LTDWMBD :: Volume #6

#545: Dual dead ends

Jet black vault of heaven end, when the fist of Grendel falls, above the decayed old man facial features full is the inconceivable look. 漆黑的苍穹尽头,当古兰达尔的拳头落下之时,腐朽的老者面容之上满是不可思议的神色。 The blockade of magic power, that is the king of bloodlines strongest ability wing person, under this ability, even if Giant and Dragon and so on Mythological Lifeform, has to exhaust within the body magic power one day finally, but the past innumerable history also proved this point. 咒力的封锁,那是翼人之王血脉最强大的能力,在这个能力之下哪怕是巨人巨龙之类的神话生物,也终有耗尽体内咒力的一天,而过去的无数历史也证明了这一点。 Is the powerful enemy, the liquor is in his front rapid declining, such as the magnificent flowers and plants often the flowering season extremely short are the same. 越是强大的敌人,酒越是会在他的面前迅速衰亡,就如灿烂的花卉往往花期极短一样。 Roel appears in his front that moment, truly was already scarcely magic power, this eruption for no reason was its self-harm later effect, however the king of wing person is actually not able to verify reason again. 罗亚出现在他面前的那一刻,确实是已经几乎没有咒力了,这无端的爆发是其自残之后的效果,然而翼人之王却再也无法探明这其中的原因了。 Under the golden wing, the black-haired youngster complexion flash twists slightly, the blood and ache lightened his two eyes along with eruption magic power, for his renouncing endorsement. 金色的羽翼下,黑发的少年面色一瞬之间微微扭曲,血液与疼痛伴随着爆发的咒力点亮了他的双眼,也为他的决绝背书。 [Nearing Death Yet Living], that is from Sia's blessing, is one of the youngster biggest trump card, erupts in magic power that under this skill produces takes blessing as to direct, does not need to rely on the surrounding environment, the might is not usually may compare. 【向死而生】,那是来自希雅的祝福,也是少年最大的底牌之一,在这技能之下产生的咒力爆发是以祝福为引,不需要依赖周围的环境,威力也绝不是平时可比。 Grendel!” 古兰达尔!” Decided that victory and defeat that moment, the name of black-haired youngster great shout partner, but the fist of the next moment Giant has also pounded down, is irresistible like Calamity. 决定胜负的那一刻,黑发的少年大声呼喊伙伴之名,而下一刻巨人的拳头也已砸下,就如天灾般不可抵挡。 Words that waits and sees above the ground, silent Grendel makes strikes on the giant lights that such as the flash lights, the dazzling red glow sudden appearance, then arrives at the peak in the flash, later then such as the meteorite pounds generally above the body of king of wing person. 在地面之上观望的话,沉默的古兰达尔打出的一击就如一瞬间点燃的巨大灯火,耀眼的红芒突然的出现,在一霎那便到达顶峰,随后便如陨石一般砸在翼人之王的身躯之上。 Under this unapproachable full power strikes, the body the decayed old man has looked panic-stricken, evades not to have he who may evade extends make a move to emit the wind and thunder the shield to prevent, however all defenses have been similar to the mist of eye under the attack of Giant, has then been disillusioned in a flash, but after this short struggling, the attack of Giant also fell on his body finally. 在这无可匹敌的全力一击之下,身体已然腐朽的老者面露惊恐,避无可避的他伸出手放出风雷的盾牌想要阻挡,然而一切的防御在巨人的攻击下都如同过眼的云烟,转瞬便已破灭,而在这短暂的挣扎后,巨人的攻击也终于落在了他的身上 Bang!” “砰!” 首发网址://m..c The depressed sound from the sky resounds, what also appears is for a while/a bout of makes crashing of person of tooth acid, in the fierce ray, Grendel fought with the fists to explode the head of king of wing person, the decayed body after the protection of magic power vanished also disrupted, great quantity magic element lost the control to have the explosion, the complementary waves shakes the entire vault of heaven. 