LSG :: Volume #3

#254: Clearout

The multi-colored sunlight blooms, various gain strategy mark overflow delicate fragrance Aura. 霞光绽放,各种增益阵法印记溢出清香气息 The guests 3322 sit Yu Yiqi to drink the spirit liquor spirit tea, is chatting loud, the scene is very lively. 宾客们3322坐于一起喝着灵酒灵茶,高声畅聊着,场面好不热闹。 But, as a bride enters the stadium, all guests have stopped the discussion, follows the entrance to look in abundance. 但,随着一记新娘入场,所有宾客们都止住了谈论,纷纷顺着入口处望去。 The poisonous gong king who then looks at stature tall Tiao with several appearance magnificent attractive maidservants, was supporting by the arm happy makeup Hu Qianmei to walk. 便看身材高挑的毒蚣王同着几名打扮华丽漂亮的侍女,搀扶着一袭喜妆的狐千魅走了起来。 „Is this fox Law Elder in hearsay? So to be how short?” “这就是传闻中的狐护法吗?怎么这么矮?” Liu Xindong does Law Elder like this?” “难道流心动护法喜好这一口?” The Blossom Heart Valley disciple talked in whispers. 花心谷的弟子窃窃私语。 Not must talk nonsense!” “莫要胡言乱语!” Guǐ mò jué stared several people of one, sinks saying: „The fox Law Elder physique is special, I and others are unable to understand, can not the chaotic mouth, if makes the Ming Ying Sect person hear, but troubled!” 鬼莫觉瞪了几人一眼,沉道:“狐护法体质特殊,我等无法理解,你们不得乱口,若是让明影教人听见,可就麻烦了!” Several people of whole bodies trembled, trembled two, nodded again and again, does not dare to talk too much. 几人浑身一颤,哆嗦了两句,连连点头,也不敢多言了。 The admission of Hu Qianmei, lets the scene thorough ebullition, various cheers eruptions. 狐千魅的入场,让现场彻底沸腾,各种欢呼声爆发。 Liu Xindong smiles, looks at the person, in the eye flashes through a self-satisfied ray. 流心动满脸笑容,看着走过来的人,眼里闪过一丝得意的光芒。 At this moment, happy outside. 此刻,喜场外。 Elephant God Technique!” 无象神功!” open(ed) Wuming does not dare to have neglects slightly, gets rid is own becoming famous Profound Technique, but looked that his whole body presents two god Buddha common [gold/metal] pictures, the [gold/metal] urges [gold/metal] Quan likely unceasingly, emerges his body, the mortal body will strengthen to a scary altitude, as if the body has plated a [gold/metal], the ray twinkle. 张无名不敢有丝毫怠慢,一出手便是自己的成名玄技,但看他的周身出现两尊神佛一般的金象,金象不断催出金圈,涌入其体,将之肉身强化至一个骇人的高度,仿佛身上镀了层金,光芒闪烁。 Pursues the life and sacrifice kills to fire into his instance, draws out evil sword respectively, punctured together. 追命与祭杀冲向他的瞬间,各自拔出邪剑,一同刺了过去。 blade edge is bright, in the sword blade resounds evil soul sad and shrill roaring. 剑锋熠熠,剑身内响起邪魂凄厉的吼叫。 But. 但。 Clang clang! 铛铛! Two resounding sounds get up, blade edge swings the massive ripples, spreads toward all around with Evil Qi, looks at nameless again, unexpectedly is perfect! 两记脆响声起,剑锋荡出大量涟漪,伴随着邪气朝四周扩散,再看张无名,竟是完好无损! The double black sword broken does not open the nameless mortal body unexpectedly!! 双黑剑居然破不开张无名的肉身!! Pursues the life and sacrifice kills brow Qi Zhou. 追命与祭杀眉头齐皱。 Makes way!” “让开!” At this time, drank to explode coldly from the rear area. 这时,一记冷喝从后方爆开。 Meets the trace, but to is one thick as fierce as the bloody barometric pressure of letting the person state of mind trembling, forces toward this. 接踪而至的是一股厚悍到让人神魂颤栗的血腥气压,直朝此逼来。 Pursues the life and sacrifice kills to respond that including dodges toward side. 追命与祭杀反应过来,连朝旁边闪去。 