LSG :: Volume #3

#253: Being relentless

The red light dyed bright shade mountain range., 红光染遍了明影山脉。,, The coordinated process the empty shade and phoenix the empty shade circles to dance in the air in the sky, Longfeng gathers the cry, is symbolizing the splendid and happy picture. 一条龙之虚影与凤之虚影在天空盘旋飞舞,龙凤合鸣,象征着精彩而美好的景象。 That is Longfeng that the Ming Ying Sect person please the soul stone person of high skill undercut leaps. 那是明影教人请得石魂高人雕出的龙凤腾。 The quality that Longfeng leaps, only need then can judge from the Longfeng virtual image size and charm, the dragon and phoenix are wonderful, lifelike, and there is a flavor, can confuse falsehood with the truth, that is good Longfeng leaps, the guest saw, the master also has the face. 龙凤腾的好坏,只需从龙凤虚像的大小与神韵便能判断,龙与凤神乎其神,活灵活现,且有韵味,能以假乱真,那便是上好的龙凤腾,客人见了,主人也有面子。 Naturally, Longfeng leaps only belongs to the wealthy person as well as Quan Qian in the patent of person of hand, common spirit cultivation cannot make this thing decidedly. 当然,龙凤腾只属于富裕之人以及权钱在手之人的专利,寻常灵修者是断然造不起这东西的。 Hu Qianmei was escorted back under guard that to embroider the pavilion like the prisoner's cage, stood before the window. 狐千魅被押回到那个如囚笼般的绣阁,又站在了窗台前。 Her looking pale, is looking at being decorated with lanterns and colored streamers of distant place, the jubilant scenery, the heart is even more icy cold. 她的面色苍白,望着远处的张灯结彩,喜气洋洋之景,心头愈发冰凉。 Yingying stands in her, the complexion is very similarly ugly, poisonous gong Wang Yu executes Yingying, but under the threat of that Hu Qianmei threaten with deaths, escaped gracefully finally, this matter has also pressed. 盈盈站在她的身后,脸色同样很难看,毒蚣王欲处死盈盈,但在狐千魅以死相逼的威胁下,盈盈总算逃过一劫,这件事情也压了下来。 However, all had not finished, two people of fates are not necessarily able well. 不过,一切并未结束,二人的下场未必会有多好。 Safeguards the personnel who embroiders the pavilion to double continues, admonishes the personnel obvious amplification, moreover this time, poisonous gong Wang Yuju whale Wang Jing simultaneously before embroidering the pavilion guards. 看管绣阁的人员增加了一倍不止,警戒人员明显增幅,而且这一次,毒蚣王欲巨鲸王竟同时在绣阁前驻守。 This situation, is unable to escape even with wings radically! 这种情况,根本就是插翅难飞! When?” Hu Qianmei asked lightly. “何时了?”狐千魅轻问。 Immediately... Immediately must to the noontime.” Graceful weak saying. “马上...马上就要到午时了。”盈盈弱弱的说道。 Quickly to noontime?” “快到午时了吗?” Hu Qianmei light nan, she looks at the picture heart of distant place to sink more and more. 狐千魅轻喃,她望着远处的景象心头越来越沉。 The noise of distant place is getting more and more resounding with the lapse of time, resembles to be able from that noise to hear the sounds of many congratulation, other attribute spirit profound smell float toward here. 远处的喧嚣随着时间的推移越来越响亮,似能从那喧嚣中听到不少恭贺之声,各种各样其他属性的灵玄气味儿朝这儿飘来。 The double-hour was similar. 时辰差不多了。 The Hu Qianmei small hands points at the curl in the same place. 狐千魅小手手指卷曲在一起。 At this time, embroidered outside the pavilion to walk one team of people fast, was the person of head, unexpectedly was Ming Ying Sect vice- founder Ren Zhiheng! 这时,绣阁外快速走来一队人,为首之人,竟是明影教副教主任志恒 See vice- founder!!” “参见副教主!!” The poisonous gong king and great whale king see the person, hastily toward it saluting. 毒蚣王与巨鲸王见到来人,连忙朝之施礼。 Double-hour was similar, the poisonous gong king, you then have the person to dress up, when the auspicious time arrives, then leads to bow to heaven and earth, fast enters the nuptial chamber!” “时辰差不多了,毒蚣王,你便带人去装扮吧,待吉时到来,便领去拜天地,速入洞房!” Saying that Ren Zhiheng unemotionally. 