LTDWMBD :: Volume #6

#544: Abandons the life and death to carve ( 5 k 7 )

strictly speaking, Ascart Fiefdom does not have Origin Level 1 expert, but it is not in the general statistical range, but this person Treeman Cade. 严格来说,阿卡特领并不是没有源级1高手,只是其并不在一般的统计范围内,而这个人正是树人凯德 Treeman Cade took Sage of the Dusk Association extant most ancient member, age already does not know for several thousand years, but along with the years of experiencing, his strength also natural has climbed the highest place, even already heyday. 树人凯德作为黄昏贤者会现存最古老的成员,年龄已经不知道几千年了,而伴随着所经历的岁月,他的实力也理所当然的早已攀登到最高处,甚至已经过了全盛期了。 However even so, the Origin Level 1 strength will quickly not weaken, but with the help of this Roel, by the support of Earth Mother Goddess, huge Treeman also already short returns the peak. 不过即使如此,源级1的力量也不会过快的衰减,而随着这次罗亚的帮助,借由地母神的支援,巨大的树人已经短暂的重新回到巅峰时期。 This time taking root in big tree body of land, that dim bark already gave full play to the vitality in those days, a faint trace golden ray flows in the tree trunk, in nourishing of magic power by way of earth vein, Treeman Cade various attributes promotes sharply, but with vigorous angry roaring of great tree, the battlefield situation also changed. 此时的扎根于大地的大树身上,往日那昏暗的树皮已经重新焕发出生机,一丝丝金色的光芒在树干之中流淌,经由地脉咒力的滋养,树人凯德的各项属性都大幅提升,而随着巨树的一声浑厚的怒吼,战场的局势也发生了改变。 Huge magic power changes into the countless timbos to twine to charge into Roel resembling dragon Siniao Giant Monster, the the next moment giant Treeman body erupts the ray, myriad tree roots dig in the land, he raises the hand, the strength collection that is inconceivable erupts, one and lags behind the giant bird that in the sky paces back and forth. 庞大的咒力化为数不尽的树藤缠绕住冲向罗亚的似龙似鸟的巨怪,下一刻巨大的树人身体爆发出光芒,万千的树根扎入大地之内,他举起手,难以想象的力量汇集爆发,将天空中徘徊的巨鸟一并拉下。 Three full dragon crows have not obviously thought, this has premeditated good battle to kill an outcomer unexpectedly, however already is actually hard to cast off the opposite party, huge Treeman was still growing at this time unceasingly, the shade is raising the crown that becomes blocks the sky successively. 三足龙鸦明显没有想到,这早已预谋好的战斗居然能够杀出一个外来者,然而却已经难以将对方甩开,巨大的树人此时仍然在不断生长,绿荫正节节拔高变为遮天蔽日的树冠。 Enemies above upper air, this, not only to the Roel disadvantageous condition, is to the Cade unfavorable factor, in addition Roel can rely on the high rank Transcendent strength to move rapidly, even short soaring, but unwieldy Treeman is actually not able to achieve these. 敌人在高空之上,这不只是对罗亚不利的条件,同时也是对凯德的不利因素,罗亚尚且能够凭借着高阶超凡者的力量迅速移动,甚至短暂的飞翔,可是笨重的树人却无法做到这些。 Regarding this situation, the only solution drags the enemy, lets it with ground battle, but after determining this point, Roel also starts to assist from side. 对于这种情况,唯一的解决方法就是将敌人拖下来,让其与地面战斗,而在确定了这一点后,罗亚也开始从旁协助。 The dark yellow ray raises in body of youngster, the next moment changes into the invisible heavy pressure on fall in body of giant bird, under Petra gravity magic, three foot dragon crow bodies from in the air slides unceasingly, simultaneously sends out howling of startled anger to counter-attack full power. 昏黄色的光芒在少年的身上升起,下一刻化为无形的重压落于巨鸟的身上,在佩特拉的重力咒术下,三足龙鸦的身躯自空中不断地下滑,同时发出惊怒的吼叫全力反击起来。 Resembling is dragon cry resembles is the cry vibration world that the crow called, the whipped wing curled up the countless mist and dust, in this critical time, three full dragon crow giant mouth apparatus opened, inherits since , from the Dragon Bloodline dragon flame was bright the ray, wanted to give fatally to Treeman strikes, but saw such scene, the face of Cade that trees constitution also appears the surprised color. 