LSG :: Volume #3

#264: Surging

Whiz whiz whiz whiz whiz .... 嗖嗖嗖嗖嗖.... The snow gleams white mountain top, runs out of the big snow survey light, that goose feathers heavy snow regarding the snow light rapid rotation, changes into the tornado, hits to the distant place giant ice stone. 白雪皑皑的山头,冲出大量雪光,那鹅毛般的大雪围绕着雪光快速旋转,化为龙卷风,撞向远处巨大的冰石。 kua! 咵嚓! Sincere ice stone disrupts dregs, spatters in all directions in all directions, sharp Swift Wind Aura starts to ripple. 厚重的冰石碎裂成渣,四处迸溅,犀利的风疾气息开始荡漾。 Puts on the goose feathers to get the female of taking to put down in the hand like the ice piece long sword, is looking at the direction of that disruption, sighed gently. 一名穿着鹅毛领服的女子放下手中如冰块般的长剑,望着那碎裂的方向,轻轻叹了口气。 Her that fine small face completely is sorrowful. 她那精致的小脸尽是哀愁。 Good! Good! Tomorrow, has not thought that your already entered Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation!! Good!!” “好!好!明儿,没想到你已经进入了灵玄魂六修为!!太好了!!” At this time, on rear mountain road resounded a been wild with joy sound. 这时,后方山路上响起一个欣喜若狂的声音。 The females stare, have turned around to look, actually sees one to put on the luxurious middle-aged woman to walk toward here. 女子微愣,转过身望去,却见一名穿着奢华的中年妇人正朝这儿走来。 Teacher!” “师尊!” The females raised slightly toward it. 女子朝之欠了欠身子。 Actually sees the woman half step to come, is shaking the hand of female, has sized up her, nod that does not live. 却见妇女快步过来,握着女子的手,上上下下打量了她一番,不住的点头。 Tomorrow, do you know? You were I have seen the talent strongest person! Since our Snowflake Jade God Palace homemade faction, but also unmanned can exceed you in the talent!!” “明儿,你知道吗?你是我所见过的天赋最强的人了!我们雪花玉神宫自创派以来,还无人能在天赋上胜过你!!” Teacher erroneous approved, tomorrow can have this cultivation, all depends on the direction of teacher.” “师尊谬赞了,明儿能有此修为,全赖师尊的指点。” Oh, you were too modest, tomorrow, you enter my jade god palace not to have many date and time, you can have today, is your effort!” The woman look rocked, asked swiftly: Tomorrow, I pass on your «Jade God Secret Art», how many levels did you practice?” “唉,你太谦虚了,明儿,你入我玉神宫也未有多少时日,你能有今日,全是你自己的努力!”妇女眼神晃动了下,倏然问道:“明儿,我传你的《玉神诀》,你修炼到多少层了?” Tomorrow is stupid, presently only five.” “明儿愚笨,当前仅五层。” Five? Good, good!” The women have patted the small hands of female, nods saying: Tomorrow, waits for after this mountains and rivers list, I will give you a pleasant surprise!” “五层了?不错,不错!”妇女拍了拍女子的小手,点点头道:“明儿,等这一次山河榜过后,我会给你一个惊喜!” Pleasantly surprised?” The females flood doubt. “惊喜?”女子泛疑。 For the time being lets keep guessing for the master, good tomorrow, walks, double-hour already arrived, you should embark to go to Qinchuan! Person already of tattooing pavilion came, you prepare, starts off with them together.” “暂且让为师卖个关子,好了明儿,走吧,时辰已经到了,你们该出发前往秦川了!刀墨阁的人已经来了,你准备准备,跟他们一起上路吧。” Tattooing pavilion... Why can lead the way with them together?” “刀墨阁...为何要与他们一同前行?” The women are somewhat awkward, the scruple moment, said: Tomorrow, our Snowflake Jade God Palace, although creates to send the time to be early, but stipulated because of the ancestor that in the jade god palace only receives the female, therefore I send the strength to be emaciated, develops difficultly again, but the tattooing pavilion is different, that is the northern continent illustrious school, the tattooing pavilion master like clouds, is powerful, the disciple proliferates entire Sky Martial Continent, which regardless in, all receives the person to respect. Tomorrow, before is the master, can once say with you about our Snowflake Jade God Palace and Flaming Core Valley gratitude and grudges?” 妇女有些为难,迟疑片刻,道:“明儿,我们雪花玉神宫虽创派时间较早,但因先祖规定,玉神宫内只收女子,故我派实力羸弱,难再发展,而刀墨阁不同,那可是北方大陆赫赫有名的门派,刀墨阁高手如云,实力雄厚,弟子遍布整个天武大陆,无论在哪,皆受人敬仰。