任志恒面无表情的说道。 Is so anxious?” “这么急吗?” Walks the form!” “只是走走形式!” „, The poisonous gong king receives an order.” “哦,毒蚣王领命。” The woman corners of the mouth bend a smiling face, has caused signaling with the eyes toward about both sides maidservant, the person then turns around, toward embroidering the building walks. 女人嘴角弯出一点笑容,朝左右两旁的侍女使了使眼色,人便转身,朝绣楼走去。 Poisonous gong king many does not hesitate, goes upstairs directly, arrives in the Hu Qianmei boudoir. 毒蚣王没有多少犹豫,径直上楼,来到狐千魅的闺房内。 Was good, my attractive big Young Lady, the double-hour arrived, should walk! Later I attractive, making you who you dress up beautiful! Brilliant!” “好了,我漂亮的大小姐,时辰到了,该走了!待会儿我会把你打扮的漂漂亮亮的,让你艳光四射!光彩照人!” The poisonous gong king's to standing Hu Qianmei before window said with a smile. 毒蚣王冲着站在窗台前的狐千魅笑着说道。 Attractive? Good!” “漂漂亮亮?呵,好啊!” Hu Qianmei smiles, to coordinate unexpectedly , the steps go toward poisonous gong Wang Hang. 狐千魅轻轻一笑,竟十分配合,踏步朝毒蚣王行去。 Sees so the appearance, the poisonous gong Wang Lvexian accident, she also thinks that Hu Qianmei will not depend on, this embroidery pavilion, has not thought that so is unexpectedly clever... 见这般样子,毒蚣王略显意外,她还以为狐千魅会死活不依,不出这绣阁,没想到竟这般乖巧... However this is also good, omits her many times. 不过这样也好,省去她不少功夫。 Oh! Oh! Oh! This was right!, Fox Law Elder, comes along with me!” “唉!唉!唉!这样就对了嘛!来来来,狐护法,随我来!” Poisonous gong Wang Can smiles, making maidservant hold Hu Qianmei, outward walks. 毒蚣王灿笑着,让身旁的侍女扶着狐千魅,朝外走去。 „, Was right.” “哦,对了。” Hu Qianmei stops the step suddenly. 狐千魅突然止住步伐。 How?” “怎么了?” Poisonous gong Wang asked. 毒蚣王问。 Yingying is my maidservant, now I must get married, she cannot take care me, I want to make you give her a spirit coin, making her leave Ming Ying Sect.” “盈盈是我的侍女,如今我要嫁人了,她也不能服侍我了,我想让你们给她一笔灵币,让她离开明影教。” Hu Qianmei said with a smile slightly. 狐千魅微微笑道。 Young Lady!!” 小姐!!” Asked the graceful maidservant to stare moment, afterward eye socket one red, was crying running over, knelt in the Hu Qianmei front. 叫盈盈的侍女愣了片刻,随后眼眶一红,哭着跑了过来,跪在狐千魅的面前。 Yingying does not want to leave Young Lady... Young Lady...” “盈盈不想离开小姐...小姐...” Hu Qianmei extends the small hands, wipes off the tears of her corner of the eye, but smiles bitterly: I know that you are unhappy, you who Ming Ying Sect treats leave here, goes home.” 狐千魅伸出小手,擦掉她眼角的泪,无奈苦笑:“我知道你在明影教待的不开心,你还是离开这儿吧,回家去吧。” Young Lady, you ..... 小姐,那你.....” I should also look for a home to return, do not look that my appearance is small, actually the age is not really small, graceful, you also hurry to look for a wealthy family, should not be worried for me...” “我也该找个归宿了,别看我模样小,其实岁数真不小了,盈盈,你也赶紧找个好人家吧,不要为我担心了...” After Yingying listens, crying was sad. 盈盈听后,哭的更伤心了。 „Will the poisonous gong king, you comply?” Hu Qianmei has turned the head, asked to poisonous gong Wang. “毒蚣王,你会答应吧?”狐千魅转过头,冲着毒蚣王问道。 This does not certainly have the issue! My this makes the person arrange!” “这当然没问题!我这就让人安排!” The poisonous gong king nods. 毒蚣王点头。 Good, we walk!” “好,我们走吧!” Hu Qianmei has not hesitated again, the steps toward embroidering your excellency walk. 狐千魅没再迟疑,踏步朝绣阁下走去。 Poisonous gong Wang Ling Hu Qianmei was arriving at the makeup room, there early prepared all, several maidservants started to change clothes for her, put on make-up, wore various precious magic weapon decorations. 