LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#522: World tedious ugly filthy

One such as Zhou Dong said that in Brigands the person crossed well or crossed not well, truly cared was mainly a face. The such view places others right, belongs to Zhou Dong, is hard to be unconventional. 一如周侗所言,绿林中人过得好的或是过得不好的,真正在乎的主要是个面子。这样的说法放在其他人身上没错,归于周侗自身,也是难以免俗的。 As the year 70 martial arts saints, the old person manner, also without too many may nitpick. In order to relief disaster matter, several months of interconnection steps hundred bandit mountain fort, hears the matter of Ning Yi, by the body of races thousand li (500 km) advanced age. So long as is the heart good, conforms to the matter of morality and justice, without the return, litigant by no means knows, old person is also liberal in certainly pays diligently and even more prices. 作为年界七十的武道圣者,老人的为人,并没有太多可挑剔的。为了赈灾之事,几个月内连踏上百家匪人山寨,听闻宁毅之事,又以高龄之躯奔行千里而来。只要是心之所善、符合道义之事,哪怕没有回报,当事人并不知晓,老人也绝不吝于为之付出努力、甚至于更多的代价。 However these years, his also already respected Number One Under the Heavens person. Although in the heart not necessarily cares about this unwarranted reputation, but to one, old person must wait every time respectfully, if he gave the idea, others also can definitely attach great importance. Even has scatters this class disciple —— strictly, although not necessarily intelligent —— can actually be driven because of his arrival, sacrifices the lives and properties. 不过这些年来,他也已经是受人尊重的天下第一人。虽然心中未必在乎这一虚名,但每至一处,老人必被人恭敬以待,他若提出想法,别人也必然会予以重视。甚至于有严涣这类的弟子——虽然未必聪明——却可以因为他的到来而被激励,豁出身家性命。 But his travelling southward, Ning Yi to him, although is respectful, but in fact actually not to twice meeting of too many face —— both sides, was the such situation —— Zhou Dong in the heart was insufficient to bear a grudge but actually for this reason, but he not possible to paste cold buttocks of junior with the enthusiastic look, when therefore 2nd day he completed the determination to make matter —— stayed behind after the improvement idea of strategy —— then to say goodbye to depart directly. 而他的这次南行,宁毅对他虽然恭敬,但实际上却并没有给太多的面子——双方的两次碰面,都是这样的情况了——周侗心中倒不至于为此记恨,但他也不可能拿热脸贴一个小辈的冷屁股,因此当第二天他做完自觉应做之事——留下对阵法的改良想法之后——便直接告辞离去。 When the Tiandong man (Han) give Ning Yi the paper of that several pages of improvement strategies, Ning Yi in the heart many somewhat is also sigh with emotion. However at this time his thoughts already not at these matters, matter of revenge and deterrent concludes on already after the small county city central explosion, then he will go back Capital City, then immediately starts to go north. The interlude that because this wedding causes trouble, matter already lag in originally planned —— his already to send a letter/believes to Hongti, will inform she herself to go to the Lüliang news. Now does not know that she does have to worry. 当田东汉将那几页改良阵法的纸张交给宁毅,宁毅心中多少也有些感慨。不过此时他的心思已经不在这些事上,寻仇与威慑之事在小县城中央的爆炸后就已经收尾,接下来他将回去京城,然后立刻启程北上。由于这次婚礼闹事的插曲,事情已经滞后于了原计划——他原本已经寄了一封信给红提,告知她自己将去吕梁的消息。如今也不知道她有没有等得着急。 Since knows after begging face/color Buluo, Bo Erzhi jin (0.5 kg) Temujin these things, many plans, are recreating. But to Ning Yi, in many information not bright situations, the end points of these plans is also unquantifiable: The enemy who in the future needs to face is the matter that , I need to guarantee is lowest is the self-preservation. High how must, because the strength of enemy is imponderable, the matter that needs to deal with was inestimable, which step then lowest standard self-preservation actually must, also being hard count considers as finished. 自从知道乞颜部罗、孛儿只斤铁木真这些事情之后,许多的计划,都在重做。而对宁毅来说,在许多信息都不明朗的情况下,这些计划的终点也难以计算:未来需要面对的敌人是哪些、我需要保证的事最低是自保。