LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#520: Chaos execution ground who is good person

During the dim light of night is hazy, on the fire sparkling sky, in the small county city, falls into one piece to slaughter with the confusion in the middle. 夜色迷蒙之中,火光映上天空,小小的县城里,陷入一片厮杀与混乱当中。 Reason that was elected to make the place of Brigands person gathering together, peach pavilion small county city, is not the kindhearted institute. In county city all sorts of people originally many, has also had long been used to regarding the trouble that has occasionally, but tonight, the officers obvious background of coming is big. Zhou Dong and good fortune discontinue to sneak, in secret sees then 34 groups of battles, some are kill from the dark lane, some conceal in the common people residence, was found, rises spiritedly to revolt. Looks around in the county city slaughters, except for wearing the officers of official investigator clothing/taking and military uniform, what are more is five to seven people of one group of military. 之所以被选作绿林人士聚首之地,桃亭这个小县城,原本就不是什么良善之所。县城之中三教九流原本就多,对于偶尔出现的乱子也早已习惯,但今天晚上,过来的官兵显然来头不小。周侗与福禄下了马一路潜行进去,暗中看见的便有三四拨的厮杀,有些是从暗巷杀出,有的则匿藏于民居之中,被人找到,奋起反抗。在县城四处搜寻厮杀的,除了穿着捕快服、军装的官兵,更多的还是五到七人一拨的武者。 These people have not worn the formal Imperial Court clothing, but can act with the officers, obviously before had said the hello. Under followed of officers, they can enter the common people residence to search, are occupied by the people here to know for sure the matter to be big, hides within the home law-abidingly, quite coordinates the search of officers. Zhou Dong and good fortune see several Brigands people to sneak to a house, they knew with house Lord obviously, wants the avoidance, to convenient resists the wooden door in inside, only said: You walk quickly! Walks quickly, implicates me not!” 这些人并未穿上正式的朝廷服装,但能够与官兵一齐行动,显然之前就已打好了招呼。在官兵的跟随下,他们得以进入民居进行搜索,住在这里的民众情知事情不小,都安安分分地躲在家中,也颇为配合官兵的搜索。周侗与福禄就看见几名绿林人潜行到一处宅子,他们与房子主人显然认识,想要进去躲避,对方便在里面抵住木门,只说:“你们快走!快走,莫连累我!” Several Brigands people scolded him is not loyal in out, some people threatened saying: Did not open the door then burnt his house.” But immediately on the street then has to slaughter the sound to spread, several Brigands people ran away hastily. 几名绿林人在门外只是骂他不讲义气,有人威胁道:“不开门便烧了他房子。”但随即街道上便有厮杀声蔓延过来,几名绿林人连忙逃走了。 Leads the way, more is close to the county city center, more can see clearly the front flame. Before peach pavilion district Zhou Dong, had once come, knows that the county city center has one quite to have the inn and stage platform of scale, is the institute of all sorts of people collection. The tonight's heroic congress also goes on there surely, but at this time looks like, that building already changes into a sea of fire, entire already was burnt down collapsing, in the air transmits the indistinct burnt odor aura, obviously many people were buried in the middle of that sea of fire. 一路前行,越是接近县城中央,越能看清前方的火光。桃亭县周侗之前也曾来过,知道县城中央有一处颇有规模的客栈与戏楼,最是三教九流汇集之所。今晚的英雄大会也必定是在那里开,但此时看来,那栋楼房已经化为一片火海,整个都已经被焚毁坍塌,空气中传来隐约的焦臭气息,显然有不少人葬身在那片火海当中了。 The matter that happened regarding here, Zhou Dong in the heart has the guess indistinctly, crossed the county city center, then touches toward the south side. 对于这里发生的事情,周侗心中隐约有着猜测,过了县城中央,便往南边摸过去。 This Brigands Congress convener 's name is strict Huan, is he had instructed initially a recording a name disciple. It is the peach pavilion person. Quite is also famous on rivers and lakes / Jianghu. Zhou Dong must go to Yanjiazhuang to look for him, but above, makes Zhou Dong care truly, is the actions of these raid. Made he somewhat familiar feeling. 