LSG :: Volume #3

#256: Goes north( asked monthly ticket)

Outside bright shade mountain. 明影山外。 Two slightly alone forms sit on the stone, calmly looks into the distance. 两个略显孤寂的身影坐于石上,静静眺望远方。 All around peaceful scary, the atmosphere is very strange. 四周安静的吓人,气氛很是诡异。 „Is this Sky Martial Continent?” “这就是天武大陆吗?” How long hasn't come?” “多久没来了?” My first time comes!” Left black form hesitated moment to say. “我第一次来!”左边的黑色身影迟疑了片刻道。 Originally... So, the words said that here may be much better compared with Evil Realm.” “原来...如此,话说这儿可比邪界好多了。” Was a pity that is the place of humanity,... only will be pursued like our Demon here.” “可惜是人类的地方,像我们邪人...在这里只会受到驱逐。” Yes!” “是啊!” Two people simultaneously sighed. 二人同时一叹。 Roar! 吼! At this time, since a hoarse dragon roar passed from the rear area. 这时,一记沙哑的龙吼声从后方传起。 Two people look toward the rear area, actually sees the Longfeng virtual image that in the sky that circles unceasingly, at this moment changed into together splendid light, falls toward below deep color barrier , the scene is quite magnificent. 二人朝后方望去,却见天空上那不断盘旋的龙凤虚像,此刻已化为一道华光,朝下方一个深颜色的屏障内坠去,场面好生华丽。 How long matter can Sir also handle?” “大人还要办多久的事儿?” Does not know .... “不知....” That... Can you have double cultivation companion?” “那个...你可有双修伴侣?” You knew that I am so long, do I have double cultivation companion not to know?” “你认识我这么久,难道连我有没有双修伴侣都不知吗?” I must know that this does do really?” “我要知道这个作甚?” Why do you want to ask now?” “那你现在为何要问?” „” “” I have not looked, because... Has not practiced the law of double cultivation.” “我未找,因为...未习双修之法。” „” “” The sacrifice kills and pursues the life continues speechless is looking at the distant place. 祭杀与追命继续无语的望着远方。 .... .... But at this moment, in deep barrier. 而此刻,深色屏障内。 Two forms are interweaving in the same place. 两个身影正交织于一起。 The intermittent strange sound and depressing moan have braved here. 阵阵古怪的声音与压抑的呻吟声在这儿冒了出来。 Has not thought really... Opening... Opened nameless has spent such big time for Liu Xindong unexpectedly... Unexpectedly the vulture constructs such formidable Longfeng to leap...” “真没想到...张...张无名竟然为了流心动下了这么大的功夫...居然雕构出这么强大的龙凤腾...” The Hu Qianmei small hands buckles the tread, bites the silver tooth tightly, in the nasal cavity snort|hum was saying. 狐千魅小手扣着地面,紧咬着银牙,鼻腔里哼道。 She has closed tightly the silver tooth, is withstanding the back strength, that seems like weak gentle and charming low voice, unexpectedly the flagstone in ground digging out broken. 她咬紧了银牙,承受着背后的力道,那看似无力的娇柔小声,竟把地面上的石板给抠破。 Su Yun defers to the Hu Qianmei repertoire, is starting the so-called practice. 苏云则按照狐千魅的套路,开始着所谓的修炼。 Naturally, cultivates this matter, he could not complete. Let alone, leaps about this Longfeng, he did not understand that Hu Qianmei obviously wants many many compared with the thing that he understands. 当然,修炼这种事情,他一个人是完成不了的。更何况,关于这龙凤腾,他也不了解,狐千魅显然比他了解的东西要多的多。 Manipulates looks at splendid light to tenesmus, makes two close to two people of minutes, enters in two people of statures respectively, that flickers, Su Yun felt after using Heavenly Crystal and Heavenly Demon Descending Array produces ** dries up to start to be slowed down, was sealed up Spiritual Eyes that the suspension operates also to have a positive signs return. 