似是龙吟又似是鸦鸣的叫声震动天地,拍打的翅膀卷起数不尽的烟尘,在这危急时刻,三足龙鸦巨大的口器张开,继承自巨龙血脉的龙炎亮起光芒,想要对树人给予致命一击,而看到这样的一幕,凯德那树木构成的脸庞也浮现出惊讶之色。 Inherited the giant birds of some bloodlines to use the flame unexpectedly the spitting breath, this was Treeman has not thought that but knew very well Roel of three full dragon crow origins is not accidental/surprised, regarding this also had the countermeasure early. 只是继承了一些血脉的巨鸟居然能使用火焰的吐息,这是树人没有想到的,但是熟知三足龙鸦来历的罗亚却并不意外,对此也早有对策。 一秒记住://bu6. Under the vibration of [Crown] Origin Attribute, boundless frost energy shoots up to the sky, takes away as many things as possible toward huge monster, came from [Six Calamities] Permafrost Energy facing this, the leeway that the dragon flame in monster mouth has not resisted completely, extinguishes rapidly changes into wisp of mist and dust, the movement that the huge body struggles is also stiff. 【王冠】源质的震动下,磅礴的冻气冲天而起,向着巨大的怪物席卷而去,面对这来自【六灾厄】冻土之气,怪物口中的龙炎完全没有抵抗的余地,迅速地熄灭化为一缕烟尘,庞大身躯挣扎的动作也随之僵硬。 The Permafrost Energy effect is very good, however unfortunately Roel can do also only then these, during helping Treeman controls Giant Monster, was repelled the king of wing person launched the offensive from the sky in again, but this attack did not have is so simple previous time. 冻土之气的效果很好,然而可惜的是罗亚能够做的也只有这些了,在帮助树人控制住巨怪期间,被击退了的翼人之王重新自天空上发起了攻势,而这一次的攻击则没有上一次那么简单了。 Decayed wing person Jimmy Wang yi extends, in the the next moment sky the strong darkness starts to turn toward him to gather, as once arrived at the entire race peak, compares favorably with Spiritual God powerful exist(ence), its naturally also has to belong to own special skill, but Bloodline Ability of darkness wing person king this covers the sky. 腐朽的翼人王羽翼伸展,下一刻天空中浓重的黑暗开始向着他聚集,作为曾经到达整个种族顶端,媲美神灵的强大存在,其自然也有属于自己的特殊技能,而这覆盖天空的黑暗正是翼人王的血脉能力 The wing person, that once was the overlord of sky, but if were ordinary this honor Embodiment Form, the bloodlines of legendary/in legend wing person clan King can control the sky, in had not just been involved Remote Antiquity Period that degenerated by Saviour, what that time they operated was ten thousand li (0.5 km) clear sky. 翼人,那曾经是天空的霸主,而就如将这一荣誉具象化一般,传说中翼人族王者的血脉能够操控天空,只不过在未被救世主牵连堕落的远古时期,那时的他们操纵的是万里晴空。 Nowadays circumstances changes with the time, the Fallen essence polluted his bloodlines, but is ordinary on such as that decayed body, no matter what the sky of its operation has become is also jet black and unclear, but by strength level, actually it can be said that shocking. 现如今时过境迁,堕落者的本质污染了他的血脉,而就如那腐朽的身体一般,任其操纵的天空也已变得漆黑而不详,不过只是以力量等级来看,却可以说是骇人听闻。 In the Roel sensation, the entire sky as if had the consciousness under the operation of wing person king, and starts to expose the hostility to him. 罗亚的感知之中,整个天空在翼人王的操纵下似乎拥有了意识,并开始对他展露敌意。 The wind mist of whirling around changes into the blade, the blood-color thunder such as the snake entanglement, magic element in air starts rapidly gathered toward king of Shenbian wing person, making in the sky present partial bright, but the feeling this point, the Roel expression became unprecedented was dignified. 翻卷的风岚化为刀刃,血色的雷霆如蛇纠缠,空气中的魔素开始迅速的向着翼人之王身边聚集,使得天空中出现了局部的明亮,而感受到这一点,罗亚的表情变得前所未有的凝重起来。 Origin Level 1, that was higher than present Luo press/pressure in level exist(ence), in the normal condition the youngster can defeat the probability of king of wing person is actually very small, but must say that suffered defeat dead of its is also unlikely, Roel has too trump card trump card after all. 