In Su Yunis staring atthatwoman, the womanalsosidecrossed the head, realizeshim.
就在苏云盯着那女人时,女人也侧过了首,察觉到他。„Has the matter?”
“有事吗?”Sheshows a faint smileto ask.
她微微一笑问道。„Is all right...”Su Yunhas swepteyewomanfast, reallydoes not know that whosheis, thenmakes up wild storiessaid: „Young Lady, althoughwears the mask, butobservesyourmakingsas well as the ideal condition, decidingisimmortalperson, ifYoung Ladyis convenient, can take off the mask, letssee the beautiful face below?”
“没事...”苏云快速扫了眼这女人,实在不知她是何人,便胡诌道:“小姐虽戴面具,但观您气质以及意境,定是仙人般的人儿,若小姐方便,能否摘下面具,让在下一睹芳容?”„Takes off the mask? Why don't youtake offyourmask? Also, thisYoung Ladyappearance, wasyoucanlook?”
“摘下面具?呵,你又为何不把你的面具摘下?再说,本小姐的样子,是你能看的吗?”In the femalelogical expressionbringswithdisdainingarrogantly, said with a smilelightly.
女人话中带着高傲与不屑,轻笑道。Su Yun: „”苏云:“”
The womentake back the line of sight, the personcontinuestoward.
The back that Su Yunlooks atthatwoman, in the eye the doubtsdo not seeas before.苏云看着那女人的背影,眼里依旧疑惑不见。Suddenly.
The womanpersonal appearancestagnates, line of sightshiftsonce again.
那女人身形一滞,视线再度转移。Su Yunstares, looksfollowinghervision, actuallysaw the both eyes of thatwomanto fallon a not far awayperson.苏云微愣,顺着她的目光望去,却见那女人的双目落在了不远处的一个人身上。But before thatperson, femalemember who sends forprobing the Su Yunstrength.
而那个人正是之前派人试探苏云实力的女修士。Inthatremnantsurfacefemaleeyesflashes through a strangeray, lightlipmicro, a tonguehas licked the lip, afterward the mark timetothatfemalemember, chitchattedwithit.
The femalememberas iffeelsto the stranger who thisgoes forwardsuddenlydoes not adapt, before greetinghastily, thatgroup of men, have encircledthatremnantsurfacewoman.
女修士似乎对这突然上前的陌生人感到不适应,连忙招呼过来之前那群男子,将那残面女人围了起来。Alsodoes not know that the remnantsurfacewomansaidanything, the femalemember the vigilantlookrelaxedgradually, slowly, twogroups of peoplealsochatted, once for a whilewill have the laughterto emit.
也不知残面女人说了什么,女修士逐渐警惕的神色放松了下来,慢慢,两帮人也聊了开来,时不时会有笑声冒出。Sawthis, Su Yunlowers the headto ponder.
After the moment, heturns aroundthento walk, goestowardowncave mansionline.
片刻后,他转身便走,朝自己洞府行去。„Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother!”
“无云大哥!”Justentered the cave mansion, Hong Yanthen from sitting in meditationto revive, seesSu Yunto walkfromoutside, immediatelymoved forward to meet somebody.
刚入洞府,红雁便从入定中苏醒过来,见苏云从外头走来,立刻迎了上去。„Hong Yan!”Su Yunnods.
“红雁!”苏云点点头。Hong Yanhas sized upSu Yun, covers the lipto smile: „Wu Yun (Su Yun) was Big brotherseesold friend?”红雁上上下下打量了苏云一番,掩唇而笑:“无云大哥是去见故人了吗?”„Old friend?”Su Yunstares.
“故人?”苏云一愣。„Yes, old friend.”Hong Yansaid with a smile: „Qinchuangatheredprettytalentfar apart, manypeoplecaninQinchuansee that someandmake the friend who knows... What's wrong? Wu Yun (Su Yun) didn't Big brotherjustgo to the meetingfriend?”
“是啊,故人啊。”红雁笑道:“秦川聚集了天南地北的俊秀天才,很多人能在秦川里见到一些与自己交知的朋友...怎么?难道无云大哥刚刚不是去会朋友吗?”„It is not.” The Su Yunforced smileshakes the head: „Walkscasually.”