Opens nameless is startled, then looks at the red light suddenly to dodge in front of oneself together, but also does not need to respond that a sword then breaks itself to defend, pricks own chest. 张无名一怔,便瞧一道红光瞬息间闪于自己面前,还不待反应,一把剑便破开自己防御,刺入自己的胸口。 Elephant God Technique just likes the paper sticks! 无象神功犹如纸糊! Works as! 哐当! Two god [gold/metal] who opens the nameless side look like collapse immediately, change into the mist! 张无名身旁的两尊神佛金象立刻垮塌,化为云烟! Does not have the shape... Was broken unexpectedly!” “无象...竟然被破了!” open(ed) Wuming stared in a big way saw the sword of chest place. 张无名瞪大了眼看着胸口处的剑。 „!!!!!” “啊!!!!!” At this time, a more frightening roaring sound erupted from the Su Yun back, but looked that it behind the blood light surged, endless dignified flood, the blood red day demon empty shade appeared in him swiftly together fast behind, empty shade to become Quan, by potential of bang sweeping away all obstacles to opening nameless!! 这时,一股更为让人心惊胆寒的怒吼声从苏云的背后爆发开来,但看其身后血光涌动,无尽威严泛起,倏然间,一道血红的天魔虚影快速出现在他身后,虚影一手成拳,以所向披靡之势轰向张无名!! Attack that on this day demon empty shade launches! Kills compared with attacking of Su Yun unexpectedly also wants the strong big several fold!! That blood red gigantic fist, as if can rumble to break this in society all! 这天魔虚影发动的攻击!竟比苏云的攻杀还要强大数倍!!那血红硕大的拳头,仿佛能轰破这世间的一切! Thump!!!!!! 咚!!!!!! In open(ed) Wuming the chest the fist, whole body strong spirit profound Aura was scattered unexpectedly all, protects the body magic weapon to break all, the person flew, has cracked-up several house fences, pours directly, in Longfeng has leapt outside! 张无名胸口中拳,浑身浓厚的灵玄气息竟然全部被打散,护体法宝尽数破碎,人更是飞了出去,撞碎了数座房屋围墙,直接倒在了龙凤腾外! The people were rumbled to fly, day demon disperses. 人被轰飞,天魔又散开。 Su Yun is raising Death Sword, toward opening nameless walks. 苏云提着死剑,朝张无名走去。 Here sound, already was startled to direct the outstanding heroes and Ming Ying Sect high level in Longfeng leaping place. 这儿的动静,已经惊引了龙凤腾处的群雄及明影教高层。 What's the matter??” “怎么回事??” Had an accident??” “出什么事了??” Probably has the explosive sound?” “好像有爆炸声?” Aura in this air... is. Is what?” “这空气中的气息...是..是什么?” The guests have stood, looks toward the place that the explosion has. 客人们纷纷站了起来,朝爆炸发生的地方望去。 Prepares to pull Hu Qianmei to be supple, if Liu Xindong of characterless small hands, the body also stiffened, looks hastily along the sound. 准备去牵过狐千魅柔若无骨小手的流心动,身躯也僵住了,顺声连忙看去。 When finds the person who that stands difficultly, almost all person delay. 当瞧见那头艰难站起来的人时,几乎所有人都呆滞了。 Opens nameless! 张无名! Ming Ying Sect founder! 明影教的教主! Many people stared in a big way the eye, making an effort was taking a look, for fear that misread! 不少人瞪大了眼,使劲的瞅着,生怕自己看错! He at this moment, the chest caves , the corners of the mouth spit blood, Aura is emaciated, looks pale, which also duplicate initial elegant demeanor? 此刻的他,胸口塌陷,嘴角吐血,气息羸弱,面色苍白,哪还复当初之风采? Is this opens nameless? Isn't the fake goods? 这是张无名?不是冒牌货? But! 可! Solemn Ming Ying Sect teaches to advocate nameless! So to be how distressed?? 堂堂明影教教主张无名!怎会这般狼狈?? Who can also be can he so? 又会是什么人能把他这般? Spirit Star Disciple above master!! 灵玄阳以上的高手!! Almost the flash, in the mind of all people presents this kind of idea! Being able not help hits is trembling... 几乎一瞬之间,所有人的脑海里都出现这样一个想法!