源级1,那本来就是高于现在罗压所在等级存在,正常情况下少年能够战胜翼人之王的概率其实是很小的,但是要说败北死于其手却也不太可能,毕竟罗亚有太多压箱底底牌了。 But nowadays, black-haired youngster thought that the situation started to change, because of regardless of many trump card, wanted the premise, that can hit, but whether the decision could hit the most important factor is magic power. 可是现如今,黑发的少年却觉得局势开始改变了,因为无论再多的底牌,也要有一个前提,那就是能打出去,而决定能否打出去最重要的因素就是咒力 According to just the wing person king in sky with the consumption that fought, the time that black-haired youngster can insist was not quite long, wanting battle to need to absorb nearby magic element, what made Roel didn't expect was, this becomes the enemy to suppress his most effective method unexpectedly, but also until this time, Roel understood the great strength of enemy truly. 按照刚刚与天空中的翼人王交手的消耗来看,黑发的少年能够坚持的时间并不太久,想要一直战斗就需要吸收附近的魔素,可是令罗亚没想到的是,这居然成为了敌人压制他的最有力手段,而也是直到这时,罗亚才真正的理解了敌人的强大。 The dominant sky, controls magic element, making the enemy little trend perish, such as the lukewarm water boils the frog to be common, this is the battle way of wing person king, is the place of its terrifying. 统治天空,控制魔素,让敌人一点点走向灭亡,就如温水煮青蛙一般,这才是翼人王的战斗方式,也是它的恐怖之处。 Discovered Roel deep frowning of this point, the body electricity shoots later, departs toward the distant place rapidly, but seems chasing down him to be the same, in the sky ferments long time attack to start the one breath release. 发现了这一点的罗亚深深的皱起眉头,随后身体电射而出,向着远方急速离去,而仿佛是在追杀他一般,天空中酝酿良久的攻击开始一口气释放。 Bang-!” “轰-!” Within the short moment, the thunder lightning vibration vault of heaven, the strong winds sharp blade whereabouts like the rain, facing fleeing of Roel, the king of wing person do not seem accidental/surprised, but is condensing the attack unceasingly, however does not stand still facing this as if must throw off the attack of land, Roel actually can only control Permafrost Energy to defend by least magic power. 短短的片刻之内,雷霆闪电震动苍穹,狂风利刃下落如雨,面对罗亚的逃离,翼人之王似乎并不意外,只是不断地凝聚着攻击,然而面对这毫不停歇似乎要掀翻大地的攻击,罗亚却只能以最少的咒力控制冻土之气来防御。 Cannot in that monster advantage region battle, lacking of magic power be otherwise getting more and more serious, this is the reason that Roel leaves, but with the youngster far away from the king of wing person, magic element in air also starts even more thickly. 不能在那个怪物的优势区域战斗,否则咒力的缺乏将越来越严重,这是罗亚离开的原因,而随着少年远离翼人之王,空气中的魔素也开始愈发浓厚。 Felt the magic element density of normal region, magic power consumed huge Roel to start the crazy absorption to supplement, simultaneously the standing firm footsteps preparation began to counter-attack, what however let his didn't expect was, this return normal feeling only continued short one second. 感受到了正常区域的魔素浓度,咒力消耗巨大的罗亚开始疯狂的吸收补充,同时站定脚步准备着手反击,然而让他没想到的是,这种重归正常的感觉只持续了短短的一秒。 „...... Useless, human.” “......没用的,人类。” „!” “!” The old and strange sound conveys from the top of the head suddenly, making black-haired youngster stare the big eye suddenly, suddenly some brain blanks, however the thought has not perhaps followed, the Transcendent intuition will actually not absent, is hearing the instance of words, Roel erupts magic power, the huge form suddenly appears, shakes the fist to turn toward the sky to sweep away. 苍老而陌生的声音突然自头顶传来,令黑发的少年猛然瞪大眼睛,一时间大脑有些空白,然而思维也许没跟上,超凡者的直觉却不会缺席,在听到话语的瞬间,罗亚爆发出咒力,巨大的身影突然出现,挥拳向着天空横扫而过。 