LISIL :: Volume #5 盛宴

#518: The dragon raised the head

Lively end of the year finally passed, after the spring beginning, the matter in government residence again bustles about. 热热闹闹的年关终于过去了,立春以后,相府之中的事情又再度的忙碌起来。 Spring, the season that the new year of start , the myriad things produce, regarding the person in government residence, needs to bustle about, still had Chen Jie over the past year. The matter of disaster relief has not ended, now Tiannan north still submerges in white snows, this/should matter already of doing makes contribution, remaining, still looked at the free displays of regional officials. 春天,新一年的开始,万物生发的季节,对于相府中的人来说,需要忙碌的,尚有过去一年的陈结。赈灾的事情未完,如今天南地北仍旧淹没在一片白雪之中,该做的事情都已经尽力,剩下的,仍然是看各地官员的自由发挥。 As the snow melts gradually, the data that each region compiles, by no means can make people feel optimistic and happy. But regarding others in government residence, when establishing the new year of plan and goal, still invested the considerably large enthusiasm. This after all does the practical work the attitude, past has passed, was always insufficient to succumb to the introspection then no longer works. 随着雪渐消融,各地汇总过来的数据,并不能让人感到乐观和开心。但对于相府中的其它人来说,在制定新一年的计划和目标时,仍旧投入了相当大的热情。这毕竟是做实事的态度,过去的业已过去,总不至于沉湎于反省之中便不再做事了。 As of late, regarding Ning Yi, is one is relatively complex and be at the stagnation condition time. At the same time, the new year's celebration celebrates a holiday, is together with the family member, visits with Yao Zunian, Ji Kun, Wenren Buer and Wang Family people mutually, during is busy, always the smile is in the majority. Various preparations in government residence forecast have a familiar task and handle it with ease to him, the things at least in various digital orders, in government residence also no one can compared with him. But on the other hand, he in the intermittence, was pondering following matter, actually slightly somewhat cannot make up mind. 最近这段时间,对于宁毅来说,是一段相对复杂而又处于凝滞状态的时光。一方面,过年过节,与家人相处,跟尧祖年纪坤闻人不二王家的众人互相拜访,忙碌之中,总是笑容居多的。相府之中的各种筹划展望对他而言也是驾轻就熟,至少在各种数字秩序上的东西,相府之中还没什么人能够比过他。而另一方面,他在间歇之中,思考着接下来的事情,却稍稍的有些拿不定主意。 stretch/open Jiao the death, regarding the people in government residence, is a serious attack, but also is only heavy nothing more. Their by no means can Ning Yi in the heart idea empathises, but Ning Yi was impossible saying that he thought Wu Dynasty will perish, because composed the logic of this result is insufficient. In people opinion, since stretch/open Jiao died, then, the investment of northern place becomes more essential, in any event. The remaining racks we must support —— this are the correct principles. Including Qin Siyuan, after short depression, regained the busy official business condition, has not made the depressed mood affect him is too many. 张觉的死,对于相府中的众人来说,是一个沉重的打击,但也只是沉重而已。他们并不能对宁毅心中的想法感同身受,而宁毅也不可能说,他觉得武朝将亡,因为组成这个结果的逻辑还是不够的。在众人看来,既然张觉死了,接下来,北地的投入就会变得更加关键,无论如何。剩下的架子咱们还是得撑起来——这自是正理。包括秦嗣源在内,短暂的消沉之后,也就恢复了繁忙的公事状态,没有让沮丧的情绪影响他太多。 Ning Yi regarding the result of this matter is also indefinite, matter also has that can make are many. But to him, more troublesome not this mood. But as modern people, he stand had gone to such position, is limited regarding certain things and certain stupid tolerances. However that type is rather thinking, is thinking of stops the crazy enterprising thought not, to him. Also already became remote. 宁毅对于这件事的结果也是不确定的,可以做的事还有很多。但对他来说,更麻烦的并非这种心情。而是作为一个现代人,他曾经又站上过那样的位置,对于某些事情、某些愚蠢的容忍有限。但是那种“宁在一思进,莫在一思停”的疯狂进取念头,对他而言。又已经变得遥远了。 Is placed in front of him, has the different minute/share of branch roads, he was unable to see clearly. Or also not the turning point or the power, urging him to do to decide. 