LSG :: Volume #3

#267: Asked the immortal region

In Sky Martial Continent, regardless of the ominous beast, spirit beast and monster beast or the demon beast, are intelligential, the creator had not stipulated that humanity is the master in mainland, has plenty of such people the biology that humanity is more intelligent. 天武大陆中,无论凶兽、灵兽、妖兽还是魔兽,都是有灵性的,造物主没有规定人类就是大陆的主人,比人类聪明的生物大有人在。 Ominous beast cultivation excelled, various aspects will have the extremely remarkable promotion, among each ominous beasts is their own exchange methods not to be different, but the communication method of high level ominous beast actually very intelligent study on humanity, is the logical expression, by this skill will have very big convenience to the person to the beast, particularly understood the ominous beast that imaginary technique, the language can let in the team that they mix humanity, waits for the opportunity to act. 凶兽修为高强了,各方面也会有极显著的提升,每种凶兽之间属于它们自己的交流手段都不一样,但高阶凶兽却会很聪明的学上人类的沟通方式,也就是人话,靠这个技能无论是对人对兽都会有很大的便利,尤其是一些懂得幻术的凶兽,人语能让它们混到人类的队伍中,伺机而动。 Su Yun stimulates to movement Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes secretly, has swept eye that two ominous beast. 苏云暗暗催动起天鳞神目,扫了眼那两尊凶兽。 Left that existence huge incomparable taking the form of lion tiger, its whole body body has covered entirely Huagang Crag, lives six fingernails, the claw is enormous, the mouth place extends two sections of curving buckteeth, the whole body braves the agitated chlorine, all around earth had been trod a smashing by it, is very the military might. 左边那存在庞然无比形似狮虎,它浑身皮肉布满了花岗岩石,生有六爪,爪子极大,嘴处伸有两截弯曲的獠牙,浑身冒着汹汹绿气,四周大地都被它踏了个粉碎,很是威武。 But its opposite existence appears quite thin and small, that is a head is enormous, the both legs are built on the ground, but both hands short slender existence, such as frog, but its mouth actually silk can swallow the mountains rivers, enormous incomparable, the above fang such as the steel nail proliferates, but makes people feel what creepy feeling, its each fang, by the astonishing spirit profound Aura package, might terror in this way. 而其对面的存在则显得较为纤瘦,那是一个脑袋极大,双腿立于地面,但双手短小纤细的存在,如蛤蟆般,但它的嘴却丝能吞下山川河流,极大无比,上头獠牙如钢钉般遍布,而更让人感觉头皮发麻的是,它的每一颗獠牙,都被惊人的灵玄气息包裹,威力恐怖如斯。 Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple. 一尊灵玄魂十品,一尊灵玄魂九品。 Although not and Spirit Star Disciple, but regarding the people, these two ominous beasts such as two mountains was unattainable, the people to it, the hope that has not won absolutely, even if Su Yun in does not draw support from Heavenly Crystal and other most precious object in addition to hold, difficult with it contending. 虽未及灵玄阳,但对于众人而言,这两只凶兽已如两座大山般高不可攀,众人对之,绝对没有胜利的希望,哪怕是苏云在不借助天擎等至宝的加持下,也难与之抗衡。 Is two ominous beasts competes for the position of prairie overlord, we pass through rapidly, not must stay in this.” “是两只凶兽争夺草原霸主的位置,我们迅速穿过去,莫要在此停留。” Su Yun said to behind people of poking head. 苏云冲着身后一个个探出头来的人说道。 What? Two ominous beast preying?” “什么?两只凶兽搏杀?” Luo Xiao Miao and Shen Hao and the others a bright, joyful color fills the air immediately at present. 洛萧淼与沈浩等人顿时眼前一亮,欣喜之色弥漫开来。 „Does this situation also walk really? These two ominous beast strengths are not definitely low, their bodies and skeletons even are the hair only feared that can be the treasure, we might as well they fight here, after the mutual wounds, hitting again on together, reaps profits? Isn't this?” “这种情况还走甚?这两只凶兽实力肯定不低,它们身上的皮肉、骨骼甚至是毛发只怕都会是宝贝啊,我们不如在这儿等它们斗完,打的两败俱伤后再一起上,坐收渔翁之利?这不是更好吗?” Good that Shen Hao Big brother said that but these two ominous beasts in the past existence that we want unable to think, if can result in their skeleton, we ten years of practice resources will not have the extra worries in the future! Will practice to have the enormous help to us in the future!” Hong Yan is also ready to make trouble, impatient [say / way]. “沈浩大哥说的不错,这两只凶兽可是往日里我们连想都不敢想的存在,若能得了它们的尸骨,我们日后十余年的修炼资源将无后顾之忧了!对我们日后的修炼会有极大的帮助啊!”红雁也是蠢蠢欲动,迫不及待道。 