这次绿林大会的召集人名叫严涣,乃是他当初指导过的一位记名弟子。本身便是桃亭人。在江湖上也颇有名气。周侗原本就要去严家庄找他,而一路之上,真正让周侗在意的,还是那些搜捕者的行动。令他有些熟悉的感觉。 These five to seven people of one group of military assumed most the duties of raid. Reason that comes to see them and Brigands people separatedly. Is because in Brigands the person handles affairs mostly loosely. If were together for a long time, no doubt also had very good coordination, but was actually far from too many methodicalness. But these people obviously after training. During the action, the coordination is similar to overall ——, even if cannot achieve the perfect effect, seeming like at least is toward this direction goes. 这些五到七人一拨的武者承担下了大部分搜捕的任务。之所以将他们与绿林人分开来看。是因为绿林中人行事大多松散。彼此之间若是相处久了,固然也有很好的配合,但却谈不上太多的章法。而这些人显然经过训练。行动当中,彼此间的配合便如同一个整体——哪怕达不到完美的效果,看起来至少是朝着这个方向去的。 In their hands takes the weapon has the difference respectively, some people cause the fishing net, some people hold long spear, some people with the broadsword, some people of subordinate worker crossbows, some people of fencing shield —— at least on rivers and lakes / Jianghu, are rarely seen with military who the blade shield coordinates. Such a group of people have nothing at first sight, several groups of people look, some ways. martial arts of these people could not perhaps have achieved first-class, but each other coordinated well, once fought, the shield kept off the opposite party to attack, two long spear straight thrusts, the broadsword wielded cuts, in the short distance the might astonishing hand crossbow coordinated the fishing net again, the ordinary 35 Brigands people were not the opponents, often fought several then to be scattered takes. 他们手中拿着的兵器各有不同,有人使渔网,有人持长枪,有人拿大刀,有人配手弩,有人操刀盾——至少在江湖上,用刀盾配合的武者是不多见的。这样子一拨人乍看之下还没什么,几拨人看下来,就很有些门道了。这些人的武艺或许还达不到一流,但彼此配合得好了,一旦交手,盾牌挡下对方攻击,两柄长枪直刺,大刀挥砍,中近距离上威力惊人的手弩再配合渔网,一般的三五名绿林人根本就不是对手,往往交手几下便被打散拿下了。 But especially Zhou Dong here, can feel other things. 而尤其在周侗这里,更能感到一些其他的东西。 Probably more than ten years ago, he also when governing fist hall, no matter what Military Instructor, had considered profound Martial Arts after army in ——, although achieves governing fist hall day character Military Instructor then does not have the little advance again, but Zhou Dong to these matters is warm-hearted, even if the Fist Arts broad biography violates martial arts (social) circles to abstain very much, his also by no means cares. 大概在十余年前,他还在御拳馆中任教头时,曾经考虑过将高深的武学用于军阵之中——虽然做到御拳馆天字教头之后便再无寸进,但周侗对这些事还是热心的,哪怕拳法广传很犯武林忌讳,他也并不在乎。 For these things, he gave many cares. If simplifies the Fist Arts, the pursue is intensive, or the simplified style, pursues the actual effect, again or designs the special formation, plays the major role to the battlefield. But afterward these attempts were defeated mostly. The thing that the ancestor hands down from generation to generation has his truth, Fist Arts martial arts these, first sought the talent, secondly must be able to eat to sate the appetite. In army, even if teaches all comers without discrimination, can study is also a few that the fist finishes an apprenticeship, this actually that's all, the biggest problem is, does not teach well, does not teach proper, the opposite party studied instead injured and body. 为了这些事情,他曾经费过很多心思。如简化拳法,追求速成,又或是简化招式,追求实效,再或者设计出特殊的阵型,到战场上发挥更大的作用。但后来这些尝试大都失败了。祖宗传下来的东西有他的道理,拳法武艺这些,一来求天赋,二来要能吃饱饭。军队之中,哪怕有教无类,能够学拳出师的也是少数,这倒也罢了,最大的问题是,教不好,教不到位,对方学了反而伤及身体。 