LSG :: Volume #3

#261: The murderous intention on road

Clang!!! 铛!!! The sharp sword cuts to the stone. 利剑斩向石头。 kua. 咵嚓。 The sound emits. 响声冒出。 Wang Zhong Shan directly flushed, holds the arm of Su Yun, fierce roar: Wu Yun (Su Yun), what do you make??” 王重山直接冲了过来,抓住苏云的胳膊,猛吼:“无云,你做什么??” Kills the monster.” The Su Yun pale [say / way], has referred to that head. “杀妖。”苏云淡道,指了指那头。 The people mind all trembles, Qi Qichao the young boy looks. 众人心神皆颤,齐齐朝小男孩望去。 But, which there also has the young boy, only remaining by stone of cleaving in two! 可,那儿哪还有小男孩,只剩下一块被劈成两半的石头! People? 人呢? People nerve one tight, looks around hastily in all directions. 众人神经一紧,连忙四处张望。 Actually looks at the beforehand that personal appearance thin and weak handbag the young boy of bone, this moment erect on a people not far away hillside. 却看之前那名身形瘦弱皮包着骨的小男孩,此刻正立在众人不远处的一个山坡上。 His that also calculates that on immature face has covered entirely fiercely, the corners of the mouth rise, sneers to this group of people. 他那还算稚嫩的脸上布满了狰狞,嘴角上扬,冲着这帮人冷笑。 I also think that you are the pigs, has not thought that unexpectedly also some people looked through my camouflage! You! Very good, is very good!!” “我还以为你们都是猪呢,没想到居然还有人看破了我的伪装!你!很不错,很不错!!” You... Who are you?” “你...你是谁?” Wang Zhong Shan understood instantaneously the Su Yun procedure, with the people gathers together anxiously, looks that young boy said. 王重山瞬间明白了苏云的做法,急与众人聚在一起,看着那小男孩道。 Originally you are an attire! Small inexpensive goods! Your courage is not small! In report your name, whose so as to avoid later butchered your you are we do not know that we may too be embarrassed.” “原来你一直是装的!呵,小贱货!你胆子不小啊!报上你的姓名,免得待会儿宰了你连你是谁我们都不知道,那我们可就太不好意思了。” Bei Xuan Ming is swinging the folding fan, saying of smiling, on the face and infinite big accident. 北轩鸣摇着折扇,笑眯眯的说道,脸上并无多大意外。 Fellow of one crowd of acting recklessly!” “一群不知死活的家伙!” The young boy hey smiles, swiftly, his body chap comes, then the massive viscous liquids from the body of breakage overflow, the entire thin and weak body enlarges infinitely, the suddenly time, then changes into one three meters to come high, bow body, both feet vertical, ominous leopard that the whole body is covered with the hangnail. 小男孩嘿嘿笑着,倏然,他的身躯龟裂开来,接着大量粘稠的液体从破裂的皮肉中溢出,整个瘦弱的身躯无限放大,眨眼间的功夫,便化为一尊三米来高,躬着身躯,双脚立地,浑身长满倒刺的凶豹。 Devious Spirit Leopard?” 通灵诡豹?” Luo Xiao Miao lost one's voice to shout. 洛萧淼失声呼了出来。 Devious Spirit Leopard? What is that?” Hong Yan asked. 通灵诡豹?那是什么?”红雁呐问。 „A wisdom nearly Yu people ominous beast!” Su Yun is staring at the crafty leopard on that hillside, said in a low voice: According to what has been heard Devious Spirit Leopard passes the human nature friendly, they understand the criticism, can speak the language, and is good at transforming the technique, in those days in had Devious Spirit Leopard to change into the human form to mix in the crowd to do all kinds of evil things, although they are the ominous beasts, but is closer in the evil spirit, strikes the goal of killing for spirit cultivation! Has not thought that here will have one! Looks at its cultivation, should have about Fourth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, copes not to be difficult!” “一种智近于人的凶兽!”苏云盯着那山坡上的诡豹,低声道:“据闻通灵诡豹善通人性,它们懂得人言,更能说人语,且擅长幻化之术,往日里更有通灵诡豹化为人形混入人群中为非作歹,它们虽为凶兽,但却更贴近于妖物,为灵修者们击杀的目标!没想到这儿会有一只!