LSG :: Volume #3

#257: Has the unspoken rule

Naturally doesn't the customer, you know? Newest seeded player list already has designated, at the appointed time holds a large-scale evaluation match again, thinks that is capable of promoting for the person of seeded player, can attend this evaluation match, the evaluation match gives first five, these five players and seeded players compete the mountains and rivers list together the position! Mountains and rivers list! Also does not know Jun who this mountains and rivers list which people can be! Mountains and rivers list rank before, the advantage that obtains is higher!! Innumerable influence school expenditure a huge amount of manpower financial resource have created the talented person, infiltrates the mountains and rivers list with it!” “当然啦客官,您难道不知道吗?最新的种子选手名单已经选定了,届时再举行一个大型的评选赛,自认为有能力晋升为种子选手的人,都能参加这个评选赛,评选赛取前五名,这五名选手与种子选手共同竞争山河榜的名次!山河榜呐!啧啧啧,也不知这一届山河榜的俊才会是哪些人!山河榜排名越靠前,得的好处就越高!!无数势力门派花费大量人力财力培养了人才,就是用之打入山河榜!” Here, the beggar about takes a look suddenly, then searched the head, said in a low voice: Customer, I thought that you are good, or this, you asked me to drink here most famous leading a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming, I told you in vital information about this mountains and rivers list, what kind of?” 说到这儿,乞丐突然左右瞅了瞅,接着将脑袋探了过来,低声道:“客官,我看你这人还不错,要不这样,你请我喝这里最有名的醉生梦死,我就告诉你一个关于这山河榜内的重要消息,怎样?” „! Including news that you can know can be the vital information?” “嘁!连你都能知道的消息能是重要消息吗?” Oh, the customer, words cannot say, although I am a beggar, but I have the dignity very? Let alone, our people, were easiest to hear the news, these spirit cultivation of jumping fences and mounting roofs, against day against , aren't against our beggars? My this news, is absolutely real, is in the mouths of mountains and rivers list internal personnel must come from one probably, what kind of? Is interested? A pot leads a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming! Makes you gain absolutely steadily does not compensate!” Beggars hey saying with a smile... “唉唉唉,客官,话不能这么说,我虽然是乞丐,可我也有尊严的好不?更何况,我们这种人,最容易听到消息了,那些高来高去的灵修者,防天防地,也不会防我们乞丐不是?我这个消息,绝对真实,是从一个好像是山河榜内部人员的口里得来的,怎样?有没有兴趣?一壶醉生梦死!绝对让你稳赚不赔!”乞丐嘿嘿的笑道。。。 Su Yun one hear, the lowering the head train of thought the little while, an eyeball revolution, shouts at once: Small two, on a pot leads a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming!” 苏云一听,低头思绪了会儿,眼珠子一转,旋即喊开了:“小二,上一壶醉生梦死!” Good! The customers, you wait a bit!” “好叻!客官,您稍等!” Small two have called one, quick, then carried with the wine pot of jade system a pot. 小二唤了一声,很快,便将一壶用玉制的酒壶端了上来。 The beggars see that immediately two shine, then must put out a hand to work on the wine pot thump to drink. 乞丐见状,顿时两眼放光,便要伸手抓起酒壶咕咚喝起来。 But Su Yun has actually held down at this time his palm. 苏云却在这时按住了他的手掌。 The beggars stare, looks toward it, then sees under that mask the tranquil eye, immediately his hollow laugh several, have been busy at collecting, opened the mouth in a low voice. 乞丐一愣,朝之望去,便看到那面具下平静的眼,当即他干笑了几声,忙凑过去,低声开口了。 I heard that this time mountains and rivers list has several serious valuable rarities, so long as is the platoon advanced three people, can obtain these valuable rarities! Each priceless!!!” “我听说啊,这次的山河榜有几件不得了的稀世珍宝,只要是排进了前三的人,就能得到这些稀世珍宝!每一件都价值连城啊!不得了哦!!” Valuable rarities? Who provides?” “稀世珍宝?谁提供的?” „It is not clear, but can with obtaining the person of this great writer treasure, definitely is not the simple character! Mostly is mountains and rivers list that side person.” “不清楚,不过能拿得出这种大手笔宝贝的人,肯定不是什么简单人物!多半是山河榜那边的人。” You know that what good treasure is?” Su Yun asked. “那你知道都是些什么好宝贝吗?”苏云问道。 