All right!
The Su Yunsupreme enlightenmentis surprised, toMonarch Occultformidablealsofeelsbeing astonishedespeciallyhowever.苏云大觉惊奇,对君神力的强大也感到尤为的讶然。Has not thoughtreallythatMonarch Occultalsohassucheffect.
The hotreasontook a fast look around, seeswithout the difference, thennods: „Youralreadythrough the examination of Pond of Intentions, now, Igets you place of practice, place that during arrangingyoucompete, restsandtherapy.”
“有劳火大人了。”„Does not needto be polite, callsme the hotreasonthen.” The hotreasonnods, afterwardturns aroundthento walk.
“不必客气,叫我火缘即可。”火缘点点头,随后转身便走。Butatthis time, onerow of peopleentered the Pond of Intentionsregion, theywere gettingbycultivation of white clothingwhitemasksimilarly, leisurewalks.
但在这时,又有一列人走进了心潭区域,他们同样被一名白衣白面具的修者领着,慢悠悠的走来。TwoFangpeopleconnects withexactly.
“唔?”Wang Zhong Shanand the othersstiffened the body.王重山等人僵住了身躯。WalksstaresinbehindSu Yun, looksfollowingtheirvision, thenlooks atBei Xuan Mingand the otherstowardhereline, theyglance right and left, are sizing uparoundthis, seems quite curioustoall around.
走在后头的苏云微愣,顺着他们的目光望去,便看北轩鸣等人正朝这儿行来,他们左顾右盼,打量着这四周,似乎对四周极为好奇。Whenrealized when somepeoplegaze at themselves, theyraise eyesto lookin abundance.
当察觉有人注视自己时,他们纷纷举目而望。„Yo? Isn't thisWang the brother? Has not thought ofyouunexpectedlyalsohere...”Bei Xuan Mingseesthisgroup of people, immediatelyswung the folding fan, showed a faint smile.
“哟?这不是王兄吗?没想到你们居然还到了这儿啊...”北轩鸣看到这帮人,顿时摇开了折扇,微微一笑。„Lifealso is really hard, unexpectedlyhas not died, goodgood.”
The behindrulersmallluandisdainsto say with a smile.
后头的尺小鸾不屑笑道。„Cheap person!”Hong Yansaidangry.
“贱人!”红雁恼怒而道。„Is small**! PrevioustimeIwas forgiving, had not butcheredyou, did pouringmakeyoureach out for a yard after taking an inch? Snort, reallydoes not know good from bad, in the athletic field, be carefulIwill tear to piecesyourmouthfrom now on!” The rulersmallluanis staringHong Yan.
“小**!上次我留情了,没宰了你,倒让你得寸进尺了?哼,真是不知好歹,待过后在赛场上,当心我撕烂你的嘴!”尺小鸾瞪着红雁。„Frank and uprightcontest, youthink that Ido fearyou?”
“光明正大的较量,你以为我怕你吗?”„Ha Ha Ha Ha, reallyoverreaches oneself!! LaterIwill makeyouattractive.”
The rulersmallluanhappilylaughs, ineyecompletelyisto despiseanddisdains.
尺小鸾得意大笑,眼里尽是轻蔑与不屑。„What did yousay? Onegroup of meansinistervillains! Youdo not matchto participate inmountains and riverslist.”
The Luo Xiao Miaoangershouted to clear the way.洛萧淼怒喝道。„Doesn't match? Don't wematch? Do yourthisgroup of wastematch?”
The rulersmallluanrebutted with sarcasm.
尺小鸾反唇相讥。„Ha Ha Ha Ha...”
“哈哈哈哈...”Immediately, the person of Bei Xuan Mingthatheadhas laughed, the soundis exceptionally grating.
立刻,北轩鸣那头的人哈哈大笑了起来,声音异常刺耳。Wang Zhong Shanand the others the complexionrisesimmediately the liver colored.王重山等人脸色立刻涨成了猪肝色。Butin the nextsecond, the facial expression of rulersmallluanstiffened.
可就在下一秒,尺小鸾的神情僵住了。Herboth eyesenlargeslightly, breathesomecoagulations, whydoes not know, persongentlyretreats.
她的双目微微放大,呼吸有些凝紧,不知为何,人都在轻轻地后退。„Um?”Bei Xuan Mingtoward the Wang Zhong Shanteambehindlooks.
“嗯?”北轩鸣朝王重山队伍的后头望去。Butlooked that severalpeople of behindgoes out ofoneto wear the maskgradually, puts on the person of jet blackswordtaking.
但看那几人的后头缓步走出一名戴着面具,穿着漆黑剑服的人。Helooks at the people, the stepscomes, the eye under maskreflectsthoroughly a loathing.
