LISIL :: Volume #5 盛宴

#515: under the heavens feels embarrassed nobody to admit mistakes

When night cold intent sweeps across comes, the similar information in the different places is fermenting the different aura. The north stretch/open Jiao death, in Wu Dynasty, is the result that is promoted to cause by a series of complex causes, but if from the feedback of information, for this matter felt that the happy person, does not have actually. 夜晚的冷意席卷而来时,同样的信息正在不同的地方发酵出不同的气息。北面张觉的死,在武朝之中,是由一系列复杂原因推动而导致的结果,但若是从信息的反馈上来说,为这件事的发生感到高兴的人,实则一个也没有。 The imperial city extends in the lucky palace, lamp candle of combustion regarding having warm aura, the court eunuch, guard and Palace Maids defend in the surroundings, but in dim light of night, occasionally what resounds is only the board game piece drops the sound that. Emperor mood by no means is good, accompanies Emperor's Wife that he plays chess to find relief, has tact is being silent, by no means speech. 皇城延福宫中,燃烧的灯烛围绕起了一片温暖的气息,太监、侍卫、宫女们守在周围,但夜色里,偶尔响起的只是棋子落下的声音。皇帝的心情并不好,陪他下棋解闷的皇后,也知情识趣地沉默着,并不说话。 We, making one...... do not know that is to is the wrong matter.” “朕,做了一件……不知道是对是错的事情。” Crosses for a long time, Zhou Zhe opens the mouth slowly, in a low voice, in his hand is pinching the board game piece, for a very long time has not fallen. Emperor's Wife waited for one: Matter that your majesty handles, right has, wrong also has unavoidably, but the servants know, regardless to wrong, your majesty choose, matter that must do.” 过得许久,周喆才缓缓地、低声地开口,他的手中捏着棋子,久久未曾落下。皇后等了一阵:“陛下做的事情,对的有,错的也难免有,但臣妾知道,无论对错,陛下选的,都是非做不可的事。” In front of Emperor, said that he has done the wrong thing, perhaps the person of average person must be punished immediately. But Emperor's Wife is quite deep with his sentiment, actually knows that Zhou Zhe likes the such view. Really, words saying, unfolding of Zhou Zhe faint feeling relieved, a moment later, reveals to smile bitterly. 当着一个皇帝的面,说他做过错事,一般人的人恐怕立即就要被治罪。但皇后与他感情颇深,却知道周喆是喜欢这样的说法的。果然,话语说完,周喆微微的展了展眉,片刻之后,又露出苦笑来。 We killed stretch/open Jiao, others do not know, feared must think We was stupid, but how they knew Our in the heart difficulty. This fills toward civil and military, Cai Jing, Li Gang, Qin Siyuan, Tong Guan, Li Bangyan, king Fu...... have one is! They...... harm my Ah…...” “朕杀了张觉,旁人不知,怕是要以为朕昏庸了,可他们又怎知朕心中的难处。这满朝文武,蔡京、李纲秦嗣源童贯李邦彦、王黼……有一个算一个!他们……误我啊……” He drops the board game piece, was saying with clenched jaws this matter, nevertheless will fill toward civil and military to capture. Emperor's Wife silent by right. It is not good saying: They...... feared also has the difficulty......” 他落下棋子,咬牙切齿地说着这事,却是将满朝文武全都兜进去了。皇后沉默以对。不好接话:“他们……怕是也有难处的……” Difficulty! We place in them the position of Imperial Court high-ranking official, We gave them the power, We gave them working to spread the path, instead, they gave Us anything....... Chaotic mess —— Zhou Zhe makes an effort to wave, in the end, We have to carry this black pot to them, these...... old thing!” “难处!朕将他们放在朝廷大员的位置上,朕给了他们权力,朕给他们做事铺了道路,可到头来,他们给了朕什么。一个……乱糟糟的烂摊子——周喆用力挥了挥手,“到头来,朕只好给他们背这个黑锅,这些……老东西!” He clenches jaws, the in the heart distress is hard to speak. When sends out troops positively , to promote the Northern Expedition. At the beginning of his in the heart is very lofty aspirations and high ideals —— this lofty aspirations and high ideals begins in him to ascend the throne. Provokes the Liao person civil strife, by the Secret Investigation Division permeating north, puts in massive financial resource physical resources to direct the person greedy heart, to afterward Black Water Treaty. He wants to work as a resurgence overlord. Drafts various Hua Shigang. Also truly is Imperial Court needs to spend money to invest the north. Although he stayed behind afterward. But that is also because the north does not need to invest again. As Emperor, he already made extraordinary painstaking efforts to handle many things, but came to see. These things, truly plays the role. 