LSG :: Volume #3

#245: Evil Wang Chengxin lord

evil sword all trades advocated, has not explained to Su Yun about «Great Evil Swordsmanship», even if a little information, made the law enforcement elder leave behind together the strange token alone., 邪剑门门主走了,未向苏云解释关于《鸿邪剑法》哪怕一点儿信息,独让执法长老留下一块奇怪的令牌。、、 Su Yun never thinks that oneself by the person who the evil sword gate full world chases down, meets the mistake arising out of chance circumstances completely abandons past enmity unexpectedly with the evil sword gate, entered the evil sword gate. 苏云从未想到,自己一个被邪剑门满世界追杀的人,竟然会阴差阳错的与邪剑门尽释前嫌,更是入了邪剑门。 All have a dream to be the same probably. 一切都好像做梦一样。 He breathed a sigh of relief maliciously, the feeling was too inconceivable, is only... Why can like this? Why is Chen Tian evil wants to enter the evil sword gate? 他狠狠舒了口气,感觉太不可思议了,只是...为何会这样?陈天邪为何一定要自己入邪剑门? Big... Sir...” “大...大人...” At this time, side broadcast a gingerly sound. 这时,旁边传来一阵战战兢兢的声音。 Su Yun recovers, goes along the prestige, actually sees nearby should dark and the others kneel to bend down on the ground, rustle trembles bows politely toward him. 苏云回过神来,顺声望去,却见旁边的应暗等人正跪伏在地上,簌簌发抖的朝他叩拜。 Evil King city, because of being in central zone, the daily Demon current capacity is enormous, the reputation is also big, but this does not represent it is the strength is then strongest, the evil sword gate is always low-key, but no one has thought that the evil sword disciple strength is so maneating, occupies in the Evil King city does not know the giant who how many years was eradicated today unexpectedly completely, how doesn't this let should darkly with not having likely panic-stricken? 邪王城,因处于中心地带,每天的邪人流量极大,名声也大,但这并不代表它便是实力最强的,邪剑门一向低调,但谁都没想到,邪剑门人实力如此凶悍,盘踞于邪王城内不知多少年的巨头竟在今日全部被铲除,这如何不让应暗与无象惊恐? Su Yun naturally saw should darkly with not having the alike thoughts. 苏云自然看出了应暗与无象的心思。 The day weird lord they naturally listens with own dialog in the ear, in addition the law enforcement elder gives own token, their already recognized that behind Su Yun has the evil sword gate to support, can cut to kill the influence of Evil King city giant with ease, how could is they to offend? Hasn't this bowed the head to profess allegiance immediately? 天邪门主与自己的对话他们自然听在耳里,加上执法长老给予自己的令牌,他们已经认定苏云背后有邪剑门撑腰,能够轻松斩杀邪王城巨头的势力,岂能是他们得罪的了的?这还不立刻俯首称臣? You get up the speech!” “你们都起来说话吧!” Su Yun said that he thought little while, putting on airs has arrived on the king chair, waved to shout: Now the giant died, Evil King city nobody is my rival, I, then am the king in this Evil King city! Should be dark, does not have the shape, if you are willing the little darling to be obedient, the little darling submits to me, I then do not extinguish you!! Especially should be dark you! Don't must think that your thoughts I do not know! If this Sir discovered that you have any petty action, will your state of mind entirely to extinguish, always can not be reincarnated!” 苏云说道,他想了会儿,装模作样的走到君王椅上,挥手喊着:“如今巨头已死,邪王城无人是我敌手,我,便是这邪王城的王!应暗,无象,你们若肯乖乖听话,乖乖臣服于我,我便不灭你们!!尤其是应暗你!莫要以为你那点心思我不知晓!