LSG :: Volume #3

#263: Final hope

The blood and earth of cold Shi, sores all over the eye, constructs a strange and strange picture. 鲜血、冷尸、满目疮痍的大地,构筑成一幅古怪而诡异的画面。 Wang Zhong Shan, Hong Yan as well as Luo Xiao Miao and the others gathered together seven bodyguards, had not died in addition, Wang Zhong Shan team now only remaining 15 people. 王重山红雁以及洛萧淼等人聚在一起,加上还未死去的七名侍卫,王重山的队伍如今只剩下15人了。 But Bei Xuan Ming that head, has not had the casualties. 北轩鸣那头,未有伤亡。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Female War God ruler small luan remove the whole body the helmet and armor of light, restores the original appearance, she opens the small mouth, takes out inside red pearl, puts in the Chu ring, then stands in the one side, teased looks at Wang Zhong Shan and the others. 女武神’尺小鸾撤掉浑身的光之盔甲,恢复本来模样,她张开小嘴,将里头的红色珍珠取出,放入储物戒指里,便站在一旁,戏谑的看着王重山等人。 Oh... Wang the brother, was your this? Is the complexion so how ugly? Don't you want me to lend a hand to assist you? Have a look! Has a look at all around... Is the corpses of robber, does not remain, my already said according to you have done, what's wrong? Also satisfaction?” “哎呀呀呀...王兄,您这是怎么了?怎么脸色这么难看?你不是要我出手相助你们吗?看看!看看四周...都是强盗的尸体,一个不留,我已经按照你所说的去做了,怎么?还满意吗?” Bei Xuan Ming swings the fan, the corners of the mouth including saying with a smile. 北轩鸣摇着扇子,嘴角含笑道。 Bei Xuan Ming, I know that you must cope with me, but... You have anything discontentedly to come to me, they want to participate in the mountains and rivers list, you ask them to leave, my words you can handle casually!!” 北轩鸣,我知道你要对付我,不过...你有什么不满冲我来,他们只是想要参加山河榜,你让他们走,我的话你可以随便处置!!” Wang Zhong Shan exclaimed in a low voice. 王重山低声吼道。 Big Brother Wang...” The members of Wang team are wiping tears secretly. 王大哥...”王氏队伍的队员们暗暗抹着眼泪。 Ha, does not worry, does not worry, Wang brother!! Among us the account are many!! We calculate slowly!!” “哈哈哈,不着急,不着急,王兄!!我们之间的帐多着呢!!咱们慢慢算!!” Bei Xuan Ming laughs, afterward behind that several people looks at toward Wang Zhong Shan the line of sight, said with a smile gently: „Wasn't small luan, you angry a moment ago very much? Now did the air/Qi disappear did not have? If there is not disappeared, now can disappear!!” 北轩鸣哈哈大笑,随后将视线朝王重山身后那几个人望去,轻轻笑道:“小鸾,刚才你不是很生气吗?现在气消了没啊?如果没有消,现在可以去消哦!!” „, Has not certainly disappeared, who this is Young Lady? Unexpectedly by one group of mixed up insults! How could do I give up?” “呵,当然没消,本小姐是什么人?居然被一帮杂碎侮辱!我岂能罢休?” The ruler small luan snort|hum a pair, both eyes became cloudy zhi get up, she fell the line of sight on the body of Wang Zhong Shan, afterward moved, has placed on behind Hong Yan. 尺小鸾哼了一双,双目变得阴骘起来,她将视线落在了王重山的身上,随后移动,放在了后头的红雁身上。 Went against me a moment ago ominously is you with Longhai? What a pity Longhai already died, then, only remaining you! This Young Lady long is so big, has not bumped into like you make my repugnant person, when I tear to pieces your mouth, looked how you also go against me!” “刚才顶我最凶的就是你跟陇海吧?呵,可惜陇海已经死了,那么,就只剩下你了!本小姐长这么大,还没碰到像你这样令我讨厌的人,等我撕烂你的嘴,看你还怎样顶我!” The ruler small luan sneers, takes a step to go toward the Hong Yan line. 尺小鸾冷笑一声,举步朝红雁行去。 You... What do you want to make?” “你...你要做什么?” The Hong Yan facial color blanch, eye was disclosing several panic-stricken, stares to look at the ruler small luan. 红雁面色发白,眼里透露着几丝惊骇,瞪眼望着尺小鸾。 Does? Let you experience Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple Pin people fierce, aren't you Spirit Soul Disciple master? Stands to fight with me quickly, ha ha ha ha ha...” “干什么?