LSG :: Volume #3

#274: Broken mask

Second will carry on the next day, after all some people Su Yun so are not relaxed, after some people fight, oneself is wounded unable to fight, if hasty carries on again next, person who pours to truly has the strength to have the talent was unfair. 第二场将在次日进行,毕竟有些人并不似苏云这般轻松,更者,有人大战之后,自身负伤无法战斗,若仓促再进行下一场,倒对一些真正有实力有天赋的人不公了。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others still at the fierce battle, Su Yun sketchily take a fast look around, whose having a look at strength to be good, will become the potential threat. 王重山等人还在酣战,苏云粗略扫视一下,看看有谁实力不错,会成为潜在威胁。 However does not need he to examine carefully, that then hears the intermittent tumult sound. 然而不待他细看,那头便传来阵阵骚动声。 Su Yun one surprised, looks toward the source of that tumult, actually sees several cultivation hurriedly walks toward that. 苏云一愕,朝那骚动的源头望去,却见几名修者正急匆匆的朝那走去。 The crowd disperses automatically, near the arena of that head is lying down unexpectedly a blood person. 人群自动散开,那头的擂台边上竟躺着一个血人。 The blood person whole body is the wound, bruised and lacerated, is quite terrorist, the head somewhat is hollow, pitiful. 血人浑身都是伤口,皮开肉绽,好生恐怖,脑袋都有些凹陷,凄惨至极。 Who is this? Starts to be so ruthless.” “这是谁啊?下手这么狠。” Head rotten...” “脑袋都烂了...” Did not know.” “也不知道死了没有。” Death? If this killed people at the sports event... That this place what penalty?” “死?这要是在赛事上杀了人...那该处什么样的惩罚啊?” „It is not clear.” “不清楚。” How had a look at the referee to say.” “看看裁判怎么说的。” The people whoop, although stands here spirit cultivation majority is to see the storm, the scene of mediocre cautious person falls into the eyes of people, makes many person bodies tingle with numbness, had the goose flesh. 众人议论纷纷,虽然站在这儿的灵修者大多数是见过风浪的,不过如此慎人的场景落入人们的眼中,还是让现场不少人皮肉发麻,起了鸡皮疙瘩。 Several wear the mask to put on cultivation of white clothing to walk, takes out pill rapid in the mouth of that blood person, afterward a person transports toward his chest lives Aura spirit, the other two inspect this person of injury. 几名戴着面具穿着白衣的修者走了过去,取出药丸迅速塞在那血人的嘴里,随后一人朝其胸口输送灵生气息,另外两人检查起这人的伤势。 After the moment,... 片刻后... Has not died, but forehead is seriously battered, feared that will have the phenomenon that loses recalls, cultivation and talent will also back up.” “还未死,但头部受重创,怕会出现失忆的现象,修为与天赋也将倒退。” Repairing gains ground to referee said. 一名修者抬起头冲着裁判说道。 People hear that, sucks in cold air all. 众人闻言,无不倒抽凉气。 Unexpectedly wound so serious. 竟伤的这般严重。 The referee associative compound, the nod has pondered moment, in toward arena looks at that person of line of sight, afterward shouted loud. 裁判会意,点头思考了片刻,将视线朝擂台上的那个人望去,随后高声喊了开来。 This arena achievement player is: Bei Xuan Ming!” “本次擂台获胜选手为:北轩鸣!” How does that this person of wound calculate?” “那这人的伤怎么算?” Some people point at that blood hostage to ask immediately. 有人立刻指着那血人质问开来。 After the judgment, player Bei Xuan Ming does not intend, this mountains and rivers list competition to relax the strength of player thoroughly, not hands tied feet tied, therefore to non- original intention, but for the injury maintains the manner of allowing, has not had the personnel dead does not make the punishment.” “经过判断,选手北轩鸣并非有意,本次山河榜竞赛为彻底放宽参赛选手的战力,以至于不束手束脚,故对非本意而为的伤害是保持着容许的态度,未有人员死亡即不做惩处。” Referee sound tranquil [say / way]. 