LSG :: Volume #3

#262: Startled changes

Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, coordinates Death Sword, Limitless Sword Art as well as evil Sword Skill again, must cut to massacre these existence is relaxed incomparable, if has such done, only feared that own status then must expose, presently must depend upon Wang Zhong Shan to enter the mountains and rivers list, cannot expose the status here. 灵玄魂六修为,再配合死剑无极剑诀以及邪剑术,要斩杀掉这些存在自是轻松无比,只是若这么做了,只怕自身的身份便要暴露,当前还要依靠王重山进入山河榜,绝不能在这里暴露身份。 The Su Yun heart thinks darkly. 苏云心头暗思。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others are fighting a bloody battle all, is going against the effect and enemy of blood this seal spells, everyone is attacked front and rear, with hardship support, bodyguards already casualty most, the situation is not extremely optimistic. 王重山等人无不在浴血奋战,顶着这阵印的效果与众敌血拼,每个人都是腹背受敌,苦苦支撑,侍卫们已死伤大半,情况极不乐观。 Hateful!” “可恶!” Wang Zhong Shan clenched teeth, suddenly from the hand in the Chu ring turns out a emerald green colored reel, toward spatial loses. 王重山咬了咬牙,突然从手中储物戒指里翻出一个翠绿色卷轴,朝空一丢。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Reel disruption, green light from spatial dispersing, but sees Wang Zhong Shan to shout. 卷轴碎裂,点点绿光从空散开,但见王重山大喊开来。 Hong Yan!” 红雁!” Luo Xiao Miao!” 洛萧淼!” Longhai!” “陇海!” Wu Yun (Su Yun)!” 无云!” Shen Hao!” “沈浩!” Li Qing!” “李青!” .... .... Names emit from the mouth of Wang Zhong Shan, whenever he shouted when a name, these green lights then like the body of person in the sea-monster drills into rapidly mention by name, spirit profound Aura that shortly, the scar of that person of whole body will lose will restore, the whole person will be changed beyond recognition, if safe person. 一个个名字从王重山的嘴里冒出,而每当他喊出一个名字时,那些绿光便如游鱼般迅速钻入被点名的人的身躯之中,顷刻间,那人浑身的伤痕失去的灵玄气息全部恢复过来,整个人焕然一新,如无事人般。 This reel??” “这卷轴??” Gang leader facial expression one tight, stunned again and again. 强盗头子神情一紧,错愕连连。 Caused including such good magic weapon, this group of food were not evidently good to cope!!” “连这么好的法宝都使出来了,看样子这帮食物不好对付啊!!” Devious Spirit Leopard bellows, fires into Wang Zhong Shan, plans to solve him first. 通灵诡豹大吼一声,冲向王重山,打算先把他解决。 The Wang Zhong Shan team obtains the new student, but this has not resolved the crisis, the robbers had the superiority in the population, standing by Bei Xuan Ming, made Wang Zhong Shan and the others fall into thoroughly passively. 王重山队伍得到新生,不过这并未解除危机,强盗们在人数上占据了优势,北轩鸣的袖手旁观,彻底让王重山等人陷入了被动。 „The Bei Xuan brother, what do you want to make? If did not lend a hand to solve them at this time, your I will not have the good end! They have solved us, decides however will not let off your!! Gets rid in a big hurry , helping one another we!!” 北轩兄,你到底要做什么?若这个时候不出手解决他们,你我都不会有好下场!他们解决了我们,也定然不会放过你们的!!快快出手,相助我们!!” Wang Zhong Shan be forced, shouted toward it. 王重山迫于无奈,又朝之喊了起来。 At this time so long as Bei Xuan Ming got rid, worked as one, breaking through was hopeful. 这个时候只要北轩鸣出手,齐心合力,突围还是有希望的。 Bei Xuan Ming hear of successor dynasty taking a look, suddenly corners of the mouth one curved, swings the fan to say with a smile: Good, since Wang brother you so said that if I look again that is then inhumane!!” 北轩鸣听后朝这头瞅了瞅,突然嘴角一弯,摇着扇子笑道:“好吧,既然王兄你都这般说了,我若再看下去,那便太不人道了!!” Then looked that he waves, pale [say / way]: Supports Wang the brother!” 便看他一挥手,淡道:“去支援王兄吧!” Compliant, Young Master!” “遵命,公子!” The people nod, neat overrunning. 