LSG :: Volume #3

#260: Can be saved

Swallowing an insult of Wang Zhong Shan, making two teams not erupt for this reason, one group of people, expunge toward the border of Long Ao country's again. 王重山的忍气吞声,让两支队伍没有为此而爆发,一帮人重新出发,朝龙傲国的边境开去。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, the small luan elder sister you are quite fierce, one group of Spirit Soul Disciple fellow does not dare to put the fart before you, hey...” “哈哈哈哈,小鸾姐你好厉害啊,一帮灵玄魂的家伙在你面前连屁都不敢放一下,嘿嘿...” Spirit Soul Disciple? Their cultivation has achieved this boundary, by strength, is only one group of waste!” 灵玄魂?他们不过修为达到了这个境界,论实力,也只是一帮废物罢了!” That Wang Zhong Shan I was already unable to continue watching, usually in installs the good person, in fact also on a good-for-nothing!” “那王重山我早就看不下去了,平日里装好人,实际上也就一窝囊废!” One fellows gather round that female low voice speech, although they have lowered the voice, but will have 1-2 grating words to flutter, afterward yackets. 一帮家伙围着那名女子小声的说起话来,虽然他们压低了嗓音,但还是会有一两句刺耳的话飘出来,随后就是哄堂大笑。 Wang Zhong Shan here person rose all the liver colored. 王重山这边的人无不涨成了猪肝色。 But Bei Xuan Ming is actually a face smiling face, does not pay attention to here matter, seems the seeing a play person. 北轩鸣却是一脸笑容,根本不理会这边的事情,仿佛就是个看戏人。 „, This fellows... Quick will tidy up, I will not have been angry to them.” “呵,这帮家伙...很快就会收拾掉了,我还真不会对他们生气。” That called the female of small luan snort|hum, said with a smile in a low voice. 那叫小鸾的女子哼了一声,低声笑道。 „Our time goals are to attend the evaluation match of mountains and rivers list, everybody should not be air/Qi with them, maintains the strength, good is good to display the performance because of competition.” “我们这一次的目标是参加山河榜的评选赛,大家不要跟他们气了,保存实力,在大赛上好好发挥表现。” Sees own here human spirit heavy, Wang Zhong Shan said hastily. 看到自己这边的人气的不轻,王重山连忙说道。 But, Big Brother Wang, others bullied your head to come, can you also endure? Is your temperament so how good?” “可,王大哥,别人都欺负到你头上来了,你还要忍吗?你的脾气怎这般好?” Hong Yan angry [say / way]. 红雁恼道。 Hong Yan, sometimes the vitality is to own penalty, we why must lower oneself to the same level with them, is only one group of comedian clowns, all considered to seek pleasure to us!” Wang Zhong Shan said. 红雁,有时候生气是对自己的惩罚,我们何必要与他们一般见识,只是一群小丑而已,全当是给我们取乐好了!”王重山道。 Wang Zhong Shan so said that Hong Yan opened mouth, has to be silent. 王重山都这般说了,红雁张了张嘴,也只好闭口不言。 Two teams continue to go forward. 两支队伍继续前进。 However, how long has not walked, in the air transmits the smell of blood that irritates the nose intermittently swiftly. 然,没走多久,倏然间,空气中传来阵阵刺鼻的血腥味。 Has the situation!” “有情况!” Wang Zhong Shan shouted lowly. 王重山低呼。 Two side troops halt immediately. 两方人马立刻止步。 Has a look!” “去看看!” Wang Zhong Shan said to Luo Xiao Miao. 王重山冲着洛萧淼道。 Luo Xiao Miao nods, rides the purple corner/horn beast to rush to the team. 洛萧淼点头,骑着紫角兽奔出队伍。 Bei Xuan Ming took a look at Wang Zhong Shan, calls: Zhou Kai, you also has a look.” 北轩鸣瞅了眼王重山,也唤开来:“周开,你也去看看。” Yes, Young Master!” “是,公子!” A bald youth at the back of runs the team spear, rushes toward the front. 一名光头青年背着把长枪跑出队伍,朝前方奔去。 After the moment, two people one after the other toward here fast Ben to come. 片刻后,二人一前一后朝这儿快速奔来。 Big Brother Wang( Bei Xuan Young Master), is not good! Front presents many corpses!” 王大哥北轩公子),不好了!前头出现好多尸体!” Two people said. 