摆在他面前的,有着不同的分岔路,他还没能看得清楚。或者说还未有一个契机或动力,促使他做下决定来。 In government residence, besides day-by-day official business, can make everyone quite excited. Probably was these books of Qin Siyuan illustration. The embryonic form of Neo-Confucianism caused Yao Zunian and the others the enormous interest, after Jiao Ming Monk comes back, regarding, if treasure. Regarding Ning Yi, can understand that truly is a treasure, but his feeling to this book, had with others differently. 相府之中,除了一天一天的公事外,能让大家比较兴奋的。大概是秦嗣源注解的那些书了。理学的雏形引起了尧祖年等人极大的兴趣,觉明和尚回来之后,也将之视若瑰宝。对于宁毅来说,也能明白那确实是一件瑰宝,但他对这书的感觉,与旁人又有不同了。 Ning Yi after all is understands that the general path of subsequent Neo-Confucianism and even numerous knowledge development, puts out the thing of this set of Neo-Confucianism regarding Qin Siyuan. Ning Yi in the heart has respectable. If possible, Ning Yi hopes that it can preserve, unceasing development in the ideological collision of people. The idea that but Ning Yi has not studied, the academic research, he did not have this mood, as for expanding, but the rules and regulations, Ning Yi himself came under the modern management science influence too many, came under the influences of many modern liberal principles. Ning Yi is willing to protect it, but if studies it to develop it, that exempted. 宁毅毕竟是明白此后理学乃至众多学问发展的大概道路的,对于秦嗣源拿出这套理学的东西来。宁毅心中有着尊敬。如果有可能,宁毅希望它能够留存下去,在人们的思想碰撞中不断的发展。但宁毅并没有研究的想法,学术研究,他没这个心情了,至于引申而出的规章制度,宁毅本身受到现代管理学影响太多,也受到许多现代自由主义的影响。宁毅愿意保护它,但若是研究它发扬它,那就免了。 The anticipation of anticipation and Neo-Confucianism to the society has certain difference in in his heart. Some divergent not necessarily big —— world of this difference and in Neo-Confucianism all philosophy, actually have —— of its things in common, even if in the later generation, Ning Yi thinks that the emergence of new social philosophy will still base on Neo-Confucianism heart study these Confucianist knowledge, the change can have, even can be very big. But overthrows , is purely stupid. 他心中对人、对社会的期待与理学的期待有着一定的差异。这差异与理学的分歧未必有多大——世界上所有的哲学,其实都是有其共通之处的——即便在后世,宁毅认为新社会哲学的出现也应该基于理学心学这些儒家学问,变化可以有,甚至可以很大。但推翻则纯属愚蠢。 Because not this kind of academic researcher, in addition it three observes already to be stable. In the final analysis, Ning Yi regarding this is also only the appreciation, and admires wisdom of old person to the social introspection and inquisition, but expands the research, his then by no means participation. 由于并非这类学术研究者,再加上本身三观已经稳定。归根结底,宁毅对此也只是欣赏,且佩服一位老人对社会反省和探究的智慧,但引申研究,他便并不参与了。 The turning point appears when this year in February/two months, in it appears, Ning Yi cannot think in any event, will have a such news, appears at present. 契机出现在这一年的二月,在它出现时,宁毅是无论如何想不到,会有这样的一条消息,出现在眼前的。 ************** ************** In February/two months two, the dragon raised the head. 二月二,龙抬头。 In Capital City, the snow melts gradually, the myriad things started to extract the shoot. The data that as of late, was compiled, lots of disaster area personnel who died to make one feel demoralized, originally the anticipation full fine starving to death population by each region about 50,000, rejected each region to freeze to death, now exceeds the allowed figure —— on already, even if this time regional statistics also fuzzy, but this conclusion, can still. Especially after forest Quting dies the Jing Lake south, only this, can belong to the starving to death category disaster victims, over over 18,000 people. 京城之中,雪渐消融,万物都开始抽出嫩芽了。最近这段时间,由各地汇总起来的、大量灾区人员死亡的数据令人感到意志消沉,原本预期最佳状况饿死人数是在五万左右,剔除各地冻死的,如今就已经超标了——纵然此时各地的统计都还模糊,但这一结论,仍旧可以得出来。尤其是林趋庭死后的荆湖南路,只此一路,可以归于饿死范畴的灾民,就超过一万八千人以上。 