The peoplenerveallshakes, neatlookstoward the front.
众人神经皆是一抖,齐刷刷的朝前方望去。Actuallyseeson the frontpathto fall a twozhang (3.33 m)highgiantstele, on the steleis the bronzedlarge character: Qinchuan.
The peoplesee that is all joyful, immediatelyquickens pace, rushed.
The Hong Yanattentionwas shifted, has not continuedto closely examineSu Yun.红雁的注意力被转移,也没有继续追问苏云。Su Yunnaturallyrelaxed, the groupsharplysharplyfollow the main roadto pick up the speed, thenarrives in the destinationquickly.苏云自然是松了口气,一行人急急顺着大道加快速度,很快便抵达目的地。Qinchuan, situated inaskingimmortalregional centerregion, asked that the immortalregionis the northtopographyhighestplace, it is saidhereawaydayrecently, but the personis built onaboveQinchuan, puts out a hand to move the top of the headblue sky.
秦川,位于问仙区域中心地带,问仙区域是北方地势最高的地方,据说此处距天最近,而人立于秦川之上,伸手便可触碰头顶青天。Naturally, thisis only a view, puts out a handnot to be certainly impossibleto trace the blue sky, even ifstands on tiptoesto startnot to trace.
当然,这只是个说法,伸手当然不可能摸到青天,就算踮起脚也摸不到。Hereluxuriant grass, the two sidesallare the mountains, underSichuanhasBiHe, takes advantage of opportunityto flow.
The peoplestep into the place of Qinchuan, obviouslymassivespirit beastleap, is living the pine trees of threetails, has the Elk of ninecolorpatterns, the carriageall over the bodysnow whitesteed, walks, the person who looks is dazzled.
人踏入秦川之地,可见大量灵兽跃动,生着三条尾的松树,身有九色花纹的麋鹿,体态通体雪白的骏马,一路走来,看的人眼花缭乱。JingHao, the earth deities, herejust likes the wonderland.
景好,地灵,此处犹如人间仙境。„Heard that the place of Qinchuanmoves intowithoutschool, real?”
“听说秦川之地无门派入驻,是真的吗?”Su Yuntakes backfromthisbeautiful scene the line of sight, inquiredfrontWang Zhong Shan.苏云将视线从这一路美景中收回,询问前头的王重山。„Good.”Wang Zhong Shannods: „The place of Qinchuan, outstanding people and magical soil, herealmostcan be said asinSky Martial Continent the unusualfairyland, is the most sacredplace, here, anyschool can not move into, can not bribe here.”
“哦?这规矩是谁定的?”„Qinchuanprotector, is the mountains and riverslistformulationperson! Theythink that the common customschoolvicious tendenciesare too heavy, the benefitsmokes the heart, met the shamethispure lands.”
“秦川守护者,也就是山河榜制定人!他们认为世俗门派戾气太重,利益熏心,会辱了这片净土。”„Qinchuanprotectors...”Su Yunhas gawked the moment, twitteringseveralpoints, askedafterward: „Can why theyconductthismountains and riverslist?”
“秦川守护者...”苏云愣了片刻,呢喃几分,随后问道:“那为何他们又要举办这次山河榜?”„They believe that Juncannotshamepure lands.”
“他们认为,俊才不会辱这片净土。”„Anynonsenselogic.”NearbyShenHaocannot bearsmileto make noise.
“什么狗屁逻辑。”旁边的沈浩忍不住笑出声来。Has passed throughthisnarrow winding path, was stretch of a flat land of suddenly seeing the light, on the flat landis covered with an inchgreengrass, the big treehas stood in great numbers, butonthisflat land, towered the massivepavilionhouses, the common people of place of Qinchuanis then livinginthis.
The place of Qinchuandoes not havetownwithout the city, everybodyalleverywherelives.
