LSG :: Volume #3

#268: Sword young girl

That is a complete mask, but now actually has become the remnant surface, Su Yun does not believe that is the good deed that Long Xianli does. 那本是一块完整的面具,但如今却成了残面,苏云不认为,那又是龙仙璃做的好事。 Perhaps, is she makes desirably. 或许,是她刻意弄的。 What meaning is this? 这算什么意思? The Su Yun heart is flooding infinite doubts, after pondering, decided that observes. 苏云心头充斥着无限的疑惑,左思右想后,决定随之观察一下。 Holds Crown Prince Su he to know, perhaps this woman... Also is the Su Clan person. 扶苏太子他自是认识,或许这女人...也是苏家的人。 Holds Crown Prince Su after the people fire off greeting, then has squeezed out the crowd, walks toward the city outside. 扶苏太子在与众人打完招呼后,便挤出了人群,朝城外走去。 Su Yun follows hastily. 苏云连忙跟上。 Those who surprise people are, outside city the team of large quantities of purple corner/horn beast is waiting unexpectedly, what is the head is two seven Qilin beasts, holds Crown Prince Su to wear mask woman to step up to seven Qilin beasts with that then the direct plan beast dashes. 让人意外的是,城外竟有一大批紫角兽的队伍在等候,为首的是两只七麟兽,扶苏太子与那戴着面具的女人一人跨上一只七麟兽,接着直接策兽飞奔。 Su Yun saw that ran several steps, did not pay attention while the person, immediately ejects the flying sword imperial sword to track down. 苏云见状,跑了几步,趁人不注意,立刻抛出飞剑御剑追寻。 The people before emptying to fly, under the bird's eye view person, however, how long the person has not departed, the team then entered the grove. 人临空而飞,俯瞰下头的人,然,人还未飞出多久,队伍便进了林子。 He lowers the flying sword hastily, sneaks into the forest, actually under sees person already to vanish does not see, in the air the disciple keeps inexplicable spirit profound Aura. 他连忙降下飞剑,窜入林内,却见下头的人已经消失不见,空气中徒留点点莫名的灵玄气息 Was discovered?” “被发现了?” The Su Yun brow moves, the heart flood doubts. 苏云眉头一动,心头泛疑。 Holds cultivation of Crown Prince Su not to be low, perhaps his already realized own existence. 扶苏太子的修为可不低,或许他已经察觉到了自己的存在 Although may rely on the air is remaining spirit profound Aura speedily to find them, but if in the opposite party realized that in own situation traces the opposite party, then already will lose the significance, the opposite party must guard against itself. 虽可凭借空气中残留着的灵玄气息迅速找到他们,但若在对方察觉到自己的情况下追踪对方,便已经失去了意义,对方必会防备着自己。 Looks to hold direction of advance of the Crown Prince Su, as if the plan goes to Qinchuan directly. 看扶苏太子们的前进方向,似乎打算直接去秦川。 The mountains and rivers list will soon launch, this seeded player indeed does not need to stay in this boundary small town. 山河榜即将展开,他这种种子选手也的确没必要留在这种边界小城内。 Su Yun fell, all around took a fast look around the eye, shook the head, the sword income scabbard, the old route returns. 苏云落了下来,四周扫视了眼,摇了摇头,将剑收入剑鞘,原路返回。 Roar! 吼! When the person has not left this stretch of grove, swiftly, the rear area resounds a rending beast roar. 就在人还未离开这片林子之时,倏然,后方响起一阵撕心裂肺的兽吼声。 Then the earth lightly trembles, several big trees were hit by anything, suddenly the dust flies upwards, the grit splashes randomly. 接着大地轻颤,数棵大树被什么撞到,一时间尘土飞扬,沙石乱溅。 Su Yun micro surprised, looks up toward rear area, actually after sees the grove deep place to run out of a gigantic incomparable ominous beast. 苏云微愕,抬头朝后方望去,却见后头林子深处冲出一只硕大无比的凶兽。 This ominous beast fiendish features, a fresh triangle, the shape like Tao Tie (gluttony), is quite terrorist, but at this moment it from top to bottom completely is the scar, Aura is emaciated, as if passed through anything to battle. 这凶兽青面獠牙,头生三角,形如饕餮,好生恐怖,只是此刻它浑身上下尽是伤痕,气息羸弱,仿佛经过了什么激战。 It stared to Su Yun, mouth has sent out the thunder to roar, flushed crazily toward here. 它盯向了苏云,嘴里发出雷霆咆哮,朝这儿疯狂冲来。 