LSG :: Volume #3

#249: Double cultivation the companion( asked ticket)

What? Su Yun boy?? Are you Su Yun that boy??” “什么?苏云小子??你是苏云那小子??” In Pill King pavilion, but also in Pill King of development compounded drug looks at front this to throw over the person of cape dull, is startled however shouts, the material in hand falls on the ground had not detected... 药王阁内,还在研制丹药的药王呆呆望着面前这个披着斗篷的人,怔然喊道,手中的材料落在地上都未发觉... Senior, is I.” “前辈,正是我。” Su Yun opened the hat brim, reveals the pale face. 苏云将帽檐揭开,露出苍白至极的面孔。 Really... Really you! Has not thought that you are also living... Heaven blesses the boy, you are all right then well, is all right well! My pharmacology person with outstanding ability also in! Good!” “真...真是你!没想到你还活着...上苍保佑啊小子,你没事便好,没事就好啊!我药理界的英才还在!太好了!” Su Yun: „” 苏云:“” Pill King laughs, draws Su Yun before the table anxiously anxiously sits down, is busy at asking: „Did boy, where you go for these years? I listened to the person saying that you encountered the persecution of Monster Realm master, assigned the mourning dwelling place of the dead! This what's the matter? Said quickly that this what's the matter? What fortuitous encounter were you?” 药王哈哈大笑,急急将苏云拉到桌前坐下,忙问:“小子,你这几年到底去了什么地方?我听人说你遭到妖界高手的迫害,命丧九泉!这到底是怎么回事?快说说,这到底怎么回事?你是不是得了什么奇遇?” I?” Su Yun shakes the head the forced smile: I went to Evil Realm to walk!” “我?”苏云摇头苦笑:“我去了邪界走了一遭!” Evil Realm!” Pill King and Guǐ mò jué all had a scare. 邪界!”药王鬼莫觉皆吓了一跳。 Su Yun nods, will then say in the approximate experience of Evil Realm, naturally, hidden went to some key points, something, they do not know that the ratio knows. 苏云点点头,便将在邪界的大致经历说了一遍,当然,隐去了部分重点,有些事情,他们不知道比知道好。 „, You now look like Aura are no wonder icy, the facial features are pale, double pupil evil different, looks like if, although the person of dying, but life Aura is very strong, strange!” Pill King said: This only feared that in Evil Realm treats for a long time the influence.” “难怪,你现在看起来气息冷冰冰的,面容苍白,双瞳邪异,看起来虽如将死之人,但生命气息却很强劲,古怪啊!”药王说道:“这只怕是在邪界待久了的影响吧。” This... Is.” “这个...算是吧。” Su Yun had not explained that is preparing to ask when Su Qing Er matter, outside resounds two familiar sounds swiftly. 苏云没解释,正准备开口询问苏倾儿的事情时,外头倏然响起两个熟悉的声音。 Disciple Su Xinyue( Su Xingyang), pays a visit the Pill King elder!” “弟子苏新月苏星阳),拜见药王长老!” Xinyue Xingyang?” 新月星阳?” Su Yun stares, will run hurriedly will open in the past. 苏云一愣,急忙跑过去将们打开。 Works as. 哐当。 The gate opens. 门开。 Outside is setting up two look up, petrified directly, after the moment, Xinyue responded, but looked at her eye socket one red, ying warned one, the diameter has dashed, banged into the bosom of Su Yun, will hug stubbornly. 外头立着的两人抬头而望,径直石化了,片刻后,新月率先反应过来,但看她眼眶一红,嘤咛一声,径直扑了过来,撞入苏云的怀中,将之搂的死死的。 Su Yun Big brother! You are living, you are also living, good! Too was really good,” 苏云大哥!你活着,你还活着,太好了!实在太好了,呜” Su Xinyue has choked with sobs, moistens the Su Yun chest completely, the fragrant shoulder shrugs unceasingly, is quite sad. 