LSG :: Volume #3

#240: Kings ( 10 )

Su Yun and Chen Yiyun cultivation is highest, naturally enjoys the high treatment, two people were taken limit the cultivation handcuff foot handcuffs, was being sent under custody by existence of two Fourth Level Spirit Soul Disciple. 苏云与陈依韵修为最高,自然享受高的待遇,二人被带上限制修为的手铐脚铐,被两名灵玄魂四品的存在押送着。 The whole body is defending massive Demon, these Demon in First Level Spirit Soul Disciple to five within, Su Yun are all startled, were the master of Spirit Soul Disciple rank so when many? 周身守着大量邪人,这些邪人皆在灵玄魂一品至五品间,苏云很是吃惊,何时灵玄魂级别的高手这般多了? Chen Yiyun small hands shivers, lowers the head to nip the lip tightly. Obviously, her heart was afraid. 陈依韵小手颤抖,低着脑袋紧咬着唇。显然,她心头害怕极了。 This is the normal phenomenon, Evil Realm is so brutal, does not have the strength, no one could guarantee that next second is whether safe and sound. 这是正常现象,邪界便是如此残酷,没有实力,谁也保证不了下一秒自己是否安然无恙。 Before two people were sent under custody south the mansion altar, at this moment, the altar week assembled to fill Demon, but in the center of altar, was falling a giant long-handled crescent-shaped sword mold, under the mold was a giant cauldron, in the cauldron the evil fire comes up in great numbers and from all sides. 二人被押送到了府邸南面的祭坛前,此刻,祭坛周围聚满了邪人,而在祭坛的中央,落着一个巨大的偃月刀模子,模子下是一个巨大的鼎,鼎内邪火横生。 Is bundled by Demon that the king seizes completely in the surroundings of big cauldron, later they together will be invested in the cauldron by king that side person together with the material of refinement, builds up, these Demon mortal bodies will be built up the nihility, realizes is cancelled, keeps the soul to check in the long-handled crescent-shaped sword that will soon build up alone, the king is powerful, and has the materials of these many high-end, the long-handled crescent-shaped sword that refines naturally is not the superficial thing. 被君王擒住的邪人全部捆在大鼎的周围,待会儿他们将会被君王那边的人连同炼制的材料一同投入鼎内,生生炼化,这些邪人的肉身会被炼成虚无,意识被抹去,独留灵魂寄存于即将炼出的偃月刀内,君王实力强大,且拥有这么多高端的材料,炼制出的偃月刀自然不是泛泛之物。 In the surrounding of altar, already has Demon of many Evil King city to encircle looks, they stand on tiptoes the tip of the toe, toward inside look, many person facial expressions are passionate, as if builds up the live person to be interested to this greatly extremely. 在祭坛的外围,已经有不少邪王城的邪人围望,他们踮起脚尖,朝里头望去,不少人神情炽热,似乎对这大炼活人极感兴趣。 But in the front of altar, Hua Yi, the week of chair assembled to fill stature enchanting appearance only beautiful but skin jet black female Demon, these female Demon put on the exposition, or stood or lies, is centered on that male Demon that on the Chinese chair sits. 而在祭坛的前方,有一张华椅,椅子的周围聚满了身材妖娆模样唯美但皮肤漆黑的女邪人,这些女邪人们穿着暴露,或站或卧,以华椅上坐着的那名男邪人为中心。 That male Demon [gold/metal] Pao, the personal appearance is thin, in the cheeks high-pitched and fine, evil eye is glittering the golden light, has the imposing manner very much. 那男邪人一身金袍,身形消瘦,脸颊尖细,邪眼中闪烁着金光,很有气势。 This is a king! 这便是君王! He is hugging two female Demon, long and narrow eye frivolous looks at that giant long-handled crescent-shaped sword mold, the corners of the mouth is having a smiling face. 他搂着两名女邪人,狭长的眼轻佻的望着那巨大的偃月刀模,嘴角含着一点笑容。 „Was material in attendance?” “材料都到齐了吗?” King start to talk, loud interrogation. 君王开口,大声质问。 