a result of head wound, making her whole person look like somewhat frail, ** the calf and both feet revealed in the air. 房间里的床上,头上包着绷带的少女侧身睡在那儿,微微蜷缩着身子。微凉的空气中,少女的身体纤秀、修长,由于头上的伤,令她整个人看来有些单薄,**的小腿、双足露出在空气里。 Ning Yi sits down in the bedside gently, puts out a hand to pull up nearby thin blanket, makes contact with her as far as possible dexterously. Then sat there calmly looks at her. 宁毅轻轻地在床边坐下,伸手拉起旁边的薄毯,尽量轻巧地给她搭上。然后便坐在那儿静静地看她了。 The present young girl has the charming beautiful facial features. The delicate eyebrows like the black, below are open then appear the attractive eyes, exquisite fine jade nose and lips, lithe chin. Even if at this time seems frail, she has is also the lightest and liveliest happy figure. Ning Yi finger slides gently upward following her calf, outlines the line that the young girl body fluctuates by touching that does not awaken by noise the sleeper as far as possible, when shoulder, downward, after the arm, touched her finger slowly. 眼前的少女有着迷人姣好的面容。秀眉如黛,下面是睁开便显得灵秀的双眼,小巧的琼鼻与双唇,轻盈的下巴。纵然此时显得单薄,她所拥有的也是最为轻灵美好的身形。宁毅的手指顺着她的小腿轻轻地往上滑去,以尽量不吵醒睡眠者的触碰勾勒出少女身体起伏的线条,待到了肩膀时,才缓缓往下,经过手臂,触碰了她的手指 finger fluttered gently. When Ning Yi toward on the face of Jin'er looks, actually sees an opening eye, is closing fast. 手指轻轻地勾住了。宁毅锦儿的脸上看去时,却见一只睁开的眼睛,正在飞快地闭上。 Uh......” ……” Ning Yi faint leaning leaning head. 宁毅微微偏了偏头。 Jin'er is still closing one's eyes tightly, is only under the eyelid fast the earth movement, passes the moment, she looked like the tropical fish to blow up the double cheek generally, opened the eye, revealed stressed the awkward expression after package. Ning Yi shows the smile, her unexpectedly made an effort to sit. 锦儿还在紧闭着眼睛,只是眼皮之下飞快地动着,过得片刻,她像热带鱼一般的鼓起了双颊,睁开眼睛,露出了抓包后的尴尬表情。宁毅才露出笑容,她倒是用力地坐起来了。 Ning Yi said: You have the wound, first leaves...... Uh......” to finish barely the words, Jin'er one approaches, the chin puts on his shoulder, made an effort to grasp him. soon after Ning Yi must grasp her. 宁毅道:“你有伤,先别…………”话音未落,锦儿的一下靠近来,下巴搁在他肩膀上,用力地抱住了他。随后宁毅也只得将她抱住了。 Resourceful and courageous Jin'er closes one's eyes: Then does not need to explain that oneself pretends to be sleeping. Her soon after is feeling his hug satisfiedly. Ning Yi hand-held on her nape, another hand is stroking following her back, then slid, hugged her carefully...... 机智勇敢的锦儿闭着眼睛:这下不用解释自己在装睡了。她随后满足地感受着他的拥抱。宁毅的一只手扶在她的后颈上,另一只手顺着她的脊背抚摸着,然后滑下去了,将她小心地搂了起来…… Body of Jin'er instantaneously stiff, she feels him to place the movement on bed her, the heart jumps suddenly quickly. However Ning Yi soon after has not pressed on her body, but is holding her hand, lay down in side. 锦儿的身体瞬间僵硬了一下,她感受着他将她放在床上的动作,心忽然就跳得很快。不过宁毅随后并没有压在她的身上,而是拉着她的一只手,在旁边躺下了。 On you have the wound, should not the such big movement.” “你身上有伤,不应该这么大动作。” Jin'er lay down abreast in row good with him, finally opens the eye, said in a soft voice: Actually...... my wound was already almost good?” 锦儿与他并排躺了好一阵,终于睁开眼睛,轻声道:“其实……我的伤已经差不多好了?” Um?” ?” The bandage that Jin'er puts out a hand to meet, blushes low voice however said: already was almost good......” 锦儿伸手碰了碰头上的绷带,小声赧然道:“已经差不多好了……” Ning Yi gawked staring, then could not bear smile. Jin'er is pursing the lips somewhat shy. Ning Yi lay down unexpectedly to relax the spirit: Actually looked that your head is going against the appearance of bandage, reminding me of me just to wake.” 宁毅愣了愣,然后忍不住笑了出来。锦儿抿着嘴有些害羞。宁毅躺着倒是放松了精神:“其实看你头上顶着绷带的样子,让我想起了我刚醒过来的时候。” Um?” ?” Was hit by Xue Jin, then just woke up, the head is tying the arms the bandage. Afterward knows was also hit in getting married.” “被薛进打了,然后刚醒来的时候,头上绑着绷带。