看它修为,应该有灵玄魂四品左右,对付起来不难!” Hong Yan one hear, is suddenly enlighted, nodded: Also is, will our these many people, where fear it? Let alone Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother your already has seen through its clever trick, it should escape is.” 红雁一听,恍然大悟,点了点头:“也是,我们这么多人,哪会怕它?更何况无云大哥已经识破了它的诡计,它该逃跑才是。” But the issue is it has not escaped!” Su Yun raises flood dragon seal, the sinking sound is shouting: Perhaps therefore, it also has the subsequent party, cannot hesitate! King Young Master, fast has cut this beast!!” “但问题是它没有逃跑!”苏云提着蛟印,沉声喊道:“所以,它恐怕还有后手,不能再犹豫了!王公子,速速斩了此兽!!” Good!” Wang Zhong Shan bellows: Everybody on, has killed this sly ominous thing together!!” “好!”王重山大吼:“大家一起上,杀了这狡猾的凶物!!” Good!!” People Qi Hu, “好!!”人们齐呼, Ha Ha Ha Ha, cuts me? You have not clearly recognized the present situation evidently, my delicious food!!” “哈哈哈哈,斩我?看样子你们还是没有认清楚现状啊,我可口的食物!!” Devious Spirit Leopard does not fear, instead laughs, looked that its one wields the claw, under the people foot flood soars to the heavens the red light immediately intermittently, these pour under the corpse of ground, has the rich courage vigor. 通灵诡豹丝毫不惧,反而哈哈大笑,看其一挥爪子,众人脚底下顿时泛起阵阵冲天红光,那些倒在地上的尸体下头,出现浓郁的血气。 Awful, this is an seal!” “糟糕,这是阵印!” Quite mean, does to cover these corpses unexpectedly, blocks from an seal!!” “好卑鄙,竟把这些尸体做掩盖,遮住阵印!!” Runs!!” “快跑出去!!” The people the chaos, the roaring sound is unceasing immediately. 众人顿时大乱,呼吼声不断。 However, to has not run out of the range of this seal to first two bodyguards, then looks at the distant place to fly two thick fierce blade air/Qi, cuts directly to them. 然,冲至最先的两名侍卫还未冲出这阵印的范围,便看远处飞来两道厚悍的刀气,直接斩向他们。 Two bodyguards hold up the pointed weapons in respective hand hastily, the standard keeps off the blade air/Qi. 两名侍卫连忙举起各自手中的兵刃,格挡刀气。 But, the first blade air/Qi thick fierce strong, flickers the broken two people of Bing military, the second blade air/Qi comes, then truncates their heads. 可,第一道刀气厚悍强劲,瞬碎二人兵武,第二道刀气过来,便将他们的脑袋生生削下。 The blood spurts crazily, head flying apsaras. 鲜血狂喷,头颅飞天。 Two people flicker. 二人瞬死。 Wang Zhong Shan and Bei Xuan Ming all heart micro startled, wears the item to look. 王重山北轩鸣皆心头微惊,着目望去。 Then saw person who outside the road junction crashes in the massive clothing strange devils. 便看到道口外冲进大量服饰怪异凶神恶煞的人。 This group of people crash-bang run, is centered on to print, has encircled the people solid. 这帮人哗啦啦的跑来,以阵印为中心,将众人围了个严严实实。 Sees this condition, all people no longer are thinking retreating, offers a sacrifice to own magic weapon and weapon, is vigilant in the four directions. 见此状况,所有人都不再想着撤退,纷纷祭出自己的法宝与武器,警惕于四方。 The Bei Xuan Ming team also with the Wang Zhong Shan team next to the same place, at this moment the people completely abandons past enmity. 北轩鸣的队伍也与王重山的队伍紧挨在一起,这一刻人们尽释前嫌。 Who are you??” “你们是谁??” Wang Zhong Shan pinches the double fist to bellow tightly. 王重山紧捏着双拳大吼。 Ha Ha, one group of kids, the father is the master in this ghost ape road junction, your this group of kids dare to intrude my territory, really does not know good from bad, the little darling kneels down to me surrenders, contributes on you spirit coin with the magic weapon, perhaps this, I will forgive your life!!” “哈哈,一帮小屁孩,老子是这鬼猿道口的主人,你们这帮小屁孩竟敢闯入我的领地,真是不知好歹,还是乖乖跪下向我投降,贡献你们身上的灵币跟法宝吧,这样,说不定我会饶你们一条性命!!” Robber?” “强盗?” Wang Zhong Shan and Bei Xuan Ming have looked at each other one. 