LSG :: Volume #3

#273: „Preliminary contest” insect promote snake

Su Yun and Wang Zhong Shan one line of left the respective cave mansion, goes forward toward this valley central that giant statue place. 苏云王重山一行人离开了各自的洞府,朝这谷中央那座巨大的雕像处前进。 The mountains and rivers list campaign matches already to start, the way random extraction match who now, all players will adopt the ballot, after exceeding one, the rank on token then promotes a level, by the insect to the snake, rises by the snake for the wolf again, is the hawk, shape and lion, finally promotes into the dragon rank, after obtaining dragon rank, then has the qualifications of attending the mountains and rivers list seed tournament, altogether 100 people, but can the standing in line name, only then 20 people, the surplus 80 people were eliminated as before, does not include in the mountains and rivers list. 山河榜竞选赛已经开始,现在,所有参赛选手将采取抽签的方式随机抽取对手,胜过一场后,令牌上的级别便晋升一个层次,由虫至蛇,再由蛇升为狼,紧接着是鹰、象、狮,最后晋升入龙级别,当获得了‘龙’的级别后,便拥有了参加山河榜种子排名赛的资格,一共100人,但能排上名字的只有20人,剩余80人依旧被淘汰,不计入山河榜内。 But even if so, can obtain dragon person already of rank to have the qualifications to call the peerless rare talent, after all this mountains and rivers list faces in the entire mainland. 但即便如此,能够获得‘龙’级别的人已经有资格称之为绝世奇才了,毕竟这山河榜是面向于整个大陆的。 How many people does the mainland have? Compared with these 100 people, simply is the terrifying proportion. 大陆有多少人?与这100人相比,简直是恐怖的比例。 Around the statue presents the massive jade arenas, neat distribution, such as Chinese chess board game piece, but in the surroundings of each arena, is all defending four Qinchuan protector as well as a referee, in front of statue, is rows of white clothing cultivation, in their hands is dragging the squares luminescence crystals, the crystal overflow mild gloss, is very auspicious, entered spirit cultivation in this region only to need to place on the luminescence crystal the hand in the past, the crystal in the body of spirit cultivation will be printing a mark, after the mark production, to the master will transmit to assign the information of martial arts contest arena, the master only to be able. Enters the athletic field that assigns by this mark, other athletic fields cannot step into. Eliminates the mark arbitrarily, will be deprived the qualifications, this enormous degree prevented the replacement mark to replace the match. 雕像四周出现大量玉色擂台,整齐排布,如象棋棋子,而在每个擂台的周围,皆守着四尊秦川守护者以及一名裁判,在雕像的前头,是一排排白衣修者,他们手中拖着一块块正方形的发光晶体,晶体溢出温润光泽,很是祥和,进入这片区域的灵修者只需走过去将手放在发光晶体上,晶体就会在灵修者的身躯上印着一个标记,标记生成后会向主人传递指定比武擂台的信息,主人只能。凭借这个标记进入指定的赛场,其他赛场一律不能踏入。擅自消除标记,将会被取消资格,这极大程度的防止了更换标记更换对手。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others walk in turn, has pressed on the crystal in that cultivation hand, the crystal immediately flood the white light, passes on along his palm on the arm rapidly, then submerges, seal falls one symbol document printing. 王重山等人依次走过去,在那修者手中的晶体上按了一下,晶体立刻泛起白光,迅速顺其手掌传于臂膀上,接着没入其中,印落出一个浅浅的符文印记。 That flickers, in the Su Yun mind reappears a number. 那一瞬,苏云的脑海里浮现出一个号码。 42! 