后来知道也是在成亲的时候被打的。” I...... I do not know hit......” Jin'er is somewhat saying embarrassed, Ning Yi then also smiles, his unexpectedly knows. “我……我都不知道是不是被打的……”锦儿有些不好意思地说着,宁毅便也笑起来,他倒是知道的。 Got married that night situation is quite chaotic, perhaps regarding Jin'er, could be called is the fierce combat, soon after saw the blood. Running all over the place of Jin'er Aaahhhh, seems like saw that some people assassinate Ning Yi. Comes to help. soon after fell a tumble directly, after crossing one , when Ning Yi discovery, the head of Jin'er is the blood, after assassin runs away . He convened the strength that can use to trace at that time. 成亲那天晚上的局势颇为混乱,对于锦儿来说,恐怕称得上是刀光剑影,随后又见了血。锦儿啊啊啊的乱跑,似乎是见到有人行刺宁毅。过来想要帮忙。随后直接摔了一跤,过了一阵之后宁毅发现时,锦儿的头上都是血,以至于刺客跑掉之后。他当时就召集了可以动用的力量想要追踪。 After Doctor had looked . Knows that her head blood are others. As for her, although also falls to the end, but the injury looks like not heavy. The hemorrhage should not be many. Ning Yi relaxes, at that time Yao Zunian, Ji Kun, Jiao Ming and the others strength also already used, Ji Kun also prepares to act, but Ning Yi already calls, then takes advantage of opportunity to pursue, a soon after more detailed news comes, ultimately formed the massacre of peach pavilion district. When returns to Ning Yi, the Jin'er injury, unexpectedly already was good. 后来大夫看过之后。才知道她头上的血多是别人的。至于她本人,虽然也摔到头,但伤势看来不重。出血应该也不多。宁毅松了一口气,当时尧祖年纪坤觉明等人的力量也已经动用起来,纪坤也准备出手,只是宁毅已经将人召集起来,便顺势追下去,随后更详细的讯息过来,最终才形成了桃亭县的惨案。待到宁毅返回来,锦儿的伤势,倒是已经好了。 But, Liheng haven't you thought to the beforehand matter?” “不过,立恒你对以前的事情还没想起来吗?” Could not think.” Hears the Jin'er issue, Ning Yi replies with a smile, cannot remember is good, we were not the same person...... were right, did I help you tear down the bandage?” “想不起来了吧。”听到锦儿的问题,宁毅笑着答道,“想不起才好,我们不是同一个人了……对了,我帮你把绷带拆掉?” Does not want, is very ugly. I want you not, when oneself opens.” Jin'er hurries to shake the head, passes the moment to look at Ning Yi saying that sometimes actually I can think Liheng you lose recalled before , is what appearance.” “不要,很难看的。我要你不在的时候自己拆。”锦儿慌忙摇头,过得片刻望着宁毅道,“其实我有时候会想立恒你失忆以前是个什么样子。” bookworm......” Ning Yi said, it is said lives in an alley, will only study, the schoolfellow disliking teacher does not like, the written poem is also coarse, only has the sea probably you are the water, the steed the levels of your four legs......” 书呆子吧……”宁毅道,“据说住在一个小胡同里,只会读书,同窗不待见老师也不喜欢,写的诗也难听,大概只有大海啊你都是水,骏马啊你四条腿的水平……” Jin'er smiled: But, I think before you, where is. You think that perhaps you intentionally pretends anything not to understand, you are so fierce, hide in Jiangning City, when perhaps had reveals the excessive corner/horn...... at that time I also in Goldwind House, when Queen of Flowers, I think that time matter, has seen the person, had heard the matter, wants to know name a matter of named Ning Liheng...... thought it over, before had not truly listened......” 锦儿笑了出来:“不过,我还是会去想你以前在哪。你想啊,也许你是故意装作什么都不懂的呢,你那么厉害,躲在江宁城里,也许有什么时候崭露过头角……那个时候我还在金风楼花魁呢,我就想那时的事情,见过的人,听说过的事情,想知道一个叫宁立恒的名字的事……不过想来想去,之前确实是没听过了……” This should be Jin'er wishful thinking in secret. Ning Yi touches her head gently, she may want to look for and own private memory, that time Ning Liheng, truly was out-and-out bookworm one, where some opportunities saw Yuan Jin'er such Queen of Flowers ——, even if were has seen, perhaps Jin'er will not leave any memory. 这应该是锦儿私底下的小心思了。宁毅轻轻摸了摸她的头,她可能是想找点与自己的私密记忆,不过那时候的宁立恒,确实是不折不扣的书呆子一名,哪里有机会见到元锦儿这样的花魁——哪怕是见过,锦儿恐怕也不会留下任何记忆吧。 