秦川之地无城无镇,大家皆是随处而住。AlthoughSu Yunis notfirsttimecomesthis, but is not familiarwithhere, thenlooked that Wang Zhong Shanleads the peoplewere transferringseveralcircles, after the half day, arrived at the mysteriousmouth of Qinchuandeep place.苏云虽然不是第一次来此,但对这儿却不怎么熟悉,便看王重山领着众人转了几个圈,半日后,来到了秦川深处的一处神奇谷口。Thisvalleyis not high, butactuallyappearsenormous, even if can also be able to see outside, because the personis built onoutside the valley, thencanseethisQinGuwas towering a giantstatue.
这谷并不高,但却显得极大,即便在外头也能看得出,因为人立于谷外,便能看到这秦谷内部耸立着的一尊巨大雕像。Thisstatuehugelikemountain, almost the peakenters the clouds, grandbroad, the statuedragonfirstperson, is throwing over the long gown, seems likeDragon King in legend, hisboth hands a handleslendersword, brightdragonis looking at the front, there is a daringimposing manner.
这雕像庞大如山,几乎耸入云霄,壮阔恢弘,雕像龙首人身,披着长袍,看起来像是传说中的龙王,他双手支着一柄修长的剑,熠熠的龙目望着前方,有一种气吞山河的气势。„Thisisin the place of Qinchuan a famousDragon Kingitem of place.”
“这是秦川之地内著名的龙王目之地。”WalkssaidinfrontWang Zhong Shan.
走在前头的王重山道。Onegroup of peoplesurpassthatdragonto flush awaylikelyquickly.
一群人超那龙像快步冲去。Has approached the mouth, thencanfindwears the snow whitemaskmassively, puts on the person of snow whitelong gown.
临近了谷口,便能瞧见大量戴着雪白面具,穿着雪白长袍的人。Theyhave not matched the sword, whole bodynotanyspiritprofoundAura, stood in great numbersbyYuQingu, the line of sightwas taking a fast look around everyone of communicationearnestly.
他们未配刀剑,浑身没有任何灵玄气息,林立于秦谷两侧,视线认真的扫视着来往的每一个人。Butin the entrances of valley, the giantwooden door that the manpowerbuilds, gateall aroundcarves the sealmassivelytall and slenderlike the vinetrace, thesetracesrelease a halo, reflectscolorful that all around, is indistinctsomeexquisitemysteriouselvesto rockin the halosobviously.
而在谷的入口间,有一座人工打造的巨大木门,门的四周雕篆着大量细长如藤蔓般的纹路,这些纹路释放出点点光晕,将四周映的五颜六色,隐约间可见一些小巧神奇的精灵在光晕间晃动。Wang Zhong Shanis getting the people, before arriving at that beforegateis setting up the white clothingwhitemaskpersondidhas bowed with hands clasped.王重山领着众人,走到那门前,对着门前立着的白衣白面具人作了一揖。„Below Wang Zhong Shan, is the Long AoTianlongcityWang family, theseare the people with outstanding ability who Irecommend, thesetimecomesus to attend the mountains and riverslistcampaignmatch.”
“在下王重山,为龙傲国天龙城王家人,这些是我推荐的英才,这一次来我们都是为了参加山河榜竞选赛的。”Wang Zhong Shantakes out a circularwhitetokenfrom the Churing, has handed over.王重山从储物戒指里取出一个圆形的白色令牌,递了过去。Thatwhite clothingwhitemaskpersongrasped the tokento look at carefully the momentcarefully, nodded: „Tokenreal, WangXiuyou, the mountains and riverslistgatheringworldhero, the masterpowerhouseemerges one after another incessantly, hopes that youcanshine the brilliancein the mountains and riverslistgreatly, strivesgood achievements, was good, everybody, youleftthatroadalonginsidewalks, seeks the hotreason, registersin his, hewill arrange the place of practicetoyou, startsalsotwodaysaway the mountains and riverslistcampaignmatch, youfor the time beinginthatrest.”