沉闷的声响在空中响起,随之出现的是一阵令人牙酸的碎裂声,剧烈的光芒之中,古兰达尔一拳打爆了翼人之王的头颅,腐朽的身体在咒力的保护消失之后也随之碎裂,巨量的魔素失去控制发生爆炸,余波震荡整个苍穹。 Vast momentum Shock-wave makes the body of Roel retrocede rapidly , the body rushes to the sky king of Posui wing person, watching scatters in all directions the corpse wreckage that flutters about, the chest inserts the youngster big mouth of short-sword to pant for breath, is streaming with sweat. 声势浩大的冲击波让罗亚的身体飞速后退,同时也将翼人之王破碎的身体冲上天空,望着四散纷飞的尸体残骸,胸口插着短剑的少年大口喘息着,已然是汗流浃背。 In order to guarantee eruption magic power destroys the enemy sufficiently, Roel holds to the sword of chest has not kept the hand completely, because the youngster knows that is his only vitality, only has the deathtrap of setting then to live to survive. 为了保证爆发的咒力足以毁灭敌人,罗亚捅向胸口的一剑完全没有留手,因为少年知道那是他唯一的生机,唯有置之死地而后生才能够存活下来。 Blood that sprays incarnadine cheeks of Roel, because is Holy See sacred object, Grendel undead transformation also lost the function, but well was worth in such sacrifice, what the serious injury traded was the intense skill feedback, Grendel also made the peak strikes, enemy thorough instakill. 喷洒的血液染红了罗亚的脸颊,由于是教廷圣物,古兰达尔不死化也失去了作用,不过好在如此的牺牲都是值得的,沉重的伤势换来的是强烈的技能反馈,古兰达尔也借此打出了巅峰的一击,将敌人彻底秒杀 Clenches the teeth to draw out the short-sword, black-haired youngster absorbs the surrounding magic element transformation rapidly is being magic power, at the same time the Petra pale yellow power ray shines, is coordinating the Roel healing wound. 咬紧牙关拔出短剑,黑发的少年迅速的吸收着周围的魔素转化为咒力,同一时间佩特拉昏黄的权能光芒亮起,配合着罗亚愈合伤口。 Slow whereabouts of black-haired youngster from sky, but above the ground, the sudden reverse lets Cade as well as silver-haired young girl responds, after gazing at the sky for a long time, huge Treeman exudes the delighted call, but in Ascart City, Alicia pats the appearance that chest has a lingering fear. 黑发的少年自天空中缓慢下落,而地面之上,突然的反转则让凯德以及银发的少女反应不及,注视了天空许久之后,巨大的树人才发出欢喜的呼声,而阿卡特城内,爱丽莎则拍着胸口一副心有余悸的样子。 In the city wall saw the soldiers who own Fief Lord win shout the transmission news loudly, the garrison troops the morale are inspiring immediately greatly, huge Treeman also emits more Teng Man to tie down three full dragon crows under this inspiration, but in the line of sight center of people, black-haired youngster actually frowns at this time. 城墙上看到自家领主取胜的士兵们高声呼喊着传递消息,守军随即士气大振,巨大的树人也在这鼓舞下放出更多的滕蔓将三足龙鸦缠住,不过此时在人们的视线中心处,黑发少年却皱起了眉头。 Roel mood with cheering the crowd is different, on his face has not liked, but was full of the alert, the reason is also very simple-, because the number of enemy is not two, but is three. 罗亚的心情与欢呼的人群不同,他的脸上并没有欢喜,而是充满了戒备,原因也很简单-因为敌人的数量不是二而是三。 The black-clothed person who in the watching distant place sky floats, the Roel golden pupil emits luminously, before with king of battle wing person, black-haired youngster was paying attention to observe in this three people most mystical exist(ence), discovered movement that he has no completely, is only observing silently. 望着远方天空上漂浮的黑衣人,罗亚金色的瞳孔放出光亮,之前在与翼人之王战斗时,黑发的少年就留心观察过这个三人中最神秘的存在,发现他完全没有任何的动作,只是默默的观战。 That time Roel was being pursued by the king of wing person everywhere, therefore is unable to test him, when king of already make a move three foot dragon crow and wing person looked on, basically only then two possibilities, the first type was he is Holy Beast level higher exist(ence) that the wing to wing person king as well as degenerated, but another type was he is a logistics restores the personnel. 