二人疾呼。 Corpse?” “尸体?” Two teams of troops are all startled. 两队人马皆惊。 Su Yun gained ground, looked at front, his brow moved lightly, both eyes gathered swiftly, stimulate to movement Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes, looked toward the front, but looked that the double pupil under mask glittered the golden light, the binocular vision is rising suddenly, suddenly took in everything at a glance the picture of distant place. 苏云抬起头,看了看前头,他眉头轻动,倏然双目一聚,催动天鳞神目,朝前方望去,但看面具下的双瞳闪烁着金光,双眼视力暴涨,瞬息间将远方的景象一览无遗。 But looked that has 34 kilometers place away the team fully, lying this way and that is lying down the massive corpses, these person of clothes are tattered, completely is the wound, blood stream place, the nearby also has the ominous beast that was attracted massively to gnaw the food corpse from top to bottom. Looked that their dressing up have the weapon of scattering, feared that is the preparation goes to participate in the mountains and rivers list competition player. 但看距队伍足有34千米的地方,横七竖八的躺着大量尸体,这些人衣服破烂,浑身上下尽是伤口,血流一地,附近还有大量被吸引过来的凶兽在啃食尸体。看他们的装扮还有散落的兵器,怕是准备前往参加山河榜大赛的选手。 „But if participates in the competition player, the strength should not be low is, how can die a tragic death in the journey?” “可若是参加大赛的选手,实力应该不低才是,怎会惨死于路途之中?” Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation in a region is the strength powerful generation, but the common people regarding the entire mainland, this group of talents different reported the talents that and some massive magic weapon and good material in addition to hold are in the Spirit Soul Disciple initial stage with the ceaseless efforts, although is unable to compare with the high levels in these schools, but the strength is not bad. 灵玄魂修为在一个区域中算是实力强悍之辈,但对于整个大陆而言就只是泛泛之辈了,这帮天赋异禀且有大量法宝与好材料加持的天才们在不懈努力下才进入灵玄魂的初级阶段,虽无法与那些门派的高层相比,但实力也不差。 In good condition, how to present these many corpses? Is only afraid of getting into trouble the fishy!!” “好端端的,怎会出现这么多尸体?只怕事又蹊跷!!” Wang Zhong Shan said in a low voice. 王重山低声道。 Zhou Kai!” At this time, Bei Xuan Ming shouted. “周开!”这时,北轩鸣喊开了。 Young Master.” 公子。” I, and asked you, what wound were the wounds of these people? But dies of the wound of sword?” “我且问你,那些人身上的伤是什么伤?可是死于刀剑之伤?” This... Young Master, I think that likely am not the wound of sword, the corpses of many person crush, more worries as well as the injury of sharp claws likely.” “这个...公子,我看那不像是刀剑之伤,不少人的尸首碎烂,更多像是撕咬以及利爪的伤势。” Ha Ha, that was right.” “哈哈,那就对了。” Bei Xuan Ming pats the thigh, said with a smile: I remember that here is ghost ape said that area this, is enlivening many Tenth Level Spirit Core Disciple cultivation ghost ape group, particularly that ghost ape king, supports First Level Spirit Soul Disciple even is two cultivation, that team has perhaps encountered the ghost ape group, can die a tragic death in the road junction.” 北轩鸣一拍大腿,笑道:“我记得此处是鬼猿道,在这一带,活跃着不少灵玄心十修为的鬼猿群,尤其是那鬼猿王,更拥灵玄魂一品甚至是二品的修为,那支队伍或许是遭遇了鬼猿群,才会惨死于道口。” Can be this?” “会是这样吗?” Some Wang Zhong Shan suspicions. 王重山有些怀疑。 What's wrong?” The Bei Xuan Ming brow selects, says with a smile: Was difficult to be inadequate Wang the brother you to be afraid? This is we go to the road which must be taken in border, if not walk here, then must forgive a great-circle, non- three in May cannot leave the Long Ao country, if you are afraid, that then detours, three after May, when we seized the mountains and rivers list, hosted a banquet to welcome again you, gives you reception to give a welcoming dinner!” “怎么?”