“不是。”苏云苦笑摇摇头:“只是随便走走。”„... ThatWu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, is latechatsagain! Isoughtmyold friend, heard that shealsoplannedto participate inmountains and riverslistcompetition, does not know that the personarrived inQinchuannot to have, manyyearsdid not see, howalsodid not knowitsstrength...”
“哦...那无云大哥,晚点再聊吧!我去寻我故友了,听说她也准备参加山河榜大赛,也不知人到了秦川没,多年不见,也不知其实力如何...”„Um, goes.”
“嗯,去吧。”Hong Yannods, the personthenleft.红雁点点头,人便离开了。Hong Yanleaves, the Su Yunsafe, thencontinuesto sit cross-leggedto sit in meditation.红雁离开,苏云无事,便继续盘膝打坐。NowhadSixth Level Spirit Soul Disciplecultivation, the mountains and riverslistisyoungJun the competition, althoughto the entiremainland, endless of tyrantsmasternumber, makes the magic weaponalsoemerge one after another incessantly, buttheircultivationhave the upper limit, 30years, even if the talentis good, the intelligenceis strong, is impossibleto step intoSpirit Star Disciplecultivation?
如今已有灵玄魂六品修为,山河榜到底是年轻俊才之间的比赛,虽然是面向整个大陆,豪强高手数之不尽,所使法宝也是层出不穷,但他们的修为到底是有上限的,30年,就算天赋再好,资质再强,也不可能踏入灵玄阳修为吧?Onehave the massivemagic weapons, Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, enoughcrush.
自己拥有大量法宝,还有灵玄魂六品,足够碾压。Su Yunthoughts.苏云心思。Sits in meditation, calms the mindwith rapt attention, within the bodySpiritual EyesreleasesAurato dripin the breath and pulsesslowly, is moisteningfrom top to bottomeach....
入定起来,凝神静心,体内灵眼释放出气息在气脉间缓缓淌过,滋润着浑身上下每一处....Hong Yanleft the practicecave mansion, thenseeks forherold friend, afteritchats, in pairssays good-bye, Hong Yanreturns is actually heavyhearted, finallyhas not returned toowncave mansion, insteadsneaked inWang Zhong Shanand the othersin the cave mansions.红雁离开了修炼洞府,便去寻找她的故友,与之畅聊一番后,双双辞别,只是,红雁返回之际却是忧心忡忡,最终还是没有回到自己的洞府,反而钻进了王重山等人的洞府内。Just in time, Luo Xiao Miao, Li Qingand the othersalsoallhere, the peopleencirclein the same placeare chattinganything.
正巧,洛萧淼、李青等人也皆在此,众人围在一起畅聊着什么。„Hong Yan!”Wang Zhong Shansees the person, has smiledsaying with a smile: „Did youcome? BrotherWu Yun (Su Yun)?”
“红雁!”王重山见到来人,笑了笑道:“你来了?无云兄弟呢?”„He....Healsointraining.”Fullisstate of mindHong Yangains ground, squeezes the smiling faceto say.
“他....他还在修养。”满是心绪的红雁抬起头,挤出笑容道。„Wu Yun (Su Yun)brotherstrengthis so strong, is relatedwithhiseffort, we should also learnfrom the Wu Yun (Su Yun)brother.”Wang Zhong Shanacclaimed.
“无云兄实力这么强,与他的努力不无关系啊,我们也该向无云兄学习。”王重山赞叹。„Yes.”Luo Xiao Miaohas stopped the moment, said: „... On the other hand, the Wu Yun (Su Yun)brother is really also strange.”
“是啊。”洛萧淼停顿了片刻,又道:“不过...话说回来,无云兄也着实奇怪啊。”„Strange? Wherefelt strange?”
“奇怪?哪里奇怪了?”„Isn't thisstrange? His isDivine Swordsends, did not send for the colleaguewithDivine Swordall the way, tothisQinchuan, hedid not goto send the discipleto meetwithDivine Sword, insteadcontinuedto treatwithusin the same place, was not strange... Yousaidthathecannot beDivine Swordsends the disciple?”
“这还不奇怪吗?他本为神剑派人,一路上不与神剑派人同行也就算了,到了这秦川,他也不去与神剑派弟子会合,反而继续与我们待在一块,还不奇怪吗...你们说,他会不会不是神剑派弟子啊?”Thissayingfalls, Wang Zhong Shanand the othersallcongealed the brow.
