LSG :: Volume #3

#244: Your father compels

The heart was punctured, broad heart king has a big shock, he is supporting the severe pain, anxious retreats... 心脏被刺破,广心王大惊失色,他强撑着剧痛,急急后退。。。 But, coming the person simply not to let off his meaning, the personal appearance rebellion, presents in the broad heart king instantaneously, he puts out a hand fiercely, seizes the neck of broad heart king, in the palms swings annotation endless sword intent, suddenly, spreads his whole body. 但,来人根本没有放过他的意思,身形暴动,瞬间出现在广心王的身后,他猛伸出手,掐住广心王的脖子,手掌间荡出诠释不尽的剑意,眨眼之间,遍其全身。 The body of broad heart king had then been slivered the fragment of grain of rice size by this sword intent, died directly. The soul departs, flees in panic, but looked that person ejects a purple bottle gourd directly, Hulukou has the strength of massive adsorption, will derive directly. 广心王的身躯便被这股剑意切成了米粒大小的碎片,径直死去。魂魄飞出,仓皇逃窜,但看那人直接抛出一个紫色葫芦,葫芦口产生大量吸附之力,直接将之汲取进去。 The broad heart king so, does not have the good end with Demon that he comes together, the evil sword disciple who this group of dropping from the clouds such as the slaughter pig butchers the dog, cuts to kill these Demon completely, does not remain, the soul is not willing to be left over, the massive evil blood splashes, the pitiful cry keeps ringing, the evil blood wells up crazily. 广心王如此,与他同来的邪人们也没有好下场,这帮从天而降的邪剑门人如屠猪宰狗般,将这些邪人们全部斩杀,一个不留,连魂魄也不肯存下,大量邪血飞溅,凄惨的叫声响个不停,邪血狂涌。 Today is the end of this Evil King city leader. 今日便是这邪王城领导者的末日。 That white hair Demon unemotionally stares at these Demon, the look is being ice-cold. 那白发邪人面无表情的盯着这些邪人,眼神冰冷无情。 Who is this person?” “这个人到底是谁?” The Su Yun heart is swiftly tight, has also treated sometime in the evil sword gate, but has not actually seen this person. Looked that it cuts to kill Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, the time of but not being able to burn a joss stick, only fears his cultivation at least in Second Level Spirit Star Disciple above. 苏云心脏倏紧,在邪剑门也待了有一段时间,但却不曾见过这个人。看其斩杀灵玄魂十存在,不过一炷香不到的功夫,只怕他的修为至少在灵玄阳二品以上。 Father!!” “爹!!” Chen Yiyun cheerful ran toward that white hair man, the small face has written all over pleasantly surprised, as if the young swallow turns over to Chao Ban to plunge that man. 陈依韵欢快的朝那白发男子跑了过去,小脸写满了惊喜,仿佛乳燕归巢般扑向那男子。 The men have turned around, looks Chen Yiyun who throws, on the ice-cold face reappears affection, he opens the arm, gentle holds Chen Yiyun in the bosom. 男子转过身来,看着扑来的陈依韵,冰冷的脸上浮现一丝慈爱,他张开手臂,温柔的将陈依韵抱在怀中。 Su Yun heart obviously chaotic. 苏云心头微显混乱。 These many evil sword gate masters gather here completely, including that law enforcement elder, cannot hesitate again, immediately is raising Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword and Death Sword, turns around then to leave. 这么多邪剑门高手全部聚于此处,连那执法长老也在,不能再迟疑,当即提着神玄赤血剑死剑,转身便要离开。 „To walk??” “想走??” At this time, that white hair man cold snort|hum, the loosen set forth according to the rhyme swiftly, person such as black light, has hit toward here. 这时,那白发男子冷哼一声,倏然松开陈依韵,人如黑光,朝这儿撞了过来。 