“什么??”Womandoublepupilonetight, has not expectedthisperson of swordsmanshipsoto be unexpectedly strange, surpassesher the understandingcompletelytoSword Skill.
女人双瞳一紧,根本就没料到这人的剑法竟然如此诡异,完全超出她对剑术的理解。Actuallysees the womanin a hurry, stopskillstoattacking of Su Yun, loosened the dagger in hand, thatdaggerflood the ray, afterwardchanges intotogether the viscoussolution, hitsrapidlyto the womanexquisiteconcave-convexphysique, crazyspread, but the little whiletime, thencompletelycoverswomanwhole body, like an enclosedhelmet and armor, slightly the slitdoes not remain.
却见女人仓促之间,停下对苏云的攻杀,也松开了手中的匕首,那匕首又泛起光芒,随后化为一道粘稠的溶液,迅速撞向女人玲珑凹凸的身姿之上,疯狂蔓延,不过会儿功夫,便将女人全身上下全部笼罩,就像一层封闭式的盔甲,丝毫缝隙都不留。Clang clangclang clangclang...
铛铛铛铛铛...Death SwordandEngraved Dragon Bladechop above, onlyleaves behind the mark, is unable itdefeating.死剑与蛟印剑砍在上头,只留下浅浅的印记,根本无法将之击破。Su Yunsees that has not actually been discouraged, in the eyedelimitsoneto killintenton the contrary, no longerremains, Monarch Occultstarts, fullSpirit Lord AurasurgesfromeachSpiritual Eyeslike the tide, has ventilated the pathtransmissionaboveDeath Sword and flood dragonseal, twoswordswift and fiercemeaningputsuddenly, the ominouslighterupts, byShiXionghenpoundingwith amazementtothatwoman.苏云见状,却未气馁,反倒眼中划过一丝杀意,不再留守,君神力启动,满满的凌神气息就像浪潮般从各个灵眼中涌动出来,透过气之轨迹传递于死剑与蛟印之上,二剑凌厉意味骤放,凶光爆发,以骇然之施凶狠的砸向那女人。Clang clang!!!!
The helmet and armorwas pierced, Spirit Lord Auracrazytearingfour directions.
盔甲被洞穿,凌神气息疯狂撕裂四方。But, the womanrespondedextremelyquickly, almostin the instance that twoswordsraided, the person is separated fromthisgreenhelmet and armor, wantedto withdraw, butshejustcame out, a bigfootgratefullyflew, trampledtoherlower abdomen.
The womenare unexpected, the lower abdomenoriginates, personfromairbornecrashes, such as the kite of broken line.
女人猝不及防,小腹首创,人从空中坠落,如断线的风筝。Shenearstands up from failurehurriedlyspatially, both feetfalls to the ground, but the ample force of abdomenhas not diverged, the personretreats, almostfalls downagain and again, some little timestands firm the body.
她急忙临空翻身,双脚落地,但腹部的余力还未散去,人连连后退,差点栽倒,好一会儿才稳住身子。„Young Lady!”
“小姐!”Behindguardsaidwith the maidservants, flushedtogether.
The femalesliftboth hands, hintseverybodydo not act rashly.
女子抬起双手,示意大家不要轻举妄动。„Strengthis good! What a pityyou are also notmymatch.”
“实力不错!可惜你还不是我的对手。”Su Yunnear the emptiness, has swept a female.苏云临空落下,扫了眼女子。„Isn'tyourmatch?”In the femaleeyesemits a richwarintent, saidin a low voice: „We have not decidedvictory and defeat, comesagain!”
“不是你对手?”女子眼中冒出一股浓郁的战意,低声道:“我们之间还未分出胜负呢,再来!”„Did not have the interest!”
“没兴趣了!”Su Yuncatchesinthisfemaleeyesstrongwarintent, actuallypurposelyevadesnot to fight, homicidethatominousbeastby no meansintentionally, butthisgroup of peopleactuallypersistently unreasonableseehimto kill, hewhichcomfortable? Nowthisfemale must fightwithhim, henaturallycannot, ifhopes.苏云捕捉到这女子眼中浓烈的战意,却故意避而不战,他杀那凶兽并非故意,但这帮人却蛮不讲理见他就杀,他心里哪舒服?如今这女子还要与他斗,他自然不会如其愿。
The soundfalls, Su YunthrowsDeath Swordinairborne, the personis treading the sword, leavesdirectly.