最高要怎样,由于敌人的力量无法计算,需要应付的事情无法估计,那么最低标准的自保到底要到哪一步,就也难以计算了 Matter standard is not determined, the plan can not have the upper limit. Also is therefore, then many time, basically not too enough, even if only performs the human affairs, on work must race against time on hand. Even if there is such pressure, his by no means is still willing the person who gives up the family or cares about. Many times in Capital City, he accompanied the wife and children to cross. 事情标准不确定,计划就可以无上限。也是因此,接下来有多少的时间,基本都是不太够的,哪怕只尽人事,手头上的工作也得争分夺秒了。而即便有这样的压力,他也并不愿意放弃家庭或是关心的人。在京城中的许多时候,他还是陪伴着妻儿们渡过的。 Was good does not start from scratch because of his present already slowly the pioneer of fumble, even has the so nervousness, on his hand can still emit more than ten lines to proceed methodically: Development of Zhu's, training of family guard, to the control in storytelling and propaganda, the research and development of new product. The utilization of gunpowder, plan of operation Lüliang, a concern over Miao Border-Region side...... after determining in the heart thought that the plans of related these things, are inflating rapidly. 好在他如今已经不是白手起家慢慢摸索的创业者了,即便有着如此紧张的情绪,他的手头上仍旧可以有条不紊地放出十几条线往前走:竹记的发展,家卫的训练,对说书、宣传方面的控制,新产品的研发。火药的运用,运营吕梁的计划,对苗疆一方的关注……在确定了心中所想之后,有关这些事情的计划,都在迅速膨胀。 Although these matter some are also in cannot see the effectiveness the laying the foundation stage, but if looks from end to front, starting from this year February/two months, Ning Yi plan and project on hand, inflates radically almost crazily, the light is aims at the idea in gunpowder improvement and utilization. He then chose in one month including the land mine and phosphorescent light ten several directions, making the fireworks worker in workshop attempt. 虽然这些事情有些还处于看不到效用的打基础阶段,但如果从后往前看,从这一年二月开始,宁毅手边的计划和项目,激进膨胀得几乎疯狂,光是针对火药改良和运用方面的想法。他在一个月内便选择了包括地雷、磷火在内的十数个方向,让作坊里的烟花工人进行尝试。 Because these artisans mostly are not what talents, the abilities of various people are also limited, even if there is an inspiration of Ning Yi, many projects met the issue from the beginning. Ning Yi nearby these projects look like in the high steel wire general. But people will soon after discover, so far as the whole is concerned. These projects start to proceed to grow in several months rapidly, although some failure, belong to the file, but many ideas in the crazy radical condition toward successful other shore landing, walk in this steel wire, obviously is acrobatic expert who has the rich experience. 由于这些匠人大多也并非是什么天才,各人的能力也是有限,纵然有宁毅的启发,许多项目一开始还是遇上了问题。宁毅身边的这些项目就像是走在高高的钢丝绳上一般。但不久之后人们就会发现,就整体而言。这些项目在几个月内就开始迅速往前增长,虽然有的失败、归于档案,但许多的想法还是在疯狂的激进状态中往成功的彼岸登陆,走在这钢丝绳上的,显然是个拥有丰富经验的杂技老手。 Compared to the research and development and expansion of rich and business of Zhu's of commodity new goods, resistance that in disaster relief with each family involves, can only occupy Ning Yi thoughts part, the group of Brigands people as for peach pavilion district, was the small part in small part. Also is because in the former Capital City really made too overdone, Ning Yi got married the meeting of Yunzhu and at Jin'er, one group of people disturbed, although was captured to kill part at the scene, but still had the part to escape. 相对于新物品的研发与竹记商品的丰富、生意的扩张,与赈灾事件里涉及的各个家族的对抗,只能占据宁毅心思的一部分,至于桃亭县的这帮绿林人,就更是小部分中的小部分了。也是因为之前京城里实在闹得太过火,宁毅迎娶云竹锦儿的聚会上,一帮人过来捣乱,虽然当场就擒杀了一部分,但仍有部分逃脱。 That meeting cannot be regarded grandly, but many people in right government residence arrived to congratulate, for example Yao Zunian, for example Ji Kun, for example Jiao Ming Monk these people, although usually was it seems like genial, but these person of nearby relations, which was not twisted roots and intertwined joints. Yao Zunian as present age Great Confucianist, the back in fact has the own family, Ji Kun is specially is government residence processing dirty job tiring work General Manager, Jiao Ming Monk is the imperial family family background. General Brigands and underworld gang are do not dare to bully to these head come up. 