LSG :: Volume #3

#250: Escapes the plan

The jubilation sound of intermittent noise resounds from distant place, then looks at the Ming Ying Sect central area, a giant red column shoots up to the sky, the scene is magnificent. 阵阵喧嚣的喜庆声从远处响起,便看明影教的中心区域,一道巨大的红柱冲天而起,场面壮观绚丽。 They are carving Longfeng to leap.” “他们在雕龙凤腾。” The maidservants walked, before looking at the window , the alone form, said gently. 侍女走了进来,望着窗台前孤寂的身影,轻轻说道。 „Does Longfeng leap?” “龙凤腾?” „When hears the leader for this reason has prepared many date and time, and invited many people of high skill, but he personally arranges blessing law... Young Lady, only remaining two days, imminent, now walks is not late!” “听说掌门为此时准备了很多时日,且聘请了不少高人,而他本人更是亲自布置祝福法阵...小姐,只剩下两天了,迫在眉睫,现在走还不迟啊!” Your already said many returned...” Hu Qianmei remains unmoved, even has not turned around continually. “你已经说了多少回了...”狐千魅不为所动,甚至连头都没有转过来。 Although said returns, but Young Lady... this time is different! Heard that this founder invited many schools high-level to attend the banquet, the scene was very grand, teaches many people to help, at this time taught to be most void, if we walked at this time, perhaps really can run away!!” “虽然说了很多回,但小姐...这次不一样啊!听说这一次教主邀请了许多门派高层来参加宴席,场面十分隆重,教中很多人都去帮忙了,这个时候教中最为空虚,我们如果在这个时候走,说不定真的能逃走呢!!” The maidservants said. 侍女说道。 The words fall, Hu Qianmei stayed several points. 话落下,狐千魅呆了几分。 Her that gloomy pupil dodges a little bright, looks anxiously anxiously toward outside, actually outside saw the defense personnel indeed compared with few days ago to want on few many. 她那暗淡的眸子微闪起一点儿亮光,急急朝外头望去,却见外头的守备人员的确比前些日子要少上不少。 Young Lady, you die did not fear that also feared this does try? If successful, we were then free!!” The maidservants also persuaded. 小姐,你连死都不怕,难道还怕这一试?若成功了,我们便自由了!!”侍女又劝说了。 Hu Qianmei hesitated the moment, she was excited. 狐千魅踟蹰了片刻,她心动了。 That soft arctic fox tail has shaken several points, person hesitant several points, this nods, said: Good, graceful, I then listen your, our then walks!!” 那软绵绵的白狐尾抖了几分,人犹豫了几分,这才点头,道:“好,盈盈,我便听你的,我们这便走!!” Good! Young Lady!!” “好!小姐!!” „, Founder, although has imprisoned my cultivation, but he has actually forgotten, I strongest method is the imaginary technique, so long as is not existence of Liu Xindong that rank, anybody gave up any idea of that makes to run away from my imaginary technique!” “呵,教主虽然禁锢了我的修为,但他却忘记了,我最强的手段是幻术,只要不是流心动那个级别的存在,任何人都休想从我的幻术中挣逃出去!” Hu Qianmei made the decision, was not scruple, immediately runs up to the bed to take down oneself that blood red sword, brought to ask the graceful maidservant toward embroidering your excellency line directly goes. 狐千魅做下了决定,也不迟疑,立刻跑到床榻边取下自己那口血红的剑,径直带着叫盈盈的侍女朝绣阁下行去。 To a building pavilion, Hu Qianmei has concentrated all one's attention on immediately, urges the imaginary technique, when Profound Technique executes, she then toward gracefully nodded. 到了一楼楼阁,狐千魅立刻屏气凝神,催起了幻术,待玄技施出时,她便朝盈盈点了点头。 The graceful associative compound, deeply inspired, immediately ships out in a panic a panic-stricken appearance, opened the door to run. 盈盈会意,深吸了口气,立刻装出一副仓皇惊恐的样子,打开门跑了出去。 „It is not good, is not good!! Young Lady fainted!! It is not good!!” “不好了,不好了!!小姐昏倒了!!不好了!!” The call was incisive, makes a sound inside and outside the entire embroidery pavilion, that defended in embroidering Ming Ying Sect audiences heard the sound outside pavilion, immediately is anxious. 呼声尖锐惶恐,响遍了整个绣阁内外,那守备在绣阁外的明影教闻声,立刻紧张起来。 What? Who fainted?” “什么?谁昏倒了?” You said that who fainted??” “你说谁昏倒了??” Several Confucian code audiences run. 几名教众跑来。 That sets up of day phoenix heard the sound entrance four devases, opens out front person immediately, to sinks to drink gracefully: What did you say? Did Hu Qianmei faint?” 那立在门口的四天王之一的天鸟王闻声,立刻拨开面前的人,冲着盈盈沉喝:“你说什么?狐千魅昏倒了?” Right.” “对。” Yingying squeezes out several drops of tears, terrified and sad: Young Lady wants to transport the merit to disperse the founder's under imprisonment to her, for a while carelessly, caused the Aura turmoil, the person the stupor the past...” 盈盈挤出几滴泪,惶恐而伤心道:“小姐想要运功驱散教主给她下的禁锢,一时不慎,致使气息动乱,人昏迷了过去...” „! Really troublesome!” “嘁!真是麻烦!” The day phoenix shouted an unluckiness darkly, took charge of the person toward embroidering the pavilion expert goes. 天鸟王暗叫一声晦气,直接领着人朝绣阁内行去。 . 只是。 The people enter to embroider the pavilion, ripples ripple, oneself as if entered another world. 众人一进绣阁,涟漪荡漾,自身仿佛是跨进了另外一个世界。 But sees in this embroidery pavilion unexpectedly is scenery of the wonderland, in their front, is all kinds of beautiful women, each attractive in their own right, the beautiful woman winds around, they are built on giant liquor Chi Bian, is hitting the liquor in the pond, is lifting the fragrant good wine, to these Ming Ying Sect numerous charming smile, many beautiful women was walking boldly, draws them, sits flirts with one another near the liquor pond, is very close, is quite merry. 但见这绣阁内竟是一副人间仙境之景,在他们的面前,是各式各样的美女,环肥燕瘦,佳丽缭绕,她们立于一口巨大的酒池边,在池里打着酒,举着喷香的美酒,冲着这些明影教众媚笑着,不少美女更是大胆的走了过来,把他们拉去,坐在酒池边打情骂俏,耳鬓厮磨,好生快活。 The Ming Ying Sect audiences cannot dominate, then lost the mind, falls to the enemy in this beautiful woman and delicacies thoroughly, is hard to extricate oneself. 明影教众根本把持不住,一个个便丢了心神,彻底沦陷于这美人与佳肴之中,难以自拔。 But the day phoenix was shocked. 而天鸟王则愣住了。 His cultivation is not side these can compare, a these strange picture emergence, he then realized that was not right. 修为可不是身边这些喽啰能比的,这些奇异的景象一出现,他便察觉到了不对。 The day phoenix scrupulously follows the mind hurriedly, shuts both eyes, does not attend to around this harassment of beautiful women, such as the stone is motionless, but in the body starts to transport Profound Technique, slowly stores up, finally will erupt completely. 天鸟王急忙恪守心神,闭起双目,不顾这四周美女们的骚扰,如石头般一动不动,而身躯内开始运起玄技,慢慢蓄积,最终将之全部爆发出去。 Drinks!!!” “喝!!!” The day phoenix calls one greatly, a strange strength is centered on it, flushes away toward all around, the strength leaves the instance of body, has a bang, all also immerses the Ming Ying Sect audiences in wonderland to be exploded by this bang in abundance awakes, stunned is looking at all around. 天鸟王大唤一声,一圈奇异的劲力以其为中心,朝四周冲去,劲力出体的瞬间,发出一记巨响,所有还沉浸于人间仙境中的明影教众纷纷被这巨响炸醒,一个个错愕的望着四周。 What's the matter?? I how?” “怎么回事??我怎么了?” A moment ago... A moment ago that beautiful woman?” “刚才...