让你见识见识灵玄心九品人的厉害,你不是灵玄魂高手吗?快站起来与我一战啊,哈哈哈哈哈...” The incisive laughter resounds, appalling. 尖锐的笑声响起,令人毛骨悚然。 Hong Yan defeated/carrying the severe wound, has been incapable now radically a war, fights the ruler small luan? 红雁如今负了重伤,根本无力一战,又怎斗得过尺小鸾? The self-satisfacation of woman lets Wang Zhong Shan angry, he bellows: You dare to move Hong Yan to try!!” 女人的得意让王重山恼怒至极,他大吼:“你敢动红雁试试!!” Oh? you think that I don't dare?” 哦?你以为我不敢?” The ruler small luan narrows the eyes to focus to say with a smile: I try!” 尺小鸾眯着眼笑道:“那我就试一试好了!” The sound falls, the ruler small luan lifts the hand directly, fires into Hong Yan, rumbled toward her chest directly in the past. 声音落下,尺小鸾直接抬起手,冲向红雁,直接朝她胸口轰了过去。 Stop!!” “住手!!” Wang Zhong Shan urgently shouted that is supporting the weak body unexpectedly directly, rushed, to become Quan, bang to ruler small luan. 王重山急喊,竟然直接强撑着虚弱的身躯,冲了上去,一手成拳,轰向尺小鸾。 When he has not approached a foot small luan, Shen Yujing of that head clashes swiftly, a foot flies to trample, kicks the head of Wang Zhong Shan. 可他还未靠近尺小鸾时,那头的沈玉京倏冲过来,一脚飞踹,踢中王重山的脑袋。 The Wang Zhong Shan body near has spun spatially several, numerous falling on the ground, cannot crawl again. 王重山身躯临空旋了几圈,重重的摔在地上,再也爬不起来。 Big Brother Wang!!” The Hong Yan pain shouted, when looked at a foot small luan again, in the eye pupil has revealed does not die continuous renouncing, shouting that she clenched jaws: Cheap person! I spelled with you!” 王大哥!!”红雁痛苦而呼,再看尺小鸾时,眼眸里已露出不死不休的决绝,她咬牙切齿的喊道:“贱人!我跟你拼了!” Spells? Depends on you? Overreaches oneself!” “拼?呵,就凭你?不自量力!” The ruler small luan does not fear, Hong Yan First Level Spirit Soul Disciple, and defeated/carrying the severe wound, has she spelled with the ruler small luan with what? 尺小鸾根本不惧,红雁不过灵玄魂一品,且已负了重伤,她拿什么跟尺小鸾拼? This move, even if could not want the Hong Yan life, can rumble the severe wound it!! 这一招,就算要不了红雁的命,也能将之轰成重伤!! But. 可是。 In the ruler small luan will soon approach Hong Yan instant, a mature and powerful hand has extended from side suddenly, held her wrist|skill directly... 就在尺小鸾即将靠近红雁的刹那,一只苍劲有力的手突从旁边伸了过来,直接抓住了她的手腕... The offensive of ruler small luan stops suddenly. 尺小鸾的攻势戛然而止。 Not?” The ruler small luan stares, looks askance to look, then looked that wears the mask to put on the man of black sword taking not to know when stands in own side. “唔?”尺小鸾一愣,侧目望去,便看一名戴着面具穿着黑色剑服的男子不知何时站在自己的身旁。 Receives the hand.” He opens the mouth to say. “收手吧。”他开口道。 Who are you?” The ruler small luan asked angry that she wants to pull out the hand, actually detected that the hand of opposite party like pincers, strength big scary, pulls out radically motionless. “你是谁?”尺小鸾恼问,她想要把手抽回来,却发觉对方的手就像铁钳一样,力道大的吓人,根本抽不动。 Oh? is also standing? Interesting! Jade Capital, making him fall face down speech!” 哦?还有一个站着的?有意思!玉京,让他趴下说话!” The Bei Xuan Ming jogging folding fan, said with a smile. 北轩鸣轻摇折扇,笑着说道。 This boy? Snort, already looked that he is not pleasing to the eyes, wears a mask to play tricks!! Looks my!” “这个小子吗?哼,早就看他不顺眼了,戴着个面具装神弄鬼!!看我的!” Shen Yujing has gotten hold of the sledgehammer, has spat a saliva, transports True Divine Aura, a low roar, fires into Su Yun, the sledgehammer of that terror pounds to it head. 沈玉京握紧了大锤,吐了口唾沫,运起真罡气息,一记低吼,冲向苏云,那恐怖的大锤生生对之脑袋砸去。 This starts, then does not have half minute to be forgiving. 这一下手,便没有半分留情。 The sledgehammer crashes tigerishly, the imposing manner is scary. 大锤虎虎坠落,气势骇人。 