LSG :: Volume #3

#252: Crush all

The silent mountain road, is alone good an alone form. 寂静山路,独自行着一个孤寂的身影。 Su Yun, you planned begins really to Ming Ying Sect?” In Sword sheath emits the Ling Qingyu sound, obviously, outside sound awakened her. 苏云,你真打算对明影教动手?”剑匣内冒出凌晴雨的声音,显然,外头的动静惊醒了她。 Also is what kind of?” “是又怎样?” Hu Qianmei gets married, what responsibility has with you? Weren't you will like Hu Qianmei that woman?” 狐千魅只是嫁人,与你有什么干系?你不会是喜欢上狐千魅那女人了吧?” Ling Qingyu asked. 凌晴雨问道。 She only knows Hu Qianmei and Su Yun has the relations, how actually does not know relations between two people to establish. 她只知晓狐千魅苏云有关系,却不知二人之间的关系是如何建立的。 Su Yun silent moment, said: You could see that Ming Ying Sect advocated the nameless request two people do become the double cultivation companion goals?” 苏云沉默了片刻,道:“你看得出明影教主张无名要求二人结为双修伴侣的目的吗?” Before listened to you saying that two people all in Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation, if so, that mostly to let two people stepped into the Spirit Star Disciple boundary! Strengthens the Ming Ying Sect strength!” “之前听你说过,二人皆在灵玄魂十修为,若是如此,那多半是为了让二人踏入灵玄阳境界!增强明影教的实力!” Regarding some cultivation to the bottleneck, spirit cultivation of halting, double cultivation indeed is a very good choice. 对于部分修为到了瓶颈,止步不前的灵修者而言,双修的确是个很不错的选择。 Makes two people step into the Spirit Star Disciple boundary? You have made a mistake, only then a person can enter the Spirit Star Disciple boundary, that is Liu Xindong! Hu Qianmei is impossible to enter the Spirit Star Disciple boundary.” “让二人踏入灵玄阳境界?你错了,只有一个人能进入灵玄阳境界,那便是流心动狐千魅是绝不可能进入灵玄阳境界的。” Why said?” “为何这么说?” Because nameless will not train an archenemy for oneself!” “因为张无名不会为自己培养一个大敌!” Archenemy? You refer to Hu Qianmei?” “大敌?你是指狐千魅?” Right!” Su Yun nods: Opens nameless had Spirit Star Disciple cultivation, he definitely may suppress Hu Qianmei, forces Liu Xindong that she marries her not to marry, but this matter must make the Hu Qianmei strong resentment, he knows that this wedding ended, after two people double cultivate, enters Spirit Star Disciple, the Hu Qianmei inevitable meeting instead! And will regard archenemy Ming Ying Sect, how could if he does want like this? Therefore, only feared that he had anything to plan! Perhaps one is to perhaps kill Hu Qianmei imprisons the plan of Hu Qianmei!” “对!”苏云点点头:“张无名已具灵玄阳修为,他完全可压制住狐千魅,逼迫她嫁给她不想嫁的流心动,但这件事情必会引发狐千魅强烈不满,他知道,这场婚事结束,二人双修之后进入灵玄阳,狐千魅必然会反!且会将明影教视成大敌,若是这样他岂能愿意?所以,只怕他已有了什么计划!一个或许是杀死狐千魅或许是囚禁狐千魅的计划!” Kills? Should unable? If there is killed Hu Qianmei, Liu Xindong did abandon?” “杀死?应该不会吧?若杀死了狐千魅,流心动岂不是废了?” What is waste is I!” Su Yun shakes the head saying: „, How could does he make Liu Xindong discard? I suspected that opens nameless feared grasped anything to relieve the method that two people related mostly! Has obtained the Hu Qianmei advantage in Liu Xindong, after entering the Spirit Star Disciple boundary, immediately relieves talent and cultivation between bridge joints two people! At that time, Hu Qianmei is lives dies, then had nothing to do with Liu Xindong! For the Ming Ying Sect general situation, opens nameless will not let off Hu Qianmei mostly!” “废的是我!”