LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#521: Eats the surface and joke

From afar in the dim light of night, transmits was still the sound of weapons. Zhou Dong and good fortune in the Tiandong man (Han) and strict Huan and the others under the leadership to the county city northeast, then saw gradually camp that temporarily builds. The surrounding large cart and prison van encircled, half that in the camp is responsible for guarding is officers ; half th, Zhu's guard, private brave. 夜色里,远远传来的仍是兵戈之声。周侗、福禄在田东汉、严涣等人的带领下渐至县城东北,便见到了临时搭建起来的营地。周围大车、囚车围了一圈,营地之中负责守卫的半是官兵,半是竹记的护卫、私勇。 Looks from afar, already caught many Brigands people in the prison van, these people more or less are injured, some were also beaten, the scene looks like quite miserable. These people fall to so the paddies, having much is betraying that because scatters strictly, after he saw Zhou Dong, the state of mind has then changed, this matter sees this scene, is the surging emotions turns wells up the ebullition, the vitality upwells, on the face red white, has the shame, there is an anger. 远远看去,也已经抓了不少的绿林人在囚车之中,这些人或多或少都受了伤,有的还被拳打脚踢,景状看来颇为凄凉。这些人落至如此田地,有不少便是因为严涣的出卖,他见了周侗之后,心绪便已大变,此事见这景象,更是心潮翻涌沸腾,气血上涌,脸上一阵红一阵白,有羞愧,也有愤怒。 In fact between strict Huan and Zhou Dong the true learned skill teach unexpectedly not many, is only some such years, strict Huan poses as the Zhou Dong disciple, even under after rushing stated that this was still his proudest matter. He entire family was captured before, the eldest son was killed, the determination does not have the means that has to compromise. After seeing Zhou Dong, can disregard all unexpectedly , can only say that is Zhou Dong usually the group hero upholds justice, the upright impression to make him respect hence. 事实上严涣与周侗之间真正的艺业传授倒是没有多少,只是这么些年来,严涣以周侗弟子自居,即便闯下声明后,这也是他最为自豪之事。他之前全家被俘,长子被杀,自觉毫无办法,只好妥协。待见到周侗后,竟就能将一切置之度外,也只能说是周侗平日行侠仗义、刚直不阿的的印象令他敬仰至此。 When one such as north grain shortage many mountain bandits, they usually in or kill and torch to stop at nothing, when hits to Zhou Dong, thought unexpectedly is robbed is also willing, does not have the enmity. Cannot be victorious Zhou Dong besides them, really has the respect of the heart. 一如北面粮荒时的许多山匪般,他们平日里或者杀人放火无所不为,待到周侗打上来,竟觉得被劫也是心甘情愿,毫无怨怼。除了他们打不过周侗之外,也确实有发自内心的崇敬在。 Some matter people who Zhou Dong presents come early the report, enters the camp, then holding a spear/gun young expert greets, in the vision, is quite curious. Zhou Dong sees him to walk the stance, sized up several unavoidably. 周侗出现的事情早有人过来报告,进入营地,便有一名持枪的年轻高手过来迎接,目光之中,颇为好奇。周侗见他行走间的架势,也不免多打量了几眼。 This has then followed in Ning Yi nearby Zhu Biao. His martial arts superior, in young one generation, is only is not as good as Chen Fan, Xigua (watermelon), Yue Fei and the others, in Shandong (mountain east), Zhou Dong and Ning Yi and back the Hongti meeting floating passes previous time, Zhu Biao and the others caught up with when passed over not to see, has made him feel quite regrettable. 这便是一直跟在宁毅身边的祝彪了。他的武艺高强,年轻一辈中,仅是稍逊陈凡西瓜、岳飞等人,前一次在山东,周侗宁毅红提会面后边飘然远逝,祝彪等人赶过去时未曾见到,一直让他觉得颇为遗憾。 Ning Yi the flame is writing the thing in a small wooden shed in camp. The surrounding Brigands person's pitiful yell is also good, scold, or the sob is tumultuous, has not affected him is too many. When approached to Zhou Dong and the others, he puts down the writing brush in hand. Sets out to come toward here. 