LSG :: Volume #3

#242: Kings( finally)

I give you Mystical Void Iron... Will you give up??” “我把虚空玄铁给你...你会罢休??” The kings clench teeth secretly, said to Su Yun in a low voice. 君王暗暗咬牙,低声冲着苏云说道。 Own subordinate casualty completely, the senior generals lost one, although cannot swallow this tone, but the king knows that this person is not inevitably simple . Moreover, he cannot guarantee whether after the opposite party has. stage, all sorts of disadvantageous situations told him unable to continue to fight again, otherwise benefit can only be other people. 自己的手下都死伤殆尽,大将都损失了一名,虽然咽不下这口气,但君王知道,这个人必然不简单,而且,他不能保证对方是否有后.台,种种不利的情况告诉他不能再继续战下去,否则得益的只会是他人。 Naturally, my Limitless spoke, keeps promises.” “当然,我无极说话,说一不二。” The person of that wear cape said. 那穿着斗篷的人说道。 Limitless?” 无极?” The king brow moves, the heart wants to comply very much, but at this moment, the big crowd of people, does not have with should dark look in side likely, if compromise to this person, only feared that from now on will not have the foothold in the Evil King city. 君王眉头一动,心头很想答应,但此刻,大庭广众,无象与应暗都在旁边看着,若自己真向此人妥协,只怕今后自己在邪王城都无立足之地。 He thought deeply about the moment anxiously anxiously, the heart had the idea, then the nod said: Good, since you want, I gave you to be good!” 他急急思索了片刻,心头有了想法,遂点头道:“好,既然你要,那我给你好了!” Then, then looked the king changed several from own ring, is together uneven, the silver-white stone of apple size took by him. 说完,便看君王从自己的戒指里翻动了几下,一块凹凸不平,苹果大小的银白色石头被他拿了出来。 The stone surface layer flood the flowing light, was seeming to be that the group star encircles winding around, the rhyme color is unceasing, the twinkle is radiant, is very mysterious. 石头表层泛着流光,似有群星围之缭绕,韵色不断,闪烁璀璨,很是神奇。 This was Mystical Void Iron.” He has extended the hand, said: You take away!” “这便是虚空玄铁了。”他将手伸了过去,道:“你拿去吧!” Good!” “好!” Su Yun nodded, did not bring any hesitation, the half step to walk toward that Mystical Void Iron unexpectedly. 苏云点了点头,竟不带任何犹豫,快步朝那虚空玄铁走了过去。 The kings stare at that to raise the blood sword whole body to overflow stubbornly the Evil Qi cape person, another hand urges Profound Technique secretly, is looking for the opportunity, prepares to get rid. 君王死死的盯着那提着血剑浑身溢着邪气的斗篷人,另外一只手暗暗催起玄技,找寻着机会,准备出手。 However, in that person of nearness instant, he has not gone to take that Mystical Void Iron unexpectedly, instead pulls out to get rid paint red Divine Sword, a sword thorn to king. 然,就在那人靠近的刹那,他竟未去取那虚空玄铁,反而拔出手中漆红的神剑,一剑刺向君王。 Sword Weihuang is bright, cut-throat cruel, not having the least bit to hesitate! 剑威煌煌,凶狠残暴,没有半点犹豫! The kings will be shortly fearful and apprehensive, has not thought completely this person so will do unexpectedly, immediately urges Profound Technique to resist in a panic. 君王顷刻心惊肉跳,完全没想到此人竟会这般做,当即催起玄技仓惶抵挡。 But looks at his big mouth one, is printed with the black cloth of massive blood mark to put out from the mouth, spreads out before the body rapidly, black cloth like shield, firm incomparable, on the cloth is also printed with an evil spirit pattern. 但看他大嘴一张,一块印有大量血纹的黑布从口里吐出,迅速摊开于身前,黑布如盾般,坚固无比,布上还印有一张邪灵图样。 Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword punctures on the black cloth, not puncturing. 神玄赤血剑刺在黑布上,并未将之戳破。 Su Yun sees that immediately receives to incur, goes toward retreats. 苏云见状,立刻收招,朝后退去。 The kings see this, immediately laughs: Boy, you lives booing slyly, wants to sneak attack me unexpectedly? However useless! You think that depends on your method, can fight me?” 君王看见这一幕,立刻哈哈大笑:“小子,你倒好生狡猾,竟想偷袭我?不过没用!你以为就凭你那点手段,能斗过我吗?” Can't fight?” “斗不过吗?” Su Yun asked back. 