LISIL :: Volume #5 盛宴

#516: In eyeground brilliance palm candlelight (First Part)

Lunar New Year's Eve, Capital City in the lively and lively cheerful atmosphere is continuing. Before the end of the year, various complex types of working people arrive at busy, regarding this year summary, account goal draws, regarding the new year of forecast and past reconsideration, will be next year things. In brief, after being busy, the store inn is also good, the governmental agency, entered the slightly leisurely and carefree window period, even if stretch/open Jiao is killed this kind of affair, the mighty waves that starts suddenly are also abating. End of the year season, when people reason the pressure at heart, will have what issue to treat to the beginning of the spring said again. 除夕将至了,京城里热闹与繁华的喜庆气氛在持续。年关之前,复杂各种做事的人大抵有一阵忙碌,对于这一年的总结,账目的收拢,对于新一年的展望与过去的反思,都是来年的事情了。总之,忙忙碌碌之后,商铺客栈也好,政府机关也罢,进入了稍微悠闲的空窗期,哪怕是张觉被杀这样的事情,陡然掀起的波澜也在消退。年关时节,人们更原因将之压在心里,有什么问题待到开春时再说。 In brief, no matter said anything, opened sleep/felt already dead, Jin people withdrew troops toward, for the new year...... also several days later auspicious day. 总之,不管说什么,张觉已经死了,金人班师回朝,过年了……也就过几天好日子吧。 When right government residence, initially busy is also restraining, Qin Siyuan the day of receiving the death news of sleep/felt almost faints, but soon, then also restores. His after all has seen the people of innumerable storm, attack of this life experience, incessantly two, but was old at this time, after this stimulation, most government affairs the home person and one group of staff is compelling temporary are put down ——, if north does not say, domestic many Chen Jie ** the thing, he did not meddle actually is also the without too many issue, therefore in these days, he while the atmosphere of new year's celebration, slightly was peaceful. 相府中,初时的忙碌也正在收敛起来,秦嗣源在受到张觉的死讯那天几乎晕倒,但不久之后,便也恢复过来。他毕竟是见过无数风浪的人了,这一生经历的打击,也远不止一件两件,但此时年事已高,这次的刺激之后,大部分政务被家里人和一帮幕僚逼着暂时的放下——如果不说北方,国内的许多陈结**物,他不插手其实也是没有太多问题的,于是在这几天里,他就趁着过年的气氛,稍稍安静下来。 Ning Yi and the others unexpectedly often passed with him speaks some idle talks, Yao Zunian also caught up from the family/home outside city, examined his condition. Except for the rest, most time he will take a book to look, sometimes takes the writing brush, highlights. Compared to the busy proper business, as a Confucianism everyone, he highlights these things, is one that in the leisure whiles away the time. The time of therefore so long as continuing will not be long, everyone actually did not say him. 宁毅等人倒是时常过去与他说些闲话,尧祖年也从城外的家中赶了过来,查看他的状况。除了休息,大多数时间他还是会拿着一本书在看,有时候拿着毛笔,圈圈点点。相对于繁忙的正事,作为一个儒学大家,他圈点这些东西,也算是闲暇里消遣的一种。因此只要持续的时间不会很长,大家倒也不怎么说他。 Regarding opening the matter of sleep/felt, at least this period of time, he already is the silent does not raise. Since several days, in Imperial Deliberation Hall is making noisily for this matter, first is Qin Kuai submits a written statement to impeach in Wang An, then evoked the big discussion above Imperial Deliberation Hall, final qualitative is, in Wang An makes extraordinary painstaking efforts and endure humiliation, naturally in which fault has. But should not raise to the plane of political principle. No matter what who were placed in that position, perhaps cannot make a better decision. 对于张觉之事,至少这段时间,他已经是闭口不提了。几日以来,朝堂之中为着这件事闹得沸沸扬扬,先是秦桧上书弹劾王安中,然后引起了朝堂之上的大讨论,最终的定性是,王安中苦心孤诣、忍辱负重,当然其中的错处是有的。但不该上纲上线。任谁被摆在那个位置,恐怕都做不出更好的决定来。 