摆弄看华光下坠,临近二人分作两股,分别进入二人的身躯内,那一瞬,苏云感觉因使用天擎及‘天魔降临阵’后产生的**枯竭开始得到减缓,被封闭暂停运作的灵眼也有了一丝复苏迹象。 Air... Tientai. Gathers the strength... But sends... Not... East Union three valleys... west... Not. west... west gathers the four directions...” “气升...天台..蓄力...而发...唔...东联三谷...西...唔啊..西...西合四方...” The Hu Qianmei sound shiver was saying, as if these double repaired the law Secret Art to exhaust the strength of her lifetime. 狐千魅声音颤抖的说着,仿佛这几句双修法诀耗尽了她毕生的力气。 Su Yun hear that, complies immediately. 苏云闻言,立刻照做。 In two human bodies is ordinary like the innovation, presents the profound air/Qi ascension that has been hard to contain. 二人体内就像革新一般,出现了难以遏制的玄气升腾。 This way, as if not use previous several months, this repercussions may draw support this time double repairs to eliminate!” “这样看来,似乎不用等上数月,这后遗症可借助这次的双修来消除!” Su Yun puffs, the heart is thinking. 苏云喘着粗气,心头思着。 .... “啊....” Suddenly, such as the cat was called the melodious sound resounded, then looked that Hu Qianmei that gigantic soft cloven hoof unbent suddenly, the whole person shivered the period of time like the screen, pouring that was afterward exhausted on the ground, did not have the least bit strength. 突然,一记如猫叫般的悠扬声音响起,便看狐千魅那硕大柔软的狐狸尾巴骤然伸直,整个人如筛子般颤抖了一阵子,随后便软塌塌的倒在地上,没了半点力气。 Her lower abdomen place flood intermittent ray, follows the lower part afterward, flowed in the Su Yun body together. 她小腹处泛起阵阵光芒,随后顺着下体,一同流入了苏云的身躯内。 Not... 唔... Su Yun stuffy snort|hum, ejects all. 苏云闷哼一声,也尽数抛出。 Two people have gone to Wushan, has rested the moment, then wears the clothing, sits cross-legged to sit well anxiously anxiously. 二人下了巫山,休息了片刻,便穿上衣物,急急盘膝坐定。 This sits, is one day one night. 这一坐,便是一天一夜。 The advantage when after digesting double cultivation to bring the advantage and Longfeng that leaps, two people of cultivation strive respectively. 待消化了双修带来的好处与龙凤腾的好处后,二人的修为各有精进。 Hu Qianmei felt Spiritual Eyes of own within the body is ready to make trouble, seems to be the feeling of sudden change, when realized when this change, she is joyful immediately, hurriedly transports Aura, stimulates Spiritual Eyes of oneself within the body, wants to have a look to further develop. 狐千魅感觉自己体内的灵眼蠢蠢欲动,似有突变的感觉,当察觉到这种异动时,她当即欣喜不已,急忙运起气息,刺激自己体内的灵眼,想要看看进一步发展。 But Su Yun compares it simply were many, holds in Everlasting Stone and in addition of Hu Qianmei talent, the person breaks through directly, enters into Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation. Has saying that this time double beyond example repairs the advantage that comes is huge, has gone beyond his expectation. 苏云则比之简单的多了,在傲心狐千魅天赋的加持下,人直接突破,迈入灵玄魂六修为。不得不说这一次双修得来的好处是空前巨大的,超出了他的预料。 This Longfeng leaps extraordinary thing, Ming Ying Sect high and low builds seriously carefully, the goal only feared that to let Liu Xindong and Hu Qianmei displays the biggest advantage of double cultivation, has not thought of cheaply me.” “这龙凤腾当真非凡物,明影教上下精心打造,目的只怕是为了让流心动狐千魅发挥出双修的最大好处,没想到便宜了我。” He returned to some air/Qi again, then drew out the body, looks toward the side, but looked that the Hu Qianmei calf sits cross-legged in the same place, the gigantic tail is wrapping the small body, her delicate cheek is ruddy, the red lip tender and beautiful desire drops, this moment person is shutting the pupil, is transporting the air/Qi earnestly. 