那场聚会算不得盛大,但右相府中的不少人还是到场祝贺了,例如尧祖年、例如纪坤、例如觉明和尚这些人,虽然平日里看来和善,但这些人身边的关系,哪一个不是盘根错节尧祖年身为当代大儒,背后实际上有自己的家族,纪坤则是专为相府处理脏活累活的总管,觉明和尚就更是皇族出身。一般的绿林、黑道是根本不敢欺到这些人头上来的。 At that time these people got angry on the complexion gloomy, because afterward the news of peach pavilion district hero congress came too promptly, Ning Yi found time go south while convenient, belongs to your standing position too on time, I could not bear kicked passed the nature. When completes to the matter, when Zhou Dong rushes, Ning Yi on hand in processing already was other things. 当时这些人就脸色阴沉地发了火,后来由于桃亭县英雄大会的消息传来得太及时,宁毅才顺便拨冗南下,属于“你站位置实在太正点,我忍不住就踢过去了”的性质。待到事情做完,周侗赶到时,宁毅手头在处理的已经是其它的事情了。 Capturing and killing of peach pavilion district ended rapidly, as for issue that later directly involves, is solved by Government mostly. But under indirect influence heart demon the expansion of evil reputation, being filled with righteous indignation of many Brigands person, there then has more complex causes and effects, is hard to sum up to this single unit matter. 桃亭县的一场捕杀迅速地结束了,至于之后直接涉及的问题,大都由官府来解决。而在间接影响下的“心魔”恶名的扩张,更多绿林人的义愤填膺,那里便有着更为复杂的因果,难以归结到这单件事情上来说。 In this tragedy, can stay behind some traces in the Ning Yi heart only, probably also only then sees Zhou Dong this point again, even if by no means is happy, but existence of this old person, by no means is easy to forget. But also preserves within the heart remembers little that's all. 这场惨剧之中,唯一能够在宁毅心头留下些许痕迹的,大概也只有再次见到周侗这一点,纵然并不愉快,但这位老人的存在,并不容易让人忘记。但也只是留存在心中的一点点记忆罢了 Although meets not to be regarded happily, after leaving peach pavilion, Zhou Dong for Ning Yi the matter, still ran many places. Until 1-2 years later, in some quite direct information collection, Ning Yi fragmentary awareness, this old person in meeting of many people, once raised this matter specially, was behavior of Ning Yi in disaster relief made the explanation and guarantee, but heart demon evil reputation already disseminated at that time extremely broadly, tragedy already of peach pavilion deliberately was also publicized, speech and guarantee of Zhou Dong. In fact is impossible to play the decisive role. 只是,虽然见面算不得愉快,在离开桃亭之后,周侗为了宁毅的这件事,仍旧奔走了不少地方。直到1-2后,在一些颇为直接的信息搜集中,宁毅才零零碎碎的知道,这位老人在与许多人的碰面中,都曾特意地提起此事,为宁毅在赈灾中的行为作出了解释和担保,只是当时心魔的恶名已经传播得极广,桃亭的惨剧也已经被人刻意宣扬出去,周侗的说话和担保。实际上也不可能起到决定性的作用。 But in any event, in remembered these matters to come, to recall this twice by no means happy meeting at that time again, formed the extremely complex feeling in Ning Yi in the heart eventually. 但无论如何,在当时再想起这些事来,回忆起这两次并不愉快的见面,终究还是在宁毅心中形成了极为复杂的感受。 This is something to be talked about later, temporarily no longer raised. 这是后话,暂不再提了。 ******************* ******************* The weather enters the summer. Remote north, after the Emperor Tianzuo influence destroys, Jin Nation is busy west of Liao Nation that sweeps away already to perish the land. After stretch/open Jiao was killed, the Guo Yaoshi ever-victorious army is stationed in north Yanmen Pass Wu Dynasty army no longer to have the big enterprising movement, starts to change over to the passive defense. 天气入夏。遥远的北国,在天祚帝势力覆亡后,金国正在忙着横扫已经灭亡的辽国以西土地。而在张觉被杀之后,无论是郭药师的常胜军还是驻扎于雁门关以北的武朝军队都不再有大的进取动作,开始转入消极防御当中。 The northern situation is subtle, on south Imperial Deliberation Hall. Also already the atmosphere that ferments to wither and be vigilant. In the spring of this year, Tong Guan because of regaining the merits of Yanyun six provinces is labeled as the Guangyang county king, later to official, moves out. Tan Zhen who replaces his position starts actively to construct the own achievements: Also as far as possible the refugee and mountain bandits who offer amnesty and win over the northern place, and attempts open arms tiger king Wang Qing, constructs the north defense line centered on Taiyuan. 北方局势微妙,在南面的朝堂上。也已经酝酿出了肃杀和警惕的氛围。这年春天,童贯因收复燕云六州的功绩被封为广阳郡王,之后致仕,全身而退。