那个时候的罗亚正被翼人之王四处追赶,所以无法对他进行试探,不过在三足龙鸦与翼人之王都已经出手的时候旁观,基本就只有两种可能,第一种便是他是比翼人王以及堕落的圣兽等级更高的存在,而另一种则是他是个后勤恢复人员。 Roel chooses one hit instakill, to some extent to prevent the second possibility, under the attack of Grendel, the King of Giants head by the shivering after-combustion completely, the body also scattered in all directions in various places, obviously could not revive, then he will make what response? could it be was he really king of old times Spiritual God wing to wing person also wants high-level exist(ence)? 罗亚选择一击必杀,某种程度上就是为了防止第二种可能,在古兰达尔的攻击之下,巨人之王脑袋被敲碎后燃烧殆尽,身体也四散于各处,明显是救不活了,那么他又会作何反应?难道他真的是比翼人之王这种旧时神灵还要高级存在 Had such question, Roel the attention to lock in body of black robe person completely, but under such gaze, the enemy in sky also took an action finally, he extended make a move to take down the spacious hood that the whole person blocked from, revealed the appearance/portrait under black robe. 带着这样的疑问,罗亚将注意力完全锁定在了黑袍人的身上,而在如此的注视之下,天空中的敌人也终于有所行动,他伸出手取下将整个人遮住的宽大兜帽,露出了黑袍下的真容。 That is one is fluttering strange black mist, the face of man two eyes sends out the blood red ray. 那是一张飘荡着奇怪黑雾,双眼发出血红光芒的男人的脸。 -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- Top the jet black vault of heaven, the black robe person revealed the own appearance/portrait, but sees this scene, the youngster golden eyes of under floats narrow the eyes slightly, in the heart flashed through some ominous premonitions. 漆黑的苍穹顶部,黑袍人露出了自己的真容,而看到这一幕,下方漂浮的少年金色的眼睛则微微眯起,心中闪过了些不祥的预感。 Until now Roel has seen various different race also calculated much, but is floating strange black mist like this body, two eyes did not have the eye, but had/left the ray to manifest did not have, rather that did not seem like human, instead probably is wrapping some thing of human cover. 至今为止罗亚见过的各种异族也算不少了,但是像这种身上漂浮着奇怪黑雾,双眼没有眼睛,而是向外放出光芒的却没有,不如说那根本就不像是人类,反而像是套着人类外皮的某种东西。 Details Roel of enemy cannot find out, but this actually does not hinder the youngster to regard as the threat it, is alerting Roel is proliferating the own sensation, however the next moment actually stared in a big way the eye. 敌人的底细罗亚摸不清,但是这却并不妨碍少年将其视为威胁,戒备着的罗亚扩散着自己的感知,然而下一刻却瞪大了眼睛。 Un? No did magic power respond?” “嗯?没有咒力反应?” So youngster watching above person's shadow strange knitting the brows of think aloud, determined what oneself sees is not an illusion, however at this time in his another magic power sense, a there actually blank. 如此自言自语的少年望着上方的人影奇怪的皱起眉,确定自己看到的并非幻觉,然而此时在他的另一幅咒力感官中,那里却一片空白。 Normal wants is Transcendent, is impossible to escape from others 's sensation in this manner, because at the magic element density, high rank Transcendent is the solidification magic element center, has huge difference from the environment, can see its form actually sensation only, only then has the magic power repellency average person. 正常来说只要是超凡者,就不可能以这种方式逃脱他人的感知,因为以魔素浓度而言,高阶超凡者就是凝固的魔素中心,与周围环境有着天壤之别,唯一能看到其身影却感知不到的,只有具有咒力排斥性的普通人。 Clearly, the average person is impossible to float in in the air, but discovered the unusuality of enemy, Roel after thinking deeply about the moment also chose the retreat to spread out. 