Eight Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation old Demon goes forward hurriedly, toward the rituals of king line of worshipping on bended knees, shouted loudly: „The king, already is reply complete.” 一名灵玄魂八修为的老邪人急忙上前,朝君王行跪拜之礼,高呼:“回禀君王,已经齐全。” Is very good!!” “很好!!” King satisfied nod, said afterward: I invited in the Evil King city several other big energies, when noontime arrives, starts to build up to cast the god soldier...” 君王满意的点点头,随后道:“我邀请了邪王城内另外几位大能,待午时一到,就开始炼铸神兵...” Evil revolves under the big cauldron, around the cauldron tied up will soon serve as the material Demon to sob unceasingly, calls out unceasingly begs for mercy, but does not help matters. 邪阵在大鼎下运转,鼎周围被捆住即将用作材料的邪人们不断哭泣,不断嘶喊求饶,但无济于事。 Demon of cauldron surrounding look at these people indifferently, they probably have violated the blunder criminal, cannot obtain other people's least bit to pity. 鼎外围的邪人们冷漠的看着这些人,他们就好像犯了大错的罪人,得不到他人的半点怜悯。 Congratulations! Congratulations! The king Sir, congratulates your god soldier soon born! Ha Ha Ha...” “恭喜!恭喜呀!君王大人,恭喜你的神兵即将出世啊!哈哈哈...” At this time, outside resounded sound of the shouting loudly, then, one row of Demon were protecting an evil bone frame toward here line, enters the altar, the person on frame has gone down immediately, held the fist in the other hand to say with a smile to the king of that sitting. 这时,场外响起一记高呼之声,接着,一列邪人护着一座邪骨车架朝这儿行来,进了祭坛,车架上的人立刻走下,冲着那头坐着的君王抱拳笑道。 Ha Ha, the puppet evil Sir, many thanks, later the god soldier is born, but also looks at you to help one another, leaves blank for me!” “哈哈,傀邪大人,多谢多谢啊,待会儿神兵出世,还望您能相助,为我开光啊!” The kings shove open female Demon, stands up to laugh to say. 君王推开身旁的女邪人,站起身来大笑道。 Certainly certain!!” “一定一定!!” That cultivation has humanity of Tenth Level Spirit Soul Disciple fully. 修为足有灵玄魂十品的人道。 This person arrives soon, also came Ninth Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, they are Evil King city some eldest children of Demon influence, everyone knows that the king asked them to come not only to leave blank, what were more shakes the field, after all the Evil King city was not the world of king, several formidable existence sang an opposing tune with the king. 这人到场不多久,又来了一尊灵玄魂九品的存在,他们都是邪王城部分邪人势力的老大,谁都知道,君王请他们来不仅仅是开光,更多的是震场,毕竟邪王城不是君王的天下,还有几名强大的存在是与君王唱反调的。 These two called not to have the shape, called to be dark. 这两人一个叫无象,一个叫应暗。 Should the dark cultivation nine chief ministers of state, although is not high, but wins in the intelligence is peerless, his method even compares ten not to have the shape to be fearful, is extremely famous in the Evil King city. 应暗修为九品,虽不高,但胜在智力绝伦,他的手段甚至比十品无象都要可怕,在邪王城极有名气。 Two people after Monarch kingly way has celebrated, then by it is arranged in the one side to sit in meditation. 二人向君王道了贺后,便被之安排于一旁静坐。 Called should the dark person line of sight to sweep to that big cauldron, the eye circulation on each Demon, was quite as if interested to these Demon. 叫应暗的人视线扫向那大鼎,眼睛流转于每一名邪人身上,似乎对这些邪人颇有兴趣。 Um?” “嗯?” At this time, should the dark complexion be startled, the eyeball fell on facial features thin and pale Chen Yiyun. 这时,应暗脸色一怔,眼珠子落在了面容憔悴的陈依韵身上。 Oh... The king Sir, you may really be the careless and wasteful use of nature's products!!” “哎呀呀呀呀...君王大人,您可真是暴殄天物啊!!” How did Oh? this words say?” And does not have king who the shape chatted to turn head, looks to be dark. 哦?此话怎讲?”