LISIL :: Volume #6 胡马度阴山

#524: Two years of foundation laying great ship embryonic form

Last year time, after Fang Qifu died, Chen Fan once opened the mouth to demand the elm earth artillery to Ning Yi, Ning Yi has not complied, to pour by no means to cause what technological barrier. But to deal with Jin people goes south, method of manufacturing already of earth artillery transmits by Qin Siyuan to Imperial Court, once the technology leakage, the Xigua (watermelon) that side and Imperial Court made war to present such thing, oneself was very then difficult to leave the responsibility. 去年的时候,在方七佛死后,陈凡曾经向宁毅开口索取榆木土炮,宁毅并未答应,倒并不是为了弄出什么技术壁垒来。而是为了应付金人南下,土炮的制作方法已经秦嗣源转交给朝廷,一旦技术泄露,西瓜那边与朝廷开战出现了这样东西,自己便很难脱出干系。 Arrived at this time, many situations becomes in Ning Yi in the heart is more urgent, the position that especially Lüliang Mountain(s) is really sensitive, he then has to as far as possible early shifts toward Lüliang Mountain(s) some achievements, to deal with possibly arrival some troublesome. 到得此时,许多情况在宁毅心中变得更加紧迫起来,特别是吕梁山所在的位置实在敏感,他便不得不尽可能早的将一些成果往吕梁山转移,以应付可能到来的一些麻烦。 To these troublesome, Ning Yi does not have the specially clear cognition now. The Lüliang Mountain(s) environment and folk customs somewhat are special, has unlike the place of Central Plains greatly, the Qingmu stronghold is the plan exists as a north-south smuggling center, main consideration goal- In the future what no matter may face is south or the north threat- Defends the character. Under such consideration, land mine and gunpowder and so on goods, have the use greatly. 对这些麻烦,宁毅如今还没有特别清晰的认知。吕梁山的环境、民俗都有些特殊,与中原之地大有不同,青木寨是打算作为一个南北走私中枢而存在,主要考虑的目的--不管将来可能面对的是南面还是北面的威胁--还是一个守字。这样的考虑下,地雷、火药之类的物品,是大有用处的。 Naturally, even if lithical land mine type looks like the technique content not high thing, still has the technological barrier that relative needs to overcome. This is the later generation most simple land mine: Pulls out spatially the stone, fills by the high explosive, iron filings and other thing, in addition the simple ignition device is of great success. But now on Ning Yi on hand some, only then the qualified high explosive, ignition device actually by no means is reluctantly mature, because this must involve the emergence of matches. 当然,即便是石质地雷这种看来技术含量不高的东西,也存在相当之多需要克服的技术壁垒。这是后世最简单的地雷:将石头掏空,填充以烈性火药,铁屑等物,加上简单的引火装置就大功告成。而如今宁毅手头上有的只有勉强合格的烈性火药,引火装置其实还并不成熟,因为这个得涉及到火柴的出现。 Wraps the hot firewood log with the sandpaper of ignition, a matches end is with the fine lace. Draws the fine lace, produces sparks, the land mine explodes. The land thunder that the later generation People's Republic of China early years of the new nation, the militiamen manufacture is in this way, however in present Wu Dynasty, how to achieve the such effect is still a major problem. Is good contacts the sulfur, phosphorus and other thing of because of present this time coarse pill-refining masters already the Chemistry changes, supplements with the flint and research to a lot of combustibles, already can achieve the effect of detonation reluctantly, is only the security is not high, when the installment, still needed to treat cautiously. 以引火的砂纸包裹火柴头,火柴一端系以细线。拉动细线,产生火星,地雷爆炸。后世中华人民共和国建国初期,民兵们所制作的土地雷就是用这种方法,然而在眼下的武朝,如何达到这样的效果仍旧是个大问题。好在眼下这个时代粗陋的炼丹师们已经接触到硫、磷等物的化学变化,辅以火石以及对大量易燃物的研究,也已经能勉强达到引爆的效果,只是安全性不高,在安装之时,仍旧需要小心翼翼地对待。 