If referred to the past the data of famine year, contrasted the scale and serious degree of this famine, entire disaster relief, it can be said that unprecedented success. This success, somewhat makes people feel silent. 但是若参考以往荒年的数据,对比此次饥荒的规模和严重程度,整个赈灾,又可以说是前所未有的成功的。只是这成功,也有些让人感到沉默。 Wenren Buer knows that Ning Yi recent mood by no means is very good, he as if in thinking certain things beyond official business, sometimes, will be displaying absent-mindedly. At first he thinks the depression of opposite party is because reliefs disaster, but Ning Yi has not reached the perfect condition to display very indifferently regarding the disaster relief result: 闻人不二知道宁毅最近的心情并不是很好,他似乎在想着公务以外的某些事情,有些时候,会表现得心不在焉。最初他以为对方的消沉是因为赈灾,但宁毅对于赈灾结果未达理想状态表现得很淡然: „The most ideal result, naturally wants, when all things arrive can achieve, after Sir forest dies, understands that this matter has not possibly achieved to anticipate, moreover...... disaster type of thing, I am also first giving relief, all estimates, although there is a data, majority are to also take for granted...... in brief, made contribution.” “最理想的结果,当然是要在所有事情都到位的时候才能达到,林大人死后,就明白这件事情没可能达到预期了,而且……灾这种东西,我也是第一次赈,所有的预估,虽然有数据,大多数也是想当然……总之,也是尽力了吧。” Ning Yi will be saying like this throws into some depressing numbers the drawer, is only in the surface indifferently with ice-cold, makes people think him as if in other thoughts. Also in February/two months two this morning, he passes through the Ning Yi work the study room, seeing Ning Yi to back on the desk to stand there, does not know that is thinking anything, crossed less than half double-hour again when passed over, Ning Yi still such stand, out turns away, two hands place the table along. Wenren Buer therefore walks: „Does Liheng, what think?” 宁毅会这样说着将一些令人沮丧的数字扔进抽屉里,只是面上的漠然与冰冷,又让人觉得他似乎在动着其它的念头。也就是在二月二这天上午,他走过宁毅办公的书房时,看见宁毅背靠着书桌站在那里,不知道在想些什么,过了小半个时辰再过去时,宁毅仍旧那样站着,背对门外,两只手放在桌沿上。闻人不二于是走进去:“立恒,想什么呢?” Ning Yi has looked back him, what in vision accumulated seems to be the stranger general carefulness. Looks like looking at anything...... the thing of by no means reality. That look is far from in a friendly way, Ning Yi that Wenren Buer knows, all along is calm charmingly, is rich in the decision-making ability, never sees in the Ning Yi eye to present the such look. Ning Yi was looking at his a while, extends a hand. Selected selected him, soon after, showed a smile gradually, from grasped a paper on hand, patted on the desktop: You. Has a look at this.” 宁毅回过头来看他,目光之中蕴着的是仿佛陌生人一般的审慎。就像是在看着什么……并不现实的东西。那种眼神谈不上友好,闻人不二认识的宁毅,一贯沉着、风趣又富有决断力,从未见到宁毅眼中出现这样的神色。宁毅偏着头看了他一会儿,伸出一只手。点了点他,随后,才渐渐露出一个笑容,从手边抓了一张纸,拍在桌面上:“你。看看这个。” naturally by Secret Investigation Division the information that transmitted from the north, Wenren Buer takes is looking, the information of naturally about Liao Nation military officer Yelü big stone death news, Wenren Buer already had looked: What's wrong?” 那是一份由密侦司从北方传来的情报,闻人不二拿着看了一下,那是关于原本辽国将领耶律大石死讯的一则情报,闻人不二已经看过:“怎么了?” Ning Yi sits meets on the chair, without the speech, Wenren Buer then looks again: I know that the Yelü big stone is one generation is also outstanding. However after he leaves, manpower after all of belt/bring not many...... this begged face/color Bu, rose also some date and time on the prairie, Uh...... did Liheng want to support this...... Bo Erzhi jin (0.5 kg) * Temujin to compete with Jin people difficultly inadequately again? This but is actually an idea......” 宁毅坐会椅子上,没有说话,闻人不二便再看一遍:“我知道耶律大石也是一代人杰。不过他离开之后,带的人手毕竟不多……这个乞颜部,在草原上崛起也有些时日了,……立恒难不成想要扶持这个……孛儿只斤*铁木真再与金人打擂台?