那白衣白面具人握着令牌仔细端详了片刻,点了点头:“令牌是真的,王修友,山河榜汇聚天下英杰,高手强者层出不穷,希望你们能在山河榜上大放光彩,力争一个好成绩,好了,各位,你们沿着里头左边那条路走,寻到火缘,在他那登记一下,他会给你们安排好修炼之地,距山河榜竞选赛开赛还有两天,你们暂且在那休息吧。”„, Thanksthisfellow apprentice.”
“哦,谢谢这位师兄。”„Qinchuandoes not havenotto send, weare not the fellow apprentice, calledourcultivationthen, before, yougot a signfirst.”
“秦川无门无派,我们更不是什么师兄,称呼我们修者即可,在去之前,你们先领个牌子吧。”Then, nearbywhite clothingwhitemaskpersondoes not knowwhichfromtakes outseveraltokens, distributestoWang Zhong Shanand the others.
说完,旁边一名白衣白面具人不知从哪取出数块令牌,分发给王重山等人。Wang Zhong Shanapportions the people the token.王重山将令牌分给众人。Su Yunhas also resulted inone, heputs out the tokento take a look, thisis onlytogetheraveragely not wonderfultoken, the abovesealis only carvingone‚insect’character.苏云也得了一块,他拿出令牌瞅了瞅,这只是一块平平无奇的令牌,上头只印刻着一个浅浅的‘虫’字。„What is this?”
“这是什么意思?”Su Yuncuriousasking.苏云好奇的问道。„Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brotherthis doesn't know? Sinceyouparticipate inmountains and riverslistcompetition, at leastshouldunderstandherebasiccustom.”Hong Yansaid: „Mountains and riverslistcampaignmatchis heldby the conduct of steps, from the beginning, everybodyis‚insectgroup’player, slowlythen when with the matchbattlesis promoting, the person who altogethersevensteps, enter the finalsteps, is qualified forparticipatingwith the seeded playercompetes the finaltournament.”
“七个阶梯?”„Right, in turnis the insect, snake, wolf, hawk, shape, lionanddragon.”
“对,依次为虫、蛇、狼、鹰、象、狮、龙。”„So that's how it is.”
“原来如此。”Su Yunnods, hangs the tokeninownwaist.苏云点点头,将令牌挂在自己腰间。
The remainingbodyguards and purplecorner/hornbeastscannotenter the valley, theywill waitoutsideQinchuan.
The peopleentered the valley, according towords that the person of beforehandthatwhite clothingwhitemaskspoke, seeksto put on the person who the white clothingwears the whitemasknamedhotreasonsimilarly, the hotreasonhas registered the material of people, andhas carried on the verificationconfirmation, after being unmistakable, thengets the peopleto get out of the way.
众人进了谷,按照之前那白衣白面具的人所说的话,寻到同样穿着白衣戴着白色面具名为火缘的人,火缘登记了众人的资料,并且进行了审核确认,无误后便领着众人走开。„Thesepeoplethenpassed on the protector, they the white clothingis all wearing the whitemask, whomustdifferentiatethemis , can only act according totheirwaistswere hanging the name brandto identify.”
“这些人便是亲传守护者了,他们皆着白衣戴着白色面具,要区分他们谁是谁,只能根据他们腰间挂着的名牌来辨认。”Wang Zhong Shansaidin a low voice.王重山低声道。Peoplenod.
The peoplego forwardalong withfronthotreason, butsurprises people are, the hotreasonhas not gotten the peopleto go to the place of thatpractice, insteadis the turn leftright-turn, the lineto a giantTanshuinear.
众人随着面前的火缘前进,只是让人意外的是,火缘并未领着众人去那修炼之地,反而是左转右转,行至一处巨大的潭水边。At this time, nearTanshuigatheredmassivelyfromspiritcultivationfar apart, theyrevolveTanshui, underwhite clothingwheat flour the arrangement of cultivation, enters the waterunexpectedlyone by one.