宁毅正在营地中的一个小木棚里就着火光写东西。周围绿林人的惨叫也好、斥骂也罢,又或是哭泣扰攘,都没有影响他太多。待到周侗等人走近时,他才将手中的毛笔搁下。起身朝这边过来。 Zhou Senior, good fortune brother. really skillful, met.” The front put on young Scholar(egghead) of from head to toe azure clothes to smile was arching cupping one hand in the other across the chest, Shandong (mountain east) one several other months, cannot think that can meet with two in this place again. Today is really double happiness descend on the house.” “周前辈、福禄兄。真巧,又见面了。”面前穿一身青衣的年轻书生微笑着拱了拱手,“山东一别数月,想不到能在此地再与两位见面。今天真是双喜临门哪。” The surroundings scolded the sound to transmit. Is side is closed some Brigands people in prison van. Also some people recognized Zhou Dong, is shouting anything, should be hopes that Zhou Dong can for the words that they raise one's head. strict Huan grips tightly the double fist. The blood red eyes are staring at Ning Yi, seems like must throw toward Ning Yi that side. The Zhou Dong vision is staring at Ning Yi good one, took a fast look around the surroundings, then also arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest. 周围骂声传来。是旁边被关在囚车中的一些绿林人。也有些人认出了周侗,正在喊着些什么,该是希望周侗能替他们出头的话语。严涣紧握双拳。血红的双眼盯着宁毅,看起来就要往宁毅那边扑过去。周侗目光盯着宁毅好一阵,扫视了周围,便也拱了拱手。 Old Man this time, is came for the matter of tonight specially, actually cannot be regarded skillfully.” 老夫此次,本是专为今夜之事过来的,倒也算不得巧。” Week senior is really direct.” Ning Yi smiles. “周前辈真直接。”宁毅笑起来。 Zhou Dong at this time still in looking at the surrounding condition, in these prison van, several even is on rivers and lakes / Jianghu a quite famous side ancient, at this time was also hit black and blue, finishes a job the foot, the tragic difficult word, these person and Zhou Dong not long-standing and deep-rooted friend, actually knew mostly, some people still shouted in the prison van unyieldingly: Zhou Dong, you do not need and others to ask favor for me, only need kill this demon......” 周侗此时还在看着周围的状况,那些囚车之中,几名甚至是江湖上颇有名气的一方宿老,此时也被打得鼻青脸肿,断手断脚,凄楚难言,这些人与周侗并无深交,却多半认识,有人还在囚车中硬气地大喊:“周侗,你不必为我等求情,只需杀了这魔头……” The Zhou Dong vision is complex, faint sighed. Nearby strict Huanchen sound said: Ning Yi, has my kind teacher here, you have not been repentant.” 周侗目光复杂,微微叹了口气。旁边严涣沉声道:“宁毅,有我恩师在此,你还不悔悟。” I spoke with the week senior, which wheel obtained you to interrupt.” “我与周前辈说话,哪轮得到你插嘴。” The night wind howls, the flame shakes, mixes when the bloody air/Qi, in the also has not far away camp several night cauldrons are boiling the surface fragrance. The atmosphere suddenly becomes stiff, many hearts look at the aspect that this is confronting frightenedly, a side occupied the Imperial Court situation heart demon, the other side is among Brigands almost recognized Number One Under the Heavens person, no one knows that next quarter both sides on will launch an attack suddenly, but in any event, at least in this moment, almost all people regarded as existence in same altitude both sides, can confront with Zhou Dong like this, heart demon already was the big demon who deserved. 夜风呼啸,火光摇动,混合在血腥气中的,还有不远处营地之中几个宵夜大锅正在煮面时的香气。气氛一时间变得僵硬起来,不少人都心头惴惴地望着这对峙的局面,一方是占了朝廷大势的“心魔”,另一方是绿林间几乎公认的天下第一人,谁也不知道下一刻双方就会猝然发难,但无论如何,至少在这一刻,几乎所有人都将双方视为了同一高度上的存在,能够这样与周侗对峙,心魔已经是当之无愧的大魔头了。 A moment later, Zhou Dong starts talking. 片刻之后,周侗开口说了话。 „The past six months, Young Master Ning was north-south disaster relief preparation with all one's heart, directing the grain to enter the place of disaster, the living person were countless, a living buddha to ten thousand families...... this matter, Zhou dai north-south common people thanked.” “过去的半年时间,宁公子为南北赈灾尽心筹划,引粮食入受灾之地,活人无数、万家生佛……此事,周某代南北的百姓谢过了。” old person, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest at this point layer on layer/heavily. His saying first half seemed like to the surrounding people was saying, making strict Huan and the others stunned. Shortly after they and Zhou Dong are together, was seeing with own eyes the old person vision is indifferent, does not know that he was saying the irony is flattering —— in their in the heart, is naturally saving this kind of idea and lucky. 老人说到这里,重重地拱了拱手。他这话前半段像是对周围的众人在说,令得严涣等人都为之错愕。他们与周侗相处不久,眼见着老人目光淡然,也不知他是在说反话还是在拍马屁——在他们心中,自然是存着这类想法与侥幸的。 When said to Zhou Dong, Ning Yi then also said submissively: Week senior in the north conduct, the younger generation also heard, quite made one admire.” 待到周侗说完,宁毅便也拱手道:“周前辈在北面的行事,晚辈也听说了,颇为令人敬佩。” „The strength of Old Man, limited...... is not willing to discuss this matter eventually much, Zhou Dong was only simple said this, his vision swept nearby these people, the words had actually lowered, making the following sound only make a sound in the surroundings zhang (3.33 m), by no means spread. 老夫之力,终究有限……”不愿意多谈此事,周侗只是简单地说了这句,他目光扫过旁边的那些人,话语却低了下来,令得接下来的声音只响在周围丈余,并不传开。 Liheng is to relief disaster to rush about, in the end was actually misunderstood by the person of ignorant not knowledge, no matter what this matter who is unavoidable fearfully. Tonight person also by no means is the dirty petty people, they have indeed for the moral public spirit, but the manner hoodwinks, cannot distinguish clearly the genuine and fake. These Brigands people, many superficial it seems like attractive heroic spirit, in fact cross are not good, their in the heart asked that only all, was a face. Liheng looks like the by no means plan to kill off them tonight, if must meet in the future, then should not so humiliate them.” 立恒为赈灾奔忙,到头来却被无知无识之人误解,此事任谁都难免心寒。只是今夜所来之人也并不全是肮脏鼠辈,他们有的确实是为道义公心,只是为人蒙蔽,分不清真假。这些绿林人,许多表面看来光鲜豪气,实际上过得是很不好的,他们心中所求、唯一所有的,也就是个面子。立恒看来并不打算今夜杀光他们,若是日后还要相见,便不该如此折辱他们。” He said these, said: Old Man catches up, to prevent this congress, nevertheless cannot think, meets this grade of situation. Had the matter of tonight, they bear a grudge to Liheng inevitably......, but this matter actually not cannot reduce and solve, Old Man in these people, but also calculates somewhat the face, if Liheng is willing to let off in them some innocent, Old Man is also willing to mediate for the Liheng lobby, can talk clearly the truth and people, in the future some this kind of things, how will Liheng also feel?” 他说完这些,又道:“老夫一路赶来,原为阻止这次大会,却是想不到,遇上这等情况。有了今夜之事,他们必然对立恒怀恨在心……但此事倒也并非不能化解,老夫在这些人中,还算有几分面子,立恒若愿意放过他们之中一些无辜者,老夫也愿意为立恒游说调停,将事情真相与众人说得清楚,往后也少些这类事情,立恒觉得如何?” Ning Yi calmly is listening, at this time smiles: Sounding, tonight kills off their actually is a good way.” 宁毅静静听着,此时笑起来:“听起来,今晚杀光他们倒也是个好办法。” „Can Liheng do this?” 立恒要这样做吗?” In the dim light of night and flame, the Zhou Dong words cannot be regarded kindly. In fact both sides communicated twice, mostly was also this grade of attitude. At this time listens to Zhou Dong saying that partly to interrogate half warning words. Ning Yi smiled, shrugged toward side. 