他咬牙切齿,心中的苦楚难以言说。早在积极兴兵,推动北伐之时。他的心中是很有一番雄心壮志——雄心壮志始于他登基之初。挑动辽人内乱,以密侦司渗入北国,投入大量的财力物力引人贪婪之心,到后来黑水之盟。他是很想当一位中兴霸主的。征各种花石纲。也确实是朝廷需要用钱投入北方。虽然后来他留下了许多。但那也是因为北方不需要再投入了。作为一个皇帝,他已经苦心孤诣地做了许多的事情,而在后来看。这些事情,也确实起到了作用。 Jurchen people dispatches troops into battle, Wu Dynasty waited till the good time , he turns round greatly Qin Siyuan with Li Gang, making Cai Jing and the others make way a path for them, actively promotes the Tong Guan Northern Expedition. And naturally also many hindrance and unpleasant place, the Yanyun 16 provinces only took back six provinces, but the Guo Yaoshi result gave him to grow the face. This is the strategy of paying a thousand gold pieces just for the bones, before Guo Yaoshi has not made the great merit, he gave the opposite party innumerable to seal/confer bestows, hits the mistake of Yanjing including the opposite party, he also forgave the opposite party. Afterward Guo Yaoshi cut Xiao Gan, proved to this under the heavens the correctness of his vision, he was happy. 女真人起兵,武朝等到了好的时机,他大用李纲、复起秦嗣源,让蔡京等人为他们让开一条道路,积极推动童贯的北伐。其中当然也有许多阻碍和不如意的地方,燕云十六州只收回了其中六州,但郭药师的成绩还是给他长了脸。这原本是千金买骨的策略,在郭药师还没有立下大功之前,他就给了对方无数封赏,包括对方打燕京的失误,他也原谅了对方。后来郭药师阵斩萧干,对这个天下证明了他眼光的正确,他非常高兴。 But makes widely known domineering Jurchen people regarding a dynasty successful, Zhou Zhe in the heart by no means likes, the Yanyun 16 provinces he is at least thinking must seize. Once seizes, north Guanshan, reckless Lu wanted to go south layer on layer/heavily no possibly, he can also console the soul in heaven of generations, became lords of the generation of development. The such idea made him in the attitude to Jurchen people have enterprising side, accepted the enemy's surrender stretch/open Jiao, was open arms Guo Yaoshi following. However after this, the huge issue must pull back in the reality him. 而对于一朝得志张扬跋扈的女真人,周喆心中并不喜欢,至少燕云十六州他是想着一定要夺回来的。一旦夺回来,北面重重关山,胡虏想要南下就没什么可能了,他也能够告慰列祖列宗的在天之灵,成为一代开拓之主。这样的想法令他在对女真人的态度上有着进取的一面,纳降张觉,属于招降郭药师的后续。然而在这之后,巨大的问题还是要将他拉回现实中来。 If Jurchen people regarding opening the treachery of sleep/felt has the excessive response, this weaponry hits now, doesn't hit? 如果说女真人对于张觉的倒戈有着过分的反应,这一仗现在是打,还是不打呢? After opening the sleep/felt treachery, initial that time, here was very happy: I discussed 16 provinces with you before, you did not discuss, now we can sit to chat. Regarding Jurchen people, Wu Dynasty by no means has not guarded, but has the consensus regarding something, that is: Jurchen people are few, must conquer entire Liao Nation, must manage Liao Nation, by no means is easy, does not have the ample force to go south. Meanwhile, Guo Yaoshi trained outside Yanmen Pass, defeats Xiao Gan, the destruction Xiao Gan deployed, at this time stretch/open Jiao was not the fruit cake, the reason, had certain deterrent force, placed on the desktop, we had the qualifications of talk. 张觉倒戈之后,最初的那段时间,这边还是很开心的:我以前跟你谈十六州,你不谈,现在我们可以坐下来谈谈了吧。对于女真人,武朝并不是没有防备,但对于有些事情是有共识的,那就是:女真人少,要征服整个辽国,要管理辽国,并不容易,是没有余力南下的。同时,郭药师雁门关外练兵,打败了萧干,覆灭了萧干部署,此时张觉也不是软柿子,理智上来说,都有一定的威慑力,放在桌面上,我们是有谈话的资格的。 