LSG :: Volume #3

#241: Kings( 11)

Black Evil Qi shoots up to the sky together, such as Feilong clashes the vault of heaven suddenly, the place visited pressure multiplies, revolves to be compelled the powder in the hundred swords of king whole body immediately. 一道黑色邪气冲天而起,如飞龙般突冲苍穹,所过之处压力倍增,围绕于君王周身的百剑立刻被逼散。 But looked that king hair flutters randomly, both eyes Evil Qi jumps puts, the facial color is fierce, facial expression angry. 但看君王毛发乱飘,双目邪气迸放,面色狰狞,神情恼怒不已。 He is staring at Su Yun stubbornly, in a low voice rave: I, no matter you are any background! Today you offended me, I then want you dead!!!!!” 他死死盯着苏云,低声狂吼:“我不管你是什么来路!今日你得罪了我,我便要你死!!!!!” The sound falls, the king jumps to flush away, his body projects the massive incisive black time air/Qi arrow, such as the raindrop whiz whiz makes. 声音落下,君王纵身冲去,其身射出大量尖锐的黑色期气箭,如雨点般嗖嗖打出。 Great wild goose Evil King!” “鸿邪王阵!” But heard that Su Yun drinks one lowly, in the hand Death Sword toward a place thorn, the sword blade fast overflow leaves Evil Qi that rushes, Evil Qi flees like the sea-monster to the ground, immediately disperses, but the moment time, then curls one huge evil. 但闻苏云低喝一声,手中死剑朝地一刺,剑身快速溢流出澎湃的邪气,邪气如游鱼般窜至地面,立刻分散开来,不过片刻功夫,便卷出一个巨大的邪阵。 Su Yun pulls up the sword, the step moves toward side, shunt these air/Qi arrows, continue Death Sword afterward toward the ground bayonet fighting. 苏云将剑拔起,步伐朝旁一挪,闪开这些气箭,随后继续将死剑朝地面劈刺。 Evil Desires Continuous Slash!” 欲邪斩不断!” A sword chops, Evil Qi on sword blade like the water splash that exploding to splash. 一剑劈下,剑身上的邪气就像炸溅开的水花。 Great Desert Breaks the Sky!” 鸿漠破苍穹!” A sword under. 一剑又下。 Heart Born From Death!” 生来心犹死!” Seizing the Extreme Blood of Heavens!” 搏尽血涯天!” ... ... He gathers round evil to circle the dance, the sword shade moves, blade edge punctures in Yu Zhen unceasingly, the strange mnemonics have braved along with the lip creeping motion of Su Yun, at this moment, he gave up killing to attacking of king unexpectedly. 他围着邪阵绕舞,剑影撩动,剑锋不断刺于阵中,奇异的口诀随着苏云的嘴唇蠕动而冒了出来,这一刻,他竟放弃了对君王的攻杀。 Does not have the shape to look at the strangeness, does not dare to go forward, after all he is only the outsider, Su Yun is talented, he does not need to go all out, but should dark already stand by, the meaning of simply not having meddled. 无象看之诡异,不敢上前,毕竟他只是局外人,苏云实力不俗,他没必要拼命,而应暗早就作壁上观,根本没有插手的意思。 The kings are quite angry, but a moment ago that two, he also looked at Su Yun to be uncommon, clenched teeth, he in a low voice to the four directions Demon roar: On, butchered this person to me!!” 君王极为恼怒,但就刚才那两手,他也瞧出苏云不凡,咬了咬牙,他低声冲着四方邪人吼:“上,给我宰了这人!!” Compliant!!” “遵命!!” All around Demon results in the command, neat flushes away toward Su Yun, fully hundred Demon, majority are Spirit Soul Disciple existence, the strength strongest supports Sixth Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation. 四周邪人得令,齐刷刷的朝苏云冲去,足有百来号邪人,大部分都是灵玄魂存在,实力最强的更拥灵玄魂六修为 But, Su Yun has not feared. 但,苏云并未惧怕。 Don't said Su Yun, that side also wears Chen Yiyun of bracelet not to fear. 莫说苏云,就连那边还佩戴着手链的陈依韵也未惧怕。 Her already saw this move. 已经看出了这一招。 Weeps blood deeply evilly, isn't this evil Sword Skill sixth type?” “冥邪泣血阵,这不是邪剑术第六式吗?” Chen Yiyun will be majority of evil Sword Skill to study, although is not exquisite, but she can actually see, is only... That Su Yun current arranges although has deep weeps blood evilly the shadow, but many places are different from it, for example an eye, deep weeps blood evilly an eye only takes the center as the standard, but Su Yun cloth eye not only has not placed the center, instead falls on the big both sides, but also has gotten down two eyes. 