毒蚣王领着狐千魅来到了妆房,那里早早准备好了一切,几名侍女开始为她更衣,化妆,更为之佩戴各种各样名贵的法宝装饰。 Hu Qianmei unemotionally, peaceful such as stone person, whatever they organize. 狐千魅面无表情,安静的如个石头人般,任凭她们摆布。 Also has not known how long, this appearance exquisite adorable little girl, then has become a makings solemn pretty gorgeous bride, although on face also somewhat naivete, what are more is charming and gently beautiful, poisonous gong king who and the others looks at are also one. 也不知过了多久,这模样玲珑可爱的小女孩,便成了一名气质端庄漂亮艳丽的新娘,虽然脸上还有几分稚气,但更多的是妩媚与柔美,看的毒蚣王等人也是一愣一愣的。 Is the seductress, although appearance looks like not big, but this stature cheek, enough confused that gang smelly man. 到底是狐狸精啊,虽然模样看起来不大,但这身材这脸蛋,足够迷死那帮臭男人了。 Poisonous gong king heart flood a psychology of envy, but has thought today, Hu Qianmei like that will not be sight, her psychology has balanced finally. 毒蚣王心头泛起一丝嫉妒的心理,不过想到过了今天,狐千魅也不会那般风光了,她的心理总算平衡了一些。 Covers the lid, goes to happy field, when Longfeng leapt to permeate within the body, then started to bow to Heaven and Earth .... Nuptial chamber!” Poisonous gong Wang said with a smile. “盖上盖头,去喜场吧,待龙凤腾渗入了体内,便开始拜堂....洞房!”毒蚣王笑着说道。 Yes.” “是。” The maidservants started to be busy at work. 侍女们开始忙活了。 Quick, one group of people go toward that happy field. 很快,一帮人朝那喜场前去。 The happy field open-air and supposes, is actually a giant field, the location all has the precious material crystal stone upholstery, the person is built in, can obtain strength in addition that all kinds of materials release to hold, can enrich the breath and pulse, washes the five main internal organs (entrails), helping the person gain the innumerable advantage. 喜场露天而设,其实就是个巨大的阵场,场地皆有名贵材料晶石铺垫而成,人立于上,能得到各种各样的材料释放出来的力量加持,能润泽气脉,洗涤五脏六腑,让人获得无数好处。 But in the field center, is Ming Ying Sect spends a huge amount of manpower financial resource carving Longfeng to leap, Dragon Yifeng a virtual image dances in the air regarding this totem, mysterious mysterious. 而在阵场中央,便是明影教上上下下花费大量人力财力雕刻的龙凤腾,一龙一凤虚像围绕着这图腾飞舞,神奇玄奥。 Surroundings that leaps in Longfeng, is filled guest who was invited massively. 在龙凤腾的周围,坐满了大量被邀请来的客人。 The big elder who paints Stone Pai, Relentless Heart Pavilion vice- Pavilion Host Wang Xianming, Exuding Fire Sect elder Yang Gu wait / etc. masters all arrives, Ming Ying Sect nearby well known sunflower, Feng Jia and others everybody clansmen also celebrate. 漆石派的大长老,厉心阁的副阁主王贤鸣,淌火派的长老阳骨等等高手全部到场,明影教附近有名望的葵家、冯家等大家族人也纷纷来贺。 But on road that guest who these also initially come, at this moment also some massive honored guests climbed mountains. 而这些还只是初步过来的客人,此时此刻还有大量贵客正在上山的路上。 Ha Ha, flows Law Elder, congratulations! Congratulates you so to marry cultivation excel double cultivation companion, congratulations!!” “哈哈,流护法,恭喜恭喜啊!恭喜你娶得修为这般高强的双修伴侣啊,恭喜恭喜!!” Has not thought, flows Law Elder you to ask for the fox Law Elder favor unexpectedly, two people get married, is seriously unexpected!” “真没想到哇,流护法您居然能讨得狐护法的欢心,二人喜结连理,当真是出人意料啊!” Flows Law Elder, when the bride the blessing that comes out Longfeng to leap? We may wait here for a long time, Ha Ha.” “流护法,新娘何时出来得龙凤腾的祝福啊?我们可在这儿等了好久啊,哈哈..” Right, we must see the bride, please come out the bride quickly!!” “对对对,我们要看新娘,快把新娘请出来吧!!” The guests see Liu Xindong to come, stood got up to shout with a smile, some people have made, clamoring. 