夜色与火光之中,周侗的话语算不得亲切。事实上双方两次来往,大多也就是这等态度。此时听周侗说出那句半质问半警告的话。宁毅笑了笑,朝旁边摊了摊手。 Zhou Senior, the good fortune brother, two come from far away, was probably hungry, here prepared the noodles, first ate one bowl to say again...... yeah you......” he said with a smile toward the surrounding person, ok, did not go to war, other such was anxious, does your matters to go. I take one bowl of noodles with soybean paste.” “周前辈、福禄兄,两位远道而来,大概也饿了,这边准备了面条,先吃一碗再说……哎你们……”他朝周围的人笑道,“好了,又不是打仗,别这么紧张,做你们的事去。我要一碗炸酱面。” The Zhou Dong character is straightforward. Obviously by no means likes Ning Yi this branching off topic the act, but actually has to follow at present, as strict Huan also they move toward one side of the camp. That side several pot noodles all in the night preparation of person for camp, when carried to some people. came in his heart doubts already cannot constrain. Clenches teeth saying: Master. You said...... real?” 周侗性格耿直。显然并不喜欢宁毅这种岔开话题的行径,但眼下倒也只好跟着过去,严涣也随着他们走向营地一侧。那边的几锅面条全是为营地中人的宵夜准备,待到有人端了面过来。他心中的疑惑已经根本压抑不住。咬牙道:“师父。您方才说的……是真的?” The Zhou Dong vision was serious, swept his one eyes: That grain shortage that last year started, many were stored grains by each region wealthy and powerful family is the result. Without Young Master Ning coordinates the right government residence organization grain merchant, north-south regional present already are everywhere the bodies of those who starved to death and people have no means to make a living! If not he kept off these wealthy and powerful family source of income, how these people will leave about the rumor, instigates you to work.” 周侗目光严肃,扫了他一眼:“去年开始的那场粮荒,多由各地大户屯粮所致。若没有宁公子配合右相府组织粮商,南北各地眼下已经是满地饿殍、民不聊生!若非他挡了那些大户财路,那些人又岂会乱放谣言,煽动你们去做事。” however......” strict Huan hesitant, he, if is really good person, why does not relief disaster to put the grain directly, is bent on having to sell such high the grain price......” 可是……”严涣犹豫了一下,“他若真是好人,为何不直接赈灾放粮,偏要将粮价卖得那样高……” Without the advantage, who will import the disaster area the grain! Several people are willing to put the grain free!” Zhou Dong looks at his one eyes, the stern voice and appearance, you are so filled with righteous indignation, you may once transport/fortune the grain to go to the disaster area life-saving!? You may once go to the disaster area to put the grain!?” “若没有好处,谁会将粮食运进灾区!有几个人愿意免费放粮!”周侗望他一眼,声色俱厉,“你如此义愤填膺,你可曾运粮去灾区救人!?你可曾去灾区放粮!?” old person referred to that side the prison van: These people!?” 老人指了指囚车那边:“那些人呢!?” I and others...... am not willing...... to take advantage of somebody......” strict Huan to lower the head, whole piece face already rises the red, on the forehead the blood vessel inflates, he also already knows at this time Zhou Dong said not empty with the word of winding, when to looking up to Ning Yi, actually saw Ning Yi to receive one bowl of hands over personaaly from side to Zhou Dong, soon after gives good fortune. Son's death, entire family grasped that is floating at present, actually cannot think that at present unexpectedly is good person. He also already somewhat regretted at this time, but some grief and indignation also already well up. “我等……不愿……趁人之危……”严涣低着头,整张脸都已经涨成红色,额头上血管膨胀,他此时也已经知道周侗说的并非虚与委蛇之言,待到抬起头来望向宁毅,却见宁毅正从旁边接过一碗面递给周侗,随后又递给福禄。儿子的死,全家被抓的那一幕又在眼前浮起来了,却想不到眼前竟是个好人。他此时也已经有些懊悔,可有些悲愤也已经涌上来。 