LSG :: Volume #3

#265: Going out

The words that fights fully, Su Yun can leave behind Bei Xuan Ming and the others with ease, but his goal of this going north to not kill Bei Xuan Ming, but to participate in competition, once gets rid fully, the evil Spirit Qi rest feared that is hard to cover up, once has exposed Evil Qi, these people will recognize he for Demon surely, whether at that time Wang Zhong Shan will lead him to participate in competition is an issue, therefore to omit troublesome, he then deterred Bei Xuan Ming and the others, this was only enough. 全力一战的话,苏云自是能轻松留下北轩鸣等人,但他这次北上的目的并非是为杀北轩鸣,而是为了参加大赛,一旦全力出手,邪灵气息怕是难以遮掩,一旦暴露了邪气,这些人定会认定他为邪人,那个时候王重山是否会带他参加大赛就是个问题了,因此为了省去麻烦,他便只是将北轩鸣等人震慑走,仅此便足够了。 You are all right!” “你们没事吧!” Su Yun has turned around, looks at Wang Zhong Shan and the others. 苏云转过身,看着王重山等人。 „The Big Brother Wang injury is quite serious, first is Big Brother Wang treats the wound!” 王大哥的伤势比较重,先为王大哥治伤吧!” The Hong Yan tearful eyes dance to say. 红雁泪眼婆娑道。 Su Yun nodded, walked, will lie down on the ground also stubbornly presses abdomen wound Wang Zhong Shan to hold, instilled into Aura toward its within the body. 苏云点头,走了过去,将躺在地上还死死按着腹部伤口的王重山扶了起来,朝其体内灌输气息 A emerald green ray is in the palms of Su Yun flood. 一股翠绿的光芒在苏云的掌间泛动。 The full of vitality in within the body ascension of Wang Zhong Shan, is moistening these destroyed spot gradually... 勃勃生机逐渐于王重山的体内升腾而起,滋润着那些被破坏的部位... „Does spirit live Aura?” “灵生气息?” Wang Zhong Shan opened both eyes suddenly, is looking at Su Yun strongly, in the eye completely is inconceivable. 王重山猛然睁大了双眼,竭力望着苏云,眼里尽是不可思议。 You... You seemingly used before... Swift Wind Aura? To have how also lives Aura spirit?” “你...你之前貌似是用...风疾气息吧?怎还会拥有灵生气息?” Strangely what this has?” Su Yun said with a smile: Meets two Aura people, although are not many, but some?” “这有什么奇怪的吗?”苏云笑道:“会两种气息的人虽不多,但还是有的吧?” Wang Zhong Shan thinks that nods: That but actually is also.” 王重山想了想,点点头:“那倒也是。” Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother meets two Aura attributes unexpectedly, cultivation so is also strong... Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother, does not permit you to enter mountains and rivers list first 20 really!!” Behind Hong Yan joyful [say / way]. “不过无云大哥竟会两种气息属性,修为又这么强...无云大哥,不准你真的能进入山河榜前20名啊!!”后头的红雁欣喜道。 Yes! Has not thought, we can with your such master accompanying, this time, if not for Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother you, we only feared that must die here!!” “是啊!真没想到,我们会与你这样的高手相伴,这次若不是无云大哥你,我们只怕都要死在这儿了!!” Luo Xiao Miao does not live to open the mouth saying that although his cultivation is here is highest, but he not therefore for arrogant. 洛萧淼也不住开口道,虽然他的修为是这里最高的,但他并不会因此为傲。 Before these to Su Yun some people of despising, at this moment already had also abandoned the beforehand all views, was crowding around the Su Yun speech in abundance. Other did not say, Su Yun is willing, in the final moment stands Wang Zhong Shan, the light is this point, sees its manner sufficiently. What does such person have not to be honourable? 之前那些对苏云还有些鄙夷的人,此刻早已抛弃了以前的所有看法,纷纷拥簇着苏云说话。其他不说,苏云肯在最后关头站在王重山这边,光是这一点,足以见其为人。这样的人还有什么不值得尊敬的? After several double-hour. 数个时辰后。 Su Yun anchors lives Aura spirit, stops the hand, looked at facial color thin and pale Wang Zhong Shan, shook the head. 苏云停住灵生气息,止手,看了眼面色憔悴的王重山,摇了摇头。 