若本大人发现你有任何小动作,必要你神魂俱灭,永世不得超生!” Should dark one hear, frighten the whole body to become tender, kneels to shout hurriedly: Yes... Yes. Sir... Should probably forever and ever follow the Sir darkly, does not dare to be not loyal, does not dare...” 应暗一听,吓得浑身发软,急忙跪地呼道:“是...是..大人...应暗必永生永世追随大人,绝不敢有二心,绝不敢...” Does not have... Does not have likely is also.” “无...无象也是。” Does not have urgently said likely that Demon evil thing Qi Qipao in all around mansion, knelt to bend down toward Su Yun. 无象急道,四周府邸内的邪人邪物齐齐跑了出来,朝苏云跪伏。 Now the massive giants died, changes from one dynasty to another, the words said that the day also calculates evilly has given a Su Yun big present, butchered up here giant, and took a stand in the presence of everyone, didn't this give him the entire Evil King city? 如今大量巨头已死,正是改朝换代的时候,话说天邪也算送了苏云一份大礼了,宰光了这儿的巨头,且当众表态,这不是把整个邪王城送给他么? Is very good!” Su Yun nods, ships out deep appearance saying: You with this Sir, this Sir decide will not treat unjustly you! This Sir current also lacks two primary assistants! Helps people overcome their difficulties for me, handles the big or medium business in Evil King city, anyone of you... Is willing to be this Sir doing one's best until my heart stops beating??” “很好!”苏云点点头,装出深沉的模样道:“你们跟着本大人,本大人定不会亏待你们!本大人当前还缺二名得力助手!为我排忧解难,处理邪王城内的大小事务,你们有谁...愿意为本大人鞠躬尽瘁死而后已吗??” I. Sir, is willing to work for Sir below, goes through fire or water, does not refuse under any circumstances!” “我..大人,在下愿为大人效劳,赴汤蹈火,在所不辞!” Small hoping dies the cruelest death for the Sir!” “小的愿为大人肝脑涂地!” Sir, wants below!!” “大人,在下愿意!!” ... ... The audiences evil go forward anxiously anxiously, shouted loudly loudly. Although cultivation of many person do not compare should darkly with not having likely high, but they do not care. 众邪们急急上前,大声高呼。虽然很多人的修为都不比应暗与无象高,但他们根本不在乎。 This is a superior opportunity, an once in a thousand years opportunity, so long as the superior, had the huge resources, but also feared that cultivation is inferior? 这是一个上位的机会,一个千载难逢的机会,只要上位了,掌握了大量资源,还怕修为低劣吗? You court death! Depending on your this group of ants, matches the primary assistant who is the Sir? Boils!!” “你们找死!就凭你们这帮蝼蚁,也配做大人的得力助手?都滚开!!” Does not have likely angry, bellows to these Demon. 无象恼怒不已,冲着那些邪人大吼。 Demon trembles, actually not retreats. 邪人震颤,却不后退 Do the kings here, what they fear? 君王就在此,他们怕什么? Su Yun looked at audiences to be evil, opens the mouth: Since is the primary assistant, naturally wants to be able! cultivation is unimportant, I do not think that the incompetent person makes this position, everybody is so warm, then a test, the test passes, then keeps the side of Sir, manages the Evil King city for this Sir, those who are able occupy it, doesn't everybody has the opinion?” 苏云看了眼众邪,开口了:“既然是得力助手,自然要有能力!修为不重要,我不想无能之辈做这个位置,大家如此热情,那么出个考验吧,考验通过的,便留在本大人的身边,为本大人管理邪王城,能者居之,大家也没意见吧?” This saying falls, the audiences hold the breath evilly completely with rapt attention, is looking at Su Yun, the entire ruined altar secure calmed down immediately. 这话落下,众邪全部屏息凝神,望着苏云,整个破败的祭坛立刻安静了下来。 But listened to Su Yun to open the mouth. 但听苏云开口了。 