To wrong was set, Emperor Zhou Zhe rejected the impeachment of Qin Kuai, but still decided that Wang An transfers Yanjing in next year. In addition chooses the minister passing palm bureau. But in fact. In Wang An does at this time not happily in Yanjing. After stretch/open Jiao dies, Guo Yaoshi once said: Jin people demanded that opens thinks you gave, if comes the Somalian pharmacist. Do you also give?” After that although in Wang An came to seek the understanding, but still felt uncomfortable, his resignation memorial to the emperor, actually also already on road. 对错就此被定下,皇帝周喆驳回了秦桧的弹劾,但仍旧决定在来年将王安中调离燕京。另选大臣过去掌局。而事实上。王安中此时在燕京做得也不开心。张觉死后,郭药师曾说:“金人索要张觉你就给了,若来索药师。你是不是也给?”此后王安中虽然上门求了谅解,但仍旧觉得不是滋味,他的请辞奏折,其实也已经在路上了。 Put regarding Wang An the time tall Naqing, has uncovered public criticism of Emperor in decision. In fact, at this time Qin Kuai and right government residence often the contact, relates well. But if mentioned him, Qin Siyuan said: Meeting too bright intention.” 对于王安中的这次高拿轻放,揭过了皇帝在决策上的物议。事实上,此时秦桧与右相府还是时常往来,关系不错的。但若是说起他,秦嗣源只是道:“会之太明圣意。” When 2nd day that he faints, perhaps is because the mood is extremely depressed, on that day Ning Yi and the others came to see him, he once mentioned the beginning to end that blesses to sever a friendship with left side with a few people. 在他晕倒的第二天,或许是因为心情太过沮丧,那天宁毅等人来看他时,他曾与少数几人说起与左端佑割袍断义的始末。 „...... In the past, Imperial Ruler just succeeded to the throne, the outstanding ability and grand vision, have the will of enlightened emperor, our generation is an officer, meets the such enlightened ruler rarely, from, when makes an effort by the report. I and king Qisong, beam Mengqi, left side blessed managed Secret Investigation Division indulgently, was because Liao Nation traded together for hundred years with my Wu Dynasty, had been assimilated by the our Dynasty wasteful air/Qi. Although the our Dynasty wasteful air/Qi is more abundant, but if has the enlightened ruler, could but therefore resurgence. This is...... the Secret Investigation Division origin......” “……当年,圣上刚刚继位,雄才大略,有圣君之志,我辈为官,难得遇上这样的明主,自当戮力以报。我、王其松、梁梦奇、左端佑异想天开的办了密侦司,是因为辽国与我武朝通商百年,早已被我朝奢靡之气所同化。虽然我朝奢靡之气更盛,但若有英主,说不定能因此而中兴。这是……密侦司的由来……” Afterward matter, Niangong knows mostly, Ji Kun you follow in my nearby many years, is understands, after only has Black Water Treaty, Zuo and I cut off the communication the reason, I have not said that actually this matter, should not say.” “后来的事情,年公大都知道,纪坤你跟在我身边多年,也是明白的,唯有黑水之盟后,左公与我断绝来往的理由,我未曾与人说过,其实这事,原也不该与人多说。” I and other dynasty is Imperial Ruler heavy, the favor does not have two, but once taught Imperial Ruler to study, for the say/way of Monarch, Imperial Ruler is intelligent, understands quickly, when are not many then has understood by analogy, had many own...... the original view, after this, actually also becomes estranged to us. This is not the important matter, afterward Liao person went south, I and others advocated strongly the dying war, Imperial Ruler already abandoned at that time was operating vigorously in secret the north matter of instigation, sees Liao soldier to go south successively, Imperial Ruler...... then decided that empty by winding, ahead of time negotiates peace. Left side blesses intensely, urging me saying that Monarch will make outside not, although Liao person went south rapidly, but the socializing region north Bianliang were general, so long as towed, the Liao Nation rich person will first oppose that this war that affected the business. He said like this, I actually cannot do this, under Imperial Ruler urged continuously, I has to negotiate peace...... you to know, after that Zuo was breaks ties with me......” “我等一朝为圣上所重,恩宠无两,而曾教圣上读书、为君之道,圣上聪慧,懂得很快,不多时便已触类旁通,有了许多自己的……独到见解,在这之后,却对我们也疏远起来。