But in any event. So long as the also has time, at the Ning Yi directive property request, the development of this kind of small goods appears, eventually is not difficult. Since this time must pass Lüliang, he then first transports/fortunes these not mature thing, at least first made the Lüliang person learn to pull out the stone to say again. 但无论如何。只要还有时间,在宁毅指向性的要求下,这类小物品的发展出现,终究是不难的。既然这次要过去吕梁,他便先将这些不成熟的东西运过去,至少先让吕梁的人学会掏石头再说。 Except for land mine, the already arrived relatively mature stage of manufacture of elm artillery Ning Yi. At least under the control of Ning Yi, there is a small number of several workers who hold a concurrent post of the cannoneer, already can grasp to manufacture the knack of earth artillery and sends the trajectory rule of artillery, under this foundation, the barrel of elm artillery, already can attempt with the steel union. But that side Lüliang Mountain(s) studies the artisan of native-style blast furnace. Also already grasped some experiences. 除了地雷,榆木炮的制作在宁毅这边已经到了一个相对成熟的阶段。至少在宁毅的控制之下,有少数的几个兼任炮手的工人,已经能够掌握到制作土炮的诀窍和发炮的弹道规律,在这个基础下,榆木炮的炮身,已经可以尝试与钢铁结合。而吕梁山那边研究土高炉的匠人。想必也已经掌握到一些经验了。 Has the development about technology, Ning Yi knows that the safest way relies on the progress of basic science, but on his hand, is impossible to have the time of waiting basic science, therefore in Zhu's subordinate laboratory, conducted massive exhaustion method -based experiment. 有关于技术的发展,宁毅知道最稳妥的方式是依赖于基础科学的进步,但在他的手上,根本不可能有等待基础科学的时间,因此竹记麾下的研究室里,进行的只是大量基于穷举法的实验。 First determined method that various experimental methods, the data and step record. Then knocks the forehead -type material experiment innumerably, records the phenomenon, summarizes the rule. Ning Yi is simple also is extremely crudely targeted in this aspect method, only goal is: Explosion. 首先确定各种实验方法,数据与步骤记录的方法。而后就是无数敲脑门式的材料实验,记录现象,总结规律。宁毅在这方面的手段简单粗暴却又极有针对性的,唯一的目的在于:爆炸。 All obtain the experiment of flame or explosion in the different methods, so long as has the originality, the repeatability, can be rewarded. But after this, draws contrast logically to the material of explosion. Seeks for the difference, summarizes the rule, so long as can certainly give, the credible explanation, can obtain many rewards. 一切以不同方法得到火焰或是爆炸的试验,只要拥有独创性,可重复性,就可以得到奖赏。而在此之后,对爆炸的材料进行逻辑上的对比。寻找差异,总结规律,只要能给出一定的、靠谱的解释,就能得到更多的奖赏。 In this age, studies the Chemistry beginner truly, is similar Gongsun Sheng's common pill-refining master, but can contact the explosion. Many are the artisans of fireworks and firecracker. Ning Yi then these two set, formulates the fundamental rule, gives the reward scale, other whatever then they display the own enthusiasm. 在这个年代,真正算是研究化学的入门者,都是类似公孙胜一般的炼丹师,而能接触到爆炸的。多是烟花爆竹的匠人。宁毅便是将这两者集合起来,制定基本规则,给出奖励档次,其余的便任由他们发挥自己的积极性。 However. True display significant role, is these contains contrast exhaustion the fundamental rule, 1-2 years, was recruited into the Zhu's artisan natural talent to be even mediocre at first, still already mastered the basic scientific study method, including to various types of fundamental elements had —— this in naturally is Ning Yi teaches —— also already to have at first was own one set of understanding. 不过。这其中真正发挥重要作用的,也就是那些包含“对比”“穷举”在内的基本规则,一两年的时间以来,最初被招进竹记的匠人即便天资平庸,也已经掌握了基本的科学研究方法,包括对各种基本元素的存在——这在最初自然是宁毅所传授——已经有了属于自己的一套理解。 