苏新月已是泣不成声,将苏云胸口全部打湿,香肩不断耸动,好生伤心。 „Is Big brother, you? Really is you? Did you come back? Good! I said that Big brother definitely will be all right, Xinyue this girl actually does not believe that daily was talking over you, quickly became the mental illness.” Su Xingyang flexure flexure, was thick the throat tone channel. 大哥,是你吗?真的是你?你回来了?太好了!我就说嘛,大哥肯定会没事的,新月这丫头却老是不信,天天念叨着你,都快成神经病了。”苏星阳挠了挠,粗着嗓音道。 You mental illness!” Su Xinyue wipes off near eye pupil tears, to the Su Xingyang discontented [say / way]. “你才神经病呢!”苏新月擦掉眼眸边的泪,冲着苏星阳不满道。 Hey, I said.” Su Xingyang has laughed foolishly smiling. “嘿嘿,我就说说嘛。”苏星阳傻笑了笑。 Good, has been all right, should not be worried!” “好了好了,没事了,你们不要担心了!” Su Yun touches the head of Su Xinyue, said with a smile. 苏云摸了摸苏新月的脑袋,笑道。 Um.” “嗯。” You come to chat, Su Yun does not facilitate to stand outside!” Guǐ mò jué said with a smile. “你们都进来叙话吧,苏云不方便站在外面!”鬼莫觉笑着说道。 Good!” “好!” One group of people entered the room. 一帮人进了屋子。 Before Su Yun, to two brother and sister said to that words that Pill King and Guǐ mò jué spoke, knew that Su Yun went to Evil Realm unexpectedly, Xinyue and Xingyang had a scare seriously, but looks at Su Yun current safe and sound standing in the front, two people have felt relieved. 苏云将之前对药王鬼莫觉说的那番话又对两兄妹说了一遍,得知苏云竟去了邪界,新月星阳当真是吓了一跳,但看苏云当前安然无恙的站在面前,二人又放心了许多。 This experience sobbed. Two people narrated the little while words with Su Yun, Su Yun then directly soared the subject. 这一段经历着实唏嘘不已。二人与苏云叙了会儿话,苏云便直奔主题了。 Words said the Pill King senior, Xinyue Xingyang, can you have the Qing Er news?” “话说药王前辈,新月星阳,你们可有倾儿的消息?” Qing Er elder sister...” 倾儿姐...” Su Xinyue low head, was silent. 苏新月低下了脑袋,沉默了。 Su Yun has swept people one eyes, however, the people all are sigh again and again. 苏云扫了众人一眼,然,众人皆是叹气连连。 What's wrong?” The Su Yun brow moves. “怎么?”苏云眉头一动。 Boy! The truth you told that after that riot, our Blossom Heart Valley already sent for seeking you with Su Qing Er! Our one year sends 12 natives of Poland continually, almost every month one time, but... Do not Qing Er Young Lady and your trace!” “小子!实话跟你说吧,自那一次暴乱后,我们花心谷已经派人去寻你跟苏倾儿了!只是,我们一年连派12波人,几乎每月一次,但...都不得倾儿小姐与你的踪影啊!” Xinyue and Xingyang just came back from outside last month, but is also harvestless, the mainland is so big, does not know that Qing Er Young Lady is where!” 新月星阳上月刚从外面回来,但也无收获,大陆这么大,根本不知倾儿小姐身在何处啊!” Her cultivation is not low, if she is safe and sound, will decide will return to Blossom Heart Valley, but... She has not come back.” “她的修为也不低,若她安然无恙,定会返回花心谷的,可...她没有回来。” Oh, not thinks that your this saying spoke incorrectly. The Su Yun boy, has words you possibly not to like listening, but .... I must say that I think... Su Qing Er she...” “唉,莫觉,你这话就说错了。苏云小子,有句话你可能不爱听,不过....我还是要说,我觉得吧...苏倾儿她...” Bang!! 砰!! The Pill King iron table crushes instantaneously, Su Yun has pinched tightly the fist, the facial expression fiercely and said firm and resolute: Qing Er will not have the matter! The Pill King senior, you were needless to say!” 