他再回了些气,便起了身,朝身旁望去,但看狐千魅小腿盘坐在一起,硕大的尾巴包裹着小小的身子,她那细嫩的脸蛋红扑扑的,红唇娇艳欲滴,此刻人正闭着眸子,认真运着气。 If not urge the magic weapon, Su Yun at is not the Hu Qianmei match, such little while time, Hu Qianmei Aura had the sign of sublimation. 如果不催法宝,苏云根本不是狐千魅的对手,这么会儿功夫,狐千魅气息似已有了升华的迹象。 None who does not became must break through? 莫不成是要突破了? Promotes Spirit Star Disciple? 晋升灵玄阳吗? Su Yun thoughts. 苏云心思。 At this time, but looked that Hu Qianmei has opened the double pupil slowly, small mouth micro, shouted the tone. 这时,但看狐千魅缓缓睁开了双眸,小嘴微张,呼了口气。 Can break through?” “要突破了?” Right!” “对!” Hu Qianmei set out, has patted the sandy soil on new makeup, said: I must close up some time.” 狐千魅起身,拍了拍新妆上的沙土,道:“我要闭关一段时间。” Good, said goodbye, I should also walk.” “那好,就此别过,我也该走了。” Hu Qianmei one hear, is busy at opening pupil: Goes? Did Su Yun, eat to do to wipe only on the racket?” 狐千魅一听,忙睁开眸子:“去哪?呵,苏云,吃干了抹净了就拍拍屁股走人啊?” „Haven't you obtained advantage?” “你不也得了好处吗?” „... Su Yun, my first time discovered that your facial skin is so thick... On the other hand, you look like to my such one underage little girl start, don't you have the least bit feeling of guilty?” “啧啧啧...苏云,我第一次发现你脸皮这么厚唉...话说回来,你对我这样一个看起来未成年的小女孩下手,你就没有半点罪恶感吗?” Su Yun silent moment, nods: Has.” 苏云沉默了片刻,点点头:“有。” Hee hee, finally your also a little conscience!” “嘻嘻,总算你还有点良心!” Hu Qianmei is not tightening entanglement but actually, smiled, then waves saying: Goes to go! Your this fellow, looks for your small Qing Er to go quickly. I must find a place to close up well! Strove recently to break through, enters into Spirit Star Disciple cultivation.” 狐千魅倒也不紧着纠缠,笑了笑,便挥手道:“去吧去吧!你这家伙,快去找你的那个小倾儿去吧。我要找个地方好好闭关了!争取近日突破,迈入灵玄阳修为。” Good, you take care!” “好,你保重!” Su Yun nodded, pours has not said anything again. 苏云点了点头,倒也没有再说什么。 Was right, can you give me a thing?” In the Su Yun preparation leaves, Hu Qianmei said swiftly. “哦对了,你能给我一件东西吗?”就在苏云准备离开之时,狐千魅倏然说道。 Thing? What thing?” “东西?什么东西?” Casual, so long as is you have used becomes, should not be good, your cultivation is too bad, relies on the magic weapon, these treasure your oneself remain is using.” “随便,只要是你用过的就成,不要太好的,你修为太差,多依赖法宝,那些宝贝你就自己留着用吧。” Su Yun one hear, doubts again and again, but he had not asked but actually again that the train of thought the little while, took down Huge Rock Spirit Nucleus, gave Hu Qianmei. 苏云一听,疑惑连连,但他倒没再问,思绪了会儿,取下身上的巨岩灵核,递给狐千魅 Good!” “不错!” Hu Qianmei receives, cracks into a chuckle, was careful that receives that spirit nucleus, beckons toward Su Yun, the person then treads departs spatially. 狐千魅接过来,嘻嘻一笑,小心将那灵核收起,朝苏云招了招手,人便踏空离去。 Pours real agile. 倒走的真利索。 Su Yun touches the nose, leaves Ming Ying Sect directly. 苏云摸了摸鼻子,径直离开明影教 But outside, pursues the life and sacrifice kills when finally Su Yun came out. 而在外头,追命与祭杀总算等到苏云出来了。 Two people have not said anything but actually, but that is in pairs evil the eye actually strangely. 二人倒也没说什么,但那双双邪眼却古怪的很。 