Two people lie down there, is holding hands, soon after also said some trivial ideas. Jin'er is actually somewhat anxious, does not know that Ning Yi can do anything to her immediately, Ning Yi said that said: Actually this hurrying back, was mainly some belt/bring things goes north immediately, tonight only has day of probably, tomorrow must leave.” 两人躺在那儿,牵着手,随后又说些琐琐碎碎的想法。锦儿其实是有些紧张的,不知道宁毅会不会立刻对她干点什么,宁毅说了一阵,道:“其实这次赶回来,主要是带一些东西就得立刻北上了,今天晚上大概只有一天的时间,明天就得动身。” Just came back...... to walk?” Jin'er is looking at him, faint somewhat loses. “刚回来……就得走了吗?”锦儿望着他,微微有些失落。 Ning Yi nods: „The following also has some thing is moving, having the matter must process, I come to see you, without the means was too dull long. When eats meal comes to see you again.” 宁毅点了点头:“下面还有些东西在点在搬,有事情要处理,我只是来看看你,没办法呆太久了。得等到吃饭的时候再来看你。” Um.” Jin'er loses nods. 。”锦儿失落地点了点头。 My unexpectedly remembers a matter, you should call me husband.” Ning Yi from the bed, said with a smile. “我倒是想起一件事,你该叫我相公。”宁毅从床上起来,笑道。 „...... husband.” Jin'er lies down there is looking at him, at this time, the shy mood did not have continually. “……相公。”锦儿躺在那儿望着他,这个时候,却连扭捏的心情都没有了。 Ning Yi drops a kiss on her bridge of the nose. 宁毅在她的鼻梁上落下一个吻。 After he walks, Jin'er looks at his back, then also crawled from the bed. In fact, among Ning Yi current four wife and concubines, only one by one virgin's body was she, but thinks that Ning Yi can only live in an evening, naturally must accompany first wife, then, in the heart then has some desolate, but soon after jumps down from the bed: Green peach! Green peach! Where you, come quickly, helping me hit the hot water, I must open bandage —— 他走出去之后,锦儿看着他的背影,便也从床上爬了起来。事实上,宁毅目前的四个妻妾当中,唯一一个还是处子之身的便是她了,但想想宁毅只能住一晚,当然是要陪着大妇,如此一来,心中便有着些许的落寞,但随后还是从床上跳了下来:“翠桃!翠桃!你在哪里,快来啊,帮我打热水来,我要拆绷带—— She expected that Ning Yi already walks away, in the mouth is shouting maidservant like this, in corridors of next door courtyard, Ning Yi turn head had a look, unable to bear smile. When to the front, Su Tan'er is waiting for him in that: Has seen the Yuan...... Um, Yuan family/home Younger Sister?” 她料想宁毅已经走远,口中这样喊着丫鬟,隔壁一个院子的廊道间,宁毅回头看看,忍不住笑了起来。待到得前方,苏檀儿正在那等着他:“见过元……,元家妹子了?” Um Ning Yi nods. 宁毅点了点头。 She is injured, mood some are not good, resembling is feared that I bully her.” Su Tan'er smiles. “她受了伤,心情有些不好,似是怕我欺负她。”苏檀儿抿嘴一笑。 She is actually very timid, calling Little Chan to accompany her.” “她其实挺胆小的,叫小婵多陪陪她吧。” Um, you must come back sooner, four woman and a child are waiting for you.” She is supine the face, the vision is being limpid, Ning Yi then must nod. ,你也要早些回来,四个女人和一个孩子等着你。”她仰着脸,目光清澈,宁毅便也只得点头。 husband and wife two are saying, passes through a Daoist temple porch, in the front room, some people are then reorganizing the thing, the preparation are packing a box to bring in the carriage again. Passing through the gate first, is some circulars, the stone of Xigua (watermelon) size, Ning Yi took is hefting hefting in the hand, soon after started to inquire and research and development progress of this necessary ignition device to the side person. 夫妻俩说着,走过一道院廊,前方的房间里,便有些人在整理着东西,准备再度装箱搬进马车的。进门的第一相,便是一些圆形的,西瓜般大小的石头,宁毅拿着在手上掂了掂,随后开始向旁边人询问与此配套的引火装置的研发进度。 These stones, are called the land mine. 那些石头,叫做地雷。 Rain below. The surrounding person is busy, but also in many thing packs, will move the carriage.( To be continued..) 在下。周围的人忙忙碌碌,还在将更多的东西打包,搬上马车。(未完待续。。) ps: 522 chapters wrote Wang Qing the tiger king, in fact is Tian Hu, has revised. ps:五二二章将虎王写成了王庆,实际上是田虎,已修改。
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