Su Yun snort|hum, had not feared, after Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes peeps opposite party cultivation, draws out Engraved Dragon Blade directly, has cut toward it. 苏云哼了一声,并未惧怕,天鳞神目窥出对方修为后,径直拔出蛟印剑,朝之斩了过去。 Flood dragon seal changes into the bright as snow electricity glow, raids to cut, the Monarch Occult stimulation of movement, seven formidable thick fierce spirit profound Aura gather seven color gods light to wrap the sword blade, by the potential of not can be stopped, and to this ominous beast. 蛟印化为雪亮电芒,袭斩过去,君神力催动,七种强大厚悍的灵玄气息汇聚成七彩神光包裹剑身,以锐不可当之势且向这只凶兽。 The ominous beast is angry, head one bends down, with that triangle control, wants to resist flood dragon seal. 凶兽恼怒无比,将头一俯,用那三角驾驭,想要抵抗蛟印。 However flood dragon seal just likes Divine Sword that destroys the hardest defenses, blade edge moves that triangle at this moment, unexpectedly cutting will be with ease broken. 然蛟印此刻犹如无坚不摧的神剑,剑锋触碰那三角,居然轻松将之斩碎。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” Triangle Qi Duan, the ominous beast is panic-stricken, the instinct that but seeks livehood makes it give it all, then visited it to open the mouth, spat toward Su Yun, giant photosphere has hit. 三角齐断,凶兽惊恐莫名,但求生的本能让它放手一搏,便看它张开了嘴,朝苏云一吐,一颗巨大的光球撞了过来。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz... 嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖... Flood dragon seal revolves suddenly, by the arc shape tangential that photosphere, cutting will be suddenly broken, afterward maliciously fires into the head of ominous beast. 蛟印骤然回旋过来,以弧线状切向那光球,瞬息间将之斩碎,随后狠狠的冲向凶兽的头颅。 Tit­ter. 噗嗤 The sharp sword speed quick oddness, the ominous beast is inferior, was penetrated the neck neck by Engraved Dragon Blade instantaneously, the huge body is suddenly motionless. 利剑速度快的离谱,凶兽不及,瞬间被蛟印剑穿透了颈脖,庞大的身躯骤然不动。 Bang thump! 轰咚! The ominous beast head crashes in the place, pounds the massive dust, the place of its neck neck break is the blowout scary blood, sprinkles to the sky, the sky has the blood rain immediately. 凶兽脑袋坠落于地,砸出大量尘土,其颈脖断裂之处更是喷出骇人鲜血,洒向天空,天空立刻下起血雨。 Be killed violently! 毙命! The movement is neat. 动作干净利落。 Su Yun walks, mentioned the sword to dig up the spirit nucleus of ominous beast, the fast processing one corpse of this ominous beast, received in one pile of materials the Chu ring, afterward turned around then to leave. 苏云走过去,提起剑挖开凶兽的灵核,快速处理了一下这具凶兽的尸体,将一堆材料收入储物戒指里,随后转身便要离开。 Sonorous. 铿锵。 May at this moment, grating sound emit once again, then looked that a sparkling stone pale such as the long sword of water has shot from the forest swiftly, such as rapid flight arrow arrow, heart of straight thrust Su Yun. 可在此刻,刺耳之声再度冒出,便看一口莹淡如水的长剑倏从林内射了出来,如疾飞的箭矢般,直刺苏云的心脏。 Good. 好准。 The Su Yun brow concentrates, covers Engraved Dragon Blade to fling conveniently. 苏云眉头微凝,随手扣住蛟印剑一甩。 Clang! 铛! That long sword is struck to fly immediately, Yu Kongxuan several, steady inserting on not far away soil. 那口长剑立刻被击飞,于空旋了几圈,稳稳的插在不远处的泥土上。 Who!” Su Yun looks out in all directions vigilantly, the low god drinks greatly. “谁!”苏云警惕四望,低神大喝。 At this time, then looked that the grove deep place resounded the sound of intermittent horse's hoof, then a train carried away by force, the frame two stood at the side to fill the guard, were printed with the Jin Feng flag to flutter with the wind, stares at that frame, can see a beautiful figure of being and out from the curtain. However, this sword is not that beautiful figure puts, but is by that frame, wears the helmet and armor, the hand grasps a young girl of flame long blade to put. 