Walks.” “走吧。” Su Yun has coughed, expressed gratitude, then the start token, in a hurry returned to Evil Realm two people. 苏云咳嗽了一声,道了声谢,便启动令牌,匆匆把二人送回了邪界 All finished, Su Yun then alone returns toward Blossom Heart Valley. 一切结束,苏云便独自朝花心谷返回。 His heart already had the decision, went to Blossom Heart Valley, discussed with Xinyue Xingyang, then wants to go north, seeks Qing Er. 他心头已经有了决定,去了花心谷,与新月星阳商榷了一番,便欲北上,去寻倾儿 A Ming Ying Sect service, the disturbance rapidly spreads over the entire mainland, is about a day of time, the mainland is well-known, but at the same time, almost all mainland schools and influences moved restlessly. 明影教一役,风波迅速传遍整个大陆,不过一天的功夫,大陆人人皆知,而同一时间,几乎所有大陆门派与势力都躁动了。 A school, a Spirit Star Disciple powerhouse, such falls from the sky. What ratio also has more shocking? 一个门派,一尊灵玄阳强者,就这么陨落。还有什么比这个更让人震惊的? Especially, this time cuts to kill nameless... Unexpectedly is Demon. 尤其是,这次斩杀张无名的...竟是邪人 A while ago the Purple Star Academy demon person, was the Daoist wizard in Blossom Heart Valley place, now, in Ming Ying Sect emits Demon. Evil spirit evil complete collection is uneven, what does this indicate? 前段时间紫星学院的魔人,接着是花心谷处的妖道,现在,明影教中又冒出邪人。妖魔邪全部集齐,这预示着什么? Sky Martial Continent enters the first-level garrison condition, among the school influences started to communicate mutually, enhanced the cooperation, raised the head to face one another, brings together, deals is not knowing crisis when can present. 天武大陆进入一级警备状态,门派势力之间开始互相通信,加强了彼此之间的合作,翘首相望,抱成一团,应对着不知何时会出现的危机。 But meanwhile, various factions have also organized the massive search teams, starts investigates in each region. 而同时,各门各派也组织了大量的搜查队,开始于各个区域进行排查。 Nobody can expect, next meeting with a disaster can be own school. 没有人能预料到,下一个遭殃的会不会是自己的门派。 Su Yun smells the rumor, but actually has not cared, he has Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes, so long as does not stimulate to movement the evil Spirit Qi rest, his Evil Qi will not be realized, only if there is existence of Spirit Star Disciple rank to look up him personally. 苏云闻到风声,倒未在意,他有天鳞神目,只要不催动邪灵气息,他身上的邪气是不会被人察觉,除非有灵玄阳级别的存在亲自来查他。 The people fell on Blossom Heart Valley, prepares. 人在花心谷落了一下,准备一番。 Guǐ mò jué as if knew something, but has not actually talked too much asked that Su Yun did not fear Guǐ mò jué will say anything, because he knows that Grand Ghost Master believes itself, but oneself also believe him. 鬼莫觉似乎知晓了些事,但却没有多言多问,苏云并不怕鬼莫觉会说什么,因为他知道鬼大师相信自己,而自己也相信他。 All are ready, the person is then riding a purple corner/horn beast, goes north directly, the North Korea mainland sets out. 一切就绪,人便骑着一匹紫角兽,径直北上,朝北方大陆进发。 Must go to the north, across the Long Ao country, the territory of Tenglong country's like a Wolong, separated the north-south mainland necessary after all, the north and south communicated, if did not detour, can only enter the transit of Long Ao country's. 要去北方,必要穿过龙傲国,毕竟腾龙国的版图就像一条卧龙,隔断了南北大陆,南北来往,若不绕道,只能进入龙傲国的过境。 A Ming Ying Sect service, the Su Yun cape has installed and become dressing up of keenest struggle, for is unremarkable, Su Yun has to replace the cape, wears the sword taking, wears the mask. 明影教一役,苏云的斗篷装又成了风口浪尖的装扮,为不引人注意,苏云不得不将斗篷换掉,重新穿上剑服,佩戴面具。 