很明显,普通人不可能漂浮在空中,而发现了敌人的异常,罗亚在思索片刻后也选择了后退拉开距离。 Sky over the youngster who the entire god alerts raised the head to look, but the black robe person after casting off the hood also had the movement, he keeps silent extends the make a move palm to void, the the next moment for a while/a bout of strange ray suddenly shines in Roel and king of battle wing person that air zone. 全神戒备的少年抬头仰望上空,而黑袍人在摘掉兜帽之后也有了动作,他不言不语的伸出手掌对着一片虚空,下一刻一阵奇异的光芒突然在罗亚与翼人之王战斗的那片空域亮起。 Discovered that enemy such movement, the black-haired youngster complexion big change, immediately thought this is some type replies magic, later immediately starts preparing to launch the attack. 发现敌人如此的动作,黑发的少年面色大变,第一时间觉得这是某种回复咒术,随后立即着手准备发动攻击。 Although Roel defeated the king of wing person, but that is unexpected strikes to determine the final outcome, if the enemy resurrects again, will then no longer give Roel any opportunity, the youngster will also return the most dangerous time. 虽然罗亚战胜了翼人之王,但是那是出其不意的一击决胜,如果敌人再次复活,那么将不再给罗亚任何机会,少年也将重新回到最危险的时候。 Boiling magic power like the combustion the black-haired youngster package, the mist already collection of fluttering prepares preemptive, however all of following actually broke the Roel cognition. 沸腾的咒力如燃烧般将黑发的少年包裹,飘荡的雾气已经汇集准备先发制人,然而接下来发生的一切却打破了罗亚的认知。 In the ray of that twinkle, king of wing person truly reappeared, however its condition was actually not the survival. 在那闪烁的光芒中,翼人之王确实重新出现了,然而其状态却并非存活。 That is nearly transparent decayed old man, the nature of entire body is very strange, is similar to the dim illusory image, even made Roel have a not third dimension, however unlike did not know the situation black-haired youngster, that moment when the illusory image presented that Earth Mother Goddess and King of Giants channel actually simultaneously fierce trembled. 那是近乎透明的腐朽老者,整个身体的性质十分古怪,就如同朦胧的幻影,甚至让罗亚产生了种不真实感,然而与不知情况的黑发少年不同,当幻影出现的那一刻,地母神巨人之王的通道却同时剧烈的震颤起来。 That is......” “那个是......” „It is not good, is the spirit clan, Roel leaves quickly!” “不好,是灵族,罗亚快离开!” Yeah?” “哎?” When hears the Petra anxious sound that moment, footsteps suddenly that black-haired youngster goes forward, but another side, suddenly started the action in the illusory image that under the black robe person's control formed. 当听到佩特拉焦急声音的那一刻,黑发的少年前进的脚步猛然一顿,而另一边,在黑袍人的操控下形成的幻影则突然开始了行动。 That is the flash, with king's of before death speed nondistinctive supervelocity movement wing person, in the vision of that human nearly is unable to follow rapidly , the illusory image wielded to cancel the claw toward Roel, but another side Roel welcomed with the frost shield. 那是一瞬之间,与翼人之王生前的速度毫无区别的超高速移动,在那人类的视觉近乎无法跟上的急速之中,幻影向着罗亚挥出了勾爪,而另一边罗亚则是以冰霜的盾牌相迎。 However stemmed from the matter that the youngster anticipated to happen, before shield that Permafrost Energy formed, the attack of king of illusory image wing person nearly has not hindered, stroked across the perfect ice shield directly in Roel's body, a the next moment strange weak feeling transmitted from the body of youngster in suddenly, making the Roel golden pupil contract suddenly. 然而出乎少年意料的事情发生了,在冻土之气形成的盾牌前,翼人之王幻影的攻击近乎没有阻碍,穿过完好无损的冰盾直接击打在了罗亚的身上,下一刻一种奇异的虚弱感突然自少年的身体中传来,让罗亚金色的瞳孔骤然收缩。 Can't block? 