Father! Does not want!!” Chen Yiyun urgently shouted, but without enough time. “爹!不要!!”陈依韵急喊,但来不及了。 Su Yun facial expression one tight, loosens Death Sword, both hands covers Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, has kept off toward that black light. 苏云神情一紧,松开死剑,双手扣住神玄赤血剑,朝那黑光挡了过去。 Bang!! 砰!! Two people bump into, rush profound strength to proliferate toward all around like the tide, the earth disruption, all around altar collapsing, approaches Demon to be off their feet all, the thick fierce strength shakes two people again and again to draw back. 二人相撞,澎湃玄力如浪潮般朝四周扩散,大地碎裂,四周祭坛垮塌,靠近点的邪人无不人仰马翻,厚悍之力震得二人连连退开。 The Su Yun step slightly is disorderly, at this moment, on Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword in hand the wild strengths are also affecting, he clenches the teeth, withstands this strength completely, dissipates until it. 苏云步伐略显凌乱,此刻,手中的神玄赤血剑上还有一股狂暴的力量在作用,他咬紧牙关,全部顶住这股力量,直至它消散。 If not for Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword is Primal Sword, the grade is excellent, only feared that this was already struck to the bang breaks to pieces. 若不是神玄赤血剑母剑,品级高超,只怕早就被这一击给轰碎了。 The anchorage god, looks at that side white hair man again, he already stood firm the personal appearance, ancient well without ripples is looking at Su Yun. 定住神,再看那边的白发男子,他早已稳住身形,古井无波的望着苏云 Good! Good, although you stimulated to movement the magic weapon to promote cultivation, your reversal of stress and will were good, unexpectedly can spell my this to strike hardly!” “不错!不错,虽然你是催动了法宝提升了修为,不过你的反应力与毅力都不错,居然能硬拼下我这一击!” That white hair man nods to say again and again. 那白发男子连连点头道。 Nearby Demon are dumbfounded, stunned is looking at Su Yun. 旁边的邪人们已是目瞪口呆,错愕至极的望着苏云 Ten thousand have not thought that Su Yun has this minute of strength unexpectedly, stiffly receives that white hair man to strike. 万没想到,苏云竟有这分实力,硬生生的接下那白发男子一击。 But, Su Yun had not actually finished, he shows a faint smile, does not utter a word. 但,苏云却并未结束,他微微一笑,一声不吭。 Whiz! 嗖! Jumps out from the back of white hair man together black light swiftly, punctured toward his neck neck directly. 一道黑光倏从白发男子的背后窜出,直接朝他颈脖刺了过去。 Ray quick oddness, the white hair man back person of enough time had not responded. 光芒快的离谱,就连白发男子背后的人都没来得及反应。 Um?” “嗯?” The white hair man turns around suddenly, but turns around in him instant, Death Sword already kills. 白发男子猛然转身,但就在他转身的刹那,死剑已经杀到。 ... This flickers, the body of white hair man becomes the nihility gets up suddenly. 只是...这一瞬,白发男子的身躯突然变得虚无起来。 Sonorous! 铿锵! Death Sword passes through his body directly, punctures maliciously on the ground. 死剑直接穿过他的身躯,狠狠刺在地上。 Evaded. 躲过了。 Is this Profound Technique? 这是玄技吗? Su Yun both eyes one tight. 苏云双目一紧。 The master of Spirit Star Disciple rank indeed is not evidently good to cope. 看样子灵玄阳级别的高手的确不好对付。 Cannot hit, hasn't been able to run? 打不过,还不能跑吗? Su Yun receives, Death Sword flew immediately voluntarily. 苏云手一收,死剑立刻自行飞了回来。 