The Su Yun look concentrates, is no longer polite, casts off the arm of ruler small luan conveniently, begins in a flash, the Engraved Dragon Blade shunt, split a sword to be colored in his hand, along with it thorn to Shen Yujing. 苏云眼神一凝,不再客气,随手将尺小鸾的胳膊甩开,紧接着手一晃,蛟印剑闪开,在其手中绽了个剑花,随之刺向沈玉京。 Deep and clear sword intent breathed has covered Shen Yujing. 潇潇剑意呼吸间笼罩了沈玉京。 This kills intent to make behind Shen Yujing round of cool, the pupil expand suddenly several, the person the hurried extension merit to defend. 这突如其来的杀意让沈玉京背后发凉,瞳孔扩大几圈,人急忙转功为守。 However this little while, Su Yun already moved has killed the heart, when that sharp sword soon the standard will be blocked by Shen Yujing sledgehammer, Su Yun flung suddenly suddenly, Engraved Dragon Blade revolved, but his both hands held the sledgehammer directly, lifted sole cut-throat trampling to Shen Yujing. 不过这会儿,苏云已经动了杀心,当那利剑即将被沈玉京的大锤所格挡住时,苏云突然猛然一甩,蛟印剑旋转出去,而其双手直接抓住大锤,抬起脚掌凶狠的踹向沈玉京。 Thump! 咚! Shen Yujing lower abdomen was trampled, the thick fierce fierce and brutal strength shivers his body, person again and again retreats, after throws down. 沈玉京小腹被踹,厚悍凶暴的力量颤动他的身躯,人连连后退,朝后摔倒。 But... 可... Other people have not fallen down in the place, Engraved Dragon Blade that then departs revolving unexpectedly with the arching trajectory, winds high above Yu Shen Yujing, ice-cold blade edge from back tangential Shen Yujing neck neck... 他人还未栽倒于地,那把旋转飞出的蛟印剑竟以弧形轨迹,飞绕于沈玉京的身后,冰冷的剑锋从背后切向了沈玉京的颈脖... „It is not good!!” “不好!!” Bei Xuan Ming sees that complexion fusion. 北轩鸣见状,脸色聚变。 Jade Capital is careful!!” “玉京小心!!” Zhou Kai overran hastily, wants to prevent this strange sword, but his speed how could quick this sword? The people pass radically without enough time. 周开连忙冲了过去,想要阻止这诡异的剑,但他速度岂能快过这把剑?人根本来不及过去。 Shen Yujing realizes behind the silent murderous intention finally, he turned head without enough time, but the cold meaning on that sword actually such as the needle gripped general, was stimulating the body of his neck neck place. 沈玉京总算是察觉到了背后无声无息的杀机,他来不及回头,但那剑上的冷冽之意却如针扎一般,刺激着他颈脖处的皮肉。 „!!! Five peaceful invincible mights!!” “啊!!!五泰神威!!” Shen Yujing bellows suddenly, red that the facial color rises, pale white Aura spews out from its within the body. 沈玉京突然大吼一声,面色涨的通红,一股淡白色的气息从其体内喷涌而出。 At that moment, Shen Yujing ** infinite amplification. 那一刻,沈玉京**无限增幅。 Puff! 噗! Engraved Dragon Blade chopped on Shen Yujing neck, but actually only chopped surface layer, the blood spurted crazily, the head will not actually have cut. 蛟印剑砍在了沈玉京的脖子上,但却只砍进表层,鲜血狂喷而出,却未将之头颅斩下。 Shen Yujing ate this has struck, knocked down directly, lost the strength instantaneously... 沈玉京吃了这一击,直接翻倒在地,瞬间失去了战力... Hissing!!! 嘶!!! Sucks in the cold air sound from all around flood. 倒抽凉气的声音从四周泛起。 How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” Bei Xuan Ming stared in a big way the eye. 北轩鸣瞪大了眼。 . 吧嗒。 Su Yun puts out a hand to catch to fly to own Engraved Dragon Blade, blade edge to hang in the place slantingly, step by step toward Shen Yujing line. 苏云伸手接住飞向自己的蛟印剑,剑锋斜垂于地,一步步朝沈玉京行去。 Kills intent to ascend, covers Shen Yujing of neck neck to look pale incomparably, stares scary both eyes to look at that person. 杀意升腾,捂着颈脖的沈玉京面色苍白无比,瞪着骇人的双眼望着那人。 You... Do not come... Do not come...” He in a terrified way was shouting. “你...你不要过来...不要过来...”他惶恐的呼着。 Stop!!” “住手!!” Zhou Kai and the others flushed, neat killing to Su Yun. 周开等人冲了过来,齐刷刷的杀向苏云 Violent Feng Jian method! 