声音落下,苏云将死剑掷于空中,人踏着剑,径直离开。„Rests!! Fightswithme!!”
The females said that thenmustpursue, but the Su Yunspeedquickoddness, almostinsuddenlyleft the forests, jumpedto fly from.
女子疾呼,便要追去,但苏云速度快的离谱,几乎于瞬息间离开林间,纵身飞离。„Young Lady.”
“小姐。”Thatgrasps the young girl of swordto run over, said: „Youare all right.”
那握着刀剑的少女跑了过来,道:“你没事吧。”„All right.” The femaleslook atdirection that Su Yunis leaving, is pinchingin the handstubbornlythataquamarinesphere, sinks saying: „Flurry, whogivesmythispersonis, mustinvestigatehisstatus.”
“没事。”女子望着苏云离开的方向,死死捏着手中那碧绿色的圆球,沉道:“小雪,去给我查查此人是谁,一定要把他的身份调查出来。”„Young Lady, butoverreaches oneself the friendless and unlearnedgeneration, wedo not needto haggle overwithhim! ‚Female War God’ the given namedoes not knowthatunderstood at a glanceis the mountains and plainscountryman.”
“小姐,只是一个不自量力孤陋寡闻之辈,咱们不必与他计较!连‘女武神’的名号都不知,一看就知道是个山野乡人。”„Mountains and plainscountrymanhow? The flurry, notmustdiscuss the high and lowby the birth of person, the myriad thingsequality, ‚Female War God’ is also onlyother peoplecrownin the title of myhead, when can not anything, thispersonbe talented, and swordtechniqueis aloof, Ineglectedfor a while, have wornhis[say / way], presently is only willinghim to fightagainwithme, thendid not haveregrettably.”
“山野乡人又如何?小雪,莫要以人之出生论尊卑,万物平等,‘女武神’也只是他人冠于我首的一个称号,当不得什么,此人实力不俗,且剑技超然,我一时疏忽,着了他的道,现只愿他能再与我斗上一场,便无遗憾。”Women'sin a soft voiceJudo, although the spoken languageis tranquil, butinwordsblazingexceptionallyis obvious.
女子轻声柔道,虽言语平静,但话中的炽热却异常明显。Thatgrasps the young girl of swordnamedflurryto be somewhat angry, honkshouted the mouth saying: „Young Lady, youranythingis good, was too infatuatedin the martial arts, Young Ladymustextinguishhim, easy, hewas so impolite, youwhywere politewithhim...”
那握着刀剑名叫小雪的少女有些恼,嘟嚷着嘴道:“小姐,你这人什么都好,就是太痴迷于武道了,小姐要灭他,轻而易举,他这般无礼,你还何必与他客气呢...”„Listens tohisvoice and manner, seems not old, perhaps, he is also the player of thismountains and riverslist...”
“听他声音与行为举止,似乎年纪也不大,或许,他也是这一届山河榜的选手...”„Anymountains and riverslistplayer, Young Lady can definitely defeatentirelythem!”
“什么山河榜选手,小姐肯定能够统统把他们败掉!”„Was good, MoYaoduosaid.” The femalesbreak the flurry the words, turns aroundto gotowardownframeline.
“好了,莫要多说了。”女子打断小雪的话,转身朝自己的车架行去。„Goes toQinchuan.”
The flurryopened mouth, sighs: „Oh... Yes, Young Lady.”
小雪张了张嘴,叹了口气:“唉...是,小姐。”Returnedto return to the city the inn, Su Yunshouted the tonemaliciously.
The magic weapon in femalehandis quite strange, canchange the sword, canchangespear, canturn into the bigshieldhelmet and armor... Whatmagic weapon is this?
The Su Yunhearthairdoubts, what makeshissurprisedis, thisfemalecanutilizeeachweaponunexpectedlyadeptly, the sword and spearclub, almostevery kindis skilled in... How could do the average mencausethese manypointed weapons?苏云心头发疑,不过更让他惊讶的是,这女子竟能娴熟的运用每一种兵器,刀枪棍棒,几乎是样样精通...常人岂能使这么多的兵刃?