However, these words fall in the ear of Su Yun, especially is grating. 然而,这番话落在苏云的耳中,却尤为刺耳。 You have made a mistake, such idea, will only lose your lives.” “你们都错了,这样的想法,只会葬送你们的性命。” Su Yun sinks to say. 苏云沉道。 The people stare. 众人一愣。 Hong Yan visits him: Wu Yun (Su Yun) did Big brother, why so say?” 红雁看着他:“无云大哥,为何这般说?” Su Yun shook the head, took a fast look around surrounding: You think that wants to reap profits, only then we??” 苏云摇摇头,扫视了周围一圈:“你以为想要坐收渔翁之利的只有咱们这些人吗??” People one startled: All around also has other people?” 众人一惊:“难道四周还有其他人?” Person? No, but actually some innumerable powerful generations! Innumerable you do not know the fierce ominous beast! Can in the ominous beast that on this piece of plain survives, how could is the common people? This piece bit the moon/month plain I to come several times, quite knew about here that here active majority was about Spirit Soul Disciple existence, here has two strength so powerful ominous beast preying, how could did they miss this opportunity? Yes! In the ominous beast, indeed has timid existence, formidable ominous beast preying, they will shrink to hide rustle to tremble, but also has the ambition enormous ominous beast, they long for the superior, longs for that swallows the formidable ominous beast to make they more formidable, the sound that these two ominous beasts fight is so huge, only feared that already attracted the innumerable ominous beast!! The ominous beast that this, we have not bumped into is so scarce, then can prove this point.” “人?没有,但却有无数实力强大之辈!无数你根本不知有多厉害的凶兽!能在这片平原上生存的凶兽,岂能是泛泛之辈?这片噬月平原我来过数次,对这儿也颇为了解,此处活跃的大部分都是灵玄魂左右的存在,此处有两尊实力如此强悍的凶兽搏杀,它们岂能错过这个机会?是!凶兽之中,的确有胆小的存在,强大凶兽搏杀,它们都会缩起来藏起来簌簌发抖,但却也有野心极大的凶兽,它们渴望上位,渴望吞噬强大的凶兽让它们自己更强大,这两尊凶兽斗的动静如此巨大,只怕已经吸引了数不清的凶兽!!这一路,我们未碰到的凶兽如此稀少,便能证明这一点。” People heard the sound, the bursting out laughing is speechless immediately. 众人闻声,顿时哑然无言。 Furthermore, here everywhere is the malaria, our nowhere may hide radically, here waited for that they fight, obtains without labor the elderly fisherman? Is unwise, about Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence preys, enough razes here, we must be affected, do not stop over, departs in a big hurry!” “再者,这儿到处都是瘴气,我们根本无处可藏,在这儿等待它们斗完,坐收渔翁?太不明智,灵玄魂十品左右的存在搏杀起来,足够把这儿夷为平地,我们也必会受到波及,还是不要逗留了,快快离去吧!” On Su Yun first does is widely traveled, compared with other person of many many of knowing, obtain without labor the elderly fisherman? That is because strength strong Yu Yubang of elderly fisherman, he has the strength to watch in the one side, but Su Yun and the others are not good, here snipe freshwater mussel, once spars, affects in them, that may on the gain does not equal the loss, let alone, here elderly fisherman be possible to continue their. 苏云上一世走南闯北,知晓的也比其他人多的多,坐收渔翁?那是因为渔翁的实力强于鹬蚌,他有实力在一旁观看,但苏云等人不行了,这里的‘鹬蚌’一旦斗起法来,波及于他们,那可就得不偿失了,更何况,这里的渔翁可不止他们一个。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others listened to right that Su Yun analyzes, then also along with it return river bottom, continued to hurry along. Although Shen Hao and the others are extremely unwilling, but the current situation indeed does not allow the people to stay for a long time, nearby this is the malarias, treats below? 王重山等人听苏云分析的对,便也随之回到河底,继续赶路了。虽然沈浩等人极度不甘,但当前情况的确不容众人久留,更者,这附近都是瘴气,怎待的下? These two ominous beasts have fought earth-shaking, but Su Yun and the others already passed through. 这两只凶兽斗了个天翻地覆,而苏云等人已经穿了过去。 After several days dates, one row of people are shocking but not dangerous left has bitten the moon/month prairie. 数日后,一列人有惊无险的离开了噬月草原。 Just left the prairie, Shen Hao and the others then honk shouts. 只是刚出草原,沈浩等人便嘟嚷开来。 Was a pity! What a pity! Has been a pity, this is chance, Wu Yun (Su Yun) you do not grasp unexpectedly! This is the opportunity that can make us have a meteoric rise!!” “可惜!可惜!太可惜了,这是机缘啊,无云你居然不把握!这可是能让我们平步青云的机会啊!!” Shen Hao sighed again and again. 沈浩连连叹气。 