LSG :: Volume #3

#266: Ominous beast preying

Now what to do? Big Brother Wang, where do we walk?” “现在怎么办?王大哥,我们走哪边?” Luo Xiao Miao turns head to ask., 洛萧淼扭头问道。,, If we detour to weigh the world mountain, only feared that cannot catch the registration time of mountains and rivers list evaluation match mostly, all then have wasted when the time comes, weighs the world mountain not to walk.” Wang Zhong Shan sinks to say. “如果我们真的绕道衡世山,只怕多半是赶不上山河榜评选赛的报名时间,到时候一切便都白费了,衡世山走不得。”王重山沉道。 But... If not walk to weigh the world mountain, we like this do cross the prairie? If only the malaria solves but actually fortunately, but the issue is the ominous beast on present prairie all goes out of own lair, everywhere is their forms. Once bumps into the ominous beast, that may be dangerous!!” “可...若不走衡世山,咱们就这样横穿草原吗?若只是瘴气倒还好解决,但问题是现在草原上的凶兽全部走出自己的巢穴,到处都是它们的身影。一旦碰上凶兽,那可就危险了!!” Saying that a bodyguard worries about. 一侍卫担忧的说道。 Wang Zhong Shan lowers the head does not speak. 王重山低头不语。 If he has not been injured, crossing prairie that may feel relieved greatly, but at this moment, he carries the severe wound, already is a burden, said again this type across the prairie, does have the suspicion of speaking irresponsibly and sarcastically? 若他没有受伤,大可放心的横穿草原,但此刻,他身负重伤,已经是个累赘,再说这种穿过草原的话,岂不是有站着说话不腰疼的嫌疑? Walks the prairie!” “走草原吧!” At this moment, Su Yun of that head opened the mouth suddenly. 就在这时,那头的苏云突然又开口了。 Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother.” Hong Yan places his body the line of sight, why does not know, she always thought that this person is similar any issue unable to baffle, has him , the person of this team has an inexplicable security sense. 无云大哥。”红雁将视线放在他的身上,不知为何,她总觉得这个人仿佛什么问题都难不倒,有他在,这个队伍的人都有一种莫名的安全感。 „Do Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun), we walk the prairie really?” Wang Zhong Shan vision somewhat blazing is looking at him. 无云兄弟,咱们真的走草原?”王重山目光有些炽热的望着他。 Su Yun nods: Walks the prairie! I know that has a shortcut, can pass through the prairie fast, moreover can avoid the ominous beast, if you are willing to obey my direction, after I think two day, can pass through this piece of prairie.” 苏云点点头:“走草原!我知道有一条捷径,能够快速穿过草原,而且能避开凶兽,若你们愿意听我的指挥,我想两日后,就能穿过这片草原。” Two day?” “两日?” The people were startled. 众人吃了一惊。 Goes straight crosses, must at least five day time, Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun), you do not boast.” Member some do not believe. “就算直走横穿,也要至少五日的功夫啊,无云兄弟,你可不要吹牛皮啊。”一队员有些不相信了。 Oh, Shen Hao, what words are you? Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun) are not the common people, he said two day to be able, can on the 2nd surely.” Wang Zhong Shan shouted to clear the way earnestly: All people are listening, from now on, all people must obey the direction of Wu Yun (Su Yun), if who the non- command prompt, that refuses to accept my Wang Zhong Shan, such person, I will not take him to be what kind, but the qualifications of mountains and rivers list competition, I definitely, you will not weigh.” “唉,沈浩,你这是什么话?无云兄弟可不是泛泛之辈,他说两日能过,两日定能过。”王重山认真喝道:“所有人都听着,从现在起,所有人都必须听从无云的指挥,谁若不服从命令的,那就是不服我王重山,这样的人,我不会拿他怎样,但山河榜大赛的资格,我肯定是不会给的,你们大家衡量一下吧。” We will obey pulling strings of Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother.” The people shouted. “我们会听从无云大哥的指使的。”