众人点头,齐刷刷的冲了过去。 Good!” “太好了!” Wang Zhong Shan sees that immediately the great happiness, the tiger roars afterward: Everybody on, cuts that Devious Spirit Leopard and that chief together first!! Kills!!” 王重山见状,顿时大喜,随后虎吼一声:“大家一起上,先斩那通灵诡豹与那头子!!杀!!” The people ignite the fighting spirit all. 众人无不重新燃起斗志。 Getting rid of Bei Xuan Ming, can certainly decide this preying the victory and defeat!! 北轩鸣的出手,一定能够决定这场搏杀的胜负!! At this moment, the people also had the new view to Bei Xuan Ming. 这一刻,人们对北轩鸣又有了新的看法。 ... 只是... Tit­ter!! 噗嗤!! Ignites the fighting spirit when Wang Zhong Shan, prepares to counter-attack, a blade pierced his lower abdomen suddenly. 就在王重山燃起斗志,准备反击时,一把刀突然洞穿了他的小腹。 The Wang Zhong Shan body pulls out, the complexion instantaneous is pallid. 王重山身躯一抽,脸色瞬间煞白起来。 He stared in a big way both eyes, has turned head to look, actually saw the Bei Xuan Ming bodyguard team leader to grasp the tiger blade, icy visits him. 他瞪大了双眼,扭过头望去,却见北轩鸣的侍卫队长正握着虎刀,冷冰冰的看着他。 You. Your this is... What makes?” “你们..你们这是...做什么?” Wang Zhong Shan has gawked, instantaneous was angry, he is enduring the severe pain of abdomen, a foot trampled toward that bodyguard team leader. 王重山愣了,也瞬间愤怒了,他忍着腹部的剧痛,一脚朝那侍卫队长踹了过去。 Bang! 砰! The bodyguard team leader was trampled to fly, but the Wang Zhong Shan injury was more serious. 侍卫队长被踹飞,但王重山的伤势更重了。 He clenches teeth tightly, draws out the blade of abdomen, retreats, in the mouth puts out the massive blood again and again, the person nearly falls to the ground. 他紧咬着牙,拔出腹部的刀,连连后退,口里吐出大量鲜血,人险些栽倒在地。 Big Brother Wang!!” 王大哥!!” The members were shouting. 队员们呼着。 But at this moment... 但这一刻... Tit­ter. Tit­ter... 噗嗤..噗嗤... More people were sneak attacked! 更多的人遭到偷袭! These prepare the Bei Xuan person who helps one another Wang Zhong Shan to cope with the robber, unexpectedly after approaching the Wang Zhong Shan member, without hesitation lifts the butcher knife to them. 那些准备相助王重山对付强盗的北轩人,竟在靠近王重山队员后,毫不犹豫的将屠刀举向他们。 Response a bit faster evades by luck fatally strikes, but was also wounded, but does not guard like Longhai this type, was sneak attacked by the opposite party at the scene lethal, such little while time, the Wang Zhong Shan team all discards. 反应快点的侥幸躲过致命一击,但也负了伤,而像陇海这种毫无防备的,当场被对方偷袭致死,这么会儿功夫,王重山的队伍全部废掉。 Naturally, except for Su Yun. 当然,除了苏云 . 吧嗒。 A mature and powerful hand held that to divide from the back to the generous broadsword of head. 一只苍劲有力的手抓住了那把从背后劈向脑袋的宽厚大刀。 Grasped the bodyguard of blade to be shocked, wanted to withdraw the blade, however, the blade looked like sticks in that person at this moment, is unable to move. 握刀的侍卫愣住了,想要将刀抽回,然而,这一刻刀就像是粘在了那人身上,根本无法动弹。 Only looked that wears the person of mask to turn around slowly, a pair of ice-cold eye is staring at that bodyguard 只看那戴着面具的人缓缓转过身,一双冰冷的眼盯着那侍卫 .... .... Big Brother Wang, you are all right, Big Brother Wang!!” 王大哥,你没事吧,王大哥!!” Hong Yan and the others endured the injury to run, supports to fall down Wang Zhong Shan, shouted anxiously. 红雁等人忍着伤势跑了过去,扶住摔倒在地的王重山,焦急呼道。 How can like this? How can like this...” “怎么会这样?怎么会这样...” Asked the Shen Hao young man to look at all around situation, the whole body shivers, the person also as if lost the discretion. 叫沈浩的年轻男子看着四周的情况,浑身颤抖不已,人也仿佛失了分寸。 At this moment, the Wang Zhong Shan team almost welcomed the ruinous attack. 这一刻,王重山的队伍几乎是迎来了毁灭性的打击。 