LSG :: Volume #3

#248: Su Yun returns

Returned to the place of practice, Su Yun has wiped the perspiration on forehead, took down Sword sheath, places the ground. 重返修炼之地,苏云擦了擦额头上的汗,将剑匣取下,放在地上。 Ling Qingyu flew from inside immediately. 凌晴雨立刻从里头飞了出来。 Said?” “讲完了?” Um!” “嗯!” Said?” “怎么说的?” I said that I go to the evil sword gate to close up, in the Evil King city the big or medium business divides the person to manage, all matters confessed clearly, had the evil sword gate to frighten, believed them not to dare hurriedly.” “我说我去邪剑门闭关,邪王城内大小事务分人管理,所有事情都交代清楚了,有邪剑门震慑,相信他们不敢造次。” Also is, a evil sword gate enough eradicated the Evil King city.” “也是,一个邪剑门足够铲除邪王城了。” Walks.” “走吧。” Um.” “嗯。” Ling Qingyu received the sliver of stick shape goods that Su Yun hands over, stood before the mark. 凌晴雨接过苏云递过来的长条棍状物品,立在了印记前。 This is Mystical Void Iron and thing of coloured glass heart fusion, contained formidable void Divine Strength, and is connecting this prepare mark, they respond the Ling Qingyu necessary thing. 这是虚空玄铁琉璃心融合之物,蕴含了强大的虚空神力,且连接着这个布置好的印记,它们是响应凌晴雨的必备之物。 Prepared?” “准备好了吗?” Ling Qingyu turns head to inquire Su Yun. 凌晴雨扭头询问苏云 Su Yun nodded. 苏云点了点头。 Ling Qingyu then starts to open the cherry lips lightly, was talking over the mnemonics in a soft voice, the double pupil shut, was grasping stick of that fusion single-handed, rocked single-handed fast, flying high canvas any design. 凌晴雨便开始轻启樱唇,轻声念叨着口诀,双眸闭起,单手握着那融合的棍物,单手快速晃动,凌空画布着什么图案。 Slowly, her gentle and charming body starts to bloom the leaving the pen circle halo, mysterious Void Strength ascends gradually. 慢慢,她那娇柔的身子开始绽放出圈圈光晕,一股玄奥的虚空之力逐渐升腾起来。 Entire room indoor halo dyes the mysterious and profound, Su Yun is staring at Ling Qingyu, the heart extraordinary tranquility. 整个屋室内这光晕染得神奇奥妙,苏云凝望着凌晴雨,心头出奇的平静。 Has not thought that I walk in Evil Realm, not only has not died, instead has resulted in so many fortuitous encounters... Good, is seriously good. 没想到我在邪界走一遭,不仅没死,反而得了这般多的奇遇...不错,当真不错。 Su Yun shouted the tone, calmed down god. 苏云呼了口气,定了定心神。 At this time, Ling Qingyu opened double pupil suddenly, drank in a low voice: Broken!” 这时,凌晴雨突然睁开双眸,低声一喝:“破!” The sound falls instantaneous, in the hand sliver of stick melts together severe Guang swiftly, shakes to front that mark void. 声落瞬间,手中长条棍物倏化一道厉光,震向面前那印记上方的虚空之中。 Buzz humming sound... 嗡嗡嗡... kua! 咵啦! Trembles like the screen void crazily, finally resembles the paper to break instantaneously, the massive jet black and rich fog rests swing! 虚空如筛子般狂颤,最终似纸张般瞬间破开,大量漆黑且浓郁的雾息荡开! Su Yun!! Walks!!” 苏云!!走!!” Ling Qingyu urgently shouted, extended toward Su Yun the sprout. 凌晴雨急呼,将柔荑朝苏云伸去。 Su Yun does not dare to have the half minute to neglect, puts out a hand to grip that tender and delicate characterless the sprout. Then, Ling Qingyu toward that void leaps immediately, will have drawn, during two people submerge all this are void 苏云不敢有半分怠慢,伸手握住那娇嫩无骨的柔荑。而后,凌晴雨立刻朝那虚空一跃,将之拉了进去,二人尽数没入这虚空之中 Whish!!!!!! 哗!!!!!! Su Yun is inferior to respond that both eyes one black, the whole person fell into the infinite darkness. 苏云不及反应,双目一黑,整个人又陷入了无限的黑暗中。 This shuttle is void, stretches across the contact surface, but actually before not, that time like that painful, Ling Qingyu is gripping tightly his big hand, the small face is serious, is staring at the front. 