LSG :: Volume #3

#259: He is the example

Treads... 踏踏踏踏踏踏... One flock of purple corner/horn beasts walk in the same place, pours quite obviously magnificently, the build huge purple corner/horn beast rocking that gently treads the ground, as if small earthquake. 一群紫角兽走在一起,倒颇显壮观,体型庞大的紫角兽将地面踏的轻轻晃动,仿佛小型的地震。 Um?” “嗯?” At this time, walked to stop in Wang Zhong Shan of front team leader suddenly, wore the item to face forward to look. 这时,走在前头领队的王重山突然停了下来,着目朝前望去。 Under a big tree that then looks at the front not far away, the plate is setting up one group of people, this group of people gather together, was saying anything, as if in and the others. 便看前方不远处的一棵大树下,盘立着一群人,这帮人聚在一起,说着什么,仿佛在等人。 The Wang Zhong Shan look concentrates, is taking a look at these people carefully. 王重山眼神微凝,仔细打量着这些人。 However does not wait for him to look that clear in has the sound of several points of teasing to resound from the Wang Zhong Shan team. 然而不等他多看,一个清亮之中带着几分戏谑的声音从王重山的队伍后头响起。 „Isn't this king Young Master? What's wrong? Your did already elect the person to prepare to go to Qinchuan?” “这不是王公子吗?怎么?你已经选好了人准备前往秦川吗?” The sound emits, after people Qi Qichao, looks, actually rear area sees does not know when runs young group of people, this group of person Aura are good, the attire is magnificent and expensive, but in front of this group of people, is robe long hair jade surface Young Master, the Young Master cheeks are slender, have regular facial features, fresh is very good-looking, particularly is joined to a yellow cloud long gown, appears very noble. However, what is especially noticeable, he rides is not the purple corner/horn beast, but compared with the purple corner/horn beast high level seven Qilin beasts. 声音冒出,众人齐齐朝后望去,却见后方不知何时跑来一小群人,这帮人气息不俗,衣着华贵,而在这帮人的前头,是一名云袍长发玉面公子,公子脸颊修长,五官端正,生的很是俊俏,尤其是配上一身黄云长袍,显得十分高贵。不过,尤为让人瞩目的是,他骑得不是紫角兽,而是比紫角兽更为高级的七麟兽。 But what is astonishing, side this Young Master female, is riding similarly also seven Qilin beasts. 而还让人吃惊的是,这公子身旁的一名女子,同样也骑着七麟兽。 Is Bei Xuan Ming!” “是北轩鸣!” Luo Xiao Miao said in a low voice. 洛萧淼低声道。 That talent of Bei Xuan?” 北轩家的那个天才吗?” Has not thought that hits with them on the same day!” “没想到撞到与他们同一日出发!” The Wang Zhong Shan members whisper. 王重山的队员们交头接耳。 Su Yun gains ground, took a fast look around under that side named Bei Xuan Ming Young Master approximately, has contrasted under the Wang Zhong Shan here team, detected that the Bei Xuan Ming people were all rich the person who flowed the oil, in the team almost every person have worn the full jewelry magic weapon, clothes extraordinary thing that put on. But Wang Zhong Shan was quite poor, what Wang Zhong Shan settles on is the ability, therefore in the team also has three poor spirit cultivation. 苏云抬起头,大致扫视了下那边名为北轩鸣公子,对比了下王重山这儿的队伍,发觉北轩鸣的人个个都是富得流油的人,队伍中几乎每一个人都佩戴了满满的首饰法宝,穿的衣服都非凡物。而王重山这边则比较寒酸了,王重山看中的是能力,故队伍中还有三名家境贫寒的灵修者。 Oh? is the Bei Xuan brother! Ha Ha, we are really also predestined friends, unexpectedly the choice the same day, this has the Bei Xuan brother to accompany, I am not lonely, ha ha ha ha...” 哦?原来是北轩兄啊!哈哈,我们还真是有缘啊,居然选择在同一天出发,这一路有北轩兄相陪,我也不寂寞了,哈哈哈哈...” Wang Zhong Shan is using the frank smiling face and heroic feelings as before shows. 王重山依旧是用着爽朗的笑容与豪情示人。 Bei Xuan Ming as if not catch cold, has wielded wielding conveniently, a pair cleared vision to look at the person of Wang Zhong Shan this head, then the chuckle came. 