LSG :: Volume #3

#243: White hair evil sword

Su Yun walks unique, Death Sword withdrawing on that dry corpse, received the scabbard.!! 苏云独步走去,将那干尸上的死剑抽回,收入剑鞘之中。!! Kings already vapid, the whole person withered post on the ground, Su Yun deducts him to point on that ring, takes down waist that is hanging the jet black evil sign again... 君王已无生气,整个人干瘪的贴在地上,苏云扣下他手指上的那枚戒指,再取下腰间那悬挂着的漆黑邪牌... Defeats the seal in ring, detected that inside has crushed many magic weapons as before, what encouraging is, some material magic weapons have not crushed, particularly Mystical Void Iron, peaceful lying down in inside. 击破戒指里的封印,发觉里头依旧碎烂了不少法宝,不过让人可喜的是,还有部分材料法宝并未碎烂,尤其是虚空玄铁,安静的躺在里头。 Good extremely!! Had this Mystical Void Iron, presently then only misses two goods.” “好极!!有了这虚空玄铁,当前便只差两件物品了。” Su Yun joyful puts in Mystical Void Iron own Chu ring. 苏云欣喜的将虚空玄铁放入自己的储物戒指里。 Should pay a visit the king Sir darkly!!!” “应暗拜见君王大人!!!” When he also to obtain Mystical Void Iron when is happy, that suddenly resounds a reverent call. 就在他还为获得虚空玄铁而高兴时,那头突然响起一记虔诚的呼声。 His facial expression stares, turns around to look, but looked that head should dark both hands hold the fist in the other hand unexpectedly, to Su Yun respectful saluting. 他神情一愣,转身望去,但看那头的应暗竟双手抱拳,对着苏云恭恭敬敬的施了一礼。 Is this does really? Su Yun is stunned. 这是作甚?苏云一脸错愕。 Nearby non- shape had also returned to the body at this time, presses should the dark movement to do hastily, holds the fist in the other hand anxiously anxiously, bends the waist to shout loudly to Su Yun: Does not have the shape to pay a visit the king Sir!” 旁边的无象这时也回过了身,连忙按应暗的动作所做,急急抱拳,冲着苏云弯腰高呼:“无象拜见君王大人!” Two giants both so said that how dare behind in these king mansions follows Demon of king to revolt? Kneels to bend down hastily, kowtows to shout loudly to Su Yun: Pays a visit the king Sir!” 两位巨头都这般说了,后头那些君王府邸内追随着君王的邪人们岂敢反抗?连忙跪伏下来,冲着苏云磕头高呼:“拜见君王大人!” Kings? 君王? Su Yun has gawked for several points, then suddenly comes. 苏云愣了数分,便恍然开来。 One have defeated previous king, then has substituted him, has been this new king, these people salute to oneself but actually also in the reason. 自己击败了上一任君王,便替代了他,做了这新的君王,这些人对自己施礼倒也在情理之中。 Ten thousand do not have to think one must a small advantage, occupy this advantage but actually... 万没想到自己倒还得了个便宜,占了这好处... Has been this king, must have troop Demon to follow itself, in this Evil King city, embraces some influences, perhaps... May use them to seek for the other two taste materials for oneself, this may seek to want simple many.” “做了这君王,必会有一大群邪人追随自己,在这邪王城内,也算是揽到部分势力,或许...可利用他们为自己找寻剩余的两味材料,这可比自己一个人寻找要简单的多了。” The Su Yun heart is thinking, then also joyfully complies. 苏云心头思着,便也欣然答应。 Looks that is evil toward the audiences who oneself salute, shouted loud: Dispense with ceremony!” 看着还在朝自己施礼的众邪,高声呼道:“免礼了!” Thanked the king.” “谢君王。” The sound of shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami resounds. 山呼海啸的声音响起。 Chen Yiyun of that head has wept, she ten thousand has not thought that this may be the evil sword gate person strength so be unexpectedly intrepid extremely, that completely is the crush king, the king who hits does not have the strength to hit back. 那头的陈依韵已是喜极而泣,她万没想到,这个极有可能是邪剑门的人竟然实力这般强悍,那完全是碾压君王,打的君王毫无还手之力啊。 Congratulations, congratulated the Sir your promote king, this Evil King city the nova slowly raised!” “恭喜恭喜,恭喜大人您晋位君王啊,这邪王城又有一颗新星冉冉升起啊!” Should hold the fist in the other hand darkly, smiles. 