接替他职位的谭稹开始积极建设自己的政绩:也就是尽量招安与拉拢北地的流民、山匪,并试图招降虎王王庆,构筑北面以太原为中心的防线。 draw a person can actually that like this resorts to all means display the examination that the necessary function has not practiced temporarily. But it can be imagined, then the digit in account can become very attractive, is expanding Ministry of Revenue and deficit and blank in Ministry of War logistics account. Qin Siyuan and the others once tried to submit a written statement to remonstrate, but the high-rank pivot shaft secret envoy, Emperor is just willing to give the trust, knows that the matter will not have the result, symbolically after refuted one next . Qin Siyuan also helpless makes that's all. 这样不择手段的拉人到底能不能发挥必要的作用暂时还没有实践的检验。但可想而知,接下来账面上的数字可以变得很漂亮,也同时扩大着户部兵部后勤账目上的赤字与空白。秦嗣源等人曾经试图上书劝谏,但刚刚上位的枢密使,皇帝是愿意给予信任的,知道事情不会有结果,象征性地反驳一下之后。秦嗣源也就无奈作罢了 In any event, compared to Tong Guan such expert, in Qin Siyuan and the others in the eye, Tan Zhenzhi can be an aptitude mediocre bastard, the aptitude is mediocre, the destruction that can cause is also limited. 无论如何,相对于童贯这样的高手,在秦嗣源等人眼中,谭稹只能算是一个资质平庸的混蛋,资质平庸,能够造成的破坏也是有限。 Naturally this aptitude limitedly is also relative Tong Guan, a slightest sign of trouble on Imperial Deliberation Hall, will start the greatest mighty waves in the folk. What because the Tan luxuriant this first hot need is the achievements, is strict regarding soldier's verification, leadership and control by no means, the following responsible people then responded the summons of Imperial Court. 当然这个资质有限也是相对童贯而言,朝堂上的一丝风吹草动,都会在民间掀起莫大的波澜。由于谭稹的这第一把火需要的是政绩,对于士兵的审核、领导、管束并不严格,下面的负责人们便纷纷响应了朝廷的号召。 In north several groups. Has mountain bandits already that the case history Brigands person, plunders to start taking advantage of this east wind to wash white, steps onto to kill and torch offers amnesty, wants the commodity and having a steady job at wages fixed by the government to Imperial Court, turns into tall rich and handsome, gets married white rich and beautiful. Steps the life peak, thinks a also has small exciting transformation. At this time this transformation the stage of start, actually some already many Brigands people were still being attracted, mountain battalion Feizhai who joins the relations, hands over to conduct to wash while convenient white the own status. 在北面的几路。一些有案底的绿林人、打家劫舍的山匪已经开始借着这股东风洗白,走上杀人放火受招安,向朝廷要物资、吃皇粮,变成高富帅,迎娶白富美。踏上人生巅峰,想起来还有点小激动的转变。此时这转变还在开始的阶段,却已经有不少绿林人被吸引过来,纷纷加入有关系的山营匪寨,顺便将自己的身份交上去进行洗白。 Fluctuation that Tan Zhen high-rank causes, naturally incessantly is these in surface. Imperial Court officials by no means is the mediocre person and fool, offering amnesty at the same time, naturally also wants the leadership, but various bandits in mountain fort, then planned that in maintaining the independent situation can take the Imperial Court salary white/in vain. Also after some bandits receive offered amnesty, discovered that oneself is silly, others have not handed over the leadership, oneself actually handed over, becomes the big end of soldier who compelled painstakingly truly, then the below side starts to make the movement. 谭稹上位引起的波动,自然不止是表面上的这一些。朝廷官员并不都是庸才和傻瓜,招安的同时,当然也想要领导权,而山寨中的各种匪人,则打算在保持独立的情况下又能白拿朝廷的俸禄。也有些匪人受了招安之后,发现自己傻乎乎的,别人并没有交出领导权,自己却交了,真正成了苦逼的大头兵,便又在下方开始做动作。 In any event, issuing of Imperial Court order, means that the transformations of northern several groups of place invisible sovereignty, but historically the transformation and delivery of each time power and benefit, regardless of the size, will not be peaceful. Contradiction between mountain bandits, officers and Brigands because of not offering amnesty to subside, is only under the name of these not mature offering amnesty policy, day-by-day becomes must be even more intense. 无论如何,朝廷一道命令的下达,也就意味着北方好几路地方隐形统治权的转变,而历史上每一次权力、利益的转变和交割,无论大小,都不会安安静静。