LSG :: Volume #3

#258: Qinchuan

Male servants not anxiously not slow guides in front, Su Yun follows in behind. 家丁不急不慢的在前头带路,苏云跟在后头。 In palace lonesome and quiet simple and elegant, entered the front door, is the jade track, both sides is a flower garden, fragrant greets the nostrils. But in the distant place, several tall Zhi pavilion towers, is only beautiful is very fine. 王府内幽静清雅,入了大门,便是玉石小道,两旁是花圃,芳香扑鼻。而在远处,几栋高直的楼阁耸立,很是唯美精致。 Your family can Young Master receive these many people every day?” “你家公子每天都要接待这么多人吗?” Along with asked in male servant behind Su Yun suddenly. 随在家丁身后的苏云突然问道。 Yes.” The male servants nod to say. “是的。”家丁点头道。 Comes for the qualifications of mountains and rivers list evaluation match?” “都是为了山河榜评选赛的资格而来?” Right!” “对!” That expensive Young Master greeting these many people? Contests with No. several hundred person? Only feared that is the iron man cannot endure?” “那贵公子招呼的了这么多人?与几百号人过招?只怕是铁人也吃不消吧?” This Young Master has considered thoroughly, my family Young Master has not planned with it contest of strength, if everybody contests with my family Young Master, must first through the inspection of my family Young Master, if has inspected, my family Young Master with it fighting, will give to the qualifying!” “这位公子多虑了,我家公子没打算一个个与之过招,各位若要与我家公子过招,必须要先通过我家公子的考核,若考核过了,我家公子才会与之交手,授于参赛资格!” So that's how it is... Then, did how many people cross the inspection presently?” “原来如此...那么,当前有多少人过了考核?” Six.” “六个。” In No. several hundred person has six, this probability revoke settling of accounts is small.” “几百号人里只有六个,这概率倒算小的。” The male servants have not spoken again. 家丁没再说话。 Two people bypass several buildings, has gone through a giant iron gate, then arrives at one piece to spread the blue brick, and before smooth incomparable open area, in the open area is falling several law, on nearby rack has chocked up the weapon, but places the right of weapon in this, is several jade stages, on jade stage is falling big measuring flask bottle cans, resembling is lays aside the compounded drug the jar. 二人绕过几幢建筑,穿过了一个巨大的铁门,便来到一片铺着青砖且平坦无比的空地前,空地上落着几个法阵,旁边的架子上摆满了兵器,而在这置放兵器的右侧,是数个玉台,玉台上头落着大量瓶瓶罐罐,似是放置丹药的瓶子。 However, these things could not attract the attention of Su Yun, his attention, already came the high body bold shape the giant stone image statue to attract by Martial Stage central one four meters. 不过,那些东西吸引不了苏云的视线,他的注意力,已经武场中央一个四米来高身粗体状的巨大石人雕像所吸引。 This stone carving exceptionally tall and strong, in standing standpoint, is flooding an eruption vigor from top to bottom. 这石雕异常魁梧,屹立场中,浑身上下充斥着一股爆发劲儿。 Naturally, it is not dies, but is the living creature, in Su Yun enters the arena with that male servant, that statue has turned unexpectedly also the sincere head, looked at one toward here. 当然,它不是死的,而是活物,就在苏云与那家丁进场时,那雕像竟还扭过厚重的脑袋,朝这儿看了一眼。 Su Yun took a look under this stone giant up and down, the lowering the head train of thought got up. 苏云上下打量了下这石巨人,低头思绪起来。 Martial Stage front, is falling row of furniture, has chocked up the fruit and good wine former head end sits a robust man, the robust man is living the country character face, the short hair, wears the tiger mark blue robe, when Su Yun approach, the robust man exudes the straightforward laughter immediately, walks toward Su Yun. 