This matter one such as intensive drawback, even Breaks Six Paths this class profound inner force, will still leave behind the internal injury, if must alleviate this, once in a while must have the martial arts excel person to push the palace for the opposite party the hole, massages the body, in the end, fosters a small expert price to need big expert to look after on the contrary, really gain does not equal the loss. 这事情一如速成的弊端,即便是“破六道”这类的高深内功,仍旧会给人留下暗伤,如果要缓解这点,每隔一段时间就得有武艺更高强的人替对方推宫过穴,按摩身体,到头来,养成一个小高手的代价反倒需要一个大高手去照顾,委实得不偿失。 Even if truly completing study profound martial arts, the person are not many, the capacity for food is also often big. If there is a such army, their martial arts superior is good at coordinating, first will eat the country falls poorly. 而即便是真正学成高深武艺的,人不算多,往往饭量又大。如果有这样的一支军队,他们武艺高强又善于配合,首先就会把国家吃穷掉。 As for the simplified style, thousand above battlefield hammer hundred refinements to get down, in the middle of the army training method itself/Ben is extremely the murder technique of simplification. One blade repeated several moves, the taken originally is the most simple clear strategic point, according to the request of book on military strategy, the soldier practices dividing of simple to cut to jab every day over a thousand times, must say the simplification, Zhou Dong really also has nothing to simplify. 至于简化招式,战阵之上的千锤百炼下来,军队当中的训练方法本就是极其简化的杀人术。一把刀反反复复的几招,取的原本就是最简单清楚的要害,按照兵书的要求,兵丁每天练习简单的劈砍戳刺成上千次,要说简化,周侗实在也没什么可简化的了。 Due to this and that reason, Zhou Dong also realized finally the own ideas are the empty talk. He as military, to the oneself body grasps already to reach the pinnacle, but if must take the military officer, actually could not have compared these martial arts not high small General. Finally Zhou Dong records his some ponders, afterward these draft manuscripts were also deposited in the middle of the governing fist hall, the person who can see are not many. 由于这样那样的原因,最终周侗也意识到自己的想法多是空谈。他作为武者,对自己身体的掌握已经登峰造极,但若是要作为将领,其实还比不上那些武艺不高的小将军。最终周侗将他的一些思考记录下来,后来这些手稿也被存放在御拳馆当中,能够看到的人不多。 But at present, before these five to seven people of lineups actually and him, designs, some small formation quite similar —— changes for battlefield no doubt has, but several steps between coordination, walk the position, enters knack that becomes and retrocedes, has him obviously initially the trace of tentative plan. 而在眼前,这五到七人的阵型却跟他以前设计的、用于战场的小阵型颇有些类似——其中的变化固然有许多,但配合之间的几种步法、走位,进趋与后退的诀窍,却显然有着他当初设想的痕迹。 Initially the tentative plan of Zhou Dong, arranges a formation, making the soldier be divided surrounding after the battlefield can operate independently, one slightly dialed one slightly to dial fought bravely to seek livehood. By his Martial Arts cultivation, coordination between several people think quite splendidly, if the drill appropriate, acts in harmony, the standard keeps off, murder and standard to keep off, the rhythm of murder to get up, several people then can deal with the continuous enemy very well. But this after all also fantasized, in the army the daily training is naturally conducted by the entire army. Where can practice the coordination of several people all day. Even if practiced, above the battlefield one washed out, gathering is still the strangers, this kind of line of business coordination explicit formation, is actually little significance. 当初周侗的设想,是安排一种阵型,使士兵在战场上被分割包围后能够各自为战,一小拨一小拨的奋战求生。以他的武学修为,几个人之间的配合想得颇为精彩,若是彼此之间操练得当、配合默契,格挡、杀人、格挡、杀人的节奏起来,几个人便能很好地应对源源不断的敌人。但这毕竟也是空想了,军队之中每天的训练自然是以整支军队来进行的。哪里能整天练习几个人的配合。即便练习了,战场之上一被冲散,聚集起来也都是陌生人,这类彼此之间职司配合明确的阵型,其实没有太大的意义。 