这话落下,王重山等人皆凝起了眉头。„It is not Divine Swordsends the disciple, howthatcanimperialSword Skill...”Li Qingchenasked.
“不是神剑派弟子,那怎么会御剑术...”李青沉问。Twopeoplelookin pairstowardWang Zhong Shan, obviously, theiralreadygot suspicious.
二人双双朝王重山望去,显然,他们已经起了疑心。„Are othersDivine Swordsend the discipleandyourwhatGan?”At this moment, nearbyHong Yanis scolding.
The peoplestare.
众人一愣。Butlooks atHong Yanto fork the waist, snort|humsaid: „PerhapsisWu Yun (Su Yun)Big brotherhas the contradictionwith the person who theseDivine Swordsend, thisinconveniencesin the same place! Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brotherabsolutelyis not an unprincipled person, why will otherwise hego all outyou? Has not thought that hehas rescuedyourlife, youstilldiscussedhimin the backunexpectedly, suspectedhim... You... Reallyshameless!!”
但看红雁叉着腰,哼道:“或许是无云大哥与那些神剑派的人有矛盾,这才不便在一起!无云大哥绝对不是坏人,不然他为什么会拼命就你们?没想到他救了你们的命,你们居然还在背后议论他,怀疑他...你们...真是无耻!!”„No... It is not this, Iam onlystrange, is onlya littlestrange...”Luo Xiao Miaoand the othersbeckonagain and again, is all sweating profuselyto say.
“不...不是这样的,我只是奇怪,只是有点奇怪而已...”洛萧淼等人连连招手,个个满头大汗道。„Did not permityouto discussWu Yun (Su Yun)Big brothertoback!! Whono matterheis, hewill not harmyouin any caseand that's the end!”
“不准你们在到背后议论无云大哥了!!不管他是谁,反正他不会害你们就是了!”Hong Yanis livingsomesulks, turns aroundthento walk.红雁生着些闷气,转身便走。Althoughinherheartalsosomewhatsuspected, butsherathersuspectsconcealthisin the heart.
虽然她心中也有些怀疑,但她宁愿将这份怀疑藏于心中。Returns to the cave mansion, thenseesSu Yunstillto sit in meditation, hiswhole bodyat this momentis sending outsevencolorrays, mysteriouspeerless, thatpicturejust likeimmortalNirvana.
回到洞府,便见苏云还在入定之中,此刻的他浑身散发着七彩光芒,神奇绝伦,那景象宛如仙人涅槃。„WhatAura is this?”
“这是什么气息?”Hong Yanstaredin a big way the eye, stoodin front ofSu Yuncarefulwas looking athishalo, feltis very inconceivable, herhurriedwholedrew out the doublepupil, the carefulfeeling, actuallythoughtinthisAurato mix with‚windto live, reallyGang, scarletpositiveandcrazyblade edgeunexpectedlyvigorouslyandspirit’fiveAura, and... In addition, hastwodifferent kindAuraunexpectedly.红雁瞪大了眼,站在苏云面前仔细的望着他身上的光晕,感觉很不可思议,她急忙阖起双眸,细细感受,却觉这气息之中竟然夹杂着‘风疾、灵生、真罡、赤阳、狂刃’五种气息,而且...除此之外,竟还有两种别样的气息。
” This... What is this?? „
”这...这是什么??“Hong Yanopens eyessuddenly, dumbfoundedis looking atthis.红雁猛然睁开眼,目瞪口呆的望着这一幕。Actuallysaw the haloslowlyemaciatedly, Su Yunboth handshave lifted the crown, afterwardput downslowly, oneshareair currenttwinedinhistenfingers.
呼!Su Yunbreathed a sigh of relief, thenopens eyes, actuallyseesHong Yanto standin front ofoneself.苏云舒了口气,接着睁开眼,却见红雁站在自己面前。„How?”
“怎么了?”„Not... Notanything, Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, you... Whatattributeyourspiritprofound is Aura?”
“唔...没什么,无云大哥,你...你的灵玄气息是什么属性啊?”„Asked that whatthisdoes make?”