42! I 37!” “我37!” I 103.” “我103。” My 8 th.” “我八号。” ... ... Wang Zhong Shan, Hong Yan and the others sent out their arena number. 王重山红雁等人纷纷报出自己的擂台号码。 Everybody has not bumped into the same place fortunately, but the person of this participation such, bumps into the together probability too to be also small, anything is not good to be worried.” Wang Zhong Shan relaxed, said earnestly: Everybody, we, since came, everybody must whole-heartedly, do not have any idleness, the strength of here player has not imagined is actually so high, but must pay attention to a kind of person, that equally had entrusted with the person of qualifying with me by the official, naturally, I do not mean my strength high, but said that can entrust with the qualifications by the official the most is not the generation of commonplace, in brief everybody refuels, do not defeat in first!” “还好大家没碰到一起,不过这参赛之人如此之多,碰到一起的几率也实在太小,没什么好担心的。”王重山松了口气,认真道:“不过各位,我们既然来了,大家就一定要全力以赴,千万不要有任何懈怠,这里很多参赛选手的实力其实并没有想象中的那么高,但要注意一类人,那就是与我一样被官方赋予了参赛资格的人,当然,我不是说我的实力有多高,而是说能被官方赋予资格的多半不是等闲之辈,总之各位加油,不要在第一场败了!” Good!” “好!” The people shouted loudly, was confident. 众人高呼,信心十足。 „? Quite self-confident, does not know the self-confidence of which your coming, dares to say such words to come.” “呵?好自信啊,也不知你们哪来的自信,敢说出这样的话来。” At this moment, a grating laughter transmits from the side, Su Yun and the others raised eyes to look, but looked that Bei Xuan Ming and the others walk toward here. 就在这时,一记刺耳的笑声从旁侧传来,苏云等人举目望去,但看北轩鸣等人朝这儿走来。 Your this group of bastards!!” “你们这帮混蛋!!” Li Qing, was entrained angry by behind Wang Zhong Shan. 李青恼怒不已,被后头的王重山拽住。 Does not need to bicker with them, we later under the hand see the true facts!” Wang Zhong Shan said in a low voice. “不必与他们斗嘴,我们待会儿手底下见真章!”王重山低声道。 Also is, this fellows do not depend on the sneak attack, do we have what fear?” Li Qing snort|hum said. “也是,这帮家伙不靠偷袭,我们有何惧怕的?”李青哼道。 He He, extremely arrogant, but is unimportant, later makes your little darlings shut up... Did I just probably hear anyone of you am 37 th? Really unfortunately, I am also 37 th, later made me take a look at your fierce to be good.” “呵呵,狂妄,不过不要紧,待会儿让你们乖乖闭嘴...我刚刚好像听到你们有谁是37号?真不巧,我也是37号,待会儿就让我瞧瞧你们的厉害好了。” Bei Xuan Ming is swinging the folding fan, the lead(er) person laughingly gets out of the way. 北轩鸣摇着折扇,笑哈哈的领人走开。 Shen Haohou of team head opened: Father is 37 th, Bei Xuan Ming, later the father will make you know my fierce!!” 队伍这头的沈浩吼开了:“老子就是37号,北轩鸣,待会儿老子会让你知道我的厉害!!” I am waiting .... The Bei Xuan Ming sound conveys leisurely. “我等着....”北轩鸣的声音悠悠传来。 Shen Hao and other human spirit ghosts. 沈浩等人气煞不已。 Good! Everybody prepares, crossed again burns a joss stick must mount the stage!” Wang Zhong Shan takes back the state of mind, opens the mouth to shout. “好了好了!大家准备吧,再过一炷香就要登台了!”王重山收回心绪,开口喊道。 Rests the people line to the one side. 众人行至一旁休息。 Feeds, looks quickly looked quickly that these people the person who is Divine Sword sends??” “喂喂,快看快看,那些人是神剑派的人吧??” Suddenly, a slight tumult erupts in the crowd. 突然,一阵轻微的骚动在人群中爆发出来。 Divine Sword faction? 