众客见流心动过来,纷纷站了起来笑着喊着,一些人更是闹了起来,叫嚣着。 Liu Xindong of dahongpao was greeting the four directions guest, was tied up, some quite poverty-stricken words he also smiled, did not answer, appeared very reserved. 一身大红袍的流心动招呼着四方的客人,忙得不可开交,一些比较窘迫的话他也只是笑一笑,并不作答,显得十分内敛。 Quick, Blossom Heart Valley representative Guǐ mò jué arrived, the person an approach, receives crowding around that the massive influence AND gates send for immediately, fame of Blossom Heart Valley in various factions is extremely high, what although these time comes is Guǐ mò jué, the strength is not high, but Guǐ mò jué in the Blossom Heart Valley status, in the valley the big or medium business is actually not processed by Guǐ mò jué, this Blossom Heart Valley sends him to come, obviously the heaviness of its status. 很快,花心谷的代表鬼莫觉到了场,人一进场,立刻受到大量势力与门派人的拥簇,花心谷在各门各派之中名望极高,虽然这一次来的是鬼莫觉,实力不高,但鬼莫觉花心谷的地位却绝不地,谷中大小事务皆由鬼莫觉处理,这一次花心谷派他过来,可见其地位之重。 Grand Ghost Master!!” 鬼大师!!” Grand Ghost Master is good! Ha Ha, for a long time does not see does not see for a long time, has been well since last meeting!” 鬼大师好啊!哈哈,许久不见许久不见,别来无恙啊!” The people set out to greet. 人们起身打着招呼。 Guǐ mò jué returning a courtesy with a laugh, was arranged by the Ming Ying Sect person afterward in the forefront position. 鬼莫觉笑呵呵的回礼,随后被明影教人安排在了最前面的位置。 Ming Ying Sect this time sound is really big enough, unexpectedly invited these many people!” 明影教这次的动静还真够大啊,居然请了这么多人!” Guǐ mò jué sat well, drank tea, took a fast look around scene one, could not bear the sigh. 鬼莫觉坐定,喝了口茶,扫视了现场一眼,忍不住感叹。 After is two big Law Elder unions, how also well lively lively!” Nearby disciple saying of a laugh. “毕竟是两大护法结合嘛,怎么着也得好好热闹热闹!”旁边的弟子笑呵呵的说道。 Does not know that later must have many good thing to make us taste!” “也不知待会儿得有多少好东西让咱们尝的!” Only feared that these must attain many advantage!” “只怕这一趟得获不少好处呢!” Several Blossom Heart Valley disciple excited saying. 几名花心谷弟子兴奋的说道。 Does not eat and drink like the wedding banquet of this spirit cultivation like that simply, spirit profound demand already already to food fell to an extremely low situation, what they care is cultivation, all food and spirit liquor in wedding banquet, are beneficial to cultivation, drinking that eats all extraordinary thing. 像这种灵修者的婚宴可不是吃吃喝喝那般简单,灵玄者对食物的需求早就已经降到一个极低的地步,他们更在乎的是修为,婚宴上的所有食物与灵酒,都是对修为有益的,吃的喝的皆非凡物。 You know to eat and drink! Later do not have lost dignity, lost the face of our Blossom Heart Valley!” “你们就知道吃吃喝喝!待会儿可别失了体统,丢了咱们花心谷的脸!” Guǐ mò jué serious [say / way]. 鬼莫觉严肃道。 As soon as several disciples listen, does not dare again hurriedly. 几名弟子一听,不敢再造次了。 „The Three Items Deity Palace person came!” 三项神宫的人来了!” At this time, does not know that who shouted one, then looked that the entrance came in a group of spiritual Yi Yi's person. 这时,不知谁呼了一声,便看入口处进来一批精神奕奕的人。 „The Misty Wind Valley person came!” 风烟谷的人来了!” Person appearance of Bai!!” “白家的人到场!!” The call is unceasing. 呼声不断。 Various group of tyrants all get together in this. 各路豪强皆齐聚于此。 However, these actually throughout cannot stand off that most resounding a few words. 不过,这些却始终敌不过那最响亮的一句话。 Bride approached fast!” “新娘快来了!” The sound falls, on the spot instantaneous ebullition. 声音落下,现场瞬间沸腾。 ...... ...... At this moment, outside before bright shade mountain an open area. 此刻,明影山外一处空地前。 Pursues the life and sacrifice kills whole face to be all dignified, tight is staring at front person. 