However the present these people, took the onset and retreat step in his formation obviously, although at first sight the weapon of everyone is different, the formation somewhat is also chaotic, but in trap everywhere. Walks in the frontline, the seemingly sloppy that person, once were attacked, will immediately return. The soon after shield declines a visitor's call. The broadsword wields cuts, in long spear the escape route, the hand crossbow deterrent adds on the fishing net to strike an attitude to toss, even if first-class expert must suffer a loss suddenly. Looked at to fight at will several times. Then two Brigands military in such in a dilemma between were knocked down. In the battlefield the useless battle formation actually became the sharp weapon of minor operation in this time. 然而眼前的这些人,显然是取了他阵型中的进退步法,乍看起来虽然每人的武器都不同,阵型也有些乱,但在其中陷阱处处。走在最前方、看似散漫的那人一旦受到攻击,立刻就会退回。随后盾牌挡驾。大刀挥砍,长枪封中后路,手弩威慑加上渔网作势抛洒,哪怕是一流高手猝然间也要吃亏。随意看了几次交手。便有两名绿林武者在这样进退两难之间被打翻在地。战场上没用的阵势在此时却成了小规模作战的利器了。 Zhou Dong unexpectedly had not designed the coordination of so many weapon. At this time looked, he also while within the heart deliberated again. Has not so arrived in Yanjiazhuang, the master and servant two people unexpectedly discovered suddenly goal that must look. naturally 40-year-old middle age military, coordinating squad raid to walk from long street that knocked a families' gate, soon after to that families said that must go to search , the opposite party also made way the entrance. 周侗原本倒是没有设计这么多武器的配合。这时候一边看,他也一边在心中再度推敲。如此还没到严家庄,主仆两人倒是陡然发现了要找的目标。那是一名40多岁的中年武者,配合着一小队搜捕者从长街那头走来,敲开了一户人家的门,随后对那户人家说要进去搜寻一下,对方也就将门口让开了。 Zhou Dong and good fortune look strangely, this strict Huan can gain the reputation in Brigands, then because of his straightforwardness with the loyalty, Brigands Congress becomes enlightened this at present, did he cooperate with Government unexpectedly? Although the Zhou Dong standpoint always stands on the side of Government, at this time really some were also unreadable, after today, did Yanjiazhuang still base on rivers and lakes / Jianghu? 周侗与福禄看得奇怪,这严涣之所以能在绿林中赚下名声,便是因为他的豪爽与义气,眼下绿林大会开成这样,他居然跟官府合作了?虽然周侗的立场向来是站在官府一边的,这时候也实在有些难以理解,今天之后,严家庄还在不在江湖上立足了? In looked at the moment in secret, Zhou Dong walked from the street on, the sinking sound shouted one: strict Huan.” Opposite party several people are coming out from that courtyard, strict Huan the body shakes, looks toward here, at once, is staring, the hand actually somewhat trembles. unexpectedly follows in his nearby raid, first exhibited the formation, that person that it seems like indistinct resembles squad leads is just about to shout that taking, actually listens to strict Huan saying: M-Master!” 在暗中瞧了片刻,周侗自街道上走出来,沉声喊了一句:“严涣。”对方几人正从那院子里出来,严涣身体一震,朝这边望过来,一时之间,瞪着眼睛,手竟然有些哆嗦。倒是跟在他旁边的搜捕者,第一时间摆开了阵型,看来隐约像小队领头的那人正要喊“拿下”,却听严涣说道:“师、师父!” You......” “你……” Ah—-” 啊——” The next quarter, sees only strict Huan to clench teeth fiercely, launches an attack suddenly, divided a palm toward that person of lead, the opposite party also had the response in this flash, raised hand to keep off, could be repelled two steps, others were just about to act toward strict Huan, that lead man shouted: Draws back! Do not hit! Is Iron Arm Zhou Dong!” 下一刻,只见严涣猛地一咬牙,陡然发难,朝着那领头之人劈出一掌,对方却也在这一瞬间有了反应,举手一挡,被打得退了两步,其余人正要朝严涣出手,那领头汉子喝道:“退!不要打!是‘铁臂膀周侗!” This name, is lifting people simultaneous/uniform Qiwang of sword and spear to here, drew back subconsciously 12 steps, nevertheless composed one small subconsciously. strict Huan looks at them, goes out several steps toward side, leads the way toward Zhou Dong, the 40-year-old rivers and lakes / Jianghu man, in the eye really had the tears: M-Master...... the disciple is guilty.” Saying, then knelt on the long street, the head knocks the ground, for a very long time does not get up. 