苏云摇头道:“更者,他岂能让流心动废掉?我猜想,张无名怕是多半掌握了什么解除二人联系的法子!在流心动得了狐千魅的好处,进入灵玄阳境界后,立刻解除二人之间的天赋与修为桥接!到那个时候,狐千魅是生是死,便与流心动无关了!为了明影教的大局,张无名多半不会放过狐千魅!” This nameless, but also is really bold, this clearly is the law of killing the goose!” “这个张无名,还真是大胆啊,这分明就是杀鸡取卵之法!” Calculates carefully that actually this delimits comes, after all two Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, were inferior that has entered into Spirit Star Disciple boundary person! These ten breakthroughs is a ridge, how many people stop up before this ridge? If can step, the Ming Ying Sect strength will be significantly increased!... Opens nameless does not know with Liu Xindong that I am the Hu Qianmei special physique participant, therefore... If they start to Hu Qianmei, I must abandon may not.” “仔细算来,其实这样还是划得来的,毕竟两尊灵玄魂十存在,远不如一尊迈入了灵玄阳境界的人强!这十品突破是一道坎,多少人堵在这道坎前?若能迈过去,明影教的实力将大幅度提升!只是...张无名与流心动都不知道,我才是狐千魅特殊体质的共享者,所以...他们若对狐千魅下手,我必废不可。” Su Yun sinks saying: Therefore, Hu Qianmei must walk!” 苏云沉道:“所以,狐千魅必须要走!” „But how, you fight Ming Ying Sect that many people?” “可,你一个人怎斗的过明影教上上下下那么多人?” Third Level Spirit Star Disciple strength, enough crush all!” 灵玄阳三品实力,足够碾压一切!” Third Level Spirit Star Disciple strength?” 灵玄阳三品实力?” Ling Qingyu had a scare: What do you want to make?” 凌晴雨吓了一跳:“你要做什么?” The Su Yun language, has not continued to go forward. 苏云未语,继续前进。 Before seeking a giant open area, he then stopped. 当寻到一块巨大的空地前时,他便停了下来。 Crash-bang... 哗啦啦... Big pile of materials pointed in on these Chu rings from him but actually, these materials from Evil Realm, various luxurious luxurious materials like this piled up in the ground majority, as if not valuable trash. 一大堆材料从他手指上的那些储物戒指里倒了出来,这些材料大部分都是来自于邪界,各种豪华奢侈的材料就这样堆积于地上,仿佛不值钱的垃圾。 Su Yun turned in inside looked, sought a red jar, turned on the jar, inside liquid, extracted Death Sword everywhere afterward, was moistening the liquid, got up in this ground canvas. 苏云在里头翻找了一番,寻出一个红色的罐子,将罐子打开,到处里头的液体,随后抽出死剑,沾着液体,在这地面画布起来。 Two days of time, enough I arranged!” “两天时间,足够我布置了!” What arranges?” “布置什么?” Devil Array!” 魔阵!” Su Yun drinks lowly, starts adept painting. 苏云低喝,开始娴熟画作。 Devil Array? You also understood that draws Devil Array?” 魔阵?你还懂得画魔阵?” I treat in the evil spirit mainland several years later.” “我在妖魔大陆待过几年。” What?” “什么?” Ling Qingyu had a scare: „Have you gone to evil spirit mainland unexpectedly? How don't I know?” 凌晴雨吓了一跳:“你居然去过妖魔大陆?我怎么不知道?” „The matter that you do not know are many!” “你不知道的事情多着呢!” Su Yun is drawing while said. 苏云一边画着一边说道。 After half double-hour, a huge and fierce demon face appears. 半个时辰后,一个巨大且狰狞的魔脸出现。 But looks in Sword sheath flood a white light, then light beam departs, the Ling Qingyu body flew directly, falls on the Su Yun side. 但看剑匣内泛起一阵白光,接着一记光束飞出,凌晴雨的身躯直接飞了出来,落在苏云的身旁。 What Devil Array is this?” “这是什么魔阵?” Demonic Ancestral Eight Absolute Arrays, Heavenly Demon Descending Array.” 魔宗八绝阵之首,天魔降临阵。” Heavenly Demon Descending Array?” 天魔降临阵?” Right, he can the amplification of enormous degree cause a strength, and can control the day demon virtual image fight, but... This has the price.” “对,他能极大程度的增幅使阵者的力量,且能驾驭天魔虚像战斗,不过...