LSG :: Volume #3

#246: Opens nameless

Thump! 咚! The ray falls down, blasts open, the wave ripples all at once... 光线坠地,炸裂开来,一股气浪荡漾。。。 When all bracing colds vanish, people noticed that there already sets up one to put on the young man of black Chinese dress. 待所有气劲消失时,人们才看到那儿已经立着一名穿着黑色华服的年轻男子。 Male straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, the first uneven bangs, the back is making a braid, somewhat is quite natural with does not arrest. 男子剑眉星目,前齐刘海,背后扎着个辫子,颇有几分潇洒与不拘。 After he appears, Hu Qianmei and Liu Xindong and the others the neat single knee kneels down, toward it saluting. 当他出现后,狐千魅流心动等人齐刷刷的单膝跪下,朝之施礼。 Pays a visit the founder!” “拜见教主!” The call resounds. 呼声响起。 Um, dispense with ceremony!” “嗯,都免礼了!” Teaches to advocate the nameless light start to talk. 教主张无名淡淡开口。 Thanked the founder.” “谢教主。” The people set out. 人们起身。 Opened nameless sword to take a fast look around surrounding person , the sinking sound asked: Night, you gather in this, behavior what??” 张无名剑目扫视了周围人一圈,沉声问道:“夜已深了,你们聚集于此,所为何事啊??” This issue, must inquire fox Law Elder.” “这个问题,就要询问狐护法了。” Liu Xindong received the hand black needle, both hands holds the chest, a face ponders is looking at Hu Qianmei. 流心动收起手中黑针,双手抱胸,一脸玩味的望着狐千魅 Hu Qianmei clenches teeth secretly, has not made a sound. 狐千魅暗暗咬牙,没吱声。 open(ed) Wuming has placed on the line of sight Hu Qianmei of that head, sinks to ask: Fox Law Elder, what? Mentioned truthfully.” 张无名将视线放在了那头的狐千魅身上,沉问:“狐护法,到底何事?如实说来。” What?” The Hu Qianmei complexion fluctuated the period of time, the delicate voice feels fuzzy, asked: Founder, this time should by me ask that is! My Hu Qianmei wedding, why do you want to take responsibility for me?” “何事?”狐千魅脸色变幻了一阵子,细嫩的嗓音发沉,问:“教主,这次应该由我来问才是!我狐千魅的婚事,为何你要为我做主?” „Do you think discontented?” open(ed) Wuming the brow moves lightly, asks. “你觉得不满吗?”张无名眉头轻动,问道。 Nature!” Now already tears to pieces the facial skin, Hu Qianmei did not care, sound track: Today, Qianmei then must with flowing Law Elder lays cards on the table! In any event, Qianmei will not do to flow Law Elder double cultivation companion, therefore this marriage, cancels!” “自然!”如今已经是撕破脸皮了,狐千魅也不在乎了,声道:“今日来,千魅便是要与流护法摊牌!无论如何,千魅都不会做流护法双修伴侣,所以这门亲事,还是取消吧!” What's wrong? Aren't you pleasing flow Law Elder?” “怎么?你不中意流护法?” „.” The Hu Qianmei bright eyes have sized up Liu Xindong, disdains saying: My Hu Qianmei rather marries the pig to marry the dog, will not marry such person.” “呵。”狐千魅明眸上上下下打量了流心动一圈,不屑道:“我狐千魅宁愿嫁猪嫁狗,也不会嫁给这样的人。” Why?” “为何?” His long was too ugly!” “他长的太难看了!” Liu Xindong: „......” 流心动:“......” open(ed) Wuming has hesitated the little while, said: Fox Law Elder, this matter I hope that you can consider, you are the good combinations, I do not hope that you make not happily for this matter.” 张无名迟疑了会儿,道:“狐护法,此事我还是希望你能考虑考虑,你们是天作之合,我不希望你们为此事闹得不愉快。” „The meaning of founder?” “那教主的意思?” You must unify!” “你们必须结合!” Why? Founders! Are you are compelling me?” “为何?教主!