裁判声音平静道。 What?” The people in an uproar. “什么?”众人哗然。 Others talent wiped out, will lose recalled... Doesn't this make the penalty? This... Is this inhumane??” “别人天赋都被打掉了,甚至会失忆...难道这样都不做惩罚吗?这...这也太不人道了吧??” Kungfu does not have the eye, the sword is heartless, the competition is held in the way of preying, will have anything everyone unable to anticipate, so long as is not but intentionally is, will regard as will not all have.” “拳脚无眼,刀剑无情,比赛到底是以搏杀的方式来进行,会发生什么谁都无法意料,只要不是存心而为,皆将视为无过。” Then mentioned, was the murder also good?” “那么说来,杀人也行了?” If kills people desirably, will punish according to the Qinchuan rule, if the manslaughter, will not hold responsible.” “若刻意杀人,将根据秦川规律来进行惩处,若是过失杀人,将不追究责任。” The referee said slowly. 裁判缓缓道。 The voice falls, audience instantaneous ebullition. 话音一落,全场瞬间沸腾。 Then, the athletic field can kill people! 这么说来,赛场是可以杀人的! That... Whether that judgment for the basis of manslaughter is what?” Some people swallowed a saliva, asked hastily. “那...那判断是否为过失杀人的依据是什么?”有人吞了口唾沫,连忙问道。 According, only has not been judged by referee!” “没有依据,只由裁判判断!” „” “” Repairing build that blood person, leaves the athletic field directly. The people have encircled the moment here, then has dispersed. 修者们将那血人架起,径直离开赛场。人们在这儿围了片刻,而后还是散了开来。 Side Su Yun peaceful looked at this, in the eye was passing over gently and swiftly complex. 旁侧的苏云安静的望着这一幕,眼里掠过一丝复杂。 Right, that blood person is Shen Hao, but reason that he like this, naturally also will be concerned with his match Bei Xuan Ming. 没错,那个血人就是沈浩,而他之所以会这样,自然也与他的对手北轩鸣有关。 Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun), you also with ease promoted the snake group evidently!” 无云老弟,看样子你也轻松晋升到了蛇组嘛!” Bei Xuan Ming jumped down from the arena, said with a smile to Su Yun slightly. 北轩鸣从擂台上跳了下来,冲着苏云微微笑道。 Starts to be very ruthless.” “下手挺狠的。” Su Yun opens the mouth to say. 苏云开口道。 He He, is generally ordinary.” “呵呵,一般一般。” Su Yun has not spoken again, has turned around to go toward other arena lines. 苏云没再说话,转过身朝其他擂台行去。 Folding fan that Bei Xuan Ming drags, smiling is looking at the Su Yun back. 北轩鸣摇曳的折扇,笑眯眯的望着苏云的背影。 Su Yun like giving a cursory look and gaining shallow understanding, to shuttle back and forth in arenas, the line of sight is taking a fast look around about above the arena, however most arena preying could not attract his attention, was the first campaign, the impurity are quite many, after the true splendid competition, only feared to arrive. 苏云如走马观花般,在擂台间穿梭,视线扫视着左右擂台之上,然大多数的擂台搏杀都吸引不了他的视线,到底是第一场竞选,杂质还是比较多,真正的精彩比赛,只怕要到后头。 Thump! 咚! Suddenly, a dull thumping sound transmits from the side arena. 突然,一记闷响从旁侧的擂台上传来。 Looks along the sound, but sees a light and lively snow white form to stand and wait for a long time in the arena center, but his match, this moment already distressed pouring on the ground. 顺声看去,但见一名轻灵雪白的身影伫立于擂台中央,而其对手,此刻已经狼狈的倒在地上。 Bai Yanshan?” 白嫣扇?” The Su Yun facial expression concentrates. 苏云神情一凝。 