应暗抱拳走来,满脸笑容。 Although Su Yun contacts not many with it, but visits him to trim one's sails so agily flexible, knows this is a fox, smiled, is disinclined to respond to be dark, then toward that cauldron line. 苏云虽与之接触不多,但看他见风使舵这般利索灵活,也知这是只狐狸,笑了笑,懒得搭理应暗,便朝那鼎行去。 Near cauldron Demon, opened the eye at this moment all, is using the vision of hope and desire is looking at Su Yun. 鼎边的邪人,此刻无不睁大了眼,一个个用着期盼与乞求的目光望着苏云 They have not thought Demon that this was grasped has the so astonishing formidable strength unexpectedly, unexpectedly killed the king. 他们根本没想到这个被抓来的邪人竟有如此惊人强大的实力,居然把君王杀了。 Now altar here presents the accident, they naturally are also hoping the new king can the benevolence send greatly, put them. 如今祭坛这儿出现变故,他们自然也期盼着新任的君王能够善心大发,把他们放了。 The Su Yun line of sight took a fast look around on the body of each Demon, discovered that has many Tenth Level Spirit Core Disciple as well as First Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, he has pondered over the moment, said: Put them.” 苏云视线在每个邪人的身上扫视了一圈,发现有不少灵玄心十品以及灵玄魂一品的存在,他思忖了片刻,道:“把他们都放了吧。” Compliant, king Sir!” “遵命,君王大人!” Nearby Demon holds the fist in the other hand anxiously anxiously, does not dare to have neglects slightly, turns on each Demon handcuff foot handcuffs. 旁边的邪人急急抱拳,不敢有丝毫怠慢,将每个邪人身上的手铐脚铐打开。 Suddenly, these Demon cheer. 瞬息间,那些邪人们欢呼开来。 Many thanks king Sir! Many thanks king Sir!” “多谢君王大人!多谢君王大人!” Each Demon is grateful, weeps. 每一名邪人都感恩戴德,喜极而泣。 Especially Chen Yiyun, she then thinks that all these are similar to the illusion are ordinary. 尤其是陈依韵,她便觉这一切如同梦幻一般。 Actually Su Yun also has the abacus, he does not refine evil, kills these Demon to be also useless,... He believes Demon that this group of being captured will follow him, after all in the Evil King city, Demon of non- influence is very difficult to treat here. 其实苏云也是有算盘的,他不炼制邪器,杀这些邪人也无用,更者...他相信这帮被擒的邪人会追随他,毕竟在邪王城,无势力的邪人是很难在这儿待下去的。 Sure enough, released Demon in Su Yun the graciousness of life-saving, Qi Qigui bend down grateful, the surface is willing to follow Su Yun. 果不其然,被释放的邪人们感激于苏云的救命之恩,齐齐跪伏下来,表面愿意追随苏云 Su Yun is but actually impolite, receives all, this group of people can be he most loyal a group of subordinates. 苏云倒也不客气,尽数收来,这帮人会是他最忠心的一批手下。 Su Yun!” 苏云!” Chen Yiyun slightly runs over, she scratched the tears of pupil corner/horn, in the pupil has flooded the worship that could not be covering up, said with a smile: You are quite fierce, unexpectedly is so strong...” 陈依韵小跑过来,她擦了擦眸角的泪,瞳仁之中充斥着遮掩不住的崇拜,笑道:“你好厉害,居然这么强...” I said that we will be safe and sound.” Su Yun said with a smile. “我说了,我们会安然无恙的。”苏云笑道。 Um...” Chen Yiyun facial features are blazing, are looking at the pale face under that cape, the cheeks swiftly are suddenly red, does not know unexpectedly should say any good. “嗯...”陈依韵面容炽热,望着那斗篷下的苍白面孔,一时间脸颊倏红,竟不知该说些什么好。 ... 哧啦啦... At this moment, an intermittent grating sound from out of the blue gets up, then, massive Demon fly toward here. 就在这时,一阵阵刺耳的破空声响起,接着,大量邪人朝此处飞来。 The pressure increases slowly, to behind, rose unexpectedly the unprecedented situation that makes people be hard to support. 压力慢慢变大,到了后头,竟涨到了一个让人难以支撑的空前地步。 Can come this greatly!! 大能来此!! All around Demon look at that to come the person, looks nervous all, uneven retreats. 四周的邪人们望那来人,无不神情紧张,齐齐后退 The rich pressure covers the entire altar. 浓郁的压力覆盖整个祭坛。 King? Any king!! We had not acknowledged! Your this ants, submit to well to us!!” “君王?