At this time the low status of Wu Dynasty artisan, is responsible for the Ministry of Labor artificial bureau of military equipment, although also has the firearm business, but in which artisan, even if a petty official, cannot compare the treatment that Ning Yi can give absolutely. But when the reward of money, Zhu's can also use the relations of government residence, sends in the private school the children of some artisans, this made the thing that one went after like ducks, in the artificial bureau firearm division some present many artisans are even helping Ning Yi do illicit private work. 此时武朝匠人的地位低下,负责军方设备的工部造作局虽然也有火器业务,但其中的匠人即便已是小吏,也是绝对比不上宁毅能给出的待遇的。而在金钱的奖赏之余,竹记还能利用相府的关系,将一些匠人的孩子送入私塾,这才是更加令人趋之若鹜的东西,以至于造作局火器司中如今有不少匠人甚至都在帮宁毅这边做私活。 „...... The thing puts away and front, the road was long, pays attention not to knock. The gunpowder surely gives me looks well, sparks cannot see, flatter four, this matter you want......” in courtyard rain below, Ning Yi to inspect carefully must take away the Lüliang Mountain(s) cargo, is urging the people, another side, in listening to the wife mentioned the situation in family/home. “……东西放好、垫好,路还长,注意别磕磕碰碰了。火药一定给我看好,一点火星都不能见,阿四,这事情你们一定要上心……”院子里雨在下,宁毅检查着要带去吕梁山的货物,叮嘱着众人,另一边,也在听妻子说起家中的情况。 That Gomoku competition that „...... in Zhu's holds recently, participated are very many, Storekeeper Nie they, now also with joining in the fun. Soon was similar to these houseguard five days martial arts contests, Nie Younger Sister organizes these matters to come, nevertheless is systematic.” “……竹记之中办的那五子棋大赛,最近参加的还挺多的,聂掌柜他们,如今也在跟着凑热闹。快要与那些护院五日一次的比武差不多了,聂妹妹组织起这些事来,却是井井有条。” She can have the matter of liking to be good. As for Storekeeper Nie, has not as if found a wife, wants to display in front of the girls?” “她能有喜欢的事情就好。至于聂掌柜,似乎还未娶妻,是想在姑娘们面前表现一下?” Tan'er purses the lips to say with a smile: Has possibility Oh.” 檀儿抿嘴笑道:“是有可能。” Zhu's recent Gomoku competition that Tan'er mentioned, at this time Zhu's constantly developed, scale already developed quite huge. Is centered on Bianliang, Alehouse altogether already held 14 —— disaster relief, although made Ning Yi have many foes, personal connection that but accumulated regarding Zhu's this store, already was terrifying, almost which link did not lack the friend and partner, in addition the Ning Yi ability, the plan made, the contract signed, money poured into, then will directly be in the cyclic program, made the soft landing. 檀儿说起的竹记最近的五子棋比赛活动,此时的竹记不断拓展,规模已经发展得相当庞大。以汴梁为中心,酒楼一共已经开了十四家——赈灾事件虽然让宁毅结下了不少仇敌,但累积的人脉对于竹记这一家商铺来说,已经非常恐怖,几乎哪个环节都不缺朋友与合作伙伴,加上宁毅的能力,计划作出,合同签好,金钱注入,接下来就会直接进入循环程序,实现软着陆。 Beside Alehouse, has about 30 to the Zhu's large cart in all directions, each equipment bodyguard two, salesman, tailor, storyteller, will sometimes also use judgment to fluctuate. Beside this, outside the city has yard that is responsible for various research, currently population probably about 300. Be responsible for manufacturing the beehive briquet, bunker, perfume, scented soap, mosquito-repellent incense, fruit juice and other types of goods workshops, with printing workshop that Wang Family cooperates, Su Textiles workshops, shops and designers, currently the resident in Ning Family mansion wait wait/etc. etc....... accumulate, at present in Ning Yi and Su Tan'er this to the person who husband and wife subordinate eats meal, developed in present actually already to 4000 people have. 