LISIL :: Volume #5 盛宴

#517: In eyeground brilliance palm candlelight (Last Part)

However in Old Man, is to direct the human desire, to become the natural justice.” “而在老夫,是要引人欲、趋天理。” In the warm study room, Qin Siyuan said these words slowly, that side, Ning Yi leaning leaning head, in vision, flashed through the incomparably complex look. 温暖的书房里,秦嗣源缓缓地说出这段话来,那一边,宁毅偏了偏头,目光之中,闪过了无比复杂的神色。 In this world, as long as is the person, all has the selfish desire, the selfish desire inflates, the person was then hoodwinked, cannot see him the line to the mistake. Since I and other Confucian scholar so many years, various theories have been complex, behavior is also seeks one saying that the say/way and gentleman say/way of Great community(Datong). These say/way, are eventually interlinked, finally can make this myriad things ordered, making the person of under the heavens perform its own functions, if he is greedy, what when enlightens his corruptly, what should not, when teaches his gentleman to be avaricious, takes being correct. If he is depressed, when enlightens him to lead the way, what is the proper way.” “在这世间,但凡是人,皆有私欲,私欲膨胀,人便被蒙蔽,看不到他所行的对错。我等儒生这么多年以来,各种学说纷繁嘈杂,所为的也不过是求一条道,大同之道、君子之道。这些道,终究是相通的,最终能令这万物有序,令天下之人各司其职,他若贪婪,当教化他何物该贪,何物不该,当教会他君子爱财,取之有道。他若沮丧,当教化他前行之间,何为正途。” he paused , to continue said: Why this world so, how must so, be able to make the world find the answer finally, to not being at a loss. This is the truth, is the natural justice, the Old Man life 60 years, are as ever rough, could not find an enfilade, but how manner must, why probably some such humble opinions, record/native place explain these books, then already wrote in inside.” 他顿了顿,续道:“这世间为何如此,何以要如此,最终能令世人找到答案,不至迷惘。这是道理,也是天理,老夫此生六十余载,犹然磕磕绊绊的,找不到一条直路,但为人者要如何,为何要如此的一些浅见,籍着注解这几本书,便都已经写在里面了。” Yao Zunian said the sentence seems like the words that praised, Qin Siyuan shakes the head smiled, Ning Yi here, nevertheless said in a low voice: Saves the natural justice, extinguishes the human desire......” 尧祖年说了句似乎是褒美的话,秦嗣源摇头笑了笑,宁毅在这边,却是低声道:“存天理,灭人欲……” Liheng said that the boundary of sage actually Old Man thinks probably.” Qin Siyuan Hehe smiled, directs the human desire and natural justice coincides, indeed causes empirical ego greatly me one, may in this world, really be able to achieve one, how many can also have? Our generation writes a book , to promote the enlightenment, most important why did not tell the end point that they said that but why was it of truth. Was understood by their oneself, making their oneself go, if they can understand the truth, naturally can make one desire gradually tend to the natural justice. As for can save the natural justice, to extinguish human desire , can only say that is the human desire has coincided consistently with the natural justice, is ordinary like Sage Confucius, 70 do as pleases, does not pass the moment, itself **, will not deviate the main road. So pours can be said as. Extinguished the human desire......, but Sage Confucius hence in addition year to 70, our generation...... feared that was the life is difficult. Only can humble opinion, say that listens with others.” 立恒所说的,却像是老夫所想的圣人之境了。”秦嗣源呵呵笑了出来,“引人欲与天理相合,也正是使小我大我相一,可在这世间,真能做到相一者,又能有几个?我辈写书,推行教化,最重要的并非告诉他们道的终点为何,而是道理的本身为何。由他们自己去理解,让他们自己去走,他们若能听懂其中道理,自然能使人欲逐渐趋向于天理。至于能存天理、灭人欲者,也只能说是人欲与天理已然相合一致,如同孔圣人一般,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩,本身的**,已然不会偏离大道。如此倒可说是。灭人欲了……但孔圣人至此一步尚且年至七十,我辈……怕是此生难到。