LSG :: Volume #3

#247: About protects buddhist law

Your palace main hall, two Demon are sitting well in uneasy waiting, a person is throwing over the fiery red mail-armor and helmet, the back defeated/carrying the extravagant blade, another manpower is grasping the law stick, motionless, is similar to the stone. 君王府正厅,两名邪人正端坐于内忐忑不安的等待着,一人披着火红甲胄,背后负着把阔刀,另外一人手握法杖,一动不动,如同石头。 Two people of cultivation all are Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple, in the Evil King city, is the well-known master. 二人修为皆为灵玄魂九品,在邪王城中,已是响当当的高手了。 King Sir!” “君王大人到!” A high call gets up, then, Su Yun in the company of several Demon, walks toward the main hall stride. 一记高呼声起,接着,苏云在数名邪人的陪伴下,朝正厅大步走来。 These day Su Yun are busy with reorganizing the king mansion, cleaned up the massive properties of king, the taking office king collects many magic weapon materials, Su Yun has gained full, he pointed at on Chu ring quick belt not to get down, six, each has crowded all kinds of materials, practical small magic weapon, as for these formidable ** the treasure, may make Su Yun grieved, taking office king unexpectedly majority of ** the treasure built up the mark, other people died, many magic weapons voluntarily destroyed, had the part magic weapon to be useless to Su Yun, but actually has saying that had. Loses. 这几日苏云忙于整顿君王府邸,清理君王的大量财产,上任君王搜罗了不少法宝材料,苏云可谓是赚了个盆满钵满,他手指上的储物戒指都快带不下了,足足有六个之多,每一个都塞满了各式各样的材料,还有许多实用的小法宝,至于那些强大的**宝,可让苏云心痛死了,上任君王竟把大部分强**宝炼出印记,他人一死,许多法宝都自行销毁,还有部分法宝对苏云无用,倒不得不说有得也。有失。 Then was releases these by female Demon that the taking office king capture came forcefully, Su Yun to these swarthy female Demon not anything interests, even if must look, should be Chen Yiyun such, at least also conformed to the aesthetic standard of Sky Martial Continent person, what made Su Yun somewhat accidental was, many female Demon hoped to continue to follow Su Yun unexpectedly. 而后便是释放那些被上任君王强行虏来的女邪人了,苏云对这些黑不溜秋的女邪人没什么兴趣,就算要找,也该是陈依韵那样的,至少还符合天武大陆人的审美观,不过让苏云有些意外的是,不少女邪人竟希望继续跟随苏云 Did not say that Su Yun is not interested in them, is interested, Su Yun does not dare to act unreasonably, after all he is a person, but non- Demon. If exposed the status to trouble. 不说苏云对她们不感兴趣,就算感兴趣,苏云也不敢乱来,毕竟他可是人,而非邪人。若暴露了身份可就麻烦了。 After disbanding some people in Monarch palace, Su Yun stays behind elite, naturally also prepares for war, receives Demon that came to hire oneself much, collects the thing of needing for him, cultivates easily-to-use. 遣散了君王府内的部分人后,苏云留下精锐,自然也招兵买马,收了不少前来投靠的邪人,为他搜罗所需之物,好用来修炼。 Pays a visit the king Sir!” “拜见君王大人!” These two masters set out hastily, Su Yun that to walking salutes. 这两名高手连忙起身,冲着走进来的苏云施礼。 Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple?” 灵玄魂九品?” Su Yun closed Heavenly Scale Divine Eyes, the facial color has been startled. 苏云关闭了天鳞神目,面色一怔。 He has not thought that will have the people of two so strengths to go for oneself to seek Violet Seven Leaves and Roasted Red Blood. Do they want into their primary assistant? 他可没想到会有两尊这般实力的人去为自己寻‘紫七叶’与‘炙红血’。难道他们想要成为自己的得力助手? However did not matter, the thing obtains, then left Evil Realm to be good. 不过无所谓了,东西得到,便离开邪界好了。 Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, shows a smiling face, asked: „Are you then obtains Violet Seven Leaves and Roasted Red Blood the person?” 苏云舒了口气,露出一点笑容,问道:“你们便是获得‘紫七叶’与‘炙红血’的人?” „Below Kuang Yuxie, Violet Seven Leaves.” That defeated/carrying blade man said. “在下狂玉邪,得‘紫七叶’。”那负刀男子道。 „Below Huang Dong weaponry, Roasted Red Blood.” Grasps the stick man to say. “在下黄东仗,得‘炙红血’。”握杖男子道。 „Did you as if know?” Su Yun sees between two people not to be as if strange, then asks. “你们似乎认识?”苏云见二人之间似乎并不陌生,遂开口问。 