这时,便看林子深处响起阵阵马蹄之声,而后一列车架走来,车架两旁立满了护卫,一根根印有金凤的旗帜随风飘扬,凝望那车架,能从帐幔后头看到一个忽隐忽现的倩影。不过,这剑并非那倩影所放,而是那车架旁边,一名穿着盔甲,手握一口火焰长刀的少女所放。 Then looked that young girl raises the long blade to walk up single-handed, pulls up that shiny smooth long sword between soils, double pupil like blade, wicked is staring at Su Yun, shouted to clear the way: „Does your this son of a bitch, dare to snatch our Young Lady game unexpectedly? Doesn't want to live? Fast hands over the material, kneels kowtows to admit mistakes in front of my family Young Lady, otherwise this miss then takes your dog's life.” 便看那少女单手提着长刀走上前来,拔起泥土间的那口莹润长剑,双眸如刀,恶狠狠的盯着苏云,喝道:“你这狗东西,居然敢抢我们小姐的猎物?不想活了吗?速速把材料交出来,跪在我家小姐面前磕头认错,否则本姑娘便取你狗命。” Your family Young Lady?” “你家小姐?” Su Yun looked at eye that frame, along with asking that the anus measures: What thing is?” 苏云瞄了眼那车架,随后阴测测的问:“是什么东西?” Bold! Dares to insult my family Young Lady!” “大胆!竟敢侮辱我家小姐!” The young girls, angrily rebuke angry, jumps to leap to Su Yun, a long sword hot blade, has divided toward Su Yun directly. 少女恼怒至极,怒斥一声,纵身跃向苏云,一口长剑一把火刀,直接朝苏云劈了过来。 „? With double military? When I can't?” “呵?用双武?当我不会吗?” Su Yun unties back Death Sword, has not drawn out the sheath Death Sword, is grasping flood dragon seal, is grasping Death Sword, keeps off to that long sword and long blade. 苏云解开背后的死剑,并未将死剑拔出鞘,一手握着蛟印,一手握着死剑,挡向那口长剑与长刀。 The young girl strength is enormous, particularly that is shaking the hand of long blade, the strength is extremely overbearing, but is shaking the hand of long sword, actually flexible agile, as if this is the hands of two people. 少女劲力极大,尤其是那握着长刀的手,劲力极其霸道,而握着长剑的手,却灵活敏捷,仿佛这是两个人的手。 But, has Monarch Occult Su Yun, the strength is more astonishing, three sword blades after spelling, the young girl was hit retreats again and again, she looks at Su Yun surprisedly, has not thought that then sees the Su Yun vertical step to come, Engraved Dragon Blade takes the head, Death Sword takes the abdomen, if the double sword keen as wind the electricity, attacks together, crazy dragon that such as two anger clash. 可,拥有君神力苏云,力量却更为惊人,三剑一刀对拼后,少女被撞得连连后退,她惊讶的看着苏云,还未多想,便见苏云纵步过来,蛟印剑取首,死剑取腹,双剑灵敏似风若电,齐齐出击,如两条怒冲的狂龙。 The Su Yun arm pinches tightly, the strength displays in a big way. 苏云臂膀捏紧,力量发挥到最大。 The young girls see that the double pupil opens the eyes suddenly, holds up a blade sword to resist anxiously anxiously. 少女见状,双眸突睁,急急举起一刀一剑抵挡。 But... 但... Clang!!!! 铛!!!! Although the sword the standard keeps off successfully, strength that with amazement but above adheres to stick cohere follows the sword function directly on the body of that young girl, the young girl body trembles crazily, the person flies upside down, has cracked-up several big trees, throwing down maliciously on the ground, looks at her helmet and armor again, presents the massive fissures unexpectedly... 刀剑虽然格挡成功,但上头附着的骇然之力直接顺着刀剑作用在那少女的身上,少女身躯狂颤,人倒飞出去,撞碎了数棵大树,狠狠的摔倒在地上,再看她身上的盔甲,竟出现大量裂痕... Good astonishing strength. 好惊人的力量。 Young girl setting out of strongly, but person has not stood up, then small mouth, puts out a dark red blood. 少女竭力的起身,但人还未站起,便小嘴一张,吐出一口殷红的鲜血。 Mixes... Bastards...” The young girl whole face scowl, in the double pupil completely is unwilling. “混...混蛋...”少女满脸怒容,双眸里尽是不甘。 Su Yun cast aside eye that young girl, the line of sight has swept a frame, shook the head, turns around then to walk. 苏云撇了眼那少女,视线又扫了眼车架,摇了摇头,转身便走。 Good cultivation! Good strength! Fierce!!” “好修为!好力量!厉害!!” At this moment, in the frame emits a clear sound. 就在这时,车架里冒出一记清脆的声音。 