LSG :: Volume #3

#255: Brutal world

The Su Yun words passed on, almost all the people of being ready to make trouble hesitated., 苏云的话传了开来,几乎所有蠢蠢欲动的人都犹豫了。,, Three Spirit Star Disciple... only depend on Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, how possibly is the match? Everybody comes this to drink the celebration drink, asks for the advantage, was not worthwhile lost the life for this reason. 三尊灵玄阳...仅靠灵玄魂修为,怎么可能是对手?大家只是来这喝喜酒,讨好处的,犯不着为此而丢了性命。 Exuding Fire Sect elder Yang Gu facial color cloudy clear uncertain looks at that with the cape male of nameless fierce combat, the heart feels fuzzy, after train of thought that holds the fist in the other hand to say directly: Opens the founder, this Demon is powerful, only feared also only then I sent the leader to be able with it to contend, the founder you were supporting first, when the old man went to please me to send the founder, then assisted in you, said goodbye!!” 淌火派长老阳骨面色阴晴不定的看着那与张无名激战的斗篷男,心头发沉,思绪过后,直接抱拳说道:“张教主,这邪人实力强大,只怕也只有我派掌门能与之抗衡了,教主您先撑着,待老夫去请得我派教主,再来相助于你,告辞!!” The sound falls, Yang Gu turns around directly, jumps to leap, flies from here. The Exuding Fire Sect person evacuates. 声音落下,阳骨直接转身,纵身一跃,飞离此处。淌火派人撤离。 Yang Gu... You...” “阳骨...你...” Opens nameless urgently said. But the person went far away. 张无名急道。但人已远去。 Opens the founder, remembers below suddenly also has the urgent matter, does not stay for a long time, said goodbye!” “张教主,在下突然想起还有急事,就不久留了,告辞!” Paints the stone to send for also departure hurriedly. 漆石派人也急匆匆的离开。 Opens the founder, takes care!” “张教主,保重!” Opens the founder, I remember me to send a people also to marry today suddenly, Ha Ha, looks at my this memory... Considering... Said goodbye.” “张教主,我突然想起我派中人也在今日结婚,哈哈,看我这记性...告...告辞了。” .... .... After Su Yun shouted those words, the people awakened, such as evaded the god of plague to be ordinary, sharply sharply left. 苏云喊出那句话后,人们一个个惊醒过来,如避瘟神一般,急急离开。 Your these villains!!” “你们这些小人!!” Opens nameless is compelled retreats by Su Yun again and again, sees the people to depart, the anger launches a psychological attack, mouth, Tit­ter, spits a blood... 张无名被苏云逼得连连后退,看到众人离去,怒火攻心,嘴一张,噗嗤一声,又吐一口鲜血... „The will of the people are unpredictable! Is the will of the people are seriously unpredictable, claimed one are the famous family is honest, takes safeguarding the Sky Martial Continent peace as own duty, may be faced with imminent disaster, actually considers only own safety! Today these Demon cut me to open nameless, tomorrow their butcher knife will put up on your necks, you just wait!!” open(ed) Wuming exclaimed. “人心难测!当真是人心难测啊,一个个口口声称自己是名门正派,以维护天武大陆和平为己任,可大难临头了,一个个却只顾自己的安危!今日这些邪人斩了我张无名,明日他们的屠刀就会架在你们的脖子上,你们等着吧!!”张无名吼道。 Whiz! 嗖! His words have not mentioned, Su Yun rushes ahead, he is grasping Death Sword single-handed, dances in the air fast, on that sword blade runs out of the evil soul to kill nameless crazily. 他话还未说来,苏云又冲杀过来,他单手握着死剑,快速飞舞,那剑身上冲出邪魂疯狂袭杀张无名。 The evil soul can be solved, but, the Su Yun back will jump out the day demon empty shade, the strength terror is peerless, at is not the manpower can contend, only feared that had the strength of Fourth Level Spirit Star Disciple! 邪魂好解决,但,苏云背后会窜出天魔虚影,实力恐怖绝伦,根本不是人力能够抗衡,只怕已具备了灵玄阳四品的力量! Opens nameless even more is hard to support, own pressure bottom magic weapon offers a sacrifice to repeatedly, with it contending. 