Who, if can look for Violet Seven Leaves for me ‚’ and Roasted Red Blood, even if has one, whose then superior!” “谁若能为我找来‘紫七叶’与‘炙红血’,哪怕只有一件,谁便可上位!” ...... ...... ...... ...... The clear and bright moonlight is covering this rolling mountain top, dimness that the mountain reflects, quite only beautiful. 皎白的月光笼罩着这连绵起伏的山头,将山映的朦朦胧胧,好生唯美。 The wind moves slowly, carries over some are hard to ascertain killing intent that obtains, but in the mountainside place, one team of people are walking slowly toward here. 风徐徐吹动,带出些许难以捉摸得到的杀意,而在山腰处,一队人正在朝这儿缓缓走来。 On mountain. 山上。 Hu Qianmei has swept one toward the mountainside, afterward puts on the female of blue clothes to say to the side: He should approach fast! What kind of? Do you have confidence?” 狐千魅朝山腰扫了一眼,随后冲着身旁穿着碧裳的女子道:“他应该快来了!怎样?你有把握吗?” Almost soon entered into Spirit Star Disciple boundary existence... to tell the sentence truth, only if I can be high his several grade, otherwise must in such a short time kill him... Very difficult!” “一尊几乎快要迈入灵玄阳境界的存在...说句实话,除非我能高他数个品级,否则要在这么短的时间内杀死他...很困难!” Cannot kill him, discards him also!” In the Hu Qianmei eye pupil is reflecting rich Murderous Qi, sinks saying: Wipes out his cultivation, that is also enough!” “杀不死他,废掉他也可以!”狐千魅眼眸中映着浓郁的杀气,沉道:“打掉他的修为,那也足够!” Why isn't trying intoxication? The toxin of my Daoist wizard silent invisible does not have, can permeate in any existence with ease! Here is almost the Ming Ying Sect domain, if he cannot fight me and others, must flee to meet Ming Ying Sect, your founders is a trouble, I have the plan in the body, does not want to cause complications, this motion is very hasty, grasps not in a big way!” “为何不试着下毒?我妖道之毒无声无息无形无相,能够轻松渗入任何存在中!这儿几乎就是明影教的地盘,若他斗不过我等,必会潜逃会明影教,你们的教主是个麻烦,我还有计划在身,不想节外生枝,这次的行动很仓促,把握不大!” If can use the toxin, I had already used, you do not know that this person of natural disposition is discrete, to some poisonous also quite understanding, with poisonous radically inadequate, this time I can deceive here taking advantage of the wedding reputation him, if his matter, he will not come this decidedly inexplicably!” “若能用毒,我早就用了,你不知,此人生性谨慎,对毒也颇有了解,用毒根本不成,这一次我还是借着婚事名头才能把他骗来此处,若是他事,他断然是不会莫名来此!” Then , compared with you, is he more like only the fox?” “这么说来,跟你比,他更像是只狐狸咯?” Naturally, moreover is an old fox!” “当然,而且是只老狐狸!” A little meaning.” Blue clothes woman corners of the mouth curl upwards slightly, she looked at eye nearby Hu Qianmei, asked: Such being the case, why shouldn't you his request, form double cultivation companion with him? His strength is not bad, mental also good, following him absolutely unable to miss, always compares that person that called Su Yun? What's wrong? None who does not became you are the sincerity likes that Su Yun?” “有点意思。”碧裳女人嘴角微微一翘,她看了眼旁边的狐千魅,问道:“既然如此,你为何不应了他的要求,与他结成双修伴侣?他的实力不差,心智也不错,追随他断不会差,总比那个叫苏云的人强吧?怎么?莫不成你是真心喜欢上那苏云了?” Hu Qianmei one hear, the complexion changes, cold snort|hum a sound track: Likes that Su Yun? Well what that does Su Yun have? You do not understand reason! Regardless of his Su Yun is weak, Liu Xindong strong, I do not care, my Hu Qianmei only wants to be alone in the world, why can attach in the side of man? You so said that was inferior I did introduce you to Liu Xindong? Your so beauty, believes that he will not reject.” 