He stimulates to movement Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes secretly, looks toward it. 他暗暗催动天鳞神目,朝之望去。 Fourth Level Spirit Soul Disciple... 灵玄魂四品... Although in the entire mountains and rivers list campaigns for among player, this is not considered as that the top that kind, among spirit cultivation but who places this ages, that already is extremely astonishing, after all she also like that young, the elder of small influence, this cultivation. 虽然在整个山河榜竞选选手当中,这不算是顶尖的那一类,但放在这个年龄段的灵修者当中,那已经是极其惊人的了,毕竟她还那般年轻,很多小势力的长老,也不过这个修为 Has not thought that Bai Yanshan progresses so amazingly quick, some time does not see, is Fourth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, worthily is the talented person who Divine Sword sends careful training.” “没想到白嫣扇进步如此神速,一段时间不见,已是灵玄魂四品了,不愧是神剑派精心培养的人才。” He stands under the stage, peaceful is looking. 他立在台下,安静的望着。 The person on arena distressed crawled, looks at calm Bai Yanshan, clenched teeth, overran. 擂台上的人狼狈的爬了起来,看着神情自若的白嫣扇,咬了咬牙,冲了过去。 But looks at the Bai Yanshan both feet lightly, after gently leaps, afterward lifts the fair palm one to wield toward it. 但看白嫣扇双脚轻点,轻轻后跃,随后抬起白皙的手掌朝之一挥。 Sonorous. 铿锵。 The saber in her waist insertion scabbard was unexpectedly sonorous to fly, the direct flying high rotating number circle, has then killed toward that person. 她腰间插入剑鞘里的佩剑竟然铿锵一声飞了出来,直接凌空旋转数圈,接着朝那人杀了过去。 Not?” “唔?” The Su Yun look has narrowed the eyes. 苏云眼神眯了起来。 Does the imperial sword kill the enemy? When did Divine Sword send to be able this style? 御剑杀敌?神剑派何时会这种招式了? „Is this Divine Sword sends newly improved imperial Sword Skill? It looks like as if very fierce appearance.” “这就是神剑派新改良的御剑术吗?看起来似乎很厉害的样子。” Heard that Limitless sword master imperial Sword Skill makes Divine Sword send very awkwardly, leader Venerable that Divine Sword sends then with hardship studies diligently imperial Sword Skill, finally made him understand the technique of imperial sword killing the enemy, but... Divine Sword sends, even if practices this technique again exquisite, actually also can only control a sword, sword master, cannot simultaneously control hundred swords.” “听说无极剑尊的御剑术神剑派十分尴尬,神剑派的掌门尊者便苦苦钻研御剑术,终于让他悟出了御剑杀敌之术,不过...神剑派人即便将此术练的再精湛,却也只能驾驭一把剑,不似剑尊,能够同时驾驭百剑。” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Nearby person discussion. 旁边的人议论。 The Su Yun ear moves slightly, heart also suddenly. 苏云耳朵微动,心头也恍然了。 The matter that this handles evidently, poured to change much, on first he has not listened to Divine Sword to send this Qi Shu. 看样子自己这一世做的事情,倒改变了不少,上一世他可不曾听过神剑派有这种奇术。 Bai Yanshan is powerful, Profound Technique is exquisite, easily defeats the match, in acclaiming of people and surprised, she walked gradually, like brave warrior of returning in triumph. 白嫣扇实力强大,玄技精妙,轻松将对手击败,在众人的赞叹与惊讶中,她缓步走了下来,就像凯旋归来的勇士。 Su Yun has swept Bai Yanshan, leaves quietly. 苏云扫了眼白嫣扇,悄然离开。 Character already on token becomes the snake character, the mark on arm also gloomy, tomorrow the sports event will start, the mark will shine, and will give itself some sports event news. Now the players must do naturally prepared. 