挡不住? Discovery defense invalid Roel magic power erupts, the body starts to fly to draw back like the meteor of crash rapidly backward, but at the same time, Petra and Grendel phantom starts to reappear, and assists Roel to further accelerate. 发现防御无效的罗亚咒力爆发,身体如同坠落的流星般迅速地开始向后飞退,而同一时间,佩特拉古兰达尔虚影开始浮现,并协助罗亚进一步加速。 What is that thing?” “那个东西是什么?” watching rare does not have any aggressive behavior, but full power two Ancient God that helps Roel be far away from, black-haired youngster cannot bear inquire detailed that enemy, but heard the Roel issue, Petra and the others explained briefly. 望着少见没有任何攻击行为,而是全力帮助罗亚远离的两位古神,黑发的少年忍不住询问起敌人的详细,而听到罗亚的问题,佩特拉等人则简短地进行了说明。 That is the soul of king of wing person, that person is the remote antiquity spirit clan, didn't expect this race returns exist(ence) now.” “那是翼人之王的灵魂,那个人是远古的灵族,没想到现在这个种族还存在。” Immediately leaves, your method could not harm him.” “立即离开,你的手段伤害不了他。” Under the introductions of two Ancient God, black-haired youngster remembered to listen to Treeman Cade to say suddenly Sia legend, but the spirit clan was one of the most mystical races. 在两位古神的介绍之下,黑发的少年猛然想起了过去听树人凯德说过的希雅传说,而灵族正是其中最神秘的种族之一。 The spirit clan, is extremely scarce in the trace that in the history stays behind, has the race of entity unlike other, the spirit clan does not have the body, but by soul the race of form exist(ence), but facing this situation, let alone is current Roel, is Grendel and the others also has no good way. 灵族,在历史中留下的痕迹极其稀少,与其他有实体的种族不同,灵族并没有身体,而是以灵魂的形式存在的种族,而面对这种情况,别说是目前的罗亚,就是古兰达尔等人也没有什么好办法。 Remote Antiquity Period Giant Race defeats Saviour that degenerates, however is actually at a loss to its soul, the reason is the form of strength is completely different. 远古时期巨人族击败堕落的救世主,然而却对它的灵魂束手无策,原因就是力量的形式完全不同。 Thinks these black-haired youngster facial features are very instantaneously dignified, from infancy to maturity experienced so many dangerous situations, this is the first time that Roel felt not to have the means to the enemy, but until this time, Roel understands finally why [Collector] recognized he must defeat without doubt. 想到了这些的黑发少年面容瞬间无比凝重,从小到大经历了如此多的险境,这还是罗亚第一次感受到对敌人毫无办法,而直到这时,罗亚才终于明白了【收藏家】为什么认定他必败无疑。 king of wing person truly is the powerful opponent, if Roel does not have [Nearing Death Yet Living] this unreasonable blessing, the final result big probability dies of its, however in fact, the king of wing person is not Fallen trump card, true trump card was dying the king of wing person. 翼人之王确实是强大的对手,如果罗亚没有【向死而生】这种不讲道理的祝福,最后的结局大概率是死于其手,然而实际上,翼人之王并不是堕落者底牌,真正的底牌是死去的翼人之王。 Under the summon of spirit clan, the soul of king of wing person can preserve in world shortly, but is unable to attack regarding this, the body attribute with is the same before death, can attack the Roel soul exist(ence), means of black-haired youngster no other besides fleeing. 在灵族的呼唤下,翼人之王的灵魂能够短暂的留存于世,而对于这个无法攻击,身体属性与生前相同,能够攻击到罗亚灵魂的存在,黑发的少年除了逃离外别无办法。 Just after the enemy hit, the feeble feeling in body is then continuous, Roel does not know that this type harmed him also to withstand several times, but his premonitions, whatever if the opposite party attacked, shortly after his soul will be on the wane. 刚刚被敌人击中后,身体中的衰弱感便持续不断,罗亚不知道这种伤害他还能承受几次,但是他有一种预感,如果任凭对方攻击下去,他的灵魂不久后就会凋零。 Actually should what to do? 