这本也不是什么大事,后来辽人南下,我等力主死战,圣上当时已经废了大力在暗中运作北面的挑拨之事,见辽兵节节南下,圣上……便决定虚以委蛇,提前议和。左端佑性情激烈,劝我说将在外君令有所不受,辽人虽然南下迅速,但在汴梁以北周旋地域广大,只要拖下去,辽国的富人首先就会反对这场影响了生意的大战。他这样说,我却不能这样做,圣上连续催促之下,我只得议和……你们知道,左公便是此后与我绝交的……” The reason that at that time the bystander knew...... is mainly the nobility whole family son dying for one's country tragic death, but in-depth reason, actually not for this reason. Thinking of Zuo, has the similarity with Liheng, he said the word of treason and heresy, he said that...... the monarch...... the will big and is sparse, the one had only known, Secret Investigation Division should not manage, itself does not have one point of strength, the desperate playing conspiracy, strange seems cannot coincide in secret, my Wu Dynasty will then only show the weakness unceasingly with others, original it blesses perhaps can also continue for many years, at this time such as the clown jumps the beams, but takes ahead of time......” “当时外人知道的理由……主要是王公举家男儿殉国惨死,可深层的理由,却并非为此。左公之思,与立恒有类似之处,他说了大逆不道之言,他说……君上……志大而才疏,早知如此,密侦司是不该办的,本身无一分实力,暗中拼命的玩阴谋,正奇若不能相合,我武朝便只会不断将自身弱点示与他人,原本国祚或许还能延续多年,此时如小丑跳梁,只是提前取死……” His words, I am unable to refute, finally, he stops a part of Secret Investigation Division he managed. May me, the human affairs hence, if not do this, can have other what means. Even the human affairs is wasteful, I and others still can only clench teeth to tough it out, this time, so long as very passed, is boundless. But...... fears must be smiled...... Hehe by him, the clown jumps the beams, takes to say Ah…...” “他的话,我无从反驳,最终,他停了他所管理的密侦司的一部分。可于我而言,世事至此,若不这样做,又能有其它的什么办法。即便世事奢靡,我等也只能咬牙硬挺,这一次,只要挺过去了,便是海阔天空。可如今……怕是要被他笑了吧……呵呵,小丑跳梁,取死之道啊……” „After turning round, my in the heart knows for sure, the Imperial Ruler heavy balance, he helps up the incident, often cannot help but must suppress. I was ready, in the past above Imperial Deliberation Hall, violated some faults occasionally, making him look, only hopes he hit these, to other proper business, can hold. This disaster relief, I knew that offends the person, within the heart is only thinking, if after the disaster relief, becomes the target of public criticism, Imperial Ruler push the boat with the current...... he must always guarantee the Northern Expedition, perhaps by my old bones, but can also very pass by luck, actually does not know among this rise and fall...... to fall, fell on stretch/open Jiao the head......” “复起之后,我心中情知,圣上重权衡,他扶起一事,往往不由得要去打压一事。我是做好了准备的,以往朝堂之上,偶尔也犯些错处,让他看着,只希望他打了这些,对其它一些正事,能够扶起来。此次赈灾,我自知得罪人有很多,也只在心中想着,若是赈灾之后,成为众矢之的,圣上顺水推舟……他总是要确保北伐的,或许以我这把老骨头,还能侥幸挺过去,却不知道这一起一落之间……落,是落在了张觉的头上……” Perhaps is exhausted, meaning that in his these words, very some usually should not say. Is good because of periphery is several staff of government residence most core, with the Qin Siyuan net worth basically binds together. In fact, Qin Siyuan words. Also really said is too gentle. Ning Yi in the Secret Investigation Division information, has referred among the Jǐng-Hàn years the rules of many government orders, Emperor truly is the heavy balance, actually does not represent him really to take seriously the say/way of balance, in some sense, at least Ning Yi only thought that he wraps with the balance is playing nothing more. 