酒楼之外,去往四面八方的竹记大车有近三十辆,每一辆配备保镖两名,推销员一名,裁缝一名,说书人一名,有时候还会酌情增减。这之外,城外有负责各种研究的大院,目前人数大概有近三百。负责制作藕煤、煤炉、香水、香皂、蚊香、果汁等各种物品的作坊,与王家合作的印刷作坊,苏氏布行的作坊、店铺、设计人员,目前宁家大宅的居住人等等等等……累计起来,眼下在宁毅苏檀儿这对夫妻手下吃饭的人,在眼下其实已经拓展到四千人有余了。 1-2 years, develops the such scale. Regarding the life entertainment of these people, Ning Yi never relaxes, the enterprise culture of later generation, indeed from this. In fact, in this in this time of the month(year) that does not have the electricity, the average person's deficiency in entertainment, after is , the world is inconceivable. During the daytime was better, at night, except for hugging the woman is going to the bed, almost did not have the matter to do again. From the beginning under the hand the population youth, Ning Yi requests a subordinate person organization half a month cultural show, the Zhu's subordinate to have the travel fatigue female who the storyteller and vaudeville artist, can contact with excel at the dance as far as possible time. This matter by no means is difficult. 1-2的时间里,拓展到这样的规模。对于这些人的生活娱乐,宁毅是从来不曾放松的,后世的企业文化,也正是由此而来。事实上,在这个没有电的年月里,普通人在娱乐方面的贫乏,是后世人难以想象的。白天还好一些,到了晚上,除了抱着女人去床上,几乎就再无事情可做。一开始手底下人数少时,宁毅就尽量要求手下人组织半月一次的文艺晚会,竹记的麾下有说书人、杂耍艺人、也能联系到擅长歌舞的风尘女子。这种事情并不难。 Naturally, entertainment project not only also had a look at the performance to be good, after Solitary Dragon Ridge these military joined, Ning Yi then in the name of strong body and spirit organization martial arts contest, kickball and other activities, moreover made subordinate storytelling talk about these things to install a good reputation to propagandize in the interior, for example such and such pair of iron fist of setting sun building unparalleled not right, such and such leg merit of swift building. Once overawed the north of the huanghe river and so on. At this time Zhu's is centered on Alehouse, when discussion, who everyone is curious to be fiercer. But every other fortnight, the martial arts contest will then select, then makes one exchange the competition, the result is good, then has the reward. 当然,娱乐项目也不只是看看表演就行了,独龙岗的那些武者加入进来后,宁毅便以强健体魄为名组织比武、蹴鞠等活动,另外让手下的说书者们讲这些事情安上个好名声在内部宣传,譬如说晚照楼的某某一双铁拳无双无对,雨燕楼的某某腿功了得。曾经威震河朔云云。此时竹记还是以一栋栋酒楼为中心,议论之余,大家不免好奇谁更厉害。而每隔十天半月,便会有一次比武选拔,而后让人交流比试,成绩好的,便有奖励。 In that group of military who Solitary Dragon Ridge comes out, part is on Liangshan killed people criminal incalculably. After transformation confession, the character becomes kind and gets up on the contrary, regarding rewarding unexpectedly has no desire. However disciples young of their subordinate belt/bring, is all interested regarding these things. But on the other hand, viewer of martial arts contest, although mostly is the Zhu's staff, but in these people, there are female. Even after the Fan House female hears, will find the opportunity to run to surround. Regarding competition, this actually unexpectedly greatest encouragement. 独龙岗出来的那批武者,一部分原是梁山上杀人无算的凶徒。改造忏悔之后,性格反倒变得慈和起来,对于奖励倒是没什么欲望。但是他们手下带的弟子个个年轻,对于这些事情还是有兴趣。而另一方面,比武的观看者虽然大都是竹记的员工,但这些人之中,也有女子。甚至矾楼的女子听说之后,也会找机会跑来围观。对于比试者来说,这其实倒是莫大的鼓励了。 