正在与无象聊天的君王扭过头,望向应暗。 But looked that should lift the hand darkly, aims at Chen Yiyun, said: So attractive Demon, will you so build up? Doesn't enjoy one to refine again? Did you say your non- careless and wasteful use of nature's products? I thought that her eyebrow seal has not opened, the surface does not have the foul gas, this radically virgin's body! Waste! Too wasted .... 但看应暗抬起手,指向陈依韵,啧啧直道:“这般漂亮的邪人,你怎就这般将之炼化呢?不享用享用一番再炼制?你说你不暴殄天物吗?我看她眉印未开,面无污气,这根本还是处子之身嘛!浪费!太浪费了....” Ha Ha Ha Ha, this matter?” “哈哈哈哈,就这事儿吗?” The kings laugh to continue, the line of sight looks toward Chen Yiyun, at present also one bright, when saw that should the dark line of sight drop down on Chen Yiyun body, immediately is not parsimonious, the big hand wields, said: Since should the dark friend you have a liking for her, then I, this woman first have then enjoyed to you, then serves as the refinement, what kind of?” 君王大笑不止,视线朝陈依韵望去,眼前也不禁一亮,不过当看到应暗的视线一直落在陈依韵的身上,当即也不吝啬,大手一挥,道:“既然应暗老兄你看上了她,那么我便准了,这女人先给你享用一番,再用作炼制,怎样?” Should dark at present one bright, the facial color great happiness, said: „Do this words take seriously?” 应暗眼前一亮,面色大喜,道:“此话当真?” Brother can I once deceive you?” The kings shouted: Detains her.” “老哥我可曾骗过你?”君王呼道:“把她押过来。” Ha, brother I here many thanks you!!” Should laugh darkly, in the eye is flooding a bath fire, the line of sight starts to take a fast look around on Chen Yiyun body. “哈哈哈,那老弟我在这儿多谢您了!!”应暗大笑,眼里充斥着一丝浴火,视线开始在陈依韵的身上扫视起来。 These people of buzz of conversation are very big, that side Chen Yi rhyme hears. 这几人的谈话声很大,那边的陈依韵自是听到。 Looks that two Demon walk toward oneself, Chen Yiyun complexion is ugly immediately, the whole body shivers gently. 看着两名邪人朝自己走来,陈依韵的脸色立刻难看起来,浑身轻轻颤抖。 No! Does not want... You build up me, do not insult me again!!” Chen Yiyun uses up hissing in the bottom was shouting, but at this moment, who can help her? “不!不要...你们炼化我吧,不要再侮辱我了!!”陈依韵竭嘶底里的喊着,但此时此刻,又有谁能帮得了她? She is shutting tightly the evil eye, the opacitas teardrops fall following the face, desperately and is surrounding her no use. 她紧闭着邪眼,浑浊的泪珠顺着脸庞滑落,绝望与无助包围着她。 She has not thought that oneself will have the so pitiful fate, really has a dream has not thought... 她根本就不曾想过,自己会有如此凄惨的下场,真是做梦都没想到... Stop!” “住手!” At this moment, drinks to resound lightly. 就在这时,一记轻喝响起。 The people go along the prestige, actually sees this speech person Chen Yiyun side that to throw over the cape, person who cannot see clearly the appearance. 众人顺声望去,却见这说话的人正是陈依韵身旁那披着斗篷,看不清模样的人。 Limitless?” 无极?” Chen Yiyun gawked. 陈依韵愣了。 Actually sees that person of front to overflow intermittent rich thick fierce Aura, this Aura like the silkworm cocoon, his rapid package, sublimates his spirit profound strength, his boundary, in an instant time, his strength starts to rise. 却见那人胸前溢出阵阵浓郁的厚悍气息,这气息如蚕茧般,将他迅速包裹,升华他的灵玄之力,他的境界,转眼间的功夫,他的力量开始疯涨。 Oh? 哦? The kings, did not have likely as well as should dark Qi Qizhan, looked to Su Yun. 君王、无象以及应暗齐齐站了起来,望向苏云 „Does this person have the magic weapon not to put out?” “此人身上还有法宝没有拿出吗?” Only the remaining rings, waited to build up to melt him to take people should not be late again.” “就只剩下戒指,等炼化了他再取应该也不迟。” Side that old man said to the king hastily. 旁边那老者连忙对君王说道。 You will look for trouble for me booing.” “你倒好会给我找麻烦。” Kings snort|hum. 君王哼了一声。 