LSG :: Volume #3

#251: Four devas

Who is?” “是谁?” The day phoenix drinks anxiously greatly, looks around in all directions. 天鸟王紧张大喝,四处张望。 Her man!” “她男人!” A sound of slightly cloudy zhi resounds from that shatter barrier. 一记略显阴骘的声音从那破碎的壁垒外响起。 The day phoenix raises eyes to look, actually sees one to wear the black cape, at the back of a person of Sword sheath and paint red long sword, from that mountain road. 天鸟王举目望去,却看见一名身穿黑色斗篷,背着剑匣与一把漆红长剑的人,从那山道上走了下来。 He gains ground, under the cape opens the pale gloomy face, in that haze, visibles faintly pair of fierce frightened both eyes, why does not know, the day phoenix to this both eyes, emits cold that in the bone can not help unexpectedly. 他抬起头,斗篷下是张苍白阴沉的脸,那阴霾之中,隐约可见一双狰狞惊悚的双目,不知为何,天鸟王对上这双眼,骨子里竟情不自禁的冒出一股阴寒。 Good evil intent!! 好邪意!! On the day phoenix face overflows a little sweat stain, the heart secret passage. 天鸟王脸上溢出一点儿汗渍,心头暗道。 Who?” “谁?” Hu Qianmei stunned turning head, toward behind looks. 狐千魅错愕的扭过头,朝身后望去。 But looked that person walked, cannot see the appearance, but static standing in own front, the disciple keeps a big back. 但看那人走了过来,看不见模样,只是静静的立在自己的面前,徒留一个高大的背影。 „Is Young Lady... saves our people?” 小姐...是来救我们的人吗?” Asking that the graceful sound trembles. 盈盈声音发颤的问道。 Does not know.” “不知道。” Hu Qianmei said in a low voice: This person cannot see clearly the face, I do not know that who he is, but carefully.” 狐千魅低声道:“这人看不清脸,我不知道他是谁,不过还是小心点。” How he said that he is your man?” “那他怎么说他是你男人?” Original work is sentimental!” Hu Qianmei snort|hum said that but the heart actually braves a suspicion. “自作多情罢了!”狐千魅哼道,但心头却冒起一丝怀疑。 Can be that person? 会是那个人吗? How possible... He was missing was so long, although was also living... But will appear here? Is his strength so worse, coming to here to rescue itself? Isn't that courts death? 怎么可能...他都失踪这么久了,虽然还活着...但怎么会出现在这里?更者,他实力那么差,来这里救自己?那不是找死吗? The day phoenix calmed down, inspired vigorously, sinks to ask to that person: I, no matter you are, here is the Ming Ying Sect domain, she is the Ming Ying Sect person! I urged you should better to boil, should not be in the way, otherwise you provoked was entire Ming Ying Sect.” 天鸟王定了定神,大力吸了口气,冲着那人沉问:“我不管你是谁,这里是明影教的地盘,她是明影教的人!我劝你最好滚开,不要碍事,否则你招惹的便是整个明影教。” Good!” That person is actually refreshed nod of: I provoked your Ming Ying Sect to be good!” “好!”那人却是爽快的点了点头:“那我就招惹你们明影教好了!” The sound falls, that person extends the right hand suddenly, toward that in a flash. 声音落下,那人突伸右手,朝那一晃。 Sonorous! 铿锵! Then dances in the air unexpectedly directly the jet black long sword, such as the flowing light kills to the day phoenix. 那把漆黑的长剑居然直接飞舞起来,如流光般杀向天鸟王。 How could the day phoenix has seen so terroristly, but strange style? Anxious retreats, in the mouth calls out in alarm: „Are you person who Divine Sword sends??” 天鸟王何曾见过这般恐怖而诡异的招式?急急后退,口里惊呼:“你是神剑派的人??” But, that person did not reply that controls that crazy to raid to cut toward it the jet black sword, the long sword like the elf, moves around the day phoenix, speed quick being unsure, suddenly, shakes the endless sword shade unexpectedly, erupts from the sword blade compared with Swift Wind Aura swifter and fiercer mysterious Aura, that checks, the day phoenix whole body unexpectedly is the sword mark, the blood crazy class, is quite terrorist 但,那人并不回答,驾驭那把漆黑的剑疯狂朝之袭斩,长剑如精灵般,围绕着天鸟王旋转,速度快的没谱,一时间,竟晃出无尽剑影,比风疾气息更为凌厉的神奇气息从剑身上爆发出来,那一刹,天鸟王周身竟是剑痕,鲜血狂流,好生恐怖 „!!” “啊!!” The day phoenix offers a sacrifice to the magic weapon hastily, but looked that his body departs myriad wings, jumps toward all around shoots, but these frail wings actually cannot run out of the sword shade, was twisted the powder completely. 