However, does not wait for him to evacuate, the Chen Yi rhyme then quick steps of that head ran over, stand in the Su Yun front, small face angry is staring white hair man and the others. 然,不等他撤离,那头的陈依韵便疾步跑了过来,站在苏云的面前,小脸愤怒的瞪着白发男子等人。 Father! What do you make? Limitless has saved me! How can you begin to him?” “爹!你做什么?无极救了我!你们怎么能对他动手?” Limitless?” 无极?” The white hair man sank the sinking eyebrow, at once the corners of the mouth show a bitter and astringent smiling face. 白发男子沉了沉眉,旋即嘴角露出一丝苦涩的笑容。 He looked at Su Yun, said: „The incident turns over to the incident, the boy, you have saved my daughter, I owe you favour, or my evil sword gate owes you up and down a favour, however, you are truant the matter of our evil sword gate Sword Skill... How do you plan to solve?” 他看了眼苏云,道:“一事归一事,小子,你救了我女儿,我算是欠你人情,或者说,我邪剑门上下欠你一个人情,不过话说回来,你偷学我们邪剑剑术之事...你打算如何解决?” Is truant evil Sword Skill?” “偷学邪剑术?” Chen Yiyun has gawked, turns head suddenly, looks behind is putting on the person of cape. 陈依韵愣了,猛然回头,望着身后穿着斗篷的人。 You... Your evil is Sword Skill truant to come? How possible?” Chen Yiyun whole face is incredible, asked: How Limitless... will you be truant my evil sword gate evil Sword Skill?” “你...你的邪剑术是偷学而来的?怎么可能?”陈依韵满脸的不可置信,问道:“无极...你怎么会偷学我邪剑门的邪剑术?” Moreover practices like that exquisitely? Chen Yiyun cannot believe that evil Sword Skill wants to be truant can be truant? 而且还练得那般精湛?陈依韵根本不敢相信,邪剑术是想偷学就能偷学的吗? Sorry, according to the rhyme, I have concealed you, I have a name to call Limitless, my given name called Su Yun.” “抱歉,依韵,我隐瞒了你,我有个名字叫无极,不过我的本名叫苏云。” He has lifted the head, said in a low voice. 他抬起了头,低声说道。 Su Yun?” Chen Yiyun, afterward a face suddenly: Originally are you Su Yun? By that fellow who our evil sword gate issues a warrant for arrest!” 苏云?”陈依韵愣愣了,随后一脸恍然:“原来你就是苏云啊?被我们邪剑门通缉的那个家伙!” Should leave.” “该离开了。” Su Yun gathers the strength secretly, felt that this place is not suitable stays for a long time. 苏云暗暗蓄力,感觉此地不宜久留。 However, white hair man has not actually launched any attack to it, instead shook the head: Su Yun, you do not need to leave eagerly, our time, does not plan to capture you, you felt at ease.” 不过,白发男子却未对之发动任何攻击,反而摇了摇头:“苏云,你不必急于离开,我们这一次来,并不打算擒拿你,你安心好了。” Oh? Su Yun hear that, strange is looking at him: Words said that who you are?” 哦?苏云闻言,奇怪的望着他:“话说你到底是谁?” Follows including the law enforcement elders in his, Su Yun already guessed correctly this person of status, but was not good to determine. 连执法长老都跟在他的身后,苏云已经猜到这人的身份了,但却又不好确定。 Su Yun, your this fool! This is our evil sword gate gate lord! You may probably clearly recognize!” Behind law enforcement elder snort|hum, said loudly. 苏云,你这个笨蛋!这是我们邪剑门的门主!你可要认清了!”后头的执法长老哼了一声,大声说道。 Gate lord?” Su Yun gawked. “门主?”苏云愣了。 You, but has rescued our evil sword gate small Princess... If no this matter, my evil sword gate will not let off you as before, since you rescued have depended on the rhyme, as the repayment, I then gave up the evil sword gate to your chasing down!” The white hair man said. “你无意间,可是救了我们邪剑门的小公主啊...若无此事,我邪剑门依旧不会放过你,不过既然你救了依韵,作为报答,我便放弃邪剑门对你的追杀好了!”白发男子道。 