山匪、官兵、绿林间的矛盾并未因招安而平息,只是在这些不成熟的招安政策的名义下,一天一天的变得愈发激烈起来。 Survival principle that the north, Imperial Deliberation Hall and Wu Dynasty land, undercurrents compose, just like in the prairie the complex food chain, sometimes is tranquil and is wild sometimes, sometimes is hiding and appearing sometimes savage. But under the such world, there are more people, is crossing them to be seemingly plain and life of simple, only then by brutal survival principle gaze at the appointed time, occasionally presently mighty waves. 北国、朝堂武朝大地,一股股暗流组成的生存法则,犹如大草原上复杂的食物链,有时平静、有时狂暴,有时隐蔽、有时凶残地出现着。而在这样的天地下,也有更多的人,在过着他们看似质朴而又简单的生活,只有在被残酷的生存法则注视到时,偶现一丝波澜。 The Shandong (mountain east) east road, in a small village near fish camp district, Lin Chong is sitting under Tanobe's tree, looks that a brook from calmly winds through at present. 山东东路,鱼营县附近的一个小村庄中,林冲正坐在田野边的树下,看着一条溪流自眼前静静地流过。 Spring plowing already in the past, present this period of time, in rural area indeed idle time. Lin Chong often goes out, has a look to have anything to do. Sometimes nearby he follows quite to have the Fang man of ability to embrace living that some similar short distances guard shipments of goods, but long-distance, is too troublesome, he is not willing to moisten. 春耕时节已经过去,眼下的这段时间,农村里正是闲时。林冲时常出门,看看有没有什么事做。有些时候他跟着附近颇有本领的方姓汉子揽些类似短程走镖的活,但长程的、太麻烦的,他还是不愿意沾了。 Regarding present's period of life, the days in rural area. He thinks, he satisfies. But many time —— for example present —— his by no means is actually willing to go home, only wants to sit near this stream slightly, thinks. Sometimes one wants then is quite a while. 对于眼下的这段生活,农村里的这段日子。他想,他是满足的。但许多时候——例如现在——他却并不愿意回家,只想在这溪边稍微坐坐,想一想。有时候一想便是半天。 In the winter of last year, after Daming mansion saw Gao Yanei, confusing of in his heart becomes even more obvious, this confused mixes the huge hatred, to rebuke oneself, and pain: On that day he followed Gao Yanei to arrive finally, is thinking oneself should start and should sacrifice all, is this domestic animal faces retribution for a life of crime arrived. However to finally. He still cannot make a move kill(ed) him, therefore he suddenly discovered, oneself is unexpectedly spiritless hence. 去年冬天,在大名府见到高衙内之后,他心中的迷惑变得愈发明显起来,这迷惑混合着巨大的恨意、自责、以及痛苦:那一天他跟着高衙内一直走到最后,想着自己应该下手、应该豁出一切,是这畜生恶贯满盈的时候到了。然而到得最后。他仍旧没能出手杀了他,于是他忽然发现,自己竟然懦弱至此。 slow Guafu —— in village was his woman —— in some sense, can make him satisfy now, this satisfaction did not come from the appearance. He already is not fastidious about these now. She made him feel warm, although time this widow from the beginning made one feel rude and unreasonable even tyrannical, but since with him , the woman to him, indeed was together completely submissive, perhaps was because died husband. She treasures the present man especially. She relies on him, but he regarding her, even also has the sentiment of some dependence, after looking like all lose, surplus one by one type treasure only. 村子里的徐寡妇——如今是他女人了——从某种意义上来说,是能够让他满意的,这满意并非源自于样貌上。他如今也已经不讲究这些。她令他感到温暖,虽然一开始的时候这个寡妇令人感到泼辣甚至强横,但自从与他在一起后,女人对他,却的确是千依百顺的,或许是因为死了一个相公。她格外珍惜眼前的这个男人。她依赖他,而他对于她,甚至也有着某种依赖之情了,就像是一切都失去之后,剩余的唯一一样珍宝。 However from the winter of last year, the in the heart pain and hatred often made Lin Chong not be willing quick going home. His faint within the heart is thinking. oneself should not so endure gladly enjoys that type warm, if feels to enjoy, how could it not be to appear him more spiritless? He has such deep enmity, having reason that has to revenge, but he not only does not revenge, here, felt unexpectedly warm...... 然而从去年冬天过后,心中的痛苦与恨意常常令得林冲不愿意太快的回到家中。他隐隐在心中想着。自己是不该如此甘之如饴的享受那种温暖的,若是觉得享受,岂不显得他更加懦弱了吗?他有着如此的深仇,有着不得不报仇的理由,可他不仅不报仇,竟还在这里,感到了温暖…… But at the same time. in the heart just like dying embers general another part to tell him, should forget all, in this small mountain village, this on considers as finished —— he has thought law-abidingly for a lifetime like this, saw tall Muen that moment until Daming mansion, the pain the pile built. 