苏云反问。 The kings see that stares slightly, he felt swiftly which to is not right, receives the magic weapon black cloth to look hurriedly that actually sees on the black cloth that Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword by the place that stabs, presents a grain of rice size unexpectedly red. 君王见状,微微一愣,倏然他感觉到哪儿不对,急忙收起法宝黑布一看,却见黑布上那被神玄赤血剑刺中的地方,竟出现一个米粒大小的红点。 Awful... Is this mark?” “糟糕...这是印记?” King complexion big change. 君王脸色大变。 But saw that red point to flash swiftly, suddenly, a suffocating constriction raided. 但见那红点倏然闪动了一下,瞬息间,一股让人窒息的压迫感袭来。 The kings put aside the black cloth hastily, but actually without enough time. 君王连忙将黑布丢开,但却来不及了。 Su Yun of that head lost back Sword sheath, almost in Sword sheath flies to this head instant, innumerable such as the crazy Dragon Ban strange light beam erupts from Sword sheath, the shuttle to the four directions, the black cloth almost was twisted a smashing instant, but the king is also complete by this ray is covered to cover, the great power that frightened the four directions to make ten thousand submit to spirit has covered the entire Evil King city. 那头的苏云将背后的剑匣丢了过来,几乎在剑匣飞向这头的刹那,无数如狂龙般的奇异光束从剑匣内爆发出来,梭向四方,黑布几乎在刹那被绞了个粉碎,而君王也完完全全被这光芒覆盖笼罩,一股震慑四方让万灵臣服的强大力量覆盖了整个邪王城。 Roar! 咆哮! Deafening roaring, from all around invisible does not have roaring that in the alike pressure erupts. 震耳欲聋的咆哮,来自四周无形无象的压力中爆发的咆哮。 Let the person tremble, thrilling, making the person unable to mention the least bit fighting spirit!! 让人震颤,让人发抖,让人提不起半点斗志!! The kings then think that at this moment within the body the strength of all evil spirits were suppressed, is hard to begin the half minute radically. 君王便觉这一刻自己体内的所有邪灵之力都被压制,根本难以再起半分。 His strongly maintains by own mind, looks toward all around, but is only one, the person has been dumb as a wooden chicken like the coagulation. 他竭力的让自己的心神保持住,朝四周望去,但只是一眼,人已如凝固般呆若木鸡。 His was surrounded thoroughly, in all directions, airtight, is the sword!! 他被彻底包围,四面八方,密不透风,全是剑!! Dense and numerous, covers heaven and earth, is the sharp sword of dancing in the air, these swords stubbornly, just likes the iron bucket that the king encircles is ordinary. 密密麻麻,遮天盖地,全是飞舞的利剑,这些剑将君王围的死死的,犹如铁桶一般。 God of column a giant sword appeared in the Evil King city. 一道巨大的剑之神柱出现在了邪王城中。 That picture is broad, spectacular, grand astonishing... 那景象恢弘气派,气象万千,壮阔惊人... This is... What thing?” “这是...什么东西?” How to have these many swords?? What magic weapon is that?” “怎么会有这么多剑??那到底是件什么法宝?” Should darkly with not having the shape stares in a big way the eye, two people of retreats, do not dare to go forward again and again. 应暗与无象瞪大了眼,二人连连后退,根本不敢上前。 But distant place large quantities of Demon influence person who catches up with toward here, finds the so broad grand picture, stops the footsteps all, looks into this head. 而远处朝这儿赶来的大批邪人势力人,瞧见如此恢弘壮阔的景象,无不停下脚步,眺望这头。 Enough over a thousand swords. Moreover, these swords all for uncommon, each sword is flooding endless sword intent, endless intelligence!! 足足上千把剑。而且,这些剑皆为不凡,每一把剑都充斥着无尽的剑意,无尽的灵性!! Evil Ray Mystical Arts!” 邪光奇功!” The kings had been compelled anxiously, an offense roars, both hands toward all around crazy racket, burst out massively black light, the ray moves the earth, instantaneously dissolution, but has bumped into these sharp swords, is actually resisted by rich sword intent that in the sharp sword overflows. 君王已被逼急,一声戾吼,双手朝四周狂拍,大量黑光迸发,光芒触碰大地,瞬间将之溶解,但碰上了那些利剑,却被利剑中溢出的浓郁剑意抵挡。 