神剑派? Su Yun stares, looks along the sound, actually looked that road junction walks one team to wear the men and women of magnificent and expensive sword taking, all men and women sword taking of all have golden Longfeng mark seal, is the good-looking man beautiful woman, quite noble natural. 苏云一愣,顺声而望,却看道口处走来一队身着华贵剑服的男女,所有男女身上的剑服皆有金色龙凤纹印,无不是俊男美女,好生高贵潇洒。 But more noticeable is two women in this team front line, one big is small, the beautiful woman of young beautiful female student, elegant refined, the flesh match snow, the carriage is exquisite, particularly double pupil, profound such as two side starry skies. However compared with her, side that big beautiful woman captures male member the attention on the scene, the big beautiful woman carriage is slender, sends concave-convex, the long hair waterfall lets fall after behind, in the hand grasps a white long sword lightly, the fine gauze obstructs the surface, only reveals the autumn pupil, even if so, actually as before gives people the shocking feeling, although does not see him to accommodate, but that type is faintly recognizable difficult to seek, on makings, already conquered holily has presented the hearts of all men, this person almost looked like the female celestial. 而更让人瞩目的莫过于走在这支队伍最前方的两个女人,一大一小,小美女生的明眸皓齿,秀美脱俗,肌肤赛雪,体态玲珑,尤其是双眸,深邃的如两方星空。不过比起她,身旁那位大美女更吸引在场男修士的目光,大美女体态修长,凹凸有致,长发似瀑布般垂落于身后,手中轻握一口白色长剑,轻纱遮面,只露出秋眸,但即便如此,却依旧给人惊艳的感觉,虽不见其容,但那种飘渺难寻,圣洁在上的气质,已经征服了在场所有男子的心,这人儿几乎就像是仙女。 Divine Sword sends for really extraordinary.” 神剑派人果然气质不凡啊。” Yes! Seriously is the place of outstanding people and magical soil, are these players?” “是啊!当真是人杰地灵之处,这些都是参赛选手吧?” Who is that female member? She is also comes participating?” “那位女修士是何人?她也是来参赛的吗?” „Is that probably Elder Long?” “那好像是龙长老?” Elder Long? Long Xianli elder?... Already listened to the person saying that Long Xianli long hero the posture of causing the downfall of the nation beautiful woman, today sees its elegant demeanor, really not empty.” 龙长老龙仙璃长老吗?啧啧啧...早就听人说龙仙璃长老生的倾国倾城之姿,今日一睹其风采,果然不虚。” .... .... All around spirit cultivation whoops. 四周的灵修者议论纷纷。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others saw that has gawked the moment, afterward neat looks toward Su Yun, actually sees Su Yun is only static looked at eye these people, finally the line of sight falls on the body of Long Xianli, sighed slightly, then shut the item. 王重山等人见状,愣了片刻,随后齐刷刷的朝苏云望去,却见苏云只是静静的看了眼那些人,最后视线落在龙仙璃的身上,微微一叹,便闭起了目。 That is walking the Long Xianli double pupil is gloomy, is only the mechanization is good, the line of sight takes a fast look around at will, swiftly, her eye fell on a form in crowd... 那头走着的龙仙璃双眸暗淡,只是机械化的行着,视线随意扫视,倏然,她的眼睛落在了人群中的一个身影身上... That mask??” “那个面具??” Long Xianli has gawked, vision somewhat stunned looks in the crowd that with holding Su stands female. 龙仙璃愣了,目光有些错愕的望着人群中那与扶苏站在一起的女子。 Clang! 铛! At this moment, another vigorous ding sound swings. 就在这时,又一记浑厚的钟声响荡开来。 competition will soon start, asking all players to go to own arena to take place voluntarily!” 