The looking for missing persons words, are at every place of visit, then the station stay, but now Profound Sky Sect and Su Clan are still tracking down the Qing Er whereabouts, Qing Er is impossible to leave behind too the multithreading, oneself seek, with looking for a needle in a haystack not different. 寻人的话,自是每到一处,便驻地停留,只是如今天威门苏家还在追寻倾儿下落,倾儿也不可能留下太多线索,自己寻起来,与大海捞针无异。 Entered the national boundary in Long Ao country's, Su Yun has then been controlling the purple corner/horn beast, toward the Long Ao country's of ‚the Tianlong city hurried. 入了龙傲国的国界,苏云便驾驭着紫角兽,朝龙傲国的‘天龙城’赶去。 The Tianlong city is located in the central area of Long Ao country's, because of approaching the Long Ao country biggest resources leaves habitat bone dragon forest, therefore here becomes Long Ao country spirit cultivation most cities, here extends in all directions, the person is multi-channel, is the inquiry news not two electing. 天龙城位于龙傲国的中心区域,因靠近龙傲国最大的资源出产地‘骨龙森林’,故这儿成为龙傲国灵修者最多的城池,此处四通八达,人多路广,是个打探消息的不二之选。 „The Qing Er thoughts are intelligent, must leave behind the clue to seek for oneself! Perhaps found anything in the Tianlong city internal energy.” 倾儿心思聪慧,必会留下线索供自己找寻!或许在天龙城内能找到什么。” Had this thought that Su Yun to enter the Tianlong city. 带着这个念头,苏云走进了天龙城。 Good three place stones! Comes to see quickly, lineup not two first choice!!” “上好的三地石咯!快来看看啊,布阵的不二首选!!” „Do some people need the spirit nucleus of Dongpu beast? So long as 100,000 spirit coins! 100,000 spirit coins take away directly!” “有人需要东圃兽的灵核吗?只要100000灵币!100000灵币直接拿走!” Purchases the second-hand strategy material, above the Purple Level second-hand strategy material please contact with me.” “收购二手阵法材料,紫品以上的二手阵法材料请联系我。” Just entered the city, near the ear of Su Yun then various gua by the yawp that were hot-tempered filling full, here made noise like the rural fair, by the path completely was the peddler and spirit cultivation who traded the material magic weapon. 刚一入城,苏云的耳边便被各种呱躁的叫喊声给塞的满满的,这儿就像集市一样喧嚣,道路两旁尽是交易材料法宝的小贩与灵修者。 The monarchs' in Long Ao country's to the transaction of spirit profound support, will dial the massive spirit coins to be used to develop this profession every year, as the south region biggest country, the strength of Long Ao country's is without a doubt, country Junlong Ba Tian attempts to attract spirit profound far apart with the huge spirit profound transaction, thus keeps the Long Ao country them, strengthens the strength of Long Ao country's. This procedure obtained agreeing of many person. 龙傲国的国君对灵玄品的交易持支持态度,甚至每年都会拨大量灵币用来发展这一行业,作为南方区域最大的国家,龙傲国的实力是毋庸置疑的,国君龙霸天企图用庞大的灵玄品交易来吸引天南地北的灵玄者,从而把他们留在龙傲国,增强龙傲国的实力。这个做法得到了很多人的首肯。 Long Ao Guoqiang is why big, can become the country, but these influences at most are the families, occupies into the king? Because the Long Ao country suffices to open. 为什么龙傲国强大,能成为国家,而那些势力顶多是家族,占成为王?因为龙傲国够开放。 Su Yun is pulling the purple corner/horn beast, gives a cursory look and gains shallow understanding the glance about commodity before the hawker pitche, poured to discover many good things, but on him had 20,000 the spirit coin that brought from Blossom Heart Valley, the good thing to be affordable. 