But the fact showed, these are the consideration of civil official, really thought many. You can measure 1000 times, thought that the Wu Dynasty strength increases, but regarding Jurchen people, they are not feeling well, only has a means solution: Come, we have done one time, looked that who loses who wins. 但事实证明,这些属于文官的考虑,真是想得太多了。你可以权衡一千次,觉得武朝的实力大增,但对于女真人,他们不爽,就只有一种办法解决:来,我们干过一次,看谁输谁赢。 When Wanyan Dumu crusades against stretch/open Jiao directly, Zhou Zhe, has to seriously consider this matter. 完颜阇母直接讨伐张觉,周喆这边,不得不认真地考虑这件事了。 In that 1-2 months, he makes a veiled attack has asked the views and opinions of many people, including Tong Guan and Cai Jing, Gao Qiu, including Li Gang and Qin Siyuan, including Ministry of War all sorts of high-ranking officials, including some all night Jin and Liao situation, has been the minister of envoy. The impression of finally synthesizing, making his heart have one's heart sink with disappointment. 在那1-2月里,他旁敲侧击地询问过许多人的看法和意见,包括童贯、蔡京、高俅,包括李纲秦嗣源,包括兵部的种种大员,也包括一些通宵金辽情况的、担任过使臣的大臣。最后综合起来的印象,让他的心凉了半截。 In the surface asked the opposite party, can we hit, the opposite party said certainly that can hit. But Zhou Zhe is not a fool, at least he can listen to be clear certain offscreen voices that these ministers, he looks, Tong Guan and Cai Jing, Gao Qiu and the others have the anxiety regarding the strength of army, Li Gang Qin Siyuan display: No matter what kind of, we must dying brace, probably hit now! 表面上问起对方,我们能不能打,对方当然说能打。但周喆并非傻子,至少他可以听清楚这些大臣的某些画外音,他看出来,童贯、蔡京、高俅等人都对于军队的战力有疑虑,李纲秦嗣源则表现:不管怎么样,我们现在都得死撑一回,必须打! Cracks a joke, you can now the dying brace, even if died still worked as the neck hard straight feudal official, my such Emperor can such be careless? The information summary, he suddenly discovered, prepares for war so long, oneself, seems like a paper tiger, really must do with Jin people, all, did we prepare for? 开什么玩笑,你们现在可以死撑,就算死了也当个脖子硬的直臣,我这么皇帝这么草率吗?情况综合上来,他忽然发现,秣马厉兵这么久,自己这边,看起来还是个纸老虎啊,真要跟金人干,一切准备,我们做好了吗? He therefore sent out the secret order in Capital City, informs in Wang An, if Jin people is not too excessive, when cannot light start/open Bianxin, the necessity, opening the sleep/felt can give up —— also only being able to give up, behind this, his making extraordinary painstaking efforts, who can understand. 他于是在京城发出了密旨,通知王安中,如果金人不是太过分,绝不能轻启边衅,必要之时,张觉可以放弃——也只能放弃了,在这背后,他的苦心孤诣,又有谁能理解。 He hates Cai Jing Tong Guan these people, they take the overall situation, at least on army, at present this appearance. He also hates Li Gang Qin Siyuan these people, he gave them that big support. Near in the end, them has not achieved anything decisively, satisfying matter. The army is difficult the victory achievement, they know that called to hit, must the dying brace. Did this first war, lose what's to be done? 他恨蔡京童贯这些人,他们总揽全局,至少在军队上,眼下还是这个样子。他也恨李纲秦嗣源这些人,他给了他们那么大的支持。临到头来,他们也没有做到什么决定性的,让人满意的事情。军队难有胜绩,他们就知道叫着要打,要死撑。这第一战,输了又怎么办 He is thinking these these things, remembered oneself really they to put the too big power and convenience at the matter of disaster relief to Qin Siyuan. As of late factional strife, oneself favors them, suppressed the sounds of many opposition, the influence of two Prime Minister in Capital is getting higher and higher. Grand preceptor Cai they must avoid the point. So also somewhat excessive. 他想着这些那些事情,又想起自己在赈灾的事情上真的给秦嗣源他们放了太大的权力和便利了。最近这段时间的党争,自己倾向于他们,打压了不少反对的声音,两个宰相在京的影响力越来越高。蔡太师他们都要避开锋芒。如此也有些过了 Measures, the disaster relief must do, opens the matter of sleep/felt, actually suppresses their one method. Otherwise open arms stretch/open Jiao is their merit. After the open arms, full power supports stretch/open Jiao. For stretch/open Jiao makes war by the strength and Jin people whole nation. Appears extremely hot-head(ed) eventually, oneself this Emperor, how could it not be such as the puppet is it seems like common. oneself can support all ministers to work. But this type the action that the national destiny presses, cannot do eventually randomly. 