你这是在逼我吗?” Fox Law Elder, your physique is special, if you unify, the talent is sharable, has the advantage to you, particularly Liu Xindong Law Elder, he may bridge over the final gully surely, enters Spirit Star Disciple cultivation at one fell swoop, after flowing Law Elder enters the Spirit Star Disciple boundary, may help one another in you enters Spirit Star Disciple cultivation, so, does not have an evil to you to his hundred advantages, isn't win-win? My Ming Ying Sect resulted in two big Spirit Star Disciple masters to lead a cheer, decided is mammoth, sweeps away the entire region, unmanned energy enemy!!” “狐护法,你的体质特殊,若你们结合,天赋可共享,对你们都有好处,尤其是流心动护法,他定可跨过最后的沟壑,一举进入灵玄阳修为,而当流护法进入灵玄阳境界后,也可相助于你进入灵玄阳修为,如此,对你对他百利而无一害,不是双赢吗?我明影教得了两大灵玄阳高手助阵,定是声势浩大,横扫整个区域,无人能敌!!” open(ed) Wuming said leisurely. 张无名款款说道。 Hu Qianmei heard the sound, understood nameless thoughts. 狐千魅闻声,也算是明白了张无名的心思。 Reason that he agreed that Liu Xindong said that complete was the person who the hope can take this to let two Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple promotes for the Spirit Star Disciple big energy, so, was the amplification Ming Ying Sect strength of enormous degree, after all Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple and First Level Spirit Star Disciple the disparity of were too big. 他之所以同意流心动所言,完完全全是希望能够以此让两名灵玄魂十品的人晋升为灵玄阳大能,如此,便是极大程度的增幅明影教实力,毕竟灵玄魂十品与灵玄阳一品的差距实在太大了。 Merely... For this?” Hu Qianmei stared in a big way the double pupil, felt that own breath felt uncomfortable, heart uncomfortable. “仅仅...是为了这个吗?”狐千魅瞪大了双眸,感觉自己的呼吸发紧,心头难受的很。 Perhaps fox Law Elder, you do not want, but please a general situation consider, my has Ming Ying Sect, what feared his Divine Sword faction powerful?” “狐护法,也许你不愿意,但请一大局着想,我明影教实力强大了,何惧他神剑派?” Divine Sword sends the Divine Sword faction! Any Divine Sword faction!” The Hu Qianmei short of breath is incomparable, pain and grievance that the angry sound again and again, her bright double pupil covers entirely, full unwillingness. 神剑神剑派!什么神剑派!”狐千魅气急无比,怒声连连,她那明亮的双眸布满的痛苦与委屈,还有满满的不甘。 Opens nameless! You are using me radically!! You think that I haven't realized??” “张无名!你根本就是在利用我!!你以为我还没有察觉到吗??” Bold, dares to say founder given name!!” Behind Ming Ying Sect person angrily rebukes Hu Qianmei. “大胆,竟敢直呼教主大名!!”后头的明影教人怒斥狐千魅 But Hu Qianmei does not fear quite the same as, opens the sound track: Initially I sent to rebel and flee from Divine Sword, wants not to think that then directly has thrown Ming Ying Sect, settled on the gratitude and grudges that Ming Ying Sect and Divine Sword sent! To help one another Ming Ying Sect to eliminate our common enemy Divine Sword faction! But, opens nameless! Has been this Ming Ying Sect founder from you, can you have what achievement to the Divine Sword faction? No! No! From beginning to end, you truly had not faced the Divine Sword faction! You are evading! You do not dare to fight with them!! You were afraid! Because you know that Ming Ying Sect is not the match who Divine Sword sends! But these many years, you called hither and thither indiscriminately to me, making me make this to make that! Did not have what motion to the Divine Sword faction, my already was sufficed!! Now do you also force me to marry to this waste? Gave up any idea of!! Opens nameless, I then here brought to light the words!! My Hu Qianmei is separated from Ming Ying Sect officially!! Was not the Ming Ying Sect lackey, said goodbye!!” 狐千魅浑然不惧,敞声道:“当初我从神剑派中叛逃出来,想也未多想,便直接投了明影教,正是看中了明影教神剑派的恩怨!想要相助明影教消灭我们共同的敌人神剑派!但,张无名!自你做了这明影教的教主,你可对神剑派有何作为?不!没有!由始至终,你一直都没有真正面对过神剑派!你在逃避!你根本就不敢与他们交手!!你害怕了!因为你知道,明影教不是神剑派的对手!而这么多年,你对我呼来唤去,让我做这个做那个!却一直不对神剑派有何行动,我已经受够了!!