只能将一得之愚,说与他人听听。” At this point, he also quite somewhat sighed regrettably: Said beyond some topics the words. Old Man these for dozens years. Has seen the stupidity of person. Innumerable, but since the other hand looks like, each of them. Also seems like some smart people. Why they...... seem like each to understand the principle of righteousness, but always has no recourse, the official covets, what can not be corrupt? The nearby people covet time, you are not how dare corrupt. To be timid, what can not be timid? When the nearby people must run in the future, how dare you do not run. Sounds, as if everyone has no recourse, you should accuse him, as if should not accuse him, Old Man this entire life with seeking in excess, often remembers, always feels behind the rare good name, but if does not do this, is always hard to accomplish......” 说到这里,他也颇有些遗憾地叹了口气:“说些题外之话。老夫这数十年来。见过人之愚蠢。数不胜数,可从另一方面看来,他们每一个人。又都好像是些聪明人。他们……看起来每个都明白大义为何,可又总是迫不得已,为官者贪,何能不贪?身边的人都贪的时候,你怎敢不贪。为将者怯,何能不怯?当身边的人都要往后跑时,你怎敢不跑。听起来,似乎大家都是迫不得已,你该指责他,似乎又不该指责他,老夫这一生用谋过甚,每每想起,总觉得身后难得好名,可若不这样做,又总是难以成事……” Old Man thinks, actually whether the method, may correct this matter. Finally ponders over, can only talk clearly the truth, if everyone can understand the truth, the selfish desire will then be perhaps less. If the soldier can pass its principle, then the soldier will not fear the war, a officials its principle, or can little accept bribes, merchant who if these store grains now, can pass its principle, perhaps then can know that the matter of line, Yu in Guo, has the harm greatly, perhaps this method then can be lighter, perhaps also...... forest Quting, will then not die.” 老夫又想,究竟是否有一方法,可将此事纠正。最后思前想后,只能将道理说清楚,若每一个人都能明白道理,私欲或许便会少些。若兵将能通其理,则兵将不畏死战,官员通其理,或能少贪墨,若如今这些屯粮的商人,也能通其理,或许便能知道他们所行之事,于家于国,大有损害,或许这手段便能轻些,也或许……林趋庭,便不会死了。” He shakes the head to smile: Naturally, this was also Old Man thinks many. These books, although explains sometimes, but can result in several people to look, was difficult to say. Liheng your side literary society manages also well, when repairs completely to Old Man, may result, to send for a Old Man seal seal, if can result in 32 good friend approvals, Old Man life, leaves behind anything.” 他摇头笑笑:“当然,这也是老夫想得太多了。这几本书,虽然注解有时,但能得几个人看,还是难说。立恒你那边书社办得还不错,待到老夫修完,可得替老夫印一印、发出去,若能得三两好友认同,老夫此生,也算是留下些什么了。” Ning Yi looks at him, nods in a minute: „...... Naturally.” 宁毅看着他,片刻点了点头:“……当然。” Qin Siyuan basically then arrived here to the views of these books. His ideological already when the book, does not need to explain orally are too many, only in Yao Zunian, Wenren Buer and the others inquired occasionally, explained 12. Ning Yi flips through the book earnestly, seeks for illustrations, deduces, in the brain flashes through, is that two years. 秦嗣源对这些书的说法基本便到这里。他的思想已经在书里,口头上不用解释太多,只在尧祖年闻人不二等人偶尔询问时,解答一二。宁毅埋头翻书,从中寻找一个一个的注解,推演出去,脑中闪过的,是那两个年头。 Directs the human desire, to become the natural justice. Saves the natural justice, to extinguish the human desire...... 引人欲、趋天理。存天理、灭人欲…… This is...... Neo-Confucianism Ah…... 这是……理学啊… Ning Yi in the later generation, carefully has not studied regarding the Neo-Confucianism, to Confucianist, appreciates merely. However by his ability, something even appreciates, can still set at variance slightly. The Neo-Confucianism was quite denounced in the later generation, but regarding Ning Yi, can spread the thing that the millenniums develops unceasingly, if some people said that this purely is the dregs, is unreasonable, he will only be regarded as the intelligence quotient this person directly is zero idiot. 宁毅在后世,对于理学并没有仔细去研究,对儒家,也仅仅是欣赏。但是以他的能力,有些东西即便是欣赏,也是能够稍稍解构的。理学在后世颇遭诟病,但对于宁毅来说,一个能流传千年不断发展的东西,如果有人说这纯粹是糟粕,其中是没有道理的,他只会直接将这个人看做是智商为零的白痴。 