权衡一番,赈灾还是要做的,张觉之事,却不失为打压他们的一种手段。否则招降张觉是他们的功劳。招降之后全力支持张觉。为了一个张觉以举国之力与金人开战。终究显得太过鲁莽,自己这个皇帝,看来岂不如傀儡一般。自己可以支持所有的大臣做事。但这种将国运压上的举动,终究是不能乱作的。 On the other hand, matter of said small, not really small disaster relief, but compared with the Northern Expedition, has the division of weight eventually, Li and Qin for reliefed disaster to invest vigorously, is a good deed, person some that but offends excessively were also many. After this matter, oneself presses the strength of Li, Qin two phase, making grand preceptor Cai they get up some, some aspect, actually also preserves their seats. Suggested several in secret, when they also understood Our pains...... 另一方面,赈灾之事说小不小,但比起北伐,终究有轻重之分,李秦二人为了赈灾投入大力,是一件好事,但得罪的人也有些过多了。此事过后,自己将李、秦二相的力量压一压,让蔡太师他们起来一些,某种方面来说,其实也是保全他们的位子。私下里暗示几句,他们也当明白朕的苦心…… All sorts of ideas, all sorts of considerations, even in front of Emperor's Wife, still some can say, some cannot. Arrived finally , can only change to a sigh, as the emperor, really has unbearable chill in a high position, only hopes that oneself this pains can trade the good result eventually in the future, can in the history book, appraise fairly...... 种种心路,种种考虑,即便在皇后面前,也是有的能说,有的不能。到得最后,也只能化作一声叹息,身为天子,委实是高处不胜寒,只希望自己这番苦心终究能在日后换来好的结果,能在史书上,得一个公正的评价了…… **************** **************** Receives stretch/open Jiao the death news, Zhou Zhe has mixed feelings, in right government residence, Qin Siyuan almost cannot receive the attack to faint at the scene, left Li Gang after seeing this news, is dumbfounded, had nothing to say in reply. Too Shi Residence, after Cai Jing finished a character, looked at the news, the eyeful complications is a sigh. Tong Guan shouldered in the map of both hands to look at half evening before oneself mansion, sighed with others: Eventually is the action of having no other choice.” He will have sent official, the merit to decide, on the contrary no pressure. 接到张觉的死讯,周喆的心情复杂,右相府中,秦嗣源几乎受不住打击晕倒当场,左相李纲在看到这则消息后,也是目瞪口呆,无言以对。太师府,蔡京写完一幅字后看了消息,满眼的复杂化为一声叹息。童贯背负双手在自己府中的地图前看了半晚,与旁人叹道:“终究是不得已之举。”他已将致仕,功过已定,反倒没什么心理压力。 When Imperial Censor Department, Qin Kuai receives this news, has not gone home. He looks that news narrowed the eye, the tooth fastened to nip, the glottal trembled lightly: Stupid and stupid Ah…...” 御史台,秦桧接到这个消息时,还没有回家。他看着那消息眯起了眼睛,牙关紧咬,喉音轻颤:“愚蠢、愚蠢啊……” He returns to process the official business in the room, launches a white paper, writes down a opening of remonstration folding booklet. He had once been captured by the northerner, is therefore, knows that the savage wild nature of that side person, regarding this person, how could makes concessions and show weakness constantly, show the enemy to weakly, will only stimulate ominous of opposite party, is hard to tidy up the position that to getting so far as finally. 他回到处理公务的房间里,展开一张白纸,写下一封劝谏折子的开头。他曾被北人俘虏过,也是因此,知道那边人的凶残野性,对于这种人,岂能一味退让、示弱,示敌以弱,只会激发对方的凶性,到最后弄到难以收拾的境地。 The doggedly sincere upholds justice to remonstrate frankly, this is his common condition, many high-ranking officials are also because was played to topple by his fervent ginseng/partake like this. However also always has more things, is he needs to consider. The folding booklet writes about half, he already thought that the expression is extremely intense, stopped. Puts out several new paper , the opening wrote two, however following two, actually even begin does not have passed. 