The Su Yun squint looks at that frame, then looked that the frame curtain was pulled open by nearby maidservant, then, wears the black long clothes, on the clothes is printed with the female who the startled bird wants the flying plating to go out. 苏云斜眼看着那车架,便看车架帐幔被旁边的侍女拉开,接着,一名穿着黑色长裳,衣裳上印有惊鸟欲飞印纹的女子走出。 Looks at its appearance appearance roughly 20 -year-old over appearances, fresh beautiful woman, flesh match snow, but his pair of pupil, has the heroic spirit, the pupil deep place has overbearing of not being able saying that a long hair jet black like black ink, is pulling tall Ji, leaves leeway one to hang to Mawei of waist, with the wind jogging. 看其容颜模样约莫20岁出头的样子,生的明眸皓齿,肌肤赛雪,而其双眸,更具英气,瞳仁深处有一种说不出的霸道,一头长发漆黑如墨,挽着高髻,身后留有一条垂至腰间的马尾,随风轻摇。 This female appearance is attractive, but makings are more unique, before Su Yun has seen the female is entirely different. 这女子模样好看,但气质更独特,与苏云以前所见过的女子截然不同。 This makings, he is beyond description. 这种气质,他难以形容。 I do not know you, if nothing, I should walk.” “我不认识你,如果没什么事情,我该走了。” He has caressed the mask. 他抚了抚面具。 „The technique of imperial sword... Is your excellency Divine Sword sends for?” The female bright eyes are about to have swept Su Yun, asks, the sound is persuasive. “御剑之术...阁下是神剑派人吗?”女子明眸快扫了眼苏云,开口询问,声音婉转动听。 The Su Yun language, has not turned around directly, then must leave. 苏云未语,径直转身,便要离开。 Quite impolite.” “好生无礼。” The female maidservant of sees that cannot bear honk shouts. 女子身旁的侍女见状,忍不住嘟嚷。 The females are not angry, then looked that her hand wields, takes out together the aquamarine circular spheroid from the Chu ring, grasps among the slender snow white small hands, is staring at Su Yun: Your excellency kills the game that I have captured, has won its advantage, but also hits to enjoy my maid, wants such to walk? Rather too didn't pay attention to me?” 女子却也不恼,便看她手一挥,从储物戒指里取出一块碧绿色的圆形球体,握在纤细雪白的小手间,盯着苏云:“阁下杀了我追捕的猎物,夺走了它身上的好处,还打赏我的贴身丫鬟,难道就想这么走了吗?未免太不把我放在眼里了吧?” Pays attention to?” Su Yun has turned head to visit her, asked: I said that who your his mother is?” “放在眼里?”苏云扭过头看着她,问道:“我说你他娘到底是谁啊?” You... Young Lady! Is why polite with him? Butchered this person to consider as finished directly! How could impolite has the so person seen? You do not know that such person also does patch in this world?” “你...小姐!何必跟他客气?直接宰了此人算了!如此无礼之人何曾见过?连您都不知道,这样的人也配活在这个世界上吗?” That grasped the young girl of sword to draw out the body, caressed is sending the pain chest to be burning with anger to say. 那握着刀剑的少女起了身,抚着发疼的胸口怒火中烧道。 Your this what logic? Did not know that your family Young Lady doesn't patch in this world? Is this typical self-centered mentality? You think that the world does gather round you to transfer?” Su Yun shakes the head: Excuse my not attending.” “你这什么逻辑?不认识你家小姐就不配活在这个世上?这就是典型的以自我为中心的心态吧?你以为世界围着你们转吗?”苏云摇摇头:“恕不奉陪。” The sound falls, then picks up the speed to depart. 声音落下,便加快速度离去。 Your excellency not walks!!” “阁下莫走!!” At this time, that grasped the black clothes female of aquamarine spheroid to drink one high, melted the flowing light to raid suddenly together, full war intent produced in vain, that strange war intent resembled to sit the mountain unexpectedly, smashing all around tree Mu Town. 这时,那握着碧绿色球体的黑裳女子高喝一声,骤化一道流光袭来,满满的战意徒然生成,那奇异的战意竟似坐坐大山,将四周树木镇的粉碎。 The Su Yun brow whips, engages in self-examination suddenly, a sword chops horizontally, rich spirit profound Aura releases by blade edge. 苏云眉头急动,骤然反身,一剑横劈,浓郁的灵玄气息透过剑锋释放出去。 However, surprisingly this female unexpectedly stiffly goes against Sword Qi that this is releasing, kills directly, she cracks-up Sword Qi, in the hand the aquamarine sphere flood the intermittent halo, afterward the rapid change, then forms a generous deep green blade suddenly, brandishes along with the it slender arm. 