The Neo-Confucianism and Confucianist, were abandoned by the May 4 th Movement of 1919 purely blindly. In some scholar or nationalistic youth of eyes later generation, there is a few words to be called: The Chinese do not have the sense of awe. This was not the lie, before the May 4 th Movement of 1919, the Chinese suffered the hugest humiliation, therefore when the external cultural invasion, overthrew and projected on oneself original all impatiently. The invasion of this external culture, had advanced side at that time, however then people overthrew the oneself beforehand culture, has not actually learned the core spirit in opposite party culture, afterward the long throes, the collapse of spiritual civilization and was converted nowhere, was very miserable. 理学和儒家,纯粹是被五四运动盲目抛弃的。在后世的一些学者或愤青眼里,有一句话叫做:中国人没有敬畏之心。这不是假话,五四运动前,中国人遭受了最为巨大的屈辱,于是在外来文化入侵时,迫不及待地推翻和打到了自己原本的一切。这种外来文化的入侵,在当时是有先进的一面的,然而当时的国人推翻了自己以前的文化,却并没有学到对方文化中的核心精神,后来漫长的阵痛期,精神文明的崩溃和无处皈依,是很惨的。 It looks like in Ning Yi, Confucianist, including other all theories, research how is the person in this society should from the place, how with the issue that the person is together, how the person should suppress and guide the selfish desire, what kind of one form in constructs Cheng Nation, can make this country most magnificent, the mental outlook of people relatively is also best. This is the bases of all philosophy systems, several thousand years ago to the later generation, has not always changed. 宁毅看来,儒家,包括其他的一切学说,研究的都是人在这个社会上该如何自处,如何与人相处的问题,人该如何抑制和引导私欲,以怎样的一种形式构成国家,能令这个国家最为辉煌,人们的精神面貌也相对最好。这是所有哲学体系的根本,从几千年前到后世,从来就不曾改变。 Then, Confucianism actually what's the matter. If sees the tail from the beginning, establishes its Confucius, is not that moral Grandmaster of later generation, he is actually very tasteful practical, in one aspect, he takes the pursue of morals as the highest standard, on the other hand, he actually takes the social reality as to consider, teaches the person to work. Story that the obeying the son tribute redeems a slave, to expostulation of returning justice for injustice, then to hypocrite virtue very also and so on argument, develops ritual first, to arrive at the later generation to teach the person in the principle compared to the later generation Confucianists amiably, to withdraw again constantly actually never arranges individual right to speak the ritual is mindless the pure hypocrite society clearly, the beginning of Confucianist, is actually first reasons with, latter spoke ritual. 那么,儒学到底是怎么回事呢。如果从头看到尾,创立它的孔子,并非是后世的那个道德宗师,他其实是很讲究务实的,在一方面,他以道德的追求为最高标准,另一方面,他其实是以社会现实为考量,教人做事。从子贡赎人的故事,到以直报怨的劝诫,再到“乡愿德之贼也”之类的论点,相对于后世儒家发展到“礼在理先”、再到更后世一味地教人谦和、退后却从不明白地厘定个人权利“讲礼不讲理”的纯乡愿社会,儒家的起点,其实是“先讲理,后讲礼”的。 After Confucius, the Confucianist develops for more than 1000 years. Arrived another history in Song Dynasty, social productive forces already developed to a degree, when benefit starts to guide people to a greater extent **, the business development, the social class starts to become the confusion, the society needs one set of more explicit standard, even needs one set of finer shackles, tells others, you should make anything, should not make anything. Your position where. Thing that you can pursue where. At that time, established a country like this, itself truly was most reasonable. 孔子之后,儒家发展一千多年。到了另一段历史中的宋朝,社会生产力已经发展到一个程度,利益开始更大程度地引导人们的**,商业发展,阶级开始变得混乱时,社会需要一套更加明确的规范,甚至于需要一套更加精细的枷锁,去告诉别人,你应该做什么,不应该做什么。你的位置在哪里。你能追求的东西在哪里。在当时,这样子来确立一个国家,本身确实是最合理的。 The Neo-Confucianism, its philosophy center is the principle and natural justice. 100 million compose a country personally. In what kind of way. This national most harmonious and stable, this is on the natural justice, but even in later generation. People also know that greatly I with empirical ego difference, the difference from country, must since childhood I be utmost personally I, individual unscrupulous **, must be suppressed and guided. 