Wang Zhong Shan swallows compounded drug that Luo Xiao Miao fills, slow some vigor, is enduring the abdomen rending ache, clenches teeth to say to Bei Xuan Ming of that head: Bei Xuan Ming! You! Unexpectedly sneak attacks us! You are quite mean!! What are you making??” 王重山吞下洛萧淼塞来的丹药,缓过些许劲儿,忍着腹部撕心裂肺的疼痛,冲着那头的北轩鸣咬牙道:“北轩鸣!你!居然偷袭我们!你好卑鄙!!你到底在做什么??” What makes? Naturally is the matter that is me to handle!!” “做什么?呵,自然是做我要做的事情!!” Bei Xuan Ming is swinging the folding fan, walked, the facial color is fierce: Wang Zhong Shan, the father already wanted to tidy up you, today happen to have this opportunity, why don't I do?” 北轩鸣摇着折扇,走了过来,面色狰狞道:“王重山,老子早就想要收拾你了,今天正好有这个机会,我为何不做?” Tidies up me? Now the foreign enemy before, you aims at me the spear head unexpectedly!! Don't you fear our jade entirely Fen??” “收拾我?现在外敌在前,你居然把枪头对准我!!你难道不怕我们玉石俱焚吗??” The Wang Zhong Shan anger clashes Heavenly Dao, the pale face also by red that the anger burns. 王重山怒气冲天道,苍白的脸也被怒火燃的通红。 Bei Xuan Ming does not care, he smiles coldly, snort|hum said: Is only one group of clumsy mischief-doers, you think that I can't tidy up? Small luan! Didn't they look down upon you a moment ago? Then makes them experience, your this Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple existence... somewhat strength!” 只是,北轩鸣根本就不在乎,他冷冽一笑,哼道:“只是一群跳梁小丑,你以为我收拾不掉吗?小鸾!他们刚才不是看不起你吗?呵,便让他们见识见识,你这个灵玄心九品的存在...到底有几分实力!” This saying falls, that rides the female corners of the mouth of seven Qilin beasts to hold self-satisfied smiling, disdains looks to go down in the world the distressed Wang Zhong Shan team, afterward toward it walking, lifts the pure white hand, does not know that which from turns out a brilliant red pearl, with the spirit profound Aura package, will put in the wing celtis mouth afterward .... 这话落下,那头骑着七麟兽的女子嘴角含着得意的笑,不屑的看着落魄狼狈的王重山队伍,随后朝之走去,抬起洁白的手,不知从哪翻出一颗红艳艳的珍珠,将之用灵玄气息包裹,随后放入檀口中.... Whiz!!!!! 嗖!!!!! That flickers, on the double cheeks of woman flood two blood red red lotus marks, the lotus mark appears, Aura of female starts to change suddenly, but the lotus mark on his cheeks jumps unexpectedly projects the massive halos, this halo fast spread Yu Qishen, the body will cover, forms a tight-fitting light helmet and armor, this called the female of small luan at this moment like Female War God, Aura was scary. 那一瞬,女人的双脸颊上泛起两朵血红的红色莲纹,莲纹出现,女子的气息骤然开始变化,而其脸颊上的莲纹竟迸射出大量光晕,这光晕快速蔓延于其身,将之身躯覆盖,形成一件紧身的光之盔甲,这叫小鸾的女子此刻就像一尊女武神,气息骇人无比。 She deeply inspired, the hand raises, a tall and slender laser scalpel then appears in his palms. 她深吸了口气,手一扬,一把细长的光刀便出现在其掌间。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz. 嗖嗖嗖嗖。 The women moved, among the magnificence of shuttle in people, the laser scalpel horizontally vertical crazily cut, terror Aura that on the knife erupted, cut the fragment these inferior robbers instantaneously, regardless of opposite party cultivation were strong, could not support this blade unexpectedly! 女人动开了,就像穿梭于众人之间的光花,光刀横纵狂切,刀身上爆发出来的恐怖气息,瞬间将那些低劣的强盗们斩成了碎片,无论对方修为多强,竟都撑不住这一刀! Terror! 恐怖! The people cold air attracts greatly. 众人凉气大吸。 Um?” “嗯?” Front this Bei Xuan Ming bodyguard will chop to turn in the place, Su Yun concentrates the item to look toward the woman who that slaughters crazily. 将面前这尊北轩鸣的侍卫砍翻在地,苏云凝目朝那疯狂杀戮的女人望去。 What magic weapon is that? Aura is so astonishing, only feared that now her cultivation already had Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple...” “那是什么法宝?