武场的前头,落着一排桌椅,一张摆满了水果与美酒的前头端坐着一名壮汉,壮汉生着国字脸,短发,身着虎纹蓝袍,当苏云进场时,壮汉立刻发出豪爽的笑声,朝苏云走来。 This brothers were courteous, below Wang Zhong Shan!” “这位兄弟有礼了,在下王重山!” „Below Wu Yun (Su Yun), has seen king Young Master!” “在下无云,见过王公子!” Su Yun holds the fist in the other hand to return salute. 苏云抱拳还礼。 Ha, comes, does not have Young Master please here to invite!!” “哈哈哈,来来来,无公子这边请这边请!!” Wang Zhong Shan greeted Su Yun to come warmly, two people entered sitting, nearby maidservant immediately is on Su Yun but actually one glass of fragrant spirit liquor. 王重山热情的招呼着苏云过来,二人入了坐,旁边的侍女立刻为苏云倒上一杯喷香的灵酒。 Many thanks!” Su Yun sound track. “多谢!”苏云声道。 Ha Ha, did not have the brothers to be too polite! However, non- brothers this seeks me today, mostly also for the qualifications of that mountains and rivers list evaluation match?” “哈哈,无兄弟太客气了!不过话说回来,无兄弟今日来这寻我,多半也是为了那山河榜评选赛的资格吧?” Wang Zhong Shan holds up the wine class, respected Su Yun one cup. 王重山举起酒杯,敬了苏云一杯。 Two people drink, Su Yun then nods: Good.” 二人饮罢,苏云这才点点头:“不错。” Comes here person almost 90% because of this! The non- brothers' purpose in coming, heavy mountain can also understand.” Wang Zhong Shan said with a smile, afterward put out a hand referred to that side Martial Stage setting up the giant stone image, said: Does not have the brothers, can know this?” “来这儿的人几乎有九成都是因为这个!无兄弟的来意,重山也能理解。”王重山笑道,随后伸手指了指那边武场上立着的巨大石人,道:“无兄弟,可知这个?” Su Yun looks along the item, high and low has sized up, said: This does not seem like soul stone, is the institution beast? However can use Stone Zhi, manufactures this thing person cultivation and attainments does not decide simply!” 苏云顺目望去,上下打量了一番,道:“这看起来不像是石魂,是机关兽吧?不过能用石制而成,制作此物的人修为与造诣定不简单!” Is good to experience!!” Wang Zhong Shan shines at present, raises up the thumb saying: Comes here everyone I to inquire what their this is, but most people think that this is soul stone! As everyone knows this is the masterpiece of institution master!” “好见识!!”王重山眼前发亮,竖起大拇指赞道:“来这儿的每一个人我都询问过他们这为何物,但大部分人都以为这是石魂!殊不知这是个机关大师的杰作!” Seriously wonderful workmanship.” “当真巧夺天工。” This institution is my prince most precious object, it was laid aside here, has the reason, it, as inspection content.” “这机关是我王家至宝,它被放置在这儿,也是有原因的,它,将作为考核内容。” Inspection content? I on the road had inquired your home male servant, he said that if obtains the qualifications from your hand, needs to complete your inspection, defeats you again, right?” “考核内容?我在来的路上询问过贵府家丁,他说,若要从您手中获得资格,需要完成您的考核,再击败您,对吗?” Ha Ha, good good! However... Brother, you want to obtain qualifying actually, but besides the inspection, a condition, the heavy mountain I cultivates the behavior frankly, free and easy uninhibited, then first has talked clearly with you here, does not have the brothers, if you have completed my inspection, and obtains my approval, you can indeed obtain the qualifying, but you must promise me, when the participation, you must as our Wang family, represent our Wang Jia to participate.” “哈哈,不错不错!不过...