他看着众人,踏步而来,面具下的眼映透着一丝厌恶。„Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother.”
“无云大哥。”Hong Yanjoyful[say / way].红雁欣喜道。Butlooked that Su Yunpassedgradually, standsinfront of people, the visionfloodhas been despisinganddisdained.
但看苏云缓步过去,站在了众人的前头,目光泛着轻蔑与不屑。Right, disdains, thiswasfootsmallluanand the others the look.
“说完了没有?”Su Yunopens the mouthslowly.苏云缓缓开口。„You....”
“你....”„Said that quicklymakes way, wemustpass, do not block the road.”Su Yunis tall, wantscompared withBei Xuan Mingherememberhighmany, even ifthereforeis the speech , the feelings of occupying a commanding position, the peoplehave experiencedhispowerfulstrengthin addition, suddenly, invisiblepressurecageinpeopleheart.
“说完就快让开,我们要过去了,别堵路。”苏云身材高大,比北轩鸣这边的队员都要高不少,因此即便是说话,也有一种居高临下的感觉,加上众人是见识过他强悍的实力,一时间,无形的压力笼于众人心头。„Hears? A bit fastermakes way!”Hong Yanboth handsare forking the waist, shoutedtorulersmallluanand the others.
“听见没有?快点让开!”红雁双手叉着腰,冲着尺小鸾等人喊道。„Hateful!” The rulersmallluan, thenmustlaunch an attackangry.
“可恶!”尺小鸾恼怒至极,便要发难。Butat this time, a handhas held downhershoulder.
The rulersmallluanengages in self-examinationto look, actuallyseesisbehindBei Xuan Ming.
尺小鸾反身望去,却见是身后的北轩鸣。„Considers as finished, wego to the Pond of Intentionstest, do not waste the timeinthis, does not have the meaning, for the time being... Letstheirself-satisfiedlittle while.”Bei Xuan Mingnarrows the eyesto focus saying that heas if not feelto dreadto the Su Yunstrength, butsaidthatSu Yunindeedhas not seenBei Xuan Mingto get rid, althoughknowshisstrengthFirst Level Spirit Soul Disciple, butthere is a rulersmallluanexample, doesn't hedaretoitlooking down upon, oneselfnot to beby the fellow who the magic weaponeats meal?
“算了算了,咱们还是去心潭测试吧,不要在这浪费时间了,没意思,暂且...就让他们得意会儿吧。”北轩鸣眯着眼说道,他对苏云的实力似乎并不感到畏惧,不过说起来,苏云也的确未见北轩鸣出手,虽知晓他的实力不过灵玄魂一品,但有了尺小鸾这个例子,他也不敢对之小视,更者,自己不就是个靠法宝吃饭的家伙吗?„You , if there is gratitude and grudges, should betterin the athletic fieldsolves, in secretpleasedo not fight, will otherwise punishaccording to the Qinchuancriminal law, pleasesincerelyrecord.”
The hotreasonsaidlightlythat then got out of the way.
火缘淡淡说道,接着便走开了。Su Yunhas not spoken, passes through the Bei Xuan Mingteamdirectly, along withiton.苏云未吭声,径直穿过北轩鸣的队伍,随之而上。„Waits and sees.”
The rulersmallluantowalkingpastHong Yansaidin a low voice.
两支队伍分开。Su Yunand the othersbyhotmarginal zoneto the rearhills.苏云等人被火缘带到了后方的群山之中。
The place of so-calledpractice, nothing butisnaturalcave mansions, butthiscave mansionmay the cave mansioncompared withopen countrywantcleanneatmany, in the cave mansionSpirit Qicomes up in great numbers and from all sides, was addedby the protectorsholds, massivesealfall, about the wallhas the countlessbrightgems, cave mansionilluminationbrightradiant.
所谓的修炼之地,无非就是一个个天然的洞府,不过这洞府可比野外的洞府要干净整洁的多,洞府内灵气横生,被守护者们加持过,大量印阵落于其中,墙壁左右更是有数不尽的明亮宝石,将洞府照射的明亮璀璨。However, the cave mansionis notoneperson of one, are too much because of the player, the Qinchuanprotectorsarrange their cave mansion.
不过,洞府并非一人一间,因参赛选手过多,秦川守护者们安排两人一个洞府。Su Yunverynotfortunately, withHong Yanone, Wang Zhong ShanandLuo Xiao Miao, ShenHaowithanothernamedLi Qing'spersonone, butremainingthatwithspiritcultivationone that otherhave not been acquainted.苏云很不凑巧,与红雁一间,王重山与洛萧淼,沈浩与另外一名叫李青的人一间,而剩下那位则与其他未曾相识的灵修者一间。„, Hereis quite beautiful, Ilongam so big, has not practicedin the cave mansion.”