气息如此惊人,只怕现在她的修为已经拥有了灵玄魂五品了...” The women went to the battlefield, almost sweeps away all obstacles, any all supports with it confrontation person two rounds, her speed was too fast, making the person be able not hold a candle, in addition the ray is eye-catching, is blocked with it fighting person line of sight, is unable to look straight ahead, attacks to kill slowly also for several points. 女人上了战场,几乎所向披靡,任何与之交锋人皆撑不过两个回合,她的速度太快了,让人望尘莫及,加上光芒夺目,与之交手人视线受阻,根本无法直视,攻杀也滞缓了数分。 „!!!” “啊!!!” The gang leader saw the person to be so maneating, has nipped the mandibular joint, then rushed, with it fighting. 强盗头子见来人如此凶悍,咬了牙关,便冲上去,与之交手。 The women mentioned the laser scalpel, the arm flung crazily, cuts more than thousand blade shades, such as flowers cage to gang leader. 女人提起光刀,臂膀狂甩,切出千余道刀影,如花朵般笼向强盗头子。 Fierce cuts!” The gang leader of similarly suitable blade raises the blade one to wield toward it, the blade shade expands infinitely, rises to several feet long, slices maliciously. “悍地斩!”同样适刀的强盗头子扬刀朝之一挥,刀影无限扩大,涨至数丈之长,狠狠切去。 But its blade shade has not fallen to the ground, then had been cut a smashing by the blade shade of this laser scalpel, strange laser scalpel overbearing cutting on that orifice width blade, such as the tide strength following the knife transmission in the body of gang leader, the gang leader generally unceasingly shivered like the screen, big mouth, puts out a blood, unexpectedly shaking injured by this strength. 但其刀影还未落地,便被这光刀的刀影斩了个粉碎,诡异的光刀霸道的斩在了那口宽刀上,如浪潮般的力量顺着刀身传递于强盗头子的身躯上,强盗头子就像筛子一般不断颤抖,大嘴一张,吐出一口鲜血,竟被这份力道给震伤了。 Do not play!! A bit faster solves!!” “不要玩了!!快点解决掉!!” Bei Xuan Ming some seem to be impatient, opens the mouth to say. 北轩鸣似乎有些不耐烦了,开口说道。 Good Young Master, oh, but also wants to play them again!” “好吧公子,唉,还想再多耍耍他们呢!” Before that called Shen Yujing Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence to have a yawn, a sluggish appearance, took out a both hands sledgehammer from the Chu ring, went toward that side gang leader line. 之前那个叫沈玉京灵玄魂三存在打了个哈欠,一副懒散模样,从储物戒指里取出一把双手大锤,朝那边的强盗头子行去。 His step is very slow, however, when approaching gang leader, speeds up swiftly, when like suddenly motor of acceleration, close, he lifts up high the sledgehammer, agitates scary True Divine Aura, has pounded maliciously. 他的步伐很慢,然,在临近强盗头子时,倏然加快,就像骤然加速的马达,临近时,他高举大锤,鼓动骇人至极的真罡气息,狠狠的砸了过去。 „?” “啊?” Gang leader facial color big change, hastily retreats, but promptly has not actually fended, before the sledgehammer falls its, bracing cold that above adheres to stick cohere like blasting out the spark, spatters in all directions toward all around, in the direct bang its, shaking will fly. The gang leader continually puts out three blood, throws down maliciously on the ground, facial color white scary, is vents anger the multi- air admissions to be few, away refusing stubbornly far. 强盗头子面色大变,连忙后退,但却未及时闪避,大锤落其身前,上头附着的气劲就像炸开的火花,朝四周迸溅,直接轰中其身,将之震飞。强盗头子一连吐出三口鲜血,狠狠摔倒在地上,面色白的吓人,已是出气多进气少,距死不远了。 The earth was shaken shivers by Shen Yujing, such as seven magnitude of earthquakes. 大地被沈玉京震得颤抖不已,如七级地震。 The gang leader has not needed to crawl, a ray passed over gently and swiftly in the eye, a laser scalpel falls maliciously, cuts Yu Qishou... 强盗头子还不待爬起,一道光芒在眼中掠过,紧接着一把光刀狠狠坠下,斩于其首... Tit­ter. 噗嗤 The severed head was chopped. 首级被砍下。 The gang leader body dies! 强盗头子身死! That Wang Zhong Shan and the others already look at the delay. 