如今你还逼迫我下嫁给这个废物?休想!!张无名,我便在这里把话挑明了!!我狐千魅正式脱离明影教!!再也不是明影教的奴才了,告辞!!” Then, ablazing with anger Hu Qianmei takes off the token of waist, falling maliciously on the ground, the person then must leave. 说完,怒气冲冲的狐千魅将腰间的令牌摘下,狠狠的摔在地上,人便要离开。 Slow!!” “慢着!!” Opens the nameless sound to feel cold, has drunk one lowly. 张无名声音发冷,低喝了一声。 What's wrong? Doesn't want? Initially when joined Ming Ying Sect, you have said to me, if I must walk, may leave at any time! Did you forget?” Hu Qianmei cold [say / way], but she is clearer than anyone, this is a excuse, said the words that can renege on a promise. “怎么?不愿意了?当初加入明影教时,你可是对我说过,若我要走,可随时离开!你难道忘了?”狐千魅冷道,不过她心里比谁都清楚,这不过是个借口,说出去的话是可以反悔的。 Her today's already tears to pieces the facial skin, and founder stood that side Liu Xindong completely, she did not walk then does not have the escape route, therefore in any event, must leave. 只是她今日已经把脸皮撕破,且教主完全站在了流心动那一边,她不走便没退路,所以无论如何,都要离开。 When looked that the founder also does have to oneself leaves leeway a friendship. 当看教主还有没有对自己留有一丝情谊。 But, Hu Qianmei has evidently underestimated a nameless determination. 但,狐千魅显然是低估了张无名的决心。 Sees only opens the nameless facial expression to be motionless, silent moment, opened the mouth. 只见张无名神情不动,沉默了片刻,开口了。 Regarding the Divine Sword faction... I had not planned temporarily, but, fox Law Elder, this wedding, my already complies, how could to break a promise in flowing Law Elder? Let alone! You collude with the Daoist wizard persecution to flow Law Elder, when I don't know? Now, this founder formally announced that eliminates the duty of your Law Elder, temporarily imprisons in your garden, after ten day, gets married with Liu Xindong Law Elder officially!” “对于神剑派...我暂时没有打算,不过,狐护法,这件婚事,我已经答应下来,岂能失信于流护法?更何况!你勾结妖道迫害流护法,当我不知吗?现在,本教主正式宣布,剥夺你护法之职,暂囚于你的庭院之内,十日后正式与流心动护法成婚!” Hu Qianmei heard the sound, immediately complexion big change. 狐千魅闻声,顿时脸色大变。 She just about to moves, then sees nameless to get rid suddenly, a blue light hits on her body, repetitive retreats that she rumbles, the whole body strength dissipates, boundary unexpectedly from the Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple suppression in one, although is only temporary, but this method already has surpassed spirit profound the cognition range. 她刚要动,便见张无名骤然出手,一股蓝光打在她的身上,将她轰的连连后退,浑身劲力消散,境界竟被生生从灵玄魂十品压制于一品,虽然只是暂时的,但这份手段已经超出了灵玄者所认知的范围。 Facing these many masters, First Level Spirit Soul Disciple is decidedly impossible to escape. 面对这么多的高手,灵玄魂一品是断然不可能逃掉的。 The Hu Qianmei heart is shocking. 狐千魅心头震惊。 Own today was really the rout defeats especially. 自己今日真是大败特败了。 She simply has not thought that always fair strict founder, unexpectedly already favors Liu Xindong! 她根本没有想到,那个一向公正严明的教主,竟已经倾向于流心动 Founder... You!!” “教主...你!!” Qianmei, you are then obedient in your pavilion are treating, do not put to trouble to us! After ten day, my Ming Ying Sect will hold a beyond example grand wedding for you.” 千魅,你便乖乖在你的阁室内待着吧,不要给我们添麻烦!十日之后,我明影教会为你举行一场空前盛大的婚礼。” open(ed) Wuming waved, two Ming Ying Sect audiences walk, then must detain her. 张无名挥了挥手,两名明影教众走来,便要押她。 Go away!” “滚开!” Hu Qianmei has scolded one. 狐千魅呵斥了一声。 That teaches the audiences to halt immediately. 那教众立刻止步。 Her complexion is exceptionally ugly, wants to run, but has no place to go radically, must clench teeth, gets angry: I walk!” 