一腔热血仗义直谏,这是他常有的状态,不少大员也是因为这样被他慷慨激昂的参奏拉下了马。然而也总有更多的东西,是他需要考虑的。折子写到一半,他已经觉得措辞太过激烈,停了下来。拿出几张新的纸张,又开头写了两遍,然而接下来的两篇,却连开头都没有过去了 in his heart understands, rear promoter is who of this matter, he also understands, matter already happened, Imperial Ruler will not hope oneself these people such as belated action general statement expostulation. 他心中明白,这件事情的后方推动者是谁,他也明白,事情已经发生,圣上不会希望自己这些人如马后炮一般的提出谏言。 oneself writes down this type of thing, is useful, disciple loathful that's all...... 自己写下这种东西,又有什么用呢,徒惹人厌罢了…… Rubbed the forehead to think for quite a while, he took up the pen again, these wrote time, the nevertheless ginseng/partake played Qin Siyuan open arms stretch/open Jiao, consideration folding booklet inconsiderately. Writes about half rapidly, stops again: The own mentality was still not right, Official Qin open arms stretch/open Jiao, in did not have the mistake at that time, kills stretch/open Jiao, although is Imperial Ruler, but to the Imperial Ruler bright mirror, he be not necessarily able to be pleased with oneself now, oneself cannot ginseng/partake Qin Siyuan extremely, but if wants to remove the sounds of some anxieties, how oneself should do? 揉着额头想了半天,他才再度动笔,这一次写的,却是参奏秦嗣源招降张觉,思虑不周的折子。迅速地写到一半,再度打住:自己的思路仍旧不对,秦相招降张觉,在当时并非有错,杀张觉的虽然是圣上,但以当今圣上的明鉴,他未必会为之沾沾自喜,自己不能参秦嗣源太过,但若是想要弭平一些疑虑之声,自己应该怎么做呢? So thinks , the content of third folding booklet, pacifying that changes the ginseng/partake to kill stretch/open Jiao causes in Wang An, but expression not extremely intense. He understands that Imperial Ruler by no means hopes in Wang An was questioned makes the mistake, oneself cannot really sew Wang An on the shame column, the word usage, has room for discussion temperately, once can discuss, can course correctly Wang An in the image of making extraordinary painstaking efforts, when the time comes, oneself works as this evil person, Imperial Ruler can actually picks Wang An and he himself, believes that he will reprove oneself, actually meets within the heart, remembers oneself this intention. 如此想了一阵之后,第三份折子的内容,改参杀张觉的宣抚使王安中,但言辞并没有太过激烈。他明白圣上并不希望王安中被人质疑做错,自己不能真的将王安中钉在耻辱柱上,用词温和一点,就有讨论的余地,一旦可以讨论,就能将王安中引向正确与苦心孤诣的形象上,到时候,自己来当这个恶人,圣上却可以将王安中与他自己都摘出去,相信他会训斥自己,却会在心中,记得自己这番用心。 At the same time, in Imperial Deliberation Hall, can this matter qualitative, everyone is quiet, makes an effort concentric comes to day by the chart. So after wants to be clear, this folding booklet also writes smoothly fast, he therefore finished the memorial to the emperor, 2nd day then hands over. 同一时间,朝堂之中,也能将此事定性,大家再度平静下来,戮力同心以图来日。如此想清楚之后,这个折子也写得非常流畅快速,他于是写完奏折,第二天便递上去了。 The Yanjing city, in Wang An is in the middle of huge intertwining similarly. 燕京城,王安中同样处于巨大的纠结当中。 Regarding killing stretch/open Jiao the matter. He is also the same helplessness and suffering, Guo Yaoshi calls to with Jin people hit all day, however hits, can win is the real major problem. After killing a sleep/felt, the atmosphere in Yanjing city is not very good, in ever-victorious army atmosphere desolate and murderous, like grieve for like, just like regarded the disloyal subject petty people their these civil officials. Initial that time, Guo Yaoshi almost must wear the white clothing to mourn for stretch/open Jiao, in Wang An several degrees pay a visit. The opposite parties claim illness to close door not to see. In Wang An in the heart holds anger. If in the south, your military commander, looks at me...... 对于杀张觉的事。他也是同样的无奈和委屈,郭药师整天叫着要与金人打一场,可是打一场,能不能打赢才是真正的大问题。