Um? Has such good matter?” “嗯?有这么好的事儿?” Snort, my can Chen Tian also deceive you to be inadequate evilly?” “哼,我陈天邪还能骗你不成?” Su Yun one hear, nodded, heart relaxed, secret passage are in luck. 苏云一听,点了点头,心头松了口气,暗道自己走运。 He has held holding the fist in the other hand, said: Such being the case, that then many thanks.” 他抱了抱拳,道:“既然如此,那便多谢了。” You leave anxiously thanking first.” “你先别急着谢。” Day weird main start to talk said: You think that we don't know? You are not only truant the technique of my evil sword gate, is pretends to be the person of Black Evil Cave Mansion to mooch! The words said that you are not the person of Black Evil Cave Mansion, why can pretend to be?” 天邪门主开口道:“你以为我们不知道吗?你不仅是偷学我邪剑门之术,更是冒充黑邪洞府之人招摇撞骗!话说你不是黑邪洞府之人,为何要冒充?” This... Words that does not pretend to be, is not good the cave mansion!” “这个...不冒充的话,不好进洞府啊!” Is seriously brave you, our evil sword disciple has not inquired this matter fortunately promptly, otherwise black evil Venerable decides does not forgive you.” “当真是胆大啊你,还好我们邪剑门人未及时去查询此事,否则黑邪尊者定不饶你。” ....... “.......” Su Yun, what you study is the blood evil Sword Skill?” At this time, the day also asked evilly. 苏云,你学的是血之邪剑术吧?”这时,天邪又问道。 Blood evil Sword Skill? You refer to Great Evil Swordsmanship?” “血之邪剑术?你是指鸿邪剑法?” Great Evil Swordsmanship? This name obtains uniquely but actually also! However you can complete study unexpectedly this terror Sword Skill... the good fortune! Good fortune. Is doomed ..... Su Yun, I, and asked you, since you were not the person of Black Evil Cave Mansion, that... Can you be willing to join my evil sword gate? Requests me to be the master?” 鸿邪剑法?这名字取得倒也别致!不过你竟能学成这恐怖的剑术...造化!造化啊..是注定的吗.....苏云,我且问你,既然你不是黑邪洞府之人,那么...你可愿意加入我邪剑门?拜我为师?” Day weird Lord sentiment serious is staring at Su Yun, meticulous. 天邪门主神情严肃的盯着苏云,一丝不苟。 No one knows that he can have this thoughts unexpectedly. 谁都不知道他竟会起这番心思。 Nearby Chen Yiyun listens, immediately has transferred the pupil anxiously is looking at him, in the pupil completely anticipated. 旁边的陈依韵一听,立刻转过眸子紧张的望着他,眸内尽是期待。 Su Yun heard the sound, stayed some little time talented person to respond. 苏云闻声,呆了好一会儿人才反应过来。 „Hasn't boy, you hurried to kneel Xie Menzhu? This is the good fortune!” “小子,你还不赶紧跪下来谢门主?这可是造化啊!” Many people want to ask unable to strive for! You have resulted in the chance, hasn't hurried?” “多少人想求都求不来!你得了机缘,还不赶紧过来?” The evil sword gate master of that head said that what as if must acknowledge as teacher was they are ordinary. 那头的邪剑门高手疾呼,仿佛要拜师的是他们一般。 But, the Su Yun scruple moment, actually gently shook the head saying: Many thanks day weird main good intent, are only... Must return to Human Realm below, will not stay for a long time in the evil sword gate, therefore... Also please excuse me.” 但,苏云迟疑片刻,却是轻轻摇了摇头道:“多谢天邪门主的美意,只是...在下要返回人界,不会在邪剑门久留,所以...