Bang!” “轰!” The Grendel fist delimits the air to trigger the fulmination sound, but in Roel not far away, the king of old decayed wing person is far away behind instantaneously, later on the watching giant skeleton face has the mood to fluctuate for the first time. 古兰达尔拳头划过空气引发爆鸣声,而在罗亚身后不远处,苍老腐朽的翼人之王则瞬间远离,随后望着巨大的骸骨脸上第一次出现情绪波动。 Giant...... hateful race.” 巨人......可恨的种族。” Was saying the old man bites the tooth, the facial features become exceptionally fierce, but present Roel does not have the time to manage these, the black-haired youngster body is exceptionally stiff in this flash, but the reason is also very simple. 如此说着的老者咬起牙齿,面容变得异常的狰狞,可是现在的罗亚却没有时间管这些,黑发的少年身躯在这一瞬间异常僵硬,而原因也很简单。 Nearby magic element, already in this short several seconds vanishes again does not see. 附近的魔素,在这短短的数秒内已经再次消失不见。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- In the past, read historical data Roel to see the record about wing person clan race full, looked like in black-haired youngster, this race and had nothing special is worth caring, after all the wing person did not have Dragon and Giant these races powerful fleshly body, did not have Angel and Highland Elf magic power amiable, was not powerful in Remote Antiquity Period. 在过去,饱读史料的罗亚曾经看到过关于翼人族这个种族的记录,在黑发的少年看来,这个种族并没有什么特别值得在意的,毕竟翼人既没有巨龙巨人这些种族的强大肉体,也没有天使高地精灵咒力亲和,在远古时期并不算强大。 Such race is even higher than the human foundation attribute, high is still very limited, however when the reorganization related information, the youngster has read such a quite baffling record, or is the thing of similar legend. 这样的种族即使比人类基础属性高,高的也很有限,然而在整理相关资料时,少年却阅读过这样一个没头没尾的记录,或者说是类似传说的东西。 By person who King of wing person clan stares, must die without doubt. 被翼人族的王者盯上的人,将必死无疑。 That time Roel was regarded as what ancient times legend to regard this, thinks was curse and so on meaning, until today, truly when leading character who when black-haired youngster faced these words, Roel thoroughly understood the meaning of words. 那时的罗亚将这当做是什么古代传说来看待,以为是诅咒之类的意思,直到今天,当黑发的少年真正面对这句话的主人公时,罗亚才彻底明白了话语的意思。 Above the night plain, black-haired youngster and in the distant sky extends the old man of pair of wings to face one another distantly, two people facial features are the unprecedented ugliness. 夜晚的平原之上,黑发的少年与远方天空中伸展着双翼的老者遥遥相望,两人的面容都是前所未有的难看。 Regarding believing in Saviour Fallen, at this time protects black-haired youngster King of Giants is being hateful exist(ence), but another side, Roel was the feeling of come from the heart frightened. 对于信奉救世主堕落者来说,此时保护着黑发少年巨人之王是可憎至极的存在,而另一边,罗亚则是发自内心的感受到了惊悚。 The king of wing person was almost just flickering close to his process, that is high rank Transcendent Roel as the speed that is unable to respond, even was once quicker than with its battle Layton, if will be only this Roel will not have what accident/surprise, after all the wing person clan was famous at the speed. 刚刚翼人之王靠近他的过程几乎就在一瞬,那是身为高阶超凡者罗亚都无法反应过来的速度,甚至比曾经与其对战雷顿还要快,不过如果只是这样的话罗亚也不会有什么意外,毕竟翼人族本来就是以速度著称。 Makes him feel the fear truly, is the enemy controls nearby magic element speed. 真正让他感到恐惧的,是敌人操控附近魔素的速度。 The flash then finds time in magic element of region Roel, made the domain of magic element vacuum again, this looked like in Roel simply is unthinkable, but understood what for to operate the sky until this time youngster. 只是一瞬间便将罗亚所在区域的魔素抽空,再次制造出了魔素真空的领域,这在罗亚看来简直是匪夷所思,而直到此时少年才理解何为操纵天空。 