狐千魅一听,脸色一变,冷哼一声道:“喜欢那苏云?那苏云有什么好的?你根本不了解这其中的缘由!无论他苏云多弱,流心动有多强,我都不在乎,我狐千魅只想孑然一身,为何要依附在男人的身边?你这般说,不如我把你介绍给流心动?你这般姿色,相信他不会拒绝。” As soon as the blue clothes female listens, no longer spoke. 碧裳女子一听,不再说话。 At this time, side ran a appearance to be strange, personal appearance thin and weak was similar to skeleton existence, it fell side the woman, spoke one pile of monster languages in a low voice, but saw the blue clothes female to nod, the willow eyebrows congealed. 这时,旁边跑来一名模样古怪,身形瘦弱的如同骷髅般的存在,它落于女人身旁,低声叽里呱啦说了一堆妖语,但见碧裳女子点了点头,柳眉微凝。 How?” Hu Qianmei asked pale. “怎么了?”狐千魅淡问。 Mountains and rivers list will soon open .... This motion regardless of to become Fou, I will leave, goes to the northern continent.” “山河榜即将开启....这次行动无论成否,我都会离开,前往北方大陆。” „, Some of do your Daoist wizard also people elect to decide as the seeded player? If so, I when the time comes may probably support to you.” “呵,你们妖道难道也有人选定为种子选手?如果是这样,那我到时候可要给你们捧场了。” We come the Sky Martial Continent goal, is seeks has to the strong intelligence utensil, the Daoist wizard resources are deficient, we can only hoping to repose in Sky Martial Continent, the mountains and rivers list gathered the massive masters, their things we will be interested very much, therefore I must leave as soon as possible.” “我们来天武大陆的目的,是寻找一些拥有至强灵性的器物,妖道资源匮乏,我们只能将希望寄托于天武大陆,山河榜聚集了大量高手,他们身上的东西我们会很感兴趣,所以我必须要尽快离开。” Divine Sword faction? Cooperated with you twice, moved finally twice is defeated completely, Divine Sword sent perfectly, the small Divine Sword faction not to handle as before, you also want to go to the mountains and rivers list, wasn't this brings about own destruction?” 神剑派呢?呵,与你们合作了两次,结果两次行动全部失败,神剑派依旧完好无损,连个小小的神剑派都搞不定,你们还想去山河榜,这不是自寻死路吗?” Divine Sword sends the leader to go out, is not good to cope, but these time was different, I have the reinforcements.” 神剑派掌门已出关,不好对付,但这一次不同了,我有援兵。” Reinforcements? Who?” “援兵?谁?” I cannot inform.” “恕我不能告知。” Hu Qianmei one hear, from somewhat disgruntled, but this is her matter, does not feel better to ask. 狐千魅一听,自有些不悦,不过这是她的事情,也不好过问。 Princess, they came.” 公主,他们来了。” At this time, another small monster ran, shouted to the blue clothes female in a low voice. 这时,又一小妖跑来,冲着碧裳女子低声呼道。 Makes all people prepare, momentarily begins!” “让所有人都准备好,随时动手!” Compliant.” “遵命。” The small monster runs. 小妖跑下去。 The blue clothes female has leaned the face, looks at Hu Qianmei saying: „After this cooperation, please do not go back on word.” 碧裳女子侧过脸,看着狐千魅道:“这一次合作后,请你不要食言。” Felt relieved, the topographic diagram that Divine Sword sent I can both hands offer.” “放心好了,神剑派的地形图我会双手奉上的。” Hu Qianmei small mouth light sip, beguiles the big eye to reveal a cunningness. 狐千魅小嘴儿轻抿,狐媚大眼露出一丝狡黠。 Is very good.” “很好。” The blue clothes female nods, afterward is hidden in the side, hid. 碧裳女子点点头,随后隐没于旁侧,藏了起来。 Hu Qianmei is getting two personal maidservants, stands waited for here. 狐千魅领着两名贴身侍女,立在这儿等待。 Soon, Liu Xindong leads the person to climb mountains, seeing Hu Qianmei, the Liu Xindong anything expression face not to show a smiling face finally. 不多久,流心动带着人上了山,看见狐千魅,流心动没什么表情的脸终于露出一丝笑容。 Fox Law Elder, late at night makes me come this... What doesn't know?” “狐护法,深夜让我来此...