张无名越发难以支撑,自己的压箱底法宝频频祭出,与之抗衡。 His Aura is exceptionally vigorous, can grind the fragment below Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple any existence with ease, but the opposite party bracing cold is stronger than him, particularly malignant influences!! Almost can extrude the fragment own breath and pulse. 他的气息异常浑厚,能够轻松将一名灵玄魂九品以下的任何存在碾成碎片,可对方的气劲比他更强,尤其是煞气!!几乎能把自己的气脉挤压成碎片。 Wait / Etc.!” “等等!” Opens the nameless vision twinkle, detected swiftly is not right. 张无名眼光闪烁,倏然发觉到一丝不对。 But watches this person of exposed both hands blood red one piece outside, the vein sticks out suddenly, the blood vessel protrudes, seemed flooded by any energy... 但看这人裸露在外的双手血红一片,筋络暴起,血管凸出,似乎被什么能量充斥... „Is this? This person ** as if intensity is not high, but his is cultivation so why terrorist?... What magic weapon is he depends upon to promote cultivation short?” “这是?这个人的**似乎强度并不高,可他的修为为何这般恐怖?难道...他是依靠什么法宝短暂提升修为吗?” Thinks of here, opens the nameless heart to do to decide that only looked his both hands turn, two groups of flame ferment in the palms, afterward the double palm turns round. 想到这儿,张无名心头做下决定,只看他双手一翻,两团火焰在手掌间酝酿,随后双掌一覆。 Death!” Shouted angrily falls from its. “死!”怒喝从其口中落下。 But looked that everywhere white clouds change into the raging fire, forms fire dragon that reaches the hundred zhang (333m) thickly. This fire dragon has eight claw hexagons, fierce fearsome. 但看漫天白云化为烈火,汇成一头粗达百丈的火龙。这条火龙拥有八爪六角,狰狞可怖。 Roar!” “吼!” The fire dragon falls, falls below Su Yun. 火龙落下,直坠下方苏云 Is the Second Level Spirit Star Disciple master, how could to have selected the real skill? Cannot be dilatory! 到底是灵玄阳二品高手,岂能没有点真本事?不能拖沓了! The Su Yun facial expression is earnest, is controlling behind day demon, presses hard on opens nameless. 苏云神情认真起来,驾驭着身后的天魔,紧逼张无名。 Day demon blood sacrifice!” “天魔血祭!” Su Yun drinks lowly, the back day demon empty shade detaches suddenly, fires into the sky, and rapid changes into at the same time the giant circle formation in the sky, depresses in the sky. 苏云一声低喝,背后的天魔虚影突然脱体而出,冲向天空,并迅速在天空中化为一面巨大的圆阵,当空压下。 Enormous and powerful such as Jianghai the strength of day demon swings, piercing magic power, not, spreads over entire Ming Ying Sect. This strength attracts the powerhouse attention that innumerable preparations evacuated immediately! 浩荡如江海的天魔之力荡开,刺骨的魔力,无远弗届,传遍整个明影教。这力量立刻吸引了无数准备撤离的强者注意! Good terror strength! This person so is unexpectedly powerful! When has Hu Qianmei that cheap person climbed up like this big backer?? Can make double cultivation companion with him?” “好恐怖的力量!这人竟这般强悍!狐千魅那贱人何时攀上了这样的大靠山??能与他做双修伴侣?” The Liu Xindong heart of that head is shocking, secretly twittering. 那头的流心动心头震惊,暗自呢喃。 How to have so formidable magic power? Did Ming Ying Sect have an accident?” “怎么会有这般强大的魔力明影教出了什么事吗?” The day vacancy outside bright shade mountain, several forms tread the sword to approach toward this, when this magic power swings, the people all slightly change color, by it fearing. 明影山外的天空处,数个身影踏剑朝这靠近,当这股魔力荡来,众人皆是微微变色,被之惊住。 But listens to one to have the offense roar of imposing manner to fall to explode broadly fierce. 但听一记更为恢弘更有气势的戾吼凶猛坠爆。 Finished!!!!” “结束吧!!!!” On that day demon of blood sacrifice, direct post to nameless. 那天魔化出的血祭之阵,直接贴向了张无名。 „!!” “啊!!” Opens nameless sends out the roar of thunder, has used the lifetime compensation, his both hands flood air/Qi of black white universe, toward hits spatially, tries to reverse this strength. 张无名发出雷霆之吼,已用出毕生全部力量,他双手泛起一黑一白乾坤之气,朝空打去,试图扭转这股力量。 But when he contends with this blood sacrifice, that side Su Yun changes into together the black flowing light, kills toward here. 但就在他抗衡这血祭之阵时,那边的苏云化为一道黑色流光,朝这儿杀来。 Daring potential, prestige of sweeping away all obstacles! At this moment, this flickers, opens nameless not incurs thoroughly! 气吞山河的势,所向披靡的威!这一刻,这一瞬,张无名彻底无招! Tit­ter! 噗嗤 The black flowing light swallowing, rapidly will put out afterward, that person flickers presently in opening nameless behind, but is opening the nameless heart place, when does not know, inserted a jet black sword, this sword piercing, will have eradicated his whole body all strengths instantaneously. 黑色流光将之吞噬,随后又迅速吐出,其人瞬现于张无名身后,而在张无名的心脏处,不知何时,插上了一把漆黑的剑,这剑将之洞穿,瞬间破除了他浑身所有的力量。 Of blood sacrifice falls, the nameless whole body skeleton smashing that hits, the bloodlines dries up, suffocates. 血祭之阵坠下,打的张无名浑身骨骼粉碎,血脉枯竭,奄奄一息。 Death Sword starts to affect, crazy is strengthening the strength of his within the body. 死剑开始作用,疯狂的汲取着他体内的力量。 Thump! Thump! 咕咚!咕咚! The strange sound resounds. 古怪声音响起。 Who you are! Is who!!!” “你到底是谁!是谁!!!” Opens nameless has been incapable of revolting, soon will die, he holds Su Yun cape with both hands strongly, unwilling shouting. 张无名已无力反抗,即将死去,他竭力用双手抓住身旁苏云的斗篷,不甘的喊道。 But, Su Yun has not spoken, a pair of blood red eye visits him peacefully. 但,苏云没有说话,一双血红的眼安静的看着他。 Death Sword crazy is strengthening the strength of his within the body, transforms fills as the vigorous spirit profound strength in Su Yun, Death Sword only derives the evil strength, to African Demon, it is unable to transform the absorption strength as itself uses. 死剑疯狂的汲取着他体内的力量,转化为浑厚的灵玄之力填充于苏云,死剑只汲取邪力,对非邪人,它是无法将吸收的力量转化为本身所用。 open(ed) Wuming grabs the hand of Su Yun to be incapable gradually. 张无名抓着苏云的手逐渐无力下去。 That flickers, the sky is suddenly dim, in an instant the thunder, myriad things Qi Qi, the intermittent cold piercing fresh breeze blew the entire bright shade mountain. 那一瞬,天空突然昏暗下来,刹那间电闪雷鸣,万物齐泣,阵阵寒冷刺骨的劲风吹遍了整个明影山。 A master of Spirit Star Disciple rank falls from the sky in light of this. 一尊灵玄阳级别的高手就此陨落。 This is the shock entire south mainland several hundred years of important matter. 这将会是震惊整个南方大陆数百年之久的大事。 Important matter that person of singing. 一个人人传唱的大事。 The Ming Ying Sect audiences who all around has not diverged are looking at this dull, the facial expression of everyone has all written all over surprisedly. 四周还未散去的明影教众呆呆的望着这一幕,每个人的神情皆写满了惊讶。 Founder!!” “教主!!” Ren Zhiheng loudly shouted. 任志恒大呼。 Then looked that a nameless body from crashes spatially, layer on layer falls on the ground, did not have the sound... 便看张无名的身躯从空坠落下来,重重摔在地上,已无了动静... Since you completed do not fold method to sacrifice other people to seek the plan of benefit, should think that some people will claim your life reckless!” “既然你做好不折手段牺牲他人谋取利益的打算,就该想到会有人不顾一切夺走你的命!” Su Yun has pulled out from the withered nameless body Death Sword gradually, receives the scabbard. 苏云死剑从逐渐干瘪的张无名的身躯上抽了回来,收入剑鞘。 