兄弟,你想要获得参赛资格其实也可以,但除了考核外,还有一个条件,重山我做人光明磊落,洒脱不羁,便在这儿先跟你说清楚了,无兄弟,如果你完成了我的考核,并且得到我的认可,你的确可以获得参赛资格,不过你还要答应我,在参赛时,你必须要以我们王家人的身份,代表我们王家参赛。” Represents your Wang Jia to participate?” “代表你们王家参赛?” Hey...” Wang Zhong Shan embarrassed smiling of: After all wants to hit dozen of fame with the aid of this time mountains and rivers list evaluation match for Wang Jia... Does not have the brothers you to be able rest assured that if you have resulted in the qualifications, you only go to battle on behalf of Wang Jia, all advantage that you obtain have nothing to do with the prince, prize anything is your! What kind of?” “嘿嘿...”王重山不好意思的笑了笑:“毕竟是想借助这一次的山河榜评选赛为王家打打名气吧...无兄弟你放心,若你得了资格,你仅代表王家出战,你取得的一切好处都与王家无关,奖品什么的都是你的!怎样?” The Su Yun train of thought the little while, poured can also understand that then nods saying: Good, such has decided that we start.” 苏云思绪了会儿,倒也能理解,便点点头道:“那好,就这么定了,我们开始吧。” What's wrong? Didn't have brothers this then to want on? Aren't many drinks several glasses of liquor to go again? ” 怎么?无兄弟这便要上了吗?不多喝几杯酒再去?” „!” “不了!” Su Yun puts down the wine class, sets out directly, goes toward that giant stone image line. 苏云将酒杯放下,径直起身,朝那巨大石人行去。 Seriously is straight talk from a straightforward person, my Wang Zhong Shan likes your this agile disposition! Good!” “当真是快人快语,我王重山就是喜欢你这种利落的性格!好!” Wang Zhong Shan said with a smile, afterward took up on liquor table was laying aside one to carve Fu Lu the stone, has instilled into spirit profound Aura toward the interior, by this Fu Lushi toward that side stone image routing directive: Starts to inspect, goal, front person who called Wu Yun (Su Yun)!” 王重山笑道,随后拿起酒桌上放置着的一块雕有符箓的石头,朝内部灌输了一点灵玄气息,透过这块符箓石朝那边的石人发送命令:“开始考核吧,目标,面前这个叫无云的人!” Compliant, my master!” “遵命,我的主人!” The stone images make the vigorous serious sound, as if the battle drum is common, the fear person body tingles with numbness. 石人发出浑厚沉重的声音,仿佛战鼓一般,慑的人皮肉发麻。 Su Yun looks up, actually sees that stone image already toward oneself line, it steps every time one step, the ground then lightly trembles, the dust flies upwards, spirit profound Aura ripples. 苏云抬头望去,却见那石人已经朝自己行来,它每迈一步,地面便轻颤一下,尘土飞扬,灵玄气息荡漾。 Su Yun calmly stands in the front of stone image, looks at that hill existence, the facial expression has not been having the least bit to be flustered. 苏云静站在石人的面前,望着那小山般的存在,神情并未有半点慌张。 Presently cannot expose the status, Evil Qi decides with, then used other Aura to be good! 当前不能暴露身份,邪气定用不得,便用其他气息好了! Su Yun deeply inspired, urges Monarch Occult secretly, is ready. 苏云深吸了口气,暗暗催起君神力,蓄势待发。 Roar!! The people, making you experience the earth Divine Strength!!” “吼!!人啊,让你见识见识大地的神力!!” Stone image sudden body is certain, roars, afterward both hands buckle in the same place, changes into reaches the gigantic armored hand, curls scary True Divine Aura, the overhead is falling. 那石人突然身躯一定,咆哮开来,随后双手扣于一起,化为达硕大的铁拳,卷着骇人的真罡气息,当头坠下。 But if loudly below meteorite, rich Aura the earth compression fracture. 如轰然而下的陨石,浓郁的气息将大地压裂。 However, the Su Yun facial color does not change, calmly looks to drop stone. 然,苏云面色不改,静望落下石手。 Suddenly. 突然。 He begins to lift. 他着手一抬。 Thump!!!!!!!! 咚!!!!!!!! Stone stops suddenly, the above strength seemed blocked by any standard, erupts in the midair, such as the ripple ripples toward all around. 石手戛然而止,上头的力量似乎被什么格挡住,在半空中爆发开来,如波纹般朝四周荡漾。 The Wang Zhong Shan heart trembles, stands suddenly, stares the big eye to look toward that side. 王重山心头一颤,猛然站起来,瞪大眼朝那边望去。 