明儿,为师以前可曾与你说过关于我们雪花玉神宫炎心谷的恩怨?” Teacher has not said.” “师尊不曾说过。” Oh, actually this is not the brilliance matter of pleasant to hear, so long as you know that the current Flaming Core Valley Gu Zhu adoptive father, was killed by my Snowflake Jade God Palace predecessor Palace Host, Flaming Core Valley has become a mortal enemy with my Snowflake Jade God Palace, yes?” “唉,其实这也不是什么光彩好听的事,你只要知道,现任炎心谷谷主的义父,是被我雪花玉神宫的前任宫主杀死,炎心谷与我雪花玉神宫已成死敌,明白吗?” That how?” “那又如何?” How? Tomorrow, Flaming Core Valley will stop for these years, few that therefore you and they contact! Since two schools break off, how many times almost will fight every year, clear(ly) fights fights darkly almost never stops, but Flaming Core Valley current Gu Zhu also aims at eradicating our Snowflake Jade God Palace, our jade god palace status is remote, the resources are deficient, in addition in the faction is the female, fights Flaming Core Valley? Therefore we only then attach in the formidable school, can the smooth safe existence and development, at least, unable to make the jade god palace destroy in our hands.” Woman earnest saying. “如何?呵,明儿,这几年炎心谷消停下来,所以你与他们接触的少!自从两派决裂后,几乎每年都会斗上几次,明斗暗斗几乎从未消停,而炎心谷的现任谷主也以铲除我们雪花玉神宫为目标,我们玉神宫地位偏僻,资源匮乏,加上派中皆为女子,又怎斗得过炎心谷?所以我们只有依附于强大的门派,才能顺利平安的生存发展,至少,不能让玉神宫毁在我们手中。”妇人认真的说道。 After the females listen, the low head, nods: Tomorrow understands.” 女子听后,低下脑袋,点点头:“明儿明白。” The person who tattooing pavilion these time sends called the Luxi mountain, was the first people in tattooing pavilion youngest that batch of disciple, was being in direct line disciple of tattooing pavilion big elder! The status is aloof, I thought that he after previous time has seen you, to you never forgets, fears to seek you to make the meaning of double cultivation companion, you then go quite to exchange with him, not wants the queering family, will establish the relations to build the foundation for in the future our Snowflake Jade God Palace and tattooing pavilion! Knows?” “刀墨阁这一次派来的人叫陆溪山,是刀墨阁最年轻的那一批弟子中的第一人,更是刀墨阁大长老的嫡传弟子!地位超然,我看他自上一次见过你后,对你念念不忘,恐有寻你做双修伴侣的意思,你便去与他好生交流,莫要得罪了人家,为日后我们雪花玉神宫与刀墨阁建立关系打好基础!知道吗?” This... The teachers, you did not say that our jade god palace lady can't seek double cultivation companion? Why... This...” “这...师尊,您不是说我们玉神宫人不能寻双修伴侣吗?为何...这...” Custom may break, the ancestor was injured by the sentiment, sets this custom, now you consider for the future of my jade god palace, but also cares about this custom to do really?” “规矩是可打破的,先祖被情所伤,才立下这规矩,如今你是为我玉神宫的未来着想,还在乎这规矩作甚?” But...” “可...” Tomorrow, will go quickly, not must make for the master disappointed!” “明儿,快去吧,莫要让为师失望!” The women as if have not cared about female many feeling, said forcefully. 妇人似乎并未顾及女子多少感受,强行说道。 Sees the expectation and serious in woman eyes, the female opened mouth, finally at heart has not said words. 见妇人眼里的期望与严肃,女子张了张嘴,最终还是没有把心里的话说出来。 Divine Sword faction. 神剑派。 Palatial and mysterious floats in spatial palace, the sky-blue form flew together. 巍峨而神奇的浮空宫殿中,一道蔚蓝色的身影飞了进去。 But in this fine elegant palace, is taking a seat female celestial person. 而这精致典雅的宫殿内,落座着一名仙女般的人儿。 Her pure white gauze clothes, sits before the same time the giant bronze mirror lightly, the oval face of palm of the hand size has written all over the thin and pale, gem pupil atheistic is looking at the mirror, red lips micro sip, some facial expression delay. 她一身素白纱衣,轻坐于一面巨大的铜镜前,巴掌大小的瓜子脸写满了憔悴,宝石般的眸子无神的望着镜子,朱唇微抿,神情有些呆滞。 Then long sword optional placing of shiny smooth charm on the ground, all appears like that strange. 那把莹润神韵的长剑随意的摆放在地上,一切显得那般诡异。 Tang Tian looked at the eye to sit Long Xianli before bronze mirror, helpless sighing, walked. 唐天看了眼坐在铜镜前的龙仙璃,无奈的叹了口气,走了过去。 Elder Long?” 