Has made a mistake this time, does not know when can also bump into again!!” “错了这一次,也不知什么时候还能再碰到啊!!” Oh.” “唉。” The people sighed again and again. 众人叹气连连。 Hello, Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother has not been blocking you, do you want in actually? Why to come out to blame Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother? Your several are really.” Hong Yan angry [say / way]. “喂,无云大哥没拦着你们啊,你们要上倒是上啊?凭什么出来了又要怪无云大哥?你们几个真是的。”红雁恼道。 Considers as finished, does not say!” Shen Haodu shouted, got out of the way. “算了算了,不说了!”沈浩嘟嚷了一句,走开了。 The people did not have the purple corner/horn beast, can only go forward on foot, left the plain, then enters the northern continent, the people are not first time come this, how also knows the following road to walk, one group of people urge to begin the transport of the coffin or cinerary casket profound Aura, displays in a big way the speed, quick, then arrived in recent cities. 众人没了紫角兽,只能徒步前进,出了平原,便进入北方大陆,众人都不是第一次来这,也知晓接下来的路该怎么走,一群人催起灵玄气息,将速度发挥到最大,很快,便抵达了最近的一座城镇。 Buys the purple corner/horn beast in the cities, then continues toward asking the immortal region sets out. 在城镇内买上紫角兽,便继续朝问仙区域进发。 Along with the migration of date and time, the people asked that the immortal region is getting more and more near, mood also even more excited. 随着时日的迁移,众人问仙区域越来越近,心境也越发的激动。 After more than ten day. 十余日后。 Here is Huai being near within the boundaries, has passed through here, is asked that the immortal region, entered asks the immortal region, went to Qinchuan then not to have many journeys again, everybody, we must reach the destination immediately.” “这里是淮临境内,穿过了这儿,就是问仙区域了,进入问仙区域,再去秦川便没多少路途,各位,我们马上就要到达目的地了。” Wang Zhong Shan slightly excited saying of looking pale. 面色苍白的王重山略微激动的说道。 The people continue to hurry along. 众人继续赶路。 The people faintly are worried about the Wang Zhong Shan injury. 只是,众人还是隐隐担心王重山的伤势。 Looks at his excited appearance, as if has not been serious the wound in this lower abdomen place. 看他激动的样子,似乎根本就没有把这小腹处的伤当回事。 Young master, do not participate, what has more important than the life? It is said participated in the mountains and rivers list, so long as does not die, how to prey becomes, if you have an accident in the arena, how we do go back also to confess to Wang Jia?” “少爷,您还是别参加了,有什么比命重要呢?据说参与了山河榜,只要不死,如何搏杀都成,你若在擂台上有个三长两短,我们回去还如何向王家交代?” The bodyguards the face were saying painstakingly. 侍卫们一个个苦着脸道。 Confession? What confessed? The princes basically take responsibility by me now, so long as you confess to become to me, I am all right, should not be worried.” “交代?什么交代?王家现在基本由我做主,你们只要向我交代就成,我没事,你们不要担心。” Wang Zhong Shan swallowed a medicine, does not care to say quite the same as. 王重山吞了颗药,浑然不在意道。 The people see that also has to give up the persuasion. 众人见状,也只好放弃了劝说。 The team continues to set out. 队伍继续进发。 In the future, the people did not enter finally asked the city of immortal region most border. 不日后,众人总算进入了问仙区域最边境的一座城池。 But in this city, gathered massively from the mountains and rivers list campaign team far apart. 而在这座城内,聚集了大量来自天南地北的山河榜竞选队伍。 The city teahouse, restaurant, inn and other places in have all been filled with the person, asked all shops in immortal region prosperously all full, business full house. 城池内的茶馆、酒楼、客栈等地皆坐满了人,问仙区域的所有店铺无不红火爆满,生意爆棚。 The people walk on the avenue, saw that the so lively city also quite receives the feelings. 众人走在大街上,看到这般热闹的城池也颇受感触。 Wang Zhong Shan makes the person arrange inn to have a rest immediately. 王重山立刻让人去安排客栈歇脚。 Rushes about, works night and day, now will soon reach the destination, indeed this well rests, the team below, prepares recuperation one day. 一路奔波,披星戴月,现在即将到达目的地,也的确该好好休息,队伍驻下,准备休整一天。 Wang Zhong Shan entered the inn, then went to the room to heal from a wound, but other people also respective practice restoration in room. 王重山进了客栈,便回了房间养伤,而其他人也在屋内各自修炼恢复。 Su Yun this has not consumed too many, sat the moment in the inn, then alone went out, walks toward the avenue on. 苏云这一路没有消耗太多,在客栈内坐了片刻,便独自出了门,朝大街上走去。 