理学,其哲学中心便是理、天理。一亿个人组成一个国家。以怎样的方式。这个国家最和谐稳定,这是就天理,而即便在后世。人们也知道大我与小我的分歧,个人与国家的分歧,要从小我至大我,个人肆无忌惮的**,就必须被压制和引导。 It of person, having nothing worthwhile, he is also the possibility infinite animal. But only constitutes to discuss by the society, what is the firmest society? The caste system of India has the strictest social class, however for several thousand years, their country including a being able to say revolt not to have, is how reliable. Confucianists while arranging custom, in fact retains the road that people took upward, it hopes that few people can surface, even hopes in „one day, under the heavens Great community(Datong), everyone like dragon. Also is therefore, China in that several thousand years, established the most magnificent civilization, but not like the Indian like that peaceful deathly stillness. 人的本身,乏善可陈,他也是可能性无限的动物。但仅以社会构成而论,最坚固的社会是什么呢?印度的种姓制度有着最为严格的阶级,但是数千年来,他们国家连一个说得出的起义都没有,何其牢固。儒家在厘定规矩的同时,实际上保留了人们往上走的路,它希望一部分人能够脱颖而出,甚至希望在“某一天”,天下大同、人人如龙。也是因此,中国在那几千年间,创立了最为辉煌的文明,而不像印度那般安静死寂。 But regarding Great Confucianist, establishes a knowledge, has their profound connotations, the one who asked was the friend. At that time lectured to ask, has criterion that is willing to hit to be willing to suffer, you are willing to study, I told you, you did not understand, that was you are mostly dull-witted. Zhu Xi saves the natural justice, to extinguish human desire is the highest condition that saints and sages pursue, so-called human desire, not **, but is the selfish desire. What they discuss is how a country can achieve the most ideal condition, naturally also some all sorts of harsh places. But as the general public or the common people, is not necessarily able to understand why, good, how I told you to do on the line. 而对于大儒来说,创立一个学问,有他们本身高深的内涵在内,求的是知己。那时候讲学问,有个愿打愿挨的准则,你愿意学,我才告诉你,你不懂,那多半是你愚钝。朱熹的“存天理、灭人欲”是一种圣贤追求的最高状态,所谓人欲,并非**,而是私欲。他们探讨的是一个国家怎样能够达到最理想的状态,其中当然也有种种苛刻之处。但作为普通民众或是平头百姓,未必能够明白“为什么”,那好,我告诉你怎么做就行了。 Arrived finally, the frame sash bar strip was left over, person who in the truth understands, by no means are many. 到最后,框框条条剩下了,道理上理解的人,却并不多。 The people may cause to know it, cannot, cause by it: You can understand that I told you truth, you could not understand, how I told you to do on the line. 民可使知之,不可,使由之:你能理解的,我告诉你道理,你理解不了,那我告诉你怎么做就行了。 The rules of Neo-Confucianism, is never a humane or academic on withdrawing, on the learning, it is a leaping progress. The rules are more, it truly made people lose certain courage and uprightness, but the man on prairie ate birds and animals raw, most had the courage and uprightness, who is willing to go to work as? After the Neo-Confucianism, the Confucianist found one to pass through the always soul and genetic code truly, counts toward after that the dynasty alternates, Confucianism actually never extinguishes, because does not use the Confucianist, has no way to rule a nation. 理学的条条框框,从来就不是一种人性或学术上的退后,在学术上,它是一次飞跃性的进步。条条框框越多,它确实让人们失去了某些血性,可草原上的汉子茹毛饮血,最有血性,谁愿意去当呢?自理学之后,儒家真正找到了一条贯穿始终的灵魂和基因密码,以至于此后数朝,朝代更迭,儒学却始终不灭,因为不用儒家,就没法治国。 Until Wang Yangming's heart study, its core is unity of knowledge and action, this similarly as the highest pursue of sage, regarding good, the highest pursues of mind in the right way sincerity these concepts, but on the other hand, serves as the governing, he does not have to save the natural justice to extinguish human desire to come meaningful, this is only individual the highest boundary of pursue. Only can be the pure academic development. Naturally, it was even misinterpreted us to face the own selfish desire in the later generationto murder truthfully faces directly conscience decisively ”, was a funniest matter. 