而与此同时。心中犹如死灰一般的另一部分则在告诉他,应该忘记一切,在这个小山村里,安安分分地过完这一辈子就算了——他本是这样想的,直到大名府见到高沐恩的那一刻,痛苦才又堆垒了起来。 Occasionally with time that in that high Big Brother meets, he can also hear some news, mostly is in Brigands, how for example Omiya teaches, for example Zhou Dong how. He now most complex perhaps hears the Master name. These mood made him sit under the tree, is not willing to go home, felt depressed. 偶尔与那位“高大哥”碰面的时间里,他也能听到一些外界的消息,大多是绿林中的,例如大光明教如何如何,又例如周侗如何如何。他如今最复杂的或许是听到师父的名字了。这些情绪令他坐在树下,不愿回家,感到消沉。 But in any event, west setting sun next, he was the setting out round trip walks. Women in home wait/etc. he. Cooked the meal, during the night, will try to please him with the body with every effort, making his in the heart feel warm. Thinks of here, he turns over to feel compunction for own late. Also when this day, he arrives at outside oneself front gate, heard the sound of shouting in confusion. 但无论如何,夕阳西下时,他还是起身往回走了。女人会在家里等他。烧好了饭菜,到了夜里,也会尽力地用身体取悦他,让他的心中都感到温暖。想到这里,他为了自己的晚归而感到内疚。也就是在这一天,他走到自家院门外时,听到了吵嚷的声音。 Goes out! Roll out! I chopped your hand...... you to give a try......” “出去!滚出去!我剁了你的手……你试试看……” Hey, your woman is tattered, your cohabitant has not come back, knows that he does not want to come back......” “嘿,你这女人还敢破烂,你姘头没回来吧,知不知道他根本不想回来……” Goes your, knows that he comes back to kill you......” “去你的,知不知道他回来打死你……” Kills me, coming Ah! to kill my Ah! your fickle like willow catkins immoral woman, you are my younger male cousin woman......” “打死我,来啊!打死我啊!你个水性杨花的淫妇,你是我堂弟的女人……” Owed your family's thing to give back to you, rolled —— “欠你们家的东西都还给你们了,滚—— Ahem, your also full Heng, I told you, your lover was not good person, looked at the scar on his face, one by the fleeing criminal who Government arrested, punctured the character...... you want to make me bring a case before the authorities —— “哼哼,你还满横,我告诉你,你那野汉子不是什么好人,看他脸上的疤,一准是被官府缉拿的逃犯,刺了字的……你想让我告官吗—— Goes, you go, I told you, you annoyed to mistakenly recognize, now get lost, the old lady did not haggle over with you, you did not roll, the baseless rumor, an old lady blade divided you again here. Killed your whole family again, at the worst my slow Jinhua is buried along with the dead to you, you looked that I can make —— “去告啊,你去告啊,我告诉你,你惹错认了,现在滚出去,老娘不跟你计较,你再不滚,再在这里风言风语,老娘一刀劈死你。再杀了你全家人,大不了我徐金花一人给你们陪葬,你看我做不做得出来—— The Lin Chong complexion is gloomy, in the courtyard he was also knowing with the man who slow Jinhua quarrelled, was slow Jinhua Husband younger male cousin, the average person called his upright two people with favus of the scalp, was in the village the famous sluggard idler. Because idles about home also not to have the thing, without the woman is willing to marry him, is therefore, he saw the woman then a little to act unreasonably, for this reason had also been hit many times by the villager. 林冲的脸色阴沉下来,院落里正在与徐金花争吵的男子他也认识,乃是徐金花原本夫君堂弟,一般人叫他耿二癞子,乃是村里出名的懒汉闲汉。由于游手好闲家里又没有东西,没有女人愿意嫁给他,也是因此,他见了女人便有点乱来,为此还被村里人打过不少次。 After slow Jinhua husband —— is also his younger male cousin —— passed away, he perhaps the idea of a lot having hit slow Jinhua, Lin Chong also noticed this initially, but he just arrived here at that time, was seemingly tall, slow Guafu was also rude and unreasonable, he does not dare to make anything, now thinks probably found out the Lin Chong soft rib, could not bear then touch to visit, perhaps also already was not the first time. 徐金花的相公——也就是他的堂弟——去世之后,他恐怕没少打过徐金花的主意,林冲当初也是注意到了这点的,但当时他刚刚到这里,看起来身材高大,徐寡妇又泼辣,他也就没敢做什么,如今大概是觉得摸清楚了林冲的软肋,忍不住便摸上门来了,恐怕也已经不是第一次。 The rural area matter of men and women, is simpler more and honorable than the city, but in many aspects, must act unreasonably compared with the city. This kind of idler walks, to a widow baseless rumor, if resists few, violent possibly also has. This kind of person already is notorious, even is far from what sense of shame, in many villages, more or less has 1-2 people. 