“哇,这里好漂亮啊,我长这么大,还没在洞府里修炼呢。”Hong Yanenters the cave mansion, thenin all directionslooks around, lookseverywheretraceseverywhere, such ascuriousbaby.红雁一入洞府,便四处张望起来,到处看到处摸,如好奇宝宝。
Hasn't Su Yunspoken, to the cave mansionend, thensoughtrecreationlawto sit cross-leggedto sit down, controls one's breathing.苏云未说什么话,到了洞府尽头,便寻到休养法阵盘膝坐下,调息起来。„Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, twodaysmuststart, the sports eventcarries on the form of ballot, yousaid that whom our firstmatcheswill run into?”
“无云大哥,还有两天就要开赛,赛事是以抽签的形式进行,你说我们第一场的对手会遇到谁啊?”Hong Yanruns over, sits asks the Su Yunside.红雁跑过来,坐在苏云的身旁问道。„So long asdo not run intoourpeople on one's own sidebecomes.”
“只要别遇到我们自己人就成了。”Su Yuneyes closedsaid.苏云闭目道。„Ihopeto meetfootsmallluanthatcheap personbut actually, has abandonedherin the athletic field, theyrevengesforLonghaiBig brother.”Hong Yansaid.
“我倒希望遇见尺小鸾那贱人,在赛场上废了她,为陇海大哥他们报仇。”红雁道。Su Yunhas not made a sound.苏云未吱声。„WordssaidWu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, previoustimelistened toyou saying that youdid link the regionpersondefinitely?”
“决连区域哪个地方?”„Youasked that whatthisdoes make?”Su Yunhas opened the eye, strangelooks atHong Yan.
“只是好奇啊。”Hong Yansmiled.红雁笑了笑。Su Yunshook the head: „Ifluttereverywhere, fromdefinitelylinksin the regionto flutter.”苏云摇了摇头:“我到处飘,就是从决连区域里飘出来的。”„ThatWu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother... Icanhave a request, can youpromiseme?”At this time, Hong Yanalsoasked.
“那无云大哥...我能有个请求,你可以答应我吗?”这时,红雁又问了开来。„Request? Yousaidfirstwhatrequested?”
“请求?你先说说什么请求?”„Isthat...”Hong Yanwas somewhat coy, shelowers the headto hesitate, for a long time, the talented personblows up the couragestart to talk, said: „Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, you... Can youtake off the mask, makingmehave a look atyourface.”
“我的脸?”Su Yunstares: „Youmustthink that whatmyfacedoes make?”苏云一愣:“你要看我的脸做什么?”
The Hong Yanfacial expressionis earnest, sheis lifting the doublepupil, looks atSu Yun, said: „Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, if not foryouget rid, wealreadydiedinthatroad junction, youhave savedus, has savedmylife, thereforeyouaremysavior, ourredfamily memberis the gratitude and grudgesis always distinct, has the graciousnessto repay a debt of gratitude, Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, Iknow that youwear the maskdefinitelyto have the reason, butpleaseletmetake downyourface, in the futureIwill certainly repayyourbenevolence.”红雁的神情认真起来,她举着双眸,看着苏云,道:“无云大哥,若不是你出手,我们大家早就死在那道口了,你救了我们大家,更救了我的性命,所以你就是我的救命恩人,我们红家人一向是恩怨分明,有恩报恩的,无云大哥,我知道你戴面具肯定是有原因的,但请让我记下你的脸,将来我一定会报答你的恩情的。”„Does not use, thatsituation, will beindividualwill not stand by, youdo not needto care.”
“不用了,那种情况,是个人都不会袖手旁观,你不必放在心上。”„But if cannotsee clearlyyourtrueappearance, myunderstandinghasrestlessly.”
The Hong Yanmanneris earnest, not having the least bitto be artificial.红雁态度认真,没有半点做作。Su Yunsees that meditated.苏云见状,凝思了起来。Hong Yanhas not seen the Su Yunappearance, in additionquitehave the changeinEvil Realm, makingherhave a lookalsoto might as wellbut actually.红雁并未见苏云的模样,加上自己在邪界颇有变化,让她看看倒也无妨。Thinks ofhere, Su Yunputs out a hand, tracesapproaches the mask on ownface.
The masktakes off.
面具摘下。Straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwardsstar, but the facial colorexceptionallypaleface, fellin the line of sight of Hong Yan.