这是有代价的。” What price?” “什么代价?” Half Spiritual Eyes in my body will be in a closed state in three months, in other words causes the three months after this, my cultivation will reduce significantly.” “我身躯内的一半灵眼会在三个月内处于封闭状态,也就是说使这阵后的三个月,我的修为会大幅度降低。” Devil Array as if many are this.” 魔阵似乎多数是这样。” Good, actually these time because has brought many precious materials from the Evil King city, does not have these materials, I am decidedly impossible this!” “不错,其实这一次还是因为从邪王城内带来了不少珍贵的材料,无这些材料,我是断然不可能施的了这阵!” Su Yun moves toward these materials, turns out a big pile flood the green light evil bone, the bedding in this gets up, acts as a mark. 苏云走向那些材料,翻出一大堆泛着绿光的邪骨,在这阵上铺盖起来,充当阵纹。 Actually his repercussions has not said. 其实他还有一个后遗症没有说出。 When that is executes this, will have the minimal probabilities by the day demon to take possession, loses the consciousness and human nature thoroughly, disappears thoroughly, degenerates into the false day demon. Such probability was too small. 那便是施这阵时,会有微乎其微的几率被天魔附体,彻底失去意识与人性,彻底泯灭,沦为伪天魔。只是这样的几率太小了。 Interesting!” “有意思!” Ling Qingyu smiles suddenly: Draws Devil Array with the Evil Realm material, thinks also really to think interesting.” 凌晴雨突然一笑:“用邪界的材料去画魔阵,想一想还真觉得有趣。” Interesting? Perhaps you do not understand the strategy, regarding the lineup master, the material is only a storage and release of energy, their not interface.” “有趣吗?可能你不了解阵法,对于布阵师而言,材料只是一个能量的储存与释放,它们不分界面。” Good.” Ling Qingyu was silent, alone arrives around big Stone Chu to sit down, interestinging looks at Su Yun to be busy at work. “好吧。”凌晴雨闭口不言了,独自走到旁边的大石处坐下,饶有兴趣的看着苏云忙活。 His speed is quick, obviously he is exceptionally adept to the strategy , a short day of time, entire big has begun to take shape. 他的速度很快,可见他对阵法异常娴熟,也不过短短一天的功夫,整个大阵已初具规模。 Then fills in the mark!” “接下来就是填纹!” Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed several compounded drugs, rests the time of not being able to burn a joss stick, then lies in big , to continue to be busy at work. 苏云舒了口气,吞了几枚丹药,休息了一炷香不到的功夫,便趴在大阵上,继续忙活起来。 The sky becomes dim, but big of this dark red demon, actually appears especially conspicuous in the nighttime sky. 天空变得昏暗起来,但这座深红邪魅的大阵,却在夜空中显得格外显眼。 Was similar!” “差不多了!” Sweat that looking pale Su Yun wiped the face, whole person lies down, gasping for breath in gulps. 面色苍白的苏云擦了擦脸上的汗水,整个人躺在阵中,大口大口的喘着气。 Completed?” Ling Qingyu walks, places the chest of Su Yun the sprout, loses a little spirit profound Aura. “完成了吗?”凌晴雨走过去,将柔荑放在苏云的胸口,输去一点儿灵玄气息 Um!” “嗯!” Su Yun worn out lifts own hand, there also grabs together the green and glossy stone. 苏云有气无力的抬起自己的手,那儿还抓着一块绿油油的石头。 Inlays north this green loose crystal in the scoop channel, can activate big.” “把这块绿松晶镶入阵北凹槽内,就能把大阵激活了。” „Do you begin now?” “那你现在动手吗?” My slow meeting childishness, the lineup needs to consume spirit profound Aura.” “等我缓会儿气,布阵是需要消耗灵玄气息的。” The Su Yun respite said. 苏云喘息道。 Passed a about double-hour, in brings under the help of pill good medicine from the Evil King city, almost that Su Yun restored. 