Where that...... that my family member......” he spoke toward Ning Yi that side difficultly, you put them! I...... I acknowledge that the punishment is deserved......” “那……那我的家人在哪里……”他艰难地朝宁毅那边说话,“你放了他们!我……我认栽……” Ning Yi takes one bowl of surface to look at him, then hands over: „Do you also want?” 宁毅拿着一碗面望着他,然后递过来:“你也要?” My family member?” “我的家人呢?” Eats the bowl noodles I to tell you.” “吃碗面我告诉你。” strict Huan actually does not meet that: You put them...... I and I not to investigate how this matter...... I acknowledged that the punishment is deserved you also to —— 严涣却不接那面:“你放了他们……我、我绝不追究此事……我认栽了你还要怎样—— His voice is at this point high gradually, in the sound maximum that flash, in the Ning Yi eye flashes through an ominous offense the look, one bowl of surface toward scattered to pound strictly right in the face, Fulu Station, put out a hand to hold bowl of bottoms near fiercely. But in his time hand also has the noodles, can only set aside meets single-handed, the soup in bowl whish put on strict Huan the face , after strict Huan was burnt, leapt one step, got hold of the double fist then strategic place in the past, surroundings several crossbow bows shouted put up, Zhu Biao also approached, got hold of long spear in hand. 他说到这里话音渐高,就在声音最高的那一瞬间,宁毅眼中闪过一丝凶戾的神色,一碗面朝着严涣劈头盖脸地砸了过去,福禄站得近些,猛一伸手抓住了碗底。但他此时手中也有面条,只能腾出单手来接,碗里的汤汤水水哗的扑在了严涣的脸上、身上,严涣被烫得后跃了一步,握紧双拳便要冲过去,周围几把弩弓呼的架了起来,祝彪也靠近过来,握紧了手中的长枪 Ning Yi is staring at him, indifferently leaning leaning head: Strict Master, you had what problem...... you last night are not Ah… of this appearance...” 宁毅盯着他,冷漠地偏了偏头:“严师傅,你有什么毛病……你昨晚不是这个样子的啊……” You......” “你……” Week senior you saw.” Ning Yi shrugged, cultivates the behavior to keep the frontline, in the future will meet well, week Master you can also explain things for me, clarify, I can like good person, be respected by them. But that what kind of? Your disciple, when he felt I am the evil person, I kill his son to catch his entire family him not to dare to put, now he thought that I was good person, thinks that I fooled him in Eh, suddenly, he had the courage to be greatly low voice with me.” “周前辈你看到了。”宁毅摊了摊手,“做人留一线,日后好相见,周师傅你也可以替我去分说、去澄清,我可以像个好人一样,被他们尊敬。但那又怎么样呢?你的弟子,当他觉得我是恶人的时候,我杀他儿子抓他全家他连个屁都不敢放,现在他觉得我是好人了,以为我在唬他,忽然间,他就有勇气跟我大小声。” Ning Yi smiled, received one bowl of surface: Because he felt, good person is will definitely not kill his entire family. Even if I am becoming his surface kill(ed) him son, he will feel, I will not do excessive. The week senior you clarifies for me now, right, can few several want to kill my person, but they will also feel, I need their understanding, can they have a above the skies Capital to kill me to be defeated, will also anticipate that I do understand to them by the principle of righteousness?” 宁毅笑了笑,接过一碗面:“因为他觉得,好人是肯定不会杀他全家的。哪怕我当着他的面杀了他儿子,他还是会觉得,我不会做得更过分了。周前辈你现在替我澄清,没错,是可以少几个想杀我的人,但他们还会觉得,我需要他们的谅解,会不会他们有一天上京杀我失败了,还会期待我对他们晓以大义?” good person does not go on living, week senior.” Ning Yi is eating the noodles, good person worries, cares, has the bottom line, the true evil person, will look down upon them, like the idea of your disciple, when he discovered that I am good person that moment, he...... does not respect me suddenly. What a pity, he made a mistake.” 好人是活不下去的,周前辈。”宁毅吃着面,“好人有牵挂,有在乎,有底线,真正的恶人,会瞧不起他们,就像你弟子的想法,当他发现我是好人的那一刻,他忽然就……不怎么尊重我。