It is not simple, she is also participates in the mountains and riverslist?
不简单,她也是来参加山河榜的吗?In the Su Yuneyepassed over gently and swiftlyblazing.苏云眼中掠过一丝炽热。Evidentlythismountains and riverslist, is worthanticipatingvery much.
看样子这场山河榜,还是很值得期待的。„Oh? Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, did yougo out?”
“唉?无云大哥,你出门了吗?”At this time, the stairways of inntotwobuildingsheard a clearcall, Su Yungoesalong the prestige, thensaw that Hong Yanand the otherswere walkingtowarddownstairs.
这时,客栈通往二楼的楼梯口传来一记清脆的呼声,苏云顺声望去,便看到红雁等人正朝楼下走来。„Right, justwent outtook a stroll.”Su Yunsaid with a smile.
“对,刚刚出门溜达了一圈。”苏云笑道。„Just in time, weprepareto go to the valuablepavilion in cityto transfer the extension, looked that has the thing that anythingcanhave a need to buytogether, is readyfor the mountains and riverslist.”
“正巧,我们准备去城内的宝阁转转,看有没有什么能用得着的东西一起买上,为山河榜做好准备。”Luo Xiao Miaosaid.洛萧淼说道。„The Wu Yun (Su Yun)brother, transfers the extensiontogether.”
“无云兄,一起去转转吧。”BehindWang Zhong Shanwalkedto say.
后头的王重山走了下来道。Seeseverybodyto havethismeaning, Su Yundoes not rejectbut actually, the peoplethenaccompanyto take to the streets.
Before thiscitybiggestvaluablepaviliongate, was already fully occupied, the crowd that passes and outalmostmust the front doorcrushing...
The peopleentered the valuablepavilionwith great difficulty, sought, discovered that the majority ofcargoshave sold, the thing that canuseisvery few, the peoplehave plundered, the feelingis insipid, then the planleaves.
Before Su Yungoes to the Churing, thatominousbeastbodymaterial that mustcomehad sold to the valuablepavilion, has resulted inmanyspiritcoins.苏云则是去把储物戒指里之前得来的那凶兽肢体材料卖给了宝阁,得了不少灵币。„Notanygoodthing, goes backto tidy up, starting off, goes toQinchuanas soon as possible.”
“没什么好东西,还是回去收拾收拾,尽早上路,去秦川吧。”ShenHaoshoutedto shoutworn out.
The peopleanythingopinion, the lineon the continuousavenue, has not walkedtoward the inn.
众人没什么意见,行于川流不息的大街上,朝客栈走去。At this time, sky over the citypassed over gently and swiftlysuddenly the Daoist believerslight, thenlookedtogether the massiveflyingswordssped alongin the horizonlike the flowing light, butoneachflyingsword, set uponeto wear the magnificent and expensiveswordtaking, naturalperson.
这时,城池上空突然掠过一道道流光,便看大量飞剑如流光般在天际中飞驰,而每一把飞剑上,都立着一名穿着华贵剑服,潇洒至极的人。„Looksquickly! Divine Swordsends for!!”
“快看!神剑派人!!”Underspiritprofound in citylook upspatially, screamscontinuously.
下头城池内的灵玄者们纷纷抬头望空,惊呼声此起彼伏。„, The imperialswordflightis the crispness of his mother! Ifweunderstandthistechnology, but alsoridesanypurplecorner/hornbeast!”
“啧啧啧,御剑飞行就是他娘的爽!咱们要是懂这技术,还骑什么紫角兽啊!”Saying that ShenHaoenvies.
沈浩羡慕的说道。„Thishas nothingto envy, imperialSword Skill that Divine Swordsendsis matchless, only thentheycan.”
“这没什么可羡慕的,神剑派的御剑术举世无双,也只有他们会了。”Wang Zhong Shanshakes the headto say.王重山摇头道。„Oh, thisyou, youmayspeak incorrectly, whosaid that inthisworldmetimperialSword Skillon the Divine Swordfaction? Wantsinitiallysword masternot to use the technique of imperialsword? Moreovercompared withimperialSword Skillandsword master that Divine Swordsends, thatfeels dwarfed, what a pitysword masteris not, whichotherwiseallowsDivine Swordto send foronourheadsflying.”