北轩鸣眉头一挑,笑道:“难不成王兄你害怕了?这可是我们去边境的必经之路,若不走这儿,便要饶个大圈,非三五月出不了龙傲国,你们若害怕,那便绕道吧,三五月后,待我们夺了山河榜,再设宴款待你们,给你们接风洗尘!” Ha Ha Ha Ha...” “哈哈哈哈...” In the Bei Xuan Ming team erupts the intermittent yacketing sound immediately. 北轩鸣的队伍中立刻爆发出阵阵哄堂大笑声。 Wang Zhong Shan also does not speak. 王重山又不吭声了。 However behind several member already saw that he grasps, is very obvious, his enduring patiently that closely hand already of purple corner/horn beast reins is pinching also reached the limit. 不过后头的几名队员已经看到他握着紫角兽缰绳的手已经捏的紧紧的,很显然,他的忍耐度也到了极限。 This possibly is not the ghost ape group actions, if is really the ghost ape group does, you could not see the corpse!!” “这可能不是鬼猿群所作所为,如果真是鬼猿群干的,你们就看不到尸首了!!” At this moment, the rear area of Wang Zhong Shan team resounds a low and deep sound. 就在这时,王重山队伍的后方响起一个低沉的声音。 Bei Xuan Ming and the others the sound stops suddenly immediately, goes along the prestige. 北轩鸣等人声音立刻戛然而止,顺声望去。 But looked that wears the person of woods white mask, is looking at the distant place, opens the mouth to say. 但看一名戴着森白面具的人,望着远方,开口说道。 This person wears jet black sword taking, the hair is jet black long, because of the mask duplicate face, cannot see the appearance, but the whole to the feeling of person is actually average not wonderful, his mask is also, the present spirit cultivation appearance is grotesque and gaudy, wears the person of mask to be also many. 这人穿着漆黑的剑服,头发漆黑微长,因面具覆脸,看不到模样,不过整体给人的感觉却是平平无奇,就连他那面具也是,现在的灵修者打扮都是光怪陆离的,戴面具的人也不少。 Why can't Oh? see the corpse?” The Bei Xuan Ming side eye is staring at Su Yun. 哦?为何看不到尸首?”北轩鸣侧眼盯着苏云 Ghost ape group kills the goal of spirit cultivation, only then, that derives the spirit profound strength of spirit cultivation within the body, with supplement their physical strengths, amplification their cultivation, if is really the ghost ape group does, they will move back to their lairs all corpses completely, you will only see place the blood, actually cannot see half corpse!” “鬼猿群杀害灵修者的目的只有一个,那就是汲取灵修者体内的灵玄之力,用以补充它们的体力,增幅它们的修为,如果真是鬼猿群干的,它们会把所有尸体全部搬回它们的巢穴,你们只会看到一地的血,却看不到半个尸首!” Said resembles you to understand the appearance that very much, the boy, your anything cultivation!!” “说的好像你很了解的样子,小子,你什么修为!!” The robust man of Bei Xuan Ming that head snort|hum said. 北轩鸣那头的一名壮汉哼道。 Our Wu Yun (Su Yun) Big brother, but Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple, you spoke the limelight!” Hong Yan shouted to clear the way. “我们无云大哥可是灵玄魂三品,你们说话注意点!”红雁嚷开道。 Ha, Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple, is nothing!! Our Zhou Kai had Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple!! But our orphaned hearts fly Young Master have Fourth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, your three cultivation, dares to be here wild? Do not be arrogant!!” “哈哈哈,才灵玄魂三品,算个屁!!我们周开就有灵玄魂三品了!!而我们的孤心飞公子更是拥有灵玄魂四修为,你个三品修为,也敢在这里猖狂?别太自大了!!” That person disdains to say. 那人不屑道。 This person called Shen Yujing, Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple, a magic weapon was magnificent, the strength was also good. 这人叫沈玉京,灵玄魂三品,一身法宝华丽,实力也不俗。 