可惜,他搞错了。” He shakes the head: Today these people, called most unyielding that Old Man a moment ago, the week senior, he received 1520 money to facilitate this matter, who when you he really did care about me to be harmful die? The evil people make conspiracy in groups, good person forever is a motley crew. They to the brain be hot for a while, can be stirred up, can be dies, but is being able to work sentiment, because your disciple even I am good person no longer fear me, others thought that I was better to cope. You looked why I can keep the frontline for them? I do not care about their revenge from the start, wanting me to be with one's family broken up and decimated, no matter the good person evil person, I want them to be with one's family broken up and decimated.” 他摇了摇头:“今天来的这些人,就刚才叫得最硬气的那个老头,周前辈,他收了一千五百两银子来促成这件事,你当他真的在乎我有没有害死谁?恶人结党成群,好人永远是乌合之众。他们为了一时脑热,可以被煽动,可以为人去死,但就是做不了事情,你的弟子甚至因为我是好人而不再怕我,别人就觉得我更好对付了。你看,我为什么要为他们留一线?我压根不在乎他们的寻仇,想要我家破人亡的,不管好人恶人,我都要他们家破人亡。” The Zhou Dong vision is serious. Has not spoken. On strict Huan the face already is red one white one, his tone is soft: This...... this matter...... was I made a mistake......” 周侗目光严肃。没有说话。严涣的脸上已经是红一阵白一阵,他的语气软下来:“这……这件事……是我错了……” Ning Yi is taking a look at him up and down, then extended finger to refer to these hanging and falls on him in the noodles of ground: Your surface wanted coolly, ate the noodles. Finished eating. Where I told you your family member to be.” 宁毅上下打量着他,然后伸手指了指那些挂在他身上和掉在地上的面条:“你的面要凉了,吃面。吃完了。我告诉你你家人在哪。” strict Huan the complexion becomes flushed instantaneously again. The opposite party this does not give any face. Must continue to insult him. Some complexion also unhesitatings of nearby Zhou Dong and good fortune, in the heart felt eventually, humiliates a person not to need to this degree. In rivers and lakes / Jianghu the person, nothing but raises one's head necking in blade that's all. But a moment later, they have not opened the mouth eventually, scatters the vision to stare Ning Yi strictly, puts out a hand to grasp the noodles on clothes to deliver toward the mouth, soon after squats to grasp the ground the noodles to force in the mouth. 严涣的脸色瞬间就再度涨红起来。对方这根本就是不留任何情面。要继续侮辱他。旁边周侗与福禄的脸色也有些不豫,心中终究觉得,折辱一个人到这种程度没有必要。江湖中人,无非伸头缩头的一刀罢了。但片刻之后,他们终究没有开口,严涣目光瞪着宁毅,伸手抓起衣服上的面条往嘴里送,随后又蹲下去抓起地上的面条塞进嘴里。 Regardless of there is a beforehand matter, had this, two people almost on already are the dead enmity. 无论有没有之前的事情,有了这一幕,两人几乎就已经是死仇。 Ning Yi seems careless, he himself is eating the noodles, have a relish is looking at this. Soon, he eats the bowl noodles, gives behind person the tableware, smiles to look at strict Huan, says: Your family member, all death.” 只是宁毅对此似乎毫不在乎,他自己吃着面条,也在饶有兴致地望着这一幕。不久之后,他吃碗面,将碗筷递给身后的人,笑望着严涣,开口说道:“你的家人,全都死啦。” strict Huanzheng squats on the ground, admits the mouth with the silt the noodles, is staring Ning Yi the big mouth chews, seems wish makes Ning Yi see his determination to be the same, however hears these words, his whole person on stiff there. 严涣正蹲在地上,将面条和着泥沙放进嘴里,一面瞪着宁毅一面大口嘴嚼,仿佛是想要让宁毅看见他的决心一般,然而听得这句话,他整个人就僵在了那儿。 Couple days ago on death ray.” Ning Yi leaning leaning head, the redundant say/way, was killing your son with a smile, compels that night that you are cooperating, I killed off your entire family, knows why I do not keep the frontline to you, because I had not planned to give you means of livelihood. Isn't this obvious matter? You taught a silly son, I am working as your surface kill(ed) him, you definitely cannot swallow this tone, I naturally must kill off your one...... the cooperation to put you, hey...... you also think that now I am good person?” “前几天就死光了。”