Actually looked that Su Yun lifts up high single-handed, resists the armored hand that falls. 却看苏云单手高举,抵住坠下来的铁拳。 What?” “什么?” Wang Zhong Shan shocked. 王重山震惊了。 Does the servant to petrify all. 身旁的一干下人无不石化。 Catches the bombardment of this stone image single-handed, this spells by the strength completely hardly! Suppression on strength! 单手接住这石人的轰击,这完全是以力硬拼!力量上的压制! What cultivation is this person? What strength is he?? Can receive this First Level Spirit Soul Disciple unexpectedly, and takes True Divine Aura as the attribute institution stone image? Fierce! Seriously fierce!” Wang Zhong Shan twittering said. “这人是什么修为?他是什么力量??竟能接下这灵玄魂一品且还是以真罡气息为属性的机关石人?厉害!当真厉害!”王重山呢喃道。 Whiz! 嗖! At this time, but looked that Su Yun moved, he lifted starts, Spiritual Eyes of stimulation of movement within the body, curled massive spirit profound Aura, cut-throat trampling to the knee of stone image... 这时,但看苏云又动了起来,他抬起脚,催动体内的灵眼,卷出大量灵玄气息,凶狠的踹向石人的膝盖... Bang!!!! 嘭!!!! The thick fierce strength transmits from its sole place, turned round the whole body of stone image, the stone image strength is struck the powder, lost gently, the huge body was curving, fell directly to Su Yun. 厚悍的劲力从其脚掌处传递开来,覆遍了石人的全身,石人力量被击散,平缓失去,庞大的身躯弯曲下来,直接摔向了苏云 But looked that Su Yun puts out a hand once again, supports to side with his stone image, afterward catches up, discards toward the side this stone image directly. 但看苏云再度伸手,撑住倒向他的石人,随后发力,将这石人直接朝旁侧丢去。 Bang thump!! 轰咚!! The entire palace sways, the sudden accident, has alarmed the mansion high and low all people. 整个王府都摇晃起来,突如其来的变故,惊扰了府邸上下所有人。 Victory and defeat already came out, this person simply does not have any pressure to statue. 胜负已经出来了,这个人对上石像根本没有任何压力。 Was good, stops!” “好了,停下吧!” Wang Zhong Shan stood up, takes up that Fu Lushi to talk over one. 王重山站起身来,拿起那块符箓石念叨了一句。 Compliant, my master!” “遵命,我的主人!” The stone images have roared, crawled, stands in one side, no longer moves. 石人呼吼了一声,爬了起来,立在一边,不再动弹。 What's wrong? Finished?” Su Yun has turned around, visits him. “怎么?结束了?”苏云转过身,看着他。 Naturally finished! Does not have the brothers, you may really make me be surprised! This has True Divine Aura attribute First Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, but you! Suppresses it by the strength unexpectedly! Sufficiently obviously, you surely are Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple or three ranks the powerhouses of!! Your such existence, cannot fight including me, after all I also Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple!!” “当然结束了!无兄弟,你可真是让我大吃一惊啊!这可是拥有真罡气息属性的灵玄魂一存在,可你呢!竟然凭借力量将它压制!足以可见,你定是灵玄魂二品或三品级别的强者啊!!你这样的存在,连我都斗不过,毕竟我也才灵玄魂二品!!” Wang Zhong Shan hastily but actually. the liquor, has given the Su Yun cup 王重山连忙倒了杯酒,递给苏云 Does not have the brothers, among us the ratio fought does not need, you passed! Come, and under drinking this glass of liquor, are then resting in my your family place today, after several days dates, we then, asks immortal! Goes to Qinchuan! Participates in that to evaluate competition, daring! Leaves our names in the mountains and rivers list!!” “无兄弟,咱们之间的比斗就不必了,你通过了!来,且饮下这杯酒,今日便在我府上歇着,数日后,我们便出发,去问仙!赴秦川!参加那评选大赛,气吞山河!在山河榜上留下咱们的名字!!” Good!!” “好!!” Su Yun nods, received wine class, fills toward the mouth. 