I and others are the same side fellow apprentices, after finishing an apprenticeship, looks to seek a big energy, was sheltered by it, the practice, helps one another with concentration can go on an expedition the four directions greatly, overcomes the territory, grasps cultivates the resources! Becoming outstanding!” “我等为同门师兄弟,自出师后,望寻一大能,受之庇护,潜心修炼,同时也相助大能征战四方,打下疆土,掠取更多修炼资源!出人头地!” Kuang Yuxie said loud. 狂玉邪高声说道。 King Sir cuts to kill the matter of taking office king, already spreads over the four directions, becames famous, I and others admired, these time offers the most precious object, only to follow king Sir!” “君王大人斩杀上任君王之事,已经传遍四方,名声大振,我等十分仰慕,这一次献上至宝,只为追随君王大人!” The Huang Dong weaponry said. 黄东仗道。 Su Yun one hear, nods again and again: Good! Very good! Since you have resulted in these two magic weapons, then I then formally announced that Kuang Yuxie, you for left Law Elder of my Evil King city, the Huang Dong weaponry, you for right Law Elder, you assist me, guards the Evil King city together, knows?” 苏云一听,连连点头:“好!很好!既然你们已得这两件法宝,那么我便正式宣布,狂玉邪,你为我邪王城的左护法,黄东仗,你为右护法,你们二人协助我,共同镇守邪王城,知道吗?” As soon as two people listen, kneels down anxiously anxiously, shouted loudly devotionally: Many thanks king Sir!” 二人一听,急急跪下,虔诚高呼:“多谢君王大人!” Later I will arrange the practice mansion to you, serves your Demon, grants you again some magic weapons, you get down for the time being the rest, will have any matter I to send for informing you.” “稍后我会给你们安排修炼府邸,伺候你们的邪人,再赏赐你们一些法宝,你们暂且下去休息吧,有什么事情我会派人通知你们。” Many thanks the Sir, the subordinate asks to be excused!” “多谢大人,属下告退!” Two people were shouting, then had been led afterward. 二人呼着,随后便被人领了下去。 After the moment, aide two people of acquisitions Violet Seven Leaves and Roasted Red Blood has delivered. 片刻后,侍从将二人获得的‘紫七叶’与‘炙红血’送了过来。 Su Yun in two thing income pouches, sharply sharply leaves the main hall, returned to behind the place of practice. 苏云将二物收入囊中,急急离开正厅,返回了后头的修炼之地。 Entered the place of practice, under instruction must not disturb, general's family Guan Hao, then again all took out all materials in ring. 入了修炼之地,吩咐下去不得打扰,将门关好,而后再将戒指里的所有材料全部取出。 Mystical Void Iron, Violet Seven Leaves, coloured glass heart, Roasted Red Blood and Bitter Stone. 虚空玄铁紫七叶琉璃心炙红血苦石 Collected completely! Believes that should be able successfully to return to Sky Martial Continent!” “全部凑齐了!相信应该能够顺利返回天武大陆了!” Su Yun relaxing of maliciously, at this moment, must approach finally. 苏云狠狠的松了口气,这一刻,终于要来临了。 Also does not know how Qing Er that girl, had not known now good. 也不知倾儿那丫头现在怎样了,不知道过的好不好。 Tight that the Su Yun heart misses, thinks that regards itself such as the life girl, then the sleep loves dearly. 苏云心头挂念的紧,一想到那视自己如生命的丫头,便觉心疼不已。 He takes out Sword sheath, opening, toward inside loudly will be shouting the Ling Qingyu name. 他取出剑匣,将之开启,朝里头大呼着凌晴雨的名字。 Some little time, in Sword sheath has given the response. 好一会儿,剑匣里才给了反应。 What to quarrel? I am recuperating, can't you, let me law-abidingly?” “吵什么啊?我在休养,你这人啊,就不能让我安分一点吗?” The Ling Qingyu disgruntled sound emits from Sword sheath. 凌晴雨不悦的声音从剑匣里冒出。 My already was complete the material collection!” “我已经把材料收集齐全了!” What?” The Ling Qingyu surprised sound emits, then looked that in Sword sheath flashes a white light, the Ling Qingyu body appears by Sword sheath immediately, material that in her careful looking tread of white clothing white hair these sparkling class rhymes overflow, fresh-faced small mouth immediately open(ed) Boss. “什么?”凌晴雨惊讶的声音冒出,便看剑匣内闪动一阵白光,凌晴雨的身躯立刻出现在剑匣旁,白衣白发的她仔细的望着地面上那些闪闪发光流韵四溢的材料,粉嫩的小嘴立刻张的老大。 You... You how... So quickly then to be how complete material collection?? This... This is impossible! How will you have the so quick speed?” “你...你怎么...怎么这么快便把材料收集齐全了??这...这不可能!