及至王阳明的心学,其核心是“知行合一”,这同样是作为圣人的最高追求,是对于善、正心诚意这些概念的最高追求,但相对来说,用作治国,他没有“存天理灭人欲”来得有意义,这只是个人追求的最高境界。只能算是纯学术发展。当然,在后世它甚至被曲解成“我们要如实面对自己的私欲”“杀伐果断直面本心”,则是最为滑稽的一件事了。 Wang Yangming later, final Great Confucianist is Zeng Guofan, his theory practices moral culture to treat people again, as a result of then world environment, emphasizes governs to with the pragmatism. One several thousand years only have the change in situation soon then to stop, Confucianism was overthrown in the morass, his theory, then only affected large numbers of upper layer leaders including Mao , Jiang. But so-called sage and gentleman actually high, can see from a Zeng Guofan's matter: He once imitated once ginseng/partake, day three provinces my body —— manner seeks, but is disloyal? With the friend hands over, but doesn't believe? Passes on does not practice? Every day so insisted, continued for a month, eventually causes the tinnitus and blinker, spits blood to faint in the self- introspection, because considers in excess. But the criterion of this strict three provinces my body, can achieve to his old age. 王阳明之后,最后的一个大儒是曾国藩,他的学说重修身待人,由于当时的世界环境,也讲求经世致用的实用主义。只是一场数千年唯有之变局不久便止,儒学被推倒在泥坑之中,他的学说,则只影响了包括毛公、蒋公在内的一大批上层领导人。而所谓圣人、君子到底有多高呢,从曾国藩的一件事里就可以看出:他曾经效仿曾参,日三省吾身——为人谋而不忠乎?与朋友交而不信乎?传不习乎?如此每天坚持,持续了一个月,最终导致耳鸣、眼蒙,在自我反省中吐血晕倒,因为思虑过甚。而这种严格三省吾身的准则,也是到他老年才能够达到。 Starts until the Industrial Revolution, the world had the unprecedented momentous change. Investigates its origin, lies in the development of science and technology helps a person to put forth dozens people of several hundred people of strengths, can create in the past dozens several hundred people of productive forces. But in the beforehand society, in any event, a person, is when a person uses. The Confucianists are also good, the caste system is also good, is the rule by people under this premise, without the advancement of science and technology, they almost can forever the self consistent method. 及至工业革命开始,世界发生了前所未有的巨大变化。究其根由,在于科技的发展使得一个人可以使出几十人几百人的力量,可以创造以往几十几百人的生产力。而在之前的社会,无论如何,一个人,就是当一个人用的。儒家也好,种姓制度也好,都是属于这种前提下的人治,如果没有科技的推进,它们几乎可以永远自洽。 But the development requirement person of science and technology inflates the own selfish desire and hope, displays the subjective initiative of everyone, this vacillated originally the essence of rule by people fundamentally. Not the imprisoned human nature can display to make the huge ray that one is flabbergasted, naturally. Afterward turned into not human nature of imprisoned being positive and progressive, liberalism and global value of later generation US, Scholar spirit of West, all from this center. 但科技的发展要求人膨胀自己的私欲、渴望,发挥每一个人的主观能动性,这从根本上动摇了原本人治的本质。不被禁锢的人性才能发挥出令人咋舌的巨大光芒,当然。后来变成“不被禁锢的积极向上的人性”,后世美国的自由主义、普世价值,西方的文人精神,无不由此中心而来。 Confucianism was overthrown —— it also truly to be overthrown finally, but on the plant root of Chinese has the brand marks of too many Confucianist, when the old culture was overthrown afterward entirely the new culture has not lived, has too many labor pains. But the ideological mode of later generation Chinese, has the too big difference from the West as before. 儒学终于被推翻了——它也确实该被推翻,但中国人的根子上有着太多儒家的烙印,以至于后来旧文化被统统推倒新文化未生时,有着太多的阵痛。而后世中国人的思维模式,依旧与西方存在太大的差异。 Method that the people analyze the thing from whole to part, but scientific analysis principle of West from part to overall, this is the so-called Western thought shape difference core. But from whole to part. First needs a formation the whole. If not, then can only take for granted. But from part to overall, then only needs the strict logic to piece together, what no matter the final whole is. In brief can move. This caused overall disparity of Western in the scientific development. 