This... Concrete I do not know, but I listened to that person saying that including called anything... The thing of any exceedingly high warning, has it is said resulted in this thing, so long as shouted to it the name of person or treasure that you must find, this treasure can demonstrate for you, hey, has resulted in this thing, must look for any treasure easily very! Definitely some countless people will drool with envy to it, thinks, entire Sky Martial Continent many chances, after many can die greatly , the treasure of leaving behind, has this thing, the treasure of these hideaways are extremely easy to obtain!!” “这个...具体的我不知道,不过我听那人说,其中有一个叫什么...什么通天鉴的东西,据说得了此物,只要对之喊出你要找的人或者宝贝的名字,这宝物都能为你显示出来,嘿嘿,得了这东西,要找什么宝贝都容易的很呐!肯定有无数人对之会垂涎三尺,想想,整个天武大陆多少机缘,多少大能们死后留下的宝贝,有这东西,那些隐藏的宝贝是唾手可得啊!!” Such treasure? That seriously is the valuable rarities.” Su Yun has sighed with emotion a point. “还有这样的宝贝?那当真是稀世珍宝啊。”苏云感慨了一分。 Swiftly, his facial expression is startled, as if thinks of anything. 倏然,他神情一怔,似乎想到什么。 If there is a such magic weapon, to seek for Qing Er also to become incomparably relaxed? 若有这样的法宝,岂不是自己寻找倾儿也能变得无比轻松? Only must to the magic weapon shout that the Qing Er name, can know the Qing Er position through the magic weapon? 只需对着法宝喊一下倾儿的名字,就能通过法宝知晓倾儿的位置? The Su Yun heart jumped crazily several, looks at the beggar to ask earnestly: „Does mountains and rivers list start where?” 苏云心脏狂跳了几下,望着乞丐认真问:“山河榜在何处开赛?” North.” “北方啊。” Which region?” “哪个区域?” Which region can also? Naturally is held responsible the immortal region! Asked in immortal Qinchuan, mountains and rivers person with outstanding ability gathered, your this did not know... What's wrong? Was this customer, excited to these treasure? Hey, if your practice age limit over 30 years, have not had the qualifications to be participating actually, but if have surpassed, were then embarrassed.” “还能哪个区域?当然是问仙区域啦!问仙秦川间,山河英才聚,您连这都不知吗...怎么?这位客官,对这些宝贝心动了?嘿嘿,如果你的修炼年限未超过30年,倒是有资格参赛的,但若超过了,那么便不好意思了。” 30 years to spirit profound, are not the long time, many people enter to repair for 30 years, even has not achieved including Spirit Soul Disciple, but, regarding these talents different reported that the generation of resources being rich, 30 years of enough they crashed in the Spirit Soul Disciple boundary. 30年对灵玄者而言,并不是多长的时光,很多人入修30年,甚至连灵玄魂都没达到,不过,对于那些天赋异禀资源富有之辈,30年足够他们冲进灵玄魂境界了。 I must go to a Qinchuan evidently.” Su Yun stands up. “看样子我要去一趟秦川了。”苏云站起身来。 Customer, do you want to participate?” “客官,你要参赛吗?” „Should this evaluation match faces the entire mainland?” “这评选赛应该是面向整个大陆吧?” This oh right, but you such go, obviously does not have the qualifications!” “这倒没错,不过你就这么去,显然也没资格啊!” Why did Oh? so say?” 哦?为何这般说?” The beggars smiled, approached asking: Takes the liberty to ask one, customer, you from where?” 乞丐笑了笑,凑近了问道:“冒昧问一句,客官,您是从何处来啊?” Links the region definitely!” “决连区域!” Links the region definitely? That is the south mainland, customer are you a southerner?” “决连区域?那是南方大陆啊,客官你是南方人?” Um.” “嗯。” „Do you have the relations?” “那你有关系吗?” Relations? What relates?” “关系?什么关系?” „Doesn't customer, you know? This mountains and rivers list also has the unspoken rule!” “客官,您不知道?这山河榜也是有潜规则的!” Dives... Rule? Dives?” Perspiration that on the Su Yun wiping the face cheek of overflows. “潜...规则?怎么潜?”苏云擦了擦脸颊上溢下的汗。 Hey, very simple rule, the mountains and rivers boatman people want to participate, even if after is not the treasure, contests with the master may also, contests to gain many advantage with a master your spirit profound to know, but as the matter stands, participating person were many, therefore to limit player, that side has formulated a special participating rule, that recommends the participation!” “嘿嘿,很简单的规则,山河榜人人都想参加,毕竟哪怕不为宝贝,与高手过招也可啊,与一名高手过招能获得多少好处你们灵玄者们应该都知道,不过这样一来,参赛的人就多了,因此为了限制参赛选手,那边制定了一种特殊的参赛规则,那就是推荐参赛!” Recommendation participation?” “推荐参赛?” Right customer, don't you know? So long as you obtained the person fight of qualifying with some already, obtains their approvals, obtains their recommendations, that can participate in the evaluation to match!” “对啊客官,您不知道吧?