什么君王!!我们可没承认!你这蝼蚁,还是向我们臣服为好!!” The sound falls, several masters clash toward here. 声音落下,数尊高手朝这儿冲来。 Is broad heart Wang Gen says the Heavenly Eye they!!” “是广心王跟道天目他们!!” Does not have the alike facial color to be suddenly ugly. 无象面色骤然难看起来。 Their this fellows? Snort, only feared that from the beginning looks in the one side on conceal, waited for this person to solve that king, they then stood to fish ready-made! If they butchered this person, the king all resources treasure of may turn over to them!!” “他们这帮家伙?哼,只怕一开始就藏在一旁看着,等这个人解决了那君王,他们便站出来捞现成的!他们若宰了这个人,君王所有的资源宝贝可都归他们了!!” Should dark angry snort|hum say. 应暗恼怒哼道。 Should the dark brother, now what to do you say us should?” Does not have said likely low voice. “应暗老弟,你说咱们现在该怎么办?”无象小声说道。 Watches changes quietly.” Should dark say in a low voice: We the influence in Evil King city are weakest, can only attach to other people, this fellows are Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple peak existence, that person and the king has fought, how also does not know the strength, if he has defeated, we may be miserable, at this time two did not help is best, naturally, we let us not go to struggle anything, today only feared that the pattern of Evil King city must change, do not make the sacrificial victim.” “静观其变。”应暗低声道:“我们在邪王城内的势力是最弱的,只能依附他人,这帮家伙都是灵玄魂十品巅峰存在,那人与君王大战了一场,也不知实力如何,若他败了,我们可就惨了,这个时候两不相帮是最好的,当然,咱们也别去争什么,今日只怕邪王城的格局要变动了,别做了牺牲品。” Good, we look.” Does not have said likely in a low voice. “好,那我们就看着。”无象低声道。 Su Yun is raising Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword and Death Sword looks toward the source of sound, actually saw over a thousand Demon to enter the altar, was several Demon Aura is very formidable, that Demon body three meters of lead came unexpectedly high, both eyes such as the copper bell, was very dignified, making the person look cannot bear want to lie prostrate in worship. 苏云提着神玄赤血剑死剑朝声音的源头望去,却见足足有上千尊邪人走进了祭坛,为首数尊邪人气息十分强大,领头的那尊邪人身躯竟有三米来高,双目如铜铃,十分威严,让人看得忍不住想要顶礼膜拜。 This was other lords of Demon influence! 这便是其他邪人势力的主子了! Submits to you?” “向你们臣服?” Su Yun knits the brows. 苏云皱眉。 Right, submits to us!” “对,向我们臣服!” Is first Demon lets somebody cool off or calm down snort|hum said: Hands over your treasure Divine Sword again, otherwise, we will you die without the burial ground!” 为首邪人冷冷哼道:“再交出你的这些宝贝神剑,否则,我们必要你死无葬身之地!” Oh? 哦? Su Yun gains ground, is staring at these Demon, in evil eye flood intermittent blazing, he lifts the double sword, blade edge is pointing at these Demon, said: If you have this skill, that... Come! Perhaps I cannot butcher each of you, but I can pledge that on that person, certainly will die first under my sword!” 苏云抬起头,盯着那些邪人,邪眼中泛起阵阵炽热,他抬起双剑,剑锋指着那些邪人,道:“若你们有这个本事,那么...来吧!或许我不能把你们每个人都宰掉,但我能发誓,先上的那个人,一定会死于我的剑下!” This saying falls, this group of Demon complexions are ugly immediately. 这话落下,这帮邪人们脸色顿时难看起来。 They start indeed to hide in side wait and see, knows the Su Yun strength, several can look at Su Yun to cut greatly to kill the king not to put forth fully, is very obvious, he has to contend with First Level Spirit Star Disciple the strength! Even if he fights, people cannot guarantee that Su Yun is the spent force. 他们开始的确藏在旁边观望,也知晓苏云的实力,几名大能都瞧出苏云斩杀君王并未使出全力,那么很明显,他拥有抗衡灵玄阳一品的战力!即便他大战一番,人们也不敢保证苏云已是强弩之末。 