国人分析事物的方法是由整体到部分的,而西方的科学分析法则由部分到整体,这就是所谓中西方思维形态差异的核心。但由整体到部分。首先需要一个成型的整体。若没有,则只能想当然。而由部分到整体,则只需要严格的逻辑拼凑,不管最后的整体是什么样。总之都可以动起来。这导致了中西方在科学发展上整体差距。 But in social basis. Western freedom energetic core is first to reason with. In other words, first stipulated everyone has many right, then arranges the moral excellence. For example a life boat carried too many people to sink shortly, some people must come up, you can push him. This is the truth, the nobody accusation, naturally, you, if risks neck to save him as before, this is the moral excellence. But in people, first arranges too many moral excellence, you should make concessions, you should not struggle, how you should yield treat others, lets the society and harmonious, even if stipulated that the social rights are one, everyone also can only obtain 0.7 forever, everyone other where 0.3 went, they are not often willing to yield the person who does not care about the face to plunder by these, therefore forever only then the good man or wants to be good man to be accused, as for evil person...... person ** is this, that is not very natural selfish desire ——, when saves the natural justice to extinguish the human desire by the knocking down mire. Meanwhile, most people, went to another extreme thoroughly. 而在社会基础上。西方的自由精神核心在于先讲理。也就是说,先规定每个人有多少的权利,而后厘定美德。譬如说一艘救生船眼看载了太多人要沉,有人还要上来,你可以将他推下去。这是道理,无人指责,理所当然,你若冒着生命危险依旧救他,这是美德。而在国人方面,首先厘定太多太多的美德,你应该退让,你应该不争,你应该如何容让地对待他人,让社会和乐融融,哪怕规定社会权利是一,每个人也永远只能得到零点七,每个人另外的零点三去了哪里,它们则往往被那些不愿意容让也不在乎面子的人掠夺一空,于是永远只有善人或想做善人者被指责,至于恶人……人的**就是这样啊,那不是很理所当然的私欲嘛——当存天理灭人欲被打落泥潭的同时,大部分人,就彻底地去到了另外一个极端。 Naturally, this is also purely the deduction beyond topic. 当然,这也是纯属题外的推演了。 ****************** ****************** Ning Yi and the others stayed in that study room was very long, approximate crossed the book, Yao Zunian and Qin Siyuan already discussed intensely, looked coming out, Yao Zunian very excited. 宁毅等人在那书房之中呆了很久,大致的将书翻过一点,尧祖年秦嗣源已经激烈地讨论起来,看的出来,尧祖年非常的兴奋。 Neo-Confucianism...... 理学…… Ning Yi within the heart sigh. He truly must be excited. 宁毅在心中感叹。他确实应当兴奋。 If will be deduced by the things of these books in the future, many things, become ordered, civil rights, monarchial power, government authority wait/etc, will come under the influence of certain extent. The people in this world, need the shackles, this shackles can lock some improper selfish desires, the person also need the pursues of some metaphysicals, this pursue can fervent, although ten million people, but I toward. Having no recourse „the way things should be cannot become the person to do anything finally to have the reason that no one one arrives in the world vertical wish to be I must work as a traitor to China, if Qin Kuai in another history with this similar , he also in all sorts „the way things should be, arrives in the final position. 若是由这几本书的东西往后推演,许多的事情,都将变得有序,民权、君权、官权等等,甚至都会受到一定程度的影响。人在这个世界上,是需要枷锁的,这枷锁可以锁掉一些不该有的私欲,人也需要一些形而上的追求,这追求可以令人慷慨激昂,虽千万人而吾往。“迫不得已”“人之常情”终不能成为人做任何事都能有的理由,没有人一到世界上立的志愿会是“我要当个汉奸”,若另一段历史里的秦桧与这个类似,那么,他也在种种“人之常情”里,走到最终的位置上的。 But that was a traitor to China. 但那就是汉奸了。 Every time toward each generation, people set up 1-2, said: Look, the society was destroyed by them.” Therefore defined clearly distance of both sides, will never think that oneself has any similar to him. In fact, if is not each insect injurious to seedling root insect that eats the spatial country ate a healthy country to quick but actually, the foreign aggression must not have, was not one's turn several disloyal subjects to handle affairs, will not need the hero to bleed. 