The kings are not indeed weak, but opened Heavenly Crystal at this moment, and draws out Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword Su Yun to be stronger than it. 君王的确不弱,但此刻开启了天擎,并拔出神玄赤血剑苏云比之更强。 Sees oneself Profound Technique bang not broken these to surround own sharp sword, the king has also spelled, he offered a sacrifice to a round bead, turned the hand seal continually, activated the round bead, afterward lost. 见自己玄技轰不破这些包围着自己的利剑,君王也算是拼了,他祭出一颗圆珠,连翻手印,将圆珠激活,随后丢了开来。 Bang! 砰! Round bead blasting open, rumbles together the vortex, must remove into the vortex to twist unexpectedly broken these sharp swords. 圆珠炸裂,轰出一道漩涡,竟要把这些利剑撤入漩涡之中绞碎。 These more than thousand sword already do not want to be dilatory, when that vortex appears, more than thousand swords have cut directly, unexpectedly has cut a smashing this vortex, afterward thorn to king. 只是,这千余把剑已经不想再拖沓了,当那漩涡出现之际,千余把剑直接斩了过去,居然将这漩涡切了个粉碎,随后一齐刺向君王。 Thousand sharp swords attack, just likes several dragon kills. 千把利剑一齐攻击,犹如数道神龙扑杀。 The kings want to fend, but this moment already has no place to hide, forces to have no other choice, must meet hardly. 君王欲闪避开,但此刻已经无处可躲,逼不得已,只得硬接。 Heaven Origin Evil Force!!” 天元邪力!!” King both hands toward spatial brace. 君王双手朝空一撑。 !!! 呜!!! An evil spirit fierce face appears in his whole body, shelters thousand swords that is killing, thousand sword hits in evil spirit face, actually again also not being able to go in half minute. 一张邪灵狰狞的脸出现在他周身,庇护着杀来的千剑,千剑撞击在邪灵脸部,却再也进不去半分。 The kings see that relaxed finally. 君王见状,总算松了口气。 He does not know that Su Yun has not caused many strengths. 只是他并不知,苏云并未使多少力量。 This time is his first time draws out Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, because of under the function of Heavenly Crystal, he withstood the Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword might, but, has more than thousand swords that it controls regarding the scarlet blood sword, Su Yun is not familiar, is unable to display this Primal Sword compensation. 这次是他第一次拔出神玄赤血剑,因在天擎的作用下,他承受了神玄赤血剑的威力,不过,对于赤血剑还有它控制的千余把剑,苏云都不熟悉,无法发挥出这母剑的全部力量。 Then looks at Su Yun to mention Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, stimulates to movement the whole body evil spirit god eyes, transports Great Evil Swordsmanship, then wields the sword. 便看苏云提起神玄赤血剑,催动浑身邪灵神眼,运起鸿邪剑法,接着将剑一挥。 ! 唰拉! Thousand swords that then assassinates to the king unceasingly take back swiftly completely, being centered on revolves. 那对君王不断刺杀的千剑倏然全部收回,以之为中心旋转起来。 Su Yun brandishes a sword baseless, the dance is quicker, in that hand the scarlet-red sword became blood red jet black, Evil Qi is imposing, sword intent Weiwei. 苏云凭空舞剑,越舞越快,那手中赤红的剑已变得血红漆黑,邪气凛然,剑意威威。 At the same time, becomes around thousand swords that the king moves jet black, in each sword volume Evil Qi. 同一时间,围绕着君王旋转的千剑也变得漆黑起来,每一把剑都卷上了邪气 It is not wonderful. 不妙。 The kings knew Su Yun to decide have urged any move, looked at outside the sword wall to brandish a sword to control Su Yun of thousand swords unceasingly, immediately clenched teeth, facial color one ferocious, the whole body forced thick Evil Qi, has hit toward outside directly. 君王知晓苏云定是又催了什么招法,望着剑壁外不断舞剑驾驭千剑的苏云,当即咬牙,面色一狞,浑身逼出浓厚的邪气,直接朝外头撞了过去。 His body was covered by Evil Qi, the thin body in vain becomes strong, the muscle applauds, both eyes open the circle, the person were big, does not know that strength thick fierce to what situation, every time treads one step, the earth then disrupts. 他的身躯被邪气覆盖,消瘦的身子徒然变得强壮起来,肌肉鼓掌,双目睁圆,人都大了一圈,也不知劲力厚悍到了何种地步,每踏一步,大地便碎裂开来。 However. 然。 He had underestimated the might of these sub- sword Primal Sword controls. 