众人呼道。 The squad reorganizes , to continue to start off. 小队整顿一番,继续上路。 Su Yun gets the team to lead the way directly, is treading one meter high grass, sets out toward the distant place. 苏云领着队伍径直前行,踏着一米多高的草,朝远方进发。 He is looking around in all directions, seems seeking for anything, Yang Qitou is staring at the sky a while. 他四处张望着,似乎在找寻着什么,又仰起头盯着天空好一阵子。 Doubts that behind person looks, but nobody disturbs Su Yun. 后头的人看的疑惑,但无人去打扰苏云 Slowly, in the air filled intermittently rich such as fog Aura, Aura irritated the nose, was indistinct may smell a bloody taste, making the person frown. 慢慢,空气中弥漫起了阵阵浓郁如雾的气息,气息刺鼻,隐约间可嗅到股股血腥味儿,让人不禁皱起眉头。 „Is this malaria?” “这是瘴气吗?” A little thin malaria, but also is not enough to have the influence to us!” “只是一点儿稀薄的瘴气,还不足以对我们产生影响!” Su Yun gains ground, hints the people to halt. 苏云抬起头,示意众人止步。 The team stopped. 队伍停了下来。 Continues to face forward, we entered the malaria region, has not resisted the compounded drug of this special malaria, how long we could not support in the malaria... Front you here and other, I go to search to explore the way.” “继续朝前走,我们就进入瘴气地带了,没有抵抗这种特殊瘴气的丹药,我们在瘴气中支持不了多久...你们在这儿等一下,我去前面探探路。” Su Yun said. 苏云说道。 Explores the way?” “探路?” Searches?” “怎么探?” The people asked. 众人愣问。 But looked that the Su Yun hand raises swiftly, the cold brightness flew from Sword sheath of waist together, enters airborne, when cold brightness anchorage, the people the item are looking, that impressively is a bright as snow long sword. 但看苏云倏然手一扬,一道寒光从腰间的剑匣内飞了出来,直入空中,待寒光定住,人们着目一看,那赫然是一把雪亮的长剑。 Then sees Su Yun to fly high leaps, steps the long sword, whiz, flies into the horizon to vanish does not see. 便见苏云凌空一跃,踏上长剑,‘嗖’的一声,飞入天际消失不见。 Really fierce, is this then imperial Sword Skill?” “真厉害,这便是御剑术吗?” Under Hong Yan, Luo Xiao Miao and the others sent out the color of envying. 下头的红雁洛萧淼等人发出羡慕之色。 „Are this Brother Wu Yun (Su Yun) Divine Sword send the disciple really? This imperial Sword Skill may seriously be exquisite pure.” “难道这无云兄弟真的是神剑派弟子?这手御剑术可当真是精湛精纯啊。” Wang Zhong Shan cannot bear to praise sigh. 王重山也忍不住赞叹道。 „Does Divine Sword send the disciple? How I thought that he should be Divine Sword sends the elite disciple?” 神剑派弟子?我怎么觉得他应该是神剑派中的精锐弟子啊?” At this time, side that asked Shen Hao member to open the mouth to say. 这时,旁边那叫沈浩的队员开口道。 Elite disciple? What leaves this word?” “精锐弟子?何出此言?” Oh, Big Brother Wang, I also sent the disciple to contact with Divine Sword before, although they send the disciple for the sword, but many person not imperial Sword Skill, but adept exquisite imperial Sword Skill like the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother, that were less, therefore I thought that in Divine Sword sends, the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother definitely is not the common people.” “唉,王大哥,我以前也跟神剑派弟子接触过,他们虽为剑派弟子,但很多人都不会御剑术,而像无云兄这样娴熟精湛的御剑术,那就更少了,所以我觉得,在神剑派中,无云兄肯定也不是什么泛泛之辈。” Yes, moreover you discover not to have, his weapon is quite strange.” Also the member interposed. “是啊,而且你们发现没,他的武器好古怪。”又有一队员插话了。 Strange?” Wang Zhong Shan stares: How to be strange? He not with sword?” “古怪?”