每朝每代,人们立出1-2来,说:“看,社会就是被他们搞垮的。”因此厘清了双方的距离,也永远不会觉得自己与他有任何类似。事实上,若非是每一个蛀空国家的蟊虫将一个健康的国家蛀到快倒了,外侮必不会有,也绝不轮到几个奸臣行事,更不会需要英雄流血。 Injury that the evil, profiteer evil and each numbness corrupt official collect finally, are actually not less than the traitor to China. Scolded the traitor to China is too crisp, engages in introspection oneself, will spit blood nothing more. 贪官之害、奸商之害、每一个麻木者最终汇集的伤害,其实根本是不比汉奸少的。只是骂汉奸太爽,反省自己,会吐血而已 When the people go out of the room, is the night. Outside the room is the tree's shadow dreary courtyard, under the corridor, in the room is showing the warm yellow ray. The night wind is cold, Ning Yi stood there, faint lifted the head, went out from the overlapped courtyard, he as if can see the giant city, eight thousand li (500 km) roads, the wilderness mountains woods rivers ships habitat, all, on the group star with nighttime sky calmly are shining. 众人走出房间时,已是深夜了。房间之外是树影萧瑟的院子,廊道下,房间里正透出暖黄的光芒来。夜风寒冷,宁毅站在那儿,微微抬起了头,从重重叠叠的院落中出去,他仿佛能看见巨大的城池,八千里路,原野山川树林河流船舶人居,一切的一切,与夜空上的群星静静地辉映着。 In each time, will have certain people, gathered a strength of time, investigates thoroughly the life and wisdom, to sends out compared with a stars more radiant ray finally. 在每一个时代,会有某些人,集合了一个时代的力量,穷究生命与智慧,到最后发出比星辰更为璀璨的光芒来。 Ning Yi has turned head, old person in door, is smiling to them waves. Ning Yi sighed, he can understand, in recent years, racking one's brains and making extraordinary painstaking efforts of this old person, can contain clearly in that book, to the responsibility and loving care of this time, as well as sent out, rested the call of bottom. 宁毅回过头,老人在房门口,正笑着对他们挥手。宁毅叹了口气,他能够明白,这些年来,这位老人的殚精竭虑与苦心孤诣,也能够明白蕴藏在那本书里的,对这个时代的责任与爱护,以及发出的,歇斯里底的呐喊。 Because of clear, therefore is moved. 因为明白,所以伤感。 Because he is also clearest, is the time of this piping time of peace, are not perhaps many......( to be continued..) 因为他也最明白,属于这个太平盛世的时间,许是不多了……(未完待续。。) ps: In some sense, this should be this book in one of the present stage most core, but because the discussion of big length possibly did not ask for the happy, similar length should not appear again, making it appear, but I thought it was necessary to make part know was the once brilliance of Confucianist to come, naturally, this was the brilliance in my eye, even if my same already to his theory non-inductive, but I to it the position in great waves historical current, have the respect. But can spread the millenniums the philosophy structure, it has the wisdom that the far superegos imagine to be one of them. ps:从某种意义上来说,这应该是这本书在现阶段最核心的一张,但由于大篇幅的讨论可能不讨喜,类似的篇幅应该不会再出现了,让它出现,只是我觉得有必要让一部分知道属于儒家的曾经的光辉来,当然,这是我眼中的光辉,纵然我同样已经对他的理论无感了,但我对它在涛涛历史洪流中的位置,有着敬仰。而一个能流传千年的哲学构架,它有着远超我们想象的智慧在其中。 Moreover, saves the natural justice to extinguish human desire truly is Zhu Xi's words, the writings sets up the word of core said that is an extreme condition emphasizing, is human desire is saves to near reasonably two by no means is of pleasant to hear regarding present certain opens the mouth shuts the mouth, but its essence is saves the natural justice to extinguish evil desire, the person of that time sees with own eyes ** inflation, wants is not good ** removes through the enlightenment, this is the essence. Naturally, this is the single opinion of banana tvb, I write, the letter/believes with does not believe that in you. 另外,“存天理灭人欲”确实是朱熹的话,著述立说的核心之言,属于一种强调性的极端状态,对于眼下某些张口闭口就是“人欲”就是“存在即合理”的中二来说并不好听,但其本质是“存天理灭邪欲”,那个时代的人眼见**膨胀,想将不好的**通过教化去掉,此为本质。当然,这是香蕉tvb的一家之言,我写出来,信与不信,都在你们。
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