不知有何事啊?” He walked, the sound is leisurely. 他走了过去,声音轻缓。 But looked that the Hu Qianmei cheeks float off claret-red, the facial expression is shy, the appearance said coyly: Doesn't make you come up? How also to lead these many people? Later handles any matter not to be convenient.” 但看狐千魅脸颊浮起一丝酒红,神情羞涩,模样扭捏道:“不是让你一个人上来吗?怎还带这么多人?待会儿做什么事情也不方便啊。” Liu Xindong saw that has gawked staring, when he saw so charming Hu Qianmei, the person has almost not been have responded, some little time laughed. 流心动见状,愣了愣,他何时见过这般妩媚的狐千魅,人差点反应不过来,好一会儿才哈哈大笑开来。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, fox did Law Elder, none who does not become you thinks through? Plan from me? Oh, blames me, my this person of natural disposition is discrete, really does not know that the fox Law Elder thoughts, are sorry, was offensive, but... When I climb mountains, smells a little strange smell, always thought that here has the unexpected visitor, therefore the person of belt were many.” “哈哈哈哈,狐护法,莫不成你想通了?打算从了我?唉唉唉,都怪我,我这人生性谨慎,实在不知狐护法的心思啊,抱歉抱歉,唐突了,不过...我上山时,嗅到一点儿奇怪的气味儿,总觉得这儿有不速之客,所以带的人就多了点。” Right? Perhaps that strange smell is my this rouge cosmetic flavor, today met to flow Law Elder, Qianmei carefully has dressed up, this rouge... Also was in Fang Xin the city that used recently best rouge, flowed Law Elder, nice-smelling?” “是吗?或许那奇怪的气味儿是我身上这胭脂水粉的味道,今日相见流护法,千魅可是精心打扮了一下,这胭脂...也是用的方心城内新进的最好的胭脂,流护法,好闻吗?” „Is Oh? this rouge taste? No wonder a little fragrance, but was too far, I do not smell.” 哦?这是胭脂味儿?难怪有点香味,不过太远了,我闻不到。” Your near-point hears.” Hu Qianmei with a smile said to Liu Xindong. “那你近点儿闻嘛。”狐千魅笑吟吟的冲着流心动道。 Liu Xindong has hesitated the little while, has not gone forward. 流心动迟疑了会儿,并未上前。 What's wrong? None who does not becomes flows Law Elder to think that Qianmei does have the disloyalty? Oh, Qianmei had thought actually already through, flows Law Elder cultivation to excel, the talent different reported that if can form the companion with you, Qianmei also seeks a good home to return, at this time, what but also there is not to think clearly?” “怎么?莫不成流护法认为千魅有异心?唉,千魅其实早就想通了,流护法修为高强,天赋异禀,若能与你结成伴侣,千魅也算是寻到个好归宿,都这个时候了,还有什么想不明白的?” Fox Law Elder you may understand finally my piece was foolish, I do not do these many for you in vain!” Liu Xindong laughs several, but in eye has not had the least bit joyful color. “狐护法你可总算明白我的一片痴心了,也不枉我为你做这么多啊!”流心动大笑几声,但眼里并未有半点欣喜之色。 He marries Hu Qianmei, for her body, to break through merely merely, for cultivation, this point, everyone knows. 他娶狐千魅,仅仅是为了她的身子,仅仅是为了突破,为了修为,这一点,谁都知道。 The dish that however delivers, how could doesn't Liu Xindong eat? Immediately walked toward Hu Qianmei, appearance rampant. 不过送上门来的菜,流心动岂能不吃?当即朝狐千魅走了过去,模样嚣张的很。 However, in Liu Xindong approaches Hu Qianmei instant, together the red light suddenly sticks out suddenly, actually looked that Hu Qianmei draws out the waist short-sword suddenly, cut-throat kills toward Liu Xindong, that movement, quickly like lightning, not slightly hesitant. 然,就在流心动靠近狐千魅的刹那,一道红光突然暴起,却看狐千魅骤然拔出腰间短剑,凶狠至极的朝流心动杀去,那动作,快如闪电,没有丝毫犹豫。 