Ning Yi requests to control to the martial arts contest strictly in the strong and healthy body direction, to stops compared with the pilot. Pours to exchange in private. Because controls well, these had the competition of friendship is also insufficient to hurt feelings in Solitary Dragon Ridge from now on, unexpectedly made among the Zhu's staff know mutually many, had/left several very much star staff, among them had original Liangshan criminal, there are young disciple who these people taught, now under the propaganda, most Zhu's people knows that someone in such and such building can hit, someone is willing to help the person. By after this spring, when most people gets the red packet in Capital City accumulation, Ning Yi also lets that side Zhu Biao and yard Gongsun Sheng competed with, although this competition to perform the nature to be in the majority, but two people are expert, made the people greatly open mind. 宁毅对比武严格要求控制在强身健体的方向上,比试点到即止。私下倒可以互相交流。由于控制得好,这些原本在独龙岗就有交情的比试者比试过后也不至于伤感情,倒是令得竹记的员工之间互相认识得更多了,其中还很是出了几个“明星”员工,他们当中有原本梁山凶徒,也有这些人教出来的年轻弟子,如今在宣传之下,大部分竹记的人都知道某某楼的谁谁谁很能打,谁谁谁又很愿意帮助人。到得今年开春后,大部分人在京城聚集领红包时,宁毅还让祝彪与大院那边的公孙胜比试了一番,虽然这比试以表演性质居多,但两人都是高手,还是令得众人大开了眼界。 In such competition, showing off mostly is military who in Zhu's gathers. Beside this, the competition of Gomoku first nevertheless emerges in Tan'er textile line, those who first teach the textile line female workers to play chess was Juan'er and Xing'er, soon after Su Tan'er then held the Gomoku competition in the staff simply. These female workers mostly are not the too intelligent people, generally popular Go, they were, Gomoku nevertheless quite simple. Recent textile line is then conducting for this reason competes with and selects layer on layer/heavily. 这样的比试中,出风头的大都是竹记中聚集的武者。在此之外,五子棋的比试首先却是檀儿布行中兴起的,首先教布行女工们下棋的乃是娟儿杏儿,随后苏檀儿便干脆在员工中办了五子棋比赛。这些女工大都不是太聪明的人,一般流行的围棋,她们是下不了的,五子棋却是相当简单。最近的布行便在为此进行重重比试和选拔。 But in the middle of Zhu's, the similar competition then took over by Alehouse original Lord Yunzhu, even several Storekeeper are also involved, prepares to select the fiercest several people, later adds to manage one with textile line that side final. 而在竹记当中,同样的比试便由酒楼的原主人云竹接手了,甚至有几个掌柜也参与其中,预备选出最厉害的几个人,之后再跟布行那边加起来办一个“总决赛”。 This time Confucianism has not arrived saves the natural justice to extinguish the human desire that step, to female request, although also had many, but was also insufficient to look that can call discourteously. In sometimes these competition, the male female looked at right the eye mutually, each other knew and had the favorable impression, was normal. At this time already became several pairs of happy couples, most lets a Tan'er happy matter. Since last year, each time has similar matter, will discuss marriage, at wedding or Tan'er or Ning Yi will appear personally, offers the bridegroom's gift to bride's family or holds the post of the master of ceremony. 这时候的儒学还没到存天理灭人欲的那一步,对女子的要求虽然也有不少,但还不至于看一眼就能叫非礼。这些比试中,有时候男子女子互相看对了眼,彼此认识、有了好感,也是正常。此时已经成了的几对佳偶,算是最让檀儿高兴的一件事。从去年以来,每一次有类似的事情,提亲、婚礼上或是檀儿或是宁毅都会亲自出现,送上彩礼或是担任主婚人。 The inspection must take away the Lüliang goods, recounted that recent matter, confessed that the following Su Ning operates. Although just went home, but can belong to husband and wife two time by no means to be many, the thing moves, after family/home Su Wending, Xing'er and the others in spoke, Ning Yi looked at Ning Xi, the quick two -year-old children like rough running all over the place, Ning Yi and Tan'er are holding hands in the corridor follow, is the time of idling. 