情不自禁的打着哆嗦... The genuine master, Aura is reserved, strength deep conceal does not reveal! Cannot only realize the opposite party strength depending on them! Only if the opposite party reveals desirably. 真正的高手,气息内敛,实力深藏不露!仅凭他们是根本察觉不到对方实力的!除非对方刻意表露出来。 Founder!!” “教主!!” The Ming Ying Sect audiences overran, will open nameless helps up. 明影教众冲了过去,将张无名扶起。 Ren Zhiheng and four devas look, almost does not believe own eye. 任志恒及四天王怔怔而望,几乎不相信自己的眼睛。 That invincible founder, does the mouth spit the blood unexpectedly? 那个无敌的教主,竟口吐鲜血? He is the master of Second Level Spirit Star Disciple!! 他可是灵玄阳二品的高手啊!! At this time, actually looked that three form half steps walked toward here. 这时,却看三个身影快步朝这儿走来。 Three people of black clothing, their sword taking, is all raising the black sword, moreover walks in the front that person, at the back of the blood red long sword, is stepping Sword sheath, wears the cape, but in his hands, sword that also one becomes dark fiercely. 三人皆黑色服饰,两人剑服,提着黑剑,另外走在前头的那人,背着把血红的长剑,跨着剑匣,身着斗篷,而在他的手中,也有一把狰狞发黑的剑。 This person from top to bottom is blood red Aura, sends out sufficiently cold intent who lets the Shuicheng ice, particularly his malignant influences at this moment, the thick letting person cannot pant for breath. 这人浑身上下都是血红的气息,散发出足以让水成冰的冷意,尤其是他此刻的煞气,浓的让人喘息不过来。 The poisonous gong king looks like a person, looks deathly pale instantaneously, twittering said: Is he?” 毒蚣王一看来人,瞬间脸色惨白起来,呢喃道:“是他?” This... This is not...” Guǐ mò jué of that head has stood from chair suddenly, stretches out the finger, is looking at that side person. “这...这不是...”那头的鬼莫觉猛然从椅子上站了起来,伸出手指,怔怔望着那边的人。 Future who?” “来者何人?” Liu Xindong clenched teeth, getting the person to go forward, shouted to clear the way to that three people. 流心动咬了咬牙,领着人上前,冲着那三人喝道。 Her man!” “她男人!” Su Yun is raising Death Sword, is pointing at the Hu Qianmei pale [say / way]. 苏云提着死剑,指着狐千魅淡道。 This saying falls, scene ebullition that such as a bomb, explodes, in an uproar. 这话落下,如一枚炸弹,炸的现场沸腾,一片哗然。 Her man? Hu Qianmei Law Elder double cultivation companion?” “她男人?狐千魅护法双修伴侣?” What's the matter? Hu Qianmei Law Elder do not marry Liu Xindong Law Elder?” “怎么回事?狐千魅护法不是要嫁给流心动护法吗?” What situation is this?” “这到底是什么情况?” Fox Law Elder when so powerhouse on good??” “狐护法何时与这般强者好上了??” Opens the founder not to know this matter?” “张教主难道不知此事吗?” People stunned sound keeps, the surprised expression appears in each face. 人们错愕之声响荡不停,惊讶的表情出现在每一张面孔上。 What nonsense thing were you saying?” The Liu Xindong complexion is extremely ugly, after fluctuates, he is suppressing the heart angry quirk: Fox Law Elder soon becomes my double cultivation companion, when was your?” “你在说什么狗屁东西?”流心动脸色极度难看,一阵变幻后,他强忍着心头的怒火道:“狐护法即将成为我的双修伴侣,何时是你的了?” When? Very early!” Su Yun pale [say / way]: Her physique, was already captured by me, how also to marry you?” “何时?很早!”苏云淡道:“她的体质,早就被我夺得,又怎会嫁你?” What...?” Liu Xindong like petrification. “什...么?”流心动顿如石化。 Wears Hu Qianmei of lid to hear the accident, lifts the lid hastily, wears the item to look, actually there sees is standing in great numbers three forms, the double pupil looks tightly, heart tremor. 戴着盖头的狐千魅听到变故,连忙掀开盖头,着目一望,却见那儿林立着的三个身影,双眸紧望,芳心颤动不已。 