陈依韵已将大部分邪剑术学了个遍,虽不精湛,但她却能看出,只是...苏云当前所布置的这个阵虽然有‘冥邪泣血阵’的影子,但却有很多地方与之不同,例如阵眼,‘冥邪泣血阵’的阵眼只以中心为准,但苏云所布的阵眼不仅没放在中心,反而落在大阵的两侧,而且还下了两个阵眼。 Two eyes! 两个阵眼! He did not fear that the evil strength of eye release has the conflict, thus triggers the explosion, not saves the skeleton that oneself explode?” “他不怕阵眼释放的邪力产生冲突,从而引发爆炸,把自己炸的尸骨无存吗?” Chen Yiyun twittering, this strategy she recognizes, may actually completely not recognize. 陈依韵呢喃,这阵法她认得,可却又完全不认得。 Hundred Demon rushes ahead, that evil some response, then looked immediately Su Yun toward spatial throws Death Sword, Death Sword is hanging, above Yu Xiezhen revolves, the sword blade overflows the thick fierce evil strength, such as the spider web fills to under evil, the little while time, in evil has remembered the intermittent frightened scary sobbing sound unexpectedly. 百来号邪人冲杀进来,那邪阵立刻有了反应,便看苏云死剑朝空一掷,死剑悬空,于邪阵上方旋转,剑身溢出厚悍邪力,如蜘蛛丝般灌向下方邪阵,会儿功夫,邪阵内竟然想起了阵阵惊悚骇人的呜咽声。 !!!!!!!!! 呜!!!!!!!!! The evil place shivers, and fills the massive mist, a pitch-dark piece, even if vision of Demon in the darkness is good, cannot see clearly the half minute. 邪阵处颤动起来,且弥漫起大量雾气,黑漆漆的一片,哪怕邪人在黑暗中视力再好,也看不清半分。 Demon flustered. 邪人们慌了。 Whiz! 嗖! Suddenly, in the mist jumps out two giant evil fingernails, about the potential of joint holding has swept, the evil claw is sturdy, such as the bough of thousand years big tree, bang rolling ripples to come, embraces Demon that these kill completely in the same place. 突然,雾气中窜出两只巨大的邪爪,左右合抱之势扫了过来,邪爪粗壮硕大,如千年大树的树干,轰隆滚滚荡漾而来,将那些杀过来的邪人们全部揽在一起。 What?” “什么?” King face duplicate cold frost. 君王脸覆寒霜。 „The situation is not evidently wonderful!” “看样子情况不妙!” The side old man said in a low voice. 旁侧的老者低声道。 When the smog in evil dissipates, then saw huge evil appears in that evil spirit. 待邪阵内的烟雾消散开来,便看到一尊巨大的邪灵出现在那邪阵中。 The evil spirit only then the half body comes out, the lower part submerges in evil, but merely is the half body, that is also wonderful high incomparable, fully dozens zhang (3.33 m), it uses that not to know that the how sturdy both arms suppress these Demon, unexpectedly according to the ground, plan the subordinate crush of this group of kings lethal. 邪灵只有半截身子出来,下半身没入邪阵中,但仅仅是半截身子,那也是奇高无比,足有数十丈长,它用着那不知多么粗壮的双臂压制住那些邪人,竟将之按在地上,打算生生将这帮君王的手下碾压致死。 Puff! Puff! Puff... 噗!噗!噗... Had Demon unable to support, body disruption, direct tragic death. 已有邪人支撑不住,身躯碎裂,直接惨死。 But remaining also in hardship Demon of support, is hard for a long time to hold again. 而剩下还在苦苦支撑的邪人,也难以再久持。 Whiz! 嗖! At this time, Su Yun flushed, he put out a hand to cancel toward back Sword sheath, the cold brightness appeared together, cuts to these Demon. 这时,苏云冲了过来,他伸手朝背后的剑匣抹去,一道寒光出现,斩向那些邪人 Also is the sword! 又是剑! The people have been dazzled, Death Sword that airborne circles, in hundred swords that the body winds around, in his hand is grasping sword! How many swords has this person controlled? 众人已是眼花缭乱,那空中盘旋的死剑,于身缭绕的百剑,还有他手中握着的剑!这个人到底驾驭了多少把剑? The blade edge spasm, these were incapable of revolting by Demon of huge evil spirit diversion radically, the hearts of massive Demon were punctured by this spirit water long sword, the direct tragic death, the evil soul was swallowed. 剑锋抽动,那些被巨大邪灵牵制的邪人们根本无力反抗,大量邪人的心脏被这口灵水般的长剑刺破,直接惨死,邪魂被吞。 