王重山一愣:“怎么古怪了?他不是用剑吗?” Yes, with sword right, but haven't you discovered? He is hanging Sword sheath, moreover back also defeated/carrying two swords, but before and Bei Xuan Ming that fellows to the wartime, Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother only used the sword in Sword sheath, but behind him two swords he was moves has not moved! Why doesn't he use? And... Will he have these many swords? These swords can he control?” “是啊,用剑没错,可是你们没发现吗?他自己挂着个剑匣,而且背后还负着两把剑,但之前与北轩鸣那帮家伙对战时,无云大哥只用剑匣里的剑,而他背后的两把剑他是动都没有动!他为什么不用呢?而且...他怎么会有这么多剑?难道这些剑他都能驾驭?” How possible? A sword does not use, but also uses that many swords? In this mainland can have such talent?” Luo Xiao Miao shakes the head to smile: Can control the massive sword edges, the entire mainland estimate also only then that famous Limitless sword master, had only been a pity that sword master vanishes the several years, where also did not know.” “怎么可能?一把剑都用不会,还用那么多剑?这大陆上能有那样的天才?”洛萧淼直摇头笑:“能驾驭大量剑刃的,整个大陆估计也只有那大名鼎鼎的无极剑尊了,只可惜剑尊消失数年,也不知去了何地。” I blindly think.” “我只是瞎想想而已。” ... ... When the people said carelessly pulls, then listens airborne to hear the gust howl, but looked that Su Yun falls from the day, falls before the people rapidly. 就在人们胡乱说扯之时,便听空中传来阵阵风啸声,但看苏云从天而坠,迅落众人前头。 Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother came back!” 无云大哥回来了!” The Hong Yan summon said. 红雁呼唤道。 Then looked that Su Yun received the sword, stood up from failure the purple corner/horn beast. 便看苏云将剑收了起来,翻身上了紫角兽。 My already examined under all around terrain, our nearby do not have any ominous beast, everybody comes with me!” “我已经查看了下四周的地形,咱们这附近没什么凶兽,大家跟我来吧!” He does not have many stays, the words falls, then controls the purple corner/horn beast to face forward to rush. 他没多少停留,话一落下,便驾驭着紫角兽朝前奔去。 Quick, follows!” “快,跟上!” Wang Zhong Shan was shouting, hastily actuation own purple corner/horn beast along with. 王重山喊着,连忙驱动自己的紫角兽随了上去。 Su Yun runs the time of toward the left probably having burnt a joss stick, afterward felt suffocated, offers a sacrifice to spirit profound Aura to wrap itself, isolates the malaria, afterward toward inside has hit. 苏云朝左边跑了大概一炷香的功夫,随后憋了口气,祭出灵玄气息包裹自己,隔绝瘴气,随后朝里头撞了过去。 The heart hair that the people look at doubts, but not hesitant, followed. 人们看的心头发疑,但没犹豫,跟了进去。 After entering the malaria level, how long not to run, then has been separated from this malaria, that flickers, the people also understood, originally Su Yun above saw that the malaria level of this place is thinnest, this has the person to put from here. 进入瘴气层后,没有跑多久,便脱离了这瘴气,那一瞬,人们也明白了,原来苏云在上头看到这片地方的瘴气层最细,这才带人从这儿穿去。 Crossed this malaria levels, presented an open area of scrap non- malaria, but in front with about big malaria regions, but here has a unique merit with other places, that then has a fluent rapid creek in front. 过了这片瘴气层,出现了一小块无瘴气的空地,但在前方与左右都有一大片瘴气区域,不过此处与其他地方有个独特之处,那便是在前头有一条水流湍急的小河。 The river water is limpid, but among the water flood spirit profound Aura, without a doubt, in this river is also being some ominous thing. 河水清澈,但水间泛动着灵玄气息,毫无疑问,这河中也是有些凶物的。 