她脸色异常难看,想要跑,但根本无处可逃,只得咬了咬牙,怒道:“我自己走!” This is best.” open(ed) Wuming nodded. “这样最好。”张无名点了点头。 But, you will not prevail.” Hu Qianmei to opening nameless shouted one with Liu Xindong lowly, the person then walked away. “不过,你们不会得逞的。”狐千魅冲着张无名与流心动低呼了一句,人便走远了。 Opens the nameless look to be motionless, Liu Xindong is actually the vision bright is looking at Hu Qianmei, does not know that is thinking anything. 张无名神色不动,流心动却是目光熠熠的望着狐千魅,也不知在想什么。 After the moment. 片刻后。 Founder.” He has spoken haltingly the lower lip, has called one to open(ed) Wuming. “教主。”他嗫嚅了下唇,冲着张无名唤了一句。 Has any words then to say!” Opens the nameless pale [say / way]. “有什么话便说出来吧!”张无名淡道。 „After why can wait till ten day? Tonight! In any case is only the body of Hu Qianmei! Not?” “为何要等到十日后?今晚就可以!反正只是得狐千魅的身子!不是吗?” You were too impatient!” “你太心急了!” open(ed) Wuming shook the head, said: Her physique is special, if you double cultivate with her directly, although can obtain the huge advantage, but this advantage is imperfect, has these ten day time, I may help you wash after cutting down the [lineage/vein], remoulds breath and pulse Spiritual Eyes, consolidates Tientai error , helping your helping hand, this double repairs with Hu Qianmei again, the advantage that you gain will be beyond example general, perfect, at that time can enter Spirit Star Disciple cultivation with ease, even can go a step further! Approaches Second Level Spirit Star Disciple! Isn't this? Although such did to lose a Hu Qianmei such master, but can change a Spirit Star Disciple master , was worth, the heart movement, endured temporarily, Hu Qianmei can be your!” 张无名摇了摇头,道:“她的体质特殊,你若直接与她双修,虽能得巨大的好处,但这好处并非是完美的,有这十日功夫,我可帮你洗经伐脉,重塑气脉灵眼,稳固天台地阙,助你一臂之力,这样再与狐千魅双修,你获得的好处将会是空前广大,完美无缺的,那个时候便可轻松进入灵玄阳修为,甚至能更进一步!逼近灵玄阳二品!这不是更好吗?虽然这么做损失了狐千魅这么一名高手,但能换来一尊灵玄阳高手,也算是值得,心动,暂时忍一忍,狐千魅会是你的!” So that's how it is.” Liu Xindong holds the fist in the other hand anxiously anxiously, says with a smile: Many thanks the founder cultivates, the heart movement understood.” “原来如此。”流心动急急抱拳,笑道:“多谢教主栽培,心动明白了。” Do not disappoint me, these ten day do not disturb Hu Qianmei again, so long as makes the person keep close watch she then! The wedding conducts attractive, after is justifiable, after after ten day wedding night, which her Hu Qianmei must go, that is her matter!” “不要让我失望,这十日不要再去打扰狐千魅了,只要让人严加看管她即可!婚礼举办的漂亮点,毕竟要名正言顺,待十日后的新婚之夜过后,她狐千魅要去哪,那便是她的事!” Oh? founder, if after I and she double cultivate, the talent shares, if she has difficult, my talent only feared that also will be damaged!” 哦?教主,若我与她双修后,天赋共享,她若有难,我的天赋只怕也会受损啊!” This you could rest assured that my already prepares sufficiently, when the time comes double repaired to finish, I arrange you to carry on the ceremony immediately, relieved the sharing talent contract for you, when the time comes she died of illness disabled, you will not have the least bit influence!” “这个你放心,我已经准备充足,到时候双修结束,我会立刻安排你们进行仪式,为你们解除共享天赋契约,到时候她伤残病死,你不会有半点影响!” „Does founder have such method unexpectedly?” “教主竟有这样的手段?” Ming Ying Sect on classical has the record, but this ceremony came from the evil spirit mainland, will have side cultivation not to have.” 