However, that three meters come high Demon to be able not to fear Su Yun so to threaten greatly obviously, he neighed resoundingly, facial expression fierce was staring at Su Yun, exclaimed: Then mentioned, aren't you willing to submit to?” 不过,那尊三米来高的邪人大能显然不惧苏云这般恐吓,他高亢的嘶叫一声,神情狰狞的盯着苏云,吼道:“那么说来,你不肯臣服了?” Perhaps... I should not waste the saliva.” “或许...我不该浪费口水。” Su Yun pinches the sword, whole body Spiritual Eyes stimulation of movement. 苏云将剑捏死,浑身灵眼催动。 Rhythm that this then must fight. 这便是要战的节奏。 Su Yun...” Chen Yiyun is greatly anxious. 苏云...”陈依韵大急。 „After according to the rhyme, you stands!” “依韵,你站后头去!” Su Yun turns the head said in a low voice. 苏云侧首低声道。 Chen Yiyun gawked staring, the facial expression felt uncomfortable, then saw her to nip the lip secretly, said: Su Yun, I and you together! I have Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, is not necessarily able to fear them.” 陈依韵愣了愣,神情发紧,便见她暗暗咬唇,道:“苏云,我与你一起!我好歹也有灵玄魂二品,未必会怕他们。” Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple? 灵玄魂二品? Su Yun one hear, the forced smile again and again, in the current situation, Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple has not distinguished with cannon fodder anything. 苏云一听,苦笑连连,在当前的局势中,灵玄魂二品跟炮灰没什么区别。 Whiz! 嗖! In Su Yun and Chen Yiyun talked, Demon of that head can move greatly swiftly, he lifted the sturdy slender hand, took Su Yun, the incisive finger moved, his five fingers fused in the same place unexpectedly, melted a sharp javelin, the stamp to the heart of Su Yun. 就在苏云与陈依韵交谈之际,那头的邪人大能倏动,他抬起粗壮修长的手,直取苏云,尖锐的手指一动,他那五根手指竟融合于一起,化出一根锋利至极的标枪,戳向苏云的心脏。 Quite quick! 好快! This is the sneak attack! 这是偷袭! But in Evil Realm, existence did not sneak attack a saying, Demon will never insult others to be mean and shameless, because sinister deceitful was the Demon instinct, the people only acknowledged the person of victory! 但在邪界,根本不存在偷袭一说,邪人从不会辱骂别人卑鄙无耻,因为阴险狡诈是邪人的天性,人们只承认胜利的人! Su Yun turns around suddenly, stares at the javelin that is killing, facial expression not slight fear, instead in that pair of evil eye erupts unprecedented fierce and crazy intent. 苏云猛然转身,盯着杀来的标枪,神情没有丝毫的畏惧,反而那双邪眼中爆发出前所未有的狰狞与狂意。 I have a pair of sword, what fears the world? 我有双剑,何惧天下? God profound scarlet blood and Death Sword temperature disciple rises, two swords all manic. 神玄赤血与死剑温度徒升,二剑皆狂躁起来。 Thump! 咚! The double sword is uneven, the savage detonation above that javelin, Su Yun finishes the body strong strength to do above directly, Demon that the javelin as well as that clashes was drawn back unexpectedly by the direct bang... 双剑齐出,凶残的爆轰于那标枪之上,苏云毕身强劲之力直接作于其上,标枪以及那冲来的邪人竟被直接轰退开来... The ripples surge, Evil Qi scatters insanely... 涟漪激荡,邪气疯撒... Audiences evilly all whish. 众邪皆哗。 The Su Yun strength so is unexpectedly thick fierce. 苏云劲力竟如此厚悍。 After fighting the king, but can also contend with this for the broad heart king who the strength and speed are famous, obviously its strength. 大战君王后,还能抗衡这以力量与速度著称的广心王,可见其实力。 The broad heart king has eaten Su Yun invisible losses, the heart is the dry anger, he thinks that by own sneak attack, can hit Su Yun one to be caught off guard, who would have thought this person of reversal of stress such rapidness, but the strength is big is unbelievable. 广心王吃了苏云一记暗亏,心头自是燥怒不已,他以为凭借自己的偷袭,能够打苏云一个措手不及,哪知此人反应力如此之快,而劲力更是大的让人难以相信。 Hateful!!” Broad heart Wang Shenqing feels cold, eye like ice skates, no longer has any mercy good intentions, he lifts the hand, cold [say / way]: Ants, are you are unappreciative, not must say me not to you opportunity!! Since you are not willing to submit to us, good! We then destroyed you to be good!!!!!!!!” “可恶!!”