王重山北轩鸣对视了一眼。 When did this place have the robber? 这个地方何时有强盗了? What fart do you put? Surrenders to you? I! Must hit hits, which that many idle talk, you think that you do set such a small trap, the father will fear you? Come! On you!!” “你放什么屁呢?向你们投降?我呸!要打就打,哪那么多废话,你以为你们设下这么个小小的圈套,老子就会怕你们?来啊!你们上啊!!” Longhai in Wang Zhong Shan team roars angry. 王重山队伍中的陇海恼怒而吼。 Other people also refuse to admit being inferior, roared in abundance, must with the manner that the enemy fought to the death. 其余人也不甘示弱,纷纷吼开了,一副要与对方决一死战的态度。 Robbers 60 person, although many First Level Spirit Soul Disciple two existence, but besides that chief is the people of four ranks, other person of strengths inferior cannot withstand. 强盗这边不过60来号人,虽有不少灵玄魂一二品存在,但除了那个头子为四品级别的人外,其他人实力都低劣不堪。 The population of Wang Zhong Shan here two teams added also 50 people, in the population weren't the fit and unfit quality big, what fear? 王重山这边两支队伍的人数加起来也有50来号人了,人数上优劣不大,惧怕什么? What making the Su Yun doubts incomparable is .... 只是,让苏云疑惑无比的是.... One group of Spirit Soul Disciple Spirit Core Disciple do existence... run to be the robber? Seeks after these spirit profound treasure of? They did not fear that provokes great person, by the it thorough destruction? 一帮灵玄魂灵玄心存在...怎么跑去做强盗?贪图那些灵玄者身上的宝贝吗?他们就不怕招惹到大人物,被之彻底覆灭吗? The Su Yun heart hair doubts, but in mind actually also recalled on the first mountains and rivers list has had some ugly events. 苏云心头发疑,不过脑海里却也回想起上一世山河榜中发生过的一些丑陋事件。 Mountain River List competition, the world person with outstanding ability gathers, launches the life and death showdown for the position of mountains and rivers list, the winner obtains the unsurpassed glory, to the high reward, henceforth has a meteoric rise, enters the clouds, results in the world person to respect, becomes a side character. 山河榜争夺,天下英才汇聚,为山河榜的名次展开生死对决,获胜者获得无上荣耀,至高奖励,从此平步青云,直入云霄,得天下人敬仰,成为一方人物。 The countless advantage make the young frivolous warm-blooded people with outstanding ability well up to abundance, but, appeared much is the position does not fold the generation of method. 数不尽的好处让年少轻狂的热血英才们纷纷涌至,不过,却也出现了不少为得名次不折手段之辈。 The person who after all participates in the mountains and rivers list is only some practice time not over 30 years of year light and lively cultivation, they are not the unmatcheds in the world, all participants in going to ask that on the road in immortal region does not have any safeguard. That mountains and rivers list that Su Yun hears, the participants reach several thousands, however the person of true appearance is actually 10,000 over! 毕竟参加山河榜的人只是一些修炼时间不超过30年的年轻灵修者,他们并不是天下无敌的,所有参赛者在前往问仙区域的路上都没有任何保障。苏云所听到的那一届山河榜,参赛人员多达数万,然而真正到场之人却是10000出头! It is said that many people died a tragic death above the journey. 据说,很多人都惨死于路途之上。 Although competition is fair, but, if some people please the person of Gao Qiang, in journey. Utterly destroys to the match who oneself possibly produce threat these, that sports event not on relaxed many? 大赛虽然公正,但,若有人请得高强之人,在路途上.将那些对自己可能产生威胁的对手斩尽杀绝,那赛事不就轻松的多? Su Yun does not know in the present mountains and rivers list, this atmosphere already serious to any situation, perhaps but according to the present judgment, these robbers may also be Wang Zhong Shan and Bei Xuan Ming two people of enemies send to slaughter their people. 苏云并不知道现在的山河榜中,这种风气已经严重到了什么地步,但根据眼前的判断,这些强盗或许也有可能是王重山北轩鸣二人的对头派来宰杀他们的人。 