只是,北轩鸣似乎对此并不感冒,随手挥了挥,一双清目瞄了眼王重山这头的人,便轻笑开来。 Wang brother, is this person who you designate? The precious qualifications to these people, your princes also really dares but actually!” “王兄,这就是你选定的人吗?呵,把宝贵的资格给这些人,你们王家倒也真敢啊!” What's wrong? Where does the Bei Xuan brother think improper?” “怎么?北轩兄觉得哪里不妥吗?” „, Proper improper is not I decides, Wang the brother you thinks to be able that but... Wang brother's vision, does not dare to think highly, making them represent our Wang Jia to go to battle, living of your face real hanging?” “呵,妥不妥可不是我说了算,王兄你觉得可以那就可以,不过...啧啧啧,王兄的眼光,着实不敢恭维,让他们代表我们王家出战,你们面子真的挂的住吗?” Bei Xuan Ming does not know that which from extracts a folding fan, the hand in a flash, the folding fan has hit. 北轩鸣不知从哪抽出一把折扇,手一晃,折扇吧嗒一声打了开来。 The Wang Zhong Shan brow wrinkles, has not spoken. 王重山眉头皱起,没有吭声。 Compared with cultivation, Wang Zhong Shan here person is not absolutely weak, but compares to the overall strength, perhaps that must almost, because Bei Xuan Ming move of people all is a full magic weapon, in Sky Martial Continent, the magic weapon is also one of the strength. 比起修为,王重山这边人绝对不弱,但比起整体实力,那恐怕要差一点,因为北轩鸣招的人个个都是一身满满的法宝,在天武大陆,法宝也是实力的一种。 That youngest cultivation lowest Hong Yan somewhat was also disgruntled, she takes a look at everybody, finally has placed on the line of sight nearby bodyguard team leader, then rode the purple corner/horn beast in the past, was asking low voice: This Big brother, what that does Bei Xuan Ming is relate with our king Young Master? It looks like he as if cannot pass with king Young Master.” 那头年龄最小修为也最低的红雁有些不悦了,她瞅了瞅大家,最后将视线放在了旁边的侍卫队长身上,便骑着紫角兽过去,小声问道:“这位大哥,那个北轩鸣跟咱们王公子是什么关系啊?怎么看起来他似乎与王公子过不去似的。” Naturally cannot pass!” “当然过不去啦!” The bodyguard team leader sighed, said: Our family king Young Master, is straightforward, usually the good variant upholds justice, the good deed has not done little, in Tianlong city that is the chivalrous person who became famous, is the models in many Young Master Young Lady minds. But that Bei Xuan Young Master, do not visit him handsome and intelligent, actually colored intestines at heart are many, this Young Master is lascivious! Moreover color fierce, his already looked for 15 double cultivation companion, but he is dissatisfied, he looks for the woman not for cultivation, but is pure, for **, Tianlong city that many female member have not made him spoil, he then looked in the vision the common people, thereupon, many common people to avoid the Bei Xuan Young Master evil clutches, then ran to seek our Young Master help, our Young Master was unambiguous, immediately is met in the palace these by the woman who Bei Xuan Young Master settles on, gave them the status, sheltered them, Young Master this action won the innumerable common people's support, but actually also offended Bei Xuan Young Master! In addition before prince and Bei Xuan Family, on some gratitude and grudges, between two people does not satisfy the need is also normal.” 侍卫队长叹了口气,道:“我们家王公子,性格豪爽,平日行侠仗义,好事没少做,在天龙城那是出了名的义士,是诸多公子小姐们心目中的楷模。而那北轩公子,别看他长得一表人才,其实心里的花花肠子多着呢,这公子好色!而且色的厉害,他已经找了15个双修伴侣了,但他还不满足,他找女人不是为了修为,而是单纯的为了**,天龙城没有那么多女修士让他糟蹋,他便将目光瞄到了百姓之中,于是乎,不少百姓为了避开北轩公子的魔爪,便跑来寻求我们公子帮助,我们公子也不含糊,立刻把那些被北轩公子看中的女人接进府内,给她们身份,庇护她们,公子这举动赢得了无数百姓的支持,不过却也得罪了北轩公子啊!