检查要带去吕梁的物品,述说最近的事情,交代接下来的“苏宁”运作。虽然是刚刚回到家,但能属于夫妻俩的时间并不多,东西搬完,与家中的苏文定杏儿等人说完话后,宁毅又去看了宁曦,快两岁的小孩子喜欢磕磕绊绊的乱跑,宁毅檀儿牵着手在走廊里跟着,算是闲下来的时间。 Father, mother, pursues ~ ~ on my —— child is not saying in the front in a baby voice, then falling of on the ground, Tan'er yeah one wants to run, held on by Ning Yi with a smile: Boy, falls to have what relations.” “爹爹,娘亲,追~~不上我——”孩子在前方奶声奶气地说着,然后的摔在地上,檀儿“哎”的一下想要跑过去,被宁毅笑着拉住了:“男孩子,摔一下有什么关系。” Really, the Ning Xi two hands support on the ground, then sway stood, he patted the racket to moisten dust hand, then put in two small hands the curtain of rain outside eaves. Ning Yi and Tan'er pass finally with a smile, scratched his palm with the handkerchief cleanly. 果然,宁曦两只手撑在地上,然后便又摇摇晃晃地站起来了,他拍拍沾了灰尘的手,然后将两只小手伸进屋檐外的雨幕里。宁毅檀儿终于还是笑着过去,用手绢将他的手掌擦干净了。 When are not many, Yunzhu also came back in spite of the rain, she and Ning Yi said the things of some Gomoku competitions. In an instant, when sky evening, to dinner, the whole family sat in one. At this time population already are many, Tan'er, Little Chan, Yunzhu, Jin'er, Wending and Wenfang...... Jin'er already tore down head bandage, before but because , gathers round the reason of forehead, at this time still appeared frail thin and pale, the skin in volume was especially paler. After Ning Yi also urged one left the matter, what was main is the Ning Family own private school issue. Asked matter basic already of mister to come to an arrangement through government residence and relations of Yao family/home and Wang Family, various following trivial matters, became are staring by them. 过不多时,云竹也冒雨回来了,她与宁毅说了些五子棋大赛的事情。转眼间,天色夕暮,到得晚饭时,一家人坐在了一块。此时人数已经不少,檀儿小婵云竹锦儿文定文方……锦儿已经拆掉了头上的绷带,但由于之前围着额头的缘故,此时仍旧显得单薄憔悴,额上的皮肤格外苍白一些。宁毅又叮嘱了一番离开后的事情,最主要的是属于宁家自己的私塾问题。通过相府、尧家、王家的关系请先生的事基本已经谈妥,接下来的各种俗务,变得由他们盯着了。 at this time Capital City Su Ning, already was a true big family. Late after meals, Ning Yi also found Wending and the others to speak at the same time, making them not bully Yunzhu and Jin'er they...... 此时的京城“苏宁”,已经是一个真正的大家子了。晚膳过后,宁毅倒还找了文定等人到一边说话,让他们别欺负云竹锦儿她们…… **************** **************** Because coming back of Ning Yi, although the heavy rain returns below. But the house in dim light of night seems lively. After Jin'er returns to the room, sits cross-legged on the bed, puts out a hand to hold the chin, somewhat novel feeling, but also many somewhat loses. What she is novel after is this is she gets married, encircles with Ning Yi and Su Tan'er and Sister Yunzhu for the first time is eating meal together. Several females share a man, even if likes him, this feeling really must reach an agreement, is not possible. Naturally. What is main was between she and first wife once had the fualt meeting, now seems strange. She therefore feels complex, losing of in the heart, mostly came from this. 由于宁毅的回来,虽然大雨还在下。但夜色中的宅子还是显得热热闹闹的。锦儿回到房间之后,盘腿在床上,伸手托着下巴,有些新奇的感觉,但也多少有些失落。她新奇的是这是她过门后第一次与宁毅苏檀儿云竹姐围在一块吃饭。几个女子分享一个男人,哪怕喜欢他,这感觉真要说好,也是不可能的。当然。最主要的还是她与大妇之间曾经有过误会,如今还显得陌生吧。她因此感觉复杂,心中的失落,也大多由此而来。 Naturally, this feeling has not made her feel depressing, and this was also majority such as the home to return to of her common female. Her trying hard makes oneself feel, oneself has no unsatisfied place. Later if Ning Yi asked her to speak several words. She must display happily, then looks for Sister Yunzhu to chat...... is so thinking, Ning Yi actually imagines her comes to be later. 