农村之中的男女之事,远比城市里要淳朴,但在许多方面,也远比城里要乱来。这类闲汉找上门来,对一个寡妇风言风语,若是抵抗得少些,被强暴的可能也并非没有。这类人已经臭名远扬,甚至谈不上什么羞耻之心,在许多村子里,或多或少的都有个1-2。 Lin Chong touched a stick, walks from the entrance, that side door, the upright two people with favus of the scalp noticed slow Jinhua vision, turns head, sees Lin Chong, the vision shrank. 林冲摸了根棍子,从门口走进去,那边的房门口,耿二癞子注意到了徐金花的目光,回过头来,看到了林冲,目光畏缩了一下。 „Your you, why you must...... you surnamed Mu probably why......” “你你你,你要干什么……姓穆的你要干什么……” Lin Chong was lifting to him the club, even if he certain aspects are spiritless, but also calculates the army horse half-length, from head to toe martial arts and from head to toe murderous aura adds on the upper eyelid again the scar, really when reveals killing intent. Without many people can maintain the mood before him. That dreadful countryman both legs almost shiver: „Your you, you must kill people...... you unable...... you to know person who killed me to have Government came, surnamed Mu, you were a fleeing criminal, the scar on your face definitely was the tattoo. You dare to kill me......” 林冲将棒子对着他举了起来,他纵然某些方面性情懦弱,但也算戎马半身,一身武艺一身杀气再加上脸上疤痕,真表露出杀意时。没有多少人能在他面前维持住情绪。那猥琐的村汉双腿几乎颤抖起来:“你你你,你要杀人……你不能……你知不知道杀了我会有官府的人来,姓穆的,你是逃犯,你脸上的疤肯定是刺字。你敢杀我……” The stick on Lin Chong decided that also in this time, slow Jinhua in room flushed, the upright two people with favus of the scalp will overthrow in the muddy land in courtyard: Go away! Get lost —— to me 林冲手上的棍子定了一下,也在此时,房间里的徐金花冲了出来,将那耿二癞子一把推翻在院子里的泥地上:“滚!给我滚出去—— The countryman crawls from the ground, is actually staring at Lin Chong: Haha, I said right. Surnamed Mu, if I notify a government office, you can what kind of...... Haha, have to plant to kill me, you kill my Ah…... slow Jinhua, your adulterer immoral women. Definitely was you harmed my younger male cousin jointly, you will have the retribution, you......” 那村汉从地上爬起来,却盯着林冲:“哈哈,我说对了吧。姓穆的,我若是报官,你会怎么样……哈哈,有种杀我啊,你杀我啊……徐金花,你们奸夫淫妇。肯定是你们联手害了我堂弟,你们会有报应的,你们……” He was seeing with own eyes Lin Chong goes straight, the under foot staggers, rushes distressedly from the front gate, buttocks urine class/flow. Lin Chong stands in the front gate place, held on by slow Jinhua. In his vision full is the blood threads. The whole body is trembling, a moment later, in the hand the wooden stick wields downward, only listens to one of the bang, a blue stone in courtyard was divided a crack unexpectedly, wooden stick front section already was also chopped into pieces, buzzes. If there are beforehand knew that his person saw, perhaps will strive in his martial arts to present astonishedly unexpectedly. 他眼见着林冲直走过来,脚下一踉跄,从院门狼狈奔出,屁股尿流。林冲站在院门处,被徐金花拉住了。他目光之中满是血丝。浑身都在发抖,片刻之后,手中木棒往下一挥,只听轰的一声,院子里的一块青石竟被劈出一道裂缝来,木棒前段也已经被劈碎,嗡嗡作响。若有之前认识他的人见了,说不定会惊异于他的武艺竟精进至斯。 In fact by his martial arts, if really must kill that upright two people with favus of the scalp, how also to need the club. How also to be discovered by him, walks directly, finger also stabbed to death him. But his present indeed dreaded in the involvement of Government, he was afraid disrupted slow Guafu life, making her also be involved troublesome by all sorts. 实际上以他的武艺,若真要杀那耿二癞子,又怎会需要棍棒。又怎会被他发现,直接走进来,一根手指也戳死他了。可他眼下的确是忌惮于官府的介入,他只是害怕打乱了徐寡妇的生活,令得她也被种种麻烦牵扯进来。 He stood in the institute entrance some little time. slow Jinhua puts out a hand to be comfortable for him behind him: You calm down, you calm down, he does not dare, he does not dare.” 他在院门口站了好一会儿。徐金花在他背后伸手为他顺气:“你消消气,你消消气,他不敢的,他不敢的。” But finally crosses one, Lin Chong said: I go to kill(ed) him.” 但过得一阵,林冲终于道:“我去杀了他。” slow Guafu grasped his hand fiercely, her vision is complex, does not know that is thinking anything, but shakes the head subconsciously, passes the moment, she is looking at Lin Chong: Do not kill him, we walk, you lead me to walk......” 