杀了张觉之后,燕京城里的氛围很不好,常胜军中气氛萧杀,兔死狐悲,又俨然将他们这些文官当成了奸臣鼠辈。最初的那段时间,郭药师几乎要穿白衣为张觉服丧,王安中几度登门拜访。对方都称病闭门不见。王安中心中一阵憋火。若是在南方,你这种武将,看我…… But in the heart turns over to uncomfortable uncomfortable, he must go to remove this matter's influence with every effort. Thinks that oneself works as this officer. Really did shows extreme tolerance. Every day in runs to visit Guo Yaoshi. The enthusiastic look pastes the cold buttocks of person, oneself is what, not north the peace of place for this? 心中不爽归不爽,他还是得去尽力弭平此事的影响。想一想自己当这个官儿。真是做得仁至义尽了。每天里跑来拜访郭药师。热脸贴人的冷屁股,自己为的什么,不就是为这北地的太平吗? Is good has not had a fit of temper because of Guo Yaoshi too for a long time. Three days later, opened the door to see him. In Wang An relates with keen sorrow fiercely to him, contrasts strength of both sides, told him the Imperial Court not allowed to light start/open Bianxin order, face thin and pale Guo Yaoshi finally said finally: Is the young fellow considers eventually inconsiderately, making Sir king be wronged.” 好在郭药师也没有发脾气太久。三天之后,也就开门见了他。王安中向他痛陈厉害,对比双方的力量,又告诉了他朝廷不许轻启边衅的命令,一脸憔悴的郭药师最后终于说:“终究是小将思虑不周,让王大人受委屈了。” Handles matters for the country, Guo General has discontented to this matter, Wang can also empathises, but is related to the national destiny, cannot hot-head(ed) strive for quickly, we can only strive for steadily. After that also looked at Guo General still to do one's best, makes an effort the national affairs, Wang full power coordinated Guo General surely.” “都是为国办事,郭将军对此事有不满,王某也能感同身受,只是事关国运,不可鲁莽求快,咱们只能求稳。此后还望郭将军仍能尽心尽力,戮力国事,王某必定全力配合郭将军。” king Sir Gao Yi, was Guo was mean-spirited, after that Guo must offer the local product, visited to apologize, but also looked at Sir king to excuse me......” “王大人高义,是郭某小气了,此后郭某必奉上土产,登门赔罪,还望王大人见谅……” Guo Yaoshi replied submissively, after that prepared massive gold and silver to deliver to Wang An your family place, in Wang An knows that the opposite party in the heart obstruction had inevitably, but these things , can only dispel slowly, at once, is unable to think. 郭药师如此拱手回答,此后又准备了大量金银送到王安中府上,王安中知道对方心中芥蒂必然是有的,但这些事情,也只能慢慢消解,一时之间,无法可想。 **************** **************** Opens fluctuation that the death of sleep/felt causes, not tranquil, north and south Wu Dynasty, understands this matter's people competently, state of mind mostly complex hard to describe. But in this type complex middle, north, in Jin people royal court, is other one appearance. 张觉之死引起的波动,一片一片的未曾平静,武朝南北,够资格了解此事的众人,心绪多半复杂难言。而在这种复杂当中,北面,金人的王庭之中,则是另外的一种样子。 Goes to the capital, recently experienced the city of chaos caused by war not to have initially liveliness like that after Jin people forces one's way into, the original Liao Nation aristocrat mostly is killed or degenerates into the slave, now the imperial city is also the appearance that is in bad repair broken. The Jurchen people present is still busy going to war, has not put on the program the restore of city, when the end of the year , the wind and snow will come, they returned to this originally lively city, waited for the wind and snow in the past, was making the new year of plan again. 上京,最近才经历过战乱的城池没有了当初那般的繁华,金人打进来之后,原本的辽国贵族大多被杀死或沦为奴隶,如今皇城也是残破失修的样子。女真人们如今还在忙着打仗,未将城池的修复提上日程,但是年关将至,风雪来时,他们还是回到了这座原本繁华的城里,等待着风雪过去,再做新一年的打算。 Wanyan sect Wang triumphal returning, regarding all Jurchen people, is a pleasant surprise. 完颜宗望的凯旋,对于所有的女真人来说,都是一个惊喜。 Although said, recently these time, Jurchen people already somewhat looked down upon the Wu Dynasty person who cannot go to war, but in the subconscious, the opposite party is on the impression of powerful country's also. stretch/open Jiao the rebellion made Aguda be furious, the people also clamored must take a look to a Wu Dynasty color, but really arrived to hit, everyone was discrete. 