Kills? Does not worry!! We wait again!” The chief said with a smile ferociously: This seal prepares for you! Its already started, after burns a joss stick, the strength of seal integrates in each of you's body thoroughly, after affecting, you docile is the same with the group yeanling, when the time comes handles you again, but on relaxed many! Ha Ha Ha Ha...” “杀?不着急!!我们再等等!”那头子狞笑道:“这个阵印可是为你们准备的!它已经启动了,待一炷香后,阵印的力量彻底融入你们每个人的身躯之内,作用开来后,你们会温顺的跟群小绵羊一样,到时候再处置你们,可就轻松的多咯!哈哈哈哈...” The Wang Zhong Shan complexion big change, shouted to clear the way lowly: Breaks through the enemy lines!” 王重山脸色大变,低喝道:“破阵!” Yes!” “是!” One group of bodyguards do not dare to have neglect slightly, neat flushed, planned that the strong heart runs out. 一群侍卫不敢有丝毫怠慢,齐刷刷的冲了出去,打算强心冲出。 But at this time, in big overflowed the massive strengths, permeated people within the body, drilled into the breath and pulse, harassed the stimulation of movement of spirit profound Aura, the people strength dropped suddenly. 可这时,大阵内溢出大量力量,渗入众人体内,钻入气脉,扰乱灵玄气息的催动,众人力量急剧下降。 But at the same time, the robbers and bandits beyond also move. 而同一时间,阵外的盗匪们也行动开来。 They encircle a great-circle, is blocking departures of two teams, because of coming under the seal influence, the spirit profound Aura cotton wool of people within the body is chaotic, is hard to condense radically, even if the overall strength of people are higher than this group so-called robber, but is actually hard to run out of big. 他们围成一个大圈,阻绝着两支队伍的离开,因受到阵印影响,众人体内的灵玄气息絮乱,根本难以凝聚,即便众人的整体实力要高于这帮所谓的‘强盗’,但却难以冲出大阵。 Breaks through the enemy lines? Depending on you? Broken? Ha Ha Ha Ha...” “破阵?就凭你们?破的了吗?哈哈哈哈...” Gang leader laughs to continue. ‘强盗头子’大笑不止。 Everybody all clashes toward the north side!! Had any magic weapon should not be parsimonious, took completely!!” “大家全部朝北边冲!!有什么法宝不要再吝啬了,全部拿出来!!” Wang Zhong Shan drinks greatly, is lifting the double fist, fires into the north side, both hands flies high to wield 13 fists, pounds a robber, but looked that robber spits blood again and again, the chest splits, ‚’ fell to the ground dead. 王重山大喝,举着双拳,冲向北边,双手凌空挥出13拳,砸中一名强盗,但看那强盗连连吐血,胸口裂开,‘哇’的一声倒地死去。 The immediate fist is then battered to death Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple existence, this Wang Zhong Shan Fist Arts is really also surprising. 紧靠拳头便砸死一名灵玄心九存在,这王重山的拳法也着实让人惊讶。 Wang Zhong Shan is so overbearing, the people are unafraid, the strength strongest Luo Xiao Miao vertical step treads, flies high to jump, then looked that he is dragging a silver boat single-handed, the fast luck, fills toward the ship, afterward throws the ship, pounds to these robbers. 王重山如此霸道,众人也不心虚,实力最强的洛萧淼纵步一踏,凌空跃起,便看他单手拖着一个银色的小船,快速运气,朝船内灌去,随后将船一丢,砸向那些强盗。 Suddenly, the ships increase suddenly, change into a silver great ship of braving all hardships, the great ship with strength of the irresistible strong dashing, pounds directly to the robbers. 瞬息间,船只骤然变大,化为一艘乘风破浪的银色巨船,巨船携不可抵挡的强劲冲撞之力,直接砸向众强盗。 Thump thump .... 咚咚咚咚.... The great ship, the robber had not been run over and died is then hit to fly, nobody can arrive. 巨船所过,强盗不是被碾死便是被撞飞,无人能抵。 But, in the great ship will soon dislodge leaves the way out of seal, Devious Spirit Leopard of that head moves. 但,就在巨船即将撞出一条离开阵印的出路时,那头的通灵诡豹动了。 