“问这个做什么?”„Youcultivated when a moment agohalo that overflows... Unexpectedlymanyunusualattributes, is thisyourAuraattributeflavor?”
“刚才你修炼时溢出的光晕...竟然有好多奇特的属性,这是你的气息属性味道吗?”Su Yunhearthat, has hesitatedmoment, said: „It is not, smell that butmymagic weaponsends out.”苏云闻言,迟疑了片刻,道:“不是,只是我一件法宝散发出来的气味。”„...”Hong Yannodded.
轰咚!Suddenly, cave mansionentranceresounds a bang, the entirecave mansiontrembledlightlyseveral, the roar that then listens tobeing in a towering ragepassed on.
突然,洞府门口响起一记巨响,整个洞府轻颤了几下,而后便听一记怒气冲天的吼声传了进来。„Insidepersoncomes out!! A bit fasterleavetome!!!”
“滚出来!!!”„A bit fasterleave!! Otherwisewethenmustkill!!”
....Angrywhistlingkeeps ringing, onlymakes the personthinkquitegratingly.
愤怒的啸叫声响个不停,只让人觉好生刺耳。Su Yunandcross-eyed of Hong Yandoubts, thensets outto gotoward the cave mansionlayman.苏云与红雁疑惑的对视一眼,便起身朝洞府外行去。Justarrived atoutside the hole, butlooked that massivespiritcultivationstopped upin the entrance, grasped the sword, whistled byloudly, seessomepeopleto go out, the peoplehave encircledimmediately, blockedtwopeople of ways.
刚到洞外,但看大量灵修者堵在门口,一个个手持刀剑,大声啸叫,见有人走出,众人立刻围了过来,将二人的去路拦死。About20person, whatleadisoneis keeping the young man of smallstampgoatbeard.
大约20来号人,领头的是一个留着小戳山羊胡须的年轻男子。Su Yunwrinkles the brow, took a fast look aroundsurroundingperson, asked: „Who are you? Whatcomesthisto make?”苏云皱紧眉头,扫视了周围人一圈,问道:“你们是谁?来这做什么?”Butlooked that year the lightmandrew onthin and smallspiritcultivation, inquiredin a low voice, thatthin and smallspiritcultivationlooked atSu Yun, noddedagain and again.
The young mansees that in the eyepassed over gently and swiftly the richflame, afterwardfalls the line of sightonSu Yun, the racketstrikes one's chestto shout: „Myname wasLiuZheng! Thesefollowmeto participate in the competitionbrothersfrom the Huai Hairegiontothis! Ileadthemto comeyourthis, mustaskyouto want a justice!!”
“公道?”„Right, just!”
The young mangets angrysaidthatafterwardliftshandonemove, behindcrowdseparatesimmediately, afterward a facial coloris pale, the woman of suffocationwas lifted.
年轻男子怒道,随后抬手一招,后头的人群立刻分离开来,随后一个面色铁青,奄奄一息的女人被人抬了过来。Seesthatwomansurprised, Su Yunslightlyone.
The woman who when wasbeforeexitedunexpectedlystrollswantsto probeoneselfstrength.
竟是之前出去闲逛时欲试探自己实力的女人。Herclothingis not slightly positive, the whole personis distracted, halfduskpartlyawakes, is sweating profusely, seemed falling into the endlesspain.
她衣衫略微不正,整个人精神恍惚,半昏半醒,满头大汗,似乎正陷入了无尽的痛苦之中。„Somepeopleseeherfinallywithyouin the same place, nowsheturns intothisappearance, saidquicklythatis you do?”
“有人看到她最后是与你在一起的,如今她变成这幅模样,快说,是不是你做的?”„Seeswithmein the same place?”Su Yunfrowned, the heartalsounderstood the matter before , because.
“看到与我在一起?”苏云皱起眉头,心头也明白了事情的前因。What the womendo not knowto encounter, turns intothisappearance, hercompanion, plansforheroverangry, butsomepeoplesaw themselvesexactlywithherhuman relations, thisgives credit toherpresent situationtooneself.
女人不知遭遇何事,变成这副模样,她的同伴恼怒至极,打算为她出头,而恰好有人看到了自己与她的交际,这才把她的现状归功于自己。However... Sheas ifwears the woman of maskwiththatfinallyintogether? Whywill implicate falselytoownon? Remembers that womaninitiallysomesidealsomanytalented people are right!