令牌上的字已经变为蛇字,手臂上的印记也暗淡了下来,明日赛事开启,印记会重新亮起,并给予自己一些赛事讯息。现在选手们要做的自然就是准备了。 The Su Yun step was slightly anxious, left the competition region, then went toward own cave mansion line. 苏云步伐略急,离开了比赛区域,便朝自己的洞府行去。 However. 然而。 The people just went outside Hu Bisai region, actually sees a gentle graceful beautiful figure to pass through the corridor gently, goes toward not far away Qinchuan layman. 人刚走出胡比赛区域,却见一个轻柔曼妙的倩影轻轻穿过过道,朝不远处的秦川外行去。 Long Xianli?” 龙仙璃?” Su Yun stares, looks. 苏云一愣,怔怔而望。 Discussed in good conscience, he does not know one and between Long Xianli were anything relates, was only initially in Wu Shuang Jue Peak, in the Long Xianli surface must kill itself, but he could see that this woman actually everywhere showed mercy secretly, otherwise he was impossible like that relaxed departure. 凭心而论,他并不知道自己与龙仙璃之间到底是什么关系,只是当初在无双绝顶峰上,龙仙璃表面上一直要杀自己,但他看得出,这女人暗地里却处处手下留情,否则他也不可能那般轻松的离开。 The disciples who Divine Sword sends have not compared, she is an elder, how can leave Qinchuan? Does she want to go?” 神剑派的弟子都还没有比完,她身为长老,怎是要离开秦川吗?她要去哪?” Su Yun was puzzled, having the full doubts, the steps to follow. 苏云不解,带着满满的疑惑,踏步跟了上去。 Because of the Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes reason, Long Xianli does not know that behind has the person. 天鳞神目的缘故,龙仙璃并不知身后有人。 Qinchuan does not limit the turnover of player, wears Su Yun of mask carefully is tagging along after Long Xianli, Qinchuan that two people quick then leave. 秦川并不限制参赛选手的进出,戴着面具的苏云小心的尾随着龙仙璃,二人很快便离开的秦川。 But looks at Long Xianli to raise in the hand Bai sword, the gentle tender body treads above the sword blade, afterward soars to fly, careful goes forward in the upper air. 但看龙仙璃扬起手中白剑,轻柔的娇躯踏于剑身之上,随后腾空飞起,小心的在高空中前进。 She in track person?” “她在跟踪人?” Found Long Xianli careful earnest looking tread, Su Yun understands immediately. 瞧见龙仙璃小心认真的望着地面,苏云立刻明白了。 However although Long Xianli is a master, the technique of this track actually is really not excellent. 不过龙仙璃虽为高手,这跟踪之术却着实算不上上乘啊。 But looked that the person has been leaping the mountain Bai Jianzai, has passed through the mountain range, finally entered on not a big volcano unexpectedly. 但看那把白剑载着人跃过了大山,穿过了山脉,最后竟进入了一座不大的火山上。 Here had hundred li (0.5km) distance to Qinchuan. 这儿已离秦川有百里之距了。 Long Xianli careful landing, transports begins the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket profound Aura to surround the body, covers up Aura that oneself sends out, afterward is drawing support from the big stone, careful advance. 龙仙璃小心的落地,运起灵玄气息将身躯包围,遮掩自身散发出来的气息,随后借助着大石,小心的前进。 Behind Su Yun also is so. 后头的苏云也亦是如此。 He took a look at eye front several hundred meters far Long Xianli, has pondered over the little while, following Long Xianli the place of looking, urged Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes. 他瞅了眼前方数百米远的龙仙璃,思忖了会儿,顺着龙仙璃所望之地,催起了天鳞神目 Shortly, the Su Yun vision rises suddenly, the distant place picture maps in the middle of the line of sight immediately. 顷刻间,苏云视力暴涨,远方景象立刻映入视线当中。 But looked that by the volcano opening of distant place presents two male female. 但看远方的火山口子旁出现两男一女。 