那头王重山等人已经看得呆滞。 No wonder... No wonder that woman will say such words to come, originally... She has the so formidable magic weapon, in an instant, making Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple existence exuviae turn into Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence .... What magic weapon is this? Has the so mysterious might unexpectedly.” “难怪...难怪那女人会说出这样的话来,原来...她有这般强大的法宝啊,转眼之间,让一名灵玄心九存在蜕变成灵玄魂五存在....这是什么法宝?竟有如此神奇的威力。” This at least should be the Core Level above treasure.” “这至少该是绝品以上的宝贝。” Luo Xiao Miao is covering the shoulder, weak [say / way]. 洛萧淼捂着肩膀,虚弱道。 Big Brother Wang, now what to do should we? Everybody has been injured, hits not to hit, the words that walks are also very difficult, if continues again, we only feared that must die.” 王大哥,我们现在该怎么办?大家都受伤了,打也打不过,走的话也很困难,如果再继续下去,我们只怕都要没命啊。” Hong Yan is nipping saying of lip pain tightly. 红雁紧咬着唇痛苦的说道。 Longhai and the others the corpses in not far away, people heart already have still flustered, who can expect that on one second also in together friend, now behind then becomes holds the enemy of knife? 陇海等人的尸体还在不远处,众人心已经慌了,谁能料想到上一秒还在一起的朋友,现在便成为背后捅刀子的敌人? You... Don't be upset.” “你们...不要慌。” Wang Zhong Shan deeply inspired, tranquil [say / way]: I know that his Bei Xuan Ming must make anything, nothing but was retaliates me in everywhere to oppose with him in those days, the person who he must deal with was I, later... I to him a confession, making him let off you, you and he do not have the enmity without the injustice, believes... He will not be ruthless.” 王重山深吸了口气,平静道:“我知道他北轩鸣要做什么,无非就是报复我往日里与他处处作对罢了,他要对付的人是我,待会儿...我会给他个交代,让他放过你们,你们与他无冤无仇,相信...他不会赶尽杀绝的。” Big Brother Wang...” 王大哥...” You were needless saying that this time was I have implicated you, I... Will guarantee you to live in peace with each other.” “你们不用说了,这一次是我连累了你们,我...会保你们相安无事的。” Wang Zhong Shan shuts slowly the eye. 王重山缓缓将眼睛闭起。 At this moment, that gang follows his bodyguard to follow his member, is dead set on to him. 这一刻,无论是那帮跟随他的侍卫还是追随他的队员,都已是对他死心塌地了。 The gang leader body dies, the remaining people contend Bei Xuan Ming team? Devious Spirit Leopard sees the potential not to be wonderful, then must escape, but was pursued Female War God cuts to the chaotic blade. 强盗头子身死,剩下的人又怎抗衡的了北轩鸣的队伍?通灵诡豹见势不妙,便要逃跑,但被追上来的‘女武神’给乱刀斩死。 Remaining how long could not support, was cut to kill completely, even if an seal of under foot were still stimulating to movement, but the strength between two was extremely disparate, Bei Xuan Ming here person could not have the big superiority on cultivation, however... Each magic weapon that they stimulate to movement formidable incomparable, making the person be flabbergasted. 剩下的喽啰撑不了多久,全部被斩杀,即便脚下的阵印还在催动,但二者之间的实力太过悬殊,北轩鸣这边的人在修为上占不了多大的优势,然而...他们催动的每一件法宝都强大无比,让人咋舌。 Blood of corpse overflow forms the rill, the sides has dripped in Wang Zhong Shan and the others. 死尸溢出的鲜血汇成小溪,在王重山等人的身旁淌过。 He raises eyes to look, then looked that the Bei Xuan Ming team has not begun to clean up the battlefield, but is abandons toward here the vision. 他举目望去,便看北轩鸣的队伍并未着手清理战场,而是一个个将目光朝这儿抛开。 Crash-bang. 哗啦。 Bei Xuan Ming resumes the folding fan, is swaying gently, has the smiling face to look at this head, in the eye was passing over gently and swiftly to tease... 北轩鸣重新展开折扇,轻轻摇晃着,含着笑容望着这头,眼里掠过一丝戏谑...
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