或许是身心疲惫,他这番话里,很有些平时不应该说的意思。好在周围是相府最核心的几个幕僚,与秦嗣源的身家基本是绑在一起的。事实上,秦嗣源的话。说得也实在是太温柔了。宁毅密侦司的情报里,早已参考了景翰年间诸多政令的规律,皇帝确实是重权衡,却不代表他是真的重视权衡之道,从某种意义上来说,至少宁毅只觉得他是拿权衡来套着玩而已 After ascending the throne, Zhou Zhe has really had several big handiwork movements, including Secret Investigation Division, Hua Shigang is also. Initial Zhou Zhe continues Hua Shigang, is money that because at the national affairs can use was insufficient. After Black Water Treaty . Loses reduces toward the overseas money greatly, the peace in political arena also made the public revenues day abundant, but Hua Shigang has not stopped, he already played satisfies a craving. Doesn't need to give others? Good. That this/should myself remained is playing. He makes good use of Cai Jingwang fu and the others to collect various place valuable thing. Has the ginseng to play, scolded them, for suppression. The suppression will feel sorry from now on, again to the power. 登基之后,周喆确实是有过几个大手笔的动作的,包括密侦司在内,花石纲也是。最初周喆延续花石纲,是因为国事上能用的银子不够了。黑水之盟后。输往国外的银子大减,政坛上的太平也令得国库收入日丰,但花石纲没有停下来,他已经玩得过瘾了。不用给别人?好。那就该我自己留着玩了嘛。他重用蔡京王黼等人征敛各处值钱之物。有人参奏,就把他们骂一顿,是为打压。打压过后过意不去,再给点权力。 Arrived finally, king Fu and the others were scolded also many, power unexpectedly day-by-day rise. Emperor resulted in the name of enlightened emperor. Several years of training also causes Imperial Censor Department, pure running water and avenue for free expression of opinion often to measure the speech, estimated the ability of intent to practice the top. Their ginseng/partake plays innumerably, all made hundred officers the matter, a political clear actually did not injure the fur/superficial knowledge. 到得最后,王黼等人被骂得也多,权力倒是一天天的升高。皇帝得了圣君之名。几年的调教也导致御史台、清流、言路往往权衡着说话,揣摩上意的本领练到了顶级。他们参奏无数,“令得百官皆可言事,政坛一清”却不伤皮毛。 If by the angle analysis of psychology, this is the view of Ning Yi. In the Second Young Master year, three views are not steady, after accepting many information, thinks that completely understood the world. This Emperor from essentially, by no means believes anybody, he does not believe that the matter in the world has to having the mistake, he does not think Cai Jing for the good of the people and country, does not believe that Qin Siyuan and Li Gang for the good of the people and country, from this perspective, behind each buttocks of person, only have the benefit, Cai Jing for his family power and influence and single hand covers the Heavens, Li Gang Qin Siyuan kept the history , for a while unwarranted reputation. 如果以心理学的角度分析,这便是宁毅的看法。一个中二少年,三观未稳,接受到了诸多的信息以后,以为看透了世界。这个皇帝本质上来说,并不相信任何人,他不相信世界上的事情有对有错,他不认为蔡京为国为民,也不相信秦嗣源李纲为国为民,从这种角度上来说,每一个人的屁股后面,都只有利益,蔡京为的是他的家族权势、只手遮天,李纲秦嗣源是为了名留青史,为了一时虚名。 In fact, sometimes for high-rank, has the such thoughts not necessarily is the blunder. Its logic capability is insufficient, everything set of major principle actually has nothing, such person, has the successful way, however...... as Emperor, his anti-pressure ability, was too shallow. 事实上,为上位者,有时候有这样的心思未必算是大错。本身逻辑能力不够,凡事套大道理倒也没什么,这样的人,也是有成功的途径的,然而……作为一个皇帝,他抗压能力,实在太浅了。 Shortly after coming to Capital City, Ning Yi then already had to the present Emperor shallow impression, naturally, to with did not say, his after all will not directly face the opposite party. However opens the sleep/felt event to happen , really made him feel extremely helpless. 