龙长老?” Who?” “谁?” But person recovers, is opening the dim double pupil, looks along the sound, after seeing the person, she hastily sets out, saluted lithely: Xianli has seen two elders.” 可人儿回过神来,睁着黯淡的双眸,顺声而望,看到来人后,她连忙起身,轻盈施了一礼:“仙璃见过二长老。” For all this, each movement actually appears worn out. 尽管如此,她每一个动作却都显得有气无力。 Do not be overly courteous.” “不要多礼了。” Tang Tian shook the head: I am very curious, is Elder Long, actually what matter makes you turn into this? For these years the change was too big, this radically is not Pavilion Host of military Jiange, was not Long Xianli that I knew, Elder Long... exactly what happened, can't you say?” 唐天摇了摇头:“我很好奇,龙长老,究竟是什么事情让你变成这样?这几年你的变化太大了,这根本就不是武剑阁的阁主,不是我所认识的龙仙璃,龙长老...到底发生了什么事情,你就不能说出来吗?” Said?” Long Xianli twittering: Said is also useful? This is only... My matter...” “说出来?”龙仙璃呢喃着:“说出来又有什么用?这只是...我自己的事情...” Oh.” “唉。” But Tang Tian sighed, thinks that said: Since this, I were not good to be meddlesome, Elder Long, here, I inquired your one seriously, Ok?” 唐天无奈叹息,想了想,道:“既然这样,我也不好再多事了,龙长老,在这里,我郑重的询问你一句,可以吗?” What does Tang elder want to ask?” “唐长老要问什么?” You... May also think are one person who Divine Sword sends?” “你...可还认为自己是神剑派的人?” What words is Tang elder this?” Long Xianli hangs down the double pupil saying: Xianli is not the person who Divine Sword sends, but who can also be?” “唐长老这是什么话?”龙仙璃低垂着双眸道:“仙璃不是神剑派的人,还能是什么人?” That is good.” Tang Tian nods again and again, said: Such being the case, the school dispatches to your duty, you should not reject! For these years, you always reject any school duty by all kinds reasons, all day in this palace, half, if you cultivated, but you all day were actually in a daze... Elder Long, this is not we want to see, therefore this time duty, you must carry out.” “那就好。”唐天连连点头,道:“既然如此,那么,门派派遣给你的任务,你就不该拒绝!这几年,你总是以各样的理由拒绝任何门派任务,整日于此宫中,半步不出,若你修炼也就罢了,但你却整日发呆...龙长老,这不是我们想要看到的,所以这一次的任务,你必须要去执行。” Long Xianli one hear, nips the pink / white lip lightly, the train of thought the moment, was lithe the perfect physique to stand afterward, the filament dragged gently, the bright eyes opened slightly. 龙仙璃一听,轻咬了咬粉唇,思绪了片刻,随后轻盈完美的身姿站了起来,长丝轻轻摇曳,明眸微微睁大。 Tang elder... Has what instruction, but the word might as well, Xianli must complete.” “唐长老...有何吩咐,但言无妨,仙璃必会完成。” Good! Elder Long, I know that you will not disappoint us.” Tang Tian nodded, said with a laugh: „It is not very vital duty, this mountains and rivers list competition will soon open, our Divine Sword sends already to designate that the disciple participation, Elder Long, you then as being responsible for the elder led the disciple to go to Qinchuan, considered to relax, goes to the north to walk, was also good to you.” “好!龙长老,我就知道,你不会让我们失望的。”唐天点了点头,笑呵呵道:“也不是什么很重要的任务,这一次山河榜大赛即将开启,我们神剑已经选定好了弟子参赛,龙长老,你便作为负责长老带领弟子前往秦川吧,就当是散心,去北方走走,对你也好一点。” Road junction silent scary, the bloody taste in air is very thick thickly, but this is, the sky of haze had the continuous drizzle, washed out several points of revolting stench taste. 道口寂静的吓人,空气中的血腥味儿还很浓稠,不过这是,阴霾的天空下起了绵绵细雨,冲刷掉几分令人作呕的腥臭味儿。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others anxiously are also looking at that side person, everyone is holds the breath with rapt attention, concentrating on looks at Su Yun. 王重山等人还紧张的望着那边的人,每个人都是屏息凝神,全神贯注的看着苏云 Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother...” Hong Yan opened mouth, actually does not know how should open the mouth. 无云大哥...”红雁张了张嘴,却不知该如何开口。 Bei Xuan Ming already smiled. 北轩鸣已经笑开了。 On having the strength, this group of person not empty Su Yun, Su Yun must join them mostly, otherwise both sides fight, Su Yun not necessarily has the stratagem which ensures success. 论起战力,这帮人并不虚苏云,苏云多半得加入他们,否则双方斗起来,苏云未必有胜算。 