Liu Xindong sees that the complexion lightly changes, but quick restores, said: Fox Law Elder, none who does not becomes your rouge, smudges on the short-sword?” 流心动见状,脸色轻变,但很快又恢复过来,说道:“狐护法,莫不成您那胭脂,都是涂抹在短剑上的吗?” Good! Hears!!” “不错!来闻吧!!” Hu Qianmei wicked saying, short-sword bang goes, sword intent Hang Seng. 狐千魅恶狠狠的说道,短剑轰去,剑意恒生。 Clang clang clang... Several cold brightness stick out suddenly, then looked that the Liu Xindong finger shakes quickly, the waist massive black needles blow out, such as the silk thread entangles on the red short-sword rapidly. 铛铛铛...数道寒光暴起,便看流心动手指快抖,腰间大量黑针爆出,如丝线般迅缠于红色短剑上。 Hu Qianmei is threading up own weapon, shouts in Beast-women of hidden place to side conceal: Begins!!” 狐千魅紧扣着自己的武器,冲着旁边藏于暗处的妖女喊道:“动手!!” Um.” “嗯。” Side resounds the blue clothes woman clear voice, but, she just about to sends the signal, when hints own subordinate begins, the distant place sky, suddenly appears together soars to the heavens the flowing light. 旁边响起碧裳女人清脆的声音,只是,她刚要发出讯号,示意自己的手下动手时,远处天空,突然出现一道冲天流光。 The ray falls the day, immediately blasts open, a giant magnificence appears above the vault of heaven, dim sky by photo snow white translucent. 光芒落天,立刻炸裂,一道巨大的光花出现在苍穹之上,昏暗的天空被照的雪白透亮。 What?” “什么?” Hu Qianmei sees that the complexion changes immediately. 狐千魅见状,脸色顿时大变。 Fox Law Elder, is really embarrassed, before coming, my already officially informed the founder, making him come to here to look that perhaps here will have other friends, being worth receiving.” “狐护法,实在不好意思,来之前,我已经知会了教主,让他来这儿看一看,或许这里会有其他的朋友,值得我们接见呢。” A self-satisfacation of Liu Xindong face, said with a smile. 流心动一脸的得意,笑着说道。 You...” “你...” The Hu Qianmei short of breath, full chest unceasingly fluctuates, she knows that her thoughts already was realized by the opposite party, immediately for a penny and for a pound, said to side Beast-women: Here has a distance away Ming Ying Sect, the founder such will quickly not catch up, you on quick!! Abandoned Liu Xindong to say again!!” 狐千魅气急不已,饱满的胸口不断起伏,她知道自己的心思已经被对方察觉,当即一不做二不休,冲着旁侧的妖女道:“此处距明影教有段距离,教主不会这么快赶来,你快上!!废了流心动再说!!” Who would have thought that her spoken language, trades is actually a silence. 哪知,她的言语,换来的却是一阵沉默。 After the moment, Hu Qianmei can the clear feeling occupy here strength starts to weaken fast, fast dissipation... 片刻后,狐千魅能够清晰的感受到盘踞于此处的力量开始快速变弱,快速消散... Hu Qianmei, I cannot violate the danger, Ming Ying Sect main is not good to cope, this motion cancels, all blueprints that Divine Sword sends, I do not want, said goodbye!” 狐千魅,我不能犯险,明影教主不好对付,这次行动取消,神剑派的所有图纸,我也不要了,告辞!” Hateful.” “可恶..” Hu Qianmei is hot-tempered the anger, clenches jaws, receives the short-sword anxiously, draws back in the one side, a pair of coquettish look cut-throat is staring at Liu Xindong. 狐千魅躁怒不已,咬牙切齿,急收短剑,退于一旁,一双媚眼凶狠的盯着流心动 She knows that this motion failed. 她知道,这次的行动失败了。 Although she is the fox, but this Liu Xindong, imagines her is more discrete , is also slier!! 虽然她是狐狸,可这个流心动,比她想象中的更谨慎,也更为狡猾!! Whiz! 嗖! After the moment, the magnificence of distant place projects together the tall and slender white line, drops down the mountain top... 片刻后,远处的光花射出一道细长的白线,直落山头...
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