在来到京城后不久,宁毅便已经有了对如今皇帝的粗浅观感,当然,对与不对是不好说的,他毕竟不会直接面对对方。然而张觉事件发生,也实在令他感到极为无奈。 Regarding Qin Siyuan and the others, to opening the sleep/felt event is no doubt grieved, was worried that estimated cannot be regarded very high, Jin people after all are not many, leeway that all have not necessarily returned, only then Ning Yi in the heart understands, Jin people must go south mostly, after having this matter, made him feel the sigh. 对于秦嗣源等人来说,对张觉事件固然心痛,担心估计也算不得非常高,金人毕竟不多,一切未必没有回还的余地,只有宁毅心中明白,金人多半是要南下的,有这件事之后,就更加的让他感到叹息了。 To falling short of this matter, his is holding anger at heart, but the end of the year, him was unable to think. Facing in convalescing Qin Siyuan, did not certainly say anything, can only within the heart adjust...... Emperor significantly to the arrangement of Zhu's is biggest, he must, you also be able to do anything like this...... 对这件事的功亏一篑,他的心里是憋着火的,但年关已至,他也无法可想了。面对疗养中的秦嗣源,当然也不好说点什么,只能在心中大幅度地调整对竹记的安排……皇帝最大嘛,他要这样了,你还能干什么呢…… He then often comes government residence to sit, chats the idle talk with Qin Siyuan, Yao Zunian, Ji Kun, Wenren Buer and the others, in the heart is thinking matter that oneself must handle. This afternoon, arrives in government residence, after the warm study room sits down, several that chatted, Qin Siyuan put out some books to come to them to look with a smile, probably was his writings. 他便时常来相府坐着,与秦嗣源尧祖年纪坤闻人不二等人聊聊闲话,心中则在想着自己要做的事情。这一天下午,来到相府之中,温暖的书房里坐下后,聊的几句,秦嗣源笑着拿出些书来给他们看,大概是他的著述。 These books, contain the four books and five classics, is the Qin Siyuan hand transcript, after copying out, inscribes own many understanding in side. Ning Yi took one to read at will, Qin Siyuan originally already to self-control of being indifferent to personal gains and losses, but looked at these things to the people, in the expression faint somewhat was self-satisfied. Yao Zunian and the others looked respectfully, the moment then frowns, shows the expression that attached great importance, Ning Yi reads at will, he cannot understand regarding these, but his in the heart has the hidden effect that in 1000 the Confucianist inherited, in the book all look like, is some simple, self-evident Confucianist truth. 那些书,包含四书五经,乃是秦嗣源的手抄本,手抄之后,又在旁边写上自己的许多理解。宁毅拿了一本随意翻看,秦嗣源本已至宠辱不惊的涵养,但给众人看这些东西,表情中却微微有些得意。尧祖年等人看得恭敬,片刻便皱起了眉头,露出了重视的表情,宁毅则翻看得随意,他对于这些不是看不懂,但他的心中有多了一千年儒家传承的隐性影响,书中一切看来,便都是些简单的、不言而喻的儒家道理了。 Qin Siyuan lies down on the chair, opens the mouth slowly: These things, are I start to take up the pen to official at home, has discussed with Kang Mingyun and the others together, afterward also had several times of revises, after turning round, the revision and illustration do off and on, but the conditioning instead is biggest. Like this with gives everyone to have a look, to pour the first time.” 秦嗣源躺在椅子上,缓缓地开了口:“这一些东西,是我致仕在家时开始动笔的,与康明允等人一同商量过,后来也有数度修改,复起之后,修改和注解做得断断续续,但修整反而是最大的。这样拿出来给大家看看,倒还是第一次。” He closes one's eyes, both hands overlap in the chest front, finger whip gently: Old Man this life, first establishes a reputation by Confucian scholar, afterward had handled many things, is difficult to gather the say/way of Confucian scholar. After the officer, my road was inferior that Official Li walks like that uprightly, if discussed objectively, to ask the matter had a good result, I was some...... with seeking in excess, was good has also maintained an article name because of Old Man, finally did not have, therefore was attacked extremely. But these years are reading studying of these Confucianists, actually sword walks slanting strokes gets down, my in the heart also throughout the anxiety, or said that...... anticipated: If this human affairs is upright, I why bother such uses to seek......” 