The time of twinkling, Su Yun falls to the ground, the hand raises, the Death Sword recycling, hundred sword spins in the top of the head, deep weep blood to stop operating evilly, is defeated and dispersed evilly spirit .... 瞬息的功夫,苏云落地,手一扬,死剑回收,百剑旋于头顶,‘冥邪泣血阵’停止运作,邪灵溃散.... The audiences evil corpse place, the evil blood dripped but actually the creek... 众邪尸体倒了一地,邪血淌成小河... Fierce! 厉害! Su Yun aspirated secretly, in the heart is actually surges one piece. 苏云暗暗吐了口气,心中却已是激荡一片。 Has not thought that this also wants the high several scales compared with evil Sword Skill Great Evil Swordsmanship, so is unexpectedly fierce! If no this swordsmanship and «Limitless Sword Art», oneself are decidedly impossible so rapid cutting to kill such many Spirit Soul Disciple master! 未曾想,这比邪剑术还要高数个档次的鸿邪剑法,竟然这般厉害!如无此剑法与《无极剑诀》,自己断然不可能这般迅速的斩杀如此之多的灵玄魂高手! This is the suppression on Profound Technique! 这便是玄技上的压制! King complexion already at this moment was extremely ugly, stared floods myriad to murder to the Su Yun eye, he wishes one could to tear to shreds this person now. 君王此刻的脸色已经是极度难看了,盯向苏云的眼充斥着万千杀伐,他恨不得现在就将此人碎尸万段。 Not looks like the brother, should the dark brother! Do you also do to look? Also not assisting brother I?” “无象老弟,应暗老弟!你们还干看着吗?还不相助老哥我?” The kings sink to say. 君王沉道。 Does not have impulses likely, one hear of this saying, then prepare to get rid, but at this time, should dark retreats one step, say with a smile: Brother, today, brother I one congratulates to you \; second, leaves blank for you, this fights... Really when unfortunately, I cultivated a while ago had something go wrong, damages the breath and pulse, the body had also been wounded, is really unsuitable you to resist so the powerful enemy for the brother, but I believe by brother's method, this grade of Evildoer, but inserts the auction sale head generation of!” 无象性格冲动,一听这话,便准备出手,但这时,应暗后退一步,笑道:“老哥,今日来,老弟我一是向您祝贺的,二是为您开光的,这打斗嘛...真不巧,前段时间我修炼时出了岔子,损了气脉,身子还负了伤啊,实在不便为老哥你抵御如此强敌,不过我相信凭借老哥的手段,这等宵小,不过插标卖首之辈尔!” Did not have the shape to listen should dark so saying that has spoken haltingly the lip, was silent. 无象听应暗这般说,嗫嚅了唇,沉默了。 You .... Snort!” The kings were more annoyed, he stared two people of one, no longer said that asks others for help to might as well ask oneself, immediately hit a sound to refer. “你们....哼!”君王更为的恼火了,他瞪了二人一眼,不再多说,求人不如求己,当即打了个响指。 Nearby old man nod associative compound, flushed directly. 旁边的老者点头会意,径直冲了出去。 Eight Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence! 灵玄魂八存在 Su Yun looks at the old man who that is flushing, concentrated. 苏云望着那冲来的老者,神情专注起来。 Although before , has killed massive Demon, but that is Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple with three people, although their quantity are many, but the overall strength, only feared that also works as not to these eight half, said gratefully, the person who trains one crowd of Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple, compared with training a person of Eight Level Spirit Soul Disciple must not have the several fold simply. 虽然之前杀了大量邪人,但那都是灵玄魂二品与三品之人,他们数量虽多,但整体实力,只怕还当不得这八品的一半,毫不客气的说,培养一群灵玄魂三品的人,远比培养一个灵玄魂八品的人要简单无数倍。 Because the boundary to behind, even more was difficult to practice. 因为境界到了后头,是越发的难练。 Old man Aura is powerful, the whole body runs a fruitless errand makes noise, when being near free time, actually discovered that his lower part is the empty spirit fog body. 