Then looked that Su Yun rode the purple corner/horn beast to arrive at this riverside, deeply inspired, said: „ From here, perhaps everybody must give up the purple corner/horn being beastly.” “便看苏云骑着紫角兽来到了这河边,深吸了口气,道:“从这儿开始,各位恐怕就要放弃紫角兽了。” „Do you want us to walk from river?” “你是要我们从河中走?” Wang Zhong Shan understands the meaning of Su Yun instantaneously. 王重山瞬间明白苏云的意思。 Good.” Su Yun nods: This river, to plain outside, we plunges into the river, stimulates to movement spirit profound Aura to set out, has the fluent thrust force to make the power, the speed riding the purple corner/horn beast will be faster , the hydro-energy isolation malaria, in the river, we will not be affected by the malaria, will not have the accident, after two day, can leave this plain.” “不错。”苏云点点头:“这条河,通往平原外,我们跳入河中,催动灵玄气息进发,有水流的推力做动力,速度会比骑紫角兽还快,水能隔绝瘴气,在河中,我们也不会受瘴气影响,不出意外,两日后便可离开这平原。” But... Can bring in the ominous beast? The words in water, move about with difficulty, has the ominous beast to come, we are very difficult to resist.” “但...会不会引来凶兽啊?在水中的话,行动不便,真有凶兽来,我们可是很难抵御的。” Therefore met the ominous beast we to run. In the water, we are unable to battle with the ominous beast, escaping is the current only method. But... The ominous beast on land is not fearful, fears in the ominous beast on being afraid of water, we are careful.” “所以遇见凶兽咱们就得跑了。在水里,我们是无法与凶兽作战的,逃跑是当前唯一的法子。可...陆地上的凶兽不可怕,怕就怕水里的凶兽,我们要小心。” Ominous beast in water? Water... In the water also has the ominous beast?” “水里的凶兽?水...水里也有凶兽吗?” Who you told that in the water didn't have to be ominously beastly?” “谁跟你说水里没有凶兽了?” Su Yun takes a look at that rapid current of water, opens the mouth saying: Was good, everybody, launching.” 苏云瞅了瞅那湍急的水流,开口道:“好了,各位,下水吧。” „......” “......” The people have not rejected, after all this is the current only method, after Su Yun takes the lead launching, the people dispel, 11 jumped. The people enter the water, then hurriedly was dashed by that river water, so long as stimulates to movement spirit profound Aura to accelerate to go forward slightly, the person then whiz whiz clashes toward the forward flight. 众人到底还是没有拒绝,毕竟这是当前唯一的法子,在苏云领头下水后,众人排开,11跳了下去。人一入水,便被那急匆匆的河水冲撞,只要稍微催动一点灵玄气息加速前进,人便嗖嗖朝前飞冲。 Sonorous! 铿锵! Swiftly, front Su Yun draws out Engraved Dragon Blade to come from Sword sheath, even if the bright as snow long sword in submarine also appears the ray twinkle, bright eye-catching, front of the current sword fills the air, making behind person have a strange palpitation feeling. 倏然,前头的苏云剑匣内拔出蛟印剑来,雪亮的长剑即便在水下也显得光芒闪烁,熠熠夺目,剑之锋顺水弥漫,让后头的人有一种奇异的心悸感。 But looks at Su Yun to thread up the sword, both eyes like the torch, is staring at the front, after the moment, the arm raises, gets rid suddenly. 但看苏云紧扣着剑,双目如炬,盯着前方,片刻后,臂膀一扬,骤然出手。 Works as! 哐当! Thick gigantic Sword Qi rumbled toward the front together in the past. Just likes draws a sword to cut off the water supply, among the entire river water separates. 一道浓厚硕大的剑气直朝前方轰了过去。犹如抽刀断水,整个河水中间从中隔开。 powerful! 好强 Behind Luo Xiao Miao and Hong Yan and other will of the people meat pulled out, stares in a big way the eye. 后头的洛萧淼红雁等人心肉一抽,瞪大了眼睛。 The Sword Qi direct impact front, hits in a body of front build gigantic sharp thorn beast, the sharp thorn beast was cut open around the middle, the Shen Hong color blood spreads. 