不过...她最后似乎是与那个戴着面具的女人在一起的吧?为何会诬赖到自己头上?记得女人当初身旁还有不少人才对啊!„Hello, Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brotherhas practicedin the cave mansion, whenwithherinone? Do not make false accusations! Everythingmustspeak the evidence, do not talk nonsensewithoutevidence!”
“喂,无云大哥一直在洞府内修炼,什么时候与她在一块了?你们不要血口喷人!凡事要讲证据,没有证据就不要胡说八道!”Hong Yanstandsto cometo shout.红雁站上前来喊道。„Evidence? Mypersonis the evidence, theysaid that sawthatsaw! Ifturns intothisappearanceblue, definitelyishedoes!”
刘正怒道。„Shefinallynotwithmeinsame place, butwears the woman of mask in the same place, ifyoumusttrace the murderer, is bestshe, butis notlooks upme.”Su Yunpale[say / way].
“她最后不是与我在一起,而是跟个戴面具的女人在一起,如果你们要追查凶手,最好去查查她,而不是来查我。”苏云淡道。„Whatwears the woman of mask? Where is sheat?”
“什么戴面具的女人?她在哪?”„Ido not know.”
“我不知道。”„! Littlemustdivertourattention, no matterIthat many, youmustgiveustoday a confession, otherwisethismatterwill not give upin light of this.”
“嘁!少要转移我们的视线,我不管那么多,今天你必须要给我们一个交代,否则这件事情不会就此罢休。”„Confessedtoyou?”Su Yunboth handshold the chest: „Why? Thisis notIdoes, can youactuallyaskmeto be responsible for? IfIdid not confesstoyouthatyou can also be what kind of? Extinguishedme? Here, do youbeginto try? Goesto pass on the protector? Thatis better, groundless, Ido not believeyoucanslanderme!”
“你...”LiuZheng, the air/Qiwordsa littlecould not sayangry.
刘正恼怒至极,气的话都有点说不出来。Finally, hegives up, gets angry: „Boy, do not letmemeetyouin the athletic field, otherwiseIwill certainly killyou!! Waits!!”
最终,他一罢手,怒道:“小子,别让我在赛场上遇见你,否则我一定会杀了你!!等着瞧把!!”Then, turns aroundto shout: „Walks!”
说完,转身大喊:“走!”Onecrowd of personscattereddepartures, have the spunk that cannot be dispersing.
一群人稀稀落落的离开,带着散不掉的怒意。„, Onegroup of anypeople, groundlessimplicate falsely the personunexpectedly, is really.”Hong Yanhonkwas shouting.
“切,一群什么人啊,无凭无据居然来诬赖人,真是的。”红雁嘟嚷着。Su Yunfeels the chin, seems pondering overanything, Hong Yanhas turned aroundto look athisoneeyes: „Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, youdo not needto be worriedthatbyyourstrength, does not needto fearthem.”苏云摸着下巴,似乎在思忖着什么,红雁转过身看了他一眼:“无云大哥,你不用担心,以你的实力,根本不必怕他们。”„Ido not fearthem, butis thinking that called, ifbluewoman.”
“我不是怕他们,而是在想那个叫若兰的女人。”„How? Should shenot die?”
“怎么了?她应该没死把?”„Dieshas not died, but the essenceby the extinction, towas not been far.”Su Yunshakes the head.
“死是没死,不过精气被吸光了,离死也不远了。”苏云摇头。„What... What? Essencebyextinction? She... Herwas pickedmakes upcloudypositive?” The Hong Yanfacial colorblanch, mutteredasks.
“什...什么?精气被吸光了?她...她被人采阴补阳了吗?”红雁面色发白,喃喃问道。„Picksmakes upcloudypositive?”Su Yunshook the head, in the eyepassed over gently and swiftly an offensecolor: „Ithought that shouldbepicksmakes upcloudycloudy...”
铛!!!!!At this time, a melodiousdinghas spread overin the entirevalleyterritory...
这时,一记悠扬的钟声传遍了整个谷域之中...Hong Yanonehear, the facial coloris startledlightly: „Big brother, the ballotstarted!!”红雁一听,面色轻怔:“大哥,抽签开始了!!”„Ballot?”
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