他闭着眼睛,双手交叠在胸前,手指轻轻拍打:“老夫这一生,先以儒生立名,后来做过很多的事情,是难合儒生之道的。为官之后,我的路不如李相那般走得刚正,若客观而论,为求事情有个好结果,我是有些……用谋过甚的,好在老夫一直还保持了一点文名,最终没有因此被抨击太过。但这些年读着这些儒家之学,却又剑走偏锋下来,我的心中也始终有一个疑虑,或是说……期待:若是这世事刚正,我又何苦那样的去用谋……” In recent years, Old Man studies, has with Niangong and also has other Great Confucianist many time has chatted, during this period Liheng says is not a Confucianist, in some truth, nevertheless is most simple. Remembers that Liheng once mentioned with me, those who lived in ages, every time to tilting, then the common evildoer rebelling calamity country, the man (Han) had Dong Zhuo, Tang to have An Lushan, promote to have Jia Nanfeng, to cede the Yanyun 16 provinces, had Shi Jingtang, these people were sewn in the history book, daily was reviled, but Dong Zhuo, if with man (Han) military, will also have the three countries chaotically? If An Lushan meets Li Shimin, can still have Maweipo changes otherwise, does Jia Nanfeng with Sima Yi, how dare eight kings rebel? As to these things, sometimes the person all thinks that is the evildoer injures the country. In fact...... such as with this grain shortage, if is not all sorts of insect injurious to seedling root insects, to the certain extent, ate a country weakly emptied, how dare the bystander covets, this landscape!” “这些年来,老夫读书,与年公还有其它一些大儒也有过许多次闲聊,在这期间立恒自称并非儒家,在一些道理上,却是最浅显的。记得立恒与我曾经谈起,历朝历代,每至倾覆,便常有奸人作乱祸国,汉有董卓、唐有安禄山、晋有贾南风、割让燕云十六州,有石敬瑭,这些人被钉在史书上,日日受人唾骂,可董卓若遇汉武,还会有三国之乱吗?安禄山若逢李世民,尚能有马嵬坡之变否,贾南风遇司马懿,八王又何敢作乱?如此种种,时人皆以为是奸人误国。实际上……如同此次粮荒,若非是种种蟊虫,弱到了一定程度,将一个国家蛀空了,外人又岂敢觊觎,这片江山!” This grain shortage, to reduce the pressure above Imperial Deliberation Hall, Old Man satisfies thirst by drinking poison, once instigated some merchants, the operation opinion, submits a written statement for the business in secret lobbies. Liheng had said the trading with me, if road greatly rise, now this Wu Dynasty, how also to suppress the expansion of being concerned only about profit atmosphere. This time I in back promotion, am good am bad, I am hard to feel relaxed, however many people think or, Old Man also has to do this. After that thinks, these sets of books, are I to this matter, to these years with seeking some ruthless compensations......” “此次粮荒,为了减轻朝堂之上的压力,老夫饮鸩止渴,曾怂恿一些商户,暗中操纵言论,上书为商家游说。立恒曾经与我说过商事,若是商道大兴,如今这武朝,又如何抑制地唯利是图风气的扩张。此次我在背后的推动,是好是坏,我都难以释然,然而很多人都想或者,老夫也不得不如此去做。此后想想,这几套书,算是我对此事、也对这些年用谋过狠的一些补偿……” Ning Yi gains ground......, when Qin Siyuan decides to use the method, he has then thought that this old person definitely undergoes the decision that the long-term psychological construction made, afterward above Imperial Deliberation Hall the merchant for the atmosphere that rectified names, Ning Yi also guessed had the old person promoter. Although Ning Yi is the merchant sets out, but in the heart has also believed that later generation that type being concerned only about profit, the capitalist idea of scarlet fruits, is the toxicant that this time cannot touch. He had guessed Qin Siyuan definitely will have what back of the hand / subsequent party, unexpectedly cannot think, that back of the hand / subsequent party, is these books...... 宁毅抬了抬头……在秦嗣源决定用着手段的时候,他便想过,这位老人肯定是经过了很长时间的心理建设才做出的决定,后来朝堂之上为商人正名的风气,宁毅也猜测有老人的推手在内。