Hong Yan one hear, flies into a rage, but actually does not know how should refute, the small face of air/Qi becomes flushed. 红雁一听,大动肝火,但却不知该如何反驳,气的小脸涨红。 You think that they are the ominous beast kill? I think that these wounds could not represent anything, spirit profound can also make such wound.” Su Yun looked at Hong Yan, then also said. “那你们认为他们就是凶兽杀的?我以为,那些伤口代表不了什么,灵玄者也能打出那样的伤口。”苏云看了眼红雁,便又说道。 „, Does not need to argue!” “呵,不必争论了!” Bei Xuan Ming shaking the head chuckle: How they die, here exactly what happened, we looked to understand at a glance.” 北轩鸣摇头轻笑:“到底他们是怎么死的,这儿到底发生了什么事情,我们去看一看就知道了。” Then, he waves, getting the army to set out. 说完,他一挥手,领着部队进发。 Wang Zhong Shan and the others some had not felt relieved, but things have gotten to this point, their suspicions are also unnecessary, here is a road which must be taken, must walk may not. 王重山等人还有些不放心,但事已至此,他们的怀疑也是多余的,这里是必经之路,必走不可。 One group of people toward that full are the corpse road junction set out. 一群人朝那满是尸体的道口进发。 After the moment, the people arrive here, but looked that this does not calculate spacious road junction lying this way and that completely is the corpse, the death shapes and wounds of these corpses, indeed likely were created by the ominous beast worry attack. 片刻后,众人抵达此处,但看这一条不算宽敞的道口处横七竖八尽是尸体,这些尸体的死状与伤口,的确像是被凶兽撕咬攻击所造成的。 The people scatter these to gnaw to eat the preliminary ominous beast of corpse, has inspected. 人们驱散那些啃食着尸体的低级凶兽,检查了起来。 Here does not have the trace of spirit profound.” “这儿没有灵玄者的痕迹。” Almost is the scars that the ominous beast leaves behind.” “几乎都是凶兽留下的伤痕。” Death time should not over three days!” “死亡时间应该不超过三天!” ... ... Several experience quite rich bodyguards examine. 几名经验颇为丰富的侍卫检测起来。 Young Master!” 公子!” Zhou Kaihan of that head opened. 那头的周开喊开了。 How?” “怎么了?” I discover the massive ominous beast activities in this nearby the trace!” “我在这附近发现大量凶兽活动的痕迹!” Zhou Kai said. 周开说道。 On the Bei Xuan Ming face flood a self-satisfacation, said: Will not have the mistake, this group of people the ominous beast attack, will die of here, everybody should not be detained, we hurry!!” 北轩鸣脸上泛起一丝得意,道:“不会有错了,这批人是惨遭凶兽攻击,才会死于此处,各位不要滞留了,我们赶紧走吧!!” Um!” “嗯!” Wang Zhong Shan this chapter of anything had not said. 王重山这回什么都没说。 How regardless of this group of people die, hurries to leave here is the best plan. 无论这批人是怎么死的,赶紧离开这儿才是上上之策。 ... 只是... At this moment, suddenly also some people shouted. 就在这时,突然又有人叫嚷了起来。 Everybody comes quickly!!” “大家快来!!” The sound falls, the people look toward that actually sees one person in Wang Zhong Shan team to hold one to look pale the thin boy, runs toward here. 声音落下,人们朝那头望去,却见王重山队伍中的一人正抱着一名面色苍白骨瘦如柴的男孩,朝这儿跑来。 He is also angry!!” “他还有气!!” That person roars anxiously. 那人急吼。 What?” “什么?” Wang Zhong Shan one startled, shouts toward the side bodyguard hastily: Quick, prepares the compounded drug, the spirit medicine, who understands the spirit medicine, gives him to treat quickly!!” 王重山一惊,连忙朝身旁侍卫喊道:“快,准备丹药,灵医,谁懂灵医,快给他治疗!!” The sound falls, here person crash-bang running in the past, was to take the boy treats. 声音落下,这边的人哗啦啦的跑过去,为拿男孩医治。 Su Yun also surprised very much, has to live unexpectedly? 苏云也吃惊的很,居然还有活的? He stood up from failure purple corner/horn beast, went toward that boy line. 他翻身下了紫角兽,朝那男孩行去。 