这倒不失为一个想法……” Ning Yi looks at him, passed the moment, nevertheless smiled: How raised the tiger to create disaster...... raises a tiger also enough...... this only to raise. Uh. I...... I think of other matters, all right, wants to be clear, told you. This...... first gives me.” 宁毅看着他,过了片刻,却是笑了出来:“养虎为患……养一只老虎也就够了……这只怎么能养。。我……我想到一些其他事,没事,想清楚以后再跟你说。这个……先给我吧。” Wenren Buer gives him that information: Really all right?” 闻人不二将那情报给他:“真没事?” All right.” Ning Yi had no sincerity to reply, Wenren Buer left the room, waited for slightly, heard inside Ning Yi sound seems like in low nan: How motherfucker...... will have this matter...... this is false...... motherfucker, cracked a joke...... this also to act unreasonably......” “没事。”宁毅没什么诚意地回答了一句,闻人不二离开房间,稍微等了等,听到里面宁毅的声音像是在低喃:“他妈的……怎么会有这种事情……这是假的吧……他妈的,开玩笑……这也太乱来了……” Wenren Buer shows the whites of the eyes. The head, the doubts left. 闻人不二翻了个白眼。偏偏头,疑惑地走掉了。 In the room, Ning Yi sits well on the chair, looks at that information, then sets up directly the information, is placed on the present table. His expression first is the somewhat illusory funniness, feels on, this world looks like a bad joke that is who plays simply, but, his vision started to become the ominous offense gradually and serious. The brow is gradually pressed. 房间之中,宁毅端坐在椅子上,看着那份情报,然后将情报直接立起来,摆在眼前的桌上。他的表情先是有些虚幻的好笑,感觉上,简直这个世界都像是谁开的一个恶劣玩笑,但渐渐的,他的目光开始变得凶戾和严肃了。眉头逐渐蹙起来。 Bo Erzhi jin (0.5 kg). Temujin! 孛儿只斤。铁木真! Genghis Khan...... 成吉思汗…… This is one makes people feel that compared with Wanyan Aguda the ominous offense hundred times of names, Wenren Buer said once supported him...... in historical, west this name led Mongolian ancient one on prairie to make an expedition to the east plunders, to level the entire Han people halfway, the area of giant empire to Europe. Hit casts the trauma the European saying that until the 20 th century the East was artificial yellow peril. But this from the beginning is not the glory of Chinese, regarding that age, hoodwinks the invasion of ancient one to Song Dynasty, is one clarifies the carriages and horses, the open and aboveboard and easily accomplished aggression, the Japanese invades China later is thorougher , the later generation said the part of hoodwinking ancient one since the ancient times is the Chinese nation, but toward the way that oneself that after is the meek culture assimilates, everyone finds toots one's own horn...... the support...... 这是一个比完颜阿骨打更让人感到凶戾百倍的名字,闻人不二说扶持他……在曾经的历史上,这一个名字带领着草原上的蒙古人东征西掠,抹平整个汉人半途,巨大帝国的疆域远至欧洲。将欧洲人打得留下心理阴影直到二十世纪都称东方人为“黄祸”。而这从一开始就不是什么中国人的荣耀,对于那个年代来说,蒙古人宋朝的入侵,是一场摆明车马、堂堂正正且摧枯拉朽般的侵略,比之后来日本人侵华都更加彻底,后世说蒙古人自古以来是中华民族的一部分,不过是他们被儒文化同化后大家才找到的往自己脸上贴金的方式……扶持…… He is looking at —— not to know to that name for a long time how long the facial expression in —— surface gradually becomes peaceful and faint, he both hands according when the knee, some moment, in the vision reveals such as the wild animal bit the person previous quarter has the bloodthirsty and ominous offense that comes, that facial expression flashes in his eyes passes, he puts out a hand to turn on the drawer, will place drawer upper layer one pack of paper to take, ripped conveniently, throws into side to put the trash in the wooden basket. 他对着那个名字看了许久——不知道有多久——面上的神情才逐渐地变得安静、淡漠,他将双手按在膝盖上,某一刻,目光之中又露出了如野兽噬人前一刻时才有的嗜血与凶戾来,那神情在他的眼中一闪即逝,他伸手打开抽屉,将放在抽屉上层的一叠纸张拿出来,顺手撕了,扔进旁边装垃圾的木篓里。 naturally he recently to some adjustment plans of Zhu's, but...... eventually was too shallow. 那是他最近对竹记的一些调整规划,可……终究是太浅了。 Stands up, his finger struck slowly several on the desktop, soon after inhales a breath of air, takes back the drawer the information. When goes out of out of the door, is afternoon sunlight, when goes out of the courtyard, some people notify him, he shows the smile, patted the shoulder of opposite party, but the footsteps have not stopped: I first went back.” 