宁毅偏了偏头,笑着重复道,“就在杀了你儿子,逼着你合作的那天晚上,我就把你全家都杀光了,知道我为什么不给你留一线,因为我本来就没打算给你活路。这不是明摆着的事情吗?你教了个傻儿子,我当着你的面杀了他,你肯定咽不下这口气,我当然要杀光你一家……合作就放了你们,嘿……你现在还觉得我是好人?” „......” Ning Yi is with smile on the face, vision ice-cold, but present strict Huan, changed to the wild animal in an instant, in his mouth makes the insignificant sound, soon after Ah—-”, pounces upon suddenly toward Ning Yi. Nearby good fortune makes a move to hold his shoulder suddenly, shouted: You wait/etc! Calm!” “嗬……”宁毅面带笑容,目光冰冷,而眼前的严涣,更是在转眼间化作了野兽,他的口中发出无意义的声音,随后啊——”的一声,朝着宁毅这边猛扑过来。旁边的福禄陡然出手抓住他的肩膀,喝道:“你等等!冷静一下!” But at this moment, where scatters to have slightly the calm possibility strictly, he is struggling furiously, almost must fight with good fortune, Ning Yi stands beyond several smiles to look at all these, in the mouth is speaking the sarcastic remark: Wah Oh...... he did not have the means to be calm, gave up treating...... you to have a look, the eye red...... you did not wait, the mouth also has noodles...... will not be choked by the noodles......” 但在此时此刻,严涣哪里能有丝毫冷静的可能,他奋力挣扎着,几乎要与福禄撕打起来,宁毅站在几步外笑望着这一切,口中说着风凉话:“……他没办法冷静了,放弃治疗吧……你看看,眼睛都红了……你不等一等吗,嘴里还有面条……不会被面条呛死吧……” Zhou Dong looks at all these, crossed one, seems like detects anything, then also starts to lower the head to eat the noodles. Also after a while, distant place of some people 's shadows from camp come, walked called one in a frontline child: Father.” strict Huancai is also suddenly stiff there, in the crowd, some people cry to shout husband. 周侗看着这一切,过了一阵,似乎是察觉到什么,便也开始低头吃面。又过了一会儿,有些人影从营地外的远处过来,走在最前方的一个孩子叫了一声:“爹爹。”严涣才陡然又僵在那里,人群之中,有人哭着喊“相公”。 Just-kidding!” Ning Yi moves toward strict Huan, cracks a joke.” The voice falls, he held fiercely on strict Huan the belly, rumbled his whole person kicked. strict Huan rolled several to stop on the ground, in the flame, the Scholar(egghead) form walked indifferently. “just-kidding!”宁毅走向严涣,“开玩笑的。”话音落下,他猛地一脚揣在了严涣的肚子上,将他整个人轰的踢飞了出去。严涣在地上滚了几圈才停下来,火光中,书生的身影冷漠地走过来了。 Ning Yi bent down the body, grasped the hair of his back of the head, the ice-cold vision looked with him in the same place: I thought that you understood certainly, yes?” 宁毅俯下了身子,抓起他后脑的头发,冰冷的目光与他对望在一起:“我觉得你一定懂了,是吧?” Scatters the vision twinkle strictly, does not dare to look with him again. Ning Yi shakes the head: Next time certainly real.” These words saying, held his hair hand to wield fiercely, making the body that scattered strictly tumble out one meter on the ground, the head also knocked again on the ground, scratched to bleed. 严涣目光闪烁,不敢再与他对望。宁毅摇了摇头:“下次一定是真的。”这句话说完,抓住他头发的手猛地一挥,让严涣的身体在地上滚出了一米有余,脑袋也在地上再磕了一下,擦出血来。 When has turned the head, only then Ning Yi moves toward Zhou Dong and the others directly the backs, the night wind blows, clothes sleeve flap flap makes noise. This near 40-year-old martial arts (social) circles Dahao again was also difficult at once the revenge guts, but crawled difficultly, looks that the family member approached toward him...... 转过头时,只有宁毅径直走向周侗等人的背影,夜风吹来,衣袂猎猎作响。