这一次穿梭虚空,横跨界面,倒不似之前那次那般痛苦,凌晴雨紧握着他的大手,小脸严肃,盯着前方。 In the quick, endless darkness blows out a little ray, and ray is getting bigger and bigger, is getting more and more bright, in two people of front. 很快,无尽的黑暗中爆出一点儿光芒,且光芒越来越大,越来越亮,就在二人前方。 Drew near!” “快到了!” Ling Qingyu twittering the sound gets up. 凌晴雨呢喃之声响起。 Is so quick?” “这么快?” Su Yun one surprised. Then looks at the Ling Qingyu sudden body white light, flies into inside Sword sheath once again. 苏云一愕。便看凌晴雨突然身化白光,再度飞入剑匣里头。 Qingyu? Did you go in? To?” 晴雨?你怎么进去了?到了吗?” already to!” The Ling Qingyu words fall. 已经到了!”凌晴雨话落。 That flash, Su Yun then listens to the rumor that ear resounds howls intermittently, decides the item to look again that the dazzling ray will burn into both eyes, the clear feeling that Sky Martial Continent that will be in sole possession of surrounding! 那一瞬间,苏云便听耳边响起阵阵呼啸的风声,再定目看,刺眼的光芒灼入双眼,天武大陆那独有的清晰感将之包围! Really to! 果然到了! The Su Yun facial expression is excited, felt that the whole body pore rose at this moment, was quite comfortable. 苏云神情激动,感觉此时此刻全身毛孔都涨开了,好生舒爽。 Finally came back! Sky Martial Continent! 终于回来了!天武大陆 But, he has not attracted several tones with enough time, the person does not feel suddenly wonderfully, but sees own body rapidly to drop, looks toward below, discovered with amazement one unexpectedly in several kilometers upper air. 但,他还未来得及多吸几口气,人突感不妙,但见自己的身躯正在快速下降,朝下望去,惊讶的发现自己竟然在数千米的高空。 Scratch! It is not good! 擦!不好! Su Yun is fearful and apprehensive, offers a sacrifice to Death Sword hurriedly, the both feet steps, soars to fly, finally safe landing. 苏云心惊肉跳,急忙祭出死剑,双脚踏上,腾空飞起,总算安全的落了地。 Receives Death Sword, his anything has not done, the first matter, then lies down on the ground, is breathing in gulps. 死剑收起,他什么都没做,第一件事情,便是躺在地上,大口大口的呼吸着。 That smokes the smelly Evil Realm ratio Sky Martial Continent? Regardless of this mainland is unfair to him, at least he grows here. 那熏臭的邪界怎比的过天武大陆?无论这片大陆对他多么不公,至少他是在这儿生长的。 Some little time, the talented person recovers, looked at Ling Qingyu again, already enters Sword sheath to resume own loss. Su Yun then directly sets out, noses toward all around. 好一会儿,人才缓过劲儿,再看凌晴雨,已经进入剑匣恢复自身的损耗了。苏云便直接起身,朝四周查探起来。 Here seems Long Ao domestic Dong Xinshan... Draws close to the Western mainland, if the imperial sword across the purple river, has leapt nine mountains, can return to Blossom Heart Valley actually quickly!” “这里似乎是龙傲国内的董心山...贴近西方大陆,不过若御剑穿过紫河,跃过九支山,倒是能很快返回花心谷!” Su Yun does not know that now where Su Qing Er is , can only go to Blossom Heart Valley inquiry inquiry presently first, perhaps after Su Qing Er Exquisite Heart Jewel spreads to the northern region, turn back to return to the southern mainland. 苏云并不知苏倾儿如今身在何方,当前只能先去花心谷询问询问情况,或许苏倾儿玲珑心石传入北方区域后,又自己折返回南方大陆。 The disposition of Su Yun to Qing Er this girl is well aware, she will decide will not lose heart, definitely will seek own. 苏云倾儿这丫头的性格可是心知肚明,她定不会死心,肯定还是会找寻自己的。 Thinks of here, Su Yun controls the flying sword to hurry to toward Blossom Heart Valley immediately. 想到这儿,苏云立刻驾驭飞剑朝花心谷赶去。 Now the several years passes, Sky Martial Continent also had several points to change, but does not know that Profound Sky Sect and Su Clan was pursuing whether also and Qing Er does not put. 