风剑法! The path of air/Qi fills the air, surrounds in oneself, afterward loosens the palm gently, Engraved Dragon Blade that just started flew once again, circles Yu Qishen rapidly, the fast shuttle, the intermittent sword shade appears, exquisite strange sword intent like an only terrifying ominous beast big mouth, swallows to these people. 气之轨迹弥漫,环绕于自身,随后轻轻松开手掌,刚入手的蛟印剑再度飞了出去,迅绕于其身,快速穿梭,阵阵剑影出现,精湛古怪的剑意就像一只只恐怖的凶兽大口,吞向那些人。 Several cultivation low members are inferior to fend, had been passed through the heart by the makings path directly, afterward Engraved Dragon Blade pierces following the path, but Zhou Kai responded is keener, realized that was not right, immediately has leaned the body, avoided these paths, backhanded a bayonet to Su Yun. 几名修为较低的队员不及闪避,直接被气质轨迹贯穿了心脏,随后蛟印剑顺着轨迹洞穿,而周开反应灵敏一些,察觉到不对,立刻侧过身子,避开这些轨迹,反手一枪刺向苏云 But, the Su Yun speed is faster, he leans the body slightly, has avoided spear, and takes advantage of opportunity to put out a hand, with finger on that lance point. 但,苏云的速度更快,他稍倾身子,避开了长枪,且顺势伸出手,用手指在那枪尖上一点。 Clang buzz humming sound... 铛嗡嗡嗡... The spear|gun's body trembles crazily, Zhou Kai both hands swayed, almost loosened the hand. 枪身狂颤,周开双手晃荡不已,差点松开了手。 He urges really Gang strength anxiously anxiously, stands firm spear, some little time push. 他急急催起真罡力量,稳住长枪,好一会儿才将之抓紧。 Big strength!” “好大的力量!” Zhou Kaixin is startled. 周开心惊。 But the next second, Su Yun actually in vain extends the foot, will trample to his abdomen, Zhou Kai will shortly fly upside down, will pound on not far away big stone, the person has not recovered consciousness the air/Qi, then both eyes will turn, stupor. 但下一秒,苏云却是徒然伸脚,踹向其腹,周开顷刻倒飞出去,砸在不远处的大石上,人还未把气缓过来,便双眼一翻,昏迷过去。 This is impossible!! Who you are!!” “这不可能!!你到底是什么人!!” Bei Xuan Ming here person roared, in the eye not only had the shock and had panic-stricken!! 北轩鸣这边的人吼开了,眼里既有震惊又有惊骇!! But Zhou Kai Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, a foot tramples the corona the person of Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple... Can this how big strength? 周开可是灵玄魂三存在啊,一脚将灵玄魂三品之人踹晕...这要多么大的力量? But, the people only know Zhou Kai are Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple, actually does not know that Su Yun is Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, True Divine Aura that in addition Monarch Occult entrusts with, the Su Yun strength similarly big letting person is flabbergasted. 可,人们只知周开是灵玄魂三品,却不知苏云灵玄魂六品,加上君神力赋予的真罡气息,苏云的劲力同样大的让人咋舌。 This group of people suffered a loss, which also dares on strongly? Removed hurriedly, maintains the distance with Su Yun. 这帮人吃了大亏,哪还敢强上?急忙撤了回来,与苏云保持距离。 Suddenly, the situation in scene had the favorable turn. 瞬息间,现场的情况又出现了转机。 As for Wang Zhong Shan that side person, was already scared, dumbfounded is looking at this head. 至于王重山那边的人,早就一个个傻了眼,目瞪口呆的望着这头。 You good cultivation! Fierce! Fierce!!” “兄台好修为!厉害!厉害!!” Bei Xuan Ming knows that Su Yun is not an ordinary role, has caused the eye toward own person, then receives the folding fan, clapped the palm of the hand to call out. 北轩鸣知道苏云不是个普通的角色,朝自己的人使了使眼,便收起折扇,拍着巴掌叫道。 Calls a halt! Even if Wang Zhong Shan has any gratitude and grudges with you, should not be ruthless to him!” “停手吧!就算王重山与你有什么恩怨,也不该对他赶尽杀绝!” Su Yun said. 苏云道。 He must preserve Wang Zhong Shan, only then Wang Zhong Shan can lead him to participate in mountains and rivers list competition. Although front fellows cultivation lowers compared with him, but the large number of elderly persons, the strength is also good, in does not expose the evil Spirit Qi rest and « Limitless Sword Art " and other move of under the premises, Su Yun must solve them completely, somewhat is slightly strenuous. 