老头气息强盛,浑身白跑哗哗作响,待之临空时,却发现他的下半身是虚灵雾体。 But sees its flood cloudy zhi, the withered double palm turns, in the palms presents two light seal, its mouth drinks greatly, his palm puts greatly, in the mark erupts the terror the evil Spirit Qi rest, cut-throat cruel pressure to Su Yun. 但见其眼泛着阴骘,干枯的双掌一翻,掌心间出现两记光印,其口大喝,其掌大放,印记之中爆发出恐怖的邪灵气息,凶狠残暴的压向苏云 Su Yun sharply dodges. 苏云急闪。 Thump... 咚咚咚... The ground appears immediately is in charge massively, shivers. 地面立刻出现大量掌印,颤抖不已。 Su Yun is sideways to backhand flings, Evil Slash by the Draw chops to the airborne old man, huge incomparable half a month shape Sword Qi cuts the vault of heaven evilly. 苏云侧身反手一甩,拔剑邪斩劈向空中的老头,一道巨大无比的半月状剑气邪切苍穹。 However, a strange appearance, the body of old man swiftly decomposes the round number block, avoids Sword Qi that has cut to swing evilly, then rapid reassemble in the same place, safe and sound. 然,诡异的一幕出现,那老者的身躯倏然分解成数块,避开了邪斩荡来的剑气,而后又快速重组于一起,安然无恙。 What style is this?” “这是什么招式?” Su Yun facial color one tight. 苏云面色一紧。 The old men throw, the hand and Su Yun that only depends on two being dried up have fought, holds the shade numerous, sword shade numerous, being heavily engaged that two people of killing. 老者扑来,仅凭两只干枯的手与苏云斗了起来,掌影重重,剑影重重,二人杀的不可开交。 But around the entire altar was already chaotic, the powerhouse preys, this group of Demon are does not dare to watch absolutely, because they do not know that the powerhouses have any fearful style, once brings disaster to the mackerel shad, lost the life, that may be unworthy. 而整个祭坛周围早已混乱不堪,强者搏杀,这帮邪人是绝对不敢观看的,因为他们不知道强者们拥有什么可怕的招式,一旦殃及池鱼,丢了性命,那可就不值了。 Demon that surrounds diverges quickly, but more people are run to inform other Evil King city several influence evil hosts. 围观的邪人很快散去,但更多的人是跑去通知邪王城其他几名势力邪主。 Su Yun sharply dances Death Sword and flood dragon seal, both hands Qi to stab, or chops or cuts or punctures or chops, the double sword storm will kill brashly will pass, but will encircle its revolving hundred swords also such as 100 sword technique exquisite swordsmen, will revolve rapidly Mr. Yu side to divide to chop unceasingly, the old man whole person will look like places oneself in the sword intent storm, from top to bottom all one type soon torn feeling. 苏云急舞死剑与蛟印,双手齐刺,或劈或切或刺或砍,双剑暴风骤雨般杀将过去,而围其旋转的百剑也如100名剑技精湛的剑客,飞转于老头的身旁不断劈砍,老者整个人就像是置身于剑意风暴之中,浑身上下皆有一种即将被撕裂的感觉。 Evil soul roar!” “邪魂吼!” The old men blow out one to drink swiftly severely, the voice erupts suddenly, the sound surges, Su Yun retreats, the offensive was broken again and again forcefully, the person the soul has the feeling that one type will soon detach. 老者倏然爆出一句厉喝,嗓音骤然爆发,音波荡开,苏云连连后退,攻势被强行打断,人魂有一种即将脱体的感觉。 The eye of old man cloudy zhi boils up brutal killing intent, jumps to leap, both hands to become Claw, buckle to the heart of Su Yun. 老者阴骘的眼迸出残酷的杀意,纵身跃去,双手成爪,扣向苏云的心脏。 But, in this flash, Su Yun suddenly stands firm the body, he stands the personal appearance, calmly looks is killing to own old man, does not resist the defense, does not lash out, even... 但,就在这一瞬之间,苏云突然稳住身躯,他站好身形,静望着杀向自己的老者,既不抵挡防御,更不出手攻击,甚至... Su Yun unexpectedly flood dragon seal and Death Sword in hand takes back in the scabbard and Sword sheath... 苏云竟将手中的蛟印与死剑收回剑鞘与剑匣中... What?” “什么?” Kings and the others were startled, Chen Yiyun is the surprised small mouth opens, on face completely panic-stricken is looking at this. 君王等人吃惊不已,陈依韵更是惊讶的小嘴张开,脸上满是惊恐的望着这一幕。 Does he court death?? 