天鸟王连忙祭出法宝,但看其身飞出万千羽翼,朝四周迸射,可这些脆弱的羽翼却冲不出剑影,全部被绞成粉末。 The day phoenix is in imminent danger! 天鸟王岌岌可危! Sonorous! 铿锵! Suddenly, that Sword Qi stagnates, the sword blade has crosswise cut. 突然,那剑气一滞,剑身横向切了过去。 The day phoenix is startled mysteriously however, follows the rhythm of sword radically without enough time... 天鸟王神奇怔然,根本来不及跟上剑的节奏... Tit­ter! 噗嗤 An arm was then cut, the person was chopped to turn in the place, the blood spurts crazily, the appearance is pitiful. 一条胳膊便被切了下来,人被砍翻在地,鲜血狂喷,模样凄惨。 „!!!!!” “啊!!!!!” He exudes intermittent sad and shrill yawp, making the person body tingle with numbness. 他发出阵阵凄厉至极的叫喊声,让人皮肉发麻。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! The black sword flies upside down, that person puts out a hand to grasp, catches the sword, afterward the sword blade incline toward below, pours toward that in the day phoenix line of ground pain pitiful yell goes. 黑剑倒飞回来,那人伸手一握,将剑接住,随后剑身倾斜朝下,朝那倒在地上痛苦惨叫的天鸟王行去。 Kills intent to ascend, looks at that person of stance, seems plans to utterly destroy, extinguished a day of phoenix directly! 杀意升腾,看那人的姿态,似乎是打算斩尽杀绝,直接灭了天鸟王! Quite decisive!! 好果断!! Hu Qianmei delay. 狐千魅呆滞了。 Who this person is, did not fear really offends Ming Ying Sect? 这人到底是谁,难道真不怕得罪明影教吗? My man? When did I have the man? When has such man? 我男人?我什么时候有男人了?什么时候有这样的男人? Hu Qianmei felt one are utterly confused, brain chaotic piece. 狐千魅感觉自己心乱如麻,大脑混乱一片。 Do not kill me!! You have killed me... Certainly will suffer the crazy retaliation of Ming Ying Sect, do not kill me!!” “不要杀我!!你杀了我...一定会遭受明影教的疯狂报复的,不要杀我!!” Day phoenix is covering the arm of break, the person after moves, the lip trembles, the sound trembles to say. 天鸟王一手捂着断裂的胳膊,人朝后挪去,嘴唇哆嗦,声音发颤道。 Ming Ying Sect?” 明影教?” That person approached the head, bends the waist to look at the day phoenix, on that pale face reappears the smiling face that measures cloudy: I quite fear...” 那人凑近了脑袋,弯腰看着天鸟王,那苍白的脸上浮现一丝阴测测的笑容:“我好怕哦...” The sound falls, the cool feeling covered a day of phoenix is, that monster different long sword fell directly! 声音落下,凉意覆盖了天鸟王全是,那妖异长剑直接坠下! Stop!!” “住手!!” In this is at a crucial moment, an offense drinks to resound, then, several glares raid toward here. 就在这千钧一发之际,一记戾喝响起,接着,数道强光直朝这儿袭来。 That person sees the potential not to be wonderful, immediately holds the sword vertical to keep off. 那人见势不妙,立刻执剑纵挡。 Thump! 咚! Several glares come from several talented people, that person of single single does sword, how could resist? Immediately was shaken by these strengths draws back. 数道强光来自于数名实力不俗之人,那人单人单剑,岂能抵挡?立刻被这些力量震退。 The day phoenix sees that immediately is joyful, sharply sharply turns the head toward behind to look, actually after sees to clash the massive Ming Ying Sect people. 天鸟王见状,顿时欣喜不已,急急转头朝身后望去,却见后头冲来大量明影教人。 Three people of lead, are the Ming Ying Sect other three Son of Heaven, male Lion King, great whale king as well as poisonous gong king. 领头的三人,正是明影教剩余的三位天王,雄狮王,巨鲸王以及毒蚣王。 The male Lion King fresh robustness, beard blasts out, has the imposing manner very much, the physique of great whale king is not small, but he not compared with majestic of male Lion King, what the great whale king are more is the fat, the whole person looks like a rubber ball, but the poisonous gong king is actually a female, fresh is quite charming, but the age is large, could not remain many graceful bearing. 