Which that does also and pursue the Ming Ying Sect master who life and sacrifice kill Bo Dou this moment also to have the psychology of revolt? Such the little while time, Four Great Heavenly King already on the wane completely, the master casualty who the opposite party cuts are innumerable, simply does not have any stratagem which ensures success, being wounded Ren Zhiheng to look that pursues the life and sacrifice kills with ease incomparable, then no longer makes any idea, loudly shouted one removing, afterward the person turned around directly, ran toward the distant place. 那头还在与追命与祭杀博斗的明影教高手此刻哪还有反抗的心理?这么会儿功夫,四大天王已经被对方斩的凋零殆尽,高手死伤无数,根本没有任何胜算,负伤的任志恒看追命与祭杀轻松无比,便不再做任何想法,大呼一声‘撤’,随后人直接转身,朝远处跑去。 Social organization audiences do not stand still, hurry to evacuate. 一帮教众也不停歇,赶紧撤离。 „To run?” “想跑?” Pursues the life and sacrifice kills then must pursue. 追命与祭杀便要追击。 Asks them to leave, do not make many detentions!” “让他们走,不要做过多的滞留!” Su Yun has turned around, looks Liu Xindong that the similar plan flees in a panic, sinks saying: Grasps Liu Xindong then!” 苏云转过身,看着同样打算仓皇逃离的流心动,沉道:“把流心动抓来即可!” Yes, Sir!” “是,大人!” Two people shouted lowly, flushed Liu Xindong together. 二人低呼,齐冲流心动 Ming Ying Sect was defeated and dispersed to stem from the anticipation of many person, the day before also flower-decked, at this moment then ruined depression, person such as frightened powder to four directions. 明影教的溃散出乎了很多人的意料,前一天还繁花似锦,这一刻便破败萧条,人如惊弓之鸟散向四方。 This in Sky Martial Continent is very common matter, the people abstain from provoke the powerhouse, because of a genuine powerhouse, destroys a city in a flash, such as picks the leaf caihua to be easy. 这在天武大陆是很常见的事情,人们忌讳招惹强者,因为一名真正的强者,弹指间摧毁一座城池,如摘叶采花般容易。 Liu Xindong considers everything, has not calculated that attended the meeting so the sudden change, he controls the dozens black needles of waist, making it hit mutually, urging 18 people who he refines to work, toward pursuing kills to overrun to own pursuing life and sacrifice. 流心动千算万算,也未算到会有如此突变,他驾驭腰间的数十根黑针,使之相互撞击,催出他所炼制的18尊人灵,朝追向自己的追命与祭杀冲了过去。 However, these people spirit have not approached pursue the life sacrifice to kill two people, then by Sword Qi that two people suddenly wielded cutting a smashing. 然,这些人灵还未靠近追命祭杀二人,便被二人瞬息间挥出的剑气给斩了个粉碎。 The people were destroyed spirit completely, Liu Xindong, puts out a blood. 人灵全部被破坏,流心动也是哇的一下,吐出一口鲜血。 But looked that the sacrifice kills to flicker to fall side Liu Xindong, holds down his shoulder, afterward jumps to leap, rebound Su Yun front, falling on the ground. 但看祭杀瞬落流心动身旁,一手按住他的肩膀,随后纵身一跃,跳回苏云的面前,将之摔在地上。 Liu Xindong has struggled several, sets out hurriedly, but he actually does not dare to stand, but kneels on the ground, knocks anxiously anxiously toward the ground the head. 流心动挣扎了几下,急忙起身,但他却不敢站起来,而是跪在地上,将脑袋急急朝地上磕去。 Sir! Sir, Liu Xindong has eyes but fails to see, wrong took your love, please forgive! Has forgiven my this dog's life!” “大人!大人,流心动有眼无珠,错取了您的挚爱,请原谅!饶了我这条狗命吧!” Although Liu Xindong soon will also stride in the Spirit Star Disciple powerhouse, but he is decidedly is not possible to contend three Spirit Star Disciple existence, now wants to request to save, can only kowtow to beg for mercy. 流心动虽然也是即将跨入灵玄阳的强者,但他是决然不可能抗衡的了三尊灵玄阳存在,如今想要求存,只能磕头求饶。 This, do not flow Law Elder!” “别这样,流护法!” Su Yun has squatted, has raised cape, reveals one pale and face of demon: You are the Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple big energy, my trivial Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple can existence, how receive your so big ritual?” 