加上王家与北轩家以前就有些恩怨,二人之间不对路也是正常的。” Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Hong Yan groans saying: This Bei Xuan Ming one also knows evidently is not the good person, has not thought such badly!” 红雁哼哼道:“这个北轩鸣一看样子也知道不是好人,没想到这么坏!” This matter said that was good, we cannot control, having no way manages!” But the bodyguard team leader said. “这事情说说就好了,咱们管不了,也没法管!”侍卫队长无奈道。 Su Yun gained ground, took a look at Bei Xuan. 苏云抬起头,瞅了眼北轩 Also does not know that Wang Zhong Shan and Bei Xuan Ming in saying anything, two people discussed after the period of time, the Wang Zhong Shan complexion is somewhat ugly, but he has not gotten angry, but has turned around to get the team, waved , to continue to go forward. 也不知那王重山北轩鸣在说些什么,二人谈论了一阵子后,王重山的脸色有些难看,不过他并未发怒,而是转过身领着队伍,挥了挥手,继续前进。 But unexpectedly, Bei Xuan Ming is getting his large unit, walks side-by-side with the Wang Zhong Shan army. 而出人意料的是,北轩鸣领着他的大部队,也与王重山的部队并肩而行。 This time goes to ask that immortal region is far away, does not know how many bad risks will meet, Wang the brother, we then together start off, has to take care, what kind of?” Saying that Bei Xuan Ming smiles. “此次前往问仙区域路途遥远,也不知会遇到多少凶险,王兄,我们便一同上路,彼此间也有个照应,怎样?”北轩鸣笑眯眯的说道。 Some Bei Xuan brother this considerations, heavy Shan Zi will already not refuse, to do as you please!” 北轩兄既有这番考虑,重山自不会拒绝,请便!” Wang Zhong Shan squeezes a smiling face, afterward the plan the unicorn is continue go forward. 王重山挤出一点笑容,随后策着独角兽继续前进。 Although two people with a road, but this, two Fang people does not have the least bit to occur together, is similar to the stranger. 二人虽同走一条路,但这一路,两方人却没有半点交集,彼此之间如同陌生人般。 Two sides person already saw issue between Wang Zhong Shan and Bei Xuan Ming evidently. 看样子两边的人已经看出了王重山北轩鸣之间的问题。 The mountain road of mud treads in the under foot, resembling is after the early spring rains, ravine Aura was exceptionally fresh, crossed this barren hill, then left the range of Tianlong city. 泥泞的山路踏于脚下,似是新雨过后,山间气息异常清新,翻过了这座荒山,便离开了天龙城的范围。 Wang brother, our may be careful, I heard that because of the matter of mountains and rivers list, thief Evildoer of many place gushes out in abundance, aims at the participant who the tribulation kills to rush toward the mountains and rivers list, captures their magic weapons! We may not probably meet these thieves.” “王兄,咱们这一路可要小心呐,我听说因山河榜之事,不少地方的贼人宵小纷纷涌出,以劫杀奔赴山河榜的参赛者为目标,夺取他们的法宝呢!咱们可莫要遇上这些贼人。” Bei Xuan Ming smiles was saying. 北轩鸣微笑着说道。 Can be intercepted by some Evildoer thieves, is some cultivation inferior generations, this kind of person participates in the mountains and rivers list, pours also nothing but is the sufficient integer, I did not mind that they participate in the mountains and rivers list, has made the quota by any means possible, has no fear of great distances to rush toward Qinchuan, tastes a defeat merely? If so, would rather industriously cultivates, waits for the next mountains and rivers list, strives with the position, isn't better?” “能被些宵小贼人截杀的,都是些修为低劣之辈,这类人参加山河榜,倒也无非是充个数,我不介意他们参加山河榜,千方百计弄了名额,不远万里奔赴秦川,仅仅是尝一败吗?若是这样,倒不如勤加修炼,等下一届山河榜,争取拿个名次,不是更好?” Wang Zhong Shan shakes the head to say. 王重山摇头说道。 