站起身来,他的手指在桌面上缓缓的敲打了几下,随后吸了一口气,将情报收回抽屉。走出门外时,是下午的阳光,走出院子时,有人跟他打了个招呼,他露出微笑,拍了拍对方的肩膀,但脚步没有停下:“我先回去了。” When to the government residence side institute, while boarding the carriage, the car(riage) curtain put down, the face that he pondered covers in a piece was dim. 到了相府侧院,乘上马车,车帘放下时,将他沉思的面孔掩在了一片昏暗里。 group of carriages left government residence, leads the way. When does not know, group of carriages stopped suddenly, above the street, the war cry gets up suddenly, some people are roaring: Removes heart demon.” 车队离开了相府,一路前行。不知什么时候,车队陡然停了下来,街道之上,喊杀声骤起,有人在吼:“除掉心魔。” Killed this demon —— “杀了这魔头—— His where —— “他在哪里—— Caressing of wind faint operates the curtain screen, confrontation already of assassin and guards starts. Ning Yi ponders this somewhat to be somewhat absurd and serious fact in the compartment, finger is striking one side seat. Until some moment, two talons collude with opposite compartment suddenly, bang, the car(riage) wall and vehicle roof were pulled open, he sits there, saw the scene on front path. 微微的抚开帘子,刺客与护卫们的交锋已经开始。宁毅在车厢里沉思着这有些荒谬又有些严重的事实,手指敲打着一侧的座椅。直到某一刻,两根钩爪陡然勾上对面的车厢,轰的一下,车壁与车顶都被拉开,他坐在那儿,才看到了前方道路上的景象。 Some people shouted: Be careful —— 有人喊:“当心—— Has anything, shoots in the field of vision front, Ning Yi looks at that luminous spot, has not dodged, one that a crossbow arrow seizes shoots in his head one side car(riage) wall. The front guy tiger roar comes. 有什么东西,在视野的前方射来,宁毅看着那光点,没有闪避,一根弩矢夺的一下射进他脑袋一侧的车壁内。前方一名大汉虎吼而来。 Capital City eruption, in view of the rivers and lakes / Jianghu assassination of Ning Yi, already the first time was not, this coming was also on a number of rivers and lakes / Jianghu quite famous expert, the person that directly flushed was known as plain Tianweng who a Lingnan tyrant, his fist coaxed. Sound such as tiger roar. The heart demon evil reputation spreads over Brigands these days, making him not dare to pull rank belittles. But in his front, that vision indifferent Scholar(egghead) already welcomed, a bold fist, straight bang gate. 京城爆发的,针对宁毅江湖刺杀,已经不是第一次了,这次过来的也是一批江湖上颇有名气的高手,直接冲上来的这人乃是号称岭南一霸的朴天翁,他一拳哄下。声如虎吼。心魔恶名在这一段时间传遍绿林,令得他不敢托大小觑。而在他的前方,那目光冷漠的书生已经迎了上来,一记豪拳,直轰面门。 Sheds the blood the expansive sky. Is clamping the bone scraps sound, transports/fortunes sends out to just like the thunder explosive to pinnacle Breaks Six Paths inner strength, plain Tianweng the entire body flew toward the rear area, falls the zhang (3.33 m), but also is tumbling unceasingly. During slaughters, the imposing manner is calm, but facial expression indifferent demon already goes down the carriage. Toward plain Tianweng That side in the past, some not far away people dashed to come, naturally 40-year-old Brigands heroine, eight steps caught up with the cicada to break through the blockade of guard fast, the next quarter, the left hand of demon lifted lifting toward the side slightly. Bang a loud sound is mixing with the flame. The billowing iron sand enters toward her lower abdomen direct impact, from the sky stops and drops her whole person, flesh and blood flying in all directions. 血洒长空。夹着骨碎的声音,运到极致的破六道内力发出犹如雷霆般的爆响,那朴天翁整个身躯都朝着后方飞了出去,跌出丈余,还在不断翻滚。厮杀之中,气势沉稳而神情冷漠的魔头已经走下马车。朝着朴天翁那边过去,不远处有人飞奔而来,那是一名40多岁的绿林女侠,八步赶蝉飞快地冲过了护卫的封锁,下一刻,魔头的左手朝着侧面稍微抬了抬。砰的一声巨响夹杂着火焰。滚滚的铁砂朝她的小腹直冲而入,将她整个人在空中停住、跌落,血肉横飞。 