苏云牵着紫角兽,走马观花般扫视着左右小贩摊位前的商品,倒发现了不少好东西,只是他身上不过只有20000从花心谷内带来的灵币,好东西可买不起。 Does not come here goal is not the shopping. 不过来这儿的目的可不是购物。 The Su Yun line to Tianlong city biggest Tianlong Tavern, gives the beast husband to feed the purple corner/horn beast, the person was near the restaurant, is calling the small two on liquor. 苏云行至天龙城最大的天龙酒馆,把紫角兽交给兽夫喂养,人则近了酒楼,吆喝着小二上酒。 The Sky Martial Continent tavern, many well-informed generations, somewhat are similar to the person of beggar only need you to ask them to drink the cup liquor, eats sates the appetite, then can inquire all that they know. 天武大陆的酒馆,有不少消息灵通之辈,有些类似于乞丐的人只需要你请他们喝杯酒,吃顿饱饭,便能询问到他们所知的一切。 Lively tavern sea of people, Su Yun seeks a position of corner, defeated/carrying Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword and Death Sword unload, place on the table, has drunk afterward alone. 热闹的酒馆人山人海,苏云寻到一个角落的位置,将身上负着的神玄赤血剑死剑卸下,放在桌上,随后独自喝了起来。 The entrance walks a beggar, appearance is skinny, looks like 30 -year-old, eye toward inside of his black and shining takes a look, then stared at Su Yun, the mouth one, then ran. 门口走来一乞丐,模样干瘦,看起来30来岁,他那黑溜溜的眼睛朝里头瞅了瞅,一眼便盯中了苏云,嘴巴一咧,便跑了过去。 News trades the liquor, unique! Hey, this customer, but wants to know something new about Sky Martial Continent?” The beggars have rubbed the palm, looks at Su Yun front full table delicacies, keeps the drool to say. “消息换酒,绝无仅有!嘿嘿,这位客官,可想知道一些关于天武大陆的新鲜事儿啊?”乞丐搓了搓手掌,看着苏云面前满桌子佳肴,留着哈喇子道。 Here these many people eat meal, how do you elect me?” “这里这么多人吃饭,怎么你就选我?” Su Yun puts down the chopsticks, is chewing food while said. 苏云放下筷子,一边嚼着食物一边道。 Hey, they the slippery customer who mixes in the Tianlong city, but the customer you, you do not dress up fresh, definitely is first time comes to the Tianlong city.” The beggars said with a smile. “嘿嘿,他们都是在天龙城里混的老油条,但客官你不是啊,你装扮生的很,肯定是第一次来天龙城吧。”乞丐笑道。 A little eyesight.” Su Yun nods, the movement that afterward has made invitation, said: Happen to I drink bored, you then said!” “有点眼力。”苏云点点头,随后做了个请的动作,道:“正好我一人喝酒无聊,你便说说吧!” Many thanks customer!!” “多谢客官!!” Beggar impatient sitting down , the agile taking up chopsticks, are clamping the dish hastily in gulps, afterward works on the wine pot, fills toward own mouth. 乞丐迫不及待的坐下,连忙利索的拿起筷子,大口大口夹着菜,随后又抓起酒壶,朝自己嘴里灌去。 Su Yun took a look at his one eyes, selfish is drinking, said careless: What something new recently did Sky Martial Continent have?” 苏云瞅了他一眼,也自顾自的喝着,漫不经心道:“最近天武大陆有什么新鲜事儿啊?” In beggar's swallows down throat dish, caught one's breath, is busy at saying with a smile: This major event, is Ming Ying Sect teaches certainly to advocate nameless by the matter of killing!” 乞丐将喉咙里的菜吞下去,缓了口气,忙笑道:“这头等大事,当然属明影教教主张无名被杀之事啊!” Oh? this I have listened, hadn't had other?” 哦?这个我听过,还有没有别的?” Other... That mountains and rivers list competition will soon open, should you also listen?” “别的啊...那山河榜大赛即将开启,您应该也听过吧?” Mountains and rivers list? Can start?” Su Yun frowned. “山河榜?要开赛了吗?”苏云皱起眉头。 …… …… ( Shrimp and 888, assembling and parting that thanks zero point, freezes pursue the monthly tickets of several friends with hitting to enjoy support, thanks) (感谢‘原点、冰冻的虾、888、聚散追’几位朋友的月票与打赏支持,谢谢)
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