药王的铁桌瞬间粉碎,苏云捏紧了拳头,神情狰狞而坚毅道:“倾儿不会有事的!药王前辈,你不用说了!” Pill King has gawked staring, said: Boy, who you told that Su Qing Er does have the matter? I said that she possibly temporarily hides, does not permit still to seek for you!!” 药王愣了愣,道:“小子,谁跟你说苏倾儿有事的?我只是说,她可能暂时躲起来,不准还在找寻你呢!!” Su Yun one hear, ice-cold heart is tranquil, asked: Why did senior so say?” 苏云一听,冰冷的心平静下来,呐问:“前辈为何这般说?” Because Profound Sky Sect is also staring at Blossom Heart Valley with the Su Clan person!” Pill King shakes the head saying: I think that they have not sought Su Qing Er mostly, otherwise all day will not be staring at our Blossom Heart Valley, the time that although Su Qing Er that girl treats in my Blossom Heart Valley is not long, but I also a little knew about her how many that this girl, the thoughts are intelligent, have an exquisite heart, she does not come Blossom Heart Valley, definitely has her reason, now the Profound Sky Sect person and Su Clan are seeking her, does she come to here is not walks into a trap? Therefore I believe that she possibly hides in somewhere, is waiting for you!” “因为天威门苏家的人还盯着花心谷!”药王摇头道:“我想,他们多半还没寻到苏倾儿,否则根本就不会整日盯着我们花心谷,苏倾儿那丫头虽然在我花心谷待的时间不长,但我对她多少也有点了解,这丫头,心思聪慧,有着一颗玲珑心呢,她不来花心谷,肯定是有她的原因的,如今天威门人与苏家都在寻她,她来这儿不是自投罗网吗?所以我认为,她可能藏在某处,在等着你!” Su Yun one hear, at present one bright, said: Good! If the Profound Sky Sect person and Su Clan person is still seeking her, then represents her current to return the safe, but as the matter stands... How should I seek her?” 苏云一听,眼前一亮,道:“不错!若天威门人与苏家人还在寻她,那么便代表她当前还无事,不过这样一来...我该如何寻她?” This... I do not know.” Pill King shakes the head to say. “这...我就不知道了。”药王摇头道。 Su Yun was silent. 苏云沉默了。 Old man I will help your.” “老头子我会帮你的。” Thanks the senior!” “谢谢前辈!” Su Yun deeply inspired, said: I think, goes to the northern continent to walk, inquired that may have the Qing Er whereabouts.” 苏云深吸了口气,道:“我想,还是去北方大陆走一遭,打听打听吧,或许会有倾儿的下落。” You decide.” Pill King nods, but also wanted to say anything again, at this time, outside resounded a rapid sound of footsteps, then, but listened to a Blossom Heart Valley disciple to run to out of the door, shouted loud. “你自己决定吧。”药王点头,还欲再说什么,这时,外头又响起一阵急促的脚步声,接着,但听一名花心谷弟子跑至门外,高声呼道。 Disciple opens the lycopodium to seek an interview!” “弟子张石松求见!” Pill King toward Su Yun enables signaling with the eyes, Su Yun to bring immediately the topee, blocked from the facial features. 药王苏云使了使眼色,苏云立刻将兜帽带起,遮住面容。 Comes in!” Guǐ mò jué shouts. “进来吧!”鬼莫觉喊道。 Immediately, pavilion gate was opened, Blossom Heart Valley disciple open(ed) Shisong walked, his both hands hold a bright red post, the bow the body are going toward the Pill King line. 立刻,阁门被打开,花心谷弟子张石松走了进来,他双手捧着一张鲜红的帖子,躬着身子朝药王行去。 What is this?” “这是什么?” The Pill King whole face was puzzled, received that post. 药王满脸不解,接过那帖子。 