如今数年过去,天武大陆也有了几分变化,但不知天威门苏家是否还追着自己与倾儿不放。 Su Yun threw over the cape on the body, lowers the hat brim, the Death Sword illness flushed, such as the black meteor has cut the deep blue vault of heaven together. 苏云将斗篷披在身上,拉低了帽檐,死剑疾冲,如一道黑色流星划破了蔚蓝的苍穹。 In secluded embroidery pavilion, wipes the exquisite petite form to stand before the window, double pupil atheistic is looking at out of the window. 僻静的绣阁内,一抹玲珑娇小的身影立在窗前,双眸无神的望着窗外。 Thump. 咯噔。 The maidservants place on the spirit tea table gently, she softly, the fear disturbs that appearance looks like not the big person, however, that person actually returns to be excessive. 侍女将灵茶轻轻放在桌上,她轻手轻脚,害怕打搅到那模样看起来并不大的人,然,那人却回过了头。 How many days passed?” “过了多少天了?” Hu Qianmei worn out asking. 狐千魅有气无力的问道。 Reply Young Lady, already four days.” “回禀小姐,已经四天了。” Four days?” “四天?” The Hu Qianmei facial features flood painstakingly, behind outstanding buttocks the fragrance soft tail also soft peak draws in the place, before she arrives at the bed, stood on tiptoes to start to crawl, sat in the bedside, two slender legs were shaking gently. 狐千魅面容泛苦,翘臀背后香软的尾巴也软绵绵的耸拉在地,她走到床榻前,踮起脚爬了上去,坐在床边,两条修长的腿轻轻晃着。 In six days, was the day of big marriage?” “再过六天,就是大婚之日吧?” Yes.” The maidservants have hesitated the little while, said: Founder already issues the invitation to wedding, inviting various school of tyrants elders to come to attend the wedding banquet, but in teaching up and down, was decorated with lanterns and colored streamers, was busy at work the arrangement scene.” “是的。”侍女迟疑了会儿,道:“教主已经广发喜帖,邀请各门各派豪强长老前来参加婚宴,而教中上下,也是张灯结彩,忙活布置现场。” „.” Hu Qianmei corners of the mouth flood a taunt and contemptuous: This group of people, are concerned about face booing! However, this chapter may probably disappoint them!! Thing that they want to obtain, my already did not have.” “呵。”狐千魅嘴角泛起一丝嘲讽与轻蔑:“这帮人,倒好要脸!不过,这回可要让他们失望了!!他们想要得到的东西,我已经没有了。” The maidservants have a head wet from the fog looks at Hu Qianmei, did not understand her to say anything completely. 侍女满头雾水的看着狐千魅,完全不懂她在说什么。 Young Lady... was inferior that we run away.” Maidservants hesitant for a long time, this careful saying. 小姐...不如,咱们逃吧。”侍女犹豫了许久,这才小心的说道。 Runs away?” Hu Qianmei shook the head: You come , should also see that this all around has defended many Ming Ying Sect masters, including of a day phoenix Four Great Heavenly King came! Do I run away? Do I run he?” “逃?”狐千魅摇了摇头:“你进来的时候,也该看到这四周守了多少明影教的高手,连四大天王之一的天鸟王都来了!我怎么逃?我跑得过他吗?” That... That what to do Young Lady, do you want to marry Liu Xindong Law Elder really?” “那...那怎么办啊小姐,难道您真要嫁给流心动护法吗?” Naturally......” Hu Qianmei is utterly confused to say. “当然...不了...”狐千魅心乱如麻道。 Although on the mouth said that but she does not have the least bit means that at this time, whom can she count on? 虽然嘴上这么说,但她心里却没有半点办法,这个时候,她又能指望谁? from childhood was then abandoned by the parents, half -and-a-half people of monsters, if not for the teacher rescues, already died in the barren hill, even if were rescued, and learns the excellent merit law, cultivation excels, may unable to earn the least bit proper respect as before, because then she is the generations of half -and-a-half people of monster, all people are deceiving themselves, uses itself, have oneself owed this world what? 