广心王神情发冷,眼如冰刀,也不再有任何慈悲善意,他抬起手,冷冽道:“蝼蚁,是你不识抬举,莫要说我不给你机会!!既然你不肯臣服于我们,那好!我们便毁灭你好了!!啊!!!!!!” The sound falls, broad heart king behind all Demon Qi Qi of urge Evil Qi, offers a sacrifice to the magic weapon, the evil faces of fierce terrors call out to Su Yun, just likes the group demon roars. 声音落下,广心王身后的所有邪人齐齐催起邪气,祭出法宝,一张张狰狞恐怖的邪脸冲苏云嘶喊,犹如群魔怒吼。 Chen Yiyun face whiten, body also somewhat trembles, front these Demon, almost every can cut to kill her, she does not know actually one are the courage of which coming, will stand to fight side-by-side with Su Yun. 陈依韵脸色苍白,身躯还有些发颤,面前这些邪人,几乎每一尊都能将她斩杀,她也不知道自己究竟是哪来的勇气,会站出来与苏云并肩作战。 Su Yun has not feared, stares at front thousand armed forces, is confident and vertical. 苏云并未惧怕,凝望面前千军,坦然而立。 Black red two sword gently trembling cries. 一黑一红两把剑轻轻颤鸣。 If crack spatial long song... 如裂空长歌... Chirp chirp chirp chirp .... 啾啾啾啾.... At this moment, in the sky the sudden flying shuttle gets down the massive two meters long black paint sword, they such as the meteor meteorite, bang into this group of Demon, has put on bright from the forehead massive Demon instantaneously. 就在这时,天空中突然飞梭下来大量两米多长的黑色漆剑,它们如流星陨石般,撞入这帮邪人之中,瞬间将大量邪人从脑门穿了个剔透。 Tit­ter Tit­ter Tit­ter... 噗嗤噗嗤噗嗤... Endless vigorous sword intent ripples, the sharp sword of demon punctured flaws the earth. 无尽浑厚的剑意荡漾开来,邪魅的利剑将大地刺了个千疮百孔。 This sudden change surprised all people. 这突如其来的变化惊讶了所有人。 What's the matter??” “怎么回事??” The altar was in a tumult thoroughly. 祭坛彻底骚动了。 People neat looks toward the sky, actually sees jet black evil Yun Chao here to float fast, in the evil cloud, departs massive Demon, is white hair Demon fires into the broad heart king directly. 人们齐刷刷的朝天空望去,却见一朵漆黑的邪云朝这儿快速飘来,邪云之中,飞出大量邪人,为首一名白发邪人直接冲向广心王。 Ant! Kneels down!!!” “蚂蚁!跪下!!!” Comes People to drink. 来人大喝。 The broad heart king, startled asked stunned: Who are you?” 广心王错愕不已,惊问:“你是何人?” However, that Demon had not replied that instead whole body Murderous Qi erupts, as if has not been willing to waste the lips and tongue, stretches out the finger directly, aims at the broad heart king, his fingertip jumps projects the scary sword light, has killed. 然,那邪人并未回答,反而浑身杀气爆发,似乎已不愿浪费唇舌,直接伸出手指,指向广心王,其指尖迸射出骇人剑光,杀了过去。 The broad heart king is fearful and apprehensive, offers a sacrifice to three magic weapons continually, one shield, a mirror, a stone wall, is cut off before the body. 广心王心惊肉跳,连祭三件法宝,一盾,一镜,一石墙,阻隔于身前。 Thump! 咚咚咚! This sword light actually such as pokes paper complete piercing, finally pierced the heart of broad heart king. 这剑光却如戳纸般将之全部洞穿,最终刺穿了广心王的心脏。 „!!!!” Broad heart Wang Qican yelled. “啊!!!!”广心王凄惨大叫。 powerful! 好强 Su Yun facial expression one tight, this already was the Spirit Star Disciple master. 苏云神情一紧,这已经灵玄阳高手了。 He looks toward Demon that this group kills suddenly, actually sees their waist unification to be hanging the same token, but this token .... Unexpectedly is the evil sword gate token. 他朝这帮突然杀来的邪人们望去,却见他们的腰间统一悬挂着相同的令牌,而这令牌....竟是邪剑门的令牌。 Oh , no, was the evil sword gate master comes? 糟糕,难道是邪剑门的高手来了? The Su Yun heart shies. 苏云心脏惊跳。 Father!!” “爹!!” At this time, Chen Yi rhyme shouted loudly to that white hair Demon happy sound. 这时,身旁的陈依韵冲着那名白发邪人喜声高呼。 Father?” Su Yun is stunned. “爹?”苏云愕然。
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