您只要与一些已经获得了参赛资格的人战斗,获得他们的认可,得到他们的推荐,那就可以参加评选赛了!” „Did already obtain the person of qualifying? Is these seeded players?” 已经获得了参赛资格的人?是那些种子选手吗?” How possible? The seeded players all are the rare talent who the talent different reported that where had the time to entertain your participating people? Person who these already gave the person of qualifying has the potential by the comparison of official choice, was not the seeded player!” “怎么可能?种子选手个个都是天赋异禀的奇才,哪有功夫招待你们这些参赛的人?那些已经给予了参赛资格的人是由官方挑选的比较有潜力的人,并非种子选手!” This, illuminated you saying that attended the competition is not very difficult? After all others one was not happy that overruled your you not to have the means!” “这样啊,照你这么说,参加比赛不是很困难?毕竟别人一不高兴,否决了你那你也没办法啊!” Hey, if your strength is high enough, defeats him directly, you then can participate steadily, if your strength compared with him, making him approve you. In brief by customer your effort, only then these many that I knew!” “嘿,如果你实力够高,直接击败他,那你便能稳稳参赛了,若你实力比不过他,让他认可你也可以。总之还是得靠客官你自己的努力啊,我知道的只有这么多了!” The beggars said that also starts to wolf down ate the dish on table. 乞丐说完,又开始狼吞虎咽的吃起了桌上的菜。 The Su Yun congealing eyebrow has pondered the little while, asked swiftly: In that this day Longcheng can have the player of selection?” 苏云凝眉沉思了会儿,倏然问道:“那这天龙城内可有入选的选手?” Has! Has several! What's wrong? Do the customers, you prepare? I recommend you to look for Young Master of west prince, the king Young Master manner is upright, compared with other Young Master not that many colored intestines, so long as your strength is up to standard, he will give you mostly the qualifications, will not ask that you want the advantage.” “有啊!有好几个呢!怎么?客官,你准备去吗?我推荐你去找城西王家的公子,王公子为人忠厚老实,比起其他公子没有那么多花花肠子,只要你实力过关,他多半会给予你资格,不会问你要好处的。” Prince Young Master?” “王家公子?” Su Yun drew out the body, has not wasted the time again, takes out small bag of spirit coins to lose from the Chu ring on the table, leaves directly. 苏云起了身,没再浪费时间,从储物戒指里取出一小袋灵币丢在桌上,径直离开。 Thank receives cordially.” Beggar unclear saying of being greedy eats. “感谢款待。”吃的满嘴流油的乞丐含糊不清的说道。 Su Yun already left restaurant. 只是,苏云已经出了酒楼。 Pulls the purple corner/horn beast, inquired the prince site, Su Yun then directly toward it hurrying. 牵来紫角兽,打听到王家所在地,苏云便径直朝之赶去。 The time of not being able to burn a joss stick, before the person then arrived at the west prince front door, but surprises him slightly somewhat is, before this moment this prince mansion, has stood in great numbers unexpectedly the massive young men and women. 一炷香不到的功夫,人便来到了城西的王家大门前,只是让他稍微有些意外的是,此刻这王家府邸前,竟然林立了大量年轻男女。 These people dress up magnificently and expensively all luxurious, seems some wealthy family juniors, some scene massive purple corner beasts, the roar is unceasing, the people 3322 gather together, was discussing anything low voice, on the faces of some people completely not the color of bearing. 这些人装扮无不华贵奢侈,似乎都是些富家子弟,现场有大量紫角兽,吼声不断,众人3322聚在一起,小声谈论着什么,一些人的脸上尽是不耐之色。 When Su Yun walks, took a look at beyond his one eyes except several side men and women, other people have almost not looked straight at to look at him. 苏云走来时,除去几个靠边的男女瞅了他一眼外,其他人几乎都未正眼瞧他。 Su Yun stood up from failure purple corner/horn beast, hitch under a big tree, afterward steps before that mansion walked. 苏云翻身下了紫角兽,将之栓在一棵大树下,随后踏步朝那府邸前走去。 „Below Wu Yun (Su Yun), wants to seek an interview king Young Master, notifies one troublesome.” “在下无云,想要求见王公子,麻烦通报一声。” Su Yun is setting up to the mansion outside a grey taking young male servant said. 苏云冲着府邸外立着的一名灰服小厮说道。 „To see king Young Master?” The young male servants took a look at Su Yun, said with a smile: This is Young Master first time comes to here? You have a look here Young Master Young Lady, they all may be want to see our family king Young Master.” “想要见王公子?”