But looked that the Su Yun chest is glittering intermittently black light, as if there is mounting a jet black heart, he gains ground, under the cape is appearing intermittently a face of pale demon, then looked that this person of both arms move gently, that diverts his cultivation handcuff foot handcuffs completely to disrupt, then, the person walks toward the king directly. 但看苏云胸口闪烁着阵阵黑光,仿佛那儿镶嵌着一个漆黑的心脏,他抬起头,斗篷下隐现着一张苍白邪魅的脸,便看这人双臂轻轻一动,那牵制着他修为的手铐脚铐尽是碎裂,接着,人直接朝君王走去。 The fresh breeze sways, the slender cape talks mindlessly, makes noise, but that person of body also starts to overflow strange Evil Qi. 劲风吹拂,修长的斗篷乱吹,哗哗作响,而那人的身躯也开始溢出诡异的邪气 My subordinate has been mistaken evidently, your strength as if is not only Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple, but... How even if isn't can? Can you also turn out rough seas here?” “看样子我的手下看走眼了,你的实力似乎不仅是灵玄魂二品,不过...就算不是又能如何?你还能在这儿翻出大浪来吗?” King pale [say / way]: Butchered this person, seizes his soul!” 君王淡道:“宰了此人,揪住他的魂魄!” Compliant!” “遵命!” All around Demon drink together, then has encircled toward Su Yun. 四周邪人们齐喝,接着朝苏云围了过去。 Is Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, seven people, place any contact surface fully, this is not a weak strength. 都是灵玄魂三存在,足有七人之多,放在任何界面,这都是一股不弱的力量。 But, they do not know that front this opened the Heavenly Crystal person strength to be actually terrorist. 但,他们根本不知道面前这个开启了天擎的人实力究竟多么恐怖。 Chirp! 啾! Sound from out of the blue resounds from the horizon together, but looks in the king mansion to depart one bunch of black flowing light, falls toward here. 一道破空之声从天际边响起,但看君王府邸之中飞出一束黑色流光,直朝此处坠来。 Thump! 咚! Falls to the ground black light, the Evil Qi surging four directions, the ripples physical strength spreads, Demon in all directions will raise to turn. 黑光落地,邪气激荡四方,涟漪般的气力扩散开来,将四面八方的邪人掀了个翻。 The mutation has been startled the hearts of all people. 异变惊了所有人的心。 However, he has not kept the meaning of hand obviously, puts out a hand fiercely, covers the Death Sword sword hilt, pulls out strongly. 不过,他显然没有留手的意思,猛伸出手,扣住死剑剑柄,竭力一拔。 Sonorous... 铿锵... Roar!!!! 吼!!!! The sad and shrill sword howl behind in Sword sheath erupts from it, but looks at the sword optical scintillation, whiz whiz the sound resounds through to keep, erupts, such as the general characteristics move around Su Yun, sword shade numerous, over a hundred, then hundred swords sink fully, fall to Demon that these were shaken draw back. 凄厉至极的剑啸声从其身后剑匣内爆发出来,但看剑光闪烁,嗖嗖声响彻不停,爆发开来,如通性般围绕着苏云旋转,剑影重重,足有上百把之多,接着百剑一沉,坠向那些被震退的邪人 „!!!!” “哧!!!!” That flickers, in each long sword blade edge of dancing in the air blows out the fearful evil soul, the evil soul appearance is fierce, wields raises the sharp claw, rips to these Demon. 那一瞬,每一把飞舞的长剑剑锋中爆出可怕至极的邪魂,邪魂面目狰狞,挥扬锋利的爪子,撕向那些邪人 Evil Sword Skill!!” “邪剑术!!” The king old man of calls out in alarm immediately. 君王身旁的老者顿时惊呼出来。 ... 哧啦哧啦哧啦... Seven Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence statures were torn directly!!! 七尊灵玄魂三存在的身躯直接被撕裂!!! The blood scattered place, corpse like fall to pieces has fallen down. 鲜血撒了一地,尸体如散花般倒在地上。 However, this had not finished, but looks at Su Yun to cast off Death Sword in hand, making it puncture on these Demon corpses, Death Sword starts to derive these corpses evil strength unexpectedly, the sword blade is glittering black light, is quite strange, the strangeness that cannot cover, making people absolutely terrified. 