这个年届四十的武林大豪一时之间却再也难有寻仇的胆量了,只是艰难地爬起,看着家人朝他走近过来…… ******************** ******************** The contact with Zhou Dong, soon after has not spent the too much time. In two people who the self- domain achieves the apex, as a result of the difference of style, does not have many common languages on the contrary. Some conduct and attitudes, even if can understand, actually does not represent to accept. Also is therefore, working as the person is calmly good after the nearby the Zhou Dong master and servant, Ning Yi actually also patted the head unavoidably regrettably: „, Is very difficult to make this old person like my Ah…...” 周侗的接触,随后并没有花太多的时间。在自我领域达到顶点的两人,由于行事风格的不同,反倒没有过多的共同语言。有些行事与作风,纵然能够理解,却不代表能够接受。也是因此,当着人将周侗主仆在附近安顿好之后,宁毅却也不免遗憾地拍了拍头:“啊,还是很难让这个老人家喜欢我啊……” goal that Zhou Dong comes, truly for the good intentions, this point chatted several Ning Yi to understand, even so, among two people the without too many compromise and vacillated. Zhou Dong will still not approve oneself this type to make style certainly the matter, but he chooses no longer persuades, already was very big making concessions. 周侗过来的目的,确实是为了善意,这一点聊得几句宁毅就能够明白,但即便如此,两人之间还是没有太多妥协和动摇的。周侗仍旧不会认同自己这种把事情做绝的风格,但他选择不再劝说,已经是很大的退让了。 Naturally, said good-bye Ning Yi, later, that night, slept the less seen the better in the Zhou Dong move of Kuruta Eastern Han Dynasty of nearby courtyard, sent regards his recent situation, soon after is also deferring to the his own way, continued to handle the matter. 当然,辞别宁毅,眼不见为净之后,这天晚上,夜宿在附近院落的周侗招来田东汉,问候了他最近的情况,随后也在按照他自己的方式,继续做着事情。 How...... to handle this matter, your master has your master own approach. Matter does certainly some, naturally can deter part of ganefs, but can convince words of a group of people, is eventually useful. After leaving this place, I will go to some pays a call well known Brigands people, making them clarify for the matter of disaster relief as far as possible. This matter is not no need to say with your master but actually, I want to help one group of him, wants to save the lives of person of some hot-head(ed), with the ability and character of your master, finds his person, could not result to be good mostly, this matter can little, on good point......” “……怎么处理这件事,你的东家有你东家自己的做法。事情做绝一点,当然可以威慑一部分宵小,但能够说服一批人的话,终究是有用的。离开此地之后,我将去拜会一些有名望的绿林人,让他们尽量为赈灾之事澄清。这事倒不必与你东家说了,我是想帮一帮他,也想救下一些鲁莽之人的性命,以你东家的能力和性格,找上他的人,多半也得不了好去,这事能少一点,也就好一点……” As for the people of these behind-the-scenes your master said that I will check as far as possible, if, I naturally will also really look for them, the bonus can not these people. Your master thought mostly I am stodgy, I also feel his arrogant rash, truly person but who he does the practical work, but I was old, all day mediocre person who will not actually be the peacemaker......” “至于你东家说的那些幕后之人,我会尽量去查一查,若是真的,我自然也会找上他们,饶不得这些人。你东家多半觉得我迂腐陈旧,我也觉得他倨傲孟浪,不过他是真正做实事的人,而我虽然老了,却也不会是整天做和事老的庸人……” Moreover I look at you good strategy, has some traces that I thought long ago, in recent years, I want in small with army not to have many progress, but if is used to take care of the household houseguard, vies with each other with three five expert, some nevertheless ideas available, I it writing down, he can do the person of real situation for the common people tonight, these things, are the Old Man slightly completely pygmy effort......”( to be continued..) “另外我看你们所行阵法,有我早年所想的一些痕迹,这些年来,我想要用之军中的小阵还没有多少进展,但若是用来守家护院,与三五高手一争长短,却是有些想法可用的,我今夜会将之写下来,他是能为百姓做实事之人,这些东西,算是老夫略尽的绵薄之力吧……”(未完待续。。)
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