他低估了母剑所驾驭的这些子剑之威力。 Hundred flying swords that similarly conquered sub- sword, Death Sword controls cannot compare with the sub- sword that Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword controls completely, these sub- sword, had entrusted with many strengths by Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, has entrusted with more formidable sword intent. 同样是被征服的子剑,死剑所驾驭的百把飞剑完全不能与神玄赤血剑所驾驭的子剑相比,这些子剑,被神玄赤血剑赋予了更多的力量,赋予了更多强大的剑意。 These more than thousand swords revolve rapidly, such as the storm version turnover in the whole body of king, each sword becomes jet black incomparable, is indistinct, may listen to the wicked evil chilly roar. 这千余把剑飞速旋转起来,如风暴版周转于君王的周身,每一把剑都变得漆黑无比,隐约间,可听恶邪凄吼。 Swiftly! 倏然! A sword blade of target sword jumps out together the evil soul, the evil soul waves the sharp claws, has buckled toward the king maliciously. 一把子剑的剑身窜出一道邪魂,邪魂舞动利爪,朝君王狠狠扣了过去。 ! 哧啦! The sharp claws scratch in his body, carries over the massive sparks, the mark appears together. 利爪擦在他的身躯上,带出大量火花,一道浅浅的印记出现。 Superficial!!” “不痛不痒!!” King cold snort|hum. 君王冷哼。 But this saying just fell, all around all sharp swords unexpectedly entire jump out the evil soul, over a thousand [say / way], the evil souls composed the sharp claws storm fully, the crazy have pulled out toward the body of king in generally maliciously shear, the massive sparks erupted, innumerable mark seal fell in the body of king. 可他这话刚落下,四周所有利剑竟全出窜出邪魂,足有上千道之多,邪魂们组成利爪风暴,疯癫了一般朝君王的身躯内狠狠抽割,大量火花爆发,无数印记印落在君王的身躯上。 The kings were shocked. 君王愣住了。 More than thousand evil souls... That this is terrorist? 千余道邪魂...那该多么恐怖? „!!!!!!!” The pitiful howling emits, king was surrounded by the sharp claws, the whole body evil blood spatters in all directions, the person is unable the advance half minute, the whole person to place oneself in the evil soul again, is hard to escape radically! “啊!!!!!!!”凄惨至极的吼叫声冒出,君王被利爪包围,浑身邪血迸溅,人也无法再前进半分,整个人置身于邪魂之中,根本难以逃出! Outside should darkly with not having calmly is looking at this likely, two people of complexions all ugly incomparable. 外头的应暗与无象静望着这一幕,二人脸色皆难看无比。 cultivation of this person could not completely understand!” “这个人的修为根本看不透!” Does not have the shape to clench the teeth, to should sink to say darkly: What to do should we? Like this looks at the king dead?” 无象咬紧牙关,冲着应暗沉道:“我们该怎么办?难道就这样看着君王死去吗?” Otherwise can be what kind of?” Should the dark complexion become dark, said in a low voice: With him for enemy? His method, can contend with Spirit Star Disciple sufficiently greatly! Our what cultivation? Preys with it brings about own destruction radically! Now what he aims is the king, we hold troops to well!” “不然能怎样?”应暗脸色发黑,低声道:“与他为敌吗?他这份手段,足以与灵玄阳大能抗衡!我们什么修为?与之搏杀根本就是自寻死路!现在他针对的是君王,我们还是按兵不动为好!” In the mansion of king runs out of the massive Demon masters, but when they noticed when the king was killed by thousand souls at this moment, halts. 君王的府邸内冲出大量邪人高手,可当他们看到君王此刻被千魂袭杀时,一个个都止步不前。 Demon are not silly, understands that the great strength of opposite party, they follow the king to be only make a profit purely, does not have the sentiment to say to the king, will work oneself to death for the king? 邪人们都不傻,明白对方的强大,他们追随君王只是单纯的获利,对君王毫无感情所言,又怎会为了君王而卖命呢? Su Yun is fixing the eyes on the kings in thousand sword storms, the look one cold, draws out Death Sword in scabbard swiftly, the person overruns suddenly rapidly. 苏云紧盯着千剑风暴中的君王,眼神一冷,倏然拔出剑鞘内的死剑,人猛然迅冲过去。 The remnant shade is intermittent, the person and sword on the lion that such as clashes crazily, is having the pressure that is hard to contend with, hits to the king. 