虽然说起来,最近这些时间,女真人已经有些瞧不起不能打仗的武朝人,但潜意识中,对方乃是强盛上国的印象还在。张觉的叛乱令得阿骨打震怒,众人也都叫嚣着要给武朝一点颜色瞧瞧,但真到打起来,大家还是谨慎的。 Everyone is waiting for the result that this is fighting. 所有人都在等待着这一战的结果。 Wanyan Dumu with the showdown of sleep/felt, wins two defeats one, but this cannot be regarded the matter that is everyone too attaches great importance, true in rear area, is south that colossus. The first fight with Wu Dynasty, affects everyone's thoughts truly. Therefore soon after leaves to command troops, is Wanyan sect Wang who in Jurchen people most can go to war. At this time the wind and snow, have not attacked a city easily, if the southerner to defend according to the city, theoretically, to in the spring of next year, this war will have a result. 完颜阇母与张觉的对决,胜二负一,但这算不得是大家太重视的事情,真正等在后方的,是南方的那个庞然大物。与武朝的第一次战斗,才真正牵动大家的心思。因此随后抽身过去领兵的,乃是女真人中最会打仗的完颜宗望。此时风雪已至,攻城不易,如果南人据城以守,理论上来说,到得明年春天,此战才会有个结果。 Therefore most people felt, Wanyan sect Wang will have gotten down this year in the Yanjing city. 因此大部分人觉得,完颜宗望是会在燕京城下过这个年的。 Who knows that the result is so relaxed compelling must the opposite party yield, even they somewhat were surprised. 谁知道结果是如此轻松的逼得对方让步,连他们都有些惊讶了。 In Golden Palace of imperial city, the giant incense burner ignited the flaming bonfire, in the banquet of lively banquet scene, the Wanyan sect looks at Haha to smile, large strides. At this time can participate in this banquet, besides Aguda sect does/works, sect Yao, sect Bi and the others, there are as at first many ministers of Aguda revolt, such as Valley God Wanyan Xiyin and Lou Shi, the silver technique may, pull Lisu and the others. In some sense, they are the novas who this time most sparkle. 皇城的金殿之中,巨大的炉鼎燃起了熊熊篝火,觥筹交错的宴席中,完颜宗望哈哈笑着,大步而来。此时能参与这宴席的,除了阿骨打一家的宗干、宗尧、宗弼等人以外,也有最初随着阿骨打起义的诸多大臣在,如谷神完颜希尹、娄室、银术可、拔离速等人。从某种意义上来说,他们才将是这个时代最为闪耀的新星。 Naturally, as in the bureau the person, they are not necessarily able so to regard oneself, was only as an member of emerging dynasty, eating birds and animals raw could not cover up on them barbarically the high spirited and vigorous vitality. Although is above Golden Palace, but such feasts is not tasteful too many customs, when everyone drinking to heart's content happy song, the Wanyan sect looks, several brothers also jumped the past to welcome him, spoke. 当然,身为局中之人,他们未必会如此看待自己,只是作为一个新兴皇朝的一份子,茹毛饮血的野蛮掩不住他们身上意气风发的朝气。虽是金殿之上,但这样的宴饮还不讲究太多的规矩,大家痛饮欢歌,完颜宗望进来时,几个兄弟也都跳起来过去迎他,你一言我一语地说话。 Wanyan sect Wang is laughing the vanguard, arrives at a front of table, head in hand, put on the table, the chin selects: Haha, how!” soon after toward in the past, Aguda paid respects to the father at the same time. 完颜宗望大笑着前行,来到一张桌子的面前,将手中的一颗人头,放到了桌子上,下巴一挑:“哈哈,如何!”随后才往一边过去,给父亲阿骨打请安。 That side the table, is in Golden Palace, a table manners only refined point person, he wiped the greasy mouth, the smile was looking at head on table. Wanyan sect Bi walks: Haha, opens the sleep/felt...... the high-rising room, what kind of, I have said with you early, the southerner is weak and incompetent, collapses at the first blow, what kind of, dumbfounded.” 桌子那边的,是金殿之中,吃相唯一斯文点的一个人,他擦了擦油腻的嘴,微笑地望着桌子上的人头完颜宗弼走过来:“哈哈,张觉……兀室,怎样,我早与你说过,南人软弱无能,不堪一击,怎样,傻眼了吧。” The high-rising room is the Wanyan Xiyin Jurchen name, he is in Jurchen people most passes the person of sinology, is in itself tall, civil and military complete in both, recently still made one set of writing that under the order of Aguda directly belongs to Jurchen people. In those days, because the heart admired the Han people culture, was he most esteems about Wu Dynasty, asking everyone is not possible to treat it lightly, to at this time, him also some, helpless: Was I thought mistakenly probably, found a place to bury him.” 