苏云蹲了下去,将斗篷掀了起来,露出一张苍白而邪魅的脸:“你可是灵玄魂十品的大能,我区区一个灵玄魂五存在,怎能受你这般大礼?” Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple?” 灵玄魂五品?” Liu Xindong stares, gains ground hurriedly, looks at Su Yun that face, half sound, he has recognized. 流心动一愣,急忙抬头,看着苏云那张脸,半响,他才认了出来。 Yes... Is you?? You are... Su Yun??” “是...是你??你是...苏云??” At this time, but looked at the Su Yun whole body evil spirit wild strength such as the sea water of ebb tide, the crazy drop dissipated, the suddenly time, such as the mortal was then common. 这时,但看苏云浑身凶煞狂暴的力量如退潮的海水,疯狂下降消散,眨眼间的功夫,便如凡人一般。 Change suddenly makes Liu Xindong be suddenly enlighted. 突然间的变化让流心动恍然大悟。 Originally, you are draw support from magic weapon... Has strength so...” “原来,你是借助法宝...才有这般实力...” Otherwise you think that in such short time, how can I crash in the Spirit Star Disciple boundary?” “不然你以为这么短的时间内,我怎能冲进灵玄阳境界?” Su Yun said that has stood up the body. 苏云说道,站起了身。 Now all around nobody left, Ming Ying Sect has dispersed thoroughly, no one can think that today's wedding banquet, actually is also the Ming Ying Sect death anniversary. 如今四周空无一人,明影教彻底散了,谁都想不到,今日的婚宴,却也是明影教的忌日。 Ha Ha Ha Ha .... “哈哈哈哈....” Suddenly, Liu Xindong laughs, laughter was pitiful, has filled reluctantly... 突然,流心动大笑起来,笑声凄惨,充满了无奈... Has not thought really that wants to break through cultivation using Hu Qianmei this woman, actually trades such result... Is this good fortune?? Ha Ha Ha Ha...” “真没想到,原本只是想利用狐千魅这女人突破修为,却换来这样的结果...这是造化吗??哈哈哈哈...” Good fortune?” Su Yun shook the head: This in society does not have the good fortune, you... Is the good fortune!” “造化?”苏云摇了摇头:“这世间没有造化,你...就是造化!” He has turned around, pale [say / way]: Butchered him!” 他转过身,淡道:“宰了他!” Compliant!” “遵命!” Pursues the life and sacrifice kills gets rid immediately, the sword shade cuts horizontally, suddenly dismembers Liu Xindong. 追命与祭杀立刻出手,剑影横斩,瞬息间将流心动分尸。 The blood dripped place. 鲜血淌了一地。 The subtilis and broken wooden and defeated picture, all vividly will have struck before a smashing. 枯草、破木、残败的景象,将之前的一切繁华击了个粉碎.. Side Hu Qianmei is looking at this, looks at even more demon, even more savage Su Yun, is suddenly confused. 旁侧的狐千魅怔怔的望着这一幕,看着越发邪魅,越发凶残的苏云,忽然间迷茫起来。 This person... Really is Su Yun?” “这个人...真的是苏云?” If not for this face or Su Yun! She almost did not know quickly this initially was compelled the person who has almost no way out by oneself... 若不是这张脸还是苏云!她几乎快不认识这个当初被自己逼得差点走投无路的人... Falling from the sky of Liu Xindong, was announcing the Ming Ying Sect destruction. 流心动的陨落,宣告着明影教的覆灭。 All also eventually finished. 一切也终于结束。 All around silent nobody, the disciple keeps a place corpse, some blood... 四周寂静无人,徒留一地尸体,一些鲜血... Nobody can expect that lively incomparable, strength huge and powerful Ming Ying Sect, will unravel within one day. 没有谁能预料到,繁华无比,实力庞大而强悍的明影教,会在一天之内灰飞烟灭。 Nobody will know Ming Ying Sect to have such one day. 更没有人会知晓明影教会有这么一天。 Perhaps starting today, various front doors send everybody feels insecure, no one knows that next second, will have whether also the peerless powerhouse to turn the hand will reject. 或许从今日起,各大门派人人自危,谁都不会知道,下一秒,是否也会有绝世强者翻手间将自己剔除。 