He came... He came really... In this world , do some people care about themselves really??” “他来了...他真的来了...难道这个世界上,真的还有人在乎自己??” She has not thought that at this time, some people rescued itself unexpectedly, moreover this person... Is person who that made her incomparably hate! 她根本就不曾想过,在这个时候,居然还有人来救自己,而且这个人...是那个令她无比痛恨的人! In this world, she hates has two people \; first, Long Xianli, two are Su Yun. 这个世界上,她痛恨的只有两个人,一是龙仙璃,二就是苏云 But she has never thought that this Su Yun, can rescue itself unexpectedly, and... Facing these many tyrants masters... 可她从未想过,这个苏云,竟会来救自己,而且...是面对这么多豪强高手... Hu Qianmei is utterly confused, carelessly train of thought that but without a doubt, at this moment, she feels the unprecedented happiness, what manner regardless of this person holds to come, at least, he cares about himself, he when despairs, will come to take away this disgusting place really! 狐千魅心乱如麻,胡乱思绪,但毫无疑问,这一刻,她感觉前所未有的幸福,无论这个人是抱着什么样的态度过来,至少,他是在乎自己,他在自己绝望的时候,真的来将自己带离这个恶心的地方! This fool.” Hu Qianmei bites the lip lightly, corners of the mouth is actually holding to smile. “这个笨蛋。”狐千魅轻咬着唇,嘴角却含着笑。 Su Yun alone goes forward, moves toward Hu Qianmei, nearby poisonous gong king whole body trembles like the screen, the face whiten is incomparable, her does retreats, where dare to provoke this deicide hastily? 苏云独自上前,走向狐千魅,旁边的毒蚣王浑身就像筛子一样发抖,脸色苍白无比,她连忙后退,哪敢招惹这尊杀神? But looks at Su Yun to put out a hand, gentle said to Hu Qianmei: I said that after two day, meets you! Now, walks?” 但看苏云伸出手,温柔的冲着狐千魅道:“我说了,两日后来接你!现在,走吧?” Um.” Hu Qianmei nod of gently, in tears pupils hidden has the teardrops twinkle. “嗯。”狐千魅轻轻的点了点头,泪眸间隐有泪珠闪烁。 She stretches out the sprout, has placed on the big hand of Su Yun. 她伸出柔荑,放在了苏云的大手上。 Stop! The peon, knows where this is? Dares to act unruly in this! Eats my one move!!” “住手!无名小卒,知道这是什么地方吗?竟敢在这撒野!吃我一招!!” A Ming Ying Sect master bellows, fires into Su Yun. 明影教高手大吼一声,冲向苏云 But that person has not approached, the black sword shade plunders swiftly together to airborne, lives to divide it in the overbearing cut-throat posture around the middle, that person flickers. 但其人还未靠近,倏然一道黑色的剑影掠向空中,以霸道凶狠之姿将其拦腰生劈,其人瞬死。 „?” “啊?” „A First Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence move cuts to kill!” 灵玄魂一存在一招斩杀!” The guest on the scene sucks in the cold air all, by it frightening. 在场宾客无不倒抽凉气,被之震慑。 This person of strength, what kind Gao Qiang? 这人实力,何等高强? Domain that Ming Ying Sect can it be that your this fellow can act unruly??” 明影教岂是你这家伙能撒野的地盘??” Of that head nameless is the violent anger is incomparable, he swallows compounded drug anxiously anxiously, Aura stiffens suddenly, bellows, overran toward Su Yun. 那头的张无名已是暴怒无比,他急急吞下一枚丹药,气息骤然变强,大吼一声,朝苏云冲了过去。 Just likes the brave fighter throws the food, potential air/Qi rises suddenly, toward pressing, this person only thinks that own skin as if must split, is very uncomfortable. 犹如猛虎扑食,势气暴涨,朝着压来,这处的人只觉自己的皮肤仿佛要裂开,好不难受。 However, Su Yun has not done any hesitant, in the eye ominous puts brilliantly, turns around instead to cut, the evil soul bursts out together from its sword blade, exudes the sad and shrill howling, rips directly to opening nameless! 