究竟该怎么办? In the broad sky, black-haired youngster such as the meteor whereabouts, soul condition the king of wing person is in hot pursuit, enemy who watching accelerates to approach unceasingly, after Roel thinking moment , the body flashes through the ray, the golden pupil also shines again. 广阔的天空中,黑发的少年如流星下落,灵魂状态的翼人之王则紧追不舍,望着不断加速靠近的敌人,罗亚思索片刻后身体闪过光芒,金色的瞳孔也再次亮起。 the next moment, Permafrost frost energy, the dusk colour mist class/flow runs out one after another, but actually and has no function to the soul of king of wing person, however in the Roel plan gives up attempting, the black fog actually covered in body of king of wing person, and made its speed immediately slow. 下一刻,冻土冻气,黄昏色的岚流相继冲出,可是对翼人之王的灵魂却并没有什么作用,然而就在罗亚打算放弃尝试时,黑色的云雾却罩在了翼人之王的身上,并使其速度立即慢了下来。 „!” “!” Discovered that the unusual form of enemy, black-haired youngster cannot help but stares, later is suddenly enlighted, 【The lord of dead incantation curse, that was the thorough death concept, although was also the magic power attack, but the soul can affect thus to destroy similarly. 发现敌人的异状,黑发的少年不由得一愣,随后恍然大悟,【死咒之主】的诅咒,那是彻底的死亡概念,虽然也属于咒力攻击,但是灵魂同样可以影响从而毁灭。 What a pity is regarding present Roel, the Stone Crown strength is also far from developing the limit, although that black fog can make the soul of king of wing person be injured, but the speed is very slow. 可惜的是对于现在的罗亚而言,冠之石的力量还远没有开发到极限,那黑色的云雾虽然能够令翼人之王的灵魂受伤,但是速度却很慢。 battle in sky person in Roel the hindrance and chase of king of wing has been continuing, even if there is a fog help of curse, black-haired youngster was still hit in this process twice, but another side, the soul of king of wing person still starts gradually becomes gloomy. 天空中的战斗就在罗亚的阻碍以及翼人之王的追逐中一直持续着,即使有诅咒的云雾帮助,黑发少年在这过程中仍然被击中了两次,而另一边,翼人之王的灵魂也开始逐渐变得暗淡起来。 It is not good, what this way...... first cannot support is I. 不好,再这样下去......先撑不住的是我。 Repeated during attacks mutually, black-haired youngster felt the feeble feeling in within the body to get hold of the fist, two Ancient God also unprecedented moved restlessly to be anxious, fierce magic power fluctuated Grendel and Petra destroys nearby to want to be Roel provides the shield, however the effect was small. 反复的互攻之中,黑发的少年感受着体内的衰弱感握紧了拳头,两位古神也前所未有的躁动焦急起来,剧烈的咒力波动中古兰达尔佩特拉摧毁着附近的一切想要为罗亚提供掩护,然而效果却甚微。 Under the hopeless situation, black-haired youngster looks to the degeneration spirit clan in distant vault of heaven, in the heart has the thought at risk of life wrestling, however has not waited for him to have an action to perform, after in within the body quiet channel has shaken suddenly, returned to normal, the next moment, the Queen of Succubi form appeared in the Roel side. 绝境之下,黑发的少年望向远方苍穹上的堕落灵族,心中产生了拼死一搏的念头,然而还未等他有所动作,体内一直沉寂的通道突然一震之后恢复了正常,下一刻,魔女之王的身影出现在了罗亚的身边。 Altasia! You finally......” 阿尔塔西娅!你终于......” You why also here? Didn't I tell you to be about to escape? It is not good, already late......” “你为什么还在这里?我不是告诉你快逃了吗?不好,已经晚了......” Yeah?” “哎?” Heard the Queen of Succubi words, black-haired youngster cannot bear stare in a big way the eye, Altasia that however after came to long time finally exceptionally was anxious, east her watching, muttered say/way: 听到魔女之王的话,黑发的少年忍不住瞪大了眼睛,然而时隔多日终于现身的阿尔塔西娅却异常焦急,她望着东方,喃喃自语般的道: It came.” “它来了。”
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