这名字一出,举着刀枪的众人齐齐望向这边,都下意识地退了一两步,却是下意识地组成了一个小阵。严涣看着他们,朝旁边走出几步,又朝着周侗这边前行过来,40多岁的江湖汉子,眼中竟然有了泪光:“师、师父……弟子有罪。”说着,便在长街上跪了下来,头磕到地上,久久的不起来。 Zhou Dong frowns, why he simply has not clarified this actually is, has to pass through two steps, lifts the hand to get up strict Huanfu: Does not need so, your I, although is symmetric by the masters and disciples, but how I have not really taught you anything...... this am.” 周侗皱起眉头,他根本没弄清楚这一幕到底是为什么,只得走过两步,抬手将严涣扶起来:“不必如此,你我虽以师徒相称,可我实在没教过你什么……这是怎么了。” They.” Behind strict Huanchao referred, clenches jaws, they...... stressed my family/home of 39, threatens me to set up the dead end this Brigands Congress, I...... my eldest son, already was killed...... Master by them.” “他们。”严涣朝后方指了指,咬牙切齿,“他们……抓了我一家三十九口,威胁我将这绿林大会设成死局,我……我的大儿子,已经被他们杀了……师父。” Zhou Dong is silent, he can look, in strict Huanyan tears, not for son's death, but regarding betraying the so many people compunction. Passes the moment, actually hears that side lead man first to speak: Week senior, my Patriarch person had once mentioned you, won't you for assembling for revolt with these people ‚’ come?” 周侗沉默下来,他能看得出来,严涣眼中的泪水,并非是为着儿子的死,而是对于出卖了这么多人的内疚。过得片刻,却听得那边的领头汉子首先说话:“周前辈,我家主人曾说起过你,你不会也是为了与这些人‘聚义’而来吧?” The spoken language of opposite party is forceful, obviously has not had the least bit guilty mood to matter that has at present. Zhou Dong looked at his one eyes, arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest: Your Patriarch person, however Ning Liheng?” 对方的言语铿锵有力,显然没有对眼前发生的事情产生半点内疚的情绪。周侗看了他一眼,拱了拱手:“你家主人,可是宁立恒?” Then is that person!” Scatters strictly one word at a time, eye socket blood red, these words saying, drew back suddenly one step, kind teacher, my high and low 39, still in that demon hand. strict Huan is pinches, misstep step, then in the difficult taking shelter world, first to walk one step!” His these words saying, wields the palm then to pat toward the oneself top of the head. Wields the midair, good fortune steps forward one step, waves to cut on his arm, dispersed his strength, soon after held his hand. “便是那人!”严涣一字一顿,眼眶血红,这句话说完,陡然退了一步,“恩师,我一家上下三十九口,犹在那魔头手中。严涣为人所挟,踏错这步,再难容身天地之间,就此先走一步了!”他这句话说完,挥掌便朝自己头顶拍去。才挥到半空,福禄跨出一步,挥手切在他的手臂上,散了他的力道,随后抓住了他的手 The Zhou Dong vision is serious, has swept his one eyes: Son is indomitable spirit, do not imitate this daughter stance, I and Ning Liheng have had casual acquaintance, walks, sees him.” In the spoken language, actually cannot listen many to get angry happily. 周侗目光严肃,扫过他一眼:“男儿顶天立地,勿要效仿这女儿姿态,我与宁立恒有过一面之缘,走吧,去见见他。”言语之中,却听不出多少喜怒来。 The man who that side leads arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest, is getting the people town North Korea northeast in the past, in vanguard, saw one group of people to catch two Brigands people in the past. One of them was towed in the fishing net, making the stick hit calls, in the mouth already starts to beg for mercy. Zhou Dong sees this, is knitting the brows, faint leaning leaning head. 那边领头的汉子拱了拱手,领着众人朝县城东北方过去,前行之中,又看见一拨人抓了两名绿林人过去。其中一人被拖在渔网里,让棍子打得嗷嗷叫,口中已经开始求饶。周侗看见这一幕,皱着眉,微微偏了偏头。 