一张剑眉星目,但面色异常苍白的脸,落在了红雁的视线当中。Hong Yandullis looking, some little time‚’called: „Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother... youquitelead...”红雁呆呆的望着,好一会儿才‘哇’的一声叫开了:“无云大哥...你好帅啊...”Su Yun: „....”苏云:“....”„Hee hee, suchgood-lookingface, whymustwear the mask.”
“嘻嘻,这么俊俏的脸,干嘛要戴面具啊。”Hong Yancame the topic, Su Yunhas tosuspect that thisgirl was only the puresuspectis sex-mad.红雁又来话题了,苏云不得不怀疑这女孩是不是只是单纯的犯花痴。Was hot-temperedseveralalong withhergua, Su Yunthencontinuedto sit cross-leggedto control one's breathing, was disinclinedto sayagain.
随她呱躁了几句,苏云便继续盘膝调息了,也懒得再多说。Hong Yanhas enlivened the period of time, seesSu Yunnot to be as if bigtoowninterest, thenalsostopped.红雁活跃了一阵子,见苏云似乎对自己兴趣不大,便也消停了下来。Twopeoplethensit cross-leggedinthiscave mansion the practice, quick that the timepasses, suddenly, onedaytimethenpassed by.
二人便在这洞府内盘膝修炼,时间过的很快,眨眼之间,一日的功夫便过去了。Thistime, isiron corefineexceedingly highreflects, if unable to win a goodpositionat the sports event, allnotonempty talk?
这次来,是铁了心要得通天鉴,若无法在赛事上拿个好名次,一切不就空谈?Su Yunhas not waited for a long time, almost, thenopened eyes the body, transferred the itemto look atHong Yan, actuallysawherstillto sit in meditationineyes closed, thenhas not disturbed, the stepswenttoward the cave mansionlayman.苏云并没有久待,差不多后便睁开眼起了身,转目看了眼红雁,却见她还在闭目打坐,便也未打扰,踏步朝洞府外行去。This seems only the mountains and riverslistmostprimaryathletic field, a hereseeded playercannot see, naturally, sinceasseeded player, indeeddoes not needto carry onthispreliminary contestagain.
这似乎只是山河榜最初级的赛场,此处一个种子选手都看不到,当然,既然是作为种子选手,也的确不需要再进行这初赛了。Su Yunloiterseverywhere, seeksis having mystical powers the place of profoundto take a walk, naturally, hiseyeactuallydoes not stand still, takes a fast look aroundrepeatedlyis presentingthesespiritprofound, the Heavenly Scale Divine Eyesstimulation of movement, the strengths of allpeoplehetakes in everything at a glance.苏云到处逛荡,寻着有灵玄者的地方走动,当然,他的眼睛却也不停歇,频频扫视着在场那些灵玄者,天鳞神目催动,所有人的实力他一览无遗。Linehow long, canseescene that manyspiritcultivationfight, although the Qinchuanprotectorsspoke the stipulation unable to fight, but if the peopleunder the pretext ofcontending in martial artsto compare notes, thatwas the Qinchuanprotectorsalsotakesitnot to have the means.
The Su Yunlineto a mountain streamnear, heresitsmanyspiritcultivation, theysit cross-leggedonYuDashi, is derivingQinchuan the air/Qi of dayspirit, herehasin the cave mansionnoAura, naturally, does not havein the cave mansionsomeAura.苏云行至一处山涧边,这儿坐着不少灵修者,他们盘膝于大石上,汲取着秦川的天灵之气,这儿有洞府内没有的气息,当然,也没有洞府里有的气息。Participatingspiritcultivationwalk back and forthin the side, looks likeeveryonehas not respondedanyone, butno oneis clear, whois gazing at himselfquietly.
参赛的灵修者们在身旁走来走去,看起来谁都没有搭理谁,但谁都不清楚,又有谁在悄悄注视着自己。„Hello, the brat, what are youlooking at??”
“喂,臭小子,你在看什么??”InSu Yunalsowhenoptionalrunning back and forth in confusion, a soundhas bravedfromsidesuddenly.
就在苏云还在随意乱晃时,一个声音突然从旁边冒了出来。Su Yungoesalong the prestige, thenlooked that severalspiritprofoundwalkedtowardoneselfin a threatening manner.苏云顺声望去,便看数名灵玄者朝自己气势汹汹的走了过来。„Has the matter?”Su Yuninquired.
“有事?”苏云询问。„Naturallyhas the matter! The brat, youlooked that mydouble cultivation companiondoes doreally? Sheisyoucanlook?”
“当然有事!臭小子,你看我的双修伴侣作甚?她是你能看的吗?”Thatpersonis clutching the Su Yunswordtaking, wickedsaying.