The offensive of forward wing person king, Grendel not only resisted even to launch the counter-attack, this let some black-haired youngster once contempt enemies, but Roel understands now, that was actually only a consumption, regarding the consumption of Roel magic power, but king of Qiangda wing person secret also battle of attrition. 之前翼人王的攻势,古兰达尔不但抵挡住了甚至发动了反击,这让黑发的少年一度有些轻视敌人,可是现在罗亚明白了,那其实只是一种消耗,对于罗亚咒力的消耗,而翼人之王强大的秘密也正是消耗战。 In the normal condition was drained nearby magic element was not the issue, so long as changes a location then to decode with ease, but regarding Roel, where regardless of he arrives , the wing person kings absolutely first to one step, and will start Bloodline Skill to make the magic element vacuum. 正常情况下被抽干了附近的魔素并不是什么问题,只要换个场地便能轻松破解,但是对于罗亚来说,无论他走到哪里,翼人王都绝对会先到一步,并发动血脉技能制造魔素真空。 Is powerful Transcendent, highly relies on magic power, under this skill and tactic, Roel will fall into the absolute disadvantage with the time, finally changes into the lamb that allows to be oppressed. 越是强大的超凡者,越是高度依赖咒力,在这种技能与战术下,罗亚将随着时间陷入绝对的劣势,最终化为任人宰割的羔羊。 By the person who King of wing person clan stares, must die without doubt...... I see, is this meaning? No wonder [Collector] dares take risks.” “被翼人族的王者盯上的人,将必死无疑......原来如此,是这个意思吗?难怪【收藏家】敢于冒险。” Is saying youngster complexion as gloomy as the extreme, as summoning Ancient God combat mage, consumption far ultra same rank Transcendent of Roel to magic power, was therefore restrained by this battle of attrition, in level had in the situation of disparity, such as calm and steady as the method of limit is almost impregnable. 如此说着的少年脸色阴沉到极点,作为召唤古神作战咒术师,罗亚咒力的消耗远超同级别超凡者,也因此更加被这种消耗战克制,而在等级本来就有差距的情况下,这样安稳到极限的方法几乎是无懈可击。 What to do? 怎么办? In the watching sky gnash one's teeth is sending out the king of wing person shouts intermittently, black-haired youngster was pondering rapidly deals with the method. 望着天空中咬牙切齿着发出阵阵嘶吼的翼人之王,黑发的少年迅速地思考着应对方法。 Through just words, Roel roughly speculated the condition of king of wing person, although already degenerated, but this old man obviously still had consciousness, the tactic that this type almost must win thinks that he will not easily give up, but in fact the king of this time wing person also truly spread out. 通过刚刚的话语,罗亚大致推测出了翼人之王的状态,虽然已经堕落,但是这个老者明显仍然拥有神志,这种几乎必胜的战术想必他不会轻易放弃,而事实上此时的翼人之王也确实拉开了距离。 Sly and sinister, has a stronger strength actually to use this tactic obviously, type that it can be said that Roel most does not like, but another side, the sensation to the condition of youngster, understands Grendel and Petra of enemy scheme also contracted the power full power, the Giant form blurred to nearly vanish do not see, the ray of Earth Mother Goddess power also gradually extinguished. 狡猾而阴险,明明拥有更强的力量却用这种战术,可以说是罗亚最不喜欢的类型,而另一边,感知到少年的状态,明白了敌人计谋的古兰达尔佩特拉也全力收缩起了权能,巨人的身影模糊到近乎消失不见,地母神权能的光芒也逐渐熄灭。 black-haired youngster wants as far as possible retains magic power, however above the sky, the king of wing person after discovering attempt of Roel had the action immediately, the jet black sky wriggled again, the wind and thunder roaring sound is lingering on faintly. 黑发的少年想要尽可能的保留住咒力,然而天空上方,翼人之王在发现罗亚的企图后却立即有了行动,漆黑的天空再次蠕动了起来,风与雷的咆哮声不绝于耳。 In this thunder and howling sound, the body decayed old man puts out a hand toward the front, grasps to grasp front void, but with his movement, the darkness also rapid accumulation above backdrop, changes into a vague long bow. 在这雷霆与呼啸声中,身体腐朽的老者向着前方伸出了手,抓握起面前的虚空,而随着他的动作,天幕之上的黑暗也迅速的聚集,化为一把若有若无的长弓。 