刚才那美女呢?” Beautiful woman, you do not walk!!” “美女,你别走啊!!” Several Confucian code audiences not slow god. 还有几名教众没缓过神来。 The day phoenix ablazes with anger, waves the arms about to that several Confucian code audiences is several palms of the hand, several, the person sobers finally. 天鸟王怒气冲冲,冲着那几名教众甩手就是几巴掌,啪啪几声,人总算清醒过来。 The people look to embroider the pavilion again, actually saw to embroider in the pavilion already is completely empty, did not see Hu Qianmei, did not see that maidservant to be graceful. 众人再看绣阁,却见绣阁内早已是空空如也,不见狐千魅,更不见那侍女盈盈。 Awful! Hu Qianmei ran!!” “糟糕!狐千魅跑了!!” The day phoenix then responded that complexion big change. 天鸟王这才反应过来,脸色大变。 What? Fox did Law Elder run?” “啥?狐护法跑了?” Quick, pursues quickly!” “快,快追!” Teaches the audiences urgently to shout. 教众急呼。 I pursue!” “我去追!” The day phoenix clenched teeth, took a look outside eye, said: You inform other three Son of Heaven, making them help one another in me immediately .... Remember, this matter can not inform to flow Law Elder as well as founder! Knows? When I seize Hu Qianmei! This matter uses temporarily as has not occurred!” 天鸟王咬了咬牙,瞅了眼外头,道:“你们去通知其他三天王,让他们立刻相助于我....记住,此事不得告知流护法以及教主!知道吗?待我擒来狐千魅!此事就权当没发生!” The matter that if Hu Qianmei runs away passed on, his day phoenix must unable to eat to capture walking, can make up while the present, naturally must make the best use of the time to make up. 狐千魅逃走的事情传了出去,他天鸟王可得吃不了兜着走,趁现在还能弥补,自然要抓紧时间弥补。 The day phoenix does not neglect, immediately acts, the hominization to the customs handed down from past generation, blow out to embroider the pavilion together, howls to go toward outside. 天鸟王也不怠慢,立刻动作了,人化为一道流风,吹出绣阁,朝外头呼啸而去。 But at this moment. 而此刻。 Ming Ying Sect edge. 明影教的边缘。 Two forms are fleeing crazily. 两个身影正在疯狂奔逃。 Although Hu Qianmei cultivation was imprisoned much, now only then First Level Spirit Soul Disciple, but her speed is not slow, in addition side her embroidery pavilion is located , the person then dived quickly Ming Ying Sect. 狐千魅修为被禁锢了不少,如今只有灵玄魂一品,但她的速度却丝毫不慢,加上她所处的绣阁位于边处,人很快便潜出了明影教 The maidservant strength is gracefully emaciated, with its step, before long, spirit profound Aura in within the body then consumes difficultly, was again too tired to move any further. 只是,侍女盈盈却实力羸弱,难跟其步伐,不一会儿,体内的灵玄气息便消耗一空,再也跑不动了。 Young Lady... Young Lady, you run first, do not manage me, I... I was too tired to move any further...” Yingying in gulps gasps for breath to say. 小姐...小姐,你先跑吧,不要管我,我...我实在跑不动了...”盈盈大口大口的喘着气说道。 Hu Qianmei sees, anxious. 狐千魅一见,焦急不已。 Yingying, quick! Insists again, follows me! If you keep here to be seized surely by them, will be killed mostly by them! We must a bit faster leave.” “盈盈,快!再坚持一下,跟我走!你若留在这里定会被他们擒到,多半也会被他们杀死!我们必须快点离开。” But... But I was too tired to move any further Young Lady.” “可...可我实在跑不动了小姐。” Is too tired to move any further I to help you!” “跑不动我帮你!” Hu Qianmei stretches out the palm, pats gently in the graceful front, pours into spirit profound Aura toward its body in unexpectedly directly. 狐千魅伸出手掌,轻轻拍在盈盈的胸前,竟直接朝其身躯内注入灵玄气息 After the moment, then restored gracefully most probably. 片刻后,盈盈便恢复了大半。 