His frank talk falls, actually accidental had caused Bei Xuan Ming side that rides the females of seven Qilin beasts to be disgruntled similarly, then listens to that female lightly snort|hum, cold [say / way]: Contests, how many advantage that with the talents obtains does not know, trains hard does not have the several fold, why doesn't go? This mountains and rivers list develops for several years one time, and qualifying limit, can the practice time surpasses for over 30 years not to participate, if illuminated you saying that but also several people attend the Mountain River List competition sports event?” 只是,他这番大实话落出,却意外的引得了北轩鸣身旁那同样骑着七麟兽的女子不悦,便听那女子轻哼一声,冷道:“与天才们过招,得的好处不知多少,比自己苦练强无数倍,为何不去?这山河榜数年才开展一次,且参赛资格限制,修炼时间超过30年以上者不得参与,若照你这么说,还能有几个人参加山河榜争夺赛事?” Wang Zhong Shan one hear, looking of some doubts to that female. 王重山一听,有些疑惑的望向那女子。 However, the female words have not said that also drank: Furthermore, what mountains and rivers Bang Pin is the strength, is not cultivation, cultivation could not represent anything inferior! Some people practice the talent to be low, but is high to the control talent of magic weapon, can play ten tenths the might of magic weapon, this is also the strength! Not?” 然,那女子话还未说完,又喝开了:“再者,山河榜拼的是实力,不是修为,修为低劣代表不了什么!有的人修炼天赋低,但对法宝的驾驭天赋却高,能把法宝的威力发挥出十成,这也是实力!不是吗?” But Wang Zhong Shan shakes the head, smiled painstakingly, said: Good that this Young Lady said that made an indiscreet remark below, is sorry.” 王重山无奈摇头,苦笑了笑,道:“这位小姐说的不错,是在下失言了,抱歉抱歉。” Snort, later speech limelight, does not understand do not speak irresponsibly.” “哼,以后说话注意点,不懂不要乱说。” The female snort|hum said. 那女子哼道。 Wang Zhong Shan complexion some are not comfortable, but has not said anything again. 王重山脸色有些不自在,但也没有再说什么。 The people of this head may unable to tolerate, Wang Zhong Shan is an honest and good-natured person, the words that spoke are also the truth, even if absence of consideration, is not that small girl can teach. 只是这头的人们可看不过去了,王重山是个老实人,说的话也是老实话,就算欠缺考虑,也不是那小丫头能够教训的。 Hong Yan of that head already could not calm down, shouted directly. 那头的红雁早就沉不住气了,直接喊开。 I said that you were poked the soft rib by Big Brother Wang? Is the response so big? Big Brother Wang said also right, why did you say him? You think that who you are?” “我说,你是不是被王大哥戳中软肋了?反应这么大?王大哥说的也没错,你凭什么这么说他?你以为你是谁啊?” Her Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple existence.” “她就一个灵玄心九品的存在。” The Hong Yan words just said that a side high thin man opened the mouth. He called Longhai, was the Wang Zhong Shan team, was Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple. 红雁话刚说完,旁边一高瘦男子开口了。他叫陇海,也是王重山队伍的,为灵玄魂二品。 This saying falls, may all around to be startled. 这话落下,可让四周人吃了一惊。 Longhai, what did you say? Is she Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple existence?” “陇海,你说啥?她是灵玄心九品的存在?” Some people asked. 有人问了。 Naturally!” Longhai nods: She wore hid cultivation to shield the Aura magic weapon, therefore you could not realize her cultivation, but on me had to pierce the cultivation magic weapon, again good that she hid, I can also realize her cultivation!” “当然!”陇海点点头:“她佩戴了隐藏修为屏蔽气息的法宝,所以你们察觉不到她的修为,但我身上恰好有件能够洞穿修为的法宝,她隐藏的再好,我也能够察觉到她的修为!” You... You...” The female the complexion becomes flushed immediately, points at Longhai unable to speak. “你...你...”那女子顿时脸色涨红起来,指着陇海却说不出话来。 People also suddenly. 众人也恍然了。 No wonder Big Brother Wang said that words, this woman will have such big response, originally here her cultivation is worst...” “难怪王大哥说那番话,这女人会有这么大的反应呐,原来这里就她的修为最差...” Thinks that poured can also understand... Ha Ha, Big Brother Wang, how you such said that wound to others?” “这么一想,倒也能理解了...