In the mouth that in the vanguard, Zhou Dong also scatters severely knew this evening's process. In fact actually simple, this Brigands hero congress then in the county city central inn, the opposite party took strict Huan the family member, prepared the kerosene in the conference site, buried the gunpowder, the congress arrived at half of times, the demon appears, meets face to face with the people, then they surrounded the conference site to ignite. These Brigands people know that the situation the crucial moment, some people clash at risk of life outward, the most people were killed and burnt, at this time hunts down, but is a small part that runs. 一路前行之中,周侗也从严涣的口中知道了这个晚上的经过。实际上倒也简单,这绿林英雄大会便是在县城中央的客栈中开的,对方拿了严涣的家人,在会场之中准备好了火油,埋好了火药,大会开到一半的时候,那魔头出现,与众人打了个照面,然后他们围住会场点了火。这些绿林人知道情况的千钧一发,有些人拼死往外冲,大半的人都被炸死和烧死了,此时搜捕的,不过是跑出来的一小部分。 strict Huan at this point, eye socket blood red. Zhou Dong is only listening silent, without the speech, passes the moment, he opens the mouth to say toward the front that lead man: Your name were the Tiandong man (Han), if I have not remembered incorrectly, has seen your one time in Mount Tai.” 严涣说到这里,眼眶血红。周侗则只是沉默地听着,没有说话,过得片刻,他朝着前方那领头汉子开口道:“你叫田东汉吧,如果我没记错,在泰山脚下见过你一次。” The man is somewhat astonished turns head, soon after cups one hand in the other across the chest, nods: Five years ago once had seen one side the senior from afar, cannot think that the senior still remembers.” 那汉子有些讶异地回过头来,随后才拱手,点了点头:“五年前曾远远见过前辈一面,想不到前辈还记得。” Your Master leads you world that comes out to see, he said that you received his legacy, pitifully is extremely only upright, feared that will suffer a loss , when houseguard, injured that landlord Young Master on the contrary...... your Master three years ago passed away, I then think at that time he has your such disciple.” Zhou Dong said, why you do give Ning Yi to work?” “你师父带你出来见的世面,他说你承了他的衣钵,只可惜太过忠厚,怕是会吃亏,给人当护院,反倒打伤了那地主公子……你师父三年前过世,我当时便想到他有你这样一个弟子。”周侗说道,“你是为什么给宁毅做事的?” That Tiandong man (Han) thought the moment, walks, sinking sound said: Last year the famine, home did not have money to buy the grain, my family...... the old lady falls ill, afterward starved to death, the woman also died, I led two children to earn living to go begging to go to the capital, meet the Ning Family gentleman in uses/gives porridge/gruel, raised houseguard .” 那田东汉想了片刻,一面走,一面沉声道:“去年饥荒,家里没钱买粮,俺家……老娘生了病,后来饿死了,女人也死了,俺带着两个孩子一路卖艺乞讨进京,遇上宁家官人在施粥,又挑护院,就去了。” Zhou Dong nods, passes the moment, said: How kill(ed) him son?” 周侗点了点头,过得片刻,又道:“怎么杀了他儿子?” The Tiandong man (Han) walk in the front, leaning leaning head: Many does not know, I last year to Ning Family, in family/home Lord to relief disaster to run, queers, in several months, come to assassinate altogether came 13 groups. Before the half a month, my Patriarch person gets married two girls, they killed to come to make, his family/home sons killed houseguard, maidservant, after running away, said enforces justice on behalf of Heaven, this surnamed Yan also celebrated. My Patriarch person comes, must compel him to obey, does not think that he takes son's life to bargain back and forth, then first worked as his surface to cut his son head, then threatened him with his entire family life.” 田东汉走在前方,偏了偏头:“多的不知道,我去年到宁家,家中主人为了赈灾一直奔走,得罪了人,几个月里,上门刺杀的一共来了十三拨。半月前我家主人迎娶两位姑娘,他们又杀上门来闹了一场,他家儿子杀了一名护院,一名丫鬟,逃走以后,说是替天行道,这姓严的还庆祝了一番。我家主人过来,要逼他就范,也不想他拿儿子的性命来讨价还价,便先当着他的面将他儿子人头砍了,再用他全家性命来威胁他。” Tiandong said here, paused: I also know like some should not, but wants to come...... not to have other means.” 田东汉说道这里,顿了顿:“我也知道这样有些不该,但想来……也没有其它办法。” Scatters to get hold of the fist strictly, the whole body trembles, almost then the strategic place comes up. Zhou Dong follows, no longer spoke.( To be continued..) 严涣握紧拳头,浑身发抖,几乎便要冲上去。周侗则只是跟着,不再说话。(未完待续。。)
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