Heavy mountain, your injury is not optimistic, although helped you stand firm the injury temporarily, but wanted to be good, but non- 12 day can become, only feared that this mountains and rivers list, you could not participate.” “重山,你的伤势并不乐观,虽然暂时帮你稳住了伤势,但要好起来,可非12日能成,只怕这山河榜,你是参加不了了。” Hateful!!” “可恶!!” Wang Zhong Shan pinches tightly the fist, has beaten under the ground maliciously, but this movement just made, the lower abdomen has hurt, he covers the lower abdomen hurriedly, the forehead bean big sweat drops. 王重山捏紧拳头,狠狠捶了下地面,但这个动作刚做出,小腹又疼了起来,他急忙捂住小腹,额头豆大的汗水滴落。 This situation, is the great power Longcheng recreation Big Brother Wang, once otherwise the state recrudescence, only feared that is more serious!” Luo Xiao Miao knits the brows to say. “这种情况,还是回天龙城休养吧王大哥,否则一旦伤情复发,只怕是更严重!”洛萧淼皱眉道。 „If the ordinary people, only feared that already died, Big Brother Wang, you are the great power Longcheng recreation, making your waiting on guard you to go back.” Side also some people persuaded. “如果是平常人,只怕早就死了,王大哥,你还是回天龙城休养吧,让你的侍卫护你回去。”旁边又有人劝说。 But, people words have not said that Wang Zhong Shan has then lifted the hand, said weakly: You were needless to say! I will not go back.” 但,人们话还未说完,王重山便抬起了手,虚弱道:“你们不用说了!我不会回去的。” Why?” Hong Yan urgently asked. “为什么?”红雁急问。 Wang Zhong Shan shakes the head: I am a player who the official sets, if I do not go, nobody recommended, anyone of you could not attend the mountains and rivers list evaluation match, then, I have disappointed you, therefore I must go, so long as I also had the one breath, I will not disappoint you.” 王重山摇摇头:“我是官方定下的选手,如果我不去,没人引荐,你们谁都参加不了山河榜评选赛,如此一来,我岂不是辜负了你们,所以我必须去,只要我还有一口气,我不会让你们失望的。” But... Big Brother Wang, your this...” “可...王大哥,你这样...” Oh, what is this wound? Goes to Qinchuan also to have road far away from here, I then transport the merit therapy on this road, restore the injury, did not permit Qinchuan, my wound was then good, Ha Ha... Actually spoke the sentence innermost thoughts, I want to participate in mountains and rivers list competition...” “唉,这点伤算什么?从此处前往秦川还有大老远的路呢,我便在这路上运功疗伤,恢复伤势,不准到了秦川,我的伤便好了,哈哈...其实说句心里话,我还是想要参加山河榜大赛啊...” Was saying was saying, in the Wang Zhong Shan eye has the twinkle. 说着说着,王重山的眼里微有闪烁。 This man was being betrayed, when receiving the severe wound has not cried, but actually again could not bear at this time. 这个汉子在受到背叛,在受到重伤时都不曾落泪,但在这时却再也忍不住了。 Nobody can understand his mood, is only as we all know, if Wang Zhong Shan does not participate in this time mountains and rivers list competition, that then did not have the opportunity, his practice time soon over 30 years, here will not fight, then after not having. 没有谁能理解的了他的心情,只是大家都知道,王重山若不参加这一次的山河榜大赛,那便没机会了,他的修炼时间即将超过30年,此处不战,便没有以后了。 That goes.” “那就去吧。” When the people also plan to persuade Wang Zhong Shan, wears Su Yun of mask to open the mouth suddenly. 就在众人还打算劝说王重山时,戴着面具的苏云突然开口了。 People neat looks toward it, but, Su Yun only spoke these words, then has turned around, is silent. 人们齐刷刷的朝之望去,可,苏云却只说了这句话,便转过身,闭口不言了。 In the gloomy and ruined palace, several wisps of quiet green Aura from the sky flutter, two fierce fearsome evil spirit statues, tower in the left and right of main hall. 阴暗且破败的宫殿内,几缕幽绿的气息在空中飘荡,两尊狰狞可怖的妖物雕像,耸立在大殿的左右两侧。 A woman of wear green clothes stands still before the main hall, she is looking at that statue, the double pupil is lost in thought gradually. 一个穿着绿裳的女人静立于大殿前,她望着那雕像,双眸逐渐出神。 Clip-clop. 呱嗒。 