After the long bow, what appeared the arrow arrow of thunder and wind, huge magic element changes into strong magic power, continuously pours into to this weapon, but the body of king of wing person more rises to be higher, opened that bowstring in the top of vault of heaven. 长弓之后,出现的是雷霆与风的箭矢,庞大的魔素化为浓烈的咒力,源源不绝的向这武器之中灌注,而翼人之王的身体则越升越高,于苍穹之顶拉开了那弓弦。 It is not good! 不好! When sees that moment that the enemy acts, Roel understands the wing person king wants to strike to consume the ideas of light/only his all magic power, but before such as is the same, that Roel can react is extremely limited. 当看到敌人行动的那一刻,罗亚就明白了翼人王想要一击耗光他所有咒力的想法,但是就如之前一样,罗亚能够做出的反应却极其有限。 The avoidance is not possible, that filled the magic power bow arrow, although only then, but already had the strength of throwing off the entire land, under the pressure of this great power, the great tree and queer bird raised the head of distant place dogfight, erupts magic power to protect the body at the same time, but in Ascart City of distant place, barrier also had the response. 躲避已然是不可能,那充满了咒力的弓矢虽然只有一根,但是却已经具备了掀翻整个大地的力量,在这强大力量的威压下,远处缠斗的巨树与怪鸟抬起头,同一时间爆发咒力护住身体,而在远方的阿卡特城,结界也产生了反应。 Resisted barrier of countless dead crow falcon weak to flicker, shone the radiant ray, entered the overload condition in the bellow automatically, but above the city wall, silver-white-haired young girl looked out the distant place in the blood rain of enemy everywhere. 抵挡数不尽死鸦隼的结界微弱了一瞬,随之亮起璀璨的光芒,在轰鸣声中自动进入了过载状态,而在城墙之上,银白发色的少女则在敌人漫天的血雨中遥望远方。 Onii-sama!” 兄长大人!” Discovered that Roel is changing colors in that powerful offensive below Alicia startled, however the remote distance keeps her from doing anything, but under that sparkle the arrow of wind and thunder, Roel narrows the golden eye tranquilly and is thinking rapidly. 发现罗亚正在那强大攻击正下方的爱丽莎惊慌失色,然而过于遥远的距离却让她无法做任何事,而在那闪耀的风雷之箭下方,罗亚则眯起金色的眼睛平静而迅速地思索着。 Bridges over the innumerable life and death black-haired youngster to understand, following strikes seems like the first all-out attack of king of wing person, but actually ended all attacks in fact, under this struck, regardless of Roel whether to survive, consumed overwhelming majority magic power his later results only to allow to be oppressed, moves toward the death. 跨过无数生死的黑发少年明白,接下来的一击看似是翼人之王的第一次全力攻击,但是事实上却是结束一切的攻击,在这一击之下无论罗亚能否存活,消耗绝大部分咒力的他之后的结局都只能是任人宰割,走向死亡。 The unprecedented death premonition pasted on such as the cold ice in the nape of Roel, making the black-haired youngster body feel cold, rapid heartbeat, however this has not actually reduced his will, instead made him calmer. 前所未有的死亡预感就如寒冰贴在罗亚的后颈,让黑发的少年身体发冷,心跳加快,然而这却并没有削减他的意志,反而让他更加冷静。 Under shining of that ray, the countless ideas and plans appear in the Roel mind vanish, finally frames slowly, but on that day spatial above, bends/bow the sound that the arrow projects also to spread slowly, having the shadow of death to drop down under. 在那光芒的照耀下,数不尽的想法与计划在罗亚的脑海中出现又消失,最终缓缓定格,而在那天空之上,弓矢射出的声音也缓缓传出,带着死亡的阴影直落而下。 The instance that not only the attack of king of wing person the arrow arrow, projects in the arrow of wind and thunder, the sky also like echoing lowered until now a fiercest attack, bright heavenly prestige and man-made disaster also arrive, but above the ground, the body of Roel also starts to exude the ray, the golden wing extends in his back, later welcomed the entire sky to shoot up to the sky. 翼人之王的攻击不只是箭矢,在风雷之箭射出的瞬间,天空也如呼应般的降下了迄今为止最猛烈的一次攻击,煌煌天威与人祸同时降临,而在地面之上,罗亚的身体也开始泛起光芒,金色的羽翼在他的背后伸展,随后迎着整个天空冲天而起。 