然,让人惊讶的是这女子竟然硬生生的顶着这释放出的剑气,直接杀来,她撞碎剑气,手中碧绿色的圆球泛起阵阵光晕,随后迅速变化,眨眼间便形成一把宽厚的碧绿刀,随之纤细的臂膀挥舞过来。 Clang! 铛! Death Sword draws out, the horizontal sword resists. 死剑拔出,横剑抵挡。 Bi Daokan on scabbard. 碧刀砍在剑鞘上。 Female black eyebrow coloring eyebrow coagulation, both hands grasp the blade, the strength urge the limit. 女子黛眉凝紧,双手握刀,力量催到极限。 The Su Yun both feet sank for several points, but had not thought that strenuous, his left hand loosens the Death Sword sword hilt, traces toward Sword sheath, extracts Engraved Dragon Blade, such as the poisonous snake punctured toward the lower abdomen of that female generally. 苏云双脚沉了数分,但并未觉得有多吃力,他左手松开死剑剑柄,朝剑匣内摸去,重新抽出蛟印剑,如毒蛇一般朝那女子的小腹刺了过去。 Buzz humming sound... 嗡嗡嗡... The blade edge trembling cry, exudes the scary sound. 剑锋颤鸣,发出骇人之声。 However, the female unexpectedly is unhurriedly, retreats several points, in hand blue blade once again flood ray, changes. 然,那女子竟不慌不忙,后退数分,手中碧刀再度泛起光芒,变化开来。 However the twinkling time, Bi Daojing changed into the round shield, the standard has blocked the double sword. 不过瞬息功夫,碧刀竟化为了圆盾,格挡住了双剑。 Um?” “嗯?” Su Yun one surprised. 苏云一愕。 Actually looks at the shield the flood ray, suddenly changes into spear, female both hands grasps the spear|gun, Murderous Qi, the spear head curls up myriad Aura directly, at least contained True Divine Aura and Swift Wind Aura two types, rapidly like hawk, fiercely like tiger, bright. 却看盾牌又泛光芒,眨眼之间化为一杆长枪,女子双手握枪,径直杀气,枪头卷起万千气息,至少蕴含了真罡气息风疾气息两种,迅如鹰,猛如虎,煌煌而来。 What magic weapon is this? 这是什么法宝? Su Yun retreats, avoids spear again and again, the double sword flings crazily, spirit profound Aura explodes, massive Sword Qi hit brashly to that female. 苏云连连后退,避开长枪,双剑狂甩,灵玄气息爆开,大量剑气如骤雨般打向那女子。 The females shake again, the spear shield, the petite body hides After Dadun, blocks these Sword Qi, afterward flies high to jump, the weapon changes once again, forms an aquamarine long bow, her drawing a bow nocking, projects seven green arrows. 女子再晃,长枪化盾,娇小的身子躲于大盾之后,挡住这些剑气,随后凌空跃起,武器再度变化,形成一支碧绿色的长弓,她张弓搭箭,射出七根绿箭。 The Su Yun heart gets angry, dark snort|hum, no longer fends unexpectedly, jumps to overrun. 苏云心头发恼,暗哼一声,竟不再闪避,纵身冲了过去。 He mentioned the double sword dance, blade edge divided to the advantage arrow that these shot, will cut completely broken, afterward flushed to the front of female. 他提起双剑狂舞,剑锋劈向那些射来的利箭,将之全部斩碎,随后冲至女子的面前。 The weapon in female hand changes, this time turns into a short exquisite dagger, maliciously thorn to the heart of Su Yun. 女子手中的武器又变化起来,这次变成一只短小精湛的匕首,狠狠刺向苏云的心脏。 But, Su Yun loosened Death Sword and Engraved Dragon Blade at this moment suddenly, both hands covers the woman slender smooth small hands maliciously. 但,苏云这一刻突然松开了死剑蛟印剑,双手狠狠扣住女人纤细柔滑的小手。 Not?” “唔?” The women stare, in the eye pupil is flooding doubts. 女人一愣,眼眸中充斥着一丝疑惑。 Actually sees this moment, in the skin of Su Yun bursts out massive Aura, such as the spider web proliferates instantaneously, and passed through the woman to be innumerable the strategic point... 却见这一刻,苏云的皮肤中迸发出大量气息,如蛛网般瞬间遍布开来,且贯穿了女人上上下下无数要害... Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz... 嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖... Lets go but Death Sword and flood dragon seal bangs into the paths of these air/Qi in this moment suddenly, cut-throat thorn to woman strategic point... 脱手而出的死剑与蛟印在这一刻骤然撞入这些气之轨迹中,凶狠的刺向女人身上的要害... Violent Feng Jian method. 风剑法。
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