The demons open fire, the footsteps do not have the least bit idle time, in the right hand nevertheless pulled out the uniquely-shaped saber. Since plain Tianweng crawls from the ground, since retroceding, he is wielding one ground in the steel knife that picks. Dispatches two blades toward the opposite party, but the opposite party almost one step non-stop, Tyrant Blade blade technique breaks open the blade edge of opposite party, the second blade then cut his wrist/skill, strides the third blade to divide on his shoulder, fourth chops his forehead, pū pū pū pū several, his chest, lower abdomen and thigh depart the blood with the retreat unceasingly, until pouring in underground, in blood four class/flow eye sockets. He noticed that indifferent look is looking at him exhaltedly, the pistol above left hand traded, muzzle(gun) to him, big circular black hole. 魔头开枪,脚步却没有半点停歇,右手之中却是抽出了造型奇特的军刀来。朴天翁从地上爬起,后退着,他挥起一把在地上捡起来的钢刀。朝着对方递出两刀,但对方几乎一步不停,霸刀刀法将对方的刀锋砸开,第二刀便斩了他的手腕,跨步第三刀劈在他的肩膀上,第四道劈上他的额头,噗噗噗噗的几声,他的胸口、小腹、大腿随着后退不断飞出鲜血,直到倒在地下,鲜血肆流的眼眶中。他看到那冷漠的眼神居高临下地望着他,左手之上的短枪换了一把,枪口对着他,大大的圆形黑洞。 Disaster gave relief quickly, you also not quiet......” “灾都快赈完了,你们还不消停……” Also is bang one. Has exploding of anything like Xigua (watermelon) to open. 又是砰的一声。有什么东西像西瓜一样的爆开。 Zhu Biao carried long spear to depend side, was somewhat surprised: Although...... knows that you did have real skill...... suddenly probably were how fierce?” 祝彪端着长枪靠到了旁边来,有些惊讶:“虽然……知道你有两下子……怎么忽然好像厉害了很多?” Thinks of something, no scruples, person naturally fierce......” “想到一些事情,没什么顾忌了,人当然就厉害了……” Right?” Zhu Biao is blinking, „before you, on no scruples.” “是吗?”祝彪眨着眼睛,“你以前就没什么顾忌啊。” I was about under the heavens to be invincible in any case, you knew well, do not pass on...... Ning Yi to smile randomly, soon after became somewhat exhausted, I want...... to go home to have a look a bit faster.” “反正我就快天下无敌了,你知道就好,不要乱传……”宁毅笑了起来,随后变得有些疲惫,“我想快点……回家看看。” **************** **************** Goes home, when the carriage entered the courtyard, bloody air/Qi has not eliminated, Ning Yi stood in the backyard looked, the furniture, house, tree and fence courtyard, pondered, took a step, in the side institute, Little Chan and Ning Xi jumped came, saw his bloodstain probably, was somewhat worried, will inspect, she and Ning Xi was grasped by Ning Yi. So continues the moment, Little Chan also thinks that Ning Yi is injured: husband, how you, how...... made me have a look at Ah…...” The child is actually not familiar with father on bloody air/Qi some, do not open the head saying: Father, smelly and smelly......” Ning Yi pastes with a smile toward his face on. 一路回到家中,马车进了院子时,身上的血腥气还未消去,宁毅站在后院看了看,院子里的桌椅、房子、树、围墙,想了想,才举步进去,侧院之中,小婵宁曦蹦蹦跳跳的过来了,大概看到了他身上的血渍,有些担心,正要检查,她与宁曦都被宁毅抱住了。如此持续片刻,小婵还以为宁毅受了伤:“相公,你怎么了、怎么了……让我看看啊……”孩子却对父亲身上的血腥气有些不习惯,别开脑袋道:“爹爹、臭、臭……”宁毅笑着往他脸上贴去。 All right.” He hugged Little Chan tightened, making her head put on the own shoulder, crossed good one, said: „Does Little Chan, remember that we met for the first time...... are I are pounded by the brick, that time of just awaking, what appearance was I?” “没事。”他将小婵搂得更紧了些,让她的脑袋搁在自己的肩膀上,过了好一阵,才道:“小婵,记不记得我们第一次见面……就是我被板砖砸了,刚醒的那时候,我是什么样子的?” Is unclear.” Little Chan replied, soon after also said that actually...... husband was a little ominous at that time, Young Master...... is injured, but also wants to go out, was ominous I...... I a little to fear.” “记不清了。”小婵回答,随后又道,“其实……相公那时候有点凶,姑爷……受了伤,还想出去,然后凶我了……我有点怕呢。” Hehe.” The Ning Yi racket she, felt relieved, I am all right....... Thinks of something.” 呵呵。”宁毅拍拍她,“放心,我没事。