残影阵阵,人与剑就如狂冲的雄狮,带着难以抗衡的压力,撞向君王。 „!!!!!” “啊!!!!!” The kings were compelled into the hopeless situation by thousand sword storms, now already stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, sees Su Yun to kill, has exhausted the final strength. 君王被千剑风暴逼入绝境,如今已经是孤注一掷,见苏云杀来,用尽了最后的力量。 But looked he who the whole body is scarred does not know has stimulated to movement any magic weapon, his right eye boils up a multi-colored sunlight, then the multi-colored sunlight has covered the entire body, when that thousand sword storms raid its again, is unable to have any scar unexpectedly again, the king person was also steady, the blazing pupil is staring at Su Yun, both hands swiftly toward the spatial brace. 但看浑身伤痕累累的他不知催动了什么法宝,其右眼迸出一道霞光,接着霞光覆盖了整个身躯,那千剑风暴再袭其身时,竟无法再产生任何伤痕,君王人也稳了下来,炽热的瞳盯着苏云,双手倏然朝空一撑。 Netherworld Evil Claw!” 幽冥邪爪!” Thump thump 咚咚咚咚咚 Dadinei jumps out innumerable only one meter high sad and shrill evil fingernails, holds the Su Yun both feet and body rapidly, imprisons him in same place. 大地内窜出无数只一米多高的凄厉邪爪,迅速抓住苏云的双脚与身躯,将他禁锢于原地。 He wants to raise the sword to shut off these evil fingernails, may appear in all around evil claw were too many, they divert the arm of Su Yun, the wrist|skill, does not let his move half minute unexpectedly, the strength of each evil claw huge incomparable!! Shocking. 他想要提剑切断这些邪爪,可出现在四周的邪爪太多了,它们牵制住苏云的胳膊,手腕,竟不让他动弹半分,每一只邪爪的力量都庞大无比!!让人震惊。 The kings clash once again, hits thousand swords, has killed toward Su Yun. 君王再度冲来,生生撞开千剑,朝苏云杀了过去。 That blazing evil eye is flooding the indelible anger. 那炽热的邪眼充斥着难以磨灭的愤怒。 „The strengths of these evil fingernails are equal to my strength!! You are impossible to break away, you died!! I must eat you while still alive!! Hateful ants!!” “这些邪爪的力量等同于我的力量!!你是不可能挣开的,你死定了!!我要把你活活吃掉!!可恶的蝼蚁!!” The sound falls, the king disciple opens mouth, the mouth expands the several fold unexpectedly, has nipped toward the head of Su Yun directly. 声落,君王徒张大嘴,嘴巴竟扩大数倍,直接朝苏云的脑袋咬了过来。 Su Yun looks at that person, the facial expression is motionless, unhurriedly, loosened grabbed the hand of Death Sword... 苏云看着那人,神情不动,不慌不忙,松开了抓住死剑的手... That flash, Death Sword receives the control of Su Yun spirit profound Aura, such as escapes the arrow of string, the perpendicular incidence king big mouth. 那一瞬间,死剑受到苏云灵玄气息的控制,如脱弦之箭,直射君王大口。 Tit­ter! 噗嗤 Your Wangkou inserted Death Sword, the person is sewn. 君王口插死剑,人被钉了回去。 His facial features distortion, the pain, hastily extends both hands, wants to draw out Death Sword in mouth, but at this time, Death Sword that unique adsorptive capacity has produced, strange strange thump the sound ripples, then looked that the body of king fast is unexpectedly withered. 他面容扭曲,痛苦不已,连忙伸出双手,想要把口中的死剑拔出,但在这时,死剑那独特的吸附能力又产生了,一记记诡异古怪的‘咕咚’之声荡漾,便看君王的身躯竟然快速干瘪起来。 Not...” “呜唔...呜” The kings fall down, the body tumble crazily, the mouth exudes hum the sound, the whole body vein sticks out suddenly, but, how regardless of he struggles, Death Sword looks like mounts on him general. 君王倒在地上,身子疯狂翻滚,嘴里发出呜呜之声,浑身筋络暴起,但,无论他如何挣扎,死剑就像是黏在他身上一般。 However the little while time, this in the king who in the Evil King city monopolizes the power in a place, was attracted the dry corpse by Death Sword, was left over including the soul, died thoroughly. 不过会儿功夫,这名在邪王城内独霸一方的君王,便被死剑吸成了干尸,连魂魄都存不下,彻底死去。 Crash-bang. 哗啦。 All around evil claw dissipation, was announcing a powerhouse falls from the sky... 四周的邪爪消散,宣告着一名强者的陨落... …… …… ( Asked ticket) (求票)
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