The clear sound of footsteps resounds from the palace, quick, a good-looking man of wear blue and white porcelain robe walked, the male steps come, pair of long and narrow both eyes are looking at the woman in that palace, shows a strange smiling face. 清脆的脚步声从殿外响起,很快,一个穿着青花瓷袍的俊俏男子走了进来,男子踏步而来,一双狭长的双目望着那殿上的女人,露出一丝奇异的笑容。 Has seen Your Highness Princess.” “见过公主殿下。” The male single knee kneels down, holds the fist in the other hand to shout. 男子单膝跪下,抱拳呼着。 Gets up!” The green clothes female said at will. “起来吧!”绿裳女子随意道。 Your Highness Xie.” The men set out, afterward holds the fist in the other hand to bow saying: Does not know that your highness summons, has what instruction?” “谢殿下。”男人起身,随后抱拳躬身道:“不知殿下召在下来,有何吩咐?” Not what important matter, but wants to ask you prepare how? When goes to Qinchuan?” “没什么要紧的事儿,只是想问问你们准备的如何了?什么时候前往秦川?” today then wants, all prepared appropriately.” The men said. “今日便要出发,一切都准备妥当了。”男子道。 Today .... Pours is also quick enough.” The blue clothes female has hesitated the little while, afterward waved, in her behind, ascends immediately a rich spookiness. “今日吗....倒也够快的。”碧裳女子沉吟了会儿,随后挥了挥手,在她身后,立刻升腾起一阵浓郁的妖气。 These time cooperates with blood Young Master, I think that should not have any mistake, but, I again send one person to assist in you for safety's sake, like this is more relieved, this motion, cannot be defeated again.” “这一次与血公子合作,我想应该不会有什么差池,不过为了保险起见,我还是再派一人相助于你吧,这样安心些,此次行动,绝不能再失败了。” The sound falls, in that rich spookiness, appears a slender feminine form slowly. 声音落下,那浓郁的妖气中,慢慢显现出一个修长的女性身影。 The men lift the good-looking face, doubts looks toward the place that spookiness fills, actually looked that person of already walked. 男子抬起俊俏的脸,疑惑的朝那妖气弥漫的地方望去,却看那人已经走了出来。 That is one is having short hair, the appearance slightly obviously puts on weight, puts on a female of brown clothes, in her eye is flooding a happy expression, walked slowly, under is looks at that man who teased very much. 那是一个留着短发,模样略显发胖,穿着一身褐色衣裳的女性,她的眼里充斥着一丝笑意,缓缓走了出来,很是戏谑的看着下头那男子。 Su Yourong?” 苏有容?” When sees clearly the person appearance, man the brow wrinkled immediately. 当看清来人模样,男子顿时眉头皱了起来。 „, Has not thought really that Young Master you are also the person of Daoist wizard? Surprised me!!” Su Yourong Ha Ha said with a smile. “啧啧啧,真没想到,公子你也是妖道之人?太令我意外了!!”苏有容哈哈笑道。 I am not the Daoist wizard person.” “我不是妖道人。” The men shake the head saying that but he had not said that but is inquires the green clothes female: „Wasn't Su Yourong already dies? She how here?” 男子摇头道,但他并未多说,而是询问绿裳女子:“苏有容不是已经死了吗?她怎么会在这儿?” She indeed died, but Su Yourong before has not died, has the relation with me, to prevent her betrays me, I had once buckled her soul soul, after she died, I made the person take her mortal body, took the medium by this soul soul, will use the sorcery resurrecting!” “她的确是死了,不过苏有容在没死之前,就与我有联系,为了防止她背叛我,我曾扣了她的一魂一魄,在她死后,我让人取走了她的肉身,以这一魂一魄作为媒介,利用妖法将之复活!” No wonder mortal body bewildered disappearance of Su Yourong .... Man said that he thinks of anything swiftly, asked: Then mentioned, Su Yourong picked makes up the cloudy law cloudy, was you teaches?” “难怪苏有容的肉身莫名其妙的消失了....”男子说道,倏然他想到什么,问道:“那么说来,苏有容采阴补阴之法,也是你教授的?” Good!” Blue clothes female pale [say / way]: She is my person! However now her already restored, I then sent her to assist in you am good! Her strength today we are no longer as we have been, believes that this motion cannot have any mistake, do not disappoint me.” “不错!”