只是……想到一些事情。” Lets loose the doubts Little Chan and wailing at the funeral the son of face, Ning Yi is walking toward inside, in the bedroom, Tan'er is writing anything in the table, sees with own eyes Ning Yi to come, body also has bloodstain, hurrying approach: husband......” words have not said that was also hugged by Ning Yi, walks toward inside, finally pressed on the bed. Ning Yi lies on her body, one big jumped her Eh: husband you? How you......” she think that behind Ning Yi is injured, digs up to consider to look. Ning Yi both hands hold her face, at the same time stares at one to say with a smile: All right. Do not move.” 放开疑惑的小婵哭丧着脸的儿子,宁毅朝里面走去,卧室之中,檀儿正在桌边写着什么东西,眼见宁毅进来,身上还有血渍,赶紧迎上来了:“相公……”话还没说完,也被宁毅抱起来,朝着里面走去,最终压在了床上。宁毅趴在她的身上,将她了一大跳:“相公你怎么了?你怎么了……”她以为宁毅背后受了伤,扒拉着想看。宁毅双手捧着她的脸,一面盯着一面笑道:“没事。你别动。” Uh...... you...... you are injured......” ……你……你受伤……” Looking in the eyes, Tan'er also has some is flustered, but gradually turned into confusing. Ning Yi looked at her a while, puts out a hand to touch her eye, nose and lip again, then put the head in her necks smelled one. 四目相对,檀儿还有些慌张,但逐渐的变成了迷惑。宁毅看了她一会儿,再伸手去触摸她的眼睛、鼻子、嘴唇,然后将脑袋搁在她的颈项间嗅了一阵。 husband, how Ah…...” Tan'er inquired in a soft voice. 相公、怎么了啊……”檀儿轻声询问。 Meets a matter.” Ning Yi was still lying, on the road that comes back meets the assassination, but is mainly not this......” “是遇上点事情。”宁毅仍旧趴着,“回来的路上遇上刺杀,不过主要不是这个……” These fellows, to relief disaster the matter...... I heard......” “那些家伙,为了赈灾的事情吧……我听说了……” „It is not.” Ning Yi silent moment, „, Tan'er, if...... this month, I marries to pass through the gate...... also has Jin'er Yunzhu, you......” “也不是。”宁毅沉默片刻,“呐,檀儿,如果……就在这个月,我把云竹娶进门来……还有锦儿,你……” He somewhat hesitates, Tan'er unexpectedly smiled in a soft voice, you made the decision finally. Everyone is waiting for......” this is being she does intentionally open-minded smiling, but the preparation, truly already did for a long time, actually is insufficient extremely to eat the taste. 他有些犹豫,檀儿倒是轻声笑了起来,“你总算做决定了。大家都在等着了吧……”这是她故作豁达的笑,但心理准备,确实已经做了好久了,倒也不至于太过吃味。 Moreover, after here matter sets, I must find time Lüliang Mountain(s).” “另外,这边事情定下之后,我要抽空去一趟吕梁山。” Tan'er then frowns, a moment later, the facial expression complex, hit his with the hand difficultly: You did not fear that...... the body broke down......” 檀儿这才皱起眉头来,片刻之后,神情复杂,艰难地用手打了他一下:“你也不怕……身子垮了……” Hahahaha...... is not that matter.” Ning Yi smiled one, said, Juan'er, finds the person to make a hot water for me, I must wash...... to have the blood.” 哈哈哈哈……不是那回事。”宁毅笑了一阵,道,“娟儿,找人替我弄点热水来,我要洗一下……身上有血。” Out of the door transmits listens to the Juan'er timid reply of corner: Oh.” Then ran away. 门外传来听墙角的娟儿怯生生的应答:“。”然后跑走了。 Ning Yi sits to set out, takes off the fetter Tan'er then to reorganize the clothes, she has doubts looks at Ning Yi. She also understands that the Ning Yi character, met the matter outside what children personal relationships inevitably, will present such to be unusual. 宁毅坐起身来,脱去束缚的檀儿这才能整理一下衣服,她疑惑地看着宁毅。她也明白宁毅的性格,必然是遇上了什么儿女私情之外的事情,才会出现这样的反常。 Ning Yi pondered: I...... always a little repel to handle the long-line matter before......” 宁毅想了想:“我以前……总是有点排斥做长线的事情……” „...... Uh?” Tan'er by no means understanding. “……?”檀儿并不理解。 naturally, because, always thinks that achieves the certain extent, leaves to leave.” He sighed, but looking back now, something, no escape route. after all...... such absurd matter......” 那是因为,总想到做到一定程度,抽身走掉。”他叹了口气,“但现在看来,有些事情,没什么退路。毕竟……这么荒谬的事情……” I and I are not clear.” “我、我不明白。” Ning Yi had not replied again, grasped her hand to pat the racket, then patted the racket, smiled toward her, in the smile, already became is warm and genial: In brief, you must accompany me to walk together.” 宁毅没有再回答,抓起她的手拍了拍,然后又拍了拍,朝她一笑,笑容之中,已经变得温暖而和煦:“总之,你得陪我一起走。” Tan'er looks at him: We...... the itself/Ben is husband and wife.” 