雄狮王生的虎背熊腰,胡须炸开,很有气势,巨鲸王的体格也不小,但他不比雄狮王的雄壮,巨鲸王更多的是肥肉,整个人看起来像个皮球,而毒蚣王却是个女性,生的比较妩媚,但年龄颇大,剩不了多少风韵。 Three people rush here, immediately surrounds the day phoenix, the surplus Ming Ying Sect disciples layer on layer surround Hu Qianmei and the others, one has offered a sacrifice to the shining weapon, points to Hu Qianmei as well as that black cape person. 三人奔于此处,立刻将天鸟王围住,剩余的明影教弟子更是将狐千魅等人重重包围,一把把明晃晃的武器祭了出来,直指狐千魅以及那黑色斗篷人。 „Are you reinforcement who Hu Qianmei invited?” “你是狐千魅请来的救兵吗?” Male Lion King of whole face beard is thick the voice to exclaim. 满脸胡须的雄狮王粗着嗓音吼道。 Dares to act unruly in our Ming Ying Sect domain... The courage is not seriously small!” “竟敢在我们明影教的地盘撒野...啧啧啧,胆子当真不小啊!” Fox Law Elder, I urged you to be the little darling am without a fight, went back along with us, otherwise the matter was noisy, that may not be wonderful!” Poisonous gong king to Hu Qianmei saying with a laugh. “狐护法,我劝你还是乖乖束手就擒,随我们回去吧,否则事情闹大,那可就不妙了!”毒蚣王冲着狐千魅笑呵呵的说道。 You!! The little darlings kneel down, otherwise do not blame our method being cruel, butchered you!” “还有你!!乖乖跪下,不然可别怪我们手段残忍,将你宰了!” The male Lion King of short temper also exclaimed. 脾气暴躁的雄狮王又吼道。 Two people to one group of people, the light are in the population, whose tall Shudi is then clear at a glance. 两个人对一群人,光是人数上,孰高孰低便一目了然。 But, that person has not feared. 但,那人并未惧怕。 Oh? 哦? The cape person is also the Su Yun brow moves, sound high eight degrees, lifts the face, looked at people saying: You can try, looked that you did have that method to butcher me!” 斗篷人也就是苏云眉头一动,声音高了八度,抬起脸,看了眼众人道:“那你们可以试试,看你们有没有那个手段宰了我!” You left are too rampant!!” “你别太嚣张了!!” Male Lion King was enraged thoroughly, bellows, draws out a both hands sledgehammer directly, has pounded toward the head of Su Yun with raw hate. 雄狮王彻底被激怒,大吼一声,直接拔出一把双手大锤,朝苏云的脑袋凶狠的砸了过去。 That flickers, a giant [gold/metal] lion virtual image adheres to stick cohere Yu Qishen, gives its myriad Divine Strength, the pressure pounds like the rough seas on the body of Su Yun. 那一瞬,一只巨大的金狮虚像附着于其身,给予其万千神力,压力如大浪般砸在苏云的身上。 But, he motionlessly, peacefully is actually waiting for the attack arrival of male Lion King. 但,他却一动不动,安静的等待着雄狮王的攻击到来。 When its sledgehammer approaches instant, he gains ground suddenly, the gray light boils up from its together, the surface layer of male Lion King turns round immediately his stone skin, his movement will be shortly stiff. 待其大锤靠近的刹那,他猛然抬头,一道灰光从其眼中迸出,雄狮王的表层立刻覆其一层石肤,他的动作顷刻僵硬起来。 „It is not good!” Male Lion King heart one startled, will attack the extension to defend hastily, actually sees a that person of jet black sword to puncture toward own heart like the poisonous snake, the method is sinister and ruthless. “不好!”雄狮王心头一惊,连忙将攻转守,却见那人一口漆黑的剑如毒蛇般朝自己的心脏刺来,手段阴毒残忍。 He flings the hammer anxiously anxiously to that sword, avoidance, will have avoided the attack of this black long sword. 他急急将锤甩向那剑,将之生生避开,躲避了这黑色长剑的攻击。 But, next second , the cold brightness raids together. 但,下一秒,又一道寒光袭来。 „?” “啊?” Male Lion King has a big shock, not and response, oneself shoulder was then raided by this cold brightness! 雄狮王大惊失色,还未及反应,自己肩膀便被这道寒光袭中! Tit­ter! 噗嗤 A sword chops on his shoulder, the sword enters the meat three points, the blood spurts crazily. 一把剑砍在他的肩头上,剑入肉三分,鲜血狂喷。 Bang! 嘭! But looked that person lifts starts, tramples maliciously to the chest of male Lion King, male Lion King flies upside down immediately, layer on layer falls on the ground. 但看那人抬起脚,冲着雄狮王的胸口狠狠踹去,雄狮王立刻倒飞出去,重重摔在地上。 