Here is the person of participation, he needs to make an understanding to the player. 这里都是参赛之人,他需要对参赛选手做个了解。 Since decides to infiltrate the mountains and rivers list, then must be fully prepared, Su Yun indeed is not big, in the Bei Xuan Ming team the ruler small luan of that Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple then made him be startled, although ruler small luan cultivation is not high, but her magic weapon is really astonishing, can let her and that gang leader unexpectedly contends. If only the Bei Xuan Ming team so is then formidabe, in that mountains and rivers list these seeded players? What situation should be? 既然决定打入山河榜,便要做好充分的准备,苏云不敢自大,之前北轩鸣队伍中那个灵玄心九品的尺小鸾便让他吃了一惊,虽然尺小鸾修为不高,但她的法宝着实惊人,竟能让她与那强盗头子抗衡。若只是北轩鸣的队伍便这般难对付,那山河榜上那些种子选手呢?该是什么情况? Although own magic weapon is powerful, but had the superiority really? 自己的法宝虽然强悍,但真的占据了优势吗? Su Yun does not know completely. 苏云完全不知。 A sound of jet black sword taking wears the mask, at the back of Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword and Death Sword, is carrying on the arm Sword sheath, such mixes in the crowd, goes following the avenue line. 一身漆黑剑服的声音戴着面具,背着‘神玄赤血剑’与‘死剑’,挎着剑匣,就这么混在人群中,顺着大街行去。 Has not walked several steps, then hears the front to hear the intermittent noise, raises eyes to look, then saw that two spirit profound have hit. 没走几步,便听到前方传来阵阵嘈杂声,举目望去,便看到两名灵玄者打了起来。 Since gathered massive spirit profound, naturally unavoidably fights, the places of some people have the dispute. 既然聚集了大量灵玄者,自然免不了斗殴,有人的地方就有纷争。 Su Yun has swept those present approximately, many are Spirit Core Disciple existence, unusual Spirit Soul Disciple also in one two between. 苏云大致扫了眼在场的人,多数都是灵玄心存在,少有灵玄魂也是在一品二品之间。 Oh? Doesn't that hold Crown Prince Su??” “唉?那不是扶苏太子吗??” At this time, screams resounded from crowd. 这时,一记惊呼声从人群中响起。 The massive passers-by divert the attention in abundance, looks toward the side. 大量路人纷纷将视线转移,朝旁侧望去。 What? Held Crown Prince Su also to participate in the mountains and rivers list?? This... This may be miserable.” “什么?扶苏太子也来参加山河榜了??这...这可惨了。” Held Crown Prince Su unable to participate in the mountains and rivers list? This repairs the friend, miserably what do you have? Do you also want to hold Crown Prince Su to? But others seeded player!” “扶苏太子怎么不能参加山河榜了?呵,这位修友,你有什么惨的?你还想对上扶苏太子吗?别人可是种子选手!” „Is he unexpectedly the seeded player?” “他竟是种子选手?” You think! Holds Crown Prince Su the talent that but south Entwining Secrets District is well-known, once contended not to drop the wind with Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, now does not know that was any strength, in his method, entered mountains and rivers list first 20 not to be absolutely difficult!” “你以为呢!扶苏太子可是南方诀连区域闻名的天才,曾与灵玄魂五存在抗衡而不落下风,现在也不知是什么实力了,以他手段,进入山河榜前20名绝对不难!” Quite fierce...” “好生厉害...” The people whoop, sigh with emotion sound continuously. 人们议论纷纷,感慨声此起彼伏。 Massive spirit profound toward a that side magnificent and expensive clothing, handsome such as jade Young Master crowd around, people warm greeting, almost the most people look to that person of eye, is flooding the respect and worship. 大量灵玄者朝那边一袭华贵服饰,翩翩如玉的公子拥簇过去,人们热情的打着招呼,几乎多数人看向那人的眼,是充斥着尊敬与崇拜的。 Holds Su?” “扶苏?” Su Yun gawked. 苏云愣了。 But actually has not thought that will bump into him here. 倒没想到会在这儿碰到他。 Um?” “嗯?” In Su Yun sizes up holds Su, its later wears the broken mask, the female of camouflage profile attracted his attention merely instantaneously... 就在苏云打量扶苏之际,其身之后一名戴着残破面具,仅仅遮蔽半边脸的女子瞬间吸引了他的视线... A strange familiar feeling ascends in its heart. 一股奇怪的熟悉感在其心头升腾。 This woman... Probably which in has seen?” “这个女人...好像在哪见过?” Moreover her mask... With that mask that initially wore... Probably... 而且她的面具...与自己当初所戴的那个面具...好像... Is the coincidence? 是巧合吗? The Su Yun heart doubts to think. 苏云心头疑思。 …… …… ( Today three, National Day have activity, asked ticket) (今天三更,国庆有活动,求票)
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