他要保住王重山,只有王重山才能带他参加山河榜大赛。面前这帮家伙虽然修为比他低,但人数众多,实力也不俗,在不暴露邪灵气息与《无极剑诀》等招数的前提下,苏云要把他们全部解决,稍微有些吃力。 Forces to have no other choice, he is not willing to butcher up this fellows. 逼不得已,他并不愿意把这帮家伙宰光。 „Before Wang Zhong Shan, then everywhere opposes with me, in the Tianlong city, his prestige is extremely high, where the popular will inclines, and some massive spirit cultivation support him, I move him not to, but left the Tianlong city, that is different, today I do not kill Wang Zhong Shan to release hate of heart, when can that wait till? Let alone... As the matter stands, we participate in the mountains and rivers list also to be able some matches, this is favorable for us, why can we let off them?” 王重山以前便处处与我作对,在天龙城,他威望极高,民心所向,且有大量灵修者支持他,我动他不得,但出了天龙城,那就不一样了,今日我不杀王重山泄心头之恨,那要等到什么时候?更何况...这样一来,我们参加山河榜也能少一些对手,这对我们有利,我们为什么要放过他们?” Bei Xuan Ming is swinging the folding fan, saying with a laugh. 北轩鸣摇着折扇,笑呵呵的说道。 You!! Mean Bei Xuan Ming! Before you , is intentionally and other outside the city?” Wang Zhong Shan weak shouting. “你!!卑鄙的北轩鸣!你难道之前便是故意在城外等我的吗?”王重山虚弱的喊道。 Ha Ha, naturally, we already planned, the plan took some groups again, when you lax the protection began, has not thought robber who the midway kills such one group of acting recklessly... Poured has also helped our slightly busy, you were busy with coping with the robber, vigilant heart not on us, and had been consumed the strength by the robber, the good opportunity of beginning! This is the day helps me also!” “哈哈,当然,我们早就策划好了,本打算再走些路,等你们松懈了防备就动手的,没想到中途杀来这么一帮不知死活的强盗...倒也算是帮了我们个小忙,你们忙于对付强盗,警惕心不在我们身上,且被强盗消耗了力量,正是动手的好时机!这可是天助我也啊!” Bastard!!” “混蛋!!” Hong Yan short of breath. 红雁气急。 Bei Xuan Ming did not think own actions are ignominious, instead careless smiling opened: My Bei Xuan Ming, since dares to do, that dares to acknowledge, this time, Wang Zhong Shan non- refuses stubbornly to be possible! This brothers, I know that you choose to stand that side Wang Zhong Shan, nothing but also is only because Wang Zhong Shan must lead you to attend the mountains and rivers list evaluation match... He He, you should know that has the qualifications lead you to participate in competition may not only be a Wang Zhong Shan person, my Bei Xuan Ming also! Was inferior that you come our team, goes to Qinchuan along with us together, how? Wang Zhong Shan? Their these person of dying, do you why care?” 北轩鸣并不觉得自己所作所为可耻,反而毫不在乎的笑开了:“我北轩鸣既然敢做,那就敢承认,今时今日,王重山非死不可!这位兄弟,我知道你选择站在王重山那边,无非也仅是因为王重山要带你参加山河榜评选赛...呵呵,你应该知道,有资格带你们参加大赛的可不仅仅是王重山一人,我北轩鸣也可以!不如你来我们队伍,随我们一同前往秦川,如何?王重山?他们那些将死之人,你又何必在乎呢?” This saying falls, Wang Zhong Shan and other teams all anxious is looking at Su Yun. 这话落下,王重山等队伍无不紧张的望着苏云 Without a doubt, the Su Yun strength is formidable, from him clouds that poor business conditions light defeating Zhou Kai as well as Shen Yujing and the others then can see. 毫无疑问,苏云的实力是强大的,从他云淡风轻的击败周开以及沈玉京等人便能看出。 He is almost this team final hope, perhaps he can save these people, but if he was persuaded by Bei Xuan Ming, Wang Zhong Shan and the others the fates have one. 他几乎是这支队伍最后的希望,或许他能拯救这些人,可若他被北轩鸣说动,那么,王重山等人的下场只有一个。 Death! 死! The scene complete silence, Su Yun was also silent... 现场鸦雀无声,苏云也沉默了...
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