The doubts that Su Yunlooks, take a looktoward the Neitanwater, Tanshui is very limpid, translucentholy, like a cleanmirror, person, even ifentered the water, is difficult how muchdust.苏云看的疑惑,朝那潭水瞅了瞅,便潭水无比清澈,透亮圣洁,就像一面干净的镜子,人即便入了水,也难有多少尘埃。„Where is this?”
“这是什么地方?”Wang Zhong Shaninquired the fronthotreason.王重山询问前头的火缘。„Pond of Intentions!”
“心潭!”„Pond of Intentions?”
“心潭?”„Recently, the Sky Martial Continentmonster and demonfrequencyleave, toguaranteethismountains and riverslistcancarry onsmoothly, the players who eachparticipates in the mountains and riverslistmustenterPond of Intentionsto examine, if the playertransformsfor the evil spirit, will then be detectedbythisPond of Intentions, pollution that Tanshuicanchange, aroundPond of Intentions12protectorswill cutto kill the detectedevil spiritat the scene.”
The hotreasonsaid.
火缘道。Su Yunonehear, nervesuddenlyonetight.苏云一听,神经骤然一紧。„Suchprocedure?”
“还有这样的程序?”„All previousdoes not have, thisisstartsfromthis.”
“历届没有,这是从这一届开始的。”Su Yun: „”苏云:“”Hehas covered from top to bottom entirelyevilSpiritual Eyes, the evilSpirit Qirestarbitraryastonishment, how couldthis doesn't Pond of Intentionsinducetoit?
他浑身上下都布满了邪灵眼,邪灵气息蛮横的惊人,这心潭岂能不对之感应?LookshurriedlytowardPond of Intentions that thenlooked that aroundPond of Intentionsis setting up12cultivation, theystandlike the statuenearTanshuimotionless, opensHeavenly Scale Divine Eyesto examine, Su Yunsucks in the cold airimmediately.
急忙朝心潭那头望去,便看心潭周围立着12尊修者,他们如雕像般站在潭水边一动不动,开启天鳞神目查看一下,苏云顿时倒抽凉气。12Ninth Level Spirit Soul Discipleexistence!
12尊灵玄魂九品存在!Healmosta littledoes not believehiseye.
他几乎有点不相信自己的眼睛。WhenNinth Level Spirit Soul Disciplesuch? Whatexistence are the Qinchuanprotectors?
何时灵玄魂九品如此之多?秦川守护者到底是些什么存在?„Was good, everybody, pleaseenterPond of Intentions, after the examinationhad ended, will leadeverybodyto gofor the place of rest that practiceyouarrange.” The hotreasonstandsbyPond of Intentions, toSu Yunand otherhumanity.
“好了,各位,请入心潭吧,检测结束后,将带各位前往为你们安排好的修炼之地休息。”火缘立在心潭旁,对着苏云等人道。„Canmeasure?”Su Yuninspiredto ask.
“一定要测吗?”苏云吸了口气问。„Ifarrived by Pond of Intentions the mishap, will be deprived the qualifications, andwill detainto safeguardtemporarily, after alldoes not testpossiblyis the afraidperformance.”
哗啦啦...At this time, Wang Zhong Shanand the othersalreadyhas gotten downPond of Intentions.
这时,王重山等人已经下了心潭。Thenreadsthat personto enter the deep pool, Tanshuiripplesimmediately the intermittentripples, the favortranslucenthalationoverflowsfromTanshui, drills intoWang Zhong Shanwithin the body, Wang Zhong Shanmakes an intermittentcomfortablesoundimmediately, some little time, the talented persongot upPond of Intentions.
便看其人入潭,潭水立刻荡漾起阵阵涟漪,汩汩润泽透亮的晕光从潭水中溢出,钻入王重山的体内,王重山立刻发出一阵阵舒爽的声音,好一会儿,人才上了心潭。„Has not thought that thisTanshuiamplificationhas consolidated the breath and pulse of mywithin the bodyunexpectedly, is this advantage?”Wang Zhong Shansaidjoyfully.