golden glow and whereabouts group star, relative strength of both sides seems like so disparate, however on the face of Roel does not have the color of fear, the red flame burns on the body of youngster, later changed into the giant skeleton, glitters the fist front of thunder to turn toward the sky to wield again, seems venting the own anger. 一点金芒与下落的群星,双方的实力对比看起来是如此的悬殊,然而罗亚的脸上却毫无畏惧之色,赤色的火焰在少年的身体上燃烧,随后化为了巨大的骸骨,闪烁着雷霆的拳锋再一次向着天空挥出,仿佛在发泄着自己的怒火。 black-haired youngster is controlling the wing of Angel, choosing the attack sparse place to break through upwardly, obviously wanted accomplish the whole task at one stroke, however all these have not actually escaped the estimate of king of wing person. 黑发的少年控制着天使之翼,选了攻击稀疏之处向上突破,明显想要毕其功于一役,然而这一切却都没有逃过翼人之王的预想。 The body decayed old man showed the evil different smile in this moment, he extended make a move, the next moment, all in sky as if fell into static, whether it is wind blade and thunder, that gathered the innumerable magic power arrow arrow to stop and rewind to return in this flash. 身体腐朽的老者在这一刻露出了邪异的微笑,他伸出手,下一刻,天空中的一切仿佛陷入了静止,无论是风刃与雷霆,还是那汇聚了数不清咒力的箭矢都在这一瞬间停下并倒卷而回。 When saw that all attacks stagnate in in the air that moment, the roar that in the ground huge Treeman voices the startled anger, silver-haired young girl of distant place stared in a big way the eye, mind blanked, but the Roel golden eye pupil also tightened instantaneously, understands this was the trap that the sly enemy designed. 当看到所有的攻击都停滞在空中的那一刻,地面上巨大的树人发出惊怒的吼声,远方的银发少女则瞪大了眼睛,大脑一片空白,而罗亚金色的眼瞳也瞬间收紧,明白了这是狡猾的敌人所设计的陷阱。 However, everyone discovers was too late. 然而,所有人都发现的太晚了。 Rewinds all attacks that returns to be held by king of Shouhui wing person in the flash, the next moment changed into one bunch of light, that illuminates the light of dark night death, toward youngster who the direct impact came, when under hood, but facing this unexpected attack, Roel also had no alternative. 倒卷而回的所有攻击在一瞬间被翼人之王收回掌中,下一刻化为了一束光,那是照亮黑暗夜晚的死亡之光,向着直冲而来的少年当头罩下,而面对这意料之外的攻击,罗亚也别无选择。 Permafrost Energy, Wind of Dusk, fills the black group of dead incantation, the Earth Mother Goddess divine protection, the fist of Grendel, made his all attacks in this instantaneous Roel, the next moment, both sides collided. 冻土之气,黄昏之风,充满死咒的黑团,地母神的加护,古兰达尔的拳头,在这瞬间罗亚打出了他所有的攻击,下一刻,双方碰撞了起来。 Bang-!” “轰-!” In that moment that both sides collide, blasts open the sky magic power storm to appear along with the dazzling ray together, but in the Roel front, various color strengths drove out by attack one by one of king of wing person, finally is only left over the ancient gods form. 在双方碰撞的那一刻,炸裂天空般的咒力风暴伴随着刺目的光芒一同出现,而在罗亚的前方,各种颜色的力量则被翼人之王的攻击一一驱除,最终只剩下古神们的身影。 Petra phantom after behind reappearing of youngster, protection layer upon layer the Roel body package, but in frontline is the fist that Grendel wields, the roaring flame that it such as will never submit, is compressing the sky unceasing advance, the light of death will crush successively. 佩特拉虚影在少年的身后浮现,层层的防护将罗亚的身体包裹,而在最前方的则是古兰达尔挥出的拳头,它如永不屈服的烈焰,压缩着天空般的不断前进,将死亡之光节节粉碎。 However unfortunately, even the attack of King of Giants, is unable to make up for the strength and magic power vast gap, under the magnanimous consumption, Origin Level 3 Roel remains many magic power to take the lead unable to support, however even so, black-haired youngster is also clenching teeth to support by hard and stubborn effort, and stares at the form in sky to go forward incessantly. 然而可惜的是,即使是巨人之王的攻击,也无法弥补实力与咒力的巨大差距,海量的消耗之下,源级3罗亚所剩不多的咒力率先支撑不住,然而即使如此,黑发的少年也在咬牙硬撑,并盯着天空中的身影不断前进。 