徐寡妇猛地抱住了他的手,她目光复杂,也不知在想些什么,只是下意识地摇头,过得片刻,她望着林冲:“不要杀他了,我们走吧,你带我走吧……” Lin Chong body stiff one stiff, turned the head around looks at behind woman. 林冲的身躯僵了一僵,回过头去看身后的女人。 „Do you...... want...... to follow me?” “你……愿意……跟我走?” I and I have anything not to want, their Geng Family thing, can, I give back to them, now the home is also a mere show, they also every other day coming. You are my man, where you go, where I go. You...... you cannot throw down me.” “我、我有什么不愿意的,他们耿家的东西,能还的,我都还给他们了,现在这个家也是个空架子,他们还三天两头的过来。你是我的汉子,你去哪里,我就去哪里。你……你不能丢下我。” After rescuing Lin Chong, although she had not asked that but definitely within the heart has the imagination, regardless of Lin Chong is the strong person, is the bandit and most wanted terrorist, she did not matter, in fact must kill the upright two people with favus of the scalp regarding Lin Chong, she is also definitely indifferent, but is worried about Lin Chong to kill people, then takes person fugitive to leave. 救下林冲之后,她虽然没有问,但肯定在心中是有着推想的,无论林冲是强人、是匪人、通缉犯,她都无所谓了,事实上对于林冲要杀耿二癞子,她肯定也是无所谓的,只是担心林冲杀了人,便要一个人逃亡离开。 „The rice in field...... just now plants......” passes the moment subconsciously, Lin Chong said. “田里的稻子……才刚种下……”过得片刻,林冲下意识地说道。 Does not want, the field does not want.” The women shake the head, you and you cannot embrace the labor, I follow you, eating the rice polishings drinks to be thin I is also glad. You take me, we find the place that no one knows to live, I help you have a child, you do not take a person to walk Ah…...” “不要了,田也不要了。”女人摇头,“你、你不是能揽到工吗,我跟着你,吃糠喝稀我也乐意啊。你带上我,我们找个没人认识的地方住下来吧,我帮你生孩子,你不要一个人走啊……” Women at this point, was somewhat moved. Lin Chong stands there, in a while, gently leaning leaning head. 女人说到这里,也有些动情了。林冲站在那儿,过了一阵子,轻轻地偏了偏头。 Curtain of night of this day lowers, they tidied up home not many things and money, left that small mountain village, they agree, must in some not known, the friendly place stays, plants several mu (666.67 m²) land, gives birth to one group of children, grows old together. This is belongs their, another, new beginning. 这一天的夜幕降下,他们收拾了家里不多的东西、钱物,离开了那个小小的山村,他们约定好,要在某个不被人认识的、友善的地方住下,种几亩地,生下一群孩子,就此白头到老。这是属于他们的,另一个,新的开端。 Meanwhile, the north point place, the woman named Lou Shūwan is sitting on a mountain fort stair, raises head to look at the star. Here belongs to under tiger king Wang Qing mountain fort, when she sits here, not far away has many men to direct looks. 与此同时,北面一点的地方,名叫楼舒婉的女人正坐在山寨的一处台阶上,仰头看着星星。这里是属于虎王王庆麾下的一处山寨,她坐在这里时,不远处有不少男人指指点点地看着。 Not long, she has possibly liked this type the gazed at feeling, once enjoyed among the communications with certain men, but now such as the theory is the Scholar(egghead) pretty boy is the rough Brigands hero, was only left over the feeling of ugly impression and dislike in her in the heart. 曾几何时,她可能是喜欢过这种被人注视的感觉的,也曾享受于与某些男人之间的来往,但如今如论是书生般的小白脸还是粗犷的绿林豪杰,在她的心中都只剩下丑陋的印象与厌恶的感觉了。 Although many people are gazing at her, but many men do not dare to come to say anything, makes anything. She has her journey, is only after here, temporarily resides an evening. Arrived tomorrow, this female who accepted the tiger king to order will lead her guard team, northwestern North Korea on. Her goal goes to Lüliang Mountain(s), consults with the cooperation with there big mountain fort, develops a doing business path. 虽然不少人都在注视她,但并没有多少汉子敢过来说些什么,做些什么。她有她的旅程,只是经过这里,暂住一晚。到得明天,这位接受了虎王命令的女子将会带领她的护卫队伍,朝西北而上。她的目的是去到吕梁山,与那里的一个大山寨接洽合作,开拓出一条做生意的道路来。 After pledging allegiance to tiger king, she already made many things. 自归顺虎王之后,她已经做成了不少的事情。 This time, will not have the issue. 这一次,也不会有问题的。 She is thinking like this, looks to the distant place. In the vision, performing is blurred. 她这样想着,望向远处。目光之中,尽是迷离。
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