过了近一个时辰,在从邪王城内带来好丹好药的帮助下,苏云已恢复的7788。 He calmed down, stands up, takes out together the token from the Chu ring. 他定了定神,站起身来,从储物戒指里取出一块令牌。 This token... Isn't this evil sword gate token?” “这令牌...这不是邪剑门的令牌吗?” Right.” Su Yun deeply inspired, said: I possibly could not take care of Hu Qianmei, must seek two helpers in the final analysis, this was also safe!” “对。”苏云深吸了口气,道:“我一个人可能照应不了狐千魅,说到底还是要寻两个帮手,这样也稳当点!” But, they are Demon!” “但,他们是邪人啊!” That how? After they appear, leaves, can the Sky Martial Continent person also pursue them to go to Evil Realm?” “那又如何?他们出现后又离开,天武大陆人还能追他们到邪界去?” Said is also!” “说的也是!” But looked that Su Yun is holding the token, another turns round in the sign surface, stimulates to movement own evil Spiritual Eyes, the release massive evil Spirit Qi rests, instills into the token. 但看苏云一手托着令牌,另外一手覆于牌面上,催动自身的邪灵眼,释放大量邪灵气息,灌输于令牌内。 That pitch-dark token will shortly overflow massive Evil Qi. 那黑漆漆的令牌顷刻间溢出大量邪气 Only listened to the token to jump at this time a broad sound: Su Yun? Is you?” 只听这时令牌内蹦出一个恢弘的声音:“苏云?是你?” Law enforcement elder?” Su Yun micro surprised. “执法长老?”苏云微愕。 What matter do you have?” “你出什么事情?” Bumps into slightly troublesome.” “碰到点小麻烦。” Opposite party who?” “对方何人?” One group of Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple ten fellows!” “一群灵玄魂九品十品的家伙!” Can have Spirit Star Disciple existence?” “可有灵玄阳存在?” Spirit Star Disciple I cope!” 灵玄阳我对付!” That silent moment. 那头沉默了片刻。 Afterward the sound emits: Places the ground the token!” 随后声音才又冒出:“将令牌放在地上!” Su Yun complies immediately. 苏云立刻照做。 I asked to advocate, will pursue life and sacrifice kills sends in your to assist in you!” “我去请门主施法,将‘追命’与‘祭杀’送入你那相助于你!” Pursues the life? Does the sacrifice kill?” “追命?祭杀?” Su Yun stares. 苏云微愣。 These two people of he has not listened but actually, how also does not know cultivation. 这二人他倒不曾听过,也不知修为如何。 However this little while, in the token could not realize Aura of law enforcement elder. 不过这会儿,令牌内已察觉不到执法长老的气息 „Is the evil sword gate reliable?” 邪剑门靠得住么?” Some Ling Qingyu suspicions. 凌晴雨有些怀疑。 Unreliable must depend, was only a pity that void Void Door must wait for 1-2 years, otherwise I may the masters Evil King city assemble but actually.” “靠不住也得靠,只可惜那虚空跃门还得等上一两年,否则我倒可把邪王城的高手调集过来。” The Su Yun forced smile said. 苏云苦笑道。 How long also did not know, that placed the ground the token finally to have the response. 也不知多久了,那放在地上的令牌总算有了反应。 Only looked that the surface layer of token braves intermittent Evil Qi suddenly, then Evil Qi gathers the black sphere, after the sphere appears, immediately blasts out, changes into lotus flower shape, then, this lotus flower rapid-growth, the rapid formation, forms a great-circle in the times of several breath unexpectedly. Mysterious and mysterious Aura fills the air, just likes the Empty Hollow Spatial Void Technique strength. 只看令牌的表层突然冒起阵阵邪气,接着邪气汇聚成黑色圆球,圆球出现后,立刻炸开,化为一朵莲花状物,接着,这莲花快速生长,迅速成型,竟在数个呼吸的功夫内形成一个大圈。神奇而玄奥的气息弥漫,犹如劈破虚空的力量。 In that circle the thick fog is deep, anything cannot see clearly, but does not wait for Su Yun to think that two forms fled from the circle. 