The men and women are wearing the blood red wide robe to front one, wears blood red topee the rituals of male line of worshipping on bended knees. This is quite normal to the male and female appearance, the male wear magnificent and expensive clothing, the double temple is hanging the tassels, fresh straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, the abundant god is handsome, but female somewhat is strange, is wearing the half remnant surface . Moreover the profile is pale, the lip somewhat becomes dark, the personal appearance slightly is extremely fat. 男女正冲面前一名穿着血红色宽袍,戴着血红色兜帽的男子行跪拜之礼。这对男女打扮比较正常,男的穿着华贵服饰,双鬓垂着流苏,生的剑眉星目,丰神俊朗的,而女的则有些古怪,佩戴着半边残面,另外半边脸苍白无比,嘴唇有些发黑,身形略显臃肿。 The Su Yun brow locks. 苏云眉头锁起。 Female, he did not know, but male... He is clear, because that man holds Crown Prince Su! 女的,他不认识,但男的...他一清二楚,因为那男人就是扶苏太子! Holds Crown Prince Su to appear here? And... Who is his woman? Is he kneeling down to whom?” “扶苏太子怎么会出现在这里?而且...他身旁的女人是谁?他在向谁下跪?” Su Yun was completely muddled. 苏云完全糊涂了。 So rich courage vigor, non- evil non- monster, does not know that is what. 如此浓郁的血气,非邪非妖,也不知是何物。 Who!” “谁!” At this moment, cold drinks to explode greatly. 就在这时,一记冷冽大喝爆开。 Su Yun stares, looks toward that actually saw Long Xianli to walk from the big stone gradually, toward that three people of lines. 苏云一愣,朝那头看去,却见龙仙璃缓步从大石后头走了出来,朝那三人行去。 Three people discovered that conceal in Long Xianli of hidden place, was startled all, but is quick, the woman who that wears the remnant surface smiled: I said that is, originally is Divine Sword sends famous Elder Long! Elder Long, you do not look that group of kids who your Divine Sword sends, what coming to here to make?” 三人发现藏于暗处的龙仙璃,无不吃了一惊,但很快,那戴着残面的女人笑开了:“我道是谁呢,原来是神剑派内大名鼎鼎的龙长老啊!龙长老,你不去看着你们神剑派的那群小家伙,来这儿做什么?” Long Xianli urgently had not been replying that the words of that woman, toward holding Su looks at with that woman front man of the bright eyes, actually realized that this man overflows to disperse the full courage vigor from top to bottom unexpectedly, the courage vigor very stench, revolting. 龙仙璃没急着回答那女人的话,将明眸朝扶苏与那女人面前的男子望去,却察觉到这男子浑身上下竟溢散着满满的血气,血气十分腥臭,让人作呕。 „Who are you?” The Long Xianli calm delicate eyebrows, interrogated in a low voice. “你们到底是什么人?”龙仙璃沉着秀眉,低声质问。 „Who we are... What responsibility has with you?” The women smile were saying that an eye is taking a fast look around the Long Xianli exquisite perfect physique, she licked the split lip, the pupil deep place has flashed through one to want up. “我们是什么人...与你有什么干系吗?”女人微笑着说道,一双眼睛扫视着龙仙璃玲珑完美的身姿,她舔了舔干裂的唇瓣,瞳仁深处闪过一丝欲光。 Your mask!” Long Xianli is pointing at the face of that woman, sinks to ask: „Is this Limitless sword master mask? Why can in your hands? Do you know the Limitless sword master whereabouts?” “你的面具!”龙仙璃指着那女人的脸,沉问:“这是无极剑尊的面具吧?为何会在你手中?你是不是知道无极剑尊的下落?” …… …… ( Thanks Heavenly Crystal Divine Strength and book friend 2171959, winds spread 100, hey heartlessly, 11223342,’ and other monthly tickets of friend with hitting to enjoy support, thanks) (感谢‘天擎神力、书友2171959、风驰100、噫無情、、11223342、’等朋友的月票与打赏支持,谢谢)
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