宁毅虽然是商人起身,但心中也一直认为,后世那种唯利是图的、赤果果的资本主义思想,是这个时代根本不能碰的毒药。他猜测过秦嗣源必然会有什么后手,倒是想不到,那后手,是这些书…… Why he wants...... Um, after he to the gentleman the class solution of farmer ties up slightly, again puts on carefully a more accurate criterion, this but actually truly is a mentality...... 他想干嘛……,他是要给士农工商的阶层稍稍解绑之后,再套上更细致更精准的准则了,这倒确实是一个思路…… Ning Yi reads the book in hand, in the heart was guessing like this, his time in the heart is still considering the own plan, wraps a point of action regarding old person one point, has many appreciations and approvals, person not simple that any time, achieves the great accomplishment......, however at a moment later, a train of thought flash bang such as thunder sound, him from the such train of thought that complete exploded. 宁毅翻看着手中的书,心中是这样推想的,他此时心中还在考虑自己的计划,对于老人一环套一环的行动,有着许多的赞赏和认同,任何一个时代,做大事的人都不会简单……然而就在片刻之后,一个思绪的闪光轰如雷响,将他从这样的思绪里,完完全全的炸了出来。 „When the person is ignorant.” old person is saying, saints and sages writings, for from this type ignorant, carries over a road. For several thousand years, the saints and sages teach the person to take office and teach the person to make the choice, to make the decision, all differences, nothing but are the visions short with long, the child tribute redeems a slave, he after Lu Guo redeems a slave, do not reward, thinks nobly, Confucius said, your type publicizes nobly, is harmful in the country. Now we publicize to render good for evil, but Confucius said how to repay a kindness, returns justice for injustice, repays a kindness by virtue. In this world, as long as the hypocrite, often is the thief of virtue. What virtue, the so-called morals and have virtue because, this, is the morals, is the truth, is how our generation can make in world better road...... this road probably follow well......” “时人多愚昧。”老人说着,“圣贤著述,也是为了将人从这种愚昧中,带出一条路来。数千年来,圣贤教人视事、教人做选择、做决定,所有的分歧,无非是眼光的短与长,子贡赎人,他为鲁国赎人之后,不要奖赏,以为高尚,孔子却说,你这种高尚宣扬出来,于国有害。如今我们宣扬以德报怨,但孔子说,何以报德,以直报怨,以德报德。在这世间,但凡乡愿,往往为德之贼。何谓德,所谓道德、因道而有德,这道,是道德,也是道理,是我辈能令世间更好的路……这路要怎么走才好……” „When the person, considers only one person, ignores one, considers only one, does not attend to a country, is hoodwinking of person of selfish desire, was the distinction of selfish desire and natural justice, the principle of the world decided the person and person were together and unify, became a country, must put aside some selfish desires at the right moment, can make the country more abundant, at times pasted and grows continually, our generation studied the knowledge, indeed must discover such path to come, let both benefit as far as possible two, but was one. According to Liheng once view, this was greatly I and differentiation between empirical ego.” “时人,只顾一人,不顾一家,只顾一家,不顾一国,乃是人之私欲的蒙蔽,是私欲与天理的分别,天地之理决定了人与人相处、结合,成为一家一国,要适时地放下一些私欲,才能令国家更强更盛,时时流转、生生不息,我辈研究学问,也正是要找出这样的路来,尽量让两者利益二而为一。按照立恒曾经的说法,此乃大我与小我之间的区分。” Qin Siyuan closes one's eyes to sit in the deck chair, faint raised the head, inhales a breath of air. 秦嗣源闭着眼睛坐在躺椅里,微微抬起头,吸了一口气 However in Old Man, is to direct the human desire, to become the natural justice.” “而在老夫,是要引人欲、趋天理。” At that moment, the wind stopped.( To be continued..) 那一刻,风停了。(未完待续。。) ps : ps: The chapter name is from «Spring breeze One Attending to» that small building writing words river sang. ps:ps:章节名取自小楼作词河图唱的《春风一顾》。 ps2: Asked the monthly ticket. ps2:求月票。
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