“没想到这潭水竟增幅稳固了我体内的气脉,这是好处吗?”王重山欣喜不已道。„Thisindeedis the Pond of Intentionseffect, but everyone can only gainthisadvantagewhenfirstunderPond of Intentions.”
“这的确是心潭的功效,不过每个人仅在第一次下心潭时才能获得这好处。”„So that's how it is... Thisseriouslyis the goodthing.”
“原来如此...这当真是好东西啊。”Wang Zhong Shansays with emotion.王重山感慨道。Luo Xiao Miaoand the others, as soon aslistens, which can also calm down? Has gotten downPond of Intentionshurriedly.洛萧淼等人一听,哪还沉得住气?急忙下了心潭。„Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, what are youmaking? Is quick!”
“无云大哥,你在做什么?快下来啊!”Got downPond of IntentionsHong Yanto clashSu Yunto shoutwith a smile.
下了心潭的红雁笑着冲苏云喊道。„This...”Su Yunfrowns, does not know that shouldsayanygood.
“这个...”苏云皱着眉头,不知该说什么好。„Thisrepairs the friend, whatdifficultycanhave?”
旁边的火缘奇怪问道。„Difficulty... No... Not...”
“难处...没有...没有...”„Thatpleaseunderdeep pool.”
The hotreasonsaid.
火缘说道。Su Yunnodded, fierce of heart beat, helookssecretlytoward the both sides, whenactuallyseesthat12cultivationnot to know, alreadylookstowardhere, 12eyeslikeframing, neatstaringon the body of Su Yun.苏云点了点头,心脏跳动的厉害,他暗暗朝两侧望去,却见那12名修者不知何时,已经朝这儿望来,12双眼睛就像定格了一样,齐刷刷的盯在苏云的身上。Causedto pay attention.
引起注意了。However, ifunder the deep pool, ononeselfevil won't Spiritual Eyesexpose?
但是,若下潭,自己身上的邪灵眼难道不会暴露吗?Does not manage, presently the situation, can only take advantage of somebody when he unprepared, hurriesto leave.
不管了,当前情况,只能乘其不备,赶紧离开了。Su Yunhas not thoughtcompletelywill havesuch a link, heis breathingmaliciously, finallydecidesto leave, before, stands firmthat12cultivationfirst.苏云完全没想到会有这么一个环节,他狠狠呼吸着,最终决定离开,不过在走之前,还是先稳住那12名修者吧。Hetreads the step, walkstowardPond of Intentions.
他踏开步伐,朝心潭走去。Hisalreadytouched the handsecretlytobackDeath Sword, was ready, is about the imperialswordto leave.
The personhalfbodysteps into Pond of Intentions... However, Tanshuias beforelimpidincomparable, does not have the sign of least bitpollution.
“这?”Su Yungawked.苏云愣了。Actuallythinks that chestsuddenlyboiling hot, Monarch Occult of heartplacestimulates to movementinthis momentcompletely, the massiveduplicatehaving mystical powersfreshAuraspiritprofoundair/Qiwells uptowardevilSpiritual Eyes of variousbodyplaces, coverage.
却觉胸口突然滚烫起来,心脏处的君神力在这一刻全部催动,大量覆有灵生气息的灵玄气朝身躯各处的邪灵眼涌去,将之覆盖。„Monarch Occult?”
“君神力?”Su Yunsuddenly!苏云恍然!
( Thanks‚stirChichi, sevenwaning moons, 7, heyheartlessly, Heavenly CrystalDivine Strength and sentimentminiaturedependenceandrainChen, to confusemurder, to accompanyMonarchsolo dance, to perish, but, thousand li(500 km)expansive skyandwooden horse, soar769, to recall that immortalwar casualty, strolls in the snowtraceless, notblossoms, undersmalldragonetflying apsaras, happiness, and otherbrothers and sisters'monthly ticketstostrictwithhittingto enjoysupportindistant placeandYuDe’, eachpayoutandencouragesstrictto watch, inhearthasis movedsurelyindescribable, wishingNational Dayjoyful, thanks)
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