苏云点头,一把接过酒杯,朝口里灌去。 The number time day, Wang Zhong Shan has selected five people, in addition the beforehand person and he, this time altogether 12 people participates, naturally, these 12 people all participate on behalf of Wang Jia, but this is only a reputation, competition position and reward own glory. 数日间的功夫,王重山又选取了五个人,加上之前的人与他自己,这一次一共有12人参赛,当然,这12人皆是代表王家参赛,但这只是个名头,大赛的名次与奖励都将属于自己的荣耀。 What 12 people are worst is First Level Spirit Soul Disciple, but is strongest, is called Luo Xiao Miao the young man, was Fourth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, Su Yun has not disclosed own grade, but most people think that his already had Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation. Various people reported the boundary, from must explain the time that cultivates, judges the talent, surprisingly, cultivation is lowest, the strength only has the young woman of First Level Spirit Soul Disciple Hong Yan, unexpectedly has only practiced for short eight years. 12人最差的是灵玄魂一品,,而最强的,则是个叫‘洛萧淼’的年轻男子,为灵玄魂四品,苏云未透露自己的品级,但大部分人认为他已经拥有灵玄魂三修为。各人报了境界,自也要说明一下修炼的时间段,判断天赋,让人惊讶的是,修为最低,实力仅有灵玄魂一品的年轻女子‘红雁’,居然只修炼了短短八年。 Eight years of time practice to First Level Spirit Soul Disciple, its talent this astonishing? Other people all over 20 years, are the having god-given wisdom rare talents! 八年的功夫修炼至灵玄魂一品,其天赋该何等惊人?其他人皆在20年以上,已是天纵奇材了! Wang Zhong Shan was not agile, chooses the participants, then gathered to drink everybody, Su Yun has not liked this banquet, in addition his status was inconvenient, has rejected, but he actually does not know that because of so, was causing other person of extreme unhappiness. 王重山也不利索,挑选好了参赛人员,便把大家聚起来喝了一顿,苏云并不喜欢这种宴席,再加上他身份不便,就拒绝了,只是他却不知正因如此,引得其他人极度不满。 The 6 th day. 第六日。 Before palace front door, rides the person of purple corner/horn beast to stand in great numbers in this massively. Except that outside 12 participants, the convoy guard of two rows of princes, but the strength of this group of convoy guards is not strong, Ninth Level Spirit Core Disciple to ten between. 王府大门前,大量骑着紫角兽的人林立于此。除去12名参赛人员外,还有两列王家的护卫队,不过这帮护卫队的实力并不强,都不过灵玄心九品到十品之间。 „Were person in attendance?” “人都到齐了吧?” Wang Zhong Shan shouts to behind person. 王重山冲着身后的人喊道。 Similar Big Brother Wang!” “差不多了王大哥!” Hong Yan said with a smile. 红雁笑着说道。 Good!!” “那好!!” Wang Zhong Shan nods, waves saying: „Our, is then quicker enters the northern continent! Strives for sooner the date and time to enter asks immortal region!” 王重山点点头,挥手道:“我们这便出发吧,快些进入北方大陆!争取早些时日进入问仙区域!” Good!!” “好!!” „!!” “出发!!” Along with a call, the purple corner/horn beasts moved. 随着一声呐喊,紫角兽们动了起来。 One group of young Jun high-spirited were welcoming Chaoyang advance. 一群年轻的俊才斗志高昂的迎着朝阳前进。 Wears Su Yun of mask, is harnessing the unicorn, along in the rear of team. 戴着面具的苏云,则驾着独角兽,独自一人随在队伍的最后面。 Must attain first three.” “一定要拿到前三名。” He has pinched tightly the fist, in a low voice twittering. 他捏紧了拳头,低声呢喃。 …… …… ( Thanks rain Chen, lives also Hu Huan, ★★ Yellow Sea food ★★ and frivolous student, calm and egg decides and soars 769 the monthly tickets of several friends with hitting to enjoy support, thanks) (感谢‘雨辰、生亦胡欢、★★黄海食品★★、轻狂学生、淡定与蛋定、飞翔769’几位朋友的月票与打赏支持,谢谢)
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