大赛即将开始,请所有参赛选手自行前往自己的擂台就位!” At this time, a vigorous sound emitted, people neat looked, actually before seeing this storyteller, these to tow cultivation of crystal, they set up in an array, stand before the arena. 这时,一记浑厚的声音冒出,人们齐刷刷的望去,却见这说话人正是之前那些拖着晶体的修者,他们一字排开,站在擂台前。 Had mystical powers cultivation to startle completely, neat rushed toward own arena. 所有灵修者们全部激灵了一下,齐刷刷的朝自己的擂台奔去。 Crowd like birds dispersing. 人群如鸟兽般散开。 Forms sneak into the arena. 一道道身影窜入擂台之中。 Su Yun has not neglected, to obtain exceedingly high warning, he has been ready for any sacrifice, the person stands up from failure, then went to No. 42 arena. 苏云也未怠慢,为了得到通天鉴,他是豁出去了,人一个翻身,便上了42号擂台。 After the moment, a robust man also jumped up these No. 42 arena. 片刻后,一名壮汉也跳上了这42号擂台。 This robust man fresh robustness, skin is swarthy, Su Yun had close two meters head, but his height approaches three meters unexpectedly, in addition the carriage is generous, appears exceptionally scary, he is grasping two big hammers, huh gasping for breath, the buphthalmo is staring Su Yun stubbornly. 这壮汉生的虎背熊腰,皮肤黝黑,苏云已有接近两米的个头,但他的身高竟接近三米,加上体态宽厚,显得异常吓人,他握着两把大锤子,哼哧着喘气,牛眼死死瞪着苏云 You!! If admits defeat now, but can also little suffer a hardship, if you do not admit defeat, that may not blame me being heartless! Although is the competition, but if lets slip to kill people that everyone unable to investigate that my crime, you do understand?” “你!!如果现在认输,还能少吃点苦头,如果你不认输,那可就别怪我无情了!虽然是比赛,但若失手杀人那谁也不能追究我的罪过,你明白吗?” The robust men point at Su Yun to say proudly. 壮汉指着苏云傲然道。 Kills intent to ripple. 杀意荡漾。 However, Su Yun has not actually paid attention to him, but turns the head to referee said: „, Can start?” 然而,苏云却未理会他,而是侧首冲着身旁的裁判道:“请问,能开始了吗?” The referee is on the rise, is looking at the sky, at this time, chirp, the flesh color light beam direction of fire vault of heaven, blasts open together afterward, massive Fu Lu disperses in the vault of heaven. 裁判抬头,望着天空,这时,‘啾’的一声,一道粉红光束射向苍穹,随后炸裂开来,大量符箓飞散于苍穹上。 The referee sees that immediately lifts the hand to wield: „No. 42 arena, by player nameless confrontation player yellow Mount Tai, now, the competition formally starts!!” 裁判见状,立刻抬手一挥:“42号擂台,由选手无名对阵选手黄泰山,现在,比赛正式开始!!” Clang! 铛! The clear sound flutters in this small arenas. 清脆的响声在这小擂台间飘荡。 Hateful!” “可恶!” The robust men see Su Yun to be so impolite, has flown into a rage, which also has scruples what? Immediately mentioned two gigantic iron hammer overheads to pound toward the head of Su Yun. 壮汉见苏云这般无礼,已是勃然大怒,哪还顾忌什么?当即提起两杆硕大的铁锤当头朝苏云的脑袋砸了过去。 The iron hammer lives the prestige tigerishly, the fresh breeze winding around military might is full. 铁锤虎虎生威,劲风缭绕威武十足。 But in it will soon crash in the Su Yun forehead place, but listens to ‚’ one, the iron hammer stops suddenly. 可就在它即将坠落于苏云的脑门处时,但听‘吧嗒’一声,铁锤戛然而止。 Um?” “嗯?” The robust men felt that their two hammers as if were stuck to by anything, cannot fall again, cannot lift... 壮汉感觉自己的两个锤子似乎被什么粘住了,再也落不下去,更抬不回来... Felt strange. 奇怪了。 The robust men lean the face to look that immediately is dumbfounded. 壮汉侧过脸一看,顿时目瞪口呆。 But sees Su Yun to extend both hands unexpectedly, catches two gigantic iron hammers that this fell. 但见苏云竟伸出双手,生生接住了这落下来的两只硕大铁锤。 