他找死吗?? Perhaps Engraved Dragon Blade regarding you frail, I should change a better sword fight with you.” “或许蛟印剑对于你们来讲脆弱了点,我该换把更好的剑与你们斗。” Su Yun looks up the old man to say. 苏云抬起头看着老者道。 The eye of old man that pollution can under the clear finding cape that pale face,... That strange smiling. 老者那浑浊的眼能够清晰的瞧见斗篷下那张苍白的脸,还有...那诡异的笑。 Chirp!!!!! 啾!!!!! In this electric light flint, from out of the blue shuttle howl explodes from the dim vault of heaven, then, the cut-throat swift and violent red light clashes together toward here... 就在这电光火石之间,一记破空梭啸声从昏暗的苍穹上爆开,接着,一道凶狠迅猛的红光朝这儿冲来... Tit­ter! 噗嗤 Red light by naked eye difficult and speed pierced the heart of old man, punctured directly before the body of Su Yun. 红光以肉眼难及的速度洞穿了老者的心脏,直接刺在了苏云的身前。 The people decide the item to look, that unexpectedly is a slender blood red long sword. 人们定目一看,那竟是一把修长血红的长剑。 The long sword has not come out of the sheath, but around the sword blade swift and fierce meaning, resembles to tear the earth, the smashing vault of heaven, the terror is peerless!! 长剑还未出鞘,但剑身周围的凌厉之意,似能撕裂大地,粉碎苍穹,恐怖绝伦!! „Wasn't this weapon taken away?” “这武器不是被收走了吗?” Chen Yiyun said. 陈依韵呐道。 The old man heart was shattered, has been on the verge of death, he covers the chest to struggle unceasingly, the vision floods is being crazy and fierce, stares at Su Yun and to move the body, wants unexpectedly toward it launching attacks. 老者心脏破碎,已是濒死,他捂着胸口不断挣扎,目光充斥着疯狂与狰狞,盯着苏云且挪动着身躯,竟还想朝之发动攻击。 Then looks at Su Yun to cover the sword hilt of that blood red long sword, has pulled out it gently. 便看苏云扣住那血红长剑的剑柄,轻轻将它抽了出来。 Sonorous. 铿锵。 blade edge comes out of the sheath. 剑锋出鞘。 In its sheath, the old man was instant motionless, like petrifying generally, stiffly in same place. 就在其出鞘的刹那,老者不动了,就像石化了一般,僵在了原地。 King facial expression even more tight, complexion ugly scary. 君王神情越发的紧,脸色难看的吓人。 Only looks at the Su Yun alone hand to take away the blood red long sword, has leapt petrification the old man, goes toward the king line. 只瞧苏云独手扣着血红长剑,跃过‘石化’般的老者,朝君王行去。 kua... kua. 咵嚓...咵嚓.. At this time, the body broken round number block of old man, fell down swiftly, looked that his body was slivered the innumerable blocks unexpectedly! 这时,老者的身躯倏然碎成数块,倒在地上,一看,他的身躯竟被切成了无数块! Sword intent! 剑意! Then uses the sheath the sword instant, sword intent like myriad knife edges, has cut a smashing the old man unexpectedly!! 那把剑出鞘的刹那,剑意竟如万千刀刃,将老者斩了个粉碎!! existence of Eight Level Spirit Soul Disciple was killed by the second directly! 一尊灵玄魂八品的存在直接被秒杀! Is this great strength of his strength? In his hand great strength of Divine Sword?? 这是他实力的强大?还是他手中神剑的强大?? Countless people were shocked! 无数人震惊了! Who is this person? 这个人到底是谁? No!!!!!” “不!!!!!” The kings are unable to be quiet again, uses up in bottom yells. 君王再也无法平静了,竭斯底里的叫喊开来。 This person! This sword! Has exceeded his imagination. 这人!这剑!已超出了他的想象。 Actually, I do not want to hit with you.” “其实,我不想与你打。” Su Yun is gripping tightly Immortal Mystical Scarlet Blood Sword, said to king: Perhaps I here, for Mystical Void Iron, you can hand over today merely.” 苏云紧握着神玄赤血剑,冲着君王说道:“我今日来这儿,仅仅是为了虚空玄铁,或许你可以交出来。” King hear that, was shocked, but looks at that haze under the cape, seemed to be that a grayish white face, wipes the look of strange demon to map his line of sight... 君王闻言,愣住了,但看那阴霾的斗篷下,似有一张灰白的脸,一抹诡异邪魅的眼神映入他的视线... This person... Really for Mystical Void Iron? 这个人...真的只是为了虚空玄铁吗?
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