你怎会有这般快的速度?” Ling Qingyu has not expected that these thing each obtain is very difficult, however... Su Yun actually all obtained. 凌晴雨根本就没有料想到,这些东西每一件获得都十分困难,然而...苏云却已尽数获得。 Sees Ling Qingyu to be so surprised, Su Yun smiled, then said reason. 凌晴雨如此吃惊,苏云笑了笑,便把这其中的缘由说了出来。 Listens to the cause and effect, Ling Qingyu is sobs seriously: Has not thought really that you are the kings in this Evil King city, said that then in entire Evil Realm is also not a small influence!” 听完前因后果,凌晴雨当真是唏嘘不已:“真没想到,你已是这邪王城的君王了,说起来,那在整个邪界也是一股不小的势力啊!” Evil Realm is so big, are more than this king strong existence of went, said the evil sword gate, that main one, then with ease cuts completely the master in Evil King city! Does not permit also to have compared with a evil sword gate stronger school, therefore this king is only a reputation, could not represent anything, let alone, I then must return to Sky Martial Continent, the power of this king... Is indifferent!” 邪界这么大,比这君王强的存在多了去了,就说邪剑门,那门主一来,便轻松斩尽邪王城的高手!不准还有比邪剑门更强的门派,所以这君王只是个名头,代表不了什么,更何况,我便要返回天武大陆了,这君王之权...要不要无所谓!” Ten thousand cannot think!” Ling Qingyu busy [say / way]: „Can the authority that your this fool, must come with great difficulty, how so give up?” “万不可这么想!”凌晴雨忙道:“你这个笨蛋呐,好不容易得来的权力,怎能就这般放弃?” Sky Martial Continent and Evil Realm round-trip is so difficult, two different potential surfaces things, but can also interwine?” 天武大陆邪界往返这般困难,两个不同位面的东西,还能交织在一起吗?” How can't?” Ling Qingyu shakes the head again and again: If can extremely enough manpower and financial resource, builds one small void Void Door is actually impossible.” “怎么不能?”凌晴雨连连摇头:“若能极其足够的人力与财力,打造一座小型的‘虚空跃门’倒不是不可能。” Void Void Door? What is that?” Su Yun asked. “虚空跃门?那是什么?”苏云愣问。 „Similar to the small bridge strategy of image source exit / to speak, may link some to assign the contact surface, making the person stretch across from this contact surface enters that contact surface, but is each time limited through the population, and needs the massive best quality goods materials to construct, building void Void Door at least must spend over two years times, if were a person cannot complete absolutely, but you have the resources of entire Evil King city now, could build this void Void Door!” “一个类似于虚源出口的小型桥架阵法,可链接某个指定界面,让人从这个界面横跨进入那个界面,但每次通过人数有限,且需要大量极品材料构筑,建筑虚空跃门至少要花费两年以上的功夫,如果是一个人的话是绝对完成不了的,但你现在掌握整个邪王城的资源,或许能够打造出这虚空跃门!” Su Yun hear that, joyful: If so, that seriously helped!” 苏云闻言,欣喜不已:“若是如此,那当真是帮了大忙了!” Su Yun does not know that Profound Sky Sect is capturing whether still Su Qing Er, but if has the support of Evil King city strength, although cannot contend with Profound Sky Sect thoroughly, but at least already had with the method that it confronts, later makes many of any also convenience. 苏云不知道天威门是否还在追捕着苏倾儿,但若有邪王城力量的支持,虽不能彻底抗衡天威门,但至少自己已经有了与之对峙的手段,以后做什么也方便的多。 Do not be self-satisfied, a void Void Door day can only through them, moreover takes two years of time to construct, do not count on to it too! Abandons the time of building not saying that solely was the collection also headache of this material died, it compared the weak actually, otherwise it can as opening the entrances of other contact surfaces greatly, causes various contact surface chaos!!” “别太得意,虚空跃门一天只能通过两人,而且要两年功夫才能建好,别对它指望太多!抛开打造的时间不说,单单是这材料的收集也头疼死了,它其实比较鸡肋,否则它会被大能们作为开辟其他界面的入口,致使各界面大乱!!” At least does not compare.” “至少比没有强。” Su Yun said with a smile: Qingyu, you manufacturing the Void Door method reported that I start makes the person arrange immediately.” 苏云笑道:“晴雨,你把制作跃门的方法报一下,我立刻着手让人安排。” Finds a trustworthy person to be responsible for!” “找个信得过的人负责!” That batch Demon to me are been loyal and devoted by I have released, they should trust.” “那批被我释放了的邪人对我忠心耿耿,他们应该信得过。” That is good... However Su Yun, you, if went to Sky Martial Continent, the Evil King city who handles?” “那就好...