然,苏云已不做任何犹豫,眼里凶光大放,转身反斩,一道邪魂从其剑身中迸发出去,发出凄厉的吼叫声,直接撕向张无名! This is... Evil Qi!!” “这是...邪气!!” After open(ed) Wuming feels this strength, has a big shock, immediately loudly shouts. 张无名感受到这股力量后,大惊失色,立刻大呼开来。 What? Evil Qi?” “什么?邪气?” „Are this group of people Demon??” “难道这帮人是邪人??” No wonder the Aura such gloomy terrors of these people! Has not thought! Has not thought that they unexpectedly are Demon!!” “难怪这些人的气息这么阴森恐怖!没想到!没想到他们居然是邪人!!” Oh, run!! Demon killed! Run!!” “天哪,快跑!!邪人杀来了!快跑啊!!” All around person is shocked all again and again, scene flickers the chaotic, countless people outward runs. 四周人无不震惊连连,场面瞬乱,无数人朝外跑去。 Demon! In the Sky Martial Continent person, that is the demon is equally cut-throat cruel existence. 邪人!在天武大陆人中,那是与魔一样凶狠残暴的存在 Demon?? This person should be Sir Su Yun right, but when has he become Demon?” 邪人??这人应该是苏云大人没错,可他何时成了邪人?” Guǐ mò jué delay. 鬼莫觉呆滞了。 Everybody! Demon appears and disappears, decides will harm our Sky Martial Continent, everybody cuts to kill Demon with me in a big hurry together, maintains the safety of world life!!” “各位!邪人出没,定会危害我们天武大陆,大家快快与我一同斩杀邪人,维护天下生灵的安危!!” open(ed) Wuming takes advantage of a favorable situation to bellow, encouraging the surrounding tyrants to assist, but oneself blows out myriad double images, avoids cutting of that evil soul to strike, attacks to Su Yun. 张无名乘势大吼,鼓动周围的豪强相助,而自身则爆出万千重影,避开那邪魂的斩击,攻向苏云 Actually looks at the Su Yun body black fog, the cage to these double images, in the black fog boils up the countless sword shades, has struck a smashing these double images. 却看苏云身化黑雾,笼向那些重影,黑雾中迸出数不尽的剑影,将这些重影击了个粉碎。 open(ed) Wuming knows to put together cultivation completely is not the match of opposite party, immediately remove Profound Technique, changes to the magic weapon. 张无名知晓拼修为自己完全不是对方的对手,当即撤掉玄技,改用法宝。 He offers a sacrifice to fiery red flowers shape, eyes closed fast reads several mnemonics, will wield toward Su Yun. 他祭出一朵火红的花朵状物,闭目速念几声口诀,将之朝苏云挥去。 Then looked that fiery red flowers shape comes light, whole body gradually flood blazing, but the times of several breath, this thing like the scorching sun roasting four directions, temperature astonishing high, melted the petrified iron, terror in this way. 便看那火红花朵状物轻飘而来,浑身逐渐泛起炽热,不过几个呼吸的功夫,此物已如骄阳般烘烤四方,温度惊人之高,融石化铁,恐怖如斯。 Genuine Blazing Mystical Flower!” 真焚玄花!” Vice- founder Ren Zhiheng shakes said. 副教主任志恒震道。 Only looked that flowers suddenly accelerate, approach Su Yun, then the decomposition round number piece giant flower petal, is centered on Su Yun, will surround. 只看那花朵突然加速,逼近苏云,接着分解成数片巨大的花瓣,以苏云为中心,将之包围起来。 Looked that I build up you!!!!!!” “看我将你生生炼化!!啊!!!!” Opens nameless starts toward inside to stimulate to movement the profound vigor crazily, the temperature of flower petal even more high, the Su Yun whole body also such as places oneself in the raging fire, dry and hot. 张无名开始朝里头疯狂催动玄劲,花瓣的温度越发的高,苏云浑身也如置身烈火之中,燥热不已。 Assisting Sir!” “相助大人!” Pursues the life and sacrifice kills is simultaneously cold drinks greatly, the whole body blows out massive Evil Qi, wicked killing to opening nameless. 追命与祭杀同时冷冽大喝,浑身爆出大量邪气,恶狠狠的杀向张无名。 Demon does not do wildly!! Eats my one move to quarry a mountain to divide!” 邪人休要猖狂!!