The reality is such cruel, people because of so, will be going all out to pursue the unsurpassed main road, various factions insane generally will have cultivated the powerhouse. 现实就是这么残忍,人们正因如此,才会拼命追求无上大道,各门各派才会疯了一般的培育强者。 Because, this world is the world of law of the jungle, is the brutal world. 因为,这个世界是弱肉强食的世界,是残酷的世界。 Su Yun puts on the topee, has turned around to look at Hu Qianmei. 苏云戴上兜帽,转过身望着狐千魅 Hu Qianmei is also looking at him, some little time, this recovers. 狐千魅还怔怔的望着他,好一会儿,这才回过神来。 Now, can leave.” “现在,可以离开了。” Goes?” Hu Qianmei has spoken haltingly under the pink / white lip, light [say / way]. “去哪?”狐千魅嗫嚅了下粉唇,轻道。 Place that goes to you to go.” “去你想去的地方。” Oh? you save me, feared that I did affect your cultivation?” 哦?你来救我,还是怕我影响你的修为了?” Um!” “嗯!” „, But also really direct... However Su Yun... I a little liked you actually, perhaps... I will not be easy to relieve among us again the relation! existence of your side two Spirit Star Disciple ranks shouted you for the Sir unexpectedly, evidently you become I very good backer!” “呵,还真直接...不过苏云...我倒是有点喜欢上你了,或许...我不会那么容易再解除我们之间的联系了!你身旁两尊灵玄阳级别的存在竟呼你为大人,看样子你会成为我很好的靠山!” Hu Qianmei flatters to say with a smile. 狐千魅媚笑道。 But the next second, her tender and delicate exquisite body was then hugged, that fragrant small face, almost pastes before the Su Yun ice-cold face. 但下一秒,她那娇嫩玲珑的身子便被抱了起来,那喷香的小脸,几乎贴在苏云冰冷的面庞前。 Sees only Su Yun to hug her, tranquil is looking at that small face, said peacefully: Saves you, one, does not think that you affect my cultivation, two, was repays you initially to rescue my benevolence, my Su Yun gratitude and grudges were distinct, others were good to me, I will also be good to others, but, I not by others, when the spear|gun caused!” 只见苏云抱着她,平静的望着那张小脸,安静道:“救你,一,是不想你影响我的修为,二,也是报答你当初救我的恩情,我苏云恩怨分明,别人对我好,我也会对别人好,不过,我不会被别人当枪使!” „Do I make your spear|gun to be good?” The Hu Qianmei charming smile, is stretching out Ding Xiang little tongue suddenly, has licked on Su Yun that pale face. “那我做你的枪好不好?”狐千魅媚笑着,突然伸出丁香小舌,在苏云那苍白的脸上舔了一下。 Su Yun micro surprised, then listens to Hu Qianmei cluck-cluck to smile tenderly. 苏云微愕,便听狐千魅咯咯娇笑起来。 He has put the girl, shook the head: I will find the way to relieve among us the relation, after all cannot have the fetters because of this!” 他将女孩放了下来,摇了摇头:“我会想办法解除我们之间的联系的,毕竟不能因为这个而有了羁绊!” He does not have anything to feel to Hu Qianmei, although this physique has given him many advantage, but actually is also a burden, if can relieve, is extremely good! 他并不对狐千魅有什么感觉,这体质虽然给了他不少好处,但却也是个累赘,若能解除,自是极好的! Ha Ha, now, has poured to dislike me powerful is the burden... However, this time was you have saved me after all! I do not blame you.” “哈哈,现在实力强大了,倒嫌我是累赘了...不过也罢,毕竟这一次是你救了我!我也不怪你。” Hu Qianmei took a fast look around all around, swiftly in pupils flood bright. 狐千魅扫视了四周一圈,倏然眸间泛起亮光。 Su Yun, since matter already has solved, should manage the proper business?” 苏云,既然事情已经解决了,是不是该办正事了?” Proper business?” Su Yun is puzzled. “正事?”苏云不解。 Actually looks at Hu Qianmei to lift the small hands, has referred to the space. 却看狐千魅抬起小手,指了指天上。 Do not waste!” She has licked small mouth, enticement saying with a smile. “别浪费了!”她舔了舔小嘴儿,诱惑至极的笑道。 ( Thanks sprout needs to treat hitting to enjoy support greatly, asked monthly ticket comrades!!) (感谢大萌‘需要治疗啊’的打赏支持,求月票啊同志们!!)
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