Hateful boy!” The robust men recover, exceed was irritable to get angry, actually looked that his both feet trod toward the place, whole body Spiritual Eyes opened greatly, rushing True Divine Aura fell in torrents like the water of rivers and streams, welled up crazily toward the double hammer. “可恶的小子!”壮汉回过神来,越发燥怒了,却看他双脚朝地一踏,浑身灵眼大开,澎湃的真罡气息就像江河之水般倾泻而出,朝双锤疯狂涌去。 The strength increases the several fold suddenly, but... 力量骤然增加数倍,但... The iron hammer is hard to shake as before. 铁锤依旧难以撼动。 Su Yun looked at front two sledgehammers, the look was rocking. 苏云望着面前的两只大锤,眼神晃动了一下。 This person Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, by having the strength, naturally cannot stand off oneself, but if now the crush he, feared that is causes other people to pay attention and guard, after does not help the fight.” “此人不过灵玄魂二品,论起实力,自然是敌不过自身,不过现在若碾压他的话,怕是引起他人注意与提防,不利于后头的战斗。” Thinks of here, Su Yun was in pretend weak, making the sledgehammer sway several. 想到这儿,苏云假装不支,让大锤摇晃了几下。 The robust man pupil shrinks, feeling is an opportunity, unexpectedly ‚’ roars, loosens the iron hammer, leapt, two fists one on the left and other on the right have patted toward the both sides of Su Yun head. 那壮汉瞳孔一缩,感觉是个机会,竟‘啊’的怒吼一声,松开铁锤,跃了过去,两只拳头一左一右朝苏云脑袋的两侧拍了过来。 Thump! 咚! The bang gets up. 巨响起。 But, the robust man has patted spatial, front that person vanishes swiftly does not see, his heart one tight, retreats looks suddenly, but the person has not turned around, a foot trampled suddenly on his buttocks. 但,壮汉拍了个空,面前那人倏然间消失不见,他心脏一紧,猛然后退看去,但人还未转过身来,一只脚突然踹在了他的屁股上。 Whiz. 嗖。 The robust men flew, fell tumbled several in the arena, is seven meat eight elements, was difficult the strength. 壮汉飞了出去,摔在擂台上滚落了几圈,已是七荤八素,难有战力。 When he just about to crawls, that side Su Yun discussed his two sledgehammers, stood before him, the sledgehammer arrived on his forehead, so long as Su Yun made an effort, may make his head blast out like the watermelon... 当他刚要爬起来时,那边的苏云论起他那两把大锤,立在他面前,大锤抵在他的脑门上,只要苏云用力,可让他的脑袋如西瓜般炸开... Victory and defeat already makes known! 胜负已经揭晓! I lost...” “我输了...” The robust men have spoken haltingly the lower lip, unwilling [say / way]. 壮汉嗫嚅了下唇,不甘道。 Works as. 哐当。 Iron hammer of Su Yun in the hand throws on the ground, turns around then to walk toward the arena under. 苏云将手中铁锤丢在地上,转身便朝擂台下走去。 „No. 42 arena, the player Wu Yun (Su Yun) victory, player Wu Yun (Su Yun) promotes for snake group player.” “42号擂台,选手无云胜利,选手无云晋升为‘蛇组’选手。” Referee the sound of shouting emits. 裁判的呼喊之声冒出。 .... .... But at the same time, this giant statue surrounding arena also once for a while sends out the player pitiful cry and referee resounding announcement sound, some first competition people hit especially intense, some people hit unusual relaxed, but without a doubt, first insect promote snake the competition, will reject half to surmise the warm-blooded teenage boys and girls of dream. 而同一时间,这巨大雕像周围的擂台也时不时发出选手凄惨的叫声与裁判高亢的宣布声,第一场比赛有人打的尤为激烈,也有人打的异常轻松,但毫无疑问,第一场‘虫’晋‘蛇’的比试,将剔除掉一半怀揣着梦想的热血少男少女。
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