吃我一招开山劈!” Ming Ying Sect great whale Wang to rush, bellowed to hold up an axe to chop to pursuing the life. 明影教巨鲸王冲了过来,大吼一声举起一斧砍向追命。 Overreaches oneself!” “不自量力!” Sees only pursues the life not to evade unexpectedly does not dodge, backhand brandishing a sword thorn to great whale king. 只见追命竟不避不闪,反手舞剑刺向巨鲸王。 Great whale Wang Xinjing, feels strangely very: Why not doesn't this person to dodge evade? Can put together a move of exchange with? 巨鲸王心惊,感觉古怪的很:这人为何不闪不避?难道要与自己拼招互换? His idea made a mistake. 只是,他的想法错了。 But looks to pursue life evil eye twinkle, the arm locates Evil Qi to come up in great numbers and from all sides, suddenly, an evil soul jumps out from its arm place, is opening two fierce evil fingernails, maliciously buckle to the broadsword of great whale king. 但看追命邪眼闪烁,臂膀处邪气横生,突然,一只邪魂从其臂膀处窜出,张着两只狰狞的邪爪,狠狠扣向巨鲸王的大刀。 Clang! 铛! The broadsword kept off by square! 大刀被格挡! „It is not good!!” “不好!!” The great whale king is fearful and apprehensive, withdraws hastily. 巨鲸王心惊肉跳,连忙后撤。 Quite strange! Is this Demon style? Radically unexpected!! 好诡异!这是邪人的招式吗?根本让人意想不到!! evil sword that then puncturing, already poked in his chest. 那把刺来的邪剑,已经戳在了他的胸口。 Whiz whiz whiz whiz... 嗖嗖嗖嗖... evil sword touches his chest shortly, will boil up the number the endless terror evil hand, they will hold the body of great whale king, afterward will be violent pulls greatly. 邪剑触其胸口的顷刻间,迸出数之不尽的恐怖邪手,它们抓住巨鲸王的身躯,随后猛烈大扯。 !!!!! 哧啦!!!!! Great whale king that large body changes into the massive flesh lumps to disperse directly, the internal organs, blood and skeleton scatter place! 巨鲸王那肥大的身躯直接化为大量肉块分散开来,内脏、鲜血、骨骼散落一地! A tragic death Ming Ying Sect Four Great Heavenly King! 明影教四大天王之一惨死! If the slaughter pig butchered the dog dead! 如屠猪宰狗般死去! So the method, making these prepare to go forward to help one another Ming Ying Sect person to hesitate. 如此手段,让那些准备上前相助明影教的人犹豫了。 Today is only the personal gratitude and grudges, if who dares to help Ming Ying Sect! This is the fate!” “今天只是私人恩怨,若谁敢帮助明影教!这就是下场!” Su Yun said fiercely that afterward bellows, that flickers, his blows out roars vigorously, then, a huge and blood red day demon virtual image appears, virtual image both hands lift up high, change into the armored hand, cut-throat pounding to all around flower petal. 苏云狰狞说道,随后一记大吼,那一瞬,他的身后爆出浑厚咆哮,接着,一尊巨大且血红的天魔虚像出现,虚像双手高举,化为铁拳,凶狠的砸向四周的花瓣。 Bang bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭嘭! The flower petal such as the paper sticks, this day had been rumbled a smashing by demon armored hand. 花瓣如纸糊般,被这天魔铁拳轰了个粉碎。 „?” “啊?” Opens the nameless mouth to spit the blood, both eyes micro gloomily, he cannot think through this virtual image the might so to be unexpectedly terrorist. 张无名口吐鲜血,双目微黯,他根本想不通这尊虚像的威力竟这般恐怖。 He does not know that under day demon arrived at Su Yun, already withstood the asylum of day of demon... 他并不知道,天魔降临下的苏云,已经承受了天魔的庇护... …… …… ( Thanks user 44822935, wooden horse and Chen Wei 19730916 hitting of several friends enjoy with the monthly ticket support, ask the monthly ticket! Asked the monthly ticket! Asked the monthly ticket!) (感谢‘用户44822935、木马、陈伟19730916’几位朋友的打赏与月票支持,求月票啊!求月票啊!求月票啊!)
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