It roars, a body revolution of sudden change hill size, afterward fires into the great ship, stimulates to movement the whole body strength, hits in the hull, forced to stop the ships unexpectedly, Devious Spirit Leopard took advantage of a favorable situation a roar, sound wave rippled from its, spat the blood to ship near several person mouths all, was shaken by this sound wave flies. 它哇吼一声,身躯一转骤变小山大小,随后冲向巨船,催动浑身力量,撞于船身,竟生生将船只逼停了下来,通灵诡豹乘势一吼,一股音波从其口中荡漾,离船较近的几个人无不口吐鲜血,被这音波震飞。 Hateful!!!” “可恶!!!” The Luo Xiao Miao brow feels uncomfortable, look dignified is staring at that Devious Spirit Leopard. 洛萧淼眉头发紧,眼神凝重的盯着那通灵诡豹 Other robbers quite cope, but this Devious Spirit Leopard as well as that gang leader are actually thorny goods. 其他强盗好对付,但这通灵诡豹以及那强盗头子却是个棘手货。 Hong Yan as well as Longhai are all fighting a bloody battle, when the people prey, the sleep is actually attacked front and rear, is everywhere passive. 红雁以及陇海皆在浴血奋战,只是众人搏杀之际,却觉腹背受敌,处处被动。 Wang Zhong Shan responded that looked toward the rear area, actually in consternation realized that Bei Xuan Ming and the others hid when the rear area unexpectedly, the frontage has not contended with these robbers. 王重山反应过来,朝后方望去,却愕然察觉北轩鸣等人竟躲在之际的后方,并未正面与那些强盗们抗衡。 „The Bei Xuan brother, what do you in hesitate? On quick!!” 北轩兄,你还在犹豫什么?快上啊!!” Wang Zhong Shan shouts anxiously. 王重山急喊道。 This is group clumsy mischief-doer, believes that Wang brother's your person enough has coped, we do not meddle, Ha Ha!” “这不过是群跳梁小丑,相信王兄你的人足够对付了,我们就不插手了,哈哈!” Saying that Bei Xuan Ming smiles. 北轩鸣笑眯眯的说道。 You...” “你们...” Heavy of Hong Yan air/Qi, is out of sorts for a while, had been hit the lower abdomen by a robber, entire flew. 红雁气的不轻,一时失神,被一强盗击中了小腹,整个儿飞了出去。 Tit­ter! 噗嗤 She puts out a blood, falls down, is sore from top to bottom incomparably, the person just about to gets up, then sees 45 robbers to clash toward her, and revealed respectively the shining sword, cuts her head. 她吐出一口鲜血,倒在地上,浑身上下酸痛无比,人刚要起来,便见45名强盗朝她冲来,且各自亮出明晃晃的刀剑,直斩她头。 Ended.” “完了。” The Hong Yan mydriasis, twittering said. 红雁瞳孔放大,呢喃说道。 But in this flickers, swings together black light swiftly, then the deep and clear sword intends to his ear to surge. 但就在这一瞬,一道黑光倏然荡开,接着潇潇剑意在其耳边激荡。 Hong Yan has not needed to respond that then looks at one quickly such as the form shuttle of lightning in own whole body, almost in the flash, these fired into own robbers such as the petrochemical to be ordinary, frames the body .... 红雁还不待反应,便看一个快如闪电的身影穿梭于自己周身,几乎在一瞬间,那些冲向自己的强盗们如石化一般,定格住了身躯.... She looks up, is that wears Wu Yun (Su Yun) of mask unexpectedly. 她抬头望去,竟是那戴着面具的无云 Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother!” 无云大哥!” Hong Yan joyful [say / way]. 红雁欣喜道。 You are all right.” Su Yun is sideways to ask. “你没事吧。”苏云侧身问道。 Hong Yan crawled hastily, swallowed a compounded drug saying: All right!” 红雁仓促爬了起来,吞了口丹药道:“没事!” Careful!” “小心点!” Su Yun has spoken haltingly the lower lip, said: Our enemies incessantly are these robbers.” 苏云嗫嚅了下唇,道:“我们的敌人不止是这些强盗。” The sound falls, he then shakes, killed to other robbers. 声音落下,他便晃开,杀向其他强盗了。 Continues these robbers? 不止这些强盗? Hong Yan listened to have a head wet from the fog. 红雁听了个满头雾水。 Does here have other enemies? 这里还有其他敌人吗? …… …… ( Thanks rain Chen, the world bear,’ the monthly tickets of several friends with hitting to enjoy support, thanks) (感谢‘雨辰、、世界熊、’几位朋友的月票与打赏支持,谢谢)
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