Young Lady, this...” 小姐,这...” Although the school gives my Chu ring, but this did not mean that I then do not have the method, we walk quickly.” “虽然门派把我的储物戒指缴去,但这并不是说我便没有手段,我们快走。” The graceful tearful eyes dance, call said: Young Lady, you are really good.” 盈盈泪眼婆娑,唤道:“小姐,你真好。” Two people continue to flee, the speed is faster than the cheetah. 二人继续奔逃,速度比猎豹还要快。 The wind of howling has swung in the ear bank. 呼啸的风在耳畔边荡过。 Picture leaps fast to behind. 身旁的景象快速跃向身后。 Front is the grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks mountain road, so long as across this piece of mountain road, can leave the Ming Ying Sect mountain range. 前头是怪石嶙峋的山路,只要穿过这片山路,便可出明影教山脉。 Crossed this mountain road, is a big slabstone forest, we may hide in Shilin temporarily!! Graceful, immediately we can run away.” “过了这山路,便是一大片石林,我们可暂时藏于石林内!!盈盈,马上我们就能逃出去了。” Hu Qianmei joyful [say / way]. 狐千魅欣喜道。 Um!” Yingying nods “嗯!”盈盈点点头 But, two people have not thought with enough time much that front mountain road dodges together the sky-blue barrier suddenly, this barrier like the wall, blocks the mountain road thoroughly. 但,二人还未来得及多想,面前的山路突然闪起一道蔚蓝色的屏障,这屏障如墙壁般,将山路这边彻底封死。 What?” “什么?” Hu Qianmei sees that has a big shock. 狐千魅见状,大惊失色。 This is the Hushan barrier! Young Lady, is not good, we were discovered!” Yingying looks deathly pale incomparably, the body also shivers. “这是护山壁垒!小姐,不好,我们被发现了!”盈盈脸色惨白无比,身躯也颤抖起来。 Hu Qianmei clenches the teeth, is staring at that sky-blue barrier, in the eye completely is unwilling, but listens to sonorous one, she draws out the waist blood red short-sword, punctured to that barrier with raw hate. 狐千魅咬紧牙关,盯着那蔚蓝色的壁垒,眼里尽是不甘,但听铿锵一声,她拔出腰间血红的短剑,冲着那壁垒凶狠刺了过去。 Clang!!!! 铛!!!! The sword hits above the barrier sharp, shivering of barrier bang, the ripples rises from all directions, but... The barrier does not have sign of least bit damage, even a fissure. 剑尖撞于壁垒之上,将壁垒轰的颤抖不已,涟漪四起,可...壁垒却无半点损坏的迹象,甚至连一点裂痕都不出。 Hateful!! Hateful hateful hateful!!” “可恶!!可恶可恶可恶!!” Hu Qianmei grabs that blood red short-sword tightly, shells toward the barrier crazily, one after another, the vigor almost puts forth completely. 狐千魅紧抓着那血红的短剑,朝壁垒疯狂轰击,一下接着一下,劲儿几乎全部使出。 But, regardless of she is how crazy, how to make an all-out effort, is unable it break. 但,无论她如何疯狂,如何拼力,都无法将之打破。 Saves the province time, Hu Qianmei Law Elder!” “省省功夫吧,狐千魅护法!” At this time, a cold pshaw resounded, but behind listening the strong winds were intermittent, the empty wind blew together, fell more than 50 meters locates behind Hu Qianmei, empty wind dispersing, a day phoenix of feather robe appeared. 这时,一记冷哼声响起,但听后头狂风阵阵,一道虚风吹来,落于狐千魅后方50余米处,虚风散开,一身羽衣的天鸟王出现。 Day phoenix!!” “天鸟王!!” Hu Qianmei has turned head, flatters the pupil stubbornly is staring at him. 狐千魅扭过头,媚眸死死的盯着他。 Hu Qianmei Law Elder, goes back with me!” The day phoenix sinks to say. 狐千魅护法,跟我回去!”天鸟王沉道。 Opens the barrier!” “打开壁垒!” She dies to pinch the red sword, hissing exclaimed. 她死捏着红剑,嘶吼道。 Goes back with me!” The day phoenix snort|hum said: Otherwise, do not blame me not being impolite!!” “跟我回去!”