明影教古典上有记载,只是这仪式来自于妖魔大陆,施后会有一方修为全无。” So serious?” “这般严重?” This is extremely good!” Opens in the nameless eye to glitter ray, sinks saying: Has this side effect, may divert Hu Qianmei! If she is willing to stay behind, can preserve cultivation, I give her the riches and honors, if she insists on to walk, that then no wonder I.” “这可是极好的!”张无名眼里闪烁着光芒,沉道:“有这副作用,可牵制狐千魅!若她愿意留下,能保住修为,我给她荣华富贵,若她坚持要走,那便怪不得我了。” ...... ...... ...... ...... Crash-bang! 哗啦! splendid light starts, infiltrates the top of mansion, breaks in the clouds. 华光乍起,渗过府邸之顶,冲入云霄。 Slowly, the ray is emaciated, gradually vanishes. 慢慢,光芒羸弱,逐渐消失。 But Demon around this mansion, raises eyes to look all. 而在这府邸周围的邪人,无不举目而望。 This ray... The ray that clearly when is breaks through cultivation has, from its luster and air/Qi prestige, as if promotes five appearances. 这光芒...分明就是突破修为时产生的光芒,从其色泽与气威来看,似乎只是晋升五品的样子。 Five? 五品? This ray projects from Monarch palace, did the king promote Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple? 这光芒是从君王府中射出,难道君王晋升到了灵玄魂五品? How possible? Can cut to kill Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, how could to have five cultivation? 怎么可能?能够斩杀灵玄魂十品的存在,岂能只有五品修为 Innumerable Demon shake the head secretly, thinks that this ray definitely is not the king disperses. 无数邪人暗自摇头,认为这光芒肯定不是君王所散。 In fact, this ray indeed is Su Yun disperses. 实际上,这光芒的确是苏云所散。 In room pavilion. 屋阁内。 Su Yun sits cross-legged in one huge luxurious big. 苏云盘坐于一个巨大豪华的大阵中间。 Big comprised of 9980 together precious gems, the gem releases the colorful energy, entire room room photo Teng Liang, but in big all around, is setting up seven soul stone statues, their not to stop in the deposited energy toward, the entire big strength will sublimate. 大阵由9980一块名贵宝石组成,宝石释放出五颜六色的能量,将整个屋室照的滕亮,而在大阵的四周,立着七尊石魂雕像,它们一刻不停的朝阵内注入能量,将整个大阵的力量升华起来。 So perfect luxurious big, only then spirit cultivation of high weight can use. 这般极致奢华的大阵,也只有位高权重的灵修者才能使用啊。 Su Yun has opened the eye, breathed a sigh of relief, felt that the whole body stayed crisply. 苏云睁开了眼,舒了口气,感觉浑身爽呆了。 Initially a war, making him sense many, spirit profound strength also had the sublimation, the person has then resulted in the breakthrough, in addition a series of day of material treasure in Monarch palace was auxiliary, cultivation rose dramatically like the rocket, in such short time, then leapt forward five! 当初一战,让他感悟不少,灵玄力也有了升华,人便得了突破,再加上君王府内的一系列天材地宝辅助,修为更是如火箭般飙升,这么短的时间内,便跃入五品! In the member, this was amazingly quick. 在修士之中,这已是神速了。 His within the body Spiritual Eyes quantity is huge, has Monarch Occult to maintain, in addition «Limitless Sword Art» and «Great Evil Swordsmanship», but cuts to kill Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence with ease, even if meets seven people not to fear! 他体内灵眼量庞大,有君神力维持,加上《无极剑诀》与《鸿邪剑法》,可轻松斩杀灵玄魂六存在,哪怕遇见七品之人也不惧! Report!!!!!!” “报!!!!!!” At this time, outside the room resounded a high call. 这时,屋外响起一记高呼声。 Su Yun sets out, shouts to ask: How?” 苏云起身,嚷问:“怎么了?” Reply king Sir, needs material Violet Seven Leaves and Roasted Red Blood was sought!” “回禀君王大人,所需材料‘紫七叶’与‘炙红血’已被人寻得!” What?” “什么?” Su Yun heard the sound, immediately great happiness. 苏云闻声,顿时大喜。 ( Thanks blood maple tree and cat cat mysteriously appear and disappear, Yu dawn and pupil plan several friends' monthly ticket support, asked to hit to enjoy monthly ticket, thanked politely) (感谢‘血枫、猫猫神出鬼没、瑜昕、瞳策’几位朋友的月票支持,求打赏月票,拜谢)
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