500 meters, but also insufficiently. 五百米,还不够。 that moment that such idea presents, Roel clenches the teeth to charge again, but with the help of two Ancient God, the body of youngster also little was close to the king of wing person. 如此的想法出现的那一刻,罗亚咬紧牙关再次冲锋,而在两位古神的帮助下,少年的身躯也一点点的接近了翼人之王。 450 meters, 400 meters, 350 meters...... 四百五十米,四百米,三百五十米...... watching several seconds the form that in gradually approaches, black-haired youngster whole-heartedly, he knows this is his only chance, possibly is he most approaches the opportunity of king of wing person, but is relying on tenacious insistence, two people distances reduced 300 meters finally. 望着几秒的时间里逐渐靠近的身影,黑发的少年全力以赴,他知道这是他唯一的胜机,也可能是他最靠近翼人之王的一次机会,而凭借着顽强的坚持,两人的距离终于缩短到了三百米。 „!” “!” When Roel arrives at 300 meters distance point that moment, black-haired youngster outputs full power, magic power that will only remain poured into Holy One’s Short Sword, the the next moment Holy One’s Short Sword ray put greatly, the body of youngster vanished and attacks baseless forward, glittered in the wink of an eye for successive three times, a moment later already to the front of king of wing person. 罗亚到达三百米距离点的那一刻,黑发的少年全力输出,将仅剩的咒力注入到了圣者的短刃之内,下一刻圣者的短刃光芒大放,少年的身躯凭空消失并向前突击,瞬息之间连续三次闪烁,片刻之后已至翼人之王的面前。 Is relying on sacred object skill for the first time, Roel front that presented in the enemy, however in this unexpected situation, Fallen above sky has not cared after slight surprised even, because he knows, Roel magic power already was not much left. 凭借着圣物技能,罗亚第一次出现在了敌人的面前,然而即使是在这意外的情况下,天空之上的堕落者在些微的惊讶后也并没有在意,因为他知道,罗亚咒力已经所剩无几了。 Close to as well as starts artifact(s) to 300 meters distance, this series of behavior already exhausted Roel magic power, Grendel form also already lived simply the limit, this did not have the threat in king of Kanlai wing person, but in fact, Roel truly already did not have magic power. 接近到三百米的距离以及发动咒物,这一连串的行为已经耗尽了罗亚咒力,就连古兰达尔的身影也已经淡泊到了极限,这在翼人之王看来毫无威胁,而事实上,罗亚也确实已经没有咒力了。 In the magic element airless space, black-haired youngster seems like the lamb that already becomes treats butchers, even if approaches not to have the achievement, sees on the face of king of this situation wing person to show the ridicule smile, however the next moment his smile actually stiffened, but the reason is also very simple, because he discovered, Roel is also smiling. 魔素的真空区中,黑发的少年似乎已经成为了待宰的羔羊,即使接近也毫无作为,见此情况翼人之王的脸上露出嘲弄地笑容,然而下一刻他的笑容却僵住了,而原因也很简单,因为他发现,罗亚也在笑。 Above the upper air, grasps black-haired youngster of short-sword to bring back the corners of the mouth, the next moment punctures suddenly toward the own chest, the blood of splattering made decayed King open the eye surprisedly, what however kept him from understanding, with the Roel grief, does not know that came magic power that to start the rapid eruption from where. 高空之上,握着短剑的黑发少年勾起嘴角,下一刻向着自己的胸膛猛然刺下,喷溅的鲜血让腐朽的王者惊讶的睁大了眼,然而更加让他无法理解的是,随着罗亚的伤痛,不知自何处而来的咒力开始迅速的爆发。 Finally...... caught you.” “终于......抓到你了。” Tranquil, has the happy expression sound to resound slightly, the next moment, in king of Jingkong wing person under the expression, the giant skeleton appears again, the congealing reality of form in Roel blood and vital breath, the irresistible fist brings renouncing of one hit certain win to pound down toward his overhead. 平静、带着略微笑意的声音响起,下一刻,在翼人之王惊恐的表情下,巨大的骸骨再次出现,身影于罗亚血气中凝实,无可抵挡的拳头带着一击必胜的决绝向着他当头砸下。
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