当然,这种感觉并没有让她觉得压抑,并且这也是大部分如她一般的女子的归宿了。她努力让自己觉得,自己没什么不满意的地方。待会宁毅若来找她说几句话。她要表现得高高兴兴的,而后再去找云竹姐聊天……如此想着,宁毅却比她想象中来得要晚。 When time already early, she does not want to go out looks for Sister Yunzhu to chat. Ning Yi comes from outside, Eh she jumped. Ning Yi closes the door, pulls her hand to arrive at the bedside, making her sit down. 时间已经不早,她想要出门找云竹姐聊天时。宁毅才从外面进来,了她一跳。宁毅关上门,牵着她的手到床边,让她坐下。 I just came from your Sister Yunzhu, Jin'er, after marrying you get married, we did not have this well to say one time, tomorrow I must walk, something, is to tell you especially.” “我刚从你云竹姐那边过来,锦儿,娶你过门之后,我们还没有这样好好说一次,明天我就要走了,有些事情,是要特地跟你说的。” Moved not far away of a chair before the window to put down, the Ning Yi tone was serious. 搬了张椅子在窗前不远处放下,宁毅的语气严肃。 This was must teach me —— Jin'er in the heart to think like this, did not have the uncomfortable mood, actually the such talk was the inherent connotation, oneself takes the concubine just to get married, he must leave, certainly must look for oneself to urge something. For example do not quarrel with the eldest sister, must take the entire situation into account and so on and so on. Because of official of Ning Yi, therefore her clever (child) gathers the both legs to sit in the bedside, both hands according to the knee, wait for the man to teach him. 这是要训我了——锦儿心中这样想着,却并没有不舒服的心情,其实这样的谈话是应有之义,自己作为小妾刚过门,他要离开了,肯定是要找自己叮嘱一些事的。譬如不要跟大姐吵架啊,要顾全大局啊之类之类的。因为宁毅的正式,于是她乖巧地并拢双腿坐在床边,双手按在膝盖上,等着男人来训他。 Ning Yi sits on the chair, soon after thought that two people distances far a point, towed near a point the chair, he grasped both hands of Jin'er, thought the moment, smiled: Actually, I must walk tomorrow, because of this and that matter, I know that gets married somewhat carelessly, how much time then does not have to accompany you, no matter but what kind of, Jin'er, you get married, was one of my wife, therefore...... I will stay here to accompany you tonight ?” 宁毅坐在椅子上,随后觉得两人的距离远了一点,将椅子拖近了一点,他握起锦儿的双手,想了片刻,笑起来:“其实,我明天就要走了,因为这样那样的事情,我知道成亲有些草率,接下来也没有多少时间陪你,但不管怎么样,锦儿,你过了门,是我的妻子之一了,所以……今晚我会留在这里陪你,好吗?” Jin'er blinks, regarding wife the name a little has doubts, on the face already was red, the head is a little dizzy, she thought that oneself should nod, said anything, the present man also said nuptial chamber anything. Then, all start to become some dizzy. 锦儿眨了眨眼睛,对于“妻子”的称呼有点疑惑,脸上却已经红了,脑袋有点晕乎乎的,她觉得自己应该是点了头,说了些什么,眼前的男人也说了“洞房”什么的。接下来,一切都开始变得有些晕乎乎的。 They were good one to arrive at the bed to come up, chatted met the day, what chatted was anything, Jin'er soon after actually recorded is not quite clear. Only remembers that the steam of breath, she feels oneself should calm, she who because should know actually knows, but in the heart still anxious disturbed, the man hugged, to put her, she has not revolted, even tried to help, may think that the own movement was clumsy. The quite when clear feeling is the clothing was removed that trivial cool, because the cool feeling from the leg, should be at that time the personal trousers is removed, she remembers before oneself, has heard some movements, although makes some not to know the sense of honor, but to the own man, is trying to please him to be good obviously, but these movements were her also to forget, recalled, does not know simply oneself is doing, only in the appropriate body strange the pain transmitted, heart unexpectedly heavily put, very steadfast feeling...... 