檀儿看着他:“我们……本就是夫妻啊。” Doubts actually in the middle of the vision of several diverting attention photos, something, made a final decision. At this time, sunlight from opening wide outside door, the slanting illumination, in the air has the spring day to be in sole possession of slightly cold...... 疑惑却又有几分心照的目光当中,有些事情,就此敲定了。这个时候,阳光正从敞开的房门外,斜斜的照射进来,空气中有着春日独有的微寒…… In February/two months, 2 nd. 二月,初二。 **************** **************** pure brightness. 清明。 Li Pin steps onto the hillside outside Taiyuan city, is looking at the countless grave in open country, the smoke that gives the family member offered condolences ignites when with these. 李频走上太原城外的山坡,望着野外的累累坟冢,与那些给亲人吊唁时燃起的烟。 Another woods edge, the man named Cheng Zhouhai wears the azure long gown, kneels down on the lawn, to direction that he is choosing, to these in the person who in this famine died, bends down three to do obeisance. Accompanies in his nearby, only then spring cold intent, without witness. 另一处的树林边缘,名叫成舟海的男子穿着青色长袍,在草地上跪下,对着他所选择的方向,对着那些在这次饥荒中死去的人,俯身三拜。陪伴在他身边的,只有春天的冷意,没有见证者。 Near the wharf, Shishi with is difficult ferry that returns, set off the traveling schedule. Is looking at the city, shallow seas and tidelands and wharf distant place, in her eye flows off the tears. In this winter, she felt in the past had not had the sentiment, people of dying, these...... they go all out not to think them dead, actually still died people, kept on this lands. 码头边,师师随着难返的大船,踏上行程了。望着远处的城池、滩涂、码头,她的眼睛里流下泪水来。在这个冬天,她感受到了往日里未曾有过的感情,死去的人们,那些……她们拼了命不想他们死去,却仍旧死去了的人们,留在了这片土地上。 Then was the springtime food shortage, the famine of small scale will still be continuing, it will continue to welcome the harvest to the new year of grain finally, but during this period, but also one after another deceased person, but after the snow melted the deglaciation, disaster relief uses/gives porridge/gruel already that Imperial Court continued did not have the hindrance on path. The grain price placed 821 stones, no longer rises, but is still three times in ordinary day. 接下来将是春荒,小规模的灾荒仍在继续,它将持续到新一年的粮食终于迎来收获,而在这期间,还会陆陆续续地死人,但雪融冰消之后,朝廷持续的赈灾施粥已经没有道路上的阻碍了。粮价维持在八两一石,不再涨,但依然是平日里的三倍。 She has to go back. 她不得不回去了。 Remains, more helpless also only then nothing more. 留下来,更多的也只有无奈而已 She wants to go back, told her story with some people. 她很想回去,跟一些人诉说她的见闻。 The wind moved her hair on ship. 风吹动了船上的她的头发。 Since, that wind from the spring blows every year, to the summer, to the autumn and to the winter, starts once again, never stands still. It swept the time, blew old annual ring, blew the youngster to move toward maturely, blowing the grown trend is senile, then blew the seed that old person are having to leave behind their wisdom, wanted to pass to the next generation the child. People such lives, work and rest in the land and inheritance. 每一年里,那风从春天里吹起,至夏、至秋、至冬,周而复始,从不停歇。它吹走了时光,吹老了年轮,吹着少年走向成熟,吹着成年走向衰老,然后吹着老人们不得不留下他们智慧的种子,希望传给下一代的孩童。人们如此的在大地上生活、作息、传承。 This was the new year, people in the spring breeze, are feeling the new year of put on a show of peace and prosperity, in Imperial Deliberation Hall, crowds of person high spirited and vigorous, prepared the farsighted plans, the north as before was the chaos caused by war that the chaos caused by war, kept, in that beacon, is taking turn the prosperous scorching sun and ominous afterglow. 这又是新的一年了,人们在春风里,感受着新一年的歌舞升平,朝堂之中,一群群的人意气风发,筹划远图,北方依旧是战乱、不停的战乱,在那烽烟之中,交替着兴盛的骄阳与不祥的余晖。 This is a Wu Dynasty Jǐng-Hàn 12 years of spring. 这是武朝景翰十二年的春天。 under the heavens peace. 天下太平。 PS: live-in son-in-law fifth volume of «Grand feast» ends. PS:赘婿第五集《盛宴》完。 Later will have a subtotal. 待会会有个小结。
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