还请见谅。” He is only a humanity, will not be Demon, the day will look evilly perhaps, in oneself rescued in Chen Yiyun share to forgive itself to be truant the evil Sword Skill matter, but, if individual, that were the matter that is unable to accept in any event, with day evil such person contact, was extremely difficult to cover up the status, if were realized, that died without the burial ground seriously, therefore rejected quite well. 他只是个人类,并非邪人,天邪也许会看在自己救了陈依韵的份儿上原谅自己偷学邪剑术的事,但自己若是个人,那是无论如何都无法接受的事情,与天邪这样的人接触,极难遮掩身份,若被察觉,那当真是死无葬身之地,所以还是拒绝比较好。 Su Yun, you... Don't you want to study evil Sword Skill? My father can teach you! How do you reject?” Chen Yiyun could not think through thoroughly, anxious is looking at Su Yun. 苏云,你...你不是想学邪剑术吗?我爹可以教你啊!你怎么拒绝呢?”陈依韵彻底想不通了,焦急的望着苏云 According to rhyme, sorry, I have my matter not to complete, cannot keep the evil sword gate.” “依韵,抱歉,我还有我的事情没完成,不能留在邪剑门。” Chen Yiyun is hanging down double pupil, is quite helpless. 陈依韵低垂着双眸,好生无奈。 At this time, actually listened to the day evilly snort|hum, said: Su Yun! You have studied the technique of my evil sword, now hasn't acknowledged? Cannot enter into my gate, with going to Human Realm has what relations? You go to Human Realm, can't enter my evil sword gate?” 这时,却听天邪哼了一声,道:“苏云!你学了我邪剑之术,如今却还不承认吗?入不入我门,与去不去人界有何关系?难道你去人界,就不能入我邪剑门吗?” Su Yun! If you do not enter my evil sword gate, that is my evil sword gate arresting object! We will seize you, pulls out bone Ba Pi, builds up!” The law enforcement elder of that head shouted to clear the way loudly. 苏云!你若不入我邪剑门,那还是我邪剑门的缉拿对象!我们会把你擒住,抽骨拔皮,生生炼化!”那头的执法长老大声喝道。 Su Yun one hear, on the face completely is the sweat: Doesn't reach an agreement does not arrest me?” 苏云一听,脸上尽是汗水:“不是说好不缉拿我吗?” I said that today does not take you! Had not said, does not take you!” The white hair man holds the chest to say with a smile: Said again that my strength compared with you, I in a moment can renege on a promise!” “我只是说今天不拿你!没说以后不拿你!”白发男子抱胸笑道:“再说,我实力比你强,我说话就能反悔!” Really straightforward. 真是直截了当啊。 But Su Yun said: Day weird lord, you meant that I entered the evil sword gate, but can also go to Human Realm?” 苏云无奈道:“天邪门主,你的意思是说,我入了邪剑门,还可去人界吗?” Goes to where is your matter, but you already study evil Sword Skill, must enter the evil sword gate, in this case, does not damage the dignity of my evil sword gate!” “去何处是你的事,但你已学的邪剑术,必须要入邪剑门,这样的话,才不损我邪剑门之威严!” This... My already has joined other schools.” “这...我已经加入过其他门派了。” what Menhe does send?” “何门何派?” Limitless Sword Sect.” 无极剑派。” Has not listened... What that and other do the small factions have to be good to add? You connected my Jianmen then! Which at the appointed time you must go then to go, what's wrong? Does my evil sword gate none who does not become also will be blocking you?” “没听过...那等小派有什么好加的?你直接入我剑门便是了!届时你要去哪便去哪,怎么?我邪剑门莫不成还会拦着你?” Not... Such being the case, that Su Yun then should under.” Su Yun must say. “唔...既然如此,那苏云便应下好了。”苏云只得应道。 The Heavenly Crystal strength will soon be defeated and dispersed, opposite party these many masters, he was unable to contend. 天擎的力量即将溃散,对方这么多高手,他还真无法抗衡。 „The knowledge favors finally, the advantage throws in front of you, you also refused, was really the ink marks!” The white hair man shakes the head saying: Entered my evil sword gate, then do not lose my evil sword gate face! Su Yun, you put best into it!” “总算识抬举,好处丢你面前,你也推三阻四的,真是墨迹!”白发男子摇头道:“入了我邪剑门,便不要丢我邪剑门的脸!苏云,你好自为之!” The voice falls, jumps to leap, the person such as the black advantage arrow, pricks the vault of heaven. 话音一落,纵身一跃,人如黑色利箭,刺入苍穹。 One group of Demon see that also followed immediately. 一帮邪人见状,也立刻跟了上去。 Rapidness that comes, walks also quick. 来的快,走的也快。 Chen Yiyun, runs up to the Su Yun side to say with a smile joyfully: Has congratulated, Brother Su, later you are also the evil sword gate person!” 陈依韵欣喜不已,跑到苏云的身旁笑道:“恭喜了,苏师弟,以后你也是邪剑门的人啦!” This is your father forces, I have not planned to join.” “这是你爹逼的,我没打算加入。” You , if not join, my evil sword gate face countenance not saves.” “你若不加入,我邪剑门颜面无存啊。” I understand... However I will soon leave Evil Realm.” “我明白...不过我即将离开邪界了。” Can walk?” “非走不可吗?” Um.” “嗯。” Later also will come back?” “以后还会回来吗?” This is not clear.” “这个不清楚。” „...” A Chen Yiyun double pupil dark, small face is somewhat alone. “哦...”陈依韵双眸一暗,小脸有些孤寂。 Su Yun!” 苏云!” At this time, nearby law enforcement elder has drunk one lowly. 这时,旁边的执法长老低喝了一声。 Su Yun goes along the prestige, actually sees the law enforcement elder to hand over together the token. 苏云顺声望去,却见执法长老递来一块令牌。 Received the token, looked, was the evil sword disciple command. 接过令牌,一看,正是邪剑门弟子令。 You will soon leave Evil Realm to take a long journey, to shield my Jianmen disciple safety, the gate lord requests me to give you a special token, if you meet the dangerous situation outside, available this token officially informed my Jianmen, Jianmen will send the master to assist in you, you put best into it!” “你即将离开邪界远行,为庇我剑门弟子安危,门主要求我给你一块特殊的令牌,若你在外遇见险境,可用此令牌知会我剑门,剑门会派高手相助于你,你自己好自为之!” Then, the law enforcement elder moves toward Chen Yiyun, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Young Lady, we go back.” 说完,执法长老走向陈依韵,抱拳道:“小姐,我们回去吧。” Su Yun stares, is looking in the hand dull that jet black, and is printed with the token of dybbuk chart mark, feels absent-minded. 苏云一愣,呆呆望着手中那块漆黑且印有恶灵图纹的令牌,感觉恍惚的很。 The words said one have saved Chen Yiyun, needs so to treat itself? 话说自己只是无意间救了陈依韵,需要如此对待自己吗? Chen Yiyun cannot wait for a long time, looks at Su Yun, the gentle voice asked: Su Yun, you must remember come back earlier, I in Jianmen you?” 陈依韵不能久待,看着苏云,柔声问:“苏云,你要记得早点回来,我在剑门等你,好吗?” I?” “等我?” Su Yun micro surprised, but looked that in Chen Yiyun bright eyes is hopeful, then nodded: If there is an opportunity, I will return to Jianmen to look your.” 苏云微愕,但看陈依韵明眸之中充满期待,便点了点头:“如果有机会,我会回剑门去看你们的。” Chen Yiyun heard the sound, lights up with pleasure immediately. 陈依韵闻声,顿时喜笑颜开。 Walks, Young Lady!” The law enforcement elder calls once again said. “走吧,小姐!”执法长老再度唤道。 Chen Yiyun nodded, looked at Su Yun one reluctant to part, said in a soft voice the sentence leaves, this enters the horizon along with it escaping. 陈依韵点了点头,恋恋不舍的望了苏云一眼,轻声道了句别,这才随之遁入天际。
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