However the time between this electric light flint, then defeats male Lion King! All people suck in the cold air all, the heart meat tingle with numbness. 不过这电光火石间的功夫,便将雄狮王击败!所有人无不倒抽凉气,心肉发麻。 Who is this person? Actually is what cultivation? Moreover, does his excelling at cause the double sword unexpectedly? 这人是谁?究竟是什么修为?而且,他竟擅使双剑? This person is not good to cope!” “此人不好对付!” When poisonous gong Wang Xintou sinks, said in a low voice. 毒蚣王心头当沉,低声道。 Naturally is not good to cope, otherwise I cannot like this...” Saying of day phoenix lip blanch. “当然不好对付,否则我也不会这样...”天鸟王嘴唇发白的说道。 Is so ominous? However everybody does not need to fear, but here the Ming Ying Sect domain, he a person, we on together, takes him!” Great whale Wang Han throat tone channel. “这么凶啊?不过大家不用怕,这里可是明影教的地盘,他才一个人,咱们一起上,拿下他!”巨鲸王憨着嗓音道。 On together?” The poisonous gong king shakes the head: We made Hu Qianmei run away, already neglected duty, if were again noisy the matter, although can grasp Hu Qianmei, only feared that we also difficultly ran away its crime, think the means low key solution to wonderfully.” “一起上?”毒蚣王摇摇头:“咱们让狐千魅逃了,已经失职了,若再把事情闹大,虽能抓回狐千魅,只怕咱们也难逃其罪,还是想办法低调解决为妙。” How do you plan to do?” Great whale Wang asked. “那你打算怎么做?”巨鲸王问。 With him reasonable.” “跟他讲道理吧。” Was reasonable? Will others listen?” “讲道理?别人会听吗?” I try.” “我试试。” Poisonous gong Wang Shen inspired, goes forward several steps, shouted to Su Yun. 毒蚣王深吸了口气,上前几步,冲着苏云喊开了。 This person of high skill, you should know where here is?” “这位高人,你应该知道这里是什么地方吧?” I know, can not know, but I must do presently, is leads her to leave!” Su Yun points at Hu Qianmei to say. “我知道,也可以不知道,但我当前要做的,是带她离开!”苏云指着狐千魅道。 You lead her unable to get away!” “你带她走不了!” Why?” “为何?” Then looked that the poisonous gong king takes out an inch column from the Chu ring, said to Su Yun: If you have Spirit Star Disciple cultivation, can walk? Ok, we cannot stop you absolutely, we do not have that strength, but if you do not have Spirit Star Disciple cultivation, that is not good, so long as I this signal one round! I teach the leader, some Liu Xindong Law Elder also innumerable big energies, will decide for a while the gate pulse to here, and will chase down you fully, even if you present ran, will unable to escape from the Ming Ying Sect region absolutely! Therefore, you cannot take away her.” 便看毒蚣王从储物戒指里取出一个寸长的圆柱,冲着苏云道:“如果你有灵玄阳修为,要走?可以,我们是绝对阻拦不了你的,我们也没那个实力,但若你没有灵玄阳修为,那就不行了,只要我把这个信号一发出去!我教中掌门,流心动护法还有无数大能,定会在第一时间冲至此处,并全力追杀你们,你们即便现在跑了,也绝对逃不出明影教的区域内!所以,你带不走她。” Su Yun hear that, was silent. 苏云闻言,沉默了。 The hastiness that indeed, oneself come, does not have any preparation but actually, truly speaking, he comes here prerequisite goal to not to carry off Hu Qianmei, but wants to ask her, whether is willing to marry Liu Xindong, if she likes Liu Xindong wholeheartedly, Su Yun is viewless, if she does not want, must carry off. 的确,自己来的仓促,倒无任何准备,说实在的,他来这儿的先决目的不是为了带走狐千魅,而是想问问她,是否愿意嫁给流心动,若她是真心实意喜欢流心动,苏云并无意见,若她不愿意,就必须要带走。 Su Yun looked that two people run away, this gets rid, but the situation as if no to see so simple. 苏云看二人逃窜,这才出手,只是情况似乎没有自己看到的这般简单。 Hu Qianmei had the close relation with, two people no one hopes that the opposite party has an accident. 狐千魅已与自己有紧密的联系,二人谁都不希望对方出事。 Right that she said.” “她说的对。” In Su Yun still when the ponder, Hu Qianmei of that head suddenly opened the mouth. 就在苏云还在思考之时,那头的狐千魅突然开口了。 Su Yun stares, transfers line of sight to look at her. 苏云一愣,转过视线望着她。 