On the medical ethics pharmacology, his experience does not compare here any person to be bad. 论医道药理,他的经验不比这儿的任何一个人差。 Su Yun has depended, the young boy who looks at that by several people of gathering round, only looked that this boy whole body skin is pale, the body has many scars, many scars even start to flow the silt to be thick, is quite pitiful, he is shutting tightly both eyes, is Aura is emaciated, resembles shortly after the life. 苏云靠了过去,看着那被数人围着的小男孩,只看这男孩浑身皮肤苍白,身上有多处伤痕,不少伤痕甚至开始流着淤浓,好生凄惨,他紧闭着双目,已是气息羸弱,似命不久矣。 This young boy as if no any cultivation, the day, does not know how he supports the present!” “这小男孩似乎没什么修为,天呐,也不知他是怎么撑到现在的!” His life sign is very weak, quick, whose Aura lives Aura spirit, instills into to him, stands firm his life sign! Cannot again to vanish!” “他的生命迹象很弱,快,谁的气息是灵生气息,给他灌输一些,稳住他的生命迹象!不能再消退了!” I, I am!!” “我,我是!!” The people are thrown into confusion, hasty treatment. 众人手忙脚乱,仓促医治。 Quick, the spirit lives Aura to instill into, the complexion of young boy became attractive several points. 很快,灵生气息灌输进去,小男孩的脸色变得好看了几分。 This as if has not solved problem. 只是,这似乎并未解决问题。 We have only matched therapy compounded drug, has not had the spirit medicine to start off, is really my misjudging!” “我们只配了疗伤丹药,却未带灵医上路,着实是我的失算呐!” Sees the boy severe wound to be difficult to govern, Wang Zhong Shan sighed. 见男孩重伤难治,王重山叹气道。 Can make me have a look?” “能让我看看吗?” Su Yun has swept two, walks to ask. 苏云扫了两眼,走过去问道。 What's wrong? Does the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother understand the [say / way] of medicine?” “怎么?无云兄懂得医药之道吗?” Understands.” “懂一些。” That was good, comes, the Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother, you tries!” Wang Zhong Shan busy [say / way]. “那太好了,来来来,无云兄,你来试试!”王重山忙道。 Su Yun nods, then walks. 苏云点头,便走过去。 That side person has leapt. 那边的人腾了出来。 Then looks at Su Yun to lift the young boy icy cold hand, takes the pulse, pours into spirit profound Aura to spy on the moment. 便看苏云抬起小男孩冰凉的手,把着脉,灌入一点灵玄气息窥探片刻。 After the little while, he has opened eye, the pupil deep place flood doubts. 会儿后,他睁开了眼,瞳仁深处泛起一丝疑惑。 How is it? Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother?” Wang Zhong Shan anxious asking. “怎么样?无云兄?”王重山紧张的问道。 Su Yun did not speak , to continue eyes closed, was examining the injury of young boy. 苏云不语,继续闭目,查看着小男孩的伤势。 Swiftly, he loosens the hand, has stood, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly a strange gloss. 倏然,他松开手,站了起来,眼里掠过一丝奇异光泽。 How Wu Yun (Su Yun) brother? Can he also be saved?” Wang Zhong Shan is busy at asking. The eyes of people stare all on the body of Su Yun. “怎么了无云兄?他还有救吗?”王重山忙问。众人的眼睛无不盯在苏云的身上。 But sees Su Yun to nod, sinks saying: Can be saved!” 但见苏云点了点头,沉道:“有救!” The voice falls, Su Yun gets rid swiftly, cancels toward own Sword sheath. 话音一落,苏云倏然出手,朝自己的剑匣抹去。 Sonorous. 铿锵。 The cold brightness plunders together, a long sword by it pulling, intently cutting to laying aside in the young boy who on the big stone remains unconscious. 一道寒光掠起,一把长剑被之拔出,直愣愣的斩向放置在大石上昏迷不醒的小男孩。 The sword light blows out Spirit Lord Aura that startles ominously, divided [gold/metal] Duanshi to kill. 剑光爆出凶骇的凌神气息,劈金断石般杀了过去。 What?” “什么?” Almost all people gawked. 几乎所有人都愣了。
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