兀室便是完颜希尹女真名,他是女真人中最通汉学之人,本身身材高大,文武双全,最近还在阿骨打的命令下直接造出了一套属于女真人的文字。往日里由于心慕汉人文化,也是他对武朝最为推崇,叫大家不可掉以轻心,到得此时,他也有些无奈了:“大概是我想错了,找个地方葬了他吧。” Having anything is good to bury.” The Wanyan sect Bi hand wields, stretch/open Jiao head bang one flew from Golden Palace, he supports before the square table, high-rising room, you did not have the words to say...... yeah, I said numerous position brothers, after overcoming Liao Nation, we also hit Wu Dynasty while convenient.” “有什么好葬的。”完颜宗弼手一挥,张觉的人头砰的一下从金殿里飞了出去,他撑在对方桌前,“兀室,你没话说了……哎,我说众位兄弟,打下辽国之后,咱们顺便把武朝也打了吧。” These words made the people noisy, had humanity: Our manpower after all are few.” Also there is a humanity: Going south after all was too far.” During people's discussion, looked eventually is above Aguda, at this time 50-year-old Aguda wears Qiu Fu to sit above the throne, said with Wanyan sect Wang several, said with a smile: This time mediates to not, although made the Wu Dynasty person deliver stretch/open Jiao, but after all has not hit truly, our people little were also an aspect. Liao Nation is undecided, you said even, should not be too arrogant. The careful warrior will not be eaten by the bear, the arrogant warrior will be eaten by the bear.” 这句话令得众人吵吵嚷嚷起来,有人道:“咱们的人手毕竟是少的。”也有人道:“南下毕竟太远了。”众人的议论之中,望的终究是上方的阿骨打,此时50多岁的阿骨打穿着裘服坐在王座之上,与完颜宗望说了几句,笑道:“此次斡离不虽然让武朝人送上了张觉,但毕竟没有真正打过,咱们人少也是一方面。辽国未定,你们说说就算,勿要太自大了。小心谨慎的勇士不会被熊吃,自大的勇士才会被熊吃。” The people complied joyfully, soon , the banquet diverges, people groups of two and three went out of Golden Palace, Wanyan sect Bi looked at that side Wanyan Xiyin, coldly snort/hum, in later generation, people were more familiar his formidable Jurchen name: High-rising technique. But at this point, he will even be afraid that civil and military complete in both Wanyan Xiyin, Jin Wushu was militant since childhood, has a favorable impression regarding the martial arts excel brothers clan numerously, only has this Wanyan Xiyin, the Han people book looks many, works genteelly, made his uncomfortable, but on his martial arts, can be victorious opposite party. 众人欣然应了,不久之后,宴席散去,众人三三两两地走出金殿,完颜宗弼看了看那边的完颜希尹,冷冷地哼了哼,在后世,人们更熟悉他那个令人生畏的女真名:兀术。但在此时,他甚至会害怕那个文武双全的完颜希尹,金兀术自幼好战,对于武艺高强的兄弟族众多有一份好感,唯有这完颜希尹,汉人的书看得太多,做起事来文绉绉的,令他不舒服,但他就连武艺上,也打不过对方。 At this time walks, except for them, also has in the person who the history book generals of later generation stay behind the name, or develops a side enterprise, is Jin Nation Emperor of dynasty. They mostly experienced the corpse mountain blood sea. Beside Golden Palace the white snow everywhere, the north wind howls, no one wrinkles the least bit brow to the such weather, to them, such is cold, is the normal state of this world. 此时走出来的,除了他们,还有一个又一个在后世的史书上将留下名字的人,或是开拓一方事业,或是为一朝的金国皇帝。他们大多经历了尸山血海。金殿之外白雪遍地,北风呼啸,没有人对这样的天气皱半点眉头,对于他们来说,这样的寒冷,是这个世界的常态。 On this day, this group of people looked at southern Wu Dynasty, then received indifferently, concentrated on still in that fat of their mouth. 在这一天,这一群人将目光投向了南方的武朝,然后又无所谓地收了回去,专注于仍在他们嘴边的那一块肥肉了。 Liao Nation, after all also big...... 辽国,毕竟还大…… **************** **************** South, in dwelling of Zuo quiet, left side blessed to look at the information in hand, by the chair, closed the eye......( to be continued..) 南方,左家的宅院里静悄悄的,左端佑看完了手里的情报,靠在椅子上,闭上了眼睛……(未完待续。。)
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