Reply the elder, in a moment ago, Ming Ying Sect sent for sending the written invitation, invited in my valley the elder to go to Ming Ying Sect, participates wedding banquet that Ming Ying Sect held.” “回禀长老,就在刚才,明影教派人送来请帖,诚邀我谷中长老前往明影教,参加明影教举办的婚宴。” Oh? 哦? Pill King stares: „Does Ming Ying Sect have which to probably tie the companion greatly?” 药王微愣:“明影教有哪位大能要结伴侣吗?” Usually spirit cultivation results in the companion not to do such grandly, only if two spirit cultivation of union for powerful or status extremely high generation, this will carry on the wedding banquet, blesses to it, naturally, the blessing is not the oral blessing so is simple, but really carries on the Profound Technique in addition to hold, this Profound Technique in addition holds to make both parties both probably the advantage, but, must to seek the strength excel person to carry on the blessing the line. 通常灵修者得伴侣是不会搞得这么隆重,除非结合的两名灵修者为实力强大或地位极高之辈,这才会进行婚宴,对之祝福,当然,祝福可不是口头的祝福这么简单,而是实实在在进行玄技的加持,这玄技加持可让男女双方都得好处,不过,得要寻实力更为高强的人来进行祝福才行。 Disciple does not know that who ties double cultivation companion, rapidness that person comes, walks also quick, the tea has not eaten.” “弟子不知何人结双修伴侣,那人来的快,走的也快,茶都没吃。” „, This.” “哦,这样啊。” Pill King opened that invitation to wedding, took a look on the eye, immediately the complexion was startled, partly made a sound said: Has not thought seriously that unexpectedly is Ming Ying Sect left Law Elder Liu Xindong and right Law Elder Hu Qianmei..., so that's how it is, if these two, poured indeed are worth living it up well one.” 药王将那喜帖打开,瞅了眼上头,顿时脸色一怔,半响才道:“当真没想到,竟是明影教护法流心动与右护法狐千魅...啧啧啧,原来如此,若是这两人的话,倒的确值得好好热闹一番了。” „The Pill King senior, you said that is who ties double cultivation companion?” Su Yun of that head felt that own ear has not heard clearly, anxious inquiry. 药王前辈,你说是谁结双修伴侣?”那头的苏云感觉自己的耳朵没听清,急急询问。 Liu Xindong with Hu Qianmei.” Pill King visits him puzzled. 流心动狐千魅啊。”药王不解看着他。 What?” “什么?” Su Yun almost jumps. 苏云差点跳起来。 Boy, do you stir up the movement really? It is not you ties!” “小子,你激动作甚?又不是你结!” Pill King puzzled [say / way]. But the next second, the written invitation in his hand was overtaken by Su Yun, Su Yun read the written invitation anxiously anxiously, has swept on the eye. 药王不解道。但下一秒,他手中的请帖被苏云抢了过去,苏云急急将请帖翻看,扫了眼上头。 Really is Liu Xindong and Hu Qianmei! 果然是流心动狐千魅 He looked at a time. 他看了眼时间。 On the 19 of the month. 本月19号。 In other words, time that six days have not been. 也就是说,还有六天不到的时间。 So is why hasty? 为何这般仓促? Can Hu Qianmei suddenly get married with Liu Xindong? Only feared that what secret facts these have, after all the Hu Qianmei special physique was captured by oneself, will she again go to form double cultivation companion with other people? 狐千魅怎么突然间会与流心动成婚?只怕这其中定有什么隐情,毕竟狐千魅特殊的体质已被自己夺得,她又怎会再去与其他人结成双修伴侣 The Su Yun look twinkle, fills the written invitation in the hand of Pill King, the turning around steps go toward the layman. 苏云眼神闪烁,将请帖塞在药王的手中,转身踏步朝外行去。 „Does boy, you go?” “小子,你去哪?” Pill King said. 