小厮瞅了眼苏云,笑道:“这位公子是第一次来这儿吧?你看看这儿的公子小姐,他们个个可都是想要见我们家王公子的。” Su Yun one hear, heart several points, wear the item to look, actually sees the smiling face that behind many Young Master Young Lady correct use the taunt is pondering to look at him. 苏云一听,心微愣几分,着目望去,却见身后不少公子小姐正用着嘲讽玩味的笑容望着他。 Boy, must see king Young Master to line up.” “小子,要见王公子就排队吧。” Slowly just wait, hey.” “慢慢等着吧,嘿。” Two young men said with a smile. 有两名年轻男子笑着说道。 Su Yun has not spoken. 苏云未吭声。 At this time, that grey clothes young male servant does not know that which from pulled out together the token, gave Su Yun. 这时,那灰衣小厮不知从哪掏出一块令牌,递给苏云 This Young Master, you are 481 st, please patiently wait for! Later some people will come out to call a number, when called you, you can see our family Young Master.” “这位公子,你是481号,请耐心等待!待会儿会有人出来叫号,当叫到你,你就可以去见我们家公子了。” Su Yun: „......” 苏云:“......” Can the people under the eaves, where not lower the head? However evidently that beggar said but actually also real, this king Young Master should the moral behavior be good, will otherwise not have these many people to seek him. 人在屋檐下,哪能不低头?不过看样子那乞丐所说的倒也是真的,这王公子应该人品不错,否则也不会有这么多人来寻他。 Before Su Yun returns to own purple corner/horn beast, peaceful massive this group of people, discovered also small some appearance quite poor people, they gather at the crowd behind, has drawn some distances with these Young Master Young Lady. 苏云回到自己的紫角兽前,安静大量了这帮人,发现其中还有一小部分打扮较为寒酸的人,他们聚集在人群的后头,与那些公子小姐拉了些距离。 At this time, the front door of palace opened a slit, then, a male servant ran, shouted loud: Invited number enters the palace for the 311 th honored person!” 这时,王府的大门开了一条缝隙,接着,一名家丁跑了出来,高声呼道:“有请号码为311号的贵人进府!” Hey, was one's turn me!” “嘿嘿,轮到我了!” A stature extremely fat fatty cracks into a smile, lifted the sign then to run. 一个身材臃肿的胖子咧嘴一笑,举着牌子便跑了进去。 311? In front of one also some these many people? 311?自己面前还有这么多人? To come also to wait for soon time. Su Yun aspirated, sits cross-legged to sit down directly, recuperates Aura. 想来还得等不久时间。苏云吐了口气,径直盘膝坐下,调养起气息来。 Look, what is that idiot making?” “看,那个白痴在做啥呢?” In this practice? Also does not dislike disgraced!” “在这修炼吗?呵,也不嫌丢人!” Li brother, not manages him, person who we have the status, where can be ordinary with these country ordinary men?” “李兄,莫理他,咱可是有身份的人,哪能跟那些乡野匹夫一般?” Several Young Master elder brothers whispered in a whisper, started to focus in these attractive Young Lady. 几名公子哥交头接耳的嘀咕了一声,又开始将注意力放在了那些漂亮的小姐身上。 The Su Yun ear was quiet, the person also quickly entered the happiest extent. 苏云耳根子清静了,人也很快入了佳境。 Now Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, all Spiritual Eyes quantities break 50,000, toward 100,000 clashes crazily, within the body spirit profound Aura just likes the sea, limitless, but Monarch Occult is the core of this sea, it is controlling having mystical powers profound Aura, entrusts with this sea vigor. 如今灵玄魂六品,所有灵眼数量突破50000大关,直朝100000狂冲,体内灵玄气息犹如大海,无边无际,而君神力就是这片大海的核心,它控制着所有灵玄气息,赋予这片海洋活力。 Only is six Pin Bian has such feeling, does not know that after the big cultivation big level is any boundary. 仅是六品便有这样的感觉,也不知后头的大修为大层次是个什么境界。 The Su Yun heart is thinking brightly. 苏云心头熠熠想着。 Invited 481 st honored person enters the palace!!!” “有请481号的贵人进府!!!” At this time, the shout also said. 这时,喊声又叫开了。 481? 481? Su Yun opened eyes, has stood, walked toward that. 苏云睁开眼,站了起来,朝那走去。 „Are you 481?” The male servants asked. “你是481?”家丁问道。 Su Yun nods, hands over the sign. 苏云点头,将牌子递过去。 The male servants have swept the eye, the face dew smiling face, saying of politeness: This Young Master please come with me, my family Young Master is waiting you in Martial Stage!” 家丁扫了眼,脸露笑容,礼貌的说道:“这位公子请跟我来,我家公子武场候着您呢!” Good.” “好的。” Su Yun nods, entered the palace. 苏云点点头,随之进了王府。
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