旁边一路人说道。„sword master?”Wang Zhong Shanknits the brows: „ButthatLimitlesssword master?”
“剑尊?”王重山皱眉:“可是那无极剑尊?”„Naturallyissword master!”Roadhumanity.
“当然是剑尊咯!”路人道。„Iknow that Iknow!”Does not wait forthatpasser-byto speak, Hong Yanat the same timethenexcitedlyopenly expressed: „Ivery muchhavefindingtoLimitlesssword master, it is saidthispersoncancontrol more than thousandswords, the mightis infinite, strengthstrongastonishing, a non-outstanding in both fieldscrestwar, the strengthcutsDivine Swordto sendbigelderShen Hong and Su Clanbigelderon the same day, onlyfearsbyhisstrength, even ifsendsleaderVenerablenot to fear to Divine Sword, has, heard after sword masterexperienced a non-outstanding in both fieldscrestservice, challengedone after anotherhas linked various gates of regionvariousto send the leaderdefinitely, not a defeat, strengthunparalleled, caused that variousgatesvarioussent the leaderto be scared, thishas caused the Blossom Heart Valleyincident....”
“我知道我知道!”不等那路人说话,一边的红雁便兴奋的说开了:“我可是对无极剑尊很有了解的,据说此人能驾驭千余把剑,威力无穷,实力强的让人吃惊,当日无双绝顶峰一战,力斩神剑派大长老沈虹与苏家大长老,只怕以他的实力,哪怕是对上神剑派掌门尊者也不惧怕,还有还有,听说剑尊经历了无双绝顶峰一役后,又接连挑战了决连区域的各门各派掌门,未尝一败,实力无双,引得各门各派掌门恐慌,这才致使了花心谷一事....”Hong Yanlooks liketurned on a record player, cannot stop, was sayingcompletelyexcitedlyfactaboutLimitlesssword master, nearbyseveralonlyhear, butactually not the familiarpersonimmediatelycame the line, is listening respectfully to the Hong Yanwords, from time to timesaid a word the explosivefactto exude the screamsalong withher.红雁就像是被人打开了话匣子,根本停不下来,满是兴奋的说着关于无极剑尊的事迹,旁边几名只耳闻,但却不熟悉的人立刻来了行去,聆听着红雁的话语,时而随着她言语中的劲爆事迹而发出惊呼声。Wang Zhong Shanand the otherslistenedwith great interest, Su Yunisblushes with shame, Hong Yaninmyth, a lothedoes not knowcompletely.王重山等人听的津津有味,苏云则是汗颜不已,红雁完全是在神话自己,很多事情连他自己都不知道。„Heard that sword master is also very young, right?”
“听说剑尊也很年轻,对吗?”At this time, Luo Xiao Miaoaskedsuddenly.
这时,洛萧淼突然问道。Hong Yan the little while, nods: „Right, heard that hecalledSu Yun, wasSu ClanOuter sectjuniors.”红雁讷了会儿,点点头:“对,听说他叫苏云,是苏家的一名外家子弟。”„Outer sectjuniors?”Luo Xiao Miaothinksthatsaid: „Hasn't hispracticetimedefinitelyarrived for 30years?”
“外家子弟?”洛萧淼想了想,道:“那他的修炼时间肯定没有到30年了?”„This? Probably.”
“这个?大概吧。”„How hasn't the seeded player of thismountains and riverslistelectedhim?”
“怎么这次山河榜的种子选手没有选他?”„Oh.”Hong Yansighed, said: „After a Blossom Heart Valleyservice, sword masterdisappears without a trace, the mountains and riversboatmanis unable to contactwithit, somepeoplesaid that heimplicateswith the realm of the devilDaoist wizard, somepeoplesaid that hisalreadydied, howno oneknows, butdepending onthesepoints, hisalsonot being able to stand in linemountains and riverslist! Right, whatis main, reason thatsomepeoplethinkhimcanmakethese manyearthshakingmatters, completelydepends upon the magic weapon, does not have the words of magic weapon, hisstrengthsimplydoes not havemany, thereforemanypeopleopposed that hebecomes the seeded player.”