碧裳女子淡道:“她本来就是我的人!不过如今她已经恢复了,我便派她相助于你好了!她的实力今非昔比,相信这次的行动不会有什么差池了,你别让我失望。” The men have hesitated the little while, the look does not change, holds the fist in the other hand to bend the waist: Yes, Your highness.” 男子迟疑了会儿,神色不改,抱拳弯腰:“是,殿下。” Goes.” “去吧。” The long mountain road, the twists and turns wind, such as a large snake of occupying, falls in the mountains. 悠悠山路,曲折蜿蜒,如一条盘踞的长蛇,落在大山之间。 One row of purple corner/horn beast teams rush in the mountain roads fast, treads the earth shakes to tremble gently. 一列紫角兽队伍快速奔于山路间,将大地踏的轻轻晃颤。 Su Yun is staring front, walks in most front. 苏云盯着前头,走在最前头。 Wang Zhong Shan gathered round by the people, he bends down in purple corner/horn beast generous carrying on the back, gently luck, but this jolts, in addition was wounded, Wang Zhong Shan Aura is always off and on, is hard to gather. 王重山被众人围着,他伏在紫角兽宽厚的背上,轻轻运气,只是这一路颠簸,加上负了伤,王重山气息总是断断续续,难以蓄起。 Front was Shan Yueguan, so long as went out, we then left the border in Long Ao country's, when the time comes then also enters the northern continent!” “前头就是山月关了,只要出了关,我们便离开了龙傲国的国境,到时候便也算是进入北方大陆了!” Luo Xiao Miao took a fast look around under all around, opens the mouth to say. 洛萧淼扫视了下四周,开口道。 Immediately can go out?” “马上就要出关了吗?” Wang Zhong Shan has opened the eye, said weakly: Everybody must be careful, although Bei Xuan Ming already walked, but they must go to Qinchuan, we are discrete, if bumps into with them again, wants to guard strictly, these fellows only feared that will not let off us.” 王重山睁开了眼,虚弱道:“大家都要小心点,虽然北轩鸣已经走了,可他们也是要去秦川,我们必须要谨慎,如果再与他们撞见,一定要严加提防,这些家伙只怕是不会放过我们。” Where did we offend them? Really is the group hateful fellow!” Hong Yan angry [say / way]. “我们到底是哪里得罪了他们?真是群可恶的家伙!”红雁恼道。 Offends? So long as has violated others' benefit, we offended, we are the players who participates in the mountains and rivers list, they remove us, were when the time comes few competitive power, at the appointed time the region ranked, they can also on one step.” “得罪?只要触犯了别人的利益,咱们就得罪了,我们都是参加山河榜的选手,他们除掉我们,到时候便少一个竞争力了,届时区域排名,他们也能更上一步。” „Does region rank?” Hong Yan doubts to look at him. “区域排名?”红雁疑望着他。 Right, the region ranks, what mountains and rivers list record is the total list, but there is a special person to be responsible for arranging rank between each region players, this is also an honor, for example our Long Ao country, will have the special person to act according to this mountains and rivers list the players from Long Ao country's to carry on an arrangement, if his Bei Xuan Ming took first, that is also the honor, will settle on by our monarchs, vigorously support!” “对,区域排名,山河榜记录的是总榜,但有专门的人负责编排每个区域参赛选手之间的排名,这也是一项荣誉,譬如我们龙傲国,会有专门的人根据这次山河榜中来自龙傲国的参赛选手进行一个编排,他北轩鸣若拿了第一,那也是荣誉,会被咱们国君看中,大力扶持!” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” We said his scandal!” “我们把他的丑事说出去吧!” Said? We do not have the evidence, said that anything is useless, so long as we participated in the mountains and rivers list, that is an enemy.” “说?我们没有证据,说什么都是没用的,只要我们参加了山河榜,那就是对头。” Hong Yan no longer spoke. Obviously she has not thought of a competition unexpectedly so many behind-the-scenes plotting. 红雁不再说话了。显然她也没想到一个竞赛竟有这么多的黑幕。 The mountain road end, was a mountain pass, Wang Zhong Shan has then handed over the copy clerk who handled in the Tianlong city, can pass directly. 山路尽头,便是一座关隘,王重山交了在天龙城内办理的文书,便可径直通过。 