药王疾呼。 But Su Yun has not urgently needed, offers a sacrifice to Death Sword directly, the person treads in the sword blade, soars to fly. 苏云已不急待,径直祭出死剑,人踏于剑身,腾空而飞。 Senior, I handles some private affairs, for the time being leaves, Xinyue, Xingyang, you treat well in Blossom Heart Valley, does not need to be worried about me!” “前辈,我去处理一些私事,暂且离开,新月,星阳,你们好好待在花心谷,不必担心我!” The sound falls, the person changed into disappears near the horizon together black light. 声音落下,人已化为一道黑光消失于天际边。 The people you have a look at my me to have a look at you, all has a head wet from the fog. 众人你看看我我看看你,皆满头雾水。 Was this? 这到底是怎么了? Whiz!!!! 嗖!!!! Under foot Death Sword speeds away, near the ear strong winds howl. 脚下死剑疾驰,耳边狂风呼啸。 Su Yun urging makes spirit profound Aura wrap Death Sword, faces forward to clash crazily, flies to the Ming Ying Sect direction. 苏云催使着灵玄气息包裹着死剑,朝前狂冲,飞向明影教的方向。 Now cultivation has come up, the speed of control flying sword also obviously grows. 如今修为上来了,驾驭飞剑的速度也明显增长。 Blossom Heart Valley away Ming Ying Sect is not a dot distance, at the speed of this flying sword, must spend the integer day time not to be possible. 只是,花心谷明影教可不是一小点路程,以这飞剑的速度,也得花个数天功夫不可。 Su Yun does not understand why Hu Qianmei can form double cultivation companion with Liu Xindong, but he understands, Hu Qianmei is not willing to marry Liu Xindong, which man or she is impossible to like on. 苏云根本不明白狐千魅为何会与流心动结成双修伴侣,但他明白一点,狐千魅并不愿意嫁给流心动,或者说,她根本不可能喜欢上哪个男人。 Only feared that Hu Qianmei was forced. 只怕狐千魅是被胁迫的。 Su Yun thoughts. 苏云心思。 Now Hu Qianmei had the relation with, what mishap if she suffered, which one also very to go absolutely, Hu Qianmei once got rid to rescue itself, how could to be concerned with? 如今狐千魅与自己已有了联系,她若遭受了什么不测,自己绝对也好不到哪去,更者,狐千魅曾出手救过自己,岂能对此不闻不问? Thinks that initially hid in the Hu Qianmei boudoir, listens respectfully to her and Liu Xindong dialog, the Su Yun heart even more was then anxious, speed also even more quick, almost urges the limit. 想到当初藏于狐千魅闺房之中,聆听到她与流心动的对话,苏云心头便越发焦急了,速度也愈发的快,几乎催到极限。 After several days dates. 数日后。 Clang!!!!!! 铛!!!!!! Death Sword collision maliciously on Ming Ying Sect mountain range. 死剑狠狠的撞进了明影教山脉上。 Evil Qi ripples, the malignant influences fill the air, this stretch of earth was pounded a smashing directly. 邪气荡漾,煞气弥漫,这一片大地直接被砸了个粉碎。 The mountain top left a big hole, Su Yun has wielded all around the rich dust, raised Death Sword to go out of the pit. 山头出了一个大坑,苏云挥掉四周浓郁的尘土,提着死剑走出坑来。 The distant place mountain extends fluctuating, grotesquely-shaped jagged rocks, occasionally has the vegetation, some cultivation inferior spirit beast run in the ravine. 远处大山延绵起伏,怪石嶙峋,偶有植被,一些修为低劣的灵兽在山间奔走。 He falls the school in mountain range toward distant place that takes a fast look around one, has pulled the topee, then toward it tour... 他朝着远方那落在山脉中的门派扫视一阵,扯了扯兜帽,便往之行去... …… …… ( Transition, ** will have) (过渡,**会有的)
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