哈哈,王大哥,你咋那样说呢,伤到别人了吧?” „Is this feels inferior?” “这算不算自卑?” Ha Ha...” “哈哈...” Several mindless members enhance the voice intentionally, said with a smile. 几个没心没肺的队员故意把嗓音提高,笑着说道。 The female almost must explode with rage, fierce that the whole body shivers, an eye stubbornly is staring at the person of this head, as to tear to shreds them. 那女子几乎要气炸了,浑身颤抖的厉害,一双眼睛死死的盯着这头的人,仿佛想要将他们碎尸万段。 Behind Su Yun some flood doubts. 后头苏云不禁有些泛疑。 Longhai has such magic weapon unexpectedly... Does not know that he can eradicate the shield of Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes, realizes own cultivation? But looked that current his not how many reflected, only feared cannot see through? 陇海竟有这样的法宝...不知道他能否破除天鳞神目的屏蔽,察觉到自己的修为么?但看当前他并无多少反映,只怕是看不穿吧? That head, the woman is the anger again and again, at the scene roars. 那头,那女人已是怒气连连,当场吼开了。 Your these chop suey dare to insult me!! I must with your duel!!!” “你们这些杂碎竟敢侮辱我!!我要跟你们决斗!!!” The roar falls, the audience is all static... 吼声落下,全场皆静... Duel?” “决斗?” Wang Zhong Shan gawked. 王重山愣了。 existence of Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple clamored to one group of Spirit Soul Disciple masters is wanting the duel... 一个灵玄心九品的存在冲着一帮灵玄魂高手叫嚣着要决斗... What is this must make? 这是要做什么? However, those who let Wang Zhong Shan and the others surprise is, that Bei Xuan Ming does not act to stop unexpectedly, instead be with smile on the face standing looks in the one side. 然而,让王重山等人诧异的是,那北轩鸣竟不出面制止,反而面带微笑的站在一旁看着。 Although the Wang Zhong Shan person is honest, but is not silly, from also looked at the clue. 王重山人虽老实,但却不傻,自也瞧出了端倪。 This woman knew perfectly well own cultivation is inferior, why also dares to emit this grade of spoken language? Only feared that has any method. 这女人明知自己修为低劣,为何还敢放出这等言语?只怕是有什么手段。 Duel does not need, this Young Lady, my Wang Zhong Shan to apologize to you here, this matter such considers as finished, after all everybody is a friend.” “决斗不必了,这位小姐,我王重山在这儿向您赔个不是,这件事情就这么算了吧,毕竟大家都是朋友嘛。” Big Brother Wang!” 王大哥!” The members were disgruntled, they talents from various places, in those days in supercilious, is also unconvinced by anyone, but they actually especially respect to Wang Zhong Shan, the Wang Zhong Shan bearing and has subdued them straightforwardly, now sees Wang Zhong Shan to be so submissive, people how could cross-eye? 队员们不悦了,他们都是来自各处的天才,往日里心高气傲,对谁也不服,但他们对王重山却尤为尊重,王重山的气度与豪爽折服了他们,如今见王重山如此低声下气,众人岂能对眼? But, Wang Zhong Shan actually thinks otherwise, he waved, hinting the people does not need to talk too much. 但,王重山却不以为然,他挥了挥手,示意众人不必多言。 The women see that the scowl diverges finally, the corners of the mouth raise a little self-satisfied, snort|hum said with a smile: „, Is king Young Master is sensible, since you so said that I then did not haggle over with you! Enable that group of fellow limelight in your team, cultivation badly by the magic weapon compounded drug to make up, the strength is most important, can listen to Limitless?? He, is the example.” 女人见状,怒容总算散去,嘴角扬起一点儿得意,哼笑道:“呵,还是王公子懂事,既然你都这般说了,我便不与你们计较了!让你队伍里的那帮家伙注意点,修为不济是可以靠法宝丹药弥补的,实力才是最重要的,可听过无极??他,就是例子。” Su Yun: „” 苏云:“”
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