那人揪着苏云的剑服,恶狠狠的说道。Su Yunonehear, has gawkedstaring, at onceasks: „Whichyour is double cultivation companion?”苏云一听,愣了愣,旋即问道:“你的双修伴侣是哪个?”„Has rememberedtome, isshe! Yourdogeyedoes not permitto lookrandomly, otherwisedigsyoureye!!”
“给我记住了,是她!你的狗眼不准乱看,否则把你眼睛挖出来!!”Thatperson of ruthless[say / way].
那人狠道。However, Su Yunactuallymoves the line of sight, a femaleonthatBian Dashipractices moral cultureoncarefulit seems liketo lookspirit, afterward the corners of the mouthraise, say with a smile: „Statureis good, doublerepairsdefinitelyto have a taste, right?”
然,苏云却将视线挪过去,在那边大石上的一名女灵修身上仔细看来望去,随后嘴角一扬,笑道:“身材不错,双修起来肯定别有一番滋味,对吧?”„You...”Thatpersonangry, thisthenmustshake the fist, poundstoward the head of Su Yun.
“你...”那人恼怒至极,这便要挥拳,朝苏云的脑袋砸去。But the nextsecond, a footliftsfrom, cut-throatholdsonthatperson of lower abdomen.
咚!Thatpersonknocksseveralpeople, fallson the ground, whins.
那人撞翻数人,摔在地上,哀嚎起来。Thisfootstrengthmaybe heavy.
这一脚劲力可不轻。Nearbypersonsees that had a scareall.
旁边人见状,无不吓了一跳。Thisperson of strengthis quite formidable! The peopleheartis startled.
这人实力好生强大!众人心惊。Su Yun the femalememberwalkstowardthatis sitting cross-leggeddirectly.苏云径直朝那名盘坐着的女修士走去。Thatiscalmfemalemember, seesSu Yunto walktowardoneself, somewhatfeared, sheopens eyes, vigilantis looking atSu Yun.
那本做镇定的女修士,见苏云朝自己走来,不禁有些惧怕了,她睁开眼,警惕的望着苏云。„What did youcall?”Su Yunstandsbeforeher, asked.
“你叫什么?”苏云立在她面前,问道。„Who are you? Quiteimpolite? Where does onemeettheninquires the opposite partyname?”
The femalememberswallowed a salivato saysecretly.
女修士暗暗吞了口唾沫道。„, Impolite? Should thissayingbyme? Next timeyoumustknow the strengths of otherpeople, do not usethisinferiormove, knows?”
“呵,无礼?这话该由我来说吧?下次你要知晓其他人的实力,不要用这种低劣的招数,知道吗?”Su Yunsneers, turns aroundto leavedirectly.苏云冷笑一声,直接转身离开。Thatfemalemembercomplexionchanges, redwhite, againhas not spokenfinally.
那女修士脸色微变,一阵红一阵白,最终还是没有再吭声。Originallythismanwas sent the person who probes the Su Yunstrengthbythisfemalemember. competitionwill soon open, the peoplewantto know the person who urgentlyonefacewhatstrengthis, because the ballotis stochastic, no oneknows that ownmatchis, thenuses the method of inquiryto choose, is considered that will have the person of potential threatto be included the goal, will investigatehiscultivationas well as the forms of combat.
The tournament of mountains and riverslistmustdepend on the strength, but the strength, not onlyincludescultivation, includes the method and wisdom.
山河榜的排名赛只得靠实力,而实力,不仅仅包括修为,更包括手段与智慧。Evidentlyis notsomesimplegenerations, here the head, will pourstupidlyis only treated as the spear|gun.
看样子都不是些简单之辈啊,在这里脑袋愚笨点的,倒只会被人当做了枪。Su Yunshook the head , to continue to go forward.苏云摇了摇头,继续前进。At this time, the roadsidewalkedseveralspiritcultivation, theirstepswent forward, do not look askance, just liked the army.
这时,路边又走来数名灵修者,他们踏步前进,目不斜视,犹如军队。Su Yunhas swept the eyeat will, but is only one, the heartthentightenedseveralpoints.苏云随意的扫了眼,但仅是一眼,心脏便紧了几分。Thesepeopleallwear the mask, butis that woman of head... Initiallyinthatwoman who in the citysaw, thatwears the halfremnantsurface, giveswoman who heexceptionallyfeltfamiliar...
这些人皆戴着面具,但为首的那个女人...正是当初在城池中所见到的那个女人,那个戴着半边残面,给他异常熟悉感觉的女人...„Who is she?”
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