那圈内浓雾深厚,什么都看不清,只是不等苏云多想,两个身影从圈内窜了出来。 A two people of appearance, kneels down to the Su Yun single knee immediately. 二人一出现,立刻冲着苏云单膝跪下。 Sees the oversized person!” “见过大人!” The sound does not have many sentiments, is a little icy. 声音无多少感情,有点儿冷冰冰。 Spirit Star Disciple master!!” 灵玄阳高手!!” Su Yun has sucked in cold air, fearful and apprehensive. 苏云倒抽了一口凉气,心惊肉跳。 Pursues the life below, the evil sword gate military sword elder.” “在下追命,邪剑门‘武剑长老’。” Kills below sacrifice, evil sword gate Ominous Sword elder.” “在下祭杀,邪剑门‘凶剑长老’。” Two people said. 二人说道。 Su Yun looks simple-hearted, actually sees these two people looks like young, appearance ersanshi-year-old appearance, but their Aura already made the person not realize, if not for the capture of Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes, Su Yun is unable to know their depths. 苏云木讷而望,却见这二人看起来年龄都不大,模样不过二三十岁的样子,但他们身上的气息已经让人察觉不到了,若不是天鳞神目的捕捉,苏云根本无法知晓他们的深浅。 Behind two people all defeated/carrying the jet black sword, the evil eye ancient well without ripples, immovability. 二人背后皆负着漆黑的剑,邪眼古井无波,不动如山。 „The evil sword gate sends two to assist in me unexpectedly... Why is this?” 邪剑门竟派二位相助于我...这是为什么?” Although the evil sword gate is in Evil Realm the quite famous school, but the Spirit Star Disciple master was not said that had, how this little while did Chen Tian send two such formidable masters to come evilly unexpectedly? 邪剑门虽是邪界之中比较有名的门派,但灵玄阳高手可不是说有就有,怎这会儿陈天邪竟派两名这样强大的高手过来? Sir you saves getting married host's daughter, has the obligation to my evil sword gate, and you for gate main being in direct line apprentice, although I and others are an elder, but by the rank, the Sir is higher than me and others.” “大人您救过门主之女,对我邪剑门有大恩,且您为门主嫡传徒弟,虽我等为长老,但论辈分,大人远高于我等。” Why as for sends our assisting Sir, that is because the Sir current is in Human Realm, my evil sword gate image source exits the already jamming, must draw support from the leader mystique, the non- Spirit Star Disciple master is unable to pass through!” “至于为何派遣我们相助大人,那是因为大人当前所处于人界,我邪剑门虚源出口已经堵塞,只得借助掌门秘法,非灵玄阳高手无法穿越!” So that's how it is.” “原来如此。” Su Yun nods again and again, but actually does not know one are so high in the status of evil sword gate. 苏云连连点头,但却不知自己在邪剑门的地位这么高。 Although is not very clear, but Su Yun, you look like probably very fierce appearance.” Nearby Ling Qingyu slow said. “虽然不是很明白,不过苏云,你看起来好像很厉害的样子。”旁边的凌晴雨呐呐道。 Was similar!” “差不多了!” Su Yun smiled. 苏云笑了笑。 Two First Level Spirit Star Disciple masters help one another, what also there is to fear? 有两尊灵玄阳一品高手相助,又有什么惧怕的? He calmed down the god, then has turned around, puts in that the green loose crystal in hand Heavenly Demon Descending Array! 他定了定心神,便转过身,将手中的绿松晶放入那‘天魔降临阵’中! Now... Can start!” “现在...可以开始了!” …… …… ( Water, lonely Xiaoyi, front soul that thanks informal essay and my chrysanthemum danger, can fly, wooden horse and dear bifurcation posture Boss the monthly ticket of above fellow little friends with hitting to enjoy support, thanks.) (感谢‘隨筆、吾菊危矣、会飞的水、孤單小懿、锋魂、、、木马、亲爱的丫姿老大’以上各位小伙伴的月票与打赏支持,谢谢。)
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