Actually looks at the Hu Qianmei fine small face flood the distress, shakes the head smiles pale: Regarding this escaping, I did not hold the high hope, can run away to here already has exceeded my imagination, if we can escape from this piece of mountain range, leaves this region, that can also escape smoothly, but only here... It is not able to evade to be open for business decidedly nameless with hunt of Liu Xindong, ok, you walk, does not use for me and they fights, otherwise suffers a loss can only be you...” 却看狐千魅精致的小脸泛着苦楚,摇头淡笑:“对于这次逃跑,我本来就不抱有多大希望,能逃到这儿已经超出了我的想象,若我们能够逃出这片山脉,离开这个区域,那还能顺利逃脱,但仅在这儿...是决然无法避开张无名与流心动的追捕,算了吧,你走吧,不用为我与他们斗,否则吃亏的只会是你...” Right?” “是吗?” Su Yun has spoken haltingly the lower lip, afterward walks toward Hu Qianmei. 苏云嗫嚅了下唇,随后朝狐千魅走去。 He crouches in hiding, gains ground, under that cape the pale face maps in the double pupil of Hu Qianmei immediately. 他蹲伏下来,抬起头,那斗篷下苍白的脸立刻映入狐千魅的双眸之中。 Instant, Hu Qianmei gawked. 刹那,狐千魅愣了。 Su... Su Yun? Is you? Really is you?” Her dull [say / way], cannot believe all these that at present sees. “苏...苏云?是你?真的是你?”她呆呆道,根本不敢相信眼前所看到的这一切。 Is I.” Su Yun light [say / way]. “是我。”苏云轻道。 Long time, the Hu Qianmei forced smile again and again, in the eye pupil completely is complex. 良久,狐千魅苦笑连连,眼眸里尽是复杂。 Has not thought really that also cares about me to this finally, is willing to stand me, can be your this bastard.” “真没想到,到这最后还在乎我,愿意站在我这边的,会是你这个坏蛋。” .... “....” Was good, you walk quickly! Did not need to manage me. I know that perhaps you are worried about me to have an accident, affect your cultivation, but you felt relieved, I got married, will not have the least bit to affect to you.” “好了,你快走吧!不用管我了。我知道,或许你是担心我出事,影响你的修为,但你放心好了,我只是嫁人,不会对你有半点影响的。” That... Are you willing to marry Liu Xindong?” “那么...你愿意嫁给流心动吗?” Wants? Possibly how to want?” “愿意?怎么可能愿意?” I led you to walk.” “那我带你走好了。” You cannot achieve...” Hu Qianmei shakes the head: Walks quickly, they do not want to be noisy the matter, but if you toss about again, they will then lose patiently, reckless, once at the appointed time noisy big, you... Perhaps will have the life danger.” “你做不到的...”狐千魅摇摇头:“快走吧,他们不想把事情闹大,可若你再折腾下去,他们便会失了耐心,不顾一切,届时一旦闹大,你...恐怕也会有性命危险啊。” „Don't you want to walk?” “那你不想走?” How if can walk me to be able?” “若能走我怎会不走?” Good, after I two day, meets you.” “那好,我两日后来接你。” Su Yun has stood up the body, said in a low voice. 苏云站起了身,低声道。 „After two day?” “两日后?” Hu Qianmei is looking at him, does not know that he was saying anything. 狐千魅怔怔的望着他,根本不知他在说什么。 Actually sees him to turn around, looks to the poisonous gong king. 却见他转过了身,望向毒蚣王。 Ming Ying Sect two Law Elder wedding days in the day after tomorrow?” 明影教二位护法大喜之日就在后天吧?” Yes, how?” “是,怎么了?” I will have the person to ask for the cup celebration drink.” “我会带人来讨杯喜酒。” Su Yun receives the scabbard Death Sword and flood dragon seal, turns around to leave... 苏云死剑与蛟印收入剑鞘,转身离开... Asks for the cup celebration drink?” The poisonous gong king frowned. “讨杯喜酒?”毒蚣王皱起了眉头。 „, The boy, overreaches oneself, although cannot completely understand his cultivation, but surely does not have Spirit Star Disciple cultivation, does he also want to act unruly at the banquet? Courts death!” “呵,小子,不自量力,虽然看不透他修为,但肯定没有灵玄阳修为,他还想在宴席上撒野吗?找死!” Great whale Wang Buxie said. 巨鲸王不屑道。 Be that as it may, but the brow of poisonous gong king covers entirely the anxiety as before... 话虽如此,但毒蚣王的眉头依旧布满忧虑... …… …… ( The National Day will increase renewal quantity, asked bill ~) (国庆节会加大更新量,求票票~)
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