他们是过了好一阵才到床上去的,聊了一会天,但聊的是什么,锦儿随后却记不太清楚了。只记得呼吸的热气,她觉得自己应该从容一点,因为该知道的她其实都知道,但心中依然紧张忐忑,男人将她抱起来了、放下去了,她也没有反抗,甚至试图帮忙,可又觉得自己的动作笨拙起来。比较清晰的感觉是身上衣物被褪去时的那一丝微凉,由于凉意来自腿上,那个时候该是贴身的长裤被褪去了,她记得自己以前听说过一些动作,虽然做出来有些不知廉耻,但对着自己的男人,显然取悦他就好了,不过那些动作有没有做出来她也忘记了,回忆起来,简直不知道自己在干嘛,只记得当身体里陌生的痛楚传来时,心倒是沉甸甸地放了下来,很踏实的感觉…… This continued long time at night, in the final memory, Ning Yi cleaned the body for her, she thinks that oneself goes, but she heavy went off finally. 这个夜晚持续了很长时间,最后的记忆中,宁毅替她擦拭了身体,她想自己去的,但她最终沉沉地睡去了。 Waking time is before dawn, she is holding his body, but also wants to rest, but in the brain remembers that he will leave before sunrise, therefore wants to set out to give him the hot water that prepares to wash. But Ning Yi prevented her, does not make her get up, she looks at the appearance of man, knows that he will leave some time, therefore looked was very long, finally closed the eye gradually, fell asleep. 醒过来的时候是凌晨,她抱着他的身体,还想睡,但脑子里记得他天不亮就会离开的,所以想起身给他准备洗漱的热水。但宁毅阻止了她,不让她起来,她看着男人的样子,知道他会离开一段时间,所以看了很久,最后还是渐渐闭上了眼睛,进入梦乡。 **************** **************** Rain already stopped, day not bright, the Ning Residence entrance is shining the big lantern. group of carriages will have started, Ning Yi and Tan'er, Little Chan, Yunzhu and the others said goodbye, no one hugged them, kisses the forehead, made the similar movement to Ning Xi. When will board, he turn head looked at that deep mansion, looked to these people who he sees off. 已经停了,天没亮,宁府门口亮着大大的灯笼。车队已将启程,宁毅檀儿小婵云竹等人告别,将她们没人抱了一下,亲了亲额头,对宁曦也做了同样的动作。将上车时,他回头望了那深深的府邸,望了给他送行的那些人。 On small building of distant place, binds the female of bed sheet to poke head from the window secretly, looks toward the front door of courtyard outside...... 远处的小楼上,裹着被单的女子偷偷地从窗口探出头,往院子的大门外瞧过来…… Walks.” “走吧。” Zhu Biao has notified him, boarded together, saw his facial expression, asked: What thinks?” 祝彪跟他打过招呼,一同上车,见了他的神情,问道:“想什么呢?” Thought that...... a little does not do right by the person.” “觉得……有点对不住人。” Whom doesn't Ah? do right by?” 啊?对不住谁?” Your such graceful, said you do not understand.” “你这么帅,说了你也不懂。” Uh......” Zhu Biao gawked the long time, flexure the neck, how that I...... then should say......” ……”祝彪愣了半晌,挠了挠脖子,“那我……接下来该怎么说……” Walks.” Ning Yi smiled, started, goes to Lüliang.” “走吧。”宁毅笑了笑,“启程了,去吕梁。” Started —— Zhu Biao to shout toward outside, soon after is smiling, was excited, can see the land senior, this time I must ask for advice several moves of unique skills with her, Haha......” “启程了——祝彪往外面喊了一句,随后笑着,兴奋起来,“又能见到陆前辈了,这次我要跟她多讨教几招绝招,哈哈……” sky hazy, group of carriages moves, gradually was far away from this hotel, soon, it across street, across city. In the first month of summer mist and dawn, toward drives with place of —— Lüliang Mountain(s) Central Plains not same without owner. At the same time, the female named Lou Shūwan led under a Tian Hu team to leave in Hebei, booklet to Lüliang. Before then, they are anyone not to think, will also have one day of meeting by chance...... 天色迷蒙中,车队动起来,逐渐远离了这处宅邸,不多时,它穿过街道,穿过城市。在初夏的雾气与晨光里,朝着与中原绝不相同的无主之地——吕梁山驶去。同一时刻,名叫楼舒婉的女子带领着田虎麾下的一支队伍离开了河北境内,折向吕梁。在这之前,他们任谁也没有想过,还会有不期而遇的一天……
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