剑气直冲前方,撞在前头一只体型硕大的尖刺兽的身躯,尖刺兽被拦腰切开,沈虹色的鲜血蔓延开来。 Sharp thorn beast, parasites the low status ominous beast in Jianghai, when river also has the growth, it sticks in the soils generally, waited for that other living thing approach, all living thing moved its surface layer sharp thorn, is lulled immediately, and was absorbed by it, has not thought that here also has!” Su Yun will work profound Aura to separate the river water of oneself mouth, opens the mouth saying: Everybody is careful, do not move its sharp thorn, passes through fast, after the sharp thorn beast dies the blood to attract other ominous thing to come!” “尖刺兽,寄生于江海中的低等凶兽,河中也时有生长,它一般粘在泥土间,等待其他生物靠近,所有生物触碰了它表层的尖刺,会被立刻麻痹且被之吸收,没想到这儿也有!”苏云将灵玄气息隔开自己嘴边的河水,开口道:“大家都小心点,不要触碰它的尖刺,快速穿过去,尖刺兽死后的鲜血会吸引其他凶物过来!” People hear that, picked up the speed immediately. 众人闻言,立刻加快了速度。 Odor that endures the sharp thorn beast to emit, finally the group are shocking but not dangerous left this region. 忍着尖刺兽冒出的恶臭,一行人总算有惊无险的离开了这片区域。 However, tranquil had not finished, in Su Yun gets the people to continue to go forward... 然而,平静并未结束,就在苏云领着众人继续前进之时... Bang! 砰! A fierce explosion resounds in front not far away, then, the earth shivers, the river water tumbling, the intermittent wave transmits, the people of advance by being off their feet of this seismic wave bang, were quite been instantaneously distressed. 一记剧烈的爆炸在前方不远处响起,接着,大地颤抖,河水翻滚不已,阵阵荡波传来,前进的众人瞬间被这股震波轰的人仰马翻,好生狼狈。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Shen Hao covers the river endophragm place together raised stone, shouts loudly, because of shouting, has not separated the river water with spirit profound Aura, the person swallowed Dakou River water directly. 沈浩扣住河内壁处一块凸石,大声喊道,因喊的及,未用灵玄气息隔开河水,人直接吞了一大口河水。 Everybody don't be upset! This seismic wave as if transmits from very far place, does not aim at our.” “大家不要慌!这震波似乎是从很远的地方传递过来,不是针对我们的。” Su Yun stands firm the body, shouted to clear the way in a low voice. 苏云稳住身躯,低声喝道。 He drills from the river, pokes head, looks toward outside, however has not waited to look at several, the massive crushed stones howl to fly. 他从河里钻出来,探出头,朝外头望去,然还不等多看几眼,大量碎石呼啸飞来。 His heart one startled, lifts the sword to cut it hastily, the sharp sword flickers the big stone breaks out. 他心头一惊,连忙举剑斩之,利剑瞬将大石劈开。 Afterward, then hears the intermittent vigorous sad and shrill roaring sound... 随后,便听到阵阵浑厚凄厉的咆哮声... The master who bites moon/month prairie is I!! I am the King of this prairie!! You!! Death!!” “噬月草原的主人是我!!我才是这个草原的王者!!你!!死吧!!” Damn ants are you!!!!” “该死的蝼蚁是你!!!!” The roar is unceasing, then thinks that the maneating wild strength swings along with the sound. 吼声不断,便觉凶悍狂暴的力量随声音一齐荡来。 Su Yun stares, decides the item to look that actually sees the distant place two build to interwine unexpectedly like mountain existence, the crazy bang kills the opposite party. 苏云一愣,定目一看,却见远处两座体型如山般的存在竟交织在一起,疯狂轰杀对方。 Ominous beast preying?” “凶兽搏杀?” That flickers, Su Yun then understood. 那一瞬,苏云便明白了。 But, these two ominous beasts will start talking unexpectedly... 可,这两尊凶兽竟会开口说话... What cultivation should this be? 这该是什么修为
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