Before mountain pass several had the soldier of Tenth Level Spirit Core Disciple to sweep several earnestly, after determining was unmistakable, then the copy clerk has given back to Luo Xiao Miao. 关隘前头的几名拥有灵玄心十品的士兵认真扫了几眼,确定无误后,便将文书还给了洛萧淼 „Are you people who plans to participate in the mountains and rivers list?” “你们都是准备参加山河榜的人吧?” The soldiers have swept people, asked. 士兵扫了眼众人,问道。 Right, we come from the Tianlong city.” Luo Xiao Miao said. “对,我们来自天龙城。”洛萧淼道。 The soldiers nod again and again: Good, the national prestige of my Long Ao country's depended on you to struggle.” 士兵们连连点头:“不错,我龙傲国的国威就靠你们去争了。” Soldiers cultivation is not low, but they rather choose is a border defense soldier here, Long Ao country's treatment to the soldier is extremely high, provides the spirit coin, magic weapon and material, the special practice place, Tenth Level Spirit Core Disciple cultivation is not high, the wanderer mainland extremely bad risk, cultivates under the asylum of country, naturally is the first choice, therefore the soldier does not want to work as can work as. 士兵们修为不低,但他们宁愿选择在这里做一名边防士兵,龙傲国对士兵的待遇是极高的,提供灵币、法宝、材料,还有专门的修炼场所,灵玄心十修为不算高,闯荡大陆太过凶险,在国家的庇护下修炼,自然是首选,因此士兵也不是想当就能当的。 We will try hard.” Luo Xiao Miao said. “我们会努力的。”洛萧淼说道。 Here except for Su Yun, other people is almost the Long Ao people. 这里除了苏云,其他人几乎都是龙傲国人。 The words fall, the people then want , to continue to start off. 话落,众人便要出发,继续上路。 „, Waits, had a matter to forget to tell you!” “哦,等一下,有件事情忘记告诉你们了!” At this moment, the soldier of that head shouted suddenly. 就在这时,那头的士兵突然喊了开来。 The people transfer item of doubts visits him. 众人转目疑惑的看着他。 „Before several months, outside the piece of plain has the generations of two Gao Qiang to fight to kill the king of prairie aerospace to kill beast, aerospace kills beast to be cut to kill at the scene, its corpse blasts open, the half prairie was destroyed, the rich malaria that now on after the prairie condenses it is dying, has, if you cross the prairie, only feared that is the bad risk extremely, moreover main status of other ominous beasts on prairie to seize prairie, already fought, there confusion was incomparable, I suggested that you circled a [say / way], from the east graduated arm world mountain in the past.” “数月前,外头的这片平原有两名高强之辈斗杀草原之王‘空天杀兽’,‘空天杀兽’被当场斩杀,它的尸体炸裂开来,半边草原被毁,现在草原上凝聚着它死后产生的浓郁瘴气,你们若要横穿草原,只怕是凶险万分,而且草原上的其他凶兽为夺草原之主的地位,已经战开了,那儿混乱无比,我建议你们还是绕个道,从东面的衡世山过去。” What? Unexpectedly had such matter.” The people facial color sends to congeal. “什么?居然发生了这样的事。”众人面色发凝。 Weighs the world mountain? We already on the road have delayed a lot of time, if again from weighing world mountain in the past, must delay at least five days, only feared that we catch up do not win to participate in the mountains and rivers list competition.” The Wang Zhong Shan facial color feels fuzzy to say. “衡世山?我们在路上已经耽搁了很多时间,若再从衡世山过去,又得耽搁至少五天的时间,只怕我们赶不赢参加山河榜竞赛啊。”王重山面色发沉道。 Cannot catch up with competition, did the total ratio lose the life well? You, the words my already told you carefully, when the time comes do not die complained about us not to remind!” The soldiers said that afterward returned to own post. “赶不上大赛,总比丢了命好点吧?你们小心点吧,话我已经跟你们说了,别到时候死了怨我们没有提醒!”士兵说道,随后又回到了自己的岗位。 The people you have a look at me, I have a look at you, all hesitant. 众人你看看我,我看看你,皆犹豫了起来。 …… …… ( Later also chapter, asked ticket!!) (稍晚还有一章,求票!!)
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