天鸟王哼道:“否则,别怪我不客气!!” If my cultivation most flourishing, depends on you also to dare before me dissolute? Opens the barrier in a big hurry!!” “若我修为全盛,就凭你也敢在我面前放肆?快快打开壁垒!!” „, What a pity, your cultivation already had been imprisoned, now, do you in me, I why look at your complexion weakly? Hu Qianmei! Called you Law Elder to you face, you also when really you were a character? In Ming Ying Sect, your anything is not! I told you, if you did not go back with me, I then tied up you to go back!!” “呵,可惜了,你的修为已经被禁锢了,现在,你弱于我,我何必看你脸色?狐千魅!叫你一声护法是给你面子,你还真当你是个人物?在明影教里,你什么都不是!我告诉你,你若不跟我回去,我便绑你回去!!” „Do you dare??” “你敢??” „Do I have what do not dare?” “我有何不敢?” The day phoenix as if lost the patience, sank to drink one, the personal appearance moved, overran toward Hu Qianmei directly. 天鸟王似乎失去了耐心,沉喝了一声,身形一动,直接朝狐千魅冲了过去。 Young Lady is careful!” 小姐小心!” Yingying said one, blocked hastily before the body of Hu Qianmei, but the Hu Qianmei speed was faster than her, the person dodges to go forward immediately, worked on the short-sword phoenix to puncture upwards. 盈盈疾呼一声,连忙拦在狐千魅的身前,但狐千魅的速度比她更快,人立刻闪上前去,抓起短剑朝天鸟王刺去。 But... 但... She can at this moment be the match of day phoenix? 此刻的她怎会是天鸟王的对手? Only listens to Bang, the Hu Qianmei exquisite petite body flies upside down directly, hit on that barrier, afterward tumbled, small mouth, put out a little blood, obviously has eaten the invisible losses. 只听‘砰’的一声,狐千魅玲珑娇小的身子直接倒飞出去,撞在了那壁垒上,随后翻滚下来,小嘴一张,吐出一点儿鲜血,显然是吃了暗亏。 Young Lady!!” 小姐!!” Graceful flustered loudly shouted, ran hastily, helped up Hu Qianmei. 盈盈慌张大呼,连忙跑了过去,将狐千魅扶起。 Ha, Hu Qianmei, your this ability? Really disappointed me!!” “哈哈哈哈哈,狐千魅,你就这点能耐?真是太让我失望了!!” The day phoenix happily, in the eye completely teased. 天鸟王得意至极,眼里尽是戏谑。 His mark time to Hu Qianmei, another hand traces toward own Chu ring, quick, passed the white shining string to be taken by him. 他踏步走向狐千魅,另外一只手朝自己的储物戒指里摸去,很快,一根透白发亮的绳子被他取了出来。 That string two fingers are thick, are overflowing the bright, wants to come is also a magic weapon. 那绳子有两根指头般粗,溢着亮光,想来也是个法宝。 Now, before I should cash, words that spoke.” “现在,我该兑现之前所说的话了。” The corners of the mouth of day phoenix raise a fierceness, low and deep smiling. 天鸟王的嘴角扬起一丝狰狞,低沉的笑着。 Bastard!!” The Hu Qianmei small face has written all over unwillingly, the anger almost must burn through her heart. “混蛋!!”狐千魅小脸写满了不甘,怒火几乎要将她的心脏燃尽。 She is pinching the red sword stubbornly, planned that sets out to fight again. 她死死捏着红剑,打算起身再战。 Sonorous. 铿锵。 At this moment, a strange sword whining noise swings, then, black light shoots together from the day, slanting thorn in this head. 就在这时,一记奇异的剑鸣声荡起,接着,一道黑光从天射来,斜刺于这头。 kua. 咵嚓。 Pierced the barrier black light, by the potential of not can be stopped directly tearing, afterward thorn maliciously in the front of day of phoenix. 黑光洞穿了壁垒,以锐不可当之势直接将之撕裂,随后狠狠的刺在了天鸟王的面前。 Thump! 咚! blade edge falls to the ground, strength crazy, the day phoenix unexpectedly by repetitive retreats that this Aura forces. 剑锋落地,劲气狂荡,天鸟王竟被这股气息逼的连连后退 He is busy at standing firm the body, decides item to look that actually sees a jet black sword to fall on own front... 他忙稳住身躯,定目一看,却见一把漆黑的剑落在自己的面前...
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