从小便被父母遗弃,半人半妖,若不是师尊相救,早就死于荒山中,但即便被救,且习得上乘功法,修为高强,可依旧得不到半点应有的尊重,便因为她是半人半妖之辈,所有人都在欺瞒自己,利用自己,自己难道欠了这个世界什么吗? The Hu Qianmei fresh-faced small fist pinches stubbornly, in the eye pupil is the pain is unwilling. 狐千魅粉嫩的小拳头捏的死死的,眼眸之中又是痛苦又是不甘。 But for a long time, her small hands was lax. 但许久,她的小手还是松懈了下去。 Yingying.” “盈盈。” Servants.” “奴婢在。” My this whole life, live good tired...” Hu Qianmei smiles bitterly is looking at her, light [say / way]: To final moment, perhaps... Also only then you also care about me, cares about me...” “我这辈子,活的好累...”狐千魅苦笑着望着她,轻道:“到最后关头,或许...也只有你还在乎我,关心我...” Young Lady .... 小姐....” You said that if the wedding on the same day, the bride broke an engagement, has killed the bridegroom in the presence of everyone, can make the Ming Ying Sect face countenance sweep the floor? Ha Ha...” “你说,如果婚礼当天,新娘悔婚,当众杀了新郎,会不会让明影教颜面扫地啊?哈哈...” Young Lady... you... Your cultivation was imprisoned, you are impossible to fight Liu Xindong Law Elder, moreover in the front of that many tyrants, you... Your this is equal to committing suicide.” 小姐...你...你修为被禁锢了,你根本不可能斗的过流心动护法的,而且还在那么多豪强的面前,你...你这等于自杀啊。” Suicide? Indifferent, already did not care about the life and death.” “自杀?呵,无所谓,早就不在乎生死了。” Hu Qianmei closes right up against the sides of the bed, twittering said: Was only a pity that cannot revenge for master... What a pity... What a pity.” 狐千魅靠着床沿,呢喃道:“只可惜不能为师父报仇...可惜...可惜了。” Outside Blossom Heart Valley. 花心谷外。 As before the fine spring day, outstanding people and magical soil. The mouth place, experiences personally the disease from the four directions massively the bitter people, but also in ordered lining up, is waiting for the Blossom Heart Valley person of high skill's treatment. 依旧鸟语花香,人杰地灵。谷口处,大量来自四方身受疾病之苦的人们,还在有序的排着队,等待着花心谷高人的救治。 78 disciples are having a non- cotton wool is maintaining the scene, a lecturer supervises in the side, if there are disciple to make a mistake in the diagnosis process, he will correct immediately. 78名弟子正在有条不絮的维持着现场,一名讲师则在旁侧监督,若有弟子在诊治过程中犯了错误,他会在第一时间内纠正过来。 Whiz!!!!! 嗖!!!!! At this time, dropped from the clouds together black light, hit slantingly in the mouth place. 这时,一道黑光从天而降,斜撞在谷口处。 But listens to thump, the ground trembles lightly, the dust flies upwards, the person in mouth place has gawked, neat looks toward the place of that hit. 但听‘咚’的一声,地面轻颤,尘土飞扬,谷口处的人愣了下,齐刷刷的朝那撞击的地方望去。 The rich dust disperses gradually, is throwing over the jet black cape, cannot see clearly the person of face to stand there, he grasps single-handed matching the jet black long sword of scabbard, the back is carrying on the arm Sword sheath with a blood red sword, is looking around in all directions, when finds here Blossom Heart Valley disciple, immediately mark time. 浓郁的尘土逐渐散开,一名披着漆黑斗篷,看不清脸的人已立在那儿,他单手握着把配着剑鞘的漆黑长剑,背后挎着剑匣与一把血红的剑,正四处张望着,当瞧见这儿的花心谷弟子,立刻踏步走来。 Halts!! You... Who are you??” “站住!!你...你是何人??” Here Blossom Heart Valley lecturer recovers, drinks anxiously anxiously greatly. 这边的花心谷讲师回过神来,急急大喝。 One group of disciples stop the work in hand, two disciples ran in the valley, but other people assemble toward here. 一帮弟子停下手中的活儿,两名弟子跑进了谷内,而其他人则朝这儿围聚过来。 I must see Master Guǐ mò jué.” “我要见鬼莫觉大师。” Su Yun said in a low voice. 