“唉。”红雁叹了口气,道:“花心谷一役后,剑尊不知去向,山河榜人根本无法与之联系,更者,有人说他与魔道妖道有牵连,更有人说他已经死了,到底如何谁也不知道,不过光凭这几点,他也排不上山河榜啊!哦对,最主要的是,有人认为他之所以能做出这么多惊天动地的事情,完全是依靠法宝,没有法宝的话,他的实力根本没有多少,所以很多人反对他成为种子选手。”Su Yun: „”苏云:“”„This... Oh, considers as finished, did not goto thinkthat many, everybody, hurried.”
“这样啊...唉,算了算了,不去想那么多了,各位,赶紧走吧。”Luo Xiao Miaoshook the head, no longergoesto thinkthat many.洛萧淼摇了摇头,不再去想那么多。
The peoplealsono longer discussed that quickens pace, rushes to the inn.
After returning to the innto tidy up, brings the purplecorner/hornbeastrespectively, dashesto go out of towndirectly, goesto ask the mostcentral zone of immortalregion.
秦川!This, allcanseeall kinds ofspiritcultivation.
这一路,皆能看到各式各样的灵修者。HasDivine Swordfaction of imperialswordflight, hasto rideordinaryspiritcultivation of purplecorner/hornbeastunicorn, some specialschools, such asharness the universeview that the bottle gourdhurries along, the riding the windrapid flightmountainfaction, leaps the thousand li(500 km)looks at the spatialpavilionwait / etc..
有御剑飞行的神剑派,有骑着紫角兽独角兽的普通灵修者,更有一些特殊的门派,如驾葫芦赶路的太虚观,乘风疾飞的青山派,一跃千里的望空阁等等。At this moment, spiritcultivationfar aparthas caught upcompletely, has the schoolor the powderrepairs, allgatherstoQinchuan.
这一刻,天南地北的灵修者全部赶了过来,无论是有门派的或是散修,皆聚向秦川。Nobodycanknow that whatmatchwill haveto wait for itself, but, cango toQinchuan, alreadyis a proof of strength.
没人能知道会有什么样的对手等着自己,但,能赴秦川,已经是一种实力的证明。Su Yuncontinuesto go forwardalong with the team, aboutline of sightmovesto regard, takes a look atspiritcultivation who is meeting.苏云随着队伍继续前进,视线左右移视,打量着一路所遇的灵修者。„Oh, Wu Yun (Su Yun) can Big brother, ask your question?”
“唉,无云大哥,能问你一个问题吗?”At this time, walkedhas postponed the stepinfrontHong Yansuddenly, moved tosideSu Yun.
这时,走在前头的红雁突然放缓了步伐,移至苏云身旁。„What?”Su Yuntakes back the vision, strangeis looking atHong Yan.
“什么?”苏云收回目光,奇怪的望着红雁。ThensawHong Yanto refer tobehindSu Yunthatblood redImmortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, asked: „What the sword does yourthismake? Did not seeyouto use!”
“这把剑?”Su Yunkeeping silentseveralseconds, awkwardsmiling of: „Generallycannot useit, moreoverpresentI am also very difficultto controlit.”苏云哑口数秒,尴尬的笑了笑:“一般用不到它,而且现在的我也很难驾驭的了它。”„Is a treasure? Wu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother, youcansimultaneouslyusethese manyswordsunexpectedly, thinks that the swordtechnique is also very fierce?”
“是件宝贝吧?无云大哥,你居然能同时使用这么多剑,想必剑技也很厉害吧?”„Ha, generally... Generally.”
“哈,一般...一般。”„Was right, sawDivine Swordto send fora moment ago, whyWu Yun (Su Yun)Big brother didn't yougreetwiththem? The wordssaid that Divine Swordsends fornot movingtogether?”
“对了,刚才看到神剑派人,无云大哥你为何不与他们打招呼?话说神剑派人不是一起行动的吗?”Hong Yanalsoasked.红雁又问。Su Yunawkwardsmiling, as beforehowdoes not knowreplied, butbrowalreadywrinkled.苏云依旧尴尬的笑着,不知如何回答,但眉头已经皱了起来。In good condition, does Hong Yansuddenlyjumpthese manyissues?
“秦川到了!!”At this moment, a callcanfrontemit.
( Askedbill)
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