不过苏云,你若去了天武大陆,邪王城谁来打理?” „Haven't I incurred about two Law Elder newly?” “我不是新招了两个左右护法吗?” „Do they trust?” “他们信得过?” They are untrustworthy, has not related.” Su Yun shakes the head smiles: They do not dare to be dissolute!” “他们信不过,也没关系。”苏云摇头一笑:“他们不敢放肆!” Why?” “为何?” Because most Evil Realm Demon knows now that the back of Evil King city king, is standing the evil sword gate!” “因为现在大半邪界邪人都知道,邪王城君王的背后,站着邪剑门!” Ling Qingyu has gawked the moment, afterward smiles helplessly: I forgot actually! Person who you currently have the backer!” 凌晴雨愣了片刻,随后无奈一笑:“我倒是忘记了!你现在可是有靠山的人了!” Ling Qingyu again rubbish, after sending out method, Su Yun immediately runs the arrangement, that batch must be treated as built up spirit Demon, now stayed in Monarch palace, one of them was called south the name, Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, after Su Yun release, was grateful to Su Yun, the manner was honest, not having many colored intestines, Su Yun then to give him to be responsible for this void Void Door manufacture project, in your palace the rich resources, enough built one like this big. 凌晴雨没再废话,报出法子后,苏云立刻跑下去安排,那批本要被当做器灵炼化的邪人,如今都留在了君王府,其中一人叫做名南,灵玄魂二品,自苏云将之释放后,对苏云感恩戴德,为人老实忠厚,没有多少花花肠子,苏云便将这虚空跃门的制作工程交给他负责,君王府内资源丰富,足够打造一座这样的大阵。 Void Void Door arranges appropriately, Su Yun then hurried began to start the arrangement of Empty Hollow Spatial Void Technique formulation Coordinate mark with Ling Qingyu. 虚空跃门安排妥当,苏云便急忙与凌晴雨着手开始劈破虚空制定坐标印记的布置了。 Practices in the room. 修炼房内。 Had the material, arranged mark then easy many.” Ling Qingyu received some commonly used magic weapons that Su Yun brings, starts to internalize in the place of practice. “有了材料,布置印记便容易的多了。”凌晴雨接过苏云取来的一些常用法宝,开始在修炼之地内化阵。 Roasts the red snow to smudge in the plating. 炙红雪涂抹于印纹上。 Violet Seven Leaves grinds, sways in the surface layer, reinforces the seal effect. 紫七叶碾碎,挥洒于表层,加固印效。 Bitter Stone makes the seal source. 苦石做印源。 Then must fuses with coloured glass heart and Mystical Void Iron, makes the sharp weapon use of Empty Hollow Spatial Void Technique. 接着便要用琉璃心虚空玄铁融合,做劈破虚空的利器使用。 Ling Qingyu has been busy at work for day, being sweating profusely that makes, this makes the mark. 凌晴雨忙活了一天,弄的满头大汗,这才将印记制好。 Was similar!” “差不多了!” Ling Qingyu breathed a sigh of relief, said with a smile to Su Yun. 凌晴雨舒了口气,冲着苏云笑道。 Was laborious!” “辛苦了!” Su Yun nods, deeply inspired, said: Today you then rest, tomorrow we start, then, I should confess that the things to do after death, the preparation left.” 苏云点点头,深吸了口气,道:“今日你便休息一下吧,明天我们开始,接下来,我该去交代一下后事,准备离开了。” Um!” “嗯!” Ling Qingyu nods, then changes into a white light, sneaked in Sword sheath. 凌晴雨点头,便化为一道白光,钻进了剑匣 Su Yun picks up Sword sheath, calmed down, goes out of the place of practice. 苏云拾起剑匣,定了定神,走出修炼之地。 Quick, your palace imperial order issued that all subordinates the high level and powerhouse in Monarch palace gathers in the mansion main hall, is waiting for king's order. 很快,君王府诏令发布,所有隶属于君王府的高层与强者纷纷聚集于府邸正厅,等候着君王的命令。 Su Yun understands, if, also wants to use the strength of Evil King city, must speak perfectly this departure attractively, the person walks, but the deterrent force must, otherwise cannot suppress this group of Demon decidedly. 苏云明白,若以后还想利用邪王城的力量,就得把这一次离开的话讲得完美漂亮,人走,但威慑力要在,否则决然镇压不住这帮邪人 Quick, the person then enters the main hall. 很快,人便进入正厅。 In the hall the high levels about hundred Evil King cities, already waited there for some time... 厅中近百名邪王城的高层,已经等候多时... …… …… ( Thanked friend user 44822935 hitting enjoyed with the monthly ticket supports, thanks( ∩ _ ∩)) (感谢朋友‘用户44822935’的打赏与月票支持,谢谢(∩_∩))
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