苏云低声道。 His train of thought over and over, does not reveal the name to be quite good, before has not solved the matter, Su Yun this name is a trouble. 他思绪再三,还是不露姓名比较好,在没有解决事情之前,苏云这个名字是个麻烦。 Sees Master Guǐ mò jué? Who are you? what Menhe does send? Please show token that represents your status.” “见鬼莫觉大师?你到底是什么人?何门何派?请出示代表你身份的令牌。” The lecturer cannot see this person of depth, the heart somewhat empty, but as the Blossom Heart Valley person, he supports the heart frightened start to talk to shout. 那讲师看不出此人深浅,心头有些虚,但作为花心谷人,他还是强撑着心头的恐惧开口喊道。 „Below status, is unsuitable to disclose, but also asked your excellency to inform Master Guǐ mò jué, making him come out a to chat, I can explain the situation with him.” “在下身份,不便透露,还请阁下通知一下鬼莫觉大师,让他出来一叙,我会与他说明情况的。” Su Yun said calmly. 苏云平静说道。 Sees this person not dry not to get angry, the manner kind spoken language politeness, the vigilance of lecturer also has put down several points, his scruple has sized up Su Yun one, afterward has caused signaling with the eyes toward disciple. 见这人不燥不怒,态度和蔼言语礼貌,那讲师的警觉心也放下了几分,他迟疑的打量了苏云一眼,随后朝身旁的弟子使了使眼色。 The disciple is understanding, immediately runs off. 那弟子会意,立刻跑开了。 A moment later, Guǐ mò jué is getting several disciples hurriedly runs toward the mouth. 片刻之后,鬼莫觉领着几名弟子急匆匆的朝谷口跑来。 When saw mouth place is setting up when cape man, Guǐ mò jué has gawked obviously, his thoughts are more exquisite than other people, although this person the face countenance blocks from, but his back weapon is actually exposed outside. 当看到谷口处立着的斗篷男子时,鬼莫觉明显愣了一下,他心思却比其他人都要细腻,此人虽颜面遮住,但他背后的武器却是裸露在外。 That is Sword sheath...?” “那剑匣...难道是?” The Guǐ mò jué heart jumps suddenly, as if has thought of anything, ran hurriedly. 鬼莫觉心脏猛然一跳,似乎想到了什么,急忙跑了过去。 Grand Ghost Master, long time no see.” 鬼大师,好久不见了。” Su Yun gains ground, a pale face maps in the Guǐ mò jué eye. 苏云抬起头,一张苍白至极的脸映入鬼莫觉的眼中。 Su... Is Su Yun, you?” “苏...苏云,是你?” Guǐ mò jué stayed for a long time, this recovers, holds down joyfully his shoulder, shouted: „Did you come back? Good!! Good!! Ha, I said your boy heaven protects the good! Will not have the matter! Ha Ha Ha...” 鬼莫觉呆了许久,这才回过神来,欣喜至极的按住他的肩膀,呼道:“你回来了?太好了!!太好了!!哈哈哈,我就说你小子吉人天相!不会有事嘛!哈哈哈...” Guǐ mò jué excitedly and has stemmed from the anticipation of Su Yun joyfully, looks at this old person so joyful appearance, the Su Yun heart micro flood is moved. 鬼莫觉的激动与喜悦出乎了苏云的意料,看着这老人如此欣喜的模样,苏云心头微泛感动。 „Is the Pill King senior now good?” 药王前辈现在还好吗?” Fortunately, fortunately! Initially although has resulted in some wounds, but do not forget that our Blossom Heart Valley made anything! Wounded and sick anything, to us, simply is a piece of cake!” “还好,还好!当初虽得了些伤,但你别忘记,我们花心谷是做什么的!伤病什么的,对我们来讲,简直就是小菜一碟!” Safe is good!” Su Yun relaxed, said: Here person many mixed, we go in the speech.” “无事就好!”苏云松了口气,道:“这儿人多口杂,我们还是进去说话吧。” Good! My this then leads you to see the fellow apprentice with the elders!!” “好!我这便带你去见师兄跟长老们!!” Guǐ mò jué said that urgently urgently greeted Su Yun to enter Blossom Heart Valley. 鬼莫觉说道,急急招呼苏云进了花心谷 Who is that person?” “那人到底是谁?” Does not know.” “不知道。” Saying that outside several disciples have a head wet from the fog. 外头几名弟子满头雾水的说道。
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