不过,这并未结束,但看苏云甩开手中的死剑,让它刺在那些邪人的尸首上,死剑竟开始汲取着这些尸首内部的邪力,剑身闪烁着黑光,好生古怪,那掩盖不住的诡异,让人不禁毛骨悚然。 Su Yun walks, pulls up that to be derived Death Sword on dry corpse, goes toward the king line step by step. 苏云走过去,拔起那已被汲取成干尸上的死剑,一步步朝君王行去。 The complexion of king is very ugly, looks look that is coming the person ancient well without ripples, he knows, this unfriendly kind. 君王的脸色很是难看,望着来人古井无波的神色,他知道,这绝非善类。 Chen Yiyun of that head was dull silly, a pair of pupil is looking at Su Yun, god knows shock of her heart should big. 那头的陈依韵已是呆傻了,一双眸子怔怔的望着苏云,天知道她心头的震撼该有多大。 This fellow... Isn't Second Level Spirit Soul Disciple cultivation? Why will have strength so? Overwhelming cutting kills seven Third Level Spirit Soul Disciple existence, this at least must have the matter that Fifth Level Spirit Soul Disciple above cultivation can achieve. 这个家伙...不是灵玄魂二修为吗?为何会有这般实力?压倒性的斩杀七尊灵玄魂三存在,这至少要有灵玄魂五品以上的修为才能做到的事情啊。 And... Wasn't his weapon confiscated? Why can also fly back voluntarily? 而且...他的武器不是被没收了吗?为何还能自行飞回? The full doubts the dizziness vertigo that Chen Yiyun strikes, but her heart is at this moment happy, because she saw, this person causes is their evil sword gate evil Sword Skill! 满满的疑惑将陈依韵击的头晕眼花,不过此刻她心头是开心的,因为她看到了,这个人使的就是他们邪剑门的邪剑术 This person certainly is the evil sword gate big energy! Who however is he? Before had not seen... However, he can definitely save me!” “这个人一定是邪剑门的大能!不过他是谁呢?以前没见过呀...不过,他肯定能救我!” Chen Yiyun small hands pinches, the double pupil flood the ray of expectation, closely is looking at that person stubbornly. 陈依韵小手捏的死死的,双眸泛着期望的光芒,紧紧望着那人。 Who are you?” “你是何人?” Non- shape kicking out of the way front chair of short temper, strides to walk toward Su Yun. 脾气暴躁的无象一把踢开面前的椅子,跨步朝苏云走来。 But looked at Su Yun to be away from cape flexure the head, afterward said: I said that my name, you definitely cannot remember, is inferior to this... I reported the title that I will soon obtain, how?” 但看苏云隔着斗篷挠了挠脑袋,随后说道:“我说我的名字,你们肯定记不住,不如这样...我报个我即将获得的称号,如何?” Title that soon will obtain?” Does not have stares likely: What title?” “即将获得的称号?”无象一愣:“什么称号?” King!” A ferocious sound gets up, the Su Yun whole body erupts massive Evil Qi swiftly, the person, if flows Yun Ban to fire into leaps does not have the shape, after takes the king. “君王!”一记狞声响起,苏云倏然浑身爆发出大量邪气,人如流云般冲向跃过无象,直取后头的君王。 Big courage!! Dares openly to challenge me unexpectedly!! Good! Good! Since you must die, I then help you!” “好大的胆子!!竟然敢公然挑战我!!好!好!既然你要死,我便成全你!” The kings fly into a rage, shove open female Demon, the offense roar, both hands face forward loud afterward a racket, flowing Yun to strike who two such as great shape big hand toward rumbling goes. 君王勃然大怒,推开身旁的女邪人,高声戾吼,随后双手朝前一拍,两只如巨象般的大手朝轰来的流云击去。 Thump! 咚! Flows in Yun Zhuang Yu Ju the hand, stopped, but, winds around with the bullet that the hundred swords of class cloud whole body actually such as fly, volume to king. 流云撞于巨手上,止了下来,但,缭绕与流云周身的百剑却如飞出去的子弹,卷向君王。 Suddenly, the king was revolved by hundred swords, sword shade numerous, the sword swings the sound to frighten the world. 一时间,君王被百剑围绕,剑影重重,剑荡声震慑天地。 The entire Evil King city caused a stir. 整个邪王城轰动了。
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