Naturally, this is only the idea of Bei Xuan Ming team people, their initial judgments, Su Yun is also only Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple or six existence, as for seven... That is absolutely impossible, short 30 years of times, even if there are day of material treasure in addition to hold, matches by the best quality goods equipment again, is unable to arrive at seven decidedly. 当然,这只是北轩鸣队中人的想法,他们的初步判断,苏云也只是灵玄魂五品或六品存在,至于七品...那绝对不可能,短短30年的功夫,就算有天材地宝加持,再配以极品装备,也决然无法到达七品。 However Bei Xuan Ming and the others have actually neglected a matter. 不过北轩鸣等人却忽略了一件事情。 In society matter, does not have absolutely, under same level time, although the talent and day material treasure is decides the cultivation height the important attribute, but in addition, an important factor. 世间事,是没有绝对的,在同等时间下,虽然天赋与天材地宝是决定修为高低的重要因素,但除此之外,还有一个至关重要的因素。 That is the chance. 那便是机缘。 Su Yun can have such situation, chance occupied very big score. 苏云能有如此地步,机缘占据了很大的比分。 Your teams?” “你们的队伍?” Su Yun looks at Bei Xuan Ming, the corners of the mouth under mask raise swiftly, the chuckle makes noise: I do not dare to join, if behind you holds my knife, how I do not die doesn't know?” 苏云看着北轩鸣,倏然面具下的嘴角一扬,轻笑出声来:“我可不敢加入,万一你们背后捅我刀子,那我不是连怎么死的都不知道?” The Bei Xuan Ming smiling face stiffens immediately: Boy, you...” 北轩鸣笑脸立刻僵住了:“小子,你...” Makes you give up, gives you an opportunity, otherwise, I did not mind that here butchered you!” “让你们罢手,是给你们个机会,否则,我不介意在这里宰了你!” Su Yun throws Engraved Dragon Blade conveniently, shortly, Engraved Dragon Blade will soar to dance in the air, it will spin myriad sword shades, the imposing manner will be quite scary. 苏云蛟印剑随手一掷,顷刻间,蛟印剑腾空飞舞起来,它旋出万千剑影,气势极为骇人。 Imperial Sword Skill? Are you Divine Sword send for?” The orphaned heart flying complexion of that head changes, loses one's voice to say. “御剑术?你是神剑派人?”那头的孤心飞脸色微变,失声而道。 Originally you are the imperial sword send for!” “原来你是御剑派人!” No wonder has strength so!!” “难怪有这般实力!!” Ruler small luan and the others the facial expression sent to congeal, does not dare to go forward. 尺小鸾等人神情发凝,竟不敢上前了。 Bei Xuan Ming was also startled, ten thousand have not thought that this wears the boy background of mask not to be unexpectedly small... 北轩鸣也吃了一惊,万没想到,这戴着面具的小子居然来头不小... Young Master, do not insist that this person is talented, once we begin, if cannot butcher him here, making him run, that was offends Divine Sword to send for! Divine Sword sends the master like clouds, is not we can contend, only fears Bei Xuan...” Nearby person persuaded. 公子,还是不要坚持下去,此人实力不俗,一旦我们动手,若不能在这儿宰掉他,让他跑了,那便是得罪神剑派人啊!神剑派高手如云,不是我们能抗衡的,只怕北轩家...”旁边人劝说道。 Sufficed!” Did not wait for nearby person to say the words that Bei Xuan Ming snort|hum, cold [say / way]: I know how should do!” The words come here, he lifts hand, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest toward Su Yun, said: Doesn't know this you name?” “够了!”不等旁边人把话说完,北轩鸣哼了一声,冷道:“我知道该怎么做了!”话到这儿,他抬起手,朝苏云拱了拱手,道:“不知这位兄台姓甚名谁?” Wu Yun (Su Yun).” 无云。” Good name... Since you so said that I then leave behind Wang Zhong Shan this dog's life today, but the bad words said in front, since they plan to participate in mountains and rivers list competition, I may result in remind one, hoping you to live great power Longcheng!” “好名字...既然你这般说了,那我今天便留下王重山这条狗命,不过臭话说在前头,既然他们准备参加山河榜大赛,那我可得提醒一句,但愿你们能够活着回天龙城!” The sound falls, Bei Xuan Ming waves, pale [say / way]: We walk!” 声音落下,北轩鸣一挥手,淡道:“我们走!” The sound falls, one group of people leave directly. 音落,一群人径直离开。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others saw that this relaxing of maliciously. 王重山等人见状,这才狠狠的松了口气。 …… …… ( Wished everybody National Day joyful, today three, strive for hitting to enjoy monthly ticket %&\; \; _ (祝大家国庆节快乐,今天三更,求打赏月票%&\;\;_
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