追命与祭杀皆满脸凝重,紧紧的盯着面前的人。 Front that stands in big, whole body Evil Qi changed into the blood red color person. 面前那个立在大阵之中,浑身邪气已化为血红之色的人。 Malignant influences! 煞气! Rogue malignant influences! Ripples like the storm, if not for two people the cultivation terror in this way, cannot withstand this malignant influences. 凶恶至极的煞气!就像风暴般荡漾开来,二人若不是修为恐怖如斯,根本承受不起这煞气。 Ling Qingyu is unable to withstand this Aura, already hid into Sword sheath, does not dare to come out, does not dare to send repeatedly. 凌晴雨无法承受这气息,早就躲入剑匣内,不敢出来,连声都不敢发。 This is what strategy!” “这是何阵法!” Finally, pursues the life unable to bear ask. 终于,追命忍不住开口询问。 Heavenly Demon Descending Array!” 天魔降临阵!” That is built on the person to open eyes slowly, is fierce the face to say. 那立于阵中的人缓缓睁开眼,狰狞着脸道。 His eye, already such as blood generally dark red. 他的眼,已如鲜血一般深红。 „Does day demon arrive?” “天魔降临?” The sacrifice killed to congeal the eye. 祭杀凝了凝眼。 Su Yun at this moment, Aura already to the situation that linking them two are unable to contend with. 此刻的苏云,气息已经强到连他们两都无法抗衡的地步。 Opened Heavenly Crystal, holds in a series of formidable material structure the in addition of Heavenly Demon Descending Array, he at this moment, cultivation already rose an unprecedented peak situation, was higher than a point again, his body will burst dead directly, but now, was just good. 开启了天擎,在一系列强大材料构造的天魔降临阵的加持下,此刻的他,修为已经涨到了一个空前的巅峰地步,再高出一分,他的身躯将直接破裂而死,而现在,刚刚好。 Present you, already enough contended with the gate lord! Whom do you want to cope with?” “现在的你,已经足够抗衡门主了!你到底要对付谁?” Pursues the life to inspire darkly, asks. 追命暗吸了口气,问道。 Many people!” “很多人!” Su Yun breathing a sigh of relief of maliciously, actuates fully is being the courage vigor body, goes out of big, toward leading the way. 苏云狠狠的舒了口气,驱动着满是血气的身躯,走出大阵,朝前行去。 Pursues the life and sacrifice to kill follows immediately. 追命、祭杀立刻跟上。 But looked that Su Yun jumps to leap, the hominization blood light, in the wink of an eye, before having crashed in the Ming Ying Sect front door. 但看苏云纵身一跃,人化血光,瞬息之间,冲进了明影教的大门前。 At this moment, before the gate, has been setting up the massive Ming Ying Sect audiences, they are busy with greeting coming to participate in various gates of wedding banquet to send for respectively. 此刻,门前已立着大量明影教众,他们正忙于招呼前来参加婚宴的各门各派人。 Congratulations!!” “恭喜恭喜啊!!” Each guest of approach holds the fist in the other hand to smile. 每一名进场的客人抱拳而笑。 When braves the Evil Qi courage vigor three people to fall before the front door, the Ming Ying Sect audiences are in a daze all. 当冒着邪气血气的三人落于大门前时,明影教众无不发愣。 Su Yun has pulled the cape, acts in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, walks toward the front door in directly, pursues the life and sacrifice kills one on the left and other on the right. 苏云扯了扯斗篷,旁若无人般,直接朝大门内走去,追命与祭杀一左一右跟着。 Halts!! Who are you?? Are we invited you?” “站住!!你们是谁??我们有请你们吗?” Entrance Ming Ying Sect head felt that is not wonderful, goes forward hastily, blocks shouts to clear the way in front of Su Yun loudly. 门口的明影教负责人感觉到不妙,连忙上前,拦在苏云面前大声喝道。 But the next second, then looked that Su Yun lifts a foot suddenly, cut-throat trampling to that person. 但下一秒,便看苏云突然抬起一脚,凶狠的踹向那人。 Thump! 咚! The people like the bullet, fly upside down, has cracked-up the rear massive stone carvings, maliciously crashes into a pavilion, pierces the entire pavilion, finally pours in one pile of ruins, unknown whereabouts. 人如子弹,倒飞出去,撞碎了后方大量石雕,狠狠的坠入一座楼阁内,将整个楼阁洞穿,最后倒在一堆废墟中,生死不明。 The malignant influences ripple, more to all around, the person of all around all shocks incomparable, hastily retreats, anxious and vigilant is looking at that person. 煞气荡漾,弥向四周,四周之人皆震惊无比,一个个连忙后退,紧张而警惕的望着那人。 „Do I need you to invite?” “我需要你请吗?” Su Yun gained ground, has patted cape, continued to go forward. 苏云抬起头,拍了拍斗篷,继续前进。 Opens access, Su Yun airborne that Dragon Yifeng is upwards good in it place. 一路畅通无阻,苏云直朝天空中那一龙一凤所在之地行去。 .... .... Similar?” “差不多了吧?” Prepares to enter of conference site nameless to turn the head toward nearby person asks. 准备进入会场的张无名侧首朝旁边的人问道。 Um! All prepared appropriately.” “嗯!一切都准备妥当了。” Is very good! We go in!” “很好!我们进去吧!” Opens the nameless pale [say / way], afterward then wants the steps, goes to the happy field. 张无名淡道,随后便要踏步,前往喜场。 However, in this moment, his complexion swiftly changes, resembling is realized that anything, the person sharply sharply went toward that side long magical skill. 然,就在这一刻,他脸色倏变,似是察觉到了什么,人急急朝那边的长道行去。 Founder, how?” “教主,怎么了?” Ren Zhiheng and the others question. 任志恒等人疑问。 Has the unexpected visitor evidently!” “看样子有不速之客!” Opens nameless sinks to say. 张无名沉道。 Speech the little while time of such, the distant place line comes three forms... 说话的这么会儿功夫,远处行来三个身影... Good strange Aura, good strong bloody taste!” “好古怪的气息,好浓重的血腥味儿!” open(ed) Wuming the brow feels fuzzy, said to Ren Zhiheng: You make the heart movement continue the wedding banquet, I have a look at the background of this group of people.” 张无名眉头发沉,对身旁的任志恒道:“你让心动继续婚宴,我去看看这帮人的来头。” Yes.” “是。” Ren Zhiheng nods, then turns around to leave. 任志恒点点头,便转身离开。 open(ed) Wuming frowns, goes toward that side Su Yun line. 张无名皱着眉头,朝那边的苏云行去。 . 只是。 When he approaches Su Yun instant, actually sees the Su Yun arm in a flash, jet black Death Sword had been pulled out by it. 当他靠近苏云的刹那,却见苏云手臂一晃,一把漆黑的死剑被之拔了出来。 Kills intent to ripple. 杀意荡漾。 Is without hesitation, renounces seriously decisively! 当真是毫不犹豫,果断决绝! Opens the nameless heart one startled, the sinking sound is busy at asking: Who is your excellency?” 张无名心头一惊,沉声忙问:“阁下是谁?” „Are you open nameless?” “你是张无名吧?” Su Yun toward him walks while asked. 苏云一边朝他走去一边问。 Right!” “没错!” „Is the Ming Ying Sect founder you?” 明影教教主就是你?” Opens nameless had not replied that counter- sound concentrates to ask: Several come this, but attended the wedding banquet?” 张无名未回答,反声凝问:“几位来此,可是参加婚宴?” „It is not.” “不是。” Su Yun gains ground, pair of blood red fierce both eyes appear in opening the nameless hand. 苏云抬起头,一双血红狰狞的双目出现在张无名的手中。 I am come rip-off!!” “我是来宰人的!!” The sound falls instant, the side pursues life and sacrifice kills changes into two smog instantaneously, the direct impact opens nameless. 声落刹那,身旁追命与祭杀瞬间化为两道烟雾,直冲张无名。 What?” “什?” open(ed) Wuming has a big shock. 张无名大惊失色。 He ten thousand has not thought that some people so are unexpectedly bold, dares to